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VOCABUILDER A tool for learning foreign

Cleber Luis Mendes Goncalves
Bachelors Thesis
DP in Business Information
Date of resentation of
Business Information Technolo!"
Cleber Luis Mendes Goncalves
The title of our thesis
#ocabuilder $ % tool for learnin! forei!n lan!ua!es
!u"ber of
pages an#
20 & '
(u))a (uslin
Date of resentation of
Business Information Technolo!"
#ocabuilder is a mobile hone alication* +ritten in ,ava* +hich aims
to hel on lan!ua!e studies b" facilitatin! vocabular" learnin!-
The alication follo+s the concet of electronic ./lash Cards in +hich
vocabular" learnin! is attained throu!h saced stud" and reetition-
There are a fe+ +ell )no+ and established imlementations of
electronic 0ashcards but the" are +eb based and therefore not
available for commodit" o1ine stud"- Printin! the 0ashcards is ossible
but it is not ecolo!icall" friendl" and involves a fair amount of artesian
+or)* therefore ,ustif"in! the creation of a mobile based version-
The ob,ective of this ro,ect is to imrove on the e2istin! rotot"e
alication* increasin! erformance* usabilit" and convenience for use
as mobile stud" comanion- Performance imrovements are needed as
the sheer amount of 0ash cards that accoman" the alication
len!thens loadin! and savin! times- The amount of cards also calls for
usabilit" imrovements as a ver" lar!e number of cards to stud" ma)es
learnin! di3icult if not roerl" mana!ed- Imrovin! the convenience
of use of the alication b" allo+in! the savin! of artiall" studied sets*
re4stud" a 5nished set* loadin! alternate sets* vie+in! sets randoml" or
se6uentiall" and creatin! usa!e statistics all contribute to ma)e the
alication a hi!hl" cometitive substitute to aer based 0ash cards-
7ince the alication is oen4source* an incremental short4c"cled
release aroach +as used in the develoment rocess* much li)e the
oular .a!ile methodolo!ies- 8e+ versions +here released to the
ublic as soon as ne+ features became available9 ne+ features +here
rioriti:ed accordin! to the erceived bene5t to the end user and
feedbac) received from via email or bu! reorts- % comrehensive set
of unit tests +as created in order to suort an e2tensive re4factorin!
of the model and controller la"ers +hich +as re6uired b" the
erformance and usabilit" imrovements-
The ori!inal scoe of the ro,ect included the creation of a comanion
+ebsite to serve as front4end for custom 0ash card creation- Due to the
limited ma2imum duration of ;00 hours for this ro,ect +or)* the scoe
+as later reduced to onl" include the imrovements to the e2istin!
Date of resentation of
Business Information Technolo!"
mobile hone alication- Creation of the +ebsite and connection of it
to the alication remains the sub,ect of future develoment-
&e 'or#s
Lan!ua!e vocabular" learnin! mobile 0ashcard ,ava
Table of contents
' Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
'-' The resentation--------------------------------------------------------------2
'-2 7ummar" and conclusion-------------------------------------------------<
'-< Biblio!rah"---------------------------------------------------------------------;
'-<-' 7ource criticism------------------------------------------------------;
'-<-2 =eferences--------------------------------------------------------------;
'-<-< /ootnotes----------------------------------------------------------------->
'-<-; Biblio!rah"------------------------------------------------------------>
'-; %ttachments-------------------------------------------------------------------''
2 La"out-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'2
2-' The cover-----------------------------------------------------------------------'2
2-2 %bstract--------------------------------------------------------------------------'<
2-< Table of contents------------------------------------------------------------'<
2-; ?eadin!s------------------------------------------------------------------------';
2-@ Te2t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------';
2-A Tables and 5!ures----------------------------------------------------------';
2-B Lists--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'A
2-8 Biblio!rah"-------------------------------------------------------------------'A
2-> %ttachments-------------------------------------------------------------------'A
%endi2 '- The structure of the thesis reort-----------------2A
( Intro#uction
#ocabuilder is a free oen4source mobile hone alication* +ritten in
,ava* +hich aims to hel on lan!ua!e studies b" facilitatin! vocabular"
In a increasin!l" multi4cultural +orld* the abilit" to communicate in
forei!n lan!ua!es is not vie+ed an"more as a advanta!e* but as a
re6uirement of modern life-
The alication is insired b" the concet of electronic ./lash Cards in
+hich vocabular" learnin! is attained throu!h saced stud" and
reetition- The user is sho+ a .0ash card containin! a +ord in one
lan!ua!e and challen!ed to recall it in another lan!ua!e- If the user
successfull" recalls the +ord the +ord is removed from the list of
+ords to learn- If the doesnt recall it* the +ord is saved for later
stud"in! and disla"ed reeatedl" until the user learns it-
ChttDEEen-+i)iedia-or!9 httDEEen-+i)iboo)s-or!-F
There are a fe+ +ell )no+ and established imlementations of
electronic 0ashcards but the" are +eb based and therefore not
available for commodit" o1ine stud"- Printin! the 0ashcards is ossible
but it is not ecolo!icall" friendl" and involves a fair amount of artesian
+or)* therefore ,ustif"in! the creation of a mobile based version-
ChttDEE+++-0ashcarde2chan!e-com9 httDEE+++-stud"stac)-comF
The ob,ective of this ro,ect is to imrove on the e2istin! rotot"e
alication* release '-< of +hich is the 5rst ublicl" available version*
increasin! erformance* usabilit" and convenience for use as mobile
stud" comanion- ChttDEEcode-!oo!le-comEEvocabuilderF
% secondar" ob,ective is to facilitate the creation of custom lists of 0ash
cards b" the end user-
Performance imrovements are needed as the sheer amount of 0ash
cards that accoman" the alication len!thens loadin! and savin!
