Theme Study

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Theme Study

YEAR: 12
Unit Standard Being Assessed: Unit 8823 Investigate a theme across an
inclusive range of selected texts (Level 2) 4 credits
Perfrman!e Criteria
Element 1: Select and read an inclusive range of wov te!ts related to a
t"eme# and maintain a record of t"e reading e!$erience
Element 2: %nvestigate a t"eme in te!ts and $resent t"e outcomes of t"e
Students will develo$ t"eme studies 'ased on a range of selected te!ts&
(ou will com$lete wor) in class and for "omewor)& (our teac"er will guide *ou on
"ow muc" time *ou "ave for t"is tas)&
Resur!e re'uirements:
+esources $rovided lin)ed to t"e unit $lan: e!em$lars ,# -# .# /# E and 01
assessment sc"edule 2as indicated in t"e unit $lan3&
Pssi()e )!a) ada*tatin:
4"ere local ada$tations are made# teac"ers and sc"ools s"ould ensure t"at t"e*
5 c"ec)ed t"at t"e ada$ted assessment validl* assesses t"e standard1
5 c"ec)ed t"e co$*rig"t status of an* material im$orted into t"e assessment
5 com$lied wit" all internal and e!ternal 6ualit* assurance re6uirements&
7art of *our Englis" $rogramme mig"t focus on $articular t"emes s"ared '*
te!ts& .om$lete *our own investigation into a selected t"eme using te!ts *ou
"ave c"osen& (ou ma* also incor$orate te!ts studied in class& 8verall *ou will
read si! te!ts including at least two written te!ts# two visual te!ts# and one oral
te!t& 9"e si!t" te!t can 'e written# oral or visual&
(ou will com$lete log entries on eac" te!t# write a re$ort on *our findings ma)ing
connections 'etween te!ts& (ou will com$lete reading and log entries in class
and at "ome& 9"e re$ort will 'e com$leted in class&
,s *ou wor) t"roug" *our t"eme stud* *ou will 'e guided '* e!am$les from
various t"eme studies& (ou ma* not re$eat t"is s$ecific material in *our own
wor) alt"oug" *ou can incor$orate te!ts mentioned# using different e!am$les
and comments&
9"e investigation ma* include te!ts c"osen as $art of *our individual wide
reading $rogramme 2Level 2 unit standard 12:;< Read an inclusive variety of
written and record the reading experience3
Tas+ 1: Se)e!ting A Theme
(our teac"er will identif* a t"eme *ou will e!$lore as a class in several of t"e
te!ts *ou will stud* t"is *ear& 9"is t"eme will t"en 'e t"e focus for *our own
investigation in te!ts selected '* *ou& ,s well as loo)ing at t"e t"eme in eac"
te!t *ou s"ould also e!$lore connections 'etween t"e te!ts& (ou could $re$are
for t"eme stud* '* reading te!ts featuring t"is t"eme as $art of *our wide
reading $rogramme&

Eg A sense of perspective
An English department decided on a broad thematic approach as part of their
Year 1 English programme! Each class explored a sense of perspective theme
in several different contexts" examining central characters perspectives towards
particular experiences! #heme studies completed by individual classes included$
'osing or gaining
a challenge (eg pioneering
life in early )ew *ealand+
growing up (eg in )ew
*ealand" or in any setting+
a change
Tas+ 2: Chsing Te,ts
a) (our teac"er will select several of t"e te!ts w"ic" *our class will e!amine to
introduce t"e t"eme stud*&
Yu -i)) a)s !hse te,ts )in+ed t the theme. Yu !u)d in!)ude:
-ritten te,ts# suc" as fiction# world literature# =ew >ealand fiction# drama#
'iogra$"* auto'iogra$"*# s"ort stor* collections# and $oetr* ant"ologies&
/isua) te,ts# suc" as film# television# and t"eatre&
ra) te,ts# suc" as discussions# interviews# radio documentaries and
8verall *ou will read si! te!ts including at least two written te!ts# two visual
te!ts# and one oral te!t& 9"e si!t" te!t can 'e written# oral or visual& (ou must
"ave read t"e te!ts t"is *ear&
') (ou need to include:
te!ts covering at least two cultural $ers$ectives
