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• by Fendy Sutandio

Anyone experienced in helping students in any on-line mathematic

and homework help forum are destined to see questions like "why
should we learn this?" and "are we going to use this in real world?"
asked several times by different
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by Sherry H. Bowen
Galileo summed it all up when he concluded "Mathematics is the
alphabet with which God has created the universe." Sounds
complicated? Well, math isn't. Have you ever tried to get through
one day without using math? How about
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by Arjun Wadhwa
Math is used in every country and it is used everyday to construct
bridges, build technology, planning for a vacation, savings,
preparing budgets, saving money, calculating taxes, and much

In high school many students might

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by Sandra Petersen
"Why have students drill the multiplication tables or addition facts
when they will have access to calculators and computers?"
I heard this question posed by a college professor who was
teaching us how to best educate elementary-aged
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by Kristine Cuer
I will not say that I could solve a math problem in 30 seconds or all
those geeky/nerdy people could possibly do. But I'd rather choose
Math over any other subjects for the sole reason that I hate to
memorize. And Mathematics
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by Julius Albert Custodio
Out of all subjects being taught in school, math gets majority of the
flak from students for being too difficult to understand.
Personally, I find mathematics fascinating. It's not that I'm a math
geek or anything like that, I
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by Steve Holder
Sometimes, kids say that they don't need to know math because
they have a calculator. OK, bright boys and girls, break out your
calculators. In these everyday problems, your calculator can't help
you if you don't know your math.
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by Tanu Bhandari
Numbers are invariably used by all of us, all the time throughout
our life. Study of mathematics and science is always encouraged
in schools across globe. Mathematics not only helps in
technological advancements but also helps
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by Can Tran
I myself was never a fan of mathematics. But, I learned that
mathematics has many real world applications. Like it or not, you
have to have at least some knowledge and proficiency in
mathematics to advance in life. I had always
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by Shawn Schafer
So its safe to assume nearly everyone has heard students ask
"Well when am I actually going to use this?" in reference to math
and other school subjects. Well let us examine just how math is
used in the "real world"
Upon stepping
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by Cynthia Harlan
Do you spend money; earn money; save money? Do you want to
bake a cake or make a dress? Do you want to build something,
draw something or tear something down?
No matter what you do you are always using math. Math is used
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by Kenneth Schortgen Jr
There is an assumption that the primary use of mathematics is in
the fields of engineering, but in fact, students and young adults fail
in the most basic, and most important function of math...
And that is of money.
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by Ethel Smith
As a child of the fifties I was taught mathematics in a traditional
way. Every week we would have a mental arithmetic session as
part of our math lesson, which I believe is what has enabled me all
these years later to make calculations
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by Elaine Arthur
Pity the high school student who never grasps the relationship
between fraction, decimal and percent. With social promotion and
the dumbing-down of the mathematics curriculum, it is all too great
a likelihood that a student could
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by Monica Frede
I was that average high school student sitting in the back row,
center seat during algebra class every afternoon at 2:00. You
know the type, if you were not the type yourself. I watched the
clock intensely, slumped down in my
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by Maddy Dolly
Math is a subject where the basics of addition, subtraction, dividing
and multiplying are a little easier because they are reinforced and
taught in almost any math problem, simple or complex. It is when
you get to Algerbra and
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by Dawn A. Vogel
My fiance is in art school; it seems odd that he has to take a math
class. But I think he may have stumbled upon the one useful math
class that the world has ever known. I helped him with his
homework last night because he was
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by John Cane
As a former math teacher I was faced with this at least once per
class. So if you are a teacher there is an easy answer that brings
the student back into focus. You can have that students calculator
out doing real life math is
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by Daniel G. O'Leary
From the very first second each of us opens our eyes in the
morning, we are using math. It's essential for survival, for living, for
learning, for progressing, for communicating. Our minds never stop
calculating, brilliantly
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by James Boyd
How math is used in the real world, despite what students say

Are math skills necessary to function effectively in the real world?

Of course you will keep better track of things and use your money
more efficiently if you can understand
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• by Dawn Sundene
Mathematics is certainly utilitarian. I completely agree with anyone
and everyone who understands how necessary math is in the
everyday world, not only for relatively simple things such as
balancing a checkbook or figuring out
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by Joy Baldwin
I would be hard pressed to think of a day in the last year when I did
not use math in some form, unless you count the day I was sick in
bed with the nasty head cold. That day doesn't really count though,
because I had to figure
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by Prodigal Samurai
Math, just like languages is one of the most vital subject required
for survival. Without a strong knowledge of math in this new day
and age, life would be very difficult. A lot of students complain
about math i.e. its difficulty
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by Bob Schmidt
In spite of what some students say, math is an essential in the real
world. Without the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide man
would be living in the stone age once again.
More complex mathematics have made possible
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by Orville Davis
Math. Oh the wondrous glory of it all. I remember the days of high
school when I finally got to Algebra 1 and thought, "OK, what's
going on here. How in the world can I multiply 6 by Y?"
I remember struggling through my freshman
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by Marcia J
While sitting in a classroom, learning algebra and geometry, it is
hard for many students to imagine how the information will ever be
relevant in real life. I was one of those students. Since I finished
high school I have been
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by Jonesy
Well where do I begin. Or more to the point where would I end up
when it comes to 'How math is used in the real world'. The thing is
there is no end point, as there is an unlimited amount of examples
I could use to explain where
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by Will Kester
When your children say things like, "I hate school. All we learn is
dumb, useless stuff, that's boring and hard," they're expressing
what many students say, but few really believe. Well, the "boring
and hard" part may be real
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by Paul Bennington
It is very easy to think that a lot of the maths that we are taught at
school will never be any use in the real world. This is possibly true
of some of the more complicated advanced maths taught at higher
grades, such as differentiation
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