times- The amount of cards also calls for usabilit" imrovements as a
ver" lar!e number of cards to stud" ma)es learnin! di3icult if not
roerl" mana!ed- Imrovin! the convenience of use of the alication
b" allo+in! the savin! of artiall" studied sets* re4stud" a 5nished set*
loadin! alternate sets* vie+in! sets randoml" or se6uentiall" and
creatin! usa!e statistics all contribute to ma)e the alication a hi!hl"
cometitive substitute to aer based 0ash cards-
7ince the alication is oen4source* an incremental short4c"cled
release aroach +as used in the develoment rocess* much li)e the
oular .a!ile methodolo!ies- 8e+ versions +here released to the
ublic as soon as ne+ features became available9 ne+ features +here
rioriti:ed accordin! to the erceived bene5t to the end user and
feedbac) received from via email or bu! reorts- % comrehensive set
of unit tests +as created in order to suort an e2tensive re4factorin!
of the model and controller la"ers +hich +as re6uired b" the
erformance and usabilit" imrovements- C7ubramanian* #-* ?unt* %-
20089 httDEE+++-info6-com-F
The +or) +as structured so to 5rst create a set of unit test to validate
the chan!es done in the code a!ainst the re6uired functionalit"*
accordin! to the concets of Test Driven Develoment CTDDF-
/ollo+in!* the erformance re6uirements +here addressed* since those
involved the !reatest chan!es on the e2istin! architecture- Those
re6uired mostl" chan!es to the model and controller la"ers of the
The ne2t ste +as to imrove the usabilit" b" addin! several ne+
features and chan!in! the user interface- The chan!es at this oint
involved mainl" the controller and vie+ la"ers- Gnit tests +here
created for the controller la"er but not for the vie+ la"er since the
transfer of business code from the vie+ la"er to the controller la"er
simli5ed the former la"er ma)in! the creatin! of a set of test cases for
it disensable- ChttDEEblo!-briandicroce-comF
The ori!inal scoe of the ro,ect included the creation of a comanion
+ebsite to serve as front4end for custom 0ash card creation- Due to the
limited ma2imum duration of ;00 hours for this ro,ect +or)* the scoe
+as later reduced to onl" include the imrovements to the e2istin!
mobile hone alication- The secondar" ob,ective +as temoraril"
addressed b" creatin! end user instructions on ho+ to substitute or
edit the built4in lists of +ords- Creation of a +eb front end and
connection of it to the alication remains the sub,ect of future
) The presentation
%fter the introduction comes the resentation* +hich consists of a
theoretical art and an emirical art- The theoretical art rovides
the theoretical bac)!round of "our thesis- It is based on reference
literature and earlier research* and laces "our thesis +ithin a more
!eneral conte2t Ce-!- henomenon studiedF- If "ou have not resented
and de5ned "our )e" concets in the introduction* "ou should do this
as earl" as ossible in the resentation- The concets are to be de5ned
+ithin a concetual scheme that is )no+n* established and acceted b"
e2erts- This ensures* for e2amle* that concets li)e Hbusiness ideaH
and Hrofessional cometenceH are understood in the conventional +a"-
The theor" or theories "ou emlo" must al+a"s be resented +ith
su3icient detail* and "ou must also indicate ho+ the theor" relates to
the emirical art-
The theoretical art is follo+ed b" the emirical art* +hich resents
the 5ndin!s of "our o+n research- In research4based theses* the
emirical art is further divided into four artsD collection and handlin!
of data* resentation of methods* descrition of results* and
interretation of results- 7imilarl"* a ro,ect4based thesis is divided into
ro,ect lan* ro,ect imlementation* results and assessment- Present
"our results in the order that the research 6uestions +ere resented-
Iach art should be described +ith the level of detail re6uired* i-e- that
the reader understands +hat "ou did* ho+ "ou did it* and +hat the
result +as- % ro,ect4based thesis should be recise enou!h that the
reader +ould be able to reroduce the results achieved on the basis of
the information rovided-
)*( $u""ar an# conclusion
The readers of "our thesis* eseciall" if the" are the commissionin!
