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Advertising and marketing have become an essential part of the business world. If you
have a good product or an efficient service to offer, you need to master the art of selling it!
While some of the advertising agencies might stick to the conventional advertising methods,
most of the leading players are resorting to the fresh and modern advertising methods. There
is a new cult of modern advertisers who are experimenting with ideas that are truly modern
and innovative!
There are different types of advertising and advertising techniues that are available
for promoting products and services. !owever, here are some of the latest and hottest trends
in advertising that are gaining popularity. "eople are now looking for new types of
advertising appeals. #any of the new$age advertising methods are a result of the advent of
the Internet, while some of the trends are %ust novel ideas that have transformed mundane
advertising media into brilliant and witty advertising methods
The crescendo of celebrities endorsing brands has been steadily increasing over the
past &' years or so. #arketers overtly acknowledge the power of celebrity in influencing
buyer(s purchase decision. They have firm believe that likeability or a favorable attitude
towards a brand is created by the use of a celebrity. The crores of rupees spent per year on
celebrity endorsement contracts show that celebrities like Amitabh )achchan, *harukh khan
and *achin Tendulkar play an important role for the advertising industry. It is an established
fact that celebrity endorsement can bestow uniue features or special attributes upon a
product that it may have lacked otherwise
The modern world of marketing communication has become colorful and inundated with
advertisements, and it is hard to get noticed. It is an uphill task for the designer of an
advertising campaign to differentiate itself from others and attract viewers+ attention.
A person well$known in a society can have greater impact than a celebrity of a
different world. If the endorser and receiver have similar needs, goals, interests and lifestyles,
the position advocated by the brand communication is better understood and received.
*imilarity is also used to create a situation where the consumer feels empathy for the person
shown in the commercial. The attitude of customer is continuously changing and there is need
to identify the effectiveness of the celebrity advertisement.
,sing a celebrity in advertising or for any, other type of communication for brand building is
likely to positively affect customers( brand preference, brand attitude, brand association and
purchase intentions. To ensure positive results, however, it is critical for advertisers to have a
clear understanding of customer(s reactions and reinforcement of celebrity endorsement. The
impact of celebrity endorsement on any brand as well as on customer(s purchase decision is
very critical. This is the reason for this analysis.
Pri!ry O"#$%&i'$:
To know the effectiveness of -elebrity based advertisement on the purchase
attitude of customers.
S$%on(!ry O"#$%&i'$
To know about the customer+s perception towards the celebrity advertisement
To know about whether the customers are convinced by the advertisement
R$s$!r%) ($si*n
.andom sampling has been resorted to. The focus was on the behavioral pattern and the
impact of celebrity endorsements on the purchase attitude of the consumers towards products.
S!p+$ D$si*n
"robabilistic sampling design has been used to conduct the research.
S!p+in* Uni&
*ampling unit is the basic unit containing the elements of a target population. The
sampling unit of the study is only the viewers of advertisement in -oimbatore -ity
S!p+$ Si,$
The study contains a sample si/e of 0'' viewers of advertisement in -oimbatore -ity.
P$rio( O- S&.(y
The time period of the study is 0 months. Within the 1 months all research works
would have been completed.
S!p+in* T$%)ni/.$s
.andom sampling is adopted as sampling techniue.
D!&! Co++$%&ion M$&)o(
The data was collected from both primary and secondary sources.
Pri!ry D!&!
The primary data has been collected through uestionnaires. "rimary data were
collected through uestionnaire survey.
S$%on(!ry D!&!
*econdary data from related %ournals and publications.
Too+s Us$( For D!&! An!+ysis
"ercentage Analysis
2espite the obvious economic advantage of using relatively unknown personalities as
endorsers in advertising campaigns, the choice of celebrities to fulfill that role has become
common practice for brands competing in today(s cluttered media environment. There are
several reasons for such extensive use of celebrities. )ecause of their high profile, celebrities
may help advertisements stand out from the surrounding clutter, thus improving their
communicative ability. -elebrities may also generate extensive ". leverage for brands. A
brief assessment of the current market situation indicates, that %$+$"ri&y $n(ors$$n&
advertising strategies can, under the right circumstances, indeed %ustify the high costs
associated with this form of advertising.

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