te!ts '* male and female aut"ors or wit" male and female view$oints
at least one te!t wit" an esta'lis"ed critical re$utation
c) (ou will select some of t"e te!ts *ourself& (ou must gain teac"er a$$roval for
t"e te!ts *ou select 'efore reading t"em&
Eg ,rowing up in )ew *ealand / texts chosen by the student:
(in addition to -are #ruth or .romise" Avondale -ogs" /ihipe0a$ Early
Years and 1 #amaiti which were studied by the class and the student
decided to include as part of her investigation+
2ane 3estaways short story 4ay #han0 You (written+
4tevan Eldred5,riggs novel 1racles and /iracles (written+
Eg Growing up in New Zealand theme investigation /
texts studied by the class:
.aula 6ooc0s novel -are #ruth or .romise (written text++
4ima 7rales short film 1 #amaiti (visual text+
,regor )icholass short film Avondale -ogs (visual text+
Readings from /ihi Edwards autobiography /ihipe0a$ Early Years (oral text+
Tas+ 0: 1a+ing Lg Entries
a2 0or eac" te!t e!$lain the )in+ (et-een the te,t and the theme. #t shu)d
a)s in!)ude at )east t- s*e!ifi! detai)s frm the te,t t su**rt yur
') 3rite a res*nse fr ea!h te,t. ,fter reading and discussing t"e te!t *ou
mig"t write a'out t"e conclusions *ou drew or *our o$inions a'out:
."aracters eg: t"e c"allenges or conflicts t"e* faced1 t"e decisions t"e*
made1 im$ortant relations"i$s
%ssues or ideas raised
Events or incidents w"ic" "eld *our interest
Su**rt yur res*nse -ith at )east t- s*e!ifi! detai)s frm the
=89E: %t ma* 'e $ossi'le to use t"e same two details to su$$ort 'ot" *our
t"eme lin) e!$lanation (a) and *our res$onse (')& %f onl* two details are
included# 'ot" must 'e relevant to *our e!$lanation and res$onse& 9"e
sam$le log entr* in 9as) 3 uses t"e same two details to su$$ort 'ot" t"e
e!$lanation and t"e res$onse&
c) Use t"is la*out and "eading format to write *our log entries for eac" te!t&
-eside t"e log entr* 'elow note "ow t"e entr* is set out& %n t"e 'o!es on t"e
rig"t# t"e )in+ t the theme (su$$orted '* t- s*e!ifi! detai)s2 and t"e
student res*nse 4wit" t- s*e!ifi! detai)s su$$orting t"e res$onse) are
(ou s"ould also refer to e!em$lars ,# - and .&
-ate$ 18!9!:;
#itle$ /iss 6rill
#ext #ype$ 4hort story
Author$ <atherine /ansfield
Log entry
thought <atherine /ansfield creates a
convincing depiction of a character who lives
in a fantasy world! !elt sympathy for /iss
6rill and how desolate her world is! thought
the character in the text was in =uite a sad
state! 4he pulls away from people and goes
into her own fantasy world for comfort! "his
story is lin#ed to the theme o! >#he 'onely
4ituation of womens lives because she is
poor" unmarried" old" and is unwanted in this
situation she has put herself in!
I thought many aspects of the story were sad!
3e can see how lonely /iss 6rill is
throughout the story! 1n 4unday afternoons
she goes to the par0 to listen to the band play
and watch all the people interacting around
her while also eavesdropping on others
conversations! In her fantasy world /iss 6rill
sees the whole afternoon as a performance!
6efore going she prepares to wear an old fox
fur! 4he ta0es much pride in it and treats it as
if it were a real animal! /iss 6rill imagines
herself and the other people in the par0 as a
company of actors presenting an exciting
performance! 4he imagines that >it was li0e a
7ersonal res$onse
7ersonal res$onse
E!$lains lin) to
E!$lains lin) to
Note how these
sentence starters(in
bold) help the
student give a
personal response,
then explain the
theme link.
As a class
brainstorm other
sentence starters
which could be
useful when writing
log entries.
Note how these
sentence starters(in
bold) help the
student give a
personal response,
then explain the
theme link.
As a class
brainstorm other
sentence starters
which could be
useful when writing
log entries.
