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04 17

a taste
of dark


Sabanc assasination’s main suspect As a candidate to host the Euro

Fehriye Erdal recieves deferred two- 2016 European soccer event, Turkey
year prison term from Belgian court introduces its championship logo

Yo u r Wa y o f U n d e r s t a n d  n g T u r k e y

page10 Iranian forces clash with protesters in two cities


RELATIONS A polce chef who was shot dead n Diyarbakr

PM vows to build n what was beleved to be an attack by a relgous
fundemantalst group was klled by a specal mltary
model partnership squad, says an former member of the team
with Syria
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan has
Okkan was

announced that Turkey will not give up its determi-

nation to improve ties with neighboring countries
such as Syria just because this move is considered
by some a shift from the West to the East. Erdoan's
remarks came in Damascus as he delivered a speech
at a meeting of the Syria-Turkey Business Forum
during his official visit to this city to co-chair a high-
klled by a
level meeting between Syria and Turkey.
“Not only are we abolishing visas, we will remove
other obstacles, too. We will append our signature on
partnerships which could be a model for the world.
state team, says
We have this potential,” Erdoan told the gathering,
while he voiced a wish to expand the partnership
between Syria and Turkey to encompass the entire
region. In mid-October Turkey and Syria removed
visa requirements and “symbolically” abolished their
wtness KADR UYSALOLU, OSLO Today's Zaman. Beler, who worked as a General
Staff translator for 14 years, now lives in Norway, near
border. The move came following a visit to stanbul A translator who worked for the General the capital, Oslo, where he has political refugee status.
by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. CONTINUED ON PAGE 04 Staff in the predominantly Kurdish Beler recalled that shortly before the assassina-
Southeast for many years has claimed that tion, there were rumors accusing Okkan of having
the assassination of a police chief in the links to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers'
DIPLOMACY region eight years ago was the work of Party (PKK) and declaring him a traitor
an illegal structure inside the military. who should be killed. He said that follow-
Greek Cyprus might Diyarbakr Police Chief Gaffar Okkan
was killed along with five police officers
ing these rumors, Team C was given the
task of killing him. “At the time, Team C
harm EU migration who were guarding him on Jan. 24, 2001.
The assassination was attributed to Turkish
was stationed in Diyarbakr. One day, they
arrived at the Habur checkpoint [at the
talks, Ba warns Hizbullah, a religious extremist group.
However, Yldrm Beler, a long-time
border with Iraq]. Their clothes were dirty
and muddy. They obviously had executed
BÜLENT KENE, STANBUL translator for the military, claims that Yldrm Beler some orders. Normally, we carry two
Okkan was killed by Team C, a squad un- kinds of arms. In daytime, we have normal
Turkey's chief European Union negotiator warned der the Special Forces Command. He also stated that M-16s, and at night, we carry a Kalashnikov and a
yesterday that Greek Cypriot blockage of EU he was part of Team C for a short time. Beler, a handgun. We always have a military uniform and a
accession talks might hinder negotiations between 30,000 mourners attended Okkan's funeral in Diyarbakr, as he was well liked and respected by the Kirkuk Turkmen who came to Turkey in 1995, shared PKK uniform. When I saw Team C members that day,
locals. His funeral is believed to be the largest funeral ever held for a police officer killed on duty.
Ankara and the 27-nation bloc on the readmis- his memories of the day of Okkan's killing with they were in PKK uniforms,” Beler said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
sion of illegal immigrants. Greek Cyprus, an EU
member since 2004, declared after an EU meeting
earlier this month that it would veto accession
talks on five of the 35 negotiating chapters due to
Turkey's refusal to open its ports and airports to
Greek Cypriot ships and planes. Among these
‘Assassins’ were planning to kill high-profile politicians
A police search of the homes and vehicles of Recep Tayyip Erdoan and Parliament Speaker to kill Arnç. Both officers are assigned to the General ment showed that Arnç had been closely monitored
five chapters is the freedom, justice and security two military officers who were detained on Mehmet Ali ahin. Most observers said the Staff. Gendarmerie and police teams retrieved a by the two officers since March 2009. Several pages
chapter, which includes issues related to the Saturday on charges of plotting to assassinate planned assassinations were aiming to create an piece of paper in one of the vehicles of the two offic- of hand-drawn sketches showing the addresses of
readmission of illegal immigrants. CONTINUED ON PAGE 06 Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arnç revealed that atmosphere of chaos in the country. ers which featured Arnç's home address. The teams Gül, Erdoan and ahin were also seized during the
the two had plans to kill numerous high-profile Two members of the Special Forces Command, launched a search of the suspects' houses, resulting search. The sketches were sent to the forensics
politicians and ministers. Among the many tar- Maj. brahim G. and Col. Erkan Ylmaz B., were in the discovery of several maps showing the houses department of the Ankara Police for analysis to
ROAD MAP gets were President Abdullah Gül, Prime Minister detained on Saturday night on suspicion of plotting of top government officials and ministers. A docu- determine by whom they were drawn. CONTINUED ON PAGE 05

Evacuation of
Makhmour first step Charty offcals detaned
in anti-PKK plan LÖSEV
over Ed al-Adha fraud
head Üstün
ERCAN YAVUZ, ANKARA Ezer was SEDAT GÜNEÇ, ANKARA and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB)
acquitted over Vice President Faik Yavuz were sent
Interior Minister Beir Atalay has discussed an exten- charges of Turkish Aviation Board (THK) to court together with 31 others after
sive plan with Iraqi and US authorities in anti-terror corruption.
chairman retired Gen. Osman they were questioned.
talks he held in Baghdad and Arbil, aimed at gradu- Yldrm has been released after being The suspects were accused of not
ally eliminating the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' detained yesterday over corrupt prac- fulfilling about two-thirds of the orders
Party (PKK) presence in northern Iraq. According to tices in accepting donations during from people who preferred to not be

05 06 17
the plan, the return of Turkish Kurdish refugees in a the Feast of the Sacrifice, or Eid al- directly involved in the sacrifice of ani-
UN-supervised camp in northern Iraq is the first of Adha, while the administrators of mals and donated their sacrifices to
a series of steps to finish off the PKK, which uses other charitable foundations remain these foundations. They are also ac-
northern Iraqi camps as a springboard for attacks in custody. Mehmetçik Vakf cused of committing about TL 40 mil-
on Turkey, as part of a larger initiative at home to (Turkish Soldiers Foundation) lion in fraud in the process. Many
address the decades-old Kurdish problem. General Manager Salih Gürolu, Muslims choose to donate money to
Atalay met with Iraqi, US and Kurdish officials
-- including the president of the semi-autono-
Foundation for Children with
Leukemia (LÖSEV) head Üstün
charitable organizations to sacrifice
an animal on their behalf for the reli-
mous Kurdish administration, Massoud Barzani Ezer, Deniz Feneri (Lighthouse) gious holiday, which commemorates THE DEFENSE IN WAKE IMMUNITY AGAINST FM DAVUTOLU
-- in Baghdad and Arbil during the two-day talks Chairman Mehmet Cengiz and Prophet Abraham's willingness to OF PLOT CRITICISM H1N1 IN TURKEY ‘DAVUTYAN’
held on Sunday and Monday. CONTINUED ON PAGE 04 Turkish Union of Chambers sacrifice his son. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17

Featuring news and articles from



‘ Q U O T E O F T H E D AY


colu m ns
Copenhagen is a first step toward If Christ were here today, would he Now that it’s all over, what Crucifixion empathy!
a new world climate order. No not punish the American statesmen did you really do yesterday AHMET TURAN ALKAN ZAMAN
more, but also no less. for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq? that’s worth mentioning? Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bar-
tholomew’s statement, “We some-
German Chancellor Angela Merkel Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Coleman Cox times feel like we are being cruci-
fied,” was met by a meaningless
reaction from some conservative
circles, who have the habit of ap-
proaching all types of opposite and contrary views
with tolerance. Maybe the statement was inter-
preted wrong. It is not my job to attempt to explain
CROSS READER what is misunderstood and why; however, aren’t
we in a position to empathize about “crucifixion” in
a physical sense about how cruel and long-lasting a
pr ess rou n du p torture it is? For many years, when something goes


wrong, we have been called to account. This is also
a kind of crucifixion. We taste the bitterness of be-
ing treated like a second-class citizen in our own
The plot aganst country. Our women with headscarves know this
situation well; so do those covered women who go
Arnç and the General to the door of military facilities for the first time in
order to see their children’s wedding and are cruelly
Staff’s responsblty

