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Pro/ENGINEER Object Names

*What is the maximum number of characters allowed in a Pro/ENGINEER object

Thirt one !"#$ characters can be used in Pro/ENGINEER object names% This number
does not include the extension& i%e%& %'rt& %asm& %drw& or the object (ersion number&
i%e%& %#& %)& %"%
**an u''er case characters be used in Pro/ENGINEER object names?
+''er case characters cannot be s'ecified in Pro/ENGINEER object file names%
+''er case characters can be s'ecified durin, object creation& howe(er& the file will
be written to dis- usin, lower case characters onl%
*Is a default confi,%'ro file created when Pro/ENGINEER is installed?
When Pro/ENGINEER is initiall installed& there is no default confi,%'ro file that is
created automaticall% .owe(er& a lar,e number of the o'tions do ha(e default (alues
which are used unless the o'tion settin, is chan,ed in a confi,%'ro file%
The Configuration Options section of Pro/HELP lists the default confi,%'ro o'tion
(alues in italics% There are two methods that can be used to create a confi,%'ro file%
The first method is to utili/e an text editor& (i for exam'le& and manuall create the
file% Each o'tion should ha(e its own line in the file& with the format bein, 01'tion
2alue3% The second method is to use the Preferences dialo, box within
Pro/ENGINEER& which can be accessed b selectin, Utilities, Preferences... When
ou exit the dialo, box& the confi,%'ro file will be written to our local director% 4ee
theSuggested Technique for Using the Preferences Dialog Box for a detailed
descri'tion of the functionalit for this new dialo,%
*Where does Pro/ENGINEER loo- for confi,%'ro files?
Pro/ENGINEER loo-s for confi,%'ro files in " different directories in the followin,
*onfi,%'ro files residin, in the load'oint/text will be read first%
)$The user6s home director
With +NI7 sstems& Pro/ENGINEER will read the confi,%'ro file in the user6s
home director% This is most commonl used for s'ecifin, user customi/ed
confi,%'ro o'tions such as colors and ma'-es%
"$Wor-in, director
The director in which Pro/ENGINEER starts is searched for a confi,%'ro file%
If the same o'tion a''ears in more than one confi,%'ro file& the one that was read last
will be utili/ed b the sstem%
*8fter confi,%'ro is edited& wh aren6t the chan,es reflected?
8fter confi,%'ro is edited& the Add/Cange and Appl! buttons must be selected in
the Preferences dialo, box in order for the modifications to be reflected in the
Pro/ENGINEER session& or Pro/ENGINEER can be restarted% 9e aware that
some confi,%'ro o'tions re:uire Pro/ENGINEER to be restarted in order for
confi,%'ro modifications to be reflected%
*8fter confi,%'ro is edited& is it necessar to restart Pro/ENGINEER?
8fter confi,%'ro is edited& the Appl! button must be selected in
the Preferences dialo, in order for the modifications to be reflected in the
Pro/ENGINEER session& or Pro/ENGINEER can be restarted% ;odifications to the
followin, confi,%'ro o'tions re:uire Pro/ENGINEER to be restarted5
*What is the difference between confi,%'ro and confi,%su'?
There are two main differences between confi,%'ro and confi,%su'%
+nli-e confi,%'ro& confi,%su' can onl be located in the load'oint/text director%
*onfi,%su' o'tions cannot be o(erridden b o'tions found in an! other confi,%'ro%
8lso& items contained in the confi,%su' can onl ha(e one entr 'er o'tion% =ee'in,
this in mind& it is im'ortant that items which can ha(e multi'le entries& such as
>ma'-e>& >search<'ath>& and >def<laer> are not s'ecified in confi,%su'%
*Is there a limitation on the number of characters that can be included in a confi,%'ro
Each line in confi,%'ro is limited to ?@ characters% En(ironment (ariables can be used
to s'ecif confi,%'ro >search<'ath> (alues containin, more than ?@ characters% Refer
to Configuration Options inPro/HELP for details
"anaging Pro/ENGINEER files #sing te $ile "en#
*Where are Pro/ENGINEER objects stored when $ile, &a'e is selected?
9 default& Pro/ENGINEER objects will be stored to the current wor-in, director%
If the wor-in, director is chan,ed usin, $ile, (or)ing *irector!& Pro/ENGINEER
objects will be sa(ed to the new director%
If a Pro/ENGINEER object is retrie(ed from a director other than the current
wor-in, director& Pro/ENGINEER will sa(e the object bac- to the director from
which it was retrie(ed% If the user does not ha(e write 'ermission in that director& the
object will not be sa(ed unless the confi,%'ro o'tion >sa(e<object<in<current> is set to
*What does $ile, &a'e As do?
$ile + &a'e As will ma-e a co' of a s'ecified Pro/ENGINEER object usin, a new
name% Aist the object that is to be co'ied in the !odel "a#e s'ace in the &a'e
As dialo, box& the current object bein, the default% In the "e$ "a#e s'ace& a new file
name should be s'ecified% Pro/ENGINEER will create this object in the current
wor-in, director%
*What does $ile, ,ac)#p do?
$ile, ,ac)#p can be used to sa(e Pro/ENGINEER objects to a s'ecified director%
The object will be sa(ed in the s'ecified director usin, the ori,inal filename!s$%
$ile, ,ac)#p in 8ssembl& Brawin,& or ;anufacturin, modes will sa(e all related
objects to the s'ecified director%
*What does $ile, Rename do?
$ile, Rename is used to chan,e the name of Pro/ENGINEER objects in memor and
on dis-% Pro/ENGINEER will rename all (ersions of the object bein, renamed%
When renamin, an object that was retrie(ed from director other than the current
wor-in, director& the renamed object will be sa(ed in the director from which the
object was retrie(ed%
*What does $ile, Erase, C#rrent do?
$ile, Erase is used to clear the s'ecified object from wor-station memor% This
functionalit will not remo(e objects from dis-% 1bjects referenced b an acti(e
assembl or drawin, can not be erased%
8 list of objects in the current model will then be dis'laed% 1nl the current to'
le(el model !i%e%% assembl or drawin,$ can be erased& and selected objects as well%
*What does $ile, Erase, Not *ispla!ed do?
$ile, Erase, Not *ispla!ed is used to erase all objects from the current session&
exce't for those that are currentl dis'laed and an objects referenced b the
dis'laed objects%
Cor exam'le& if an assembl instance is bein, dis'laed at the time Erase, Not
*ispla!ed is selected& the instance& the instance6s ,eneric& and it6s com'onents will not
be erased%
There is a confi,%'ro o'tion related to $ile, Erase, Not *ispla!ed called
