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Globalization Theory

People are the most interesting because life events, cultures, and personal preferences
shape their lives. The melding of different minds, abilities, and traditions are what make the
world globalized. It seems that proper evolution of mankind would be intermixing but there are
some nations and people that dont see it that way. The essay will scrutinize on globalization
theory. There are several authors who embarked on a conversation about such matters: Foer,
Appiah and Fagan. The next section briefly discusses their views.
In this reading How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of
Globalization, Foer uses Soccer to address larger issues beyond its fans, its players, and
strategies (page 641). The national pastime of the world with the exception of the United States
is soccer (Foer, page 644). Whenever a tournament takes place there isnt an international
television set that is not tuned in except for the United States. When the Olympics are airing
that's when the Americans become excited about soccer because there are awards such as the
gold medal. The medals which are usually a symbol of honor and achievement can also be seen
as bragging rights that one nation was better than another. With that being said, Foers notion
that soccer can explain globalization makes sense. Foer says that the major question of his essay
on how soccer can be used to explain the world is cultural and states that the innovation of the
anti-globalization left is its embrace of traditionalism: its worry that global tastes and brand will
steamroll (page 645). The fact that Americans distance themselves from an event that the world
cherishes draws a line in the sand. Even the terminology used between America and the world
concerning soccer is different. Internationally the term is futbol; only in America is it called
soccer. This is because America already has a game of football. No one wants to confuse the
gridiron past time of slamming into your opponent and making a touchdown, with simply

running down a field and kicking a ball into a goal. Foer states soccer evokes many of the same
passions wherever it is played, but these passions manifest in terms of the unique culture in
which a club is positioned (page 641-44). Appiah addresses the same concept of globalization
but from the viewpoint of give and take concerning cultures.
In a healthy relationship both parties are required to engage in the give and take
process. This means that compromises are made on most issues, truly personal issues are allowed
to remain, and both parties can be mutually compensated. There are no nations that exist in our
present world that can operate outside the global market system. In order for business
transactions to take place two different parties must meet, get to know each other, set up business
operation terms, and then profits are produced but not before. The term profits can be transferred
to another category besides money. This category is global human interaction. The nations and
cultures of the world will continue to link up and meld into each other. There is no way to stop
the process. Instead of thinking about a stop-gap the viewpoint should be a healthy international-
domestic relationship. It was previously stated that mutual benefits are not always the goal of
nations or people and the next section will briefly discuss that point.
In the essay Globalization and Culture: Placing Ireland, Fagan says if an Ireland
did not already exist, globalization theory would have to invent it. This is not the place to argue
that Ireland did and does exist and that it has a long colonial history. Fagan sees Ireland as an art
among nations that enables questions around the table. He uses Ireland as a metaphor to
deconstruct the opposition between nationalism and globalization. Fagans argument is that
Ireland, though often devoted by those who would buy in totally to the ideology of globalization.
Many social groups in Ireland, many women especially, have always contested the smug
conservative self-serving myths of Irish nationalism. Post nationalist accounts that imply that we

have moved into a sea of tranquility where all conflict will be peacefully resolved in Brussels or
Washington are also problematic. This means that on top of everything Irish literature has been
playing a big role by the fictions of globalization. By fictions of globalization, I mean both the
literature of globalization and also criticism theory.
The fear associated with globalization is the possibility of losing oneself within the
group. There is a balance that must be achieved both now and in the future where individual
culture and shared community coexist and are beneficial to each other. Hard work, cooperation,
and open mindedness are the first steps.

Works Cited
Greene and Lidinsky, From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader.. 2nd ed. 388-403.
Bedford St. Martins: 2012. Print.
Kwame Anthony Appiah, Moral Disagreement, pp. 656-666
Franklin Foer, How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization, pp. 639-
G. Honor Fagan, Globalization and Culture: Placing Ireland, Annals of the American Academy
of Political and Social Science , Vol. 581, Globalization and Democracy (May, 2002) , pp. 133-
143. Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. in association with the American Academy of
Political and Social Science. Article Stable URL:

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