turned away. Being crucified must be that or some-
An assassination plot against deputy Prime Minister Bül- thing like that. They drill a hole in your heart with
ent Arnç that was exposed over the weekend has shocked evil words, driving nails in your wrists and placing a
Ankara. Gendarmerie and police teams launched an opera- manufactured and fake crown to your head.
tion to capture the suspects after they received information
that two military officers -- Maj. brahim G. and Col. Erkan
Ylmaz B. -- were planning to assassinate the deputy prime
Yes, there is a scene
minister. The teams detected two suspicious vehicles in the of chaos
vicinity of Arnç’s house. One of the vehicles belonged to MUSTAFA KARAALOLU STAR
the General Staff, while the other was rented from a pri-
What would you say when the prime
vate car rental company. One of the officers allegedly tried
minister of a nation publicly endorses
to swallow a piece of paper when he saw the gendarmerie
the stance adopted by some of the
and police teams approaching. The paper featured Arnç’s
nation’s extreme nationalists when
home address. Police also found several maps showing
he expresses support for an attempt
Arnç’s house in the two vehicles. Now that the military’s
to ban foreign language news broad-
involvement in this shady plot is so obvious, everyone is
casts on television? And when he says: “Let’s bring
asking the General Staff to shed some light on the incident.
this question to the people through a referendum.
Questioning the reasons why Arnç was chosen as a
Let them decide.” But then he realizes this is actu-
target, Zaman’s Mustafa Ünal says Arnç is a person who ally a bad idea and says, “I fell into a trap that was
is well known by the public, who does not avoid saying set for me.” Would you say he experienced a change
what he thinks and who harshly reacts to every military at- in his beliefs? All this happened in Bulgaria. And the
tempt to meddle in politics. He recalls how Arnç reacted prime minister of whom we are speaking is, of course,
when the coup diaries of an admiral were disclosed, say- Boyko Borisov. So, how should we approach this
ing, “Thank God Turkey did not enter a war with another case? One: We could reject his excuses, saying, “Af-
country under the command of these generals.” In Ünal’s
view, Chief of General Staff Gen. lker Babu needs to
Young Turkish violinists brought home five awards ter all, this man was sane beforehand, was he not?”
Two: We could decide that he was “free to do what he
convincingly explain to the public about the assassina- from Romania, where they participated in the Remember wanted” on the basis that, after all, “the whole thing
tion plot against Arnç since it seems to be the work of took place in Bulgaria, and after all, his name isn’t re-
some military members. “Turkey has forgotten, but po-
Enescu international violin competition, which is held ally like ours.” Three: We could say, “Well, admitting
litical assassination means chaos and turmoil. Some cir- to commemorate Romanian composer, violinist, one made a mistake and fixing it is a great virtue.” To
cles want to create an uncertain environment again. The tell you the truth, I am in favor of this final option.
signs, findings and allegations are very serious,” says Ünal. pianist, conductor and teacher George Enescu.
According to Hürriyet’s Erturul Özkök, the General
Staff is repeating a mistake by remaining silent about the
Opposition problem,
akam: “Answer from Cappadocia to Bar- an assassination plot was exposed over the weekend, said
assassination plot against Arnç despite the fact that three tholomew,” read the headline of the daily’s main story he would raise the issue at the National Security Council power/ruling alternative
days have passed since the discovery of the plot. “Just like yesterday, quoting remarks from Bekir Ödemi, a former (MGK) meeting and request information from generals HASAN CEMAL MLLYET
everyone else, I wonder about the answers to these ques- mayor of Ürgüp, a district in Cappadocia, who invited attending the meeting about the plot. Two military officers In our country, politics has suffered
tions. Why were those two military officers there? Were Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew to Ürgüp in were captured by the police as suspects in the case. “I much from the conflict between rul-
they doing something that the General Staff knew about? 1999. Speaking in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” watched the camera recordings, I saw the relevant docu- ing and opposition parties. Or it is
How can these individuals who cannot even keep an ad- for a story that was broadcast over the weekend, Patri- ments. Many suspect I was wiretapped. Prime Minister better to say, this country has lost
dress in their heads and who write it down on a piece arch Bartholomew said he sometimes felt “crucified” in Recep Tayyip Erdoan wants the investigation into the as- too much blood from the conflict be-
of paper serve as intelligence officers? How can some- Turkey, referring to hardships experienced by his com- sassination plot to be carried out to the end,” Arnç said. tween ruling and opposing parties.
one find the courage to attempt to do such a thing af- munity in the country. “We visited the patriarch in 1999. There has never been a time when one says white
ter the Ergenekon trial? The answers to all these ques- We held a service in memory of St. John. It was the first radikal: “Three provinces suffering from unem- and the other hasn’t jumped in to say black. Compro-
tions should be given convincingly,” contends Özkök. time such a wonderful service was held in Anatolia. The ployment the most: rnak, Diyarbakr, Siirt,” the daily mise, dialogue, tolerance, patience… our politics has
Bugün’s Adem Yavuz Arslan thinks Arnç being chosen public showed great love for Bartholomew. There were said in the headline of a front-page story yesterday, refer- never enjoyed these, it could not. Therefore, Turkey
as a target was a correct choice by those masterminding the some who embraced him and wept. The patriarch said he ring to data released by the Turkish Statistics Institute has been polarized and gathered on different fronts
attack because Arnç is known as the “conscience” of the did not feel like a guest in Ürgüp but like a property own- (TurkStat). According to the report, the labor force par- from time to time. Sometimes every party and every
Justice and Development Party (AK Party), and his name er. I am very surprised to now hear his crucifixion re- ticipation rate for Turkey was 46.9 percent. This indicator leader behaved waywardly/independently. The op-
has not been tainted although he’s been in politics for years. marks,” Ödemi said. was highest in Rize, with 66.3 percent, Gümühane (65.4 position, of course, has been wrong before. But today
“Those who wanted to create an environment of chaos in percent) and Artvin (62.5 percent). The lowest participa- the one on the wrong road is not the opposition, but
Turkey could not have found a target better than Arnç,” star: In its top story yesterday, the daily reported tion rates were found in Diyarbakr (26.9 percent), Siirt the “Baykal opposition” and Baykal’s perception of
says Arslan. Stressing the seriousness of the assassination that Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arnç, against whom (27.2 percent) and rnak (29.8 percent). the opposition. Those who care sincerely about stabil-
plot, he says the investigation into the plot should be car- ity in Turkey must deal seriously with the “problem of
ried out meticulously without any evidence being destroyed. the opposition” and the alternative of the ruling party.



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Belek / Serik / Antalya Beldibi / Kemer / Antalya Bodrum / Muðla Kavaklýdere 06680 ANKARA Yeþilköy / Ýstanbul Tel: 0 312 410 55 00


Phone: +90 242 821 40 32 Phone: +90 242 824 97 00 Phone: +90 332 221 50 00 Phone: +90 312 416 88 00 Phone: +90 252 455 35 70 Phone: + 90 252 617 01 22 Phone: 0312 491 30 30 Phone: +90 212 413 70 00
Kemer / Antalya Beldibi / Kemer / Antalya Ýstanbul Yolu Selçuklu / Konya Ankara Ýçmeler / Marmaris Ölüdeniz / Fethiye Oran / Ankara Bakýrköy / Ýstanbul


Phone: +90 212 288 95 90 Phone: +90 312 295 45 45 Phone: +90 242 510 02 00 Phone: 0212.516.3232 Phone: +90 212 458 28 00 Phone: +90 212 483 30 30 Phone: 90 (226) 465 66 22 Phone: +90 322 455 30 30
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NATIONAL T H U R S D A Y, D E C E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 TODAY’S ZAMAN 03



TCDD to focus on high-speed trains in 2010



Turkish State Railways (TCDD) trains in the new year,” Karaman noted. line between Ankara and stanbul is ongoing, for every seat that play movies and display the
head Süleyman Karaman has an- Turkey began constructing its high-speed as is work on the line between stanbul and current position and speed of the train. Spacious

nounced that the directorate will rail lines in 2003. The TCDD purchased its rst Eskiehir. I believe this line will be operational seats offer plenty of room during the smooth
work to improve the country’s high-speed high-speed train engines, with a maximum in 2012 or 2013. We will nish the line between ride. The train can reach speeds of 260 kilo-
train network in 2010. “We have produced speed of 250 kilometers per hour, from Spain in Ankara and Konya in 2010. A line to Sivas is meters per hour and will considerably reduce
60 projects related to Turkey’s railway system 2007. In March, Turkey launched the country’s continuing at the maximum pace. We will reno- hours-long trips. Sensor systems control the
in the past six years. Turkey ranks eighth in rst high-speed train service, between Ankara vate the country’s railway lines in 2010,” Kara- speed, and the trains are designed to prevent