0irst and
second s$ecific
details to
res$onse and
0irst and
second s$ecific
details to
res$onse and
8$ening of
$aragra$" lin)s
res$onse and
e!$lanation to
8$ening of
$aragra$" lin)s
res$onse and
e!$lanation to
#he date
#he title
#he text type
#he author
#he date
#he title
#he text type
#he author
Tas+ 5: Esta()ishing Criti!a) Re*utatin
(ou need to find evidence of critical re$utation for one te!t& 9"is mig"t 'e
a mention in a 'oo) a'out writing# nomination for an award# or $raise from
anot"er recognised writer& .ritical re$utation could 'e for t"e aut"or or t"e
te!t& (ou need to indicate s$ecificall* w"at esta'lis"es t"is critical
re$utation& (ou mig"t "ig"lig"t a section of te!t $rinted from a we'site or
write out a relevant $art of a review& ?aterial from t"e te!t@s cover notes is
not suita'le&
Tas+ 6: $is!ussing &ne Te,t
(our teac"er will nominate at least one te!t *ou "ave c"osen and tal)
a'out it wit" *ou& (ou ma* refer 'ac) to *our log entr* as *ou discuss t"e
te!t& (ou will need to 'e a'le to tal) a'out t"e te!t in a convincing wa*&
(ou could discuss t"e te!t@s lin) to t"e t"eme or im$ortant ideas# incidents
or c"aracters&
Tas+ 7: 3riting Yur Re*rt
a) 7resent *our t"eme stud* as a -ritten re*rt& Use t"is structure:
four sections# one eac" for t"e t- simi)arities and t- differen!es in "ow
t"e t"eme is treated# wit" a su$$orting detail from eac" te!t mentioned& (ou
do not need to refer to all si! te!ts& (ou ma* refer to t"e same te!t in more
t"an one section& %f *ou do use t"e same te!t more t"an once# t"e su$$orting
details as well differences or similarities mentioned must 'e different&
a conclusion&
') (our log entries will $rovide valua'le material for *our re$ort& ,s *ou $re$are
to write *our re$ort# read t"roug" t"e entries "ig"lig"ting "ow eac" te!t treats
t"e t"eme as well as t"e similarities# differences and s$ecific details *ou could
incor$orate& /ecide on t"e te!ts *ou will use in *our re$ort using t"is $lanning
grid tem$late:
Similarit* 1: 9e!t: 9e!t:
/ifference 1: 9e!t: 9e!t:
)ote$ #exts can be used more than once!
%our distinct similarities and differences must be identified!
-ifferent supporting details are needed for texts used more than once$
Similarit* 2: 9e!t: 9e!t:
/ifference 2: 9e!t: 9e!t:
c) +ead and discuss t"e re$ort e!tract w"ic" follows&
(ou s"ould also refer to e!em$lars /# E and 0&
Sam*)e Re*rt
"heme %tudy & Growing up in New Zealand
/y theme investigation examines different perspectives on
growing up in our country! #he texts I chose span
experiences from the 19:s and 19;:s in /ihipe0a$ Early
Years and 1racles and /iracles" to today in 1 #amaiti"
-are #ruth or .romise" and 4ay #han0 You! Regardless of
whether the character grew up in the 19:s or the 199:s the
perspective they had on growing up was closely lin0ed to
their relationships with parents and families" between young
and old" /aori and .a0eha! /y report outlines 0ey
connections about growing up I made between these texts!
%'L()"* +:
,arshness drives children away !rom their parents
In 1racles and /iracles %ags and ,innies mother is
indifferent to how the daughters feel! %ag uses the image of
>lifting the scab? to show how unpleasant she finds
remembering her childhood! #he difficulties of growing up in
poverty in the 19;:s and 198:s are made much worse by a
bitter and loveless mother! A similar pattern is evident in
4ay #han0 You! #he parental dominated communication
eventually results in the daughters defiance! #he sad
aspect of both stories is that the mothers become alienated
from their children! In 4ay #han0 You the volleys of
commands and =uestions5 >3here do you thin0 youre
going@? 5 could be seen as the mother trying to protective"
but by the end the rift has widened with the mother pleading
for some contact from her daughter as a 0ind of lifeline$
>,ive me a call! -rop me a line!?
%'L()"* -:
.itting in when growing up / at a price
/ihipe0a and -are #ruth or .romise both show young
people denying important aspects of themselves in order to
gain acceptance! /ihi Edwards gives up her /aori heritage
and her spirituality to fit in with her pa0eha husband and his
group of friends! /ihi decides that it is important that she
identif*ing te!ts
c"osen and )e*
as$ects of *our
discussed in first
Ce* "eadings used
to s"ow connections
made 'etween te!ts&
, su$$orting detail
for eac" te!t given&
Similarit* discussed
in second te!t&
%n t"e following
section identif*:
Similarit* discussed in
first te!t
Similarit* discussed in
first te!t
, su$$orting detail
from eac" te!t
%n t"e following
section identif*:
Similarit* discussed in
first te!t
Similarit* discussed in
first te!t
, su$$orting detail
from eac" te!t
marry a pa0eha so that her children do not appear /aori
and are subAected to the same hardships that she suffered
as a child! Ber husband reveals his racist side towards /ihi
having /aori friends which is the catalyst which brea0s the
marriage! /ihi then immerses herself in her culture and
rediscovers happiness!
'ouie in -are #ruth or .romise also denies her true self to
please her parents and society! %eeling guilty about falling in
love with 3illa" 'ouie gives up seeing her and tries to
appear normal by ta0ing a boy to the ball! 'ouie may seem
happy on the surface but underneath her misery is festering
li0e an untreated wound! It ta0es 'ouies failed suicide
attempt for her parents to be more understanding and for
'ouie to feel that she could be herself and not deny her
sexuality! In both /ihis and 'ouies cases it shows that
being true to yourself and happy with who you are matters
much more than fitting in to a bigoted or intolerant society!