art"* are interested in "our summar" and conclusion- This section
revie+s the )e" results* and the conclusions that can be made from
them- It also discusses the si!ni5cance and reliabilit" of the results*
and their value +ith re!ard to both theor" and ractice- The section
roceeds from the resentation of the results to a !eneral discussion-
It is !ood to be!in the summar" and conclusion +ith a revie+ of the
+or)s rimar" ob,ective and urose* follo+ed b" a revie+ of the )e"
results- The summar" and conclusion should indicate ho+ successfull"
the thesis 6uestions +ere solved- This can include mention of an"
arado2es or similar that "ou have discovered durin! the course of
"our +or)-
In the summar" and conclusion* it is also advisable to mention if there
+ere an" limitations in "our research method* and if so* +hat the" +ere
and ho+ the" could be further imroved uon in further research- In
addition* the summar" and conclusion should ma)e note of ho+ "our
thesis contributed to the toic under stud"* and the e2tent to +hich
"our results can be !eneralised- This section also often ma)es
recommendations and !ives e2amles of ho+ "our 5ndin!s can be
utilised in ractice- %nd 5nall"* it is advisable to !ive an"
recommendations or su!!estions for further research-
)*) Bibliograph
The theoretical art of "our thesis* i-e- the research frame+or)* is
based on "our references- These include research studies* boo)s*
articles* intervie+s* the Internet* rofessional seminars* lectures* as
+ell as reorts roduced b" comanies* associations or the ublic
sector- Jou are to indicate all "our sources both in the te2t roer and
in the biblio!rah"* +hich is to be laced at the end of "our thesis- This
allo+s the reader to chec) from +here "ou have obtained the
information "ou resent- In addition* "our sources allo+ the reader to
determine the 6ualit" and reliabilit" of "our +or)-
)*)*( $ource criticis"
Kne of the thesis ob,ectives set for "our +or) b" ?%%G%4?ILI% is to
rovide "ou +ith !ood ractice in learnin! to use source materials
common in "our 5eld* as +ell as ractice in assessin! their value and
reliabilit" +ith re!ard to "our +or)- Good indicators of reliabilit" are
the reco!nition and e2ertise of the author- It is also advisable to
assess the reliabilit" and ob,ectivit" of a source on the basis of the
+or)s intention- Thus* for e2amle* a coman" advertisement or other
mar)etin! materials do not meet the criteria of ob,ectivit" set for a
research stud"- % reliable source is u4to4date Ci-e- relativel" ne+F* even
thou!h "ou cannot al+a"s assess the value of a source solel" on the
basis of +hen it +as +ritten- %ll 5elds have their classics* +hich have
retained their value from one decade* or even centur"* to the ne2t-
)*)*) References
Indicatin! "our sources is also an issue of trustD The" rovide the
reader +ith a means to verif" that the information rovided is correct
and that this information has been resented in a roer conte2t- In
addition* source references allo+ the reader to ,ud!e the value of an"
claims made in the te2t-
The ractices for indicatin! references var" bet+een 5elds-
8evertheless* +hatever the 5eld* sources are to be indicated in such a
+a" that the reader clearl" understands +hen a ortion of te2t is based
on an outside source and +hen such a ortion is based on the +riters
o+n oints of vie+- % source reference in the te2t roer should al+a"s
be as short as ossible so that it does not hinder readin!* but
nevertheless contains su3icient detail to ma)e it eas" to locate the
source in "our biblio!rah"- % source reference in "our te2t must
al+a"s 5nd its match in "our biblio!rah"* +ith the sources listed in the
biblio!rah" in alhabetical order* either startin! +ith the author or
In ?%%G%4?ILI% theses and other reorts* sources are al+a"s to be
indicated in the te2t roer Ci-e- footnotes are not to be usedF- Indicate
"our sources in arentheses follo+in! the ?arvard s"stem* i-e- name
and "ear of ublication- Indicate the a!e numberEs of "our source
al+a"s if "ou are not ma)in! reference to the entire +or)- 7earate the
"ear from the a!e numberEs +ith a comma- Jou should al+a"s indicate
"our source +henever "ou ma)e either a direct or indirect reference-
Belo+ are listed the most common e2amles Cthe" are included for the
sa)e of clarit"F-
E+a"ple (* Reference to a sentence
If "ou refer to "our source b" means of a sentence* indicate "our source
in arentheses before the eriod-
Iven thou!h research studies indicate that mood has onl" a
relativel" small imact on satisfaction* this imact should
still be ta)en into account in customer satisfaction surve"s
CGrLnroos 200'* ''24''<F-
E+a"ple )* Reference to se%eral sentences
If "our reference to a source runs for lon!er than one sentence*
indicate "our source after the eriod of the 5nal sentence* i-e- lace a
eriod after the sentence and inside the arenthesis of the reference
Comanies that adat their oerations too much to
accommodate customer +ishes +ill* sooner or later* be at
the merc" of their customers- This means that the coman"
+ill end u in situation set b" the customers* +ithout havin!