Süleyman Kara
railway technology worldwide and sixth in
Europe. The TCDD will focus on high-speed
and Eskiehir, on a 240-kilometer segment of
tracks. “Our work on the high-speed train
man remarked. The high-speed trains features
many luxuries, including entertainment screens
cars from piling on top of one another in the
event of an accident. stanbul Today’s Zaman
They say 65 million people play daily in the
new Internet “agricultural network” FarmVille.
Sixty-ve million people spend their precious
-- maybe not for them but certainly precious
for humanity -- hours in a digitally created vir-
tual farm trying to sow and harvest their crops.
In the real world, we discuss genetically engi-
neered food, and in that virtual world, they
compete for digitally engineered food!
FarmVille, they say, has its own time-space.
My 16-year-old daughter is a newcomer to
FarmVille, and upon my suggestion that she
should go to our farmhouse and work with real
soil and fertilizer, she replied, “I would if it was
possible to harvest your products in two hours!”
It is not the necessary muscle stretching that
detracts digi-youth from real life situations; it is
the patience of a farmer that they lack.
The time-space of FarmVille does con-
ict with the real time-space of its players.
I have heard of colleagues waking up in the
middle of the night or rushing out of the edi-
torial meeting in order to meet the deadline
for harvesting their eggplants!
FarmVille is a collective dream dreamt in
an electronic brain with certain rules. But it
has the potential to conquer actual reality. A
skillful FarmVille player can always convert
his or her virtual grapes into real money and
buy real grapes. The rules of the virtual mar-
ket are even wilder than the real market. This
new phase of capitalism does not respect any
labor laws. Children are over-employed in
FarmVille. Families are destroyed because of
this and similar “second life” occupations.
This is not a column satirizing the absurdi-
ties of the inexistent realities of the digital world.
I am trying to analogize FarmVille and ArmVille.
ArmVille is a collective dream dreamt in the
garrisons of the Turkish army. You never know
who is the actual dreamer, but the dream itself
is persistent and has its own time-space. Its
time-space often conicts with the real time-
space of the outer-civil world, but it has the ir-
resistible power to conquer actual reality. The
dreamers of ArmVille live anachronistic lives.
In a real-life situation, stationing a colonel and
a major next to the house of the deputy prime
minister and not expecting immediate police
intervention is sheer stupidity. In ArmVille, it
works. In real life even a terrorist, let alone a
trained army commander, knows that it is idi-
otic to carry paperwork during an illegal wire-
tapping operation, especially if one is not good
at swallowing papers without chewing them!
In ArmVille, they do that. In real life, it is mo-
ronic to keep the blueprints of the next military
coup d’état on top of one’s ofce desk. In Arm-
Ville, Gen. ener Eruygur did that…
The dreamers of ArmVille are not 16-year-
old digi-boys. They are colonels, generals, ex-
generals, university rectors, businessmen, jour-
nalists, policemen, politicians… Their dream
is persistent and resilient. They wake up in a
further phase of ArmVille even when they
think they are awake. This is so because the ac-
quisitions of ArmVille are convertible into real
money, power, title and rank.
Several defendants of the Ergenekon case
have been diagnosed with illnesses that exist
only in ArmVille, and thanks to those illnesses,
they managed to evade imprisonment.
In real life, the army prosecutor pros-
ecutes members of the army. In ArmVille,
the army prosecutor is the army’s prosecu-
tor. He prosecutes civilians in the name of
the army, and when it comes to the criminal
“good boys” of ArmVille, they are not only
freed, they are also promoted.
They say Col. E.Y.B. and Maj. .G., who
were detained by the police in front of Depu-
ty Prime Minister Bülent Arnç’s house, were
released by the army prosecutor. They say
the two were carrying documents of illegally
gathered information about the president, the
prime minister and several other ministers.
ArmVille it is!
Which way goes to CiVille!?
04 TODAY’S ZAMAN T H U R S D AY, D E C E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 0 9

Evacuation of Makhmour first step in anti-PKK roadmap

contnued from page 1
They were greeted by slogans in favor of the PKK centers on the border for returnees, which will respond favorably to requests for cooperation.
The Makhmour refugee camp is home to more and Öcalan and told the deputies that their return take measures for their settlement in Turkey. Following the evacuation of the Makhmour
than 10,000 Turkish Kurds who ed their homes depended, among other things, on further im- The Housing Development Administration camp and the resolution of citizenship prob-
in southeastern Anatolia at the height of Turkey’s provement in Öcalan’s prison conditions and of Turkey (TOK) may build houses for those lems, the authorities of the three countries
ght against the PKK in the 1990s. A small group
of Makhmour residents returned home in October
an end to military operations against the PKK.
Turkish authorities believe that about half
who want to return to their villages, mostly de-
stroyed during Turkey’s anti-terrorism fight.
will move to eliminate the PKK elements in
the mountainous region of northern Iraq. US
Does Turkey
as a good will gesture to support the government’s
ambitious Kurdish initiative -- a democratization
of the camp’s population -- some 5-6,000 peo-
ple -- are willing to return but unable to do
Iraqi authorities have agreed to make neces-
sary arrangements in cooperation with the UN to
and Iraqi Kurdish authorities will urge the PKK
leadership to renounce its armed struggle. Bar-
need a natonal
plan aimed at expanding the rights of Turkey’s Kurds so under threats and pressure from the PKK, grant Iraqi citizenship to those who do not want zani is expected to appoint an ofcial to contact the
-- but new returns are not expected soon as ten- which exerts significant control over the camp. to return to Turkey. According to the plan, these PKK leadership soon. The Iraqi and US side say
mssle system?
sions ared again in the wake of the closure of the The agreed steps include heightened secu- efforts are to bear fruit in a year, following which PKK leaders must be allowed to seek refuge in a Due to the fact that Turkey has actively been in-
pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) and rity around the camp so as to minimize visits persons with no citizenship will face a penalty at third country, while Turkey is cold towards the idea. volved in NATO’s missile defense system project,
violent street demonstrations to protest prison to Makhmour by PKK members from the terrorist the hands of the Iraqi Kurdish authorities. The agreed measures also include strengthen- a project NATO recently decided to speed up, the
conditions of jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. group’s mountain camps. This responsibility falls mostly In addition to the Turkish Kurds, authori- ing the security on the Turkish-Iraqi border and question now is whether Ankara should acquire a
A group of former DTP deputies met Makhmour on the shoulders of the Iraqi Kurdish administration. ties estimate that there are up to 2,000 Syrian more intelligence sharing between Turkey and the national long-range missile system.
residents on Tuesday to discuss possible returns. Turkey, for its part, will build reception Kurds within the PKK. Turkey hopes Syria will US on PKK movements in Iraq. Ercan Yavuz Ankara Since United States President Barack Obama’s
announcement in September of a new missile de-
fense structure in Europe that will provide missile
defense capabilities sooner, build on proven systems
and offer greater defense against the threat of mis-
sile attacks than the program proposed by former
President George W. Bush, US delegations have been
visiting various NATO capitals, including Ankara. The US

PM vows for model partnershp delegations have explained the deployment plans and have
heard the reactions of concerned members of the alliance.
Obama said the change of gears was based on an
“updated intelligence assessment” about Iran’s abil-
ity to hit Europe with missiles.

wth Syra despte crtcsm Turkey is the only NATO member country
bordering Iran, which has been involved in a se-
rious dispute with the international community
over its alleged nuclear arms program while test-
contnued from page 1


ing long-range missiles as a show of force.
The two countries signed a bilateral co- The Hürriyet daily reported early this week
operation agreement in September un- that a US delegation headed by Ellen Tauscher,
der which top ministers from the two countries under secretary of state for arms control, was in
will meet each year. The accord, titled the “High- Ankara in November proposing that Ankara host
Level Strategic Cooperation Council Agreement,” radars, a component of NATO’s missile shield
is similar to a strategic mechanism recently estab- project. She also suggested that while deploying
lished between Turkey and Iraq. It was during the radars on Turkish territory, anti-ballistic missiles could