0..E)EN1E% + (N0 -: 2N3" %,34N5
It is clear from my theme study that love not discipline helps
a young person grow up and survive in an often unfair world!
Barshness crushes young people! In many of the texts I
chose the young people miss out on the love they need to
grow and gain a sense of pride and identity$ ,innie and %ag
in 1racles C /iracles" #ino in D1 #amaiti" the daughter in
4ay #han0 You! #he positive comes through strongly too!
/ihi Edwards in /ihipe0a says about her <ui that she >has
always understood my feelings!? 6eing understood and
loved is what children need most when growing up!
6ibliography 2 optional5
6ooc0" .aula (199E+ -are #ruth or .romise! -unedin$ 'ongacre
Eldred5,rigg" 4tevan (19FE+ 1racles and /iracles! Auc0land$
Edwards" /ihi (199:+ /ihipe0a$ Early Years! Auc0land$ .enguin
7rale" 4ima 1 #amaiti in 4erious 4horts" Gisual 'earning 199F
)icholas" ,regor Avondale -ogs in 4erious 4horts" Gisual
'earning 199F
3estaway" 2ane 4ay #han0 You (1999+ in #he #hird Hentury
Auc0land$ #andem
Use a range of
referenced sources&
=-: t"is not re6uired
for t"e unit standard&
8820 Theme Study Lg Entries
E,em*)ar A: Credit
-ate$ :& 1: & :8
#itle$ /eeting <urt
#ext #ype$ 4hort story
Author$ <ate /urray
Log Entry:
I thought that <ate /urray creates a realistic situation! A
girl meets an old boyfriend by chance in the street! I
thought 2ulie was shown convincingly as someone who
still wants things to be as they were! #he reader can tell
she still has feelings for him in the warm way she thin0s
about him$ >I wanted to hold his bristly chee0s and place
my thumbs on the corners of his mouth!? 2ulie also
notices small details about <urt in the same way" but this
also indicates that she senses he has changed$
>spec0led5egg eyes were a lot sadder and less naIve!?
#his story is lin0ed to the change theme because it
shows how 2ulies feelings and dreams can change
suddenly in the short time they are tal0ing! At first" 2ulie
still had a glimmer of hope that they might possibly get
bac0 together! 3hen she discovers <urt has a three
month old son her feelings suddenly change$ >4omething
that had been open inside me for the past year or so shut
down and wept!?
Even after she has made an excuse and is sitting on the
bus" 2ulie thin0s$ >/a would still call him J,oodloo0inJ
despite!!! despite!!! and I loo0ed away!? #hese thoughts
show how 2ulie has changed from having false hope to
blunt realisation that its over!
9"e date
9"e title
9"e te!t t*$e
9"e aut"or
9"e date
9"e title
9"e te!t t*$e
9"e aut"or
9"e reader@s view
o$inion of t"e te!t&
9"e reader@s view
o$inion of t"e te!t&
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is view&
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is view&
9"e lin) to t"e
t"eme in t"is case#
t"e t"eme of
9"e lin) to t"e
t"eme in t"is case#
t"e t"eme of
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is lin)&
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is lin)&
#heme$ Hhange
#heme$ Hhange
E,em*)ar B: Credit
-ate$ 1: &F & :8
#itle$ /uriels 3edding
#ext #ype$ %eature film
-irector$ .2 Bogan
Log Entry:
/uriels 3edding is related to our theme study of
expectations and reality because /uriel builds up a naIve
fantasy that once she got married her life would turn right
around! /uriels motto was > Im gonna get married and Im
gonna be a success? as she moved to 4ydney and changed
her name to /ariel in order to start a new life and find a
husband! #he reality of the marriage was totally different! It
was hardly a marriage! 4he married -avid" a swimmer" so
that he could become an Australian citiKen and compete in
the 1lympics!
I felt sorry for /uriel! 4he had little self esteem which is
understandable with her father who calls her >useless? and
her supposed friends treated her badly! Its no wonder
/uriel held so tightly to her dream of becoming a success
once she married! I felt sorry for her when her new husband
-avid said to her >what 0ind of person marries someone
they dont 0now"? but in the end she faces the truth and
goes bac0 to who she really is! After the hype of achieving
her dream" /uriel realises she has left those closest to her!
I was glad to see /uriel return to Rhonda" the only person
who didnt put her down and treated her as a friend should!