a +ill of its o+n- C7torbac)a M Lehtinen '>>B* 'B-F
E+a"ple ,* Direct -uotation
It is advisable to use direct 6uotes sarsel" so that the" +ill retain their
imact- Direct 6uotes should not be removed from their conte2t- %
short direct 6uote should al+a"s be laced in 6uotation mar)s N444O- %
direct 6uote is considered short if it is at most three lines lon!- % direct
6uote must al+a"s be e2actl" as it +as in the ori!inal te2t- If "our
6uote is lon!* i-e- more than three lines* indent it Cone tabF and use a
smaller font si:e C'0F- The indentation sho+s that "ou have made a
direct 6uote* and therefore "ou do not need to lace the te2t inside
6uotation mar)s-
To sum u* a te2t must al+a"s indicate +hat is the authors No+nO* and
+hat has been borro+ed from other sources* +hether this be a direct
6uote* an abbreviation or a arahrase Ci-e- sa"in! it in "our o+n +ordsF-
It is 6uite common for ine2erienced +riters to lace a source reference*
or ossibl" even a strin! of references* at the end of ara!rah* +ithout
indicatin! +hich art of the ara!rah is based on +hich source and
+hich art re0ects the authorPs o+n vie+s- 7uch a ractice does not
meet the accurac" and reliabilit" re6uirements of academic or scienti5c
+ritin!- C?irs,Qrvi* =emes M 7a,avaara 200;* <22-F
E+a"ple .* One author
Place in arenthesis the authors surname* the "ear of ublication of
the +or)* and the a!e numbers +here the information referenced can
be found-
CLotti 200'* A@-F
CRauinen 2002* <8-F
E+a"ple /* T'o authors
If "ou refer to a te2t that has t+o authors* al+a"s indicate both in "our
source reference- If "ou do this in "our te2t roer* combine the names
+ith the and con,unction- Inside arenthesis the names are combined
+ith the & s"mbol. Srite the names in the same order that the" are
!iven in "our source* even if the" are not in alhabetical order-
C%ula M ?einonen 2002* <'-F
%ccordin! to %ula and ?einonen C2002* <'F* $ $
E+a"ple 0* Three or "ore authors
If there are <$@ authors* list them all +hen "ou refer to the source for
the 5rst time-
C?irs,Qrvi* =emes M 7a,avaara 200'* <22-F
In later references* list onl" the 5rst author follo+ed b" the
abbreviation et al-
C?irs,Qrvi et al- 200'* <22-F
If there are more than si2 authors* use the abbreviated version also in
the 5rst reference Cthe full list is to be rovided in "our biblio!rah"F-
CLon)a et al- 200'* '@-F
E+a"ple 1* Referring to "ore than one source
Jou can also refer to more than one source in an" !iven ortion of te2t-
In such a case* lace "our sources in arenthesis in alhabetical order-
7earate the ublications b" means of a semi4colon-
CGrLnroos 200'* ''29 7illanQQ 2002* '@A-F
E+a"ple 2* T'o publications b the sa"e author
If the same author has t+o ublications ublished in the same "ear*
di3erentiate bet+een the them b" usin! a letter in lo+er case as sho+n
CRauinen 200<a* ;89 Rauinen 200<b* ''8-F
E+a"ple 3* Reference 'hen the author is un4no'n
If the author of "our source is not )no+n* indicate the name of the
ublication or ublisher-
CSine Di!est @E200@* >-F
CChamber of Commerce 200B* '2-F
E+a"ple (5* Reference to a te+t that refers to a thir# te+t
%l+a"s strive to !et "our information from the ori!inal source-
?o+ever* if "ou cannot locate the ori!inal source* "ou need to ta)e
recourse to a secondar" source* i-e- a source that refers to the ori!inal-
In such a case* "ou should indicate the secondar" source as "our
8au))arinens research sho+ed that the student loan is not
a oular alternative- $ $ C#irtanen 200@* '2<-F
8au))arinen C200;* in #irtanen 200@* 2<;F ar!ues that the
oularit" of student loans can be increased in man" +a"s-
/irstl" $ $
E+a"ple ((* Reference to a 'ebsite
Shen referrin! to Internet sources* follo+ the same rinciles as for
rinted materialsD Indicate the author and ublisher or ublication
name and "ear* if available-
Indicate also the a!e numberEs* if "ou are referrin! to a PD/ 5le or
similar- If "ou ma)e several references to the same ublication or
ublisher* di3erentiate bet+een the references b" usin! a small letter-
CLehtinen 200A-F
C/innair K", 200Ba-F
C/innair K", 200Bb-F
CBureau of 7tatistics-F
E+a"ple ()* Reference to an article on the Internet
If an Internet article has the same format as a rinted article* and if it
also has an I7B8 or I778 number* refer to it in the same +a" as a