rst ministerial level meeting of the High-Level be deployed in some other European countries.
Strategic Cooperation Council between Syria The same report stated that Turkey had res-
and Turkey in mid-October, the rst part of the ervations about the deployment plans. It is un-
meeting being held in Aleppo and the second derstood that Turkey seeks the deployment of all
in Gaziantep, that the two countries symboli- systems to all relevant countries instead of host-
cally abolished the border between them. ing radars though the missile systems have not
In Damascus, Erdoan led the Turkish yet been deployed in any given country.
side during the first prime ministerial level Turkey was engaged in a series of talks with both
meeting of the council, while the Syrian the US and Israel over the establishment of a missile
side was led by Prime Minister Naji Otri. shield in its territory in the early 2000s. But concerned
State Minister responsible for projects con- about its neighbors’ perception that Turkey would tar-
cerning the Southeastern Anatolia region get them, Ankara opted for a NATO missile shield pro-
Cevdet Ylmaz; Foreign Trade Minister gram instead, although the alliance’s project has been
Zafer Çalayan; Justice Minister Sadullah moving slowly. But NATO has accelerated its missile
Ergin; Interior Minister Beir Atalay; For- shield project -- something that Turkey is a party to as
eign Minister Ahmet Davutolu; Health the member of the alliance -- in recent years.
Minister Recep Akda; Energy Minister While Ankara has been actively involved in
Taner Yldz; Agriculture Minister Mehdi NATO’s missile shield program, the rationale be-
Eker; and Environment Minister Veysel hind its search for the acquisition of costly long-
Erolu participated in the meeting. range missiles should be questioned.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad attended a welcoming ceremony with their spouses before top-
Turkey will continue its pro-active level talks and the Turkish-Syrian Business Forum took place in the Syrian capital of Damascus on Wednesday. One reason for Turkey’s ill-dened arms pro-
policy regarding the Middle East, Erdoan curement policies in general has been its unaccount-
said, adding that such activity will not only has constantly rejected such arguments, calling able military, which is not under any civilian, demo-
cratic oversight. The other reason is Turkey’s historic
help strengthen bilateral relations between
Turkey and Syria but will also help build an
them reminiscent of the Cold War mentality.
Hatay row complicates water talks mistrust of NATO, in which it is a member, as well
infrastructure for peace in the Middle East. Assad couple’s gesture The finalization of a mutual agreement on Hatay poisoned the bilateral relations between as of its close ally, the US, in particular since its arms
“Everyone is free to say whatever they Upon their arrival in Damscus on Tues- water issues between Syria and Turkey was the two countries in the past. A few years ago, embargo following the Turkish operation in Cyprus
want. However, I nd these [arguments] ma- day evening, Erdoan and his wife, Emine delayed Wednesday by a disagreement stem- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who has devel- to avert a possible Greek invasion of the island.
ming from the decades-long Hatay dispute oped friendly relations with Prime Minister Recep However, there is a need for the Turkish military to
levolent. The rapprochement between Turkey Erdoan, received unexpected guests at
between the two neighboring countries, news Tayyip Erdoan, recognized Hatay as Turkey’s overcome its mistrust toward the alliance as well toward the
and Syria is actually the normalization of bi- the Four Seasons Hotel, where they stayed reports posted from Damascus have said. territory. However, Damascus did not formalize
lateral relations. What is wrong is not today’s during the visit. Assad and his spouse, Out of more than 50 bilateral agreements this with an official declaration and Hatay is still US. Above all, civilian, democratic oversight of arms pro-
rapprochement; what was wrong was yester- Asma al-Assad, visited the Erdoans at to be signed during Prime Minister Recep Tayyip shown as Syrian territory on Syrian maps. curement is vital to prevent unnecessary arms purchases.
day’s distance and the visa issue,” Erdoan the hotel to welcome them. Erdoan’s official visit to Damascus, one was In a September interview with Today’s Za- Turkey has recently extended the deadline for a re-
about the amount of water Turkey releases to man, Assad touched upon the issue of water: sponse regarding its tender for the purchase of 12 long-
said, in an apparent reference to speculation The welcome visit was considered a “ges-
Syria via the historic Tigris and Euphrates rivers. “In the recent past, Turkey fulfilled all its commit- range aerial missiles until Jan. 15, 2010. US Lockheed
over Turkey’s foreign policy direction. ture” since the Assad family is still in mourn- According to news reports, the Turkish ments regarding the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
ing over the death of Assad’s brother Majd Martin and Raytheon joined forces in the project,
Turkey’s expanded presence in the side asked the Syrian side to make an of- But this year it has not been able to fulfill a portion
Assad, who passed away earlier this month. ficial declaration recognizing Hatay province of its commitments. The amount of water that offering Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) and
foreign policy arena has long been visible
as part of Turkey’s territory before signing was left to us was very little due to some invest- PAC-3 systems, while Chinese and Russian compa-
to many, with some commentators sug- Majd Assad, 35, died at a Damascus hospi-
the deal. As of Wednesday afternoon, there ments Turkey made. However, the prime minister nies are also expected make bids in the scheme.
gesting that this signies a shift in foreign tal on Dec. 12. The mourning period lasts 40
had been no official statement or news report has said the amount of water which was sup-
policy orientation, with Ankara turning its days. The Assad family is not making any as to whether Syrian and Turkish officials were posed to be left over to us will be provided in the
back to the Western alliance and moving to- social visits during this period according to able to overcome the disagreement. near future. Iraq, Syria and Turkey have reached
ward a closer and institutionalized coopera- tradition, but they apparently made an ex- Syrian claims on the southern province of an agreement over the Tigris.” Ankara Today’s Zaman KKTC’s internal divide
tion with the Islamic world instead. Ankara ception as a gesture to the Erdoans.
mars settlement
talks in Ankara
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan extended
invitations to both the president and the prime

Belgian court lets Turkish terror suspects walk free minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
(KKTC) to hold a joint meeting in Ankara today to dis-
cuss the latest course of affairs regarding the Cyprus is-
sue, yet only the KKTC prime minister had responded

A ruling released on Wednesday by an ap- the defendants sufcient, Anatolia said. The agency in the afrmative to the invitation as of Wednesday.
peals court in Brussels concerning mem- noted that the defendants at the courthouse in Brus- Speaking to reporters in Lefkoa on Wednesday,
bers of the outlawed Revolutionary People’s sels applauded the ruling. KKTC Prime Minister Dervi Erolu said both himself
Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) was wel- Fehriye Erdal and Kaya Saz were each handed and KKTC President Mehmet Ali Talat have been invit-
comed by the defendants, as three of them were a two-year deferred prison sentence, while Musa ed to Ankara by Erdoan for talks on Cyprus scheduled
acquitted, while three more were given deferred Asolu, described as “the gang’s leader,” was given for today. Noting that he responded positively to the
prison sentences ranging from two to three years. a three-year deferred prison sentence, in light of the invitation, Erolu added: “According to the information
The suspects, all members of the DHKP/C, time they had already spent under arrest. which came to me, Mr. President has not responded
designated as a terrorist organization by the Euro- Bahar Kimyongür, ükriye Akar Özordulu and

positively. I have been informed that he told Ankara

pean Union and the United States as well as Tur- Zerrin Sar were acquitted by the court, which didn’t that he will not travel to Ankara so he must have
key, were acquitted in February 2008 in a highly take guns and documents possessed by the defen- thought that our joint visit would not be appropriate.”
controversial ruling handed down by an appeals dants into account, Anatolia reported. At the beginning of December, Talat, accompa-
court in Antwerp, which overturned an earlier de- Erdal, convicted in absentia, is a fugitive want- nied by KKTC Foreign Minister Hüseyin Özgürgün,
cision sentencing the suspects to imprisonment. ed in Turkey as the main suspect in the 1996 assas- had talks in Ankara with both President Abdullah Gül
But months later, the Belgian Court of Cassation sination of businessman Özdemir Sabanc. Erdal and Erdoan as well as with Foreign Minister Ahmet
rejected the acquittals, paving the way for a retrial. was arrested in Belgium in 1999, and she was later Davutolu. Erolu highlighted Erdoan’s invitation
In its annulment ruling, the court said the defendants sentenced to four years in prison for relatively minor is particularly aimed at listening to the KKTC gov-
could be tried in Belgium for terrorist activities in oth- DHKP/C defendants welcomed Wednesday’s ruling by an appeals court in Brussels as three of them crimes she committed in that country. But Erdal, who ernment’s view of the recent developments. “I don’t
er countries. It also dened the DHKP/C as “a terror- were acquitted and three more were given deferred prison sentences ranging from two to three years. was supposed to have been under house arrest in an know why the president is not going, it’s his own
ist organization, criminal organization and a gang.” crimes committed by the defendants in Belgium were of a terrorist organization, the court used a lighter undisclosed location in Belgium, disappeared just be- decision,” Erolu said, noting that he would fly to
The appeals court in Brussels, which began the not “terror activities,” the Anatolia news agency re- phrase, “gang,” as it didn’t nd evidence provided fore the ruling was announced. She has been at Ankara at noon today and would meet Erdoan in
retrial process in May, ruled on Wednesday that the ported. Instead of calling the defendants members by the prosecutor supporting its accusations against large since then. Ankara Today’s Zaman with wires the evening. Ankara Today’s Zaman with wires

