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Scott Spurgeon, Ed.

Superintendent of Schools
1370 Northumberland Drive
St. Louis, MO 63137
Ofice 31.!6!."#0# $"16
%a$ 31.3!!.600"
October 22, 2014
Dear Mr. McCulloch,
It was recently reported by news stations that the grand jury, convened to hear the case regarding the shooting
of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson, would liely co!plete their review of evidence in the ne"t few
wees. #he infor!ation on an indict!ent will then be announced by your office. While the $t. %ouis
co!!unity, nation and world are eagerly awaiting the decision, !any are preparing for how that decision will
i!pact our co!!unities.
&s leaders of school districts, we are concerned about the ability to provide ti!ely, unobstructed travel routes to
and fro! school for the thousands of student walers, parents and district transportation vehicles once that
decision is announced. Infor!ation released during the school day has the potential to greatly affect school
district operations and we i!plore you to refrain fro! !aing a grand jury announce!ent until such ti!e as we
can provide safe passage ho!e for all students.
While at no ti!e have students been the intentional target of any !alicious behaviors, recent responses to the
&ugust 'th incident has severely i!pacted the learning environ!ent of thousands. #he release of infor!ation
regarding the investigation, last !inute press conferences, protests and police response has led to increased
vehicle and pedestrian traffic, presence of local, national and international !edia, road closures, an inability to
access school sites and the rerouting of current school bus routes. We are preparing for si!ilar situations when
the grand jury decision is announced.
(lease be aware that we have travel route concerns directly and indirectly for students in )erguson*)lorissant,
+iverview ,ardens, -ennings as well as student transfers at .irwood and Mehlville. $tudents in /a0elwood,
1or!andy and $pecial $chool District will all liely be i!pacted ** appro"i!ately 23,333 students, collectively.
&s area superintendents, our !ission is to provide e"cellent acade!ic services to our co!!unity with the safety
and security of all students as our nu!ber one priority. (lease assist us in ensuring ti!ely and safe travel for our
students by agreeing to announce sensitive infor!ation after 4 p.!. on weedays or on the weeend, with our
preference of the announce fro! the grand jury occurring on a $unday, which is a non*attendance day for
)eel free to contact any of us if you have any 5uestions or if we can be of help in any way.
Dr. $cott $purgeon, $uperintendent
+iverview ,ardens $chool District
Dr. %awrence %arrew, Interi! $uperintendent
)erguson*)lorissant $chool District
Dr. ,rayling #obias, $uperintendent
/a0elwood $chool District
Dr. #iffany &nderson, $uperintendent
-ennings $chool District
Dr. #ho!as %. Willia!s, $uperintendent
.irwood $chool District
Dr. 1or! +idder, $uperintendent
Mehlville $chool District
Dr. #yrone -. Mc1ichols, $uperintendent
1or!andy $chool District

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