rinted article- If "ou dont )no+ the author* refer to the ublisher-
Indicate in "our biblio!rah" the G=L C+eb addressF that as such leads
to "our source-
Do not indicate in "our biblio!rah" a G=L C+eb addressF that leads to
"our source onl" throu!h a seci5ed address- 7uch addresses are
usuall" ver" lon! and mi!ht include secial characters-
Shen referrin! to a database* indicate in "our biblio!rah" onl" the
domain name* i-e- the to level address-
8ot li)e thisD httsDEEhel)a-linneanet-5Ec!i4
L%8GG%GIV/innishM7LV8oneMC8TV@0M 7earch
W@/%r!Vrantanen M7earchW@/CodeV8%MI
But li)e thisD httsDEEhel)a-linneanet-5
E+a"ple (/* Inter%ie's an# infor"ation #irectl obtaine# fro" a
=efer to intervie+s or other information directl" obtained from a
erson b" means of the surname* the 5rst letter of the 5rst name* as
+ell as a date that is as accurate as ossible- /or e2amle* the format
for letters* telehone intervie+s* lecture notes* e4mail or discussions is
as follo+sD
CLaa)so4Manninen* =- ';-<-200B-F
)*)*, 6ootnotes
/ootnotes can be used to rovide additional information that is not
re6uired for the clari5cation of a matter as such* but nevertheless shed
li!ht on some detail or other+ise rovide useful additional info- Jour
te2t roer* ho+ever* must be able to stand on its o+n* i-e- be
understandable +ithout footnotes-
Jou can* for e2amle* lace the ori!inal lan!ua!e of a translation or a
mathematical e6uation in a footnote- Jou can also lace numerical
information that other+ise +ould lo+er the readabilit" of "our te2t-
/urthermore* "ou can describe or rovide "our evaluation of a source
in a footnote* if "ou feel it is someho+ si!ni5cantl" out of the ordinar"*
or other+ise of secial interest- %side from the above* lease
remember that ?%%G%4?ILI% olic" is that footnotes are not to be
used as source references-
)*)*. Bibliograph
The biblio!rah" rovides the reader +ith accurate information about
"our sources- The reader can use this information to see) further
information* and also to verif" that the information is valid and assess
the 6ualit" of "our thesis-
Place the biblio!rah" at the end of "our thesis* before an"
attachments- The a!e is to have the headin! NBiblio!rah"O- %rran!e
"our sources alhabeticall" accordin! to the 5rst +ord of each source-
Do not rovide searate sections for rinted and non4rinted sources-
The biblio!rah" is to include onl" sources that have been cited in the
The order of biblio!rah" items for a boo) isD
$ the author or authors
$ the ublication "ear
$ the title of the boo)
$ the edition* if not the 5rst
$ the name of the ublication series* if the boo) is a art of such a
$ the ublisher and the ublishers domicile-
The order of biblio!rah" items for an article isD
$ the author or authors
$ the "ear of ublication
$ the title CheadlineF
$ the name of the ma!a:ineEeriodicalEne+saer
$ the volume of the ma!a:ineEeriodicalEne+saer Ci-e- the number of
"ears it has been ublishedF
$ the issue of the ma!a:ineEeriodicalEne+saer Ci-e- the number for
the ma!a:ine for that "earF9 for ne+saers the section and date-
$ the a!e numberEs-
The order of biblio!rah" items for an electronic ublication isD
$ the name of the author Cor ublisher or ublicationF
$ the ublication date or udate date
$ the headline of the a!e "ou are referrin! to
$ The G=L CaddressF of the a!e
$ the date of "our reference* i-e- the date that "ou accessed the
/or collected +or)s* i-e- boo)s +ith a collection of articles* "ou are to
indicate the author of the article* the "ear of ublication* the name of
the article* the editorEs of the collection* the name of the collection* the
a!eEs* the ublisher and ublishers domicile-
/or intervie+s* includin! information obtained directl" from ersons*
"ou are to indicate the name of the intervie+ee* the intervie+ees
osition in the or!anisation* the name of the or!anisation* location as
+ell as the date of the intervie+-
/or electronic sources* indicate the search term* ublication "ear Cif
mentionedF* headline or title of article* Cname of ublication* volume
and numberF* as +ell as Internet address and date- It is al+a"s
advisable to )ee a co" of an" Internet source "ou use- Do not
underline the Internet address in the biblio!rah"-
/or IC re!ulations* indicate the source information as rovided in the
K3icial (ournal of the Iuroean Communities CK3icial (ournal of the