General Staff on
the defense in wake
Alleged assassination plot puts spotlight on press cards of plot criticism
AYE KARABAT ANKARA the ofcers had tried to swallow a piece of paper a commission in which the Association of Parlia- talitarian regime. There is a blanket of dark- In a statement posted on its Web site, the
when he saw the gendarmerie and police teams mentary Correspondents are represented. ness over everything claiming to be ghting General Staff on Wednesday chose to defend
Press cards have become the focus of atten- approaching. The paper featured Arnç’s home The prosecutors are examining possible links against the darkness,” he said. the armed forces and its members against harsh
tion once again after a fake card was alleg- address. Police also found several maps showing between two suspected military ofcers and Ahmet Abakay, the chairperson of the Con- criticism over an apparent planned assassination
edly found in a house search of one of the two Arnç’s house in the two vehicles. shady networks, including Ergenekon which is a temporary Journalists’ Association, also under- against Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arnç and
military ofcers who were detained on Saturday The security forces also allegedly found a fake shadowy group suspected of trying to overthrow lined the existence of the dark aspects of the plot accused the press of reporting on the plan instead
on charges of plotting to assassinate Deputy press card in the search of the suspects’ houses but the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and said that as a part of these, the press card of responding to the people’s questions.
Prime Minister Bülent Arnç. there were no further details of which media orga- government. which was found in the house of one of the sus- “Protecting the condentiality of an ongo-
Gendarmerie and police teams launched nization’s name was on the press card and if it was Doan Tlç from the Middle East Technical pects should be investigated very carefully, too: ing judicial process is a principle of law. How-
an operation to capture the suspects after they imitation of the one’s issued by the Prime Ministry University (METU) Media and Cultural Studies “Who supplied it, which organization? It is quite ever, recent incidents have shown that this
received information that two military ofcers Directorate General of Press and Information. Program said that there are many dark aspects to common for security forces to sometimes use principle has lost its validity to a considerable
extent in our country. Details of this incident
-- Maj. brahim G. and Col. Erkan Ylmaz B. -- In Turkey, press cards are issued by the Prime the subject and this is the real danger. press cards at social events to lm the partici-
concerning two ofcers started to appear in the
were planning to assassinate the deputy prime Ministry Directorate General of the Press and In- “For real journalists, to have a press card be- pants. All these things bring extra difculties to
media on Dec. 21. There is a difference between
minister. The teams spotted two suspicious ve- formation and other state ofces usually distrib- came dangerous, they were even killed. But the journalism in Turkey,” Abakay said.
reporting the incident and reporting it with de-
hicles in the vicinity of Arnç’s house. One of the ute their own accreditation cards, like the Min- alleged criminals are using them as a sort of pro- He added that in order to prevent this
tails and commentary,” read the statement.
vehicles belonged to the General Staff while the istry of Foreign Affairs, the Presidential Palace tective shield,” Tlç told Today’s Zaman. kind of misapplication of press identity cards,
Two military ofcers, identied as Maj.
other was hired from a private car rental compa- and the Prime Ministry. Parliament distributes its “But not to know and not to be able to they should be issued by professional journal-
brahim G. and Col. Erkan Ylmaz B, were
ny. Turkish dailies claimed yesterday that one of own accreditation cards after the examination of reach accurate information leads us to a to- istic organizations.
detained on Saturday night on suspicion of
plotting to assassinate Arnç. The two are
Special Forces members and are assigned to
the General Staff. A piece of paper discov-

Would-be assassins were planning to ered in the ofcers’ vehicle contained the
home address of the deputy prime minister.
The statement claimed that the two of-
cers had been assigned by the General Staff

kill high-profile politicians, ministers to gather information about a member of the

military who was accused of leaking military
information to third parties. The accused of-
cer resides in an area close to Arnç’s house.
The General Staff also added that the reason


contnued from page 1 ment ofcials, the chief of general staff, Gen. lker for the existence of a piece of paper with Arnç’s
Police also seized a fake press card belong- Babu, and other army generals. address and documents seized in a police search
ing to the colonel during the search. Pros- Arnç said he has discussed the plot with at the ofcers’ houses and ofces will emerge
ecutors are investigating for what purpose the colo- Prime Minister Erdoan, Interior Minister Beir after an ongoing investigation is completed.
nel was planning to use the card. Atalay and Ankara Police Chief Orhan Özdemir The statement was termed “self-defense” by
The two ofcers were released after interroga- so far. “I watched the video recordings from many observers. However, what the public was
tion by a military prosecutor on Tuesday. The An- the security cameras. I also saw other docu- expecting from the General Staff, according to
kara Public Prosecutor’s Ofce is examining pos- ments. They told me that the counter-terrorism observers, was a satisfactory explanation of the
sible links between the two and shady networks, teams from the Ankara Police Department took plot controversy. Some urged Chief of General
including Ergenekon and Atabeyler. prompt action when they received information Staff Gen. lker Babu to hold a press conference

Ergenekon is a shadowy group suspected about a planned assassination. There were two to respond to questions about this newest plot.
of trying to overthrow the Justice and Develop- suspicious vehicles. One belongs to the General The expression of the military’s position on
ment Party (AK Party) government. Atabeyler is Staff and the other was hired from a private car ongoing developments in the country, mostly
a gang whose plans to assassinate Erdoan were rental company. The two detained are ofcers related to politics, is not a rare happening for
uncovered in 2007. on active duty. The police launched an operation the General Staff. Chief of General Staff Gen.
An examination of video recordings from secu- [against] them on Saturday night,” the deputy lker Babu held a press conference on the
rity cameras in the vicinity of Arnç’s house showed prime minister noted. frigate TGC Oruç Reis last week. He said there
that the major and the colonel had explored the Asked why he could have been picked out for was a psychological war being waged against
neighborhood several times with vehicles they had assassination, Arnç replied: “I have personal com- the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).
hired from private car rental companies. ments on such a plot, but it would not be correct to In the meantime, Sabah columnist Mehmet
When Ankara police rst received information share them with the public at the moment. How- Barlas criticized the military chief for remaining
in early December from unidentied persons that a ever, I can say that we are always under threat.” silent on the assassination plot despite publicly
plan to assassinate Arnç had been put into action, The deputy prime minister also expressed his voicing his opinion on many issues last week. “I
they reportedly focused on leftist groups as the pos- wish for a rapid conclusion to the ongoing probe hope the heavy criticism directed at Gen. Babu
sible instigators of the plot. into the devious plot. “You know our prime minis- due to his statements [aboard the frigate] will
Police believed it was part of a series of planned ter’s sensitivity to the issue. He is closely following not discourage him from brieng the public on
the assassination plot against Arnç because the
attacks on the anniversary of the Hayata Dönü developments,” Arnç added.
plot has spurred the public to expect a satisfactory
(Back to Life) operation in 2000, which was staged In the meantime, Erdoan spoke to reporters
statement from the General Staff,” stated Barlas.
to end a hunger strike collectively launched by in- on Tuesday about the assassination plot against
The columnist also said a similar state-
mates in 20 prisons throughout the country. Thirty- Arnç and dened it as “grave and thought-pro-
ment could also be delivered by Defense
two died and hundreds were injured in the opera- voking.” He said he hopes the judiciary will con-
Minister Vecdi Gönül.
tion, in which 10,000 security ofcers participated. clude the investigation in such a way as to clarify
Hürriyet daily Editor-in-Chief Erturul
Arnç, who was the parliament speaker at the the ambiguity surrounding the incident.
Özkök wrote in Wednesday’s column that the
time, granted a Supreme Service Medal to Supreme
Ex-justice minister: General Staff has not made a statement on the
Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) member
plot story even though three days had passed
Ali Suat Ertosun for his performance in the opera- Plot aimed at fomenting chaos since the capture of the would-be assassins.
tion. Ertosun was then head of the General Director- Former Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Türk Özkök directed a list of questions to the Gen-
ate of Prisons and Detention Centers. claimed that the plot against Arnç was aimed at eral Staff about their silence on the issue.
Leftists groups accuse Arnç of rewarding the fomenting an atmosphere of chaos in the coun- Among the questions are: “For what pur-
killings that took place in prisons during the notori- try. “Some circles in this country, unfortunately, pose were the two ofcers near Arnç’s house?
ous operation by awarding Ertosun a medal. exercise violence and hope to attain their objec- Were they planning such a thing with the
In the meantime, Ankara police have requested tives through acts of terror,” he said. knowledge of the General Staff? Could two
the records of the phone conversations of brahim Türk escaped unscathed from an explosion at people who do not have the ability to remember
G. and Erkan Ylmaz B. from the Telecommunica- an Ankara university in April after a woman ap- the name of a street serve as intelligence agents?
tions Directorate (TB). Police believe the records proached him and detonated a bomb. An expert How could they dare to do such a thing after all
could shed light on the links between the two of- in constitutional law, Türk was about to enter a that happened after the Ergenekon case?”
cers and clandestine organizations. Bilkent University hall to give a lecture when a Özkök urged the General Staff to re-
woman, identied as Didem Akman, approached spond to the questions and dispel the uncer-
Arnç plans to discuss him and ignited the fuse of a bomb she was car- tainty in people’s minds.
assassination plot in MGK meeting rying on her body, but the bomb did not explode. Milliyet columnist Fikret Bila also said the mys-
Arnç stated that he plans to discuss the assassination “Attacks against politicians occur in many tery of two ofcers who were detained on charges
plot with members of the National Security Council countries. But they cannot be justied or ap- of plotting to assassinate Arnç needs to be ad-
(MGK) during its next meeting, slated for Dec. 28, proved. I strongly denounce the plotters and per- dressed by the General Staff. “The judicial process
the Star daily reported on Wednesday. petrators of the planned assassination against the Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arnç was the target of a foiled assassination plot allegedly will help remove the shroud of secrecy. But it is
Among the members of the MGK are govern- deputy prime minister,” Türk remarked. devised by a group from within the armed forces. almost a necessity to learn whether the General
Staff will conduct an investigation into the assas-
sination,” Bila noted. stanbul Today’s Zaman