es !default$ D a messa,e window for each eli,ible object in :uestion a''ears& as-in,
if ou want to first sa(e the object before it is erased%
no D the sstem will immediatel erase all eli,ible objects%
*What does $ile, Instance Operations do?
$ile, Instance Operations will sa(e a 'articular instance of a 'art or assembl in a
se'arate file called an > instance accelerator file> !suffix >%x'r> for a 'art& >%xas> for an
assembl$% This file is used to retrie(e 'articular instances :uic-l from dis- rather
than ha(in, to first retrie(e the ,eneric into memor& selectin, the 'articular instance
accordin, to the famil table& and then re,eneratin,% Therefore& with this functionalit
the amount of time that it ta-es to retrie(e an instance of a 'art or assembl from dis-
can be considerabl reduced% The trade off is that more dis- s'ace will be used to
store the accelerator files%
When $ile, Instance Operations is selected& the IN4T B9;4 menu a''ears with the
followin, o'tions 5
InstIndex5 create or u'date the Instance Index file for a s'ecified director
+'date 8ccel5 create or u'date accelerator files for all instances currentl in session
Pur,e 8ccel5 examine each instance accelerator file and delete it if it is not current
with the ,eneric
4a(e8ccelEn(5 brin,s u' the 42 IN4T 8** menu
When &a'eAccelEn' is selected the 42 IN4T 8** menu a''ears with the followin,
none !default$5 the sstem does not sa(e the instance in a file se'arate from the
alwas5 the sstem alwas sa(es the instance in a se'arate file
ex'licit5 the sstem sa(es the instance in a se'arate file onl% when the instance is
ex'licitl sa(ed%
The confi,%'ro o'tion >sa(e<instance<accelerator> can also be used to control instance
accelerator files% The (alues for this confi,%'ro o'tion are also none !default$& alwas&
ex'licit% When ou brin, u' the 42 IN4T 8** menu& one of the o'tions will be
hi,hli,hted to reflect the last settin,% That settin, could ha(e been either loaded from
a confi,uration file or selected 're(iousl from this menu%
*Boes Pro/ENGINEER o(erwrite existin, objects when sa(in, to dis-?
Pro/ENGINEER will not o(erwrite existin, objects while sa(in, to dis-% 1bjects are
sa(ed to dis- with an object (ersion number after the file extension% Pro/ENGINEER
will create a new object file each time the object is sa(ed& monotonicall increasin,
the (ersion number each time%
Exam'le5 8 'art called (al(e%'rt will be initiall written to dis- as (al(e%'rt%#%
4ubse:uent stora,e of this object will result in the files (al(e%'rt%)% (al(e%'rt%"& etc%
When an object is retrie(ed and the director contains multi'le (ersions of the same
object& the object with the hi,hest (ersion number will be retrie(ed%
*What does the object (ersion number indicate?
The object (ersion number indicates the number of times the object has been stored%
1bjects are sa(ed to dis- with an object (ersion number after the file extension%
Pro/ENGINEER will create a new object file each time the object is sa(ed&
monotonicall increasin, the (ersion number each time%
Exam'le5 8 'art called (al(e%'rt will be initiall written to dis- as (al(e%'rt%#%
4ubse:uent stora,e of this object will result in the files (al(e%'rt%)% (al(e%'rt%"& etc% If
the director is 'ur,ed& the object with the hi,hest (ersion will remain%
When a to'Dle(el object is retrie(ed !for exam'le& an assembl drawin,$& it alwas
retrie(es the most recent (ersion of the assembl and its 'arts% Therefore& the (ersion
of the drawin, does not necessaril ha(e to ha(e the same (ersion number as the 'art
or assembl% This will fre:uentl be the case when se(eral different users are wor-in,
on the same files%
This wouldn6t cause a 'roblem unless a user deletes or redefines a feature that is used
as a reference b some other object% Cor exam'le& if a feature is deleted from a 'art
that is used for assemblin, another com'onent in an assembl& then that com'onent
will fail 'lacement when the assembl is retrie(ed& and must be redefined% 8nother
exam'le is when 'lanar surfaces are used to orient the model in a drawin, (iew& and
the feature is then deleted or su''ressed% This will result in the messa,e& >model
,eometr for drawin, (iew is missin,>& and the (iew will re(ert to an isometric
orientation& and must be reDoriented !usin, the default datum 'lanes to orient the
(iews whene(er 'ossible will hel' to 're(ent this$%
The best method for a(oidin, these situations is to use a database mana,ement
'roduct that will mana,e re(ision chan,es made to 'arts/assemblies/drawin,s%
Without a sstem li-e this& an user can chan,e an model& re,ardless of what other
users are doin,%
*Boes Pro/ENGINEER offer an autoDsa(e function?
8utoDsa(e functionalit is not currentl im'lemented in Pro/ENGINEER% The
>'rom't<on<exit> confi,%'ro o'tion can be utili/ed to 'rom't the user to sa(e objects
in session before exitin, Pro/ENGINEER%
*What ha''ens if I run out of dis- s'ace while sa(in, m objects?
If a(ailable dis- s'ace is de'leted durin, stora,e& Pro/ENGINEER will issue the
&o'(ect)na#e could not 'e sa*ed+ Chec, dis, space or $rite access Error in storage
Chec, pre*ious #essage -then press Enter.+&
Pro/ENGINEER will not sa(e an 'ortion of the object to dis-% Bis- s'ace must be
made a(ailable before the object can be sa(ed%
*What is the difference between $ile, Erase and $ile, *elete?
$ile, Erase remo(es the object from wor-station memor% The object is not remo(ed
from dis-%
$ile, *elete remo(es either old (ersions or all (ersions of the object and all
associated objects from dis-% It is recommended to a''roach this menu selection with
a ,reat deal of caution% *reatin, bac-u' co'ies of Pro/ENGINEER objects is
considered ,ood 'ractice and can reduce the effect of accidental remo(al of data%
*Wh is the followin, messa,e ,i(en5 >*hec- dis- s'ace and write access>?
The messa,e >*hec- dis- s'ace and write access> is ,i(en if the amount of dis-
s'ace re:uired to sa(e the object exceeds a(ailable dis- s'ace or if the user does not
ha(e write access to the s'ecified director%
*Wh is the followin, messa,e ,i(en5 >PB; database object must be renamed b
Pro/PB; a''lication>?
9 default& Pro/ENGINEER will not allow Pro/PB; objects to be renamed within
Pro/ENGINEER% The confi,%'ro o'tion >let<'roe<rename<'dm<objects> set to >es>
will allow Pro/ENGINEER to rename Pro/PB; objects%
(arning% 1bjects renamed in Pro/ENGINEER will be considered new Pro/PB;
objects when submitted bac- to a Pro/PB; database%