Iuroean Communities* number* date of ublication and a!e
)*, Attach"ents
Place "our attachments at the end of "our thesis- This is +here "ou
locate all material that "ou refer to in "our te2t but do not to resent in
the te2t as such- %n attachment can be* for e2amle* a 6uestionnaire
used for !atherin! information* the coverin! letter sent +ith such a
6uestionnaire* a document* an a!reement or a lar!e table or 5!ure-
=emember that an attachment cannot stand on its o+n9 it must al+a"s
be referred to in "our te2t-
, Laout
The la"out of "our thesis Cand other reortsF should follo+ the models
rovided in these !uidelines- The basic la"out is as follo+sD
$ to mar!in 2 cm* bottom mar!in 2 cm
$ left mar!in 2 cm & bindin! sace 2 cm* ri!ht mar!in '-@ cm
$ line sacin! '-@
$ identi5cation info from to of a!e ' cm
$ font for chater headin!s Garamond '@ t* lo+er case* bold
$ %n emt" line belo+ chater headin!s
$ font for other headlines Garamond '2 t* lo+er case* bold
$ te2t font Garamond '2 t-
7tart "our te2t from the left mar!in- %l+a"s use h"henation and do
not ,ustif" "our te2t on the ri!ht side- Place the a!e number on the
bottom centre of the a!e- The a!e numberin! be!ins from the 5rst
a!e of the introduction and continues until the end of the +or)-
,*( The co%er
Gse the cover of these !uidelines as "our temlate- The basic la"out is
as follo+sD
$ the thesis titleD '@ t bold* > cm from to
$ the authorEsD 7urname before 5rst name* in alhabetical order b"
surname9 '2 t* ''-@ cm from to
$ the document t"e* i-e- thesis '2 t* 2@ cm from to* >-2 cm from left
$ de!ree ro!rammeD '2 t* 2@-B cm from to* >-2 cm from left mar!in
$ the "ear of comletionD '2 t* 2A-@ cm from to* >-2 cm from left
/i!ure '- Model cover for thesis
,*) Abstract
Gse the abstract form rovided in these !uidelines as "our temlate-
,*, Table of contents
Gse the biblio!rah" of these !uidelines as "our temlate- The a!e is
to have the headin! NTable of contentsO- 7tart the headin! from the
left mar!in* at ;-B cm from the to of the a!e- Caitalise the 5rst
letter* then use lo+er case* bold* '@ t- Do not !ive a number to this
,*. 7ea#ings
?eadin!s communicate toics covered underneath them- In addition to
main headin!s* use subheadin!s for the bene5t of readers and those
bro+sin! throu!h "our thesis- Gse at most t+o hierarchical levels for
"our headin!s* and do not ma)e headin!s lon!er than one ro+- 8umber
"our headin!s and lace te2t under each headin!- 7tart all headin!s
from the left mar!in- 7tart ever" ne+ chater on a ne+ a!e-
,*/ Te+t
Place a line brea) after each headin!- 7tart the te2t roer from the
left mar!in* ali!ned to the left mar!in Cdo not ,ustif" the te2tF-
=emember to h"henate the te2t- 7earate ara!rahs +ith a line
brea)- 7tart a ne+ ara!rah for each ne+ toic- Gse t"o!rahical
e3ects Ce-!- italics and boldF sarsel" so that the" retain their e3ect- Do
not underline te2t-
,*0 Tables an# 8gures
Jou can suort "our te2t +ith tables and 5!ures- /i!ures are ima!es*
mas* dia!rams and charts- Give a headin! for each table and 5!ure-
8umber tables and 5!ures* each in their o+n series* e-!- /i!ure '-*
Table '- /or tables* lace the number and headin! above the table9 for
5!ures* lace the number and headin! belo+ the 5!ure- In the te2t*
refer to the table usin! lo+er case* and add a eriod after the number-
Do not lace a eriod after a table or 5!ure headin!- 7tart tables and
5!ures at the same lace as "our te2t* i-e- on the left mar!in- If the
information rovided is not from "our o+n data* indicate the source for
the table or 5!ure after the headin!- Do not mention an" tables or
5!ures in "our biblio!rah"- If a table or 5!ure is ver" lar!e* or if there
are man" of them* lace them in an attachment-
/avour blac) and +hite and avoid !re" or other colours to ensure
otimum readabilit"- %lso avoid three dimensional ima!es because the"
easil" distort the information contained- Iach table or 5!ure "ou use
should also be referred to in the te2t- 8evertheless* the reader should
be able to understand the te2t +ithout consultin! a table or 5!ure
rovided- Gse the table belo+ as a model-
Table '- Kverni!ht sta"s in /innish hotels b" the four most imortant
nationalities in '>>A* 2000 and 200@* and their share of overni!ht sta"s
b" all forei!n nationals C7tatistics /inland 200A* <;F
'>>A 2000 200@
ht sta"s*
7hare W Kverni!
ht sta"s*
7hare W Kverni!
ht sta"s*
7hare W
forei!ners < <A> ; '2> ; ;>>
7+eden @AA 'B A@A 'A @>8 '<
=ussia ;A; '; ;A' '' ;>> ''
German" @<' 'A ;>0 '2 @;< '2
GR 22A B <AB > ;2' >
The te2t belo+ a table is to resent )e" facts about the table* for
e2amle as follo+sD =ussians consistentl" sent about @00 ni!hts in
/innish hotels each "ear in '>>A* 2000 and 200@ Ctable 'F- Kverni!ht
sta"s b" eole from the GR* on the other hand* nearl" doubled over
this eriod* from ,ust above 200 to over ;00- The share of GR visitors in
relation to all forei!ners* ho+ever* !re+ b" onl" B ercent to > ercent-
This is because total overni!ht sta"s have increased b" nearl" one
thousand er "ear on the avera!e* to the current ;*@00-
Shen rearin! 5!ures* use the 5!ure belo+ as a model-
1996 2000 2005 Year
Overnight stays
/i!ure 2- Kverni!ht sta"s in /innish hotels b" the four most imortant
nationalities in '>>A* 2000 and 200@ C7tatistics /inland 200A* <;F
%s in the case +ith tables above* the te2t belo+ the 5!ure should
e2lain )e" facts and conclusions about the 5!ure-
,*1 Lists
Place a dash at the oint +here the te2t roer be!ins- 7tart the te2t
0-@ cm after the dash If the te2t of one item in "our list runs for more
than one line* al+a"s ,ustif" "our te2t from the same oint- Gse a dash
instead of other mar)ers Ce-!- bullet ointsF- Gse the lists rovided in
these !uidelines as a model-
,*2 Bibliograph
Jour biblio!rah" is to have the headin! NBiblio!rah"O- 7tart the
headin! from the left mar!in* ;-' cm from the to of the a!e-
Caitalise the 5rst letter* then lo+er case* bold* '@ t- Do not !ive a
number to this headin!- %dd an e2tra ro+ after the headin! and after
each source reference- Line sacin! '-@-
,*3 Attach"ents
%ll reorts* includin! "our thesis* can have attachments- Mention the
attachments at the end of the biblio!rah" under the subheadin!
N%ttachmentsO- 8ame and number the attachments* and +rite them
under the subheadin!* as sho+n in the table of contents in these
7tart each attachment on a searate a!e and lace them at the end of
"our thesis- If "our attachments are in electronic format* sul" them
+ith the +ord Attachment* and the attachment name* number* and
a!e numberEs- If "ou are rearin! the attachments usin! Sord* add a
2 cm mar!in for bindin!* set the left mar!in to 0$2 cm* and ri!ht
mar!in 0$'-@ cm- If "our attachments are not available in electronic
format* +rite the +ord Attachment* and the attachment name* number
and a!e numberEs b" hand- 7ul" also the electronic version of "our
thesis +ith attachment numbers* and strive to include the attachments
+ithin the thesis 5le roer- The a!e numbers of "our thesis should
run until the last a!e of the last attachment* even if "ou cannot sul"
a a!e number for all attachments due to technical reasons- The
attachment a!es* ho+ever* are not included in the total number of
a!es !iven for the thesis in the abstract9 this a!e number is the same
as the number on the last a!e of "our biblio!rah"- %fter this* "ou are
to indicate the number of attachment a!es after the & s"mbol-
Si)iedia article on /lashcards- G=LD
httDEEen-+i)iedia-or!E+i)iE/lashcard- XuotedD 2B-0>-2008
Si)iboo) on ho+ to learn a lan!ua!e- G=LD
httDEEen-+i)iboo)s-or!E+i)iE?o+TtoTlearnTaTlan!ua!e- XuotedD
/lashcard I2chan!e* +eb based 0ashcard imlementation- G=LD
httDEE+++-0ashcarde2chan!e-com- XuotedD 28-0>-2008
7tud" 7tac)* +eb based 0ashcard imlementation- G=LD
httDEE+++-stud"stac)-com- XuotedD 28-0>-2008
%ll the ublished versions of #ocabuilder- G=LD
Count- XuotedD 28-0>-2008
7ubramanian* #-* ?unt* %- 2008- Practices of an %!ile Develoer- ;- ed-
The Pra!matic Pro!rammers- The Pra!matic Boo)shelf- Dallas* Te2as-
%!ile ractices- G=LD
XuotedD 28-0>-2008
Issence of Test Driven Develoment- G=LD
remember4the4essence4of4test4driven4develoment- XuotedD 28-0>-2008
Decree on 7tudies at Gniversities of %lied 7ciences 2@AE>@-
Belo+ are some e2amles on ho+ to indicate "our sources in "our
biblio!rah" Ylease note that "ou can lace in brac)ets "our
translation of titlesEheadin!s of "our sources that are in lan!ua!es
other than In!lishZD
Bureau of 7tatistics 200A- #er))o)oulu YKnline schoolZ- G=LD
httDEE+++-tilasto)es)us-5EtuEver))o)ouluEinde2-html- XuotedD
Chamber of Commerce 200@- Jrit")sen erusta,an oas 200@ YGuide to
startin! "our o+n coman" 200@Z- Chamber of Commerce- ?elsin)i-
/innair K", '>>>- /innair lentQn"t tasan <0 vuotta 8e+ Jor)iin Y/innair
has 0o+n to 8e+ Jor) for e2actl" <0 "earsZ- Press release-
XuotedD '0-;-200A-
/innish Tourist Board 200Ba- /orei!n visitors in /inland in 200A-
Border intervie+ surve"- /innish Tourist Board ublication series MIR
%D'@;D200B- /innish Tourist Board- ?elsin)i- G=LD
haastattelutut)imusTosaW20'>TRo)oW20vuosiW20200A-df- XuotedD
/innish Tourist Board 200Bb- Travel facts- G=LD
W20200BW20v2<020B-df XuotedD 2>->-200B-
GrLnroos* C- 200'- Palveluiden ,ohtaminen ,a mar))inointiYThe
mar)etin! and mana!ement of servicesZ- S7KJ- Porvoo-
?%%G%4?ILI% Gniversit" of %lied 7ciences- Thesis La"out
Guidelines- G=LD httDEE+++-haa!a4helia-5EenEstudiesE)uvat4,a4
liitetiedostotEthesis4la"out4standard-rtf- XuotedD 2>->-200A-
?irs,Qrvi* 7-* =emes* P- M 7a,avaara* P- 200;- Tut)i ,a )ir,oita Y=esearch
and +riteZ- '0- ed- Tammi- ?elsin)i-
Laa)so4Manninen* =- <'-8-200A- ?%%G%4?ILI% Gniversit" of %lied
7ciences- President- Intervie+ <'-8-200A-
Lehtonen* (- '>>8- JhteisLt ,a ,ul)isuus- Mainonnasta
"hteis)unnalliseen )es)usteluun YCommunities and ublicit"- /rom
advertisin! to social dialo!ue- In Rivi)uru* G-4M- M Runelius* =- Ceds-F-
#ienstinnQn ,Ql,illQ YIn 6uest of communicationsZ- - ''>$';2- S7KJ-
Lotti* L- 200'- Teho)as mar))ina4anal""si YI3ective mar)et anal"sesZ-
S7KJ- ?elsin)i-
Ministr" of Iducation 200@- Roulutus ,a tut)imus 200<$2008-
RehittQmissuunnitelmassa asetettu,en vuoden 2008 )oulutustar,onnan
tavoitteiden vQliarviointi Y=esearch and education 200<42008- Interim
revie+ of develoment ob,ectives set for 2008Z- KetusministeriLn
t"Lr"hmQmuistioita ,a selvit")siQ 200@D;@ YMinistr" of Iducation
committee studies and memorandumsZ- Roulutus4 ,a tiedeolitii)an
osasto YDeartment of education and science olic"Z- ?elsin)i
Gniversit" Print- ?elsin)i- G=LD
;@-dfUlan!V5- XuotedD 2'->-200A-
Mottiar* \- M Xuinn* D- 200;- Coule d"namics in household tourism
decision ma)in!D Somen as the !ate)eeersU (ournal of #acation
Mar)etin!* '0* 2* - ';>$'A0-
Ketta,an)oulutu)sen )ehittQmistoimi)unnan mietintL YMemorandum
of the vocational teacher education develoment committeeZ- Rehitt"vQ
oetta,an)oulutus YDeveloin! vocational teacher eduationZ-
Committee memorandum '>8>D2A- Idita- ?elsin)i-
Palace RQm- ?otellit Y?otelsZ- G=LD
httDEE+++-alace)am-5Einde2-asUlan!V5- XuotedD 2->-200A-
Penal Code '>-'2-'88>-
=e!ulation on the ?"!iene of /oodstu3s 8@2E200;EIC- =e!ulation
8@2E200;EIC of the Iuroean Parliament and of the Council on the
h"!iene of foodstu3s- K3icial (ournal of the Iuroean Communities*
L22AE<* 2@-A-200;* - <$2'-
7illanQQ* M- 2002- 7QQnnLstelt" huvi- 7uomalainen ravintola '>004
luvulla Y7uervised leasures- /innish restaurants in the '>00sZ-
Bibliotheca ?istorica B2- 7R7- ?elsin)i-
7torbac)a* R- M Lehtinen* (- '>>B- %sia))uuden ehdoilla vai
asia))aiden armoilla Y%bidin! to customer terms or at the merc" of
customersZ- S7KJ- ?elsin)i-
Taiale* T- 200A- Riina on ,o tQQllQ YChina is alread" hereZ- TalouselQmQ*
A>* <0* - <2$<B-
The structure of the thesis reort
An e"pirical stu#:
A stu#= an application= an
e+peri"ent= a planning or
#e%elop"ent pro>ect
O?icial assess"ent state"ent
Abstract in 6innish
Table of contents
( Intro#uction
4 !eneral introduction
4 ob,ectives* research 6uestions*
4 concets
( Intro#uction
4 !eneral introduction
4 !oals* de5nition of assi!nment
4 concets
) Theoretical part
rior research
theories and models
rofessional literature and other sources
,a E"pirical part
4 resentation of tar!et under
4 data
4 methods Cdata ac6uisition and
4 results
4 assessment Creliabilit" and
,b E"pirical part
4 resentation of tar!et under
4 ro,ect lan
4 ro,ect imlementation
4 resentation of results
4 evaluation
. Discussion @analsisA
conclusions andEor recommendations
su!!estions for further research or develoment
Cthe discussion can also include an evaluation of the thesis rocessF
Attach"ents Cif an"F Attach"entsD Documentation
Cthe ro,ect outcome can be a
searate documentF
]/or a theoreticalEhilosohical anal"sis* art < is some+hat di3erent-

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