Would-be assassin
Is t a seres of assassnatons that they’re after? linked to Ergenekon
Prosecutors investigating an assassination plot
against the deputy prime minister have discov-
For three days, Ankara has been in shock over al- NEWS ANALYSIS of the suspects attempting to swallow the piece of implicated, dozens of ofcers on active duty are
ered links between plot suspect Maj. brahim G.
legations of an assassination plot targeting Dep- the paper with the target address on it. Ten vehi- being tried, days in which plans of bombings and
FATH UUR and retired Maj. Muzaffer Tekin, an Ergenekon
uty Prime Minister Bülent Arnç. There had to be cles had been rented using fake IDs, and almost all assassinations are popping up all over. And two
suspect who is currently in jail. Prosecutors are
an explanation for the capture of two high-rank- TODAY’S ZAMAN of them had been caught on video. The allegations such active duty ofcers have been caught red-
focused on claims that the major and Col. Erkan
ing ofcers with Arnç’s address, a map and la- are serious. The suspects are currently free. This handed. It’s also important to not forget Ali Balkz
Ylmaz B. may have received orders concerning
beling information. Information that came in the event which has shaken Ankara so deeply will cer- and Kazm Genç, who were targets of Ergenekon
the planned assassination from Tekin. Tekin is
other day suggests that the story doesn’t end with the top of the state is being observed and black- tainly have light shed upon it through the investi- assassination plans, or the S1 team lists and the
accused of directing Alparslan Arslan to carry
Arnç, but extends to target President Abdullah listed? According to allegations, Maj. .G. and Col. gation of security forces and the judiciary. What’s Atabey and Sauna gangs. As Turkey strengthens
out the 2006 Council of State attack aimed at
Gül, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan, Par- E.Y.B. both work at the Mobilization Inspection being spoken about here is the assassination of the its democracy, it has become very clear that there increasing domestic pressure on the AK Party
liament Speaker Mehmet Ali ahin and other Command, the General Staff’s provincial arm. prime minister’s right-hand man, who at one point are those who want to drag the country into chaos government to lead to a coup d’état. Prosecutors
ministers and deputies. Ergenekon defendant Fikret Emek had served sat in the state’s number-two spot as parliament with assassinations. And the state institutions, the have discovered that the major had dozens of
There are many ministers and deputies who in the same division. A fake press card has been speaker. Who is a message being sent to? General Staff, the opposition, politicians, appre- phone conversations with Tekin. The major also
reside in the Çukurambar district. Some people unearthed at the home of one of the suspects. Turkey is passing through a critical period in hension and intelligence are all silent. This silence talked to Arslan 32 times over the phone. They
are surprised that in the middle of the night, two Weren’t press cards also made for assassin Al- which prosecutors are investigating coup and at- isn’t a good sign. Isn’t enough for the political also discovered that the major had frequent
cars were caught scoping out the scene. Isn’t the parslan Arslan, who committed the attack on the tack plans and cage operations as part of court cas- memory to recall the chains of assassinations from phone conversations with 10 other individuals.
real surprise here that in a democratic country Council of State? Acting on a tip-off 20 days old, es. These are days in which, due to assassination 1977-80 that killed the Gün Sazaks, the Nihat Er- Prosecutors are now working to unmask the
the deputy prime minister is being targeted, that the Ankara police captured these people, with one plans in which the Naval Forces Command is also ims and the Abdi pekçis? identities of those individuals. Sedat Güneç Ankara

Readiye attack was reported by intelligence unit

Intelligence agencies warned security and The stanbul intelligence branch, which had before necessary precautions were taken; personnel Forces (HPG), the armed wing of the PKK, but without
gendarmerie forces in advance about an at- started to prepare the report on Nov. 2 and sent it should make sure that traps were not established an order from the forces or the PKK. The agency reported
tack in Resadiye in the Central Anatolian province on Dec. 4, indicated that an arm of the outlawed in areas of high risk; security precautions should that the assault was not the result of a directive from the
of Tokat that killed seven soldiers and injured three Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) known as the be reviewed in the premises of the ruling party, the HPG command. The HPG also said the assault was re-
others, according to the Akam daily. Maoist Communist Party (MKP) was armed. Justice Ministry, and in the buildings which house taliation against Turkish security forces because of recent
The daily reported yesterday that the stanbul Titled “Possible Action” the report stated that security personnel; intelligence activities should be military operations against the terrorist organization.
Intelligence Branch had warned the National In- the MKP had formed a new group in Tunceli and it increased; and developments should be immediate- Following the attack, the General Staff released the
telligence Organization (MT), police and gendar- had sufcient amount of weapons and ammunition. ly reported to the director general of anti-terrorism. texts of the attackers’ wireless communications. MT
merie 33 days before the attack on Dec. 7 and asked The report also indicated that soldiers should The Frat news agency had announced that the at- ofcial Emre Taner had said that the conversation style
them to increase security for the soldiers. choose alternative routes; vehicles should not leave tack was carried out by a unit of the People’s Defense was not similar to that of the PKK. stanbul Today’s Zaman
Ozan Ceyhun

German social
Greek Cyprus might democrats to sever


harm EU migration ties with CHP
Ozan Ceyhun, a former German mem-
talks, Ba warns ber of the European Parliament, has said
his Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
contýnued from page 1
is ready to break its ties with Turkey’s main op-
The Greek Cypriot veto of talks on this chap- position Republican People’s Party (CHP).
ter at a time when Turkey and the EU are in- Speaking with journalists in Ankara on
volved in “constructive dialogue” is “tantamount Tuesday at a gathering of the Parliament Cor-
to the Greek Cypriot administration shooting the respondents Association, Ceyhun said German
EU and itself in the foot,” chief negotiator Ege-