9"e date
9"e title
9"e te!t t*$e
9"e director
9"e date
9"e title
9"e te!t t*$e
9"e director
9"e lin) to t"e
t"eme in t"is case#
t"e t"eme of
e!$ectations and
9"e lin) to t"e
t"eme in t"is case#
t"e t"eme of
e!$ectations and
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is lin)&
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is lin)&
Expectations and Reality
Expectations and Reality
9"e reader@s view
o$inion of t"e te!t&
9"e reader@s view
o$inion of t"e te!t&
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is view&
9wo s$ecific details
to su$$ort t"is view&
E,em*)ar C: N Credit
-ate$ 1 &L & :8
#itle$ #he .ower of 1ne
#ext #ype$ %ilm
Log Entry:
#he film is about .ee0ay" a young English boy at conflict
with apartheid in Africa! Be wants e=uality for all races and
brea0s many laws while teaching Africans English etc!
.ee0ay is a brave character because he ma0es and faces
many enemies during the movie" ma0es many illegal
friends and fights for what he believes is right! ,iel .ete is
also brave because he fights for his fellow prisoners
bringing them tobacco etc! Be shows he is brave when he
loses his life when he tells a guard he is wea0 and
I do not li0e or disli0e the movie! #he character of .ee0ay
and was even a bit annoying with the childs voice at the
beginning of the movie!
9"e date
9"e title
9"e te!t t*$e included&
=ame of t"e director is omitted&
9"e date
9"e title
9"e te!t t*$e included&
=ame of t"e director is omitted&
9"e lin) to t"e
t"eme is not
9"e lin) to t"e
t"eme is not
M6ravery in the face of AdversityN
M6ravery in the face of AdversityN
9"e reader@s view
o$inion of t"e te!t is
not sufficientl*
=o s$ecific
su$$orting details
are $rovided&
9"e reader@s view
o$inion of t"e te!t is
not sufficientl*
=o s$ecific
su$$orting details
are $rovided&
9wo details are
$rovided# 'ut t"e
level of su$$orting
detail is insufficient
for 'ot"&
9wo details are
$rovided# 'ut t"e
level of su$$orting
detail is insufficient
for 'ot"&
8820 Theme Study Re*rts
E,em*)ar $: Credit
/y theme investigation examines how characters change! In the texts I
read" characters attitudes change for many reasons! #he texts I chose
to use in my report are$ Hlosed" 4tranger" a novel by <ate de ,oldi"
Bad Enough" a documentary produced by A'AH" /eeting <urt" a short
story by <ate /urray" #he Bills" a short story by .atricia ,race"
Hhinese 3hispers" a short film directed by )eil .ardington and 4tuart
/c<enKie" and 6illy Elliot" a feature directed by 4tephen -aldry!
.)%" %'L()"* 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
1haracters change to !eel in control
In Hlosed" 4tranger" /axs and 3estieDs relationship is built on power
and control! 3estie is dominant over /ax and /ax follows 3estie
doing what ever 3estie wants! /ax realises he is being controlled by
3estie$ JI suddenly couldnDt stand him calling the shots any more!? Be
starts to change and challenge 3estie so that he could gain his self
control bac0! #he reason for change in the documentary Bad Enough is
similar because 2im is being controlled by alcohol! Be had exhausted
every way he Jhad ever heard of to stop drin0ingJ! 3hen 2im finally
changes and gets in control of his drin0ing he finds being sober
rewarding because he is able to ta0e control and live the 0ind of happy
and rewarding life he wants to!
%E13N0 %'L()"* 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
1haracters are changed by uncontrollable events
<urt from the short story /eeting <urt is changed by the birth of his
son from an unplanned pregnancy! 6eing a father at such a young age
means a big change for <urt! An example of this are changes in his
appearance! 3hen 2ulie" his former girlfriend" sees him she thin0s
bac0 to how <urt used to loo0 neat and proper" but now he loo0s scruffy
and unshaven with loose and dirty hair! 4he notices how he has
become much more mature and seems less naive! 2ulie also
completely changes her attitude to <urt when she finds out by chance
that he is now a father" Aust 1; months after they had been going out!
4imilar to the way <urt and 2ulie change" the main character in #he
Bills is changed by an event out of his control! #he boy changes his
whole attitude to life after he is cavity searched by the police! 3e see
this change in attitude in the way he loo0s at the hills! At the beginning
he describes the hills with a sense of humour as he loves to see them!
6y the end of the story after he has been searched" he does not care
what the hills loo0 li0e and wonders >if he will ever loo0 at them again!?
)e* as$ects of t"e
te!ts c"osen
)e* as$ects of t"e
te!ts c"osen
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
similarit* to 'e
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
similarit* to 'e
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
Section "eading
identifies second
)e* similarit* to 'e
Section "eading
identifies second
)e* similarit* to 'e
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
.)%" 0..E)EN1E 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
"he time and process ta#en to change
In Hlosed" 4tranger" /ax changes from being best friends with 3estie
to hating him! #he process and time it ta0es /ax to change and realise
that he truly hates 3estie is gradual! Bis disli0e and rage towards
3estie develops and builds up slowly over time through a whole series
of events" especially after /erediths death$ JAll the rage IDd lain on in
the months since /eredithDs death" all the blame I 0new was his by
right" all the guilt IDd felt for her having been in the car reared up"
overwhelmed me" stopped me cold and told me Aust one thing$ that I
hated him!J #he time it ta0es the character to change in the short story
#he Bills is different to the gradual time process of change in /ax! In
#he Bills" the change is almost instant! Bis ideas about life and his
attitude changes straight away after the searchD incident! 3e can see
this when he thin0s JthatDs what I meant when I said something can
happen and you canDt be what you were after that!J
%E13N0 0..E)EN1E 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
The reasn fr !hange
In Hhinese 3hispers"Gincent becomes something he is not so that he
can be part of a group and feel a sense of belonging! At the start of the
film" Gincent is lonely and feels that he doesnDt fit in with his family!
3hen the opportunity comes along for Gincent to fit in somewhere and
belong" he ta0es it! #his causes him to change and become an active
member of the triad rather than his family! Gincent has to do things li0e
ta0ing drugs and wrec0ing a restaurant! #his change in his behaviour is
only so he can fit in somewhere and be part of a group! In the film 6illy
Elliot" the reason for change is different from Gincent! 6illyDs behaviour
changes from obedient son to defiant individual! Instead of 6illyDs
behaviour changing so he can fit into a group" his behaviour changes
so he can be an individual and follow his passion! 6illyDs change ma0es
him different from the typical young son and boy his age! 6illyDs
behaviour changes so he can be who he truly is" even if it is different to
the maAority of boys his own age! #his is illustrated when 6illy goes to
ballet class instead of boxing" and when he is the only boy in /rs
3il0insons ballet class!
%rom my theme study" I can see that change can happen in many ways
and be triggered by many different factors li0e fate" choice" and
ambition! In the texts I chose" the change that occurred is a change of
opinion or outloo0 on life! 4ome characters become more successful or
wiser because of change! 1ne common factor is that all the characters
are significantly different in some way as a result of change!
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
difference to 'e
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
difference to 'e
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
Section "eading
identifies second )e*
difference to 'e
Section "eading
identifies second )e*
difference to 'e
/ifference discussed
in first te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
/ifference discussed
in first te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
/ifference discussed
in second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
/ifference discussed
in second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
.onclusion gives
an overview#
a'out t"e t"eme
.onclusion gives
an overview#
a'out t"e t"eme
E,em*)ar E: Credit
"heme %tudy )eport
In my theme study" I will loo0 at the different relationships between
characters expectations and the reality of their actual experiences! #he
texts Ive chosen include Rabbit .roof %ence" 3hale Rider" /urielDs
3edding" /y %irst 6all and Hrisis of #echnology!
.)%" %'L()"* 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
"he expectations adults place on children
In the film Rabbit .roof %ence" a completely unrealistic expectation is
placed on the 0idnapped Aborigine children! #hey are expected to behave
themselves and do everything as0ed by the European nuns! 3ithout any
consideration as to how the aboriginal children felt" they are forced to learn
the European lifestyle so that they can be integrated into the white wor0ing
force! It is no wonder the main characters (/olly" -aisy and ,racie+
escape from /oore River 4ettlement to ma0e their way bac0 home! #he
same sorts or unrealistic expectations happen in 3hale Rider! .ai0ea is
expected by her ,randad (<oro+ not to interfere in the traditions of the tribe
because she is a girl! #he males are the only ones allowed to learn warrior
s0ills and ancient chants" but .ai0ea is determined to prove to her <oro
that she isnDt >uselessJ! ,oing behind his bac0 and brea0ing the traditional
ways" she learns how to use a taiaha and ancient chants! 3hen all the
boys fail" .ai0ea shines through" rescues the whale and the community"
thereby brea0ing the traditions that are placed on her!
%E13N0 %'L()"* 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
(re expectations too negative compared to reality9
On the short story PHrisis of #echnology"D the main character has been
bombarded with horror stories of the outside world" not to mention having
her very own stal0er! #hese events influence her expectations when she
thin0s one of the apartment building security guards is actually the stal0er
himself! #he negative thoughts flood into her head and before she can
thin0 straight" she 0ills him out of pure fear! #he phone rings shortly after
with the stal0ers voice on the other end saying" JIDm coming to get youJ!
4he has let the negative expectation cloud her Audgement and murder an
innocent man! In another short story P/y %irst 6all"D #uta also has a
negative expectation although it is nowhere as extreme! Be is invited to a
dance at ,overnment Bouse" which only the most dignified people are
invited to! #uta is not familiar with the formal ball eti=uette and way of
dancing! It all seems >a waste of funJ to #uta" criticising the ball by saying it
would be boring! Even though his expectations of the ball are that it would
be boring" he starts to enAoy himself when he meets 2oyce who also does
not feel comfortable!
Expectations v Reality
Expectations v Reality
)e* as$ects of t"e
te!ts c"osen
)e* as$ects of t"e
te!ts c"osen
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
similarit* to 'e
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
similarit* to 'e
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
Section "eading
identifies second
)e* similarit* to 'e
Section "eading
identifies second
)e* similarit* to 'e
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
.)%" 0..E)EN1E 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
s the reality ever the same as the expectation9
In the film /urielDs 3edding" the reality is not the same as her expectation!
/uriel believes that once she is married her life would turn around! In a
desperate attempt to change" she replies to an ad in the newspaper
loo0ing for a bride! Ber motto is$ >Im gonna get married and Im gonna be
a success!? #he wedding is beautiful" but the marriage is dull! #hey are
strangers marrying to benefit themselves rather than to commit to each
other! After a short while /uriel realises that marriage isnDt the solution
sheDd once thought it was and leaves! Bowever" /ollyDs expectations in
Rabbit .roof %ence become reality! After being 0idnapped and put into the
/oore River 4ettlement under the Assimilation .olicy" /olly is determined
to escape with -aisy and ,racie and go bac0 to their home! Even with a
trac0er hot on the girls trail /olly never gives up" wal0ing 1Q:: miles
through the scorching Australian desert! /ollyDs expectation that she would
see her family again becomes reality after wee0s of wal0ing through the
%E13N0 0..E)EN1E 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
Living up to others expectations
In the short story D/y %irst 6all"D #uta was invited to a ball at ,overnment
Bouse! #he expectations of the people there are that #uta would behave
himself and display proper eti=uette to show he deserved to be at the ball
amongst such respected people! In order to live up to their expectations"
#uta has to learn how to be li0e them! Be learns how to dance from /rs
At0ins and learns proper eti=uette from /rs ,ray! At the ball" #uta lives
up to their expectations and avoids potential embarrassment! 7nli0e
#uta" .ai0ea from 3hale Rider does not do what is expected of her! 4he
continues to learn how to use a taiaha despite <oro distinctly telling her
to leave it alone" telling her not to mess with it" that it is sacred! In
retrospect it is a good thing that she did not live up to <oroDs initial
expectations" otherwise the community would never have found the
leader they are loo0ing for!
It is clear from my theme study that a wide variety of expectations" from
expectations of others in /y %irst 6all to expectations that we place on
ourselves as in /urielDs 3edding! Expectations help to prepare us for
the reality" although the reality may not be as bad as the expectation!
#his is seen in the most of the texts" such as in Hrisis of #echnology
where the reality is much more innocent than the main character
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
difference to 'e
Section "eading
identifies first )e*
difference to 'e
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in first
te!t# su$$orted '*
a s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
discussed in
second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
Section "eading
identifies second )e*
difference to 'e
Section "eading
identifies second )e*
difference to 'e
/ifference discussed
in second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
/ifference discussed
in second te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
.onclusion gives
an overview#
a'out t"e t"eme
.onclusion gives
an overview#
a'out t"e t"eme
/ifference discussed
in first te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
/ifference discussed
in first te!t#
su$$orted '* a
s$ecific detail&
E,em*)ar %: N Credit
"heme %tudy )eport
I studied the theme bravery in the face of adversity! All the
texts I studied explored different 0inds of bravery against
oppression$ #he .ower of 1ne" A ,ame of Hards" #he
,eranium" #he #elltale Beart" and In the )ame of the %ather"
and #he ,odboy!
.)%" 0..E)EN1E 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
6ravery surrounding death
#he #elltale Beart and A ,ame of Hards both explore bravery
surrounding death" but in very different ways! #he narrator in
#he #elltale Beart must be brave after he has Aust 0illed the old
man and is being =uestioned about it" where in A ,ame of
Hards the whole family is brave and plays a last game of cards
while )anny /iro is dying! )any /iro loved playing cards and it
was her final wish R she died laughing playing cards!
.)%" %'L()"* 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
3ppression and bravery
1pression is the main theme of both #he .ower of 1ne and
#he ,eranium! #he .ower of 1ne is bravery against a
powerful government with a lot of supporters! /arney from
#he ,eranium was being oppressed by her husband and
had nobody she was able to tal0 to! All /arney wants is to
be able to go and get a Aob" she shows this when she is
reading the newspaper! All .ee0ay wants is e=uality for all
races" even /aria who is the daughter of a political family
cannot change their opinions when she gets angry at dinner!
%E13N0 0..E)EN1E 6E"4EEN "E7"%:
"he !amily and bravery
In the )ame of the %ather and #he ,odboy both explore
bravery and the family but with different results! 2immy from
6ravery in the face of Adversity
6ravery in the face of Adversity
%ntroduction identifies:
)e* as$ects of t"e t"eme
te!ts c"osen
%ntroduction identifies:
)e* as$ects of t"e t"eme
te!ts c"osen
Section "eading identifies first
)e* difference to 'e discussed&
Section "eading identifies first
)e* difference to 'e discussed&
/ifference not ade6uatel*
discussed in first te!t&
Level of su$$orting detail is
/ifference not ade6uatel*
discussed in first te!t&
Level of su$$orting detail is
/ifference not e!$lained or
develo$ed in second te!t#
Su$$orting detail selected is not
relevant to difference discussed&
/ifference not e!$lained or
develo$ed in second te!t#
Su$$orting detail selected is not
relevant to difference discussed&
Section "eading identifies first )e*
similarit* to 'e discussed&
Section "eading identifies first )e*
similarit* to 'e discussed&
Similarit* not ade6uatel*
discussed in first te!t&
Su$$orting detail selected is
insufficient and mostl* irrelevant
to similarit* discussed&
Similarit* not ade6uatel*
discussed in first te!t&
Su$$orting detail selected is
insufficient and mostl* irrelevant
to similarit* discussed&
Similarit* not e!$lained or
develo$ed in second te!t#
Su$$orting detail selected is not
relevant to similarit* discussed&
Similarit* not e!$lained or
develo$ed in second te!t#
Su$$orting detail selected is not
relevant to similarit* discussed&
Section "eading identifies second
)e* difference to 'e discussed&
Section "eading identifies second
)e* difference to 'e discussed&
/ifference discussed in second
te!t# su$$orted '* sufficient
s$ecific detail&
/ifference discussed in second
te!t# su$$orted '* sufficient
s$ecific detail&
#he ,odboy is brave while his parents are arguing and hate
each other! 4ince he does not have the support or
understanding of his family" he tries to develop his own
protection tric0s! Be sings and washes his hands hoping
that this will ma0e his family problems go away" even to the
stage where he scalds himself with hot water! Bowever
,erry Honlan in In the )ame of the %ather has his family
behind him and this helps both his family and ,erry show
their bravery! ,erry is falsely accused of terrorism and his
whole family is arrested! #he whole family is brave and
supports ,erry and each other in this situation! ,erry gained
much strength through his familys bravery" when his father
supported ,erry in prison even through his own sic0ness
and up to his death!
All six of my texts explored bravery in a similar way to
another text! #he three 0inds of bravery were bravery in
death" bravery and oppression" bravery and the family! /y
study has shown that people deal with their fears and
problems in different ways depending on the 0ind of support
they are getting from the people around them!
/ifference discussed in first te!t#
su$$orted '* sufficient s$ecific
/ifference discussed in first te!t#
su$$orted '* sufficient s$ecific
, second similarit* is not
, second similarit* is not
.onclusion attem$ts an
overview# attem$ts
generalisations a'out t"e t"eme
.onclusion attem$ts an
overview# attem$ts
generalisations a'out t"e t"eme
Theme Study: Assessment S!hedu)e
Unit standard 8823:
Investigate a theme across an inclusive range of selected texts (level 2) 4 credits
9as) Element Evidence Dudgement Std met
2 1&1& +eading log demonstrates inclusiveness in
+efer to sam$le in tas) 2&
%nclusiveness demonstrated across t"e
range of te!ts selected:
range of A te!ts included
2 written:
1 2
2 visual:
1 2
1 oral:
te!t: eit"er wr# vis# or oral
1 cultural $ers$ective
mf gender 'alance
3 1&2# 1&4 +efer to sam$le log entr* in tas) 3&
+efer to e!em$lars , and -&
0or eac" of si! log entries:
"eading wit" title# aut"or# te!t
t*$e# date of entr* included (1&2)
convincing $ersonal res$onse
given# su$$orted '* 2 s$ecific
relevant details (1&2)
lin) to t"eme esta'lis"ed#
su$$orted '* 2 s$ecific relevant
details (1&4)
1 2 3 4 < A
4 1 .ritical re$utation esta'lis"ed '* eg:
"ig"lig"ting a section of te!t $rinted
from a we'site
"ig"lig"ting a relevant $art of a review
.ritical re$utation esta'lis"ed for 1 te!t
or aut"or&
< 1&3 +es$onse esta'lis"ed '* eg:
student led seminar on t"e te!t
9eac"er student interview
.onvincing res$onse to at least te!t
indicates t"at te!t "as 'een read&
A 2&1 See re$ort sam$le in tas) A&
+efer to e!em$lars / and E&
Using at least two te!ts# treatment of
t"eme convincingl* e!$lained wit"
reference to:
2 similarities: 1 2
2 differences: 1 2
,t least one su$$orting s$ecific
relevant detail given from eac" te!t for
eac" simil and diff&

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