Part "ode%
*Wh aren6t 'art files sa(ed when $ile, &a'e is selected in 4-etcher?
While in 4-etcher& the $ile, &a'e functionalit will sa(e the section to dis- rather
than the 'art file% This functionalit allows sections to be stored to dis- for future use
in feature creation% 4ection files are sa(ed to dis- with a %sec file extension% 1nce
4-etcher is exited b either com'letin, the feature creation or :uittin,& $ile, &a'e will
sa(e the 'art file to dis-%
*.ow are famil table instances stored to dis-?
8ll famil table instance information is stored within the ,eneric model%
Pro/ENGINEER does not sa(e a uni:ue object file to dis- for each instance%
*.ow can co'ies of a 'art be created?
The $ile, &a'e As functionalit allows co'ies of 'art files to be created usin, the
followin, techni:ue5
4elect $ile, &a'e As% Pro/ENGINEER will o'en a 4a(e 8s dialo, box% The current
object in memor will be the default object to co' !in the ;odel Name section of the
dialo,$% The name of the new object is s'ecified in the New Name line in the dialo,%
Assembl! "ode%
*Boes Pro/ENGINEER sa(e all com'onents each time an assembl is sa(ed?
9 default& Pro/ENGINEER does not store all assembl com'onents to dis- u'on
each $ile, &a'e o'eration% Instead& Pro/ENGINEER will sa(e the assembl file and
onl com'onents that ha(e been modified% 9 settin, the confi,%'ro o'tion
>sa(e<objects>& this can be chan,ed% 9 usin, this o'tion& Pro/ENGINEER can be
instructed to sa(e all de'endent objects& sa(e onl the objects that were modified& or
sa(e modified objects and objects s'ecified b the user%
*Where does Pro/ENGINEER sa(e 'art files that are assembled from a director
different than the current wor-in, director ?
9 default& Pro/ENGINEER will store objects that are assembled from other
directories bac- to the director of ori,in% If the user does not ha(e write access to the
director& Pro/ENGINEER will not store the objects in the current wor-in, director&
unless s'ecific confi,%'ro o'tions ha(e been set% The confi,%'ro
o'tions >o(erride<store<bac-> and >sa(e<object<in<current> allow ,reater control
o(er this t'e of situation%
*What ha''ens durin, stora,e of an assembl if its de'endent 'art files are located in
a writeD'rotected director?
9 default& Pro/ENGINEER will onl store modified objects and will alwas store
objects bac- to the director from which the were retrie(ed% Therefore& if a 'art from
a write 'rotected director has been modified and $ile, &a'e is selected&
Pro/ENGINEER will not be able to sa(e the object unless the confi,%'ro
o'tions >o(erride<store<bac-> and >sa(e<object<in<current> are utili/ed%
*Wh can6t an assembl be retrie(ed after clearin, it from memor or after startin, a
new session of Pro/ENGINEER?
Burin, assembl creation& it is 'ossible to add com'onents to the assembl that are
located in directories other than the current wor-in, director% When the assembl is
sa(ed& the assembl file is sa(ed to the current wor-in, director while modified
com'onents are sa(ed bac- to the directories of ori,in% If the assembl is cleared from
wor-station memor b either exitin, Pro/ENGINEER or b selectin, $ile,
Erase, and selectin, all the objects in the ER84E dialo, box and then retrie(ed& it is
'ossible that Pro/ENGINEER will not be able to locate certain com'onents% The
confi,%'ro o'tion >search<'ath> can be used to s'ecif directories which
Pro/ENGINEER will search for objects% The confi,%'ro file must contain a se'arate
>search<'ath> o'tion for each director to be searched% Refer to the Configuration
Options section of the Pro/HELP for details
*.ow does $ile, &a'e As function in 8ssembl mode?
In 8ssembl mode& the $ile, &a'e As functionalit allows an or all members of the
assembl to be co'ied%
9 default& after selectin, $ile, &a'e As& a dialo, box will a''ear with the name of the
assembl to be co'ied s'ecified next to ;odel Name% The new assembl name is
s'ecified on the next line !New Name$% 8fter selectin, O-, a chec- mar- can then be
'laced next to each assembl com'onent to be co'ied or Incl#de all
s#bcomponents can be selected to co' all assembl com'onents%
If a chec- mar- is 'laced next to an of the com'onents or if Incl#de all
s#bcomponents is selected& Pro/T89AE will be dis'laed where new com'onent
names can be s'ecified in the cell adjacent to the ori,inal%
If O- is selected without selectin, a com'onent or Incl#de all s#bcomponents&
Pro/ENGINEER will create onl a co' of the assembl which references the ori,inal
The confi,%'ro o'tion >model<rename<tem'late> is used to create a user defined
renamin, scheme%
Refer to the Configuration Options section of the Pro/HELP for further information
*Wh do 'arts intersected b assembl features re:uire renamin, before the can be
8ssembl features which intersect assembl com'onents alter the ,eometrical intent
of the ori,inal object% When the assembl is in session& the com'onent exists in
memor in two different states% When Pro/ENGINEER tries to sa(e the assembl& it is
unclear which state of the com'onent is to be sa(ed% Pro/ENGINEER will 'rom't the
user to sa(e the object with a new name% This will create a co' of the object
containin, the ,eometric result of the assembl feature%
*What does the confi,%'ro o'tion >o(erride<store<bac-> do?
If the confi,%'ro o'tion >o(erride<store<bac-> is set to >es>& Pro/ENGINEER will
sa(e objects retrie(ed from other directories to the current wor-in, directorE
If >o(erride<store<bac-> is set to >no>& which is the default& objects will be sa(ed in
the director of ori,in% If the o'tion is set to >no> and the user does not ha(e write
access to the director of ori,in& Pro/ENGINEER utili/es the confi,%'ro
o'tion >sa(e<object<in<current>%
*What does the confi,%'ro o'tion >sa(e<object<in<current> do?
When the confi,%'ro o'tion >sa(e<object<in<current> is set to >es>& Pro/ENGINEER
will sa(e objects to the current wor-in, director if the user does not ha(e write
access to the director from which the object was ori,inall retrie(ed% If the o'tion is
set to >no>& Pro/ENGINEER will not sa(e the object at all% This o'tion should be used
in conjunction with the confi,%'ro o'tion >o(erride<store<bac->%
*What is the 'referred method to ma-e a co' of an assembl?
The Cile& 4a(e 8s functionalit is the best wa of co'in, assemblies%
*What is the 'referred method to rename assembl com'onents?
The followin, 'rocedure should be used to rename assembl com'onents5

#% Retrie(e the assembl which contains the com'onents to be renamed
)% In a subDwindow retrie(e the com'onent to be renamed
"% With the com'onent acti(e& select $ile, Rename and enter the new com'onent
F% 4elect (indo., Acti'ate and 'ic- in the window containin, the assembl
G% Re,enerate the assembl
H% 4elect $ile, &a'e to sa(e the assembl which contains a reference to the new
com'onent name%
* "ode%
*What is the 'referred method to rename a drawin,?
The $ile, Rename functionalit should be utili/ed to rename a drawin,%
*What is the 'referred method to co' a drawin, and its model?
The followin, 'rocedure should be used to create a co' of a Pro/ENGINEER

#% 4elect $ile, &a'e As, which will brin, u' a 4a(e 8s dialo, box
)% Enter the name of the drawin, to co'& the current drawin, is s'ecified b
"% Enter the new drawin, name& and select O-.

The followin, 'rocedure can be used to create a co' of a drawin, and a co' of the
drawin, model5
#% *reate a new director
)% 4elect $ile, ,ac)#p from the drawin, window& and s'ecif the new director
as the destination% Pro/ENGINEER will create a co' the drawin, and the
"% 4elect $ile, Erase and clear the current drawin, and model from memor
F% 4elect $ile, (or)ing *irector! select the new director as the current wor-in,
G% Retrie(e the bac-u' drawin,
H% 4elect $ile, Open and retrie(e the 'art to be co'ied in a subDwindow
I% With the 'art acti(e& select $ile, Rename and rename the 'art
?% 4elect (indo., Acti'ate and 'ic- in the window containin, the drawin,
J% Re,enerate& rename if necessar !selectin, $ile, Rename/ and sa(e the
The followin, 'rocedure can be used to create a co' of a drawin, and a co' of the
drawin, model& 1NAK IC both the model and the drawin, ha(e the same name !i%e%%
(al(e%'rt and (al(e%drw$5
#% 4et the confi,%'ro o'tion >rename<drawin,s<with<object> to >both>
)% Retrie(e the model and ha(e the drawin, either in session or in the current
wor-in, director
"% 4elect $ile, &a'e As on the model
F% Enter the new model name in the New Name field in the 4a(e To dialo, box%
G% 8nd a messa,e will a''ear in the ;essa,e Window sain, that the Brawin,
and the Part were co'ied to the new name%
0ie. $#nctions
*.ow can the orientation of the default (iew be chan,ed?
The default model orientation can be redefined b settin, the confi,%'ro o'tions
>x<an,le> and ><an,le> to the desired (alues of the rotation& in de,rees& of the object
about the x and axis% In addition& the model can be sa(ed in user defined orientations
b selectin, 0ie., &a'ed 0ie.s, enterin, a uni:ue (iew name& and then &a'e% The
model can easil be reoriented into the sa(ed (iew orientation b selectin,0ie.,
&a'ed 0ie.s, selectin, the sa(ed (iew name and then &et%
*.ow must Pro/ENGINEER be confi,ured to reco,ni/e a s'aceball?
No confi,uration is re:uired within Pro/ENGINEER in order for a s'aceball to be
reco,ni/ed% If Pro/ENGINEER does not res'ond to the s'aceball& we recommend
contactin, our sstems administrator or hardware (endor for dia,nostics%
*.ow can the :ualit of a shaded model be increased?
The :ualit of the shaded model can be increased be selectin, 0ie., "odel *ispla!,
&ade% 4'ecif the shade :ualit between # and #@E the number " is the default%
Increasin, the shade :ualit to hi,her (alues ma result in an increase in shadin,
time% In addition& &mall s#rfaces ma be chec- mar-ed in order to shade (er small
surfaces& such as round features& which otherwise ma not be shaded unless the model
is /oomed in%
*When a shaded model is s'un& wh does it re(ert bac- to wireframe?
Pro/ENGINEER shaded models will re(ert to wireframe if the machine is not
confi,ured for hardware shadin, ca'abilities% In order to ha(e the model remain
shaded durin, a s'in o'eration& the wor-station must ha(e an a''ro'riate ,ra'hics
card installed& and the >,ra'hics> o'tion in the confi,%'ro file must be set based on the
t'e of wor-station bein, used% Refer to the Hard$are Configuration "otes on
www%'tc%com for s'ecific details%
*.ow can a 'ostscri't file of a shaded model be created?
To create an enca'sulated 'ostscri't !EP4$ file of a shaded model select $ile, E1port,
Image, chan,e the t'e to EP&, and then O-% 4elect Bimensions &i2e& or
Resolution *PI or Image *ept for additional o'tions and finish b selectin, O-%
Refer to the Hard$are Configuration "otes on www%'tc%com for details on EP4
'lotter su''ort%
*Wh aren6t surface features dis'laed when the model is shaded?
When the confi,%'ro o'tion >shade<surface<feat> is set to >no>& surface features will
not be dis'laed when the model is shaded%
*.ow is a color ma' file stored to dis-?
8 user defined color ma' can be stored to dis- b selectin, 0ie., "odel &et#p,
Color Appearances, $ile, &a'e As, and enter te name in the New Name
field in the 4a(e 8s dialo, box% Pro/ENGINEER will create a file called color%ma' in
the current wor-in, director%
*Where does the color%ma' file need to be located in order for Pro/ENGINEER to
reco,ni/e it?
The color ma' file& color%ma'& will be automaticall loaded if it is located in the
director that Pro/ENGINEER is executed from% The confi,uration file o'tion
>'ro<colorma'<'ath> can be used to s'ecif the location of a color ma' file that is not
located in the startu' director%
*.ow man different colors can be defined and stored to the color%ma' file?
The exact number of colors that can be defined will (ar& de'endin, on the t'e of
wor-station and the ,ra'hics card that is bein, used% .i,her end ,ra'hics cards will
t'icall allow a ,reater number of colors to be defined%
*Wh is the 3ransparenc! menu selection not a(ailable?
The trans'arenc functionalit is offered onl with hardware ,ra'hics confi,urations%
Refer to the Hard$are Configuration "otes for other items a(ailable with hardware
,ra'hics confi,urations%
1n machines confi,ured to use hardware ,ra'hics& the trans'arenc functionalit
must be enabled b selectin, 0ie., "odel *ispla!,
&ade, and Enable the 3ransparenc! o'tion%
*When a color is assi,ned to a 'art in 8ssembl mode& wh is the color not reflected
in Part mode?
*olors assi,ned to 'arts in 8ssembl mode do not effect Part mode% This
functionalit allows assembl colors to re'resent a 'roduction o'eration done after
assemblin, the indi(idual 'arts& e%,%& the a''lication of 'aint%
*In 8ssembl mode& wh does the 'art dis'la with a different color than what was
defined in Part mode?
*olors a''lied to com'onents in 8ssembl mode will o(erride colors defined at the
Part le(el% To unset an assembl color& retrie(e the assembl and select 0ie., "odel
&et#p, Color Appearances, Component& select the com'onent in :uestion and
then Unset.
E1ploded 0ie.s%
*Wh does a subassembl ex'lode when the to'Dle(el assembl is ex'loded?
9 default& subassemblies ex'lode when the to'Dle(el assembl is ex'loded% The to'D
le(el assembl can be modified to s'ecif which subassemblies and which 'arts
within the subassembl to ex'lode b selectin, "odif!, "od E1pld, E1pld &tat#s%
4elect 3oggle E1pld from the E7PAB 4T8T+4 menu and 'ic- the com'onents in the
;odel Tree that are not to be ex'loded !chan,in, the (alue to +nex'loded$%
*.ow can ex'loded (iews show the axes of the ex'losion?
This functionalit is not currentl im'lemented in Pro/ENGINEER% .owe(er& datum
axes can be created usin, one of se(eral a(ailable methods% The t'e of datum axis to
use will de'end on the s'ecific situation%
*.ow can an ex'loded (iew be sa(ed to a named (iew?
Ex'loded (iews can be sa(ed to a name b ex'lodin, the assembl& then
selectin, 0ie., &a'ed 0ie.s, and then &a'e a new name% When an ex'loded (iew
name is retrie(ed& the assembl can be unex'loded usin, 0ie., Une1plode%
"isc Operations
*What is the $ile, (or)ing *irector! menu selection used for?
The $ile, (or)ing *irector! menu selection allows the Pro/ENGINEER wor-in,
director to be chan,ed% 8fter selectin, (or)ing *irector!& Pro/ENGINEER allows
na(i,ation throu,h the director tree structure%
*What is the (indo., Open &!stem menu selection used for?
When (indo., Open &!stem is selected& Pro/ENGINEER will execute a sstem
shell% The current wor-in, director for this shell is the Pro/ENGINEER wor-in,
director% The Pro/ENGINEER session will be sus'ended while the sstem window is
acti(e% Exitin, out of the sstem window will allow the Pro/ENGINEER session to
*Wh do the Pro/ENGINEER windows become inaccessible after (indo., Open
&!stem is selected?
The Pro/ENGINEER session will be sus'ended while the sstem window is acti(e%
Exitin, out of the sstem window will allow the Pro/ENGINEER session to continue%
*What is the 3ecnical &#pport Info menu selection used for?
The 3ecnical &#pport Info menu !6*ustomer 4er(ices Info6 in earlier (ersions$
selection will o'en a Pro/ENGINEER information window ,i(in, the acti(e
Pro/ENGINEER confi, IB number& the Re(ision and build of Pro/ENGINEER& and
almost all information about our sstem6s confi,uration% This information is s'ecific
to our site and used b Parametric Technolo, Technical 4u''ort as a means of
determinin, our software confi,uration and licensin,%
*What else does the 3ecnical &#pport Info menu selection 'ro(ide?
The 3ecnical &#pport Info menu selection will o'en a Pro/ENGINEER information
window 'ro(idin, the followin, information5
L 4oftware 2ersion
L *onfi,uration Id
L Pro/ENGINEER load'oint director
L Aicense *onfi,uration !Aoc-ed or Cloatin,$
L 8ll included Pro/ENGINEER o'tions
L ;achine Information
L .ostname
L +sername
L *P+ id
L ;achine t'e& 14 name& release& and (ersion
L Pro/ENGINEER ,ra'hics t'e
L Installation Birectories and *ommand Information
L *onfi,uration Information D *onfi,uration files read
L 8uxiliar 8''lication Information !includes floatin, o'tion information if a(ailable$
This information is s'ecific to our site and used b Parametric Technolo, Technical
4u''ort as a means of determinin, our software confi,uration and licensin,% It is
written to a su''ort%inf file in the current wor-in, director of Pro/ENGINEER%
*What is the Utilities, "ap)e! menu selection used for ?
The Utilities, "ap)e! menu selection is used to create a ma'-e b recordin, a
series of menu 'ic-s and assi,nin, these 'ic-s to a -eboard -e or -es% The created
ma'-e can be stored in the confi,%'ro file for use in other sessions of
Pro/ENGINEER or be s'ecified to be used in the current session onl%
When Utilities, "ap)e! is selected the ;a'-e dialo, box a''ears with the
followin, o'tions%
New D *reate a new ma'-e and startin, recordin, 'ic-s%
;odif D ;odif the hi,hli,hted ma'-e%
Run D Execute the hi,hli,hted ma'-e%
Belete D Belete the hi,hli,hted ma'-e%
4a(e D 4a(e the current ma'-es to a confi,%'ro file%
See the Suggested Technique for Creating !ap,e%s using the !ap,e%
/unctionalit% for #ore infor#ation on the !ap,e% functionalit%
3rail $iles%
*In which director does Pro/ENGINEER create trail files?
Each time Pro/ENGINEER is executed& a trail file is created called trail%txt%nE
where n re'resents the file (ersion number which monotonicall increases with each
new file% 9 default& Pro/ENGINEER trail files are written to the current wor-in,
director% The confi,%'ro o'tion >trail<dir> can be used to s'ecif a director to which
the Pro/ENGINEER trail files are to be written%
*Wh is Pro/ENGINEER unable to execute a trail file with the file name >trail%txt>?
Pro/ENGINEER does not allow trail files to be executed ha(in, the file name
>trail%txt>% The file must be renamed since Pro/ENGINEER creates a new file
>trail%txt> each time the software is executed% Trail files must be in the
format filena#e%txtE where filena#e re'resents a strin, other than >trail>%
*What would cause a trail file to ,o out of se:uence?
There are man 'ossibilities that would lead to a trail file ,oin, out of se:uence%
9efore executin, the trail file& the Pro/ENGINEER en(ironment must be exactl the
same as it was durin, initial creation of the trail file% Cor exam'le& if the trail file
retrie(es a 'art and ma-es modifications to it& the same (ersion of the 'art must reside
in the same location as it was found initiall% In addition& the same confi,%'ro o'tions
must be utili/ed% If& for exam'le& the dis'la of datum 'lanes was modified& this could
cause an out of se:uence error% If a trail file does ,o out of se:uence& the user will be
notified of the line number that could not be executed% To troubleshoot this t'e of
'roblem& co' the ori,inal trail file to a bac-u' name& then edit the ori,inal trail file
b remo(in, all the lines after the one that caused the out of se:uence error% 8lso
remo(e fi(e to se(en lines before the 'oint of failure% 8t this 'oint& rerun the edited
trail file& then manuall wal- throu,h the menu selections b (iewin, the bac-u' trail
file% 9 doin, this& it will be clear what is causin, the 'roblem%
*Is there a wa to force the trail file to sto' after each menu 'ic-?
With the confi,%'ro o'tion >set<trail<sin,le<ste'> set to >es>& a trail file will sto'
after each trail file ste'% Enterin, a carria,e return will allow the trail file to 'roceed%
*Is there a wa to force the trail file to 'ause after each menu 'ic-?
The confi,%'ro o'tion >trail<dela> will force a trail file to 'ause for a s'ecified
number of seconds between trail file ste's% The (alue for the >trail<dela> o'tion is
the dela 'eriod s'ecified in seconds%
&creen 4a!o#t
*.ow can the si/e of the Pro/ENGINEER wor-in, window be controlled?
The default si/e of the Pro/ENGINEER wor-in, window can be controlled usin, the
confi,%'ro o'tion >windows<scale>% The window scalin, factor is s'ecified as the
(alue to the >windows<scale> o'tion ran,in, from @%G to #%@% The default (alue for the
>windows<scale> o'tion is #%@%
Pro/ENGINEER must be restarted in order for modifications to the (alue of
>windows<scale> to a''ear%
*.ow can the fonts used in the Pro/ENGINEER menus be chan,ed?
There are se(eral confi,%'ro o'tions that can be used to chan,e the Pro/ENGINEER
menu fonts%
The confi,uration file o'tion >default<font> o'tion is used to chan,e the font used b
Pro/ENGINEER for items other than the menu bar& menus and their children& and 'o'D
u' menus% Cor +nix machines& this must be the name of a font a(ailable at the 7D
ser(er runnin, Pro/ENGINEER% The >xlsfonts> command can be used to list
a(ailable sstem fonts% The standard default font for +nix sstems is hel(etica&
re,ular&#)% The standard fonts for Windows NT and Windows JG are inherited from
the sstem settin,s made with the *ontrol Panel% The >default<font> format should
default_font na#e0 st%le0 point)si1e
4'aces are acce'table and the (alues ma be in an order% Exam'le5
default_font courier, italic, 12
In addition& the confi,uration file o'tions >menu<font> and >'o'u'hel'<font> can be
used to se'aratel control the font of the menus and 'o'Du' screens% Pro/ENGINEER
must be restarted in order for these modifications to a''ear%
*.ow can the default location of the Pro/ENGINEER wor-in, window be chan,ed?
Pro/ENGINEER does not currentl allow the default location of the Pro/ENGINEER
wor-in, window to be redefined& howe(er the scale of the wor-in, window can be
modified usin, the confi,%'ro o'tion>windows<scale>%
*Is it 'ossible to 're(ent the second column of menus from o(erla''in, the
Pro/ENGINEER wor-in, window?
With the confi,%'ro o'tion >menu<hori/ontal<hint> set to >ri,ht>& Pro/ENGINEER
will 'lace the second column of menus to the ri,ht of the 'rimar menus i%e% the
EN2IR1N;ENT menu will a''ear to the ri,ht of the ;8IN menu instead of
o(erla''in, the Pro/ENGINEER wor-in, window% 9e aware that the wor-in,
window ma re:uire a scalin, factor usin, the confi,%'ro o'tion >windows<scale> to
'ro(ide am'le screen s'ace for the secondar menus to be dis'laed%
Pro/ENGINEER must be restarted in order for modifications to the (alue of
>menu<hori/ontal<hint> to a''ear%
*.ow can a se'arate icon be made of each indi(idual wor-in, window rather than
iconifin, the entire Pro/ENGINEER session?
With the confi,%'ro o'tion >iconif<entire<'ro> set to >no>& indi(idual wor-in,
windows can be iconified% The default (alue for >iconif<entire<'ro> is >es>%
*What would cause a ma'-e to not wor- 'ro'erl when it is executed?
The ma'-e functionalit allows a series of Pro/ENGINEER menu selections and
-eboard in'ut to be executed b a -eboard command% If a ma'-e will not execute
'ro'erl& chec- the followin,5
#% If the ma'-e was defined durin, a session of Pro/ENGINEER& (erif
that the confi,%'ro file has been loaded into the Pro/ENGINEER session
usin, Utilities, Preferences...

)% 2erif that the ma'-e sntax has been s'ecified correctl in confi,%'ro%

"% 2erif that the first menu selection defined in the ma'-e is dis'laed in
an acti(e Pro/ENGINEER menu%

F% 2erif that each Pro/ENGINEER menu selection that the ma'-e is
callin, is not >,raed out>% In other words& a ma'-e will fail if a menu
selection can not be interacti(el 'ic-ed with the mouse 'ointer%

G% 2erif that the definition of the ma'-e in confi,%'ro does not exceed ?@
characters% It if does& continue it to the next line usin, a >M> at the end
and then continue the definition on the next line%
*Where is the ma'-e functionalit documented?
The ma'-e functionalit is documented in the Pro/HELP Online
Docu#entation0 under the to'ic To Define 2our O$n !ap,e%s%
*Is there a limitation in the number of characters that can be included in a ma'-e?
8ll lines in confi,%'ro are limited to ?@ characters% ;a'-es containin, man
characters ma be nested to,ether to define a sin,le o'eration5

Refer to the Pro/HELP Online documentation for further information%
*.ow can a ma'-e be defined to turn datums on and off?
The dis'la of datum 'lanes is a to,,le function in Pro/ENGINEER% 1ne ma'-e is
used to to,,le the dis'la5

!3P4E2 dt# 5E"678O"!E"T9 5Disp Dt#Pl
1r& as of Release )@& there is a Toolbar icon which can be unselected for each of the
datum features%
*Wh are ma'-es not reco,ni/ed in the confi,%su' file?
1nl the first ma'-e defined in confi,%su' will be reco,ni/ed in Pro/ENGINEER&
'er the definition of confi,%su'%
**an -eboard function -es be used in a ma'-e?
Cunction -es ma be used for ma'-es and should be defined as follows5

!3P4E2 :/; 5/E3TU8E0 5C8E3TE0 5COS!ET7C0 5S4ETCH0 5"O <H3TCH0
The >N> si,n tells Pro/ENGINEER that C) is the function -e >C)> and not the al'haD
numeric characters >C> >)>% Cor NT machines& C#@ is 'redefined as an NT utilit and
cannot be defined for a ma'-e% Cor more information refer to the Pro/.EAP 1nline
*.ow can a ma'-e call another ma'-e?
8 ma'-e ma execute another ma'-e% This is called nestin, ma'-es5
!3P4E2 para# 5set up9 5para#eters9
!3P4E2 string =para#9 5part9 5create9 5string9
This exam'le has the first ma'-e >'aram> ma-in, the menu selections to shade the
model% The second ma'-e >strin,>
executes the first ma'-e >'aram>& defined b O'aram& and then creates a strin,
'arameter% Cor more information refer to the Pro/HELP Online Docu#entation
*.ow can -eboard in'ut be included in a ma'-e?
=eboard in'ut can be entered durin, the execution of a ma'-e b selectin, Pa#se
for -e!board Inp#t durin, the ma'-e creation% Then& when ma-in, the menu
selections that will be included in the ma'-e& Pa#se must be selected to allow the
ma'-e to sto'& so that -eboard in'ut ma be entered% Cor exam'le& to create a
ma'-e that will automaticall create a new 'art& with a userDdefined name& consistin,
of a default set of datum 'lanes& refer to the Suggested Technique for Creating
!ap,e%s using the !ap,e% /unctionalit% In this case& the ma'-e would 'ause and
wait for the user to in'ut the name of the model& then continue on after the user
'resses the Res#me button to create the default datum 'lanes%
**an a ma'-e 'rom't for a screen 'ic-& then continue?
8 ma'-e ma 'rom't for a screen 'ic-& howe(er it cannot continue once the
selection has been made% 8n alternati(e techni:ue is to define a second ma'-e which
will continue once the screen selection has been made%
C#stomi2ing men#s #sing
*Where is there detailed documentation on the menu<def%'ro file?
Betailed documentation can be located in the Suggested Technique for Custo#i1ing
Pro/E">7"EE8 #enus using #enu)defpro %
*Where does Pro/ENGINEER loo- for menu<def%'ro files?
4imilar to confi,%'ro& menu<def%'ro file can reside in an of " directories%
*.ow can a menu 'ic- be remo(ed from a menu?
The default Pro/ENGINEER menu selections ma not be modified or remo(ed%
*Wh doesn6t a menu<def%'ro menu selection wor- when it is 'ic-ed?
If the added menu selection aborts 'rematurel& chec- the followin,5

#% If the menu<def%'ro file was created within the Pro/ENGINEER session&
Pro/ENGINEER must be restarted in order for the modification to be

)% 2erif that the menu sntax has been s'ecified correctl in

"% 2erif that the first menu selection defined in menu<def%'ro is dis'laed
in an acti(e Pro/ENGINEER menu%

F% 2erif that the each Pro/ENGINEER menu selection that added menu
selection is callin, is not >,raed out>& in other words& an added menu
selection will fail if a menu selection can not be interacti(el 'ic-ed with
the mouse 'ointer%

G% 2erif that the definition of the menu selection in menu<def%'ro does not
exceed ?@ characters%
*.ow can a new menu selection be 'laced at the to' of a menu?
8ll menu<def%'ro menu additions will be dis'laed in the bottom of the tar,et menu%
*.ow can menu<def%'ro be used to create a new menu?
8 menu<def%'ro will not allow a new menu to be created% 1nl new menu selections
can be added to existin, menus%
$amil! 3ables
*.ow can the names of famil table items !features& dimensions$ be chan,ed so that
the names that a''ear in the column headin,s are more descri'ti(e?
To chan,e the name of a feature& select &et Up, Name, $eat#re, select the feature&
then enter the new name for the feature% To modif dimensions& select "odif!, *im
Cosmetics, &!mbol& then enter in the smbol to re'lace the dimension smbol& >dP>%
*Is there a limit to the number of rows and/or columns that can be included in a
famil table?
There is no limit to the number of rows and/or columns that can be included in a
famil table% The si/e of the dialo, box ma ha(e to be ex'anded& in order to see a
lar,e number of rows and/or columns at one time%
*.ow can ne,ati(e dimension (alues be entered in a famil table?
In order to enter ne,ati(e (alues& the dimension smbol must be 'receded b a >N>
si,n when added to the famil table%
*What does it mean to ha(e nested instances?
Nested instances refer to instances created within other instances%
*What are %'td and %idx files? *an the be deleted?
8 %'td file is a text file containin, all the information found in the famil table&
includin, all instance names and their current (alues% The %'td file is created b
selectin, $ile, E1port 3able& and selectin, Pro/T89AE as the t'e of file to ex'ort%
This file is not re:uired for 'art retrie(al and can be deleted% .owe(er& the %'td file
can be used to edit the famil table outside of Pro/ENGINEER% If an instance is
deleted b modifin, the %'td file& subse:uent retrie(al of the ,eneric will as- the user
if he or she wishes to clean u' the famil table& at which 'oint an modifications
made to the %'td file will be reflected in the internal famil table% In addition& as soon
as the ,eneric is stored& the internall stored famil table will ta-e 'recedence o(er the
local %'td file& if one exists in the current director% When a ,eneric 'art is retrie(ed in
a director where an external %'td file resides& the external file will ta-e 'recedence
o(er the internall stored famil table% The name of the 'td file will alwas ha(e the
same 'refix as the name of the ,eneric 'art% The %idx file is an instance index file and
contains a list of all current instances within a director% Burin, object retrie(al
usin, $ile, Open& all instances will be listed in the menu structure if the %idx file is
'resent in the current wor-in, director% The default name of all instance index files
will be 0director<name3%idx%
*What should be done if a re,eneration failure is encountered durin, 0erif!?
If a re,eneration failure is encountered durin, (erification of one of the instances&
retrie(e the ,eneric 'art and modif the dimensions of the ,eneric to those of the
instance that failed% 8t that 'oint& the reason for the re,eneration failure of the
instance can be determined%
*.ow can the listin, of all instances be 're(ented from a''earin, in the menus when
retrie(in, an object usin, $ile, Open?
To 're(ent all instances from showin, in the Pro/ENGINEER menu structure& delete
the instance index file& or set >menu<show<instances> to >no> in confi,%'ro%
*.ow can a 'art or assembl instance be added to a Pro/ENGINEER drawin, as a
drawin, model?
To add an instance as a drawin, model& the instance must be s'ecified from the
director tree& either b usin, the %idx file or usin, the In &ession button%
*What ha''ens to the ,eneric and all other instances if features are created on a 'art
or assembl instance?
When a feature is created on an instance& the new feature is automaticall 'laced in
the famil table and will be su''ressed in the ,eneric and all other instances%
*In an assembl famil table& how can com'onents be re'laced with other 'art
instances from the same famil table?
In order to re'lace assembl com'onents usin, an assembl famil table& enter the
name of the 'art instance in the famil table cell& instead of enterin, 6 or N%
*.ow can 'art features and dimensions be controlled b an assembl famil table?
To control 'art features and dimensions from an assembl famil table5
#% *reate a 'art instance with the desired (alues%
)% 8dd the com'onent to the assembl famil table%
"% Re'lace the ,eneric 'art with the a''ro'riate 'art instance%
Parent Cild Relationsips
*What is meant b a 'arentDchild relationshi'?
When a feature is created in Pro/ENGINEER& dimensional and ,eometric references
are created% These references& whether the are ed,es& surfaces& or (ertices& will
belon, to other features that alread exist on the model% When such a reference is
established& this is referred to as a 'arentDchild relation% The newl created feature is
now considered a child of an feature that contains an entit that was used as a
**an a feature ha(e more than one 'arent?
Kes& a feature can ha(e more than one 'arent% Cor exam'le& if a cut is created in such
a wa that the s-etchin, 'lane chosen was a surface on the base feature and then the
cross section of the cut has a dimension that defines a distance from a datum 'lane&
both the datum 'lane and the base feature are considered 'arents of the cut%
**an a feature ha(e more than one child?
Kes& a feature can ha(e more than one child% It is not uncommon for the first feature
of a model to ha(e do/ens of children% Cor exam'le& if a default set of datum 'lanes is
the first set of features created on a model& all subse:uent ,eometr will be children of
one or more of these datum 'lanes% The initial feature will t'icall use two of the
datum 'lanes for references& one as a s-etchin, 'lane and one as (ertical or hori/ontal
reference% In addition& an feature that uses this newl created feature as a reference
will now become a child of the the datum 'lanes that are the 'arents of the first
*What will ha''en to a child if a 'arent is deleted or su''ressed?
If a feature containin, children is selected to be deleted or su''ressed&
Pro/ENGINEER will hi,hli,ht the child in blue and as- for an action to be ta-en%
Without the 'arent& the child will not ha(e a com'lete set of references and will not be
able to re,enerate% Therefore& when attem'tin, to delete or su''ress a 'arent& the child
must be rerouted& deleted !or su''ressed$& or sus'ended% These o'tions will be listed
in the *.IAB menu& which will a''ear automaticall when attem'tin, to delete or
su''ress a feature with children%
*.ow can a list of all 'arents and/or children of a s'ecific feature be obtained?
In order to obtain a com'lete list of 'arents or children of a 'articular feature&
select Info, Parent/Cild% 8t that 'oint& a 'rom't will a''ear as-in, if information on
'arents or children is desired% 1nce this selection is made& select the desired feature&
and the information will be dis'laed%
*.ow can Pro/T89AE be utili/ed without runnin, Pro/ENGINEER?
Pro/T89AE is a standDalone 'ro,ram that can be in(o-ed without usin,
Pro/ENGINEER% To execute a session of Pro/T89AE from a command line& t'e in
the command >'rotab>% This allows some tables& such as sheetmetal bend tables& to be
edited outside of Pro/ENGINEER%
*.ow can the width of the Pro/T89AE columns be modified?
The width of a Pro/T89AE column can be chan,ed b selectin, $ormat from the
Pro/T89AE menu% 8ll of the columns can be chan,ed b selectin, Global (idt& or
some of the columns can be chan,ed b selectin, Col#mn (idt and hi,hli,htin,
the desired cells% In order to reset the column width bac- to the default (alue&
select $ormat, Reset (idt%
*8fter usin, Pro/T89AE& wh does sstem s'eed decrease?
8fter utili/in, a session of Pro/T89AE& the si/e of the buffer used to write data to the
trail file will increase% If the trail files are bein, written across an NC4 mount& i%e%& if
the Pro/ENGINEER startu' director is a shared file sstem that has been mounted
across the networ-& there ma be a noticeable decrease in sstem s'eed% To sol(e this&
set the confi,%'ro o'tion >trail<dir> to a director that is local to the Pro/ENGINEER
client machine%
Is there a limit on the number of rows and columns that can be used in the Pro/T89AE
There is no limit as to the number of columns and rows that can be used in
*The Pro/;E*.8NI*8 motion analsis run fails
Pro/;E*.8NI*8 ;otion re:uires to install a ;icrosoft * com'iler on our sstem%
;ost li-el ou just for,ot to set the ;;<*<.1;E en(ironment (ariable after the
installation% In order to a(oid an unnecessar slowdown of our machine& wasted
harddis- s'ace etc% users of other *Dcom'ilers or users which do not 'ro,ram * at all
mi,ht want to co' the >bin>& >lib> and >include> directories from a collea,ue ha(in,
a com'lete installation%
Bon6t for,et to order/re,ister our co' at BI4TRIA1G& as each license must be
re,istered with the 4I*%
Exam'le !usin, the ;4 2isual *QQ default 'athE include in autoexec%bat$5
4ET ;;<*<.1;ER>*5MPro,ram CilesM;icrosoft 2isual 4tudioM2*J?>
!+nder WinNT/)@@@ ou mi,ht want to use the >En(ironment 2ariables> dialo,$
*The 6inte,rated mode6 does not wor-& i%e% when selectin, 6;echanica6 in the
68''lications6 menu onl the CE;Dmode is accesible& and 6;otion6 does not wor-%
8 'ossible reason D besides a missin, license D is a misconfi,ured en(ironment
(ariable% Kou need to set or correct ;E*.<.1;E which contains the 'ath to our
Pro/;E*.8NI*8 executable%
Exam'le !include in autoexec%bat$5
4ET ;E*.<.1;ERB5M'romech)@@@i)MiF?H<nt
!+nder WinNT/)@@@ ou mi,ht want to use the >En(ironment 2ariables> dialo,$
?parts of the faq are -C. PTC@

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