social democrat institutions have demanded
men Ba told journalists in stanbul. “The Turk- that the SPD sever its ties with the CHP.
ish authorities will assess this unwise attitude of Ceyhun said remarks by CHP Deputy Chair-
the Greek Cypriot administration in the course of man Onur Öymen’s on Dersim were not well re-
talks with the EU on readmission.” ceived by the SPD. Öymen angered Turkey’s Alevi
Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are be- community by referring to the Turkish govern-
lieved to go to Europe via Turkey. Turkish authorities ment’s harsh response to a 1937 rebellion in the
apprehended approximately 65,000 illegal immigrants predominantly Alevi city of Tunceli, then known
in 2008. The readmission agreement discussed be- as Dersim, as an example of ghting terrorism.
tween Turkish and EU ofcials envisages sending im- Adding that the CHP had not sent any
migrants back to their countries of origin via Turkey. representatives to the last general assembly of
The EU and Turkey have long been at odds over
the SPD, Ceyhun said that as far as SPD mem-
this critical issue. The EU alleges that Turkey is not
bers were concerned, the CHP is no different
doing enough to tackle illegal immigration coming
than the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).
from the East, especially from Afghanistan, Pakistan
“When you look at it from Berlin, the CHP
and the Middle East, claiming the country has failed
is no different than the MHP. This is what
to fulll its promises to repatriate illegal immigrants
most people began to think following Öy-
who pass through Turkey and are later detained
men’s remarks,” he said.
in EU member states. Turkey, on the other hand,
When asked about the closure of the pro-
needs the assistance of the EU to establish a reliable
Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP), he said
system and to ease worries of whether all detained
a decision to close parties is not right in princi-
immigrants will be sent back after the agreement Ex-DTP deputies Sevahir Bayndr, brahim Binici and Özdal Üçar on Tuesday visited the Makhmour camp with several mayors and administrators from the party.
ple but that there is an opportunity for some of
is signed. Ba was speaking at a meeting during
the DTP deputies to continue under the newly
which he announced a new communication strategy
formed Peace and Democracy Party (BDP).
to boost EU membership efforts.
Turkey and the EU launched accession nego-
tiations on the environment chapter in Brussels
on Monday, bringing the number of chapters on
Former DTP members’ Ceyhun, who was part of the gathering of
correspondents with Turkey’s chief EU nego-
tiator, Egemen Ba, also said the SPD repre-
sentative for the state of Hesse will be in Tur-
which talks have begun to 12. The EU suspended
key to talk with Turkish parties and to visit the
accession talks on eight chapters in 2006 due to
the Cyprus ports row. France, which is opposed
to Turkish membership, later announced it would
veto talks on ve chapters directly related to ac-
Makhmour vst mght predominantly Kurdish province of Diyarbakr.
When asked about the debate regarding a
call to expel the CHP from the Socialist Inter-
national, Ceyhun said: “It is not easy to expel
cession. The latest Greek Cypriot veto leaves only
a few chapters available for negotiation.
Ba called on the EU to cleanse the negotia-
tion process -- which is supposed to proceed on
hurt Kurdsh ntatve a party from the Socialist International. But
they [CHP] will have difculty nding a party
to talk there.” Ankara Today’s Zaman
the basis of neutral EU standards to regulate all MELK DUVAKLI MAKHMOUR located. The slogans and chants during the see what happens to them, and we’ll come
speech also called for talking directly to the accordingly’.”
walks of life in member countries -- of political fac-
tors, lamenting that the process is stymied by “po- Some deputies and mayors formerly terrorist leader. During the visit, the Makhmour People’s 6 million gain
of the now-defunct Democratic So- Meanwhile, the politicians’ convoy was Council made a declaration laying down 10
litical calculations” in some EU member countries.
He did, however, emphasize that Turkey re- ciety Party (DTP), who visited the playing PKK anthems as they entered the conditions for returning to Turkey. Makhmour immunity against
Makhmour refugee camp in northern Iraq, camp. “We can’t live without our identity. residents asked for the UN to oversee the re-
mains committed to EU membership efforts, say-
ing the accession process is a “historic opportunity where many of Turkey’s southeastern Kurds You have put up a resistance and come here turns, and also asked for mass residential areas H1N1 in Turkey
to transform Turkey’s political, economic and social who were displaced reside, have referred to for freedom. Now they are saying ‘We will in Turkey where they could settle together. Four million people have been infected
life.” Ba also welcomed the EU’s Lisbon Treaty the government’s Kurdish initiative as a proj- eliminate [the Kurdish movement] under They also asked for and end to the isolation of with the H1N1 virus and 2 million people
and the new EU Commission coming into force. ect to eliminate Kurds. the guise of the Kurdish initiative. If the state Öcalan, who is jailed on a prison island, and have been vaccinated against the disease in Tur-
The chief EU negotiator reiterated Turkey’s The DTP was shut down earlier this really wants a solution, they should listen to for the government to announce its road- key, bringing the number of people who have ac-
demands for the lifting of visa requirements for month by a Constitutional Court decision on Makhmour. They came to Iraq, why didn’t map. Journalists were taken out of the camp quired immunity against the pandemic to a total
Turkish citizens, saying member countries are charges of links to separatist terrorism. they come to Makhmour? We want to act as after the declaration. The deputies stayed in of 6 million, the Health Ministry has announced.
obliged to implement a ruling made early this Ex-DTP deputies Sevahir Bayndr, a bridge between Ankara and Makhmour. If Makhmour overnight. Some believe that the Yet the ministry noted that the gure was
year by the European Court of Justice, which brahim Binici and Özdal Üçar, several we are assigned a task, there are no limits arrangement was to accommodate a group not sufcient to prevent the spread of the dis-
called for visa exemptions for Turks in line with mayors and party administrators visited the to what we can do. We can go to Kandil if of PKK administrators from Kandil, who ease, hence vaccinations should continue in
a 1963 agreement between Turkey and the EU. UN-operated camp on Monday. In their necessary. We are here. We will take your would be joining a secret meeting at night. order to protect public health. The ministry
speeches, they emphasized the importance messages to Parliament and the govern- also warned that H1N1 cases were likely to be
More steps in Kurdish initiative of terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) ment. We envision is a multi-lingual, multi Erdoan says Türk’s words seen less frequently at the end of winter but
In comments on the government’s Kurdish initia- head Abdullah Öcalan as an equal partner cultured system,” Bayndr said. unfortunate they were more likely to increase next autumn.
tive, Ba said new steps, including opening Kurd- to the state. Turkey has consistently refused Bayndr recalled that in October a group Meanwhile, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip According to the ministry, the disease has
ish institutes in universities, establishing a state to sit down with the PKK for talks, but as of 32 Kandil and Makhmour residents re- Erdoan said former DTP chairman Ahmet been found and caused deaths in all provinces
body to ght discrimination and an independent part of the government’s recent Kurdish turned to Turkey. The PKK and the DTP refer Türk’s speech announcing the decision of for- in Turkey so far. Although the disease is seen in
human rights board, restoring the former names of initiative half of the 12,000 refugees at the to this group as the “peace group.” “They [the mer DTP deputies to stay in Parliament and all age groups, it has been more frequent among
Kurdish towns and villages and lifting obstacles to camp are to be repatriated. Turkey has also government] wanted to expedite the process. not resign was “unfortunate.” Türk’s speech children, young people and the middle aged, said
election campaigns in Kurdish are on the way. long accused Makhmour of being a recruit- Now they should solve the problems of the made it clear that the deputies were staying the ministry. The elderly get infected with the
Ba also criticized the closure of the main ment base for the PKK. peace group rst. Unity can only be possible as directed by Öcalan through his lawyers. H1N1 virus less frequently but the effects of the
pro-Kurdish party, the Democratic Society Party In his speech, rnak deputy Bayndr with a democratic initiative and by ending “We do not treat any illegal organization or disease are felt more strongly in this age group.
(DTP), saying his government does not approve said, “We will go to Kandil if necessary for a clashes. You, who have been forced out of individual as an equal partner,” Erdoan said, Turkey recorded its rst H1N1 casualty in
the banning of any political party that operates solution,” referring to the Kandil Mountains your villages, can now return freely. You sent speaking to the press shortly before his depar- early November with the death of a 27-year-
within democratic boundaries and in line with in northern Iraq, where many PKK bases are the peace group, now you are saying, ‘let’s ture to Syria at Esenboa Airport on Monday. old man, D.., who worked as a custodian at an
respect for the rule of law. Ankara hospital. The death toll has now neared
500. The ministry said one-third of those who
died due to H1N1 was below the age of 50 and
known to be healthy people.
Health Minister Recep Akda dismissed
claims that Turkey had been late in importing the
Patriarchate clarifies: ‘Crucifixion’ means sorrow, hardships H1N1 vaccine, saying that the country was among
the rst to import it and begin vaccinations. Akda
was responding to two separate parliamentary
A statement from the stanbul-based Greek obviously did not intend to imply any pressure “crucied” living in Turkey. Turkish brethren who live in the Western Thrace inquiries initiated by Nationalist Movement Party
Orthodox Patriarchate said that Patriarch from our government.” “As a spiritual leader who is supposed to ex- feel crucied. The important thing is to alleviate (MHP) Hatay deputy Turan Çirkin and Republican
Bartholomew’s words on a CBS television pro- The statement also said that there was a need press the problems that the Christian Orthodox the problems in society. And as we know, there People’s Party (CHP) Edirne deputy Bilgin Paçarz
gram broadcast in the United States about feeling to make a public announcement about the issue community and the Patriarchate have been fac- are not segments in the society without problems. about the import of H1N1 vaccines to Turkey.
“crucied” living in Turkey was meant to reect because the patriarch’s words were interpreted in ing for years, the patriarch has used his usual Our Alevi brothers have problems. Workers have When asked about the best way for people to
sorrow and hardships because of problems. a way that goes beyond their meaning. realistic and careful style to articulate these,” the problems. Armenians have problems. Greeks have protect themselves against the virus, Akda said
The patriarchate’s statement said: “There Speaking in an interview held in May with statement also said. problems. Women have problems. But we have it was vaccination. The ministry, which frequent-
are similar idioms in all languages, and they are CBS’ “60 Minutes” for a story broadcast on Meanwhile, Turkey’s Chief Negotiator for the will to overcome these problems. Our Turkey ly informed the public about the death toll of the
not evaluated in their narrow meanings but in Sunday night, Patriarch Bartholomew said Tur- the European Union Egemen Ba said that the is not the old Turkey. Turkey can face its problems. H1N1 virus, has now decided not to disclose the
their broad sense in that language. While an- key’s Greek Orthodox community feels they are expression is used in English and Greek, adding: It is a country which tries to identify its problems gures as sharing them with the public has not
swering questions in that regard, the patriarch treated as “second-class citizens” and he feels “We would not gain anything by saying that our and produce solutions.” stanbul Today’s Zaman benetted public health. Pnar Kaman stanbul

Eastern Anatolia
Global Bilgi eyes expansion in Eastern Europe in 10th year to receive further
ERGN HAVA ÝSTANBUL market research in the region and are prestige in customer services both largest companies in the country. Noting that they
looking for new investment opportu- in Turkey and abroad,” he said. Un- expected to reach a TL 260 million turnover and government support
Having left 10 years behind in the call nities, particularly in such countries derlining that they place heavy im- 30 percent growth in 2010, Pekkan said Global
center services sector, Global Bilgi, Tur- as Russia. Among the countries they portance on customer satisfaction, Bilgi serves around 2 million customers every day. The government will be providing more sup-
key’s largest call center group, expects to are most keen to enter is the Rus- the Turkcell manager said they are Established in 1999, the company currently port for the Eastern Anatolia Project (DAP)
grow in the international arena via the Eastern sian market, Pekkan noted, adding hopeful for the future of the call cen- provides a variety of call center services for cus- through animal husbandry subsidies and the imple-
European market. that they are encouraged by a large ter services sector and could grow tomers of both Turkcell and other private and mentation of the Social Support Project (SODES),
Speaking to Today’s Zaman during a press customer potential in this country. further with new investments and a public rms. Some 50 million customers from taking cues from the Southeastern Anatolia Project
conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Global Bilgi is the rst and only Turk- diversication of products. Ciliv also three countries -- Turkey, Belarus and Ukraine (GAP), according to State Minister Cevdet Ylmaz.
group, Global Bilgi General Manager Bahadr ish company to have entered the in- Bahadr Pekkan
asserted that they plan to hire new -- are assisted by Global Bilgi’s 9,000 employ- Speaking to the Anatolia news agency yester-
Pekkan said his company has gained noticeable ternational call center market. staff in 2010, irrespective of the neg- ees. Following their successful operations both day, Ylmaz revealed that the government would
market experience in countries such as Belarus Also speaking to reporters, Turkcell CEO ative impact of the recent global nancial crisis. in domestic and foreign markets, the group develop a more substantial basis of government
and Ukraine, the two Eastern European coun- Süreyya Ciliv said they expect to add new call “The call center services sector has the ability to was named the “best call center” in the Europe, support for DAP and the Konya Plain Project (KOP)
tries in which the group currently provides ser- centers in the Turkish market following the suc- withstand the effects and exit from crises, unlike Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region by Con- by mid-2010, adding that efforts to add elements of
vices, and that their initial target in 2010 will be cess of Global Bilgi in current operations. “We many other sectors,” the Turkcell head opined. in its “2009 Top Ranking GAP to DAP were currently under way.
to expand to other neighboring countries in the receive positive feedback from our customers and Global Bilgi currently holds a 45 percent share Performers.” Global Bilgi came in third on the “We will add two elements of GAP to DAP,”
region. Pekkan said they had started conducting are aware that Global Bilgi has earned Turkcell of the Turkish market; it is listed among the 500 Web site’s list of “best call centers worldwide.” stated Ylmaz, revealing that the Ministry of Agricul-
ture’s support for animal husbandry in GAP will be
implemented in the DAP
project in 2010.
DAP will also include
a second element of the

OPEC keeps GAP project, SODES,


which aims to eliminate
problems arising from

output goals, poverty, migration and

urbanization by increas-
ing employment, enhanc-
Cevdet Ylmaz

seeks quota ing vocational education,

providing income-mak-
ing opportunities and supporting social activities
such as sports and cultural events. Ylmaz noted that

discipline development agencies would also start working to-

wards completing regional development programs
in 2010, with the hope that in 2011 the state and

OPEC agreed on Tuesday to keep sup- agencies would “start turning the pedals in sync.”
ply curbs unchanged but faces a battle Ylmaz, speaking about the progress of GAP,
to crack down on those in its ranks who are recalled that the project’s main irrigation pipelines
failing to comply with quota restrictions if it to Mardin, Diyarbakr and Suruç will have a total
wants to drain bulging global fuel inventories. length of 385 kilometers when completed. With the
The 12-member Organization of the land consolidation projects -- aiming to combine
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that small parcels of land in order to increase efciency
pumps some 50 percent of the world’s oil -- completed, there will be a signicant increase in
exports has seen crude prices almost double the agricultural production of the region, he stated.
since the start of the year after it sliced out- This, along with a rise in exports to neighboring
put when recession hit fuel demand. Oil countries, will play a substantial role in the growth
prices traded just below $73 a barrel on of the nation, Ylmaz stated. stanbul Today’s Zaman
Tuesday for US crude, near the centre of the
$70-$80 range that many in OPEC say they
prefer. “At between $70 and $80, everyone
is happy,” Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi Koç obtains $425 mln
said. “The current price is good for consum-
ers, producers and investors.” loan for umbrella firms
OPEC’s biggest producer, Saudi Arabia
Koç Holding has unveiled a loan package
has made clear that it does not want to risk
that would provide rms under the Koç um-
letting fuel prices get out of hand for fear
brella with a total of $425 million in loans.
of stunting a fragile recovery in world eco-
The conglomerate revealed yesterday
nomic growth.
through the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP)
But Naimi expressed concern over the
of the stanbul Stock Exchange (MKB) that it
poor discipline shown by some OPEC mem-
would provide by means of a consortium of
bers in observing quota restrictions. This has
Dealerships struggled to keep up with surging demand due to promotions by automobile manufacturers looking to continue their performance after the ÖTV discount.
21 national and international nancial institu-
pushed up inventories in industrialised con-
Despite the steep discounts offered throughout most of the year, the number of registered vehicles increased only slightly, by 0.2 percent in October over October 2008. tions a loan of $425 million for its companies.
sumer nations to 60 days worth of demand.
The funds will be available for use in the sec-
Stricter adherence to the 4.2 million
barrels-a-day (bpd) of reductions in force
throughout 2009 would skim inventories to
levels more acceptable to producers. Asked
Vehicle registrations drop by 11.4 pct ond half of January 2010 and comprise $120
million and 211.5 million euros.
The loan has a term of 39 months for the
dollar portion and 27 months for the euro por-
for his opinion on compliance, Naimi said:
“We expect more.”
OPEC’s ofcial communique read:
“Member countries repeated their commit-
in November as full ÖTV reinstated tion. The interest on the dollar-based loan is the
London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor) plus 3.25
percent, and the euro-based loan is the Euro In-
The number of cars registered in the number of motor vehicles increased by The ÖTV discount, which brought terbank Offered Rate (Euribor) plus 2.75 percent.
ment to their individually agreed production
October increased by 0.2 percent 0.2 percent, or a 17.6 percent increase in au- tax down from 37 percent to 18 percent, The release added that companies under the
allocations.” But it has little in its armoury
over the same month last year but tomobile sales, reecting the stimulus pro- was enacted in mid-March and was to Koç umbrella that take advantage of this opportu-
to ensure that happens other than an appeal
decreased by 11.4 percent compared to Sep- vided by the ÖTV discount. Of the 63,336 last three months. After the three-month nity will make the necessary public disclosures re-
to self-interest. “We always ask them to at
tember, as the effects of a special consump- vehicles registered in October, 39.4 percent period, the discount was not fully elimi- garding the use of the funds. stanbul Today’s Zaman
least try to implement the decision that has
been taken,” said OPEC Secretary-General tion tax (ÖTV) discount enacted in the sum- were registered in stanbul, 9.1 percent in nated but was brought up to 27 percent,
Abdullah al-Badri said. “We can’t really mer wore off. Ankara, and 6.2 percent in zmir. a 10 point decrease from the original tax.
force countries to adhere 100 percent, but
we always encourage them to comply.”
According to the Road Motor Vehicles
Statistics released by the Turkish Statistics
The total number of motor vehicles reg-
istered between January and October 2009
The discount was completely eliminated
on Oct. 1. Automobile manufacturers,
Yap Kredi unveils
OPEC estimates show that Saudi and
its Gulf allies Kuwait and the UAE are at or
Institute (TurkStat) yesterday, the number of
vehicles registered in November was 63,336,
was 495,584, or a 27.3 percent decrease
compared to the same period of 2008. The
however, seeking a strong nish to 2009,
continued to promote their vehicles with
‘expatriate banking’
an 11.4 percent decrease on the previous number of total vehicles on the road thus to- heavy discounts after Oct. 1. Yap Kredi, a subsidiary bank of Koç Hold-
near full compliance with output cuts. But
month. The largest decrease stemmed from taled 14,260,979, with 49.5 percent consist- According to data gathered by the Ana- ing, has announced a new “expatriate
Angola, Nigeria and Iran have made little
a 43.7 percent decrease in minibuses regis- ing of cars. For the 31,571 vehicles receiving tolia news agency, many manufacturers banking” service aimed at meeting the banking
or no contribution.
tered. The number of cars registered in this their rst certicate of registration, 15 per- have surpassed the now defunct 10 percent needs of expatriates living in Turkey.
Compliance peaked in February at
period also decreased by 10.2 percent. Truck cent were Renault, 13.7 percent Hyundai, discount with year-end promotions, and According to a written statement released
about 80 percent but has since slipped to
registration increased by 14.9 percent. 10.7 percent Ford, 8.8 percent Volkswagen some are having difculty meeting the high yesterday by the bank, the new service will ca-
60 percent, adding about 800,000 bpd or
Compared to the same month last year, and 8.8 percent Tofa-Fiat. demand for new vehicles. stanbul Today’s Zaman ter to the investment, deposit, insurance, safe
3 percent to OPEC supplies over the past
deposit box and wire transfer needs of for-
nine months. Luanda Reuters
eigners in Turkey. Executive Vice President of
Credit Cards and Consumer Lending Nazan
Somer noted that 10 Yap Kredi branches lo-
cated in cities with a heavy concentration of ex-
pats would have bankers who can manage the

stanbul to emerge as fashion corner where East meets West portfolios of their expatriate customers.
Somer added that the bank would be focus-
ing on stanbul, Bursa, zmir, Ankara, Mula,
Marmaris and Bodrum, where many expatri-
on Aug. 28-30] coincided with the closing of the specialists from a number of retail chains from Asia, the Middle East, Europe and America are
ates live. stanbul Today’s Zaman
summer season, the number of companies that throughout the world, both Eastern and West- attending the fair, he said.
As consumption shifted from the Western attended was very low; however, this time we ern countries, are expected to visit the fair this The fair will be visited by delegations of 125
world to the East with the recent global - are expecting a very high gure,” he said, adding year. The recession resulted in a purchase specialists from Greece and Bulgaria,
nancial crisis, stanbul became the meeting point that he is very optimistic about the fair worldwide search for new mar- respectively, along with 10 purchase specialists
of the two, especially in the textile and ready- and that he expects it to attract kets, and there is currently a each from Jordanian and Romanian textile and
to-wear sectors, CNR Holding sales coordinator some 30,000 visitors. general shift in consumption ready-to-wