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Joydeep Saha 2341 Portland Street, Los Angeles, California, 90007

LinkedIn: Phone: +1 805 900 0714 E-Mail:
Seeking a challenging Entry-level position for Spring 2015 Co-Op/Full Time in ASIC Design/Verification.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Graduation Date: May 2015
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering GPA : 3.3/4
Courses: Computer Systems and Organization (EE457), VLSI
System Design (EE 577A), Advanced Computer Systems
Architecture(EE 557), Operating Systems (CS 402), VLSI System
Design and Verification (EE577B)
Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM)
August 2008-Sept 2012
West Bengal University of Technology, India
GPA : 4/4
ww Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication
ASIC and Physical Design / Verification Projects with RTL Coding and Scripting/(Gluing Languages) .
Title: 16 bit ALU implementation and Verification using System C October 2014
Given two 16 bit inputs from the test module via input channels, based on 4bit wide third input ALU operations were done
in alu_calc module to produce 16bit output. The output was send through the output interface to the sink module.
Title: TCAM-based Routing Table design for returning destination network address of any given IP address based on longest
prefix match with 32 locations deep Cache Table (Scripting: Python) October 2014
Cache with LRU replacement policy was involved to store the historical data like network address.
Title: LIFO design with Block of Words, 16 location deep, 8 bit wide,500Mhz clock(Tool: NCSim HDL: Verilog) October 2014
Received words were in reordered during writing by reversing block of data. Design was synthesized and ensured time slack
was met. Post Synthesis Verification done.
Title: Design and Verification of FIFO with post synthesis simulation (Tool: NCSim HDL: Verilog) October 2014
Implementation of synchronous FIFO with Width and Depth Expansion (clock 500Mhz).
Implementation of 2 clock FIFO. Double synchronization performed to handle meta-stability issues. Post Synthesis Verification
was done and ensured it met time slack.
Title: 4-input LRU based fairest arbiter to arbitrate between multiple requestors. September 2014
Its based on mealy design which takes in four requests who compete for shared resources but generates one grant. The priorities
are updated after the positive edge of the clock and new priorities are used to process the input requests in the next clock cycle.

Title: Automated Cyclic Redundancy Check Verilog code and Test Bench Generator (Lang: Python) August 2014
With size of data input and CRC check polynomial as an raw input randomly set by user our Python script
auto generates Verilog code for CRC simulation and synthesis along with relevant testbench.

Title: Design of General Purpose Multiprocessor (Simulator: Cadence Virtuoso, Scripting Lang: Python) May 2014
Designed 64bit CPU, Area: 500 um x 196 um, Clock Period: 1.5ns, adapted to perform basic instructions like Add, Divide,
AND, OR, XOR , Store Word, Load Word Maximum Clock Frequency 3ns. Static Timing Analysis, DRC Check and LVS match,
Routing FloorPlanning and Placement, Manual as Automatic Routing.
Title: 1Kb SRAM Design (Simulator: Cadence, Scripting Lang: Perl) March 2014
PERL script for vector file generation and cadence Simulation of SRAM, Functional Verification Designed the schematic, Static
Timing Analysis, DRC Check and LVS match, Routing Floor Planning and Placement.

Title: 32 BIT MIPS - 5 stage Pipelined Processor design (Tool : Modelsim, Lang: Verilog) November 2013
Implemented the code in RTL and analysis of the design was performed.
Stall and complete forwarding implemented

Coding Projects (Language: C , Version Control: GitHub, Debugger: GDB) July 2014
1. Developed an efficient doubly-linked circular list library in C which is used in storing and generating bank transactions for
generating bank statements.
2. Simulated a traffic shaper who transmits packets controlled by a token bucket filter using multi-threading within a single
process, Used Pthread library(POSIX), Implemented signal handling.
3. Battle Ship Game, Grade letter publisher and Shopping Cart Builder implementation using Python[CodeAcademy]
Professional Experience:
Cognizant Technology Solutions Private Limited [Link] December 2012-August 2013
Served as a Programmer Analyst for this Fortune 500 enlisted software giant. Trained on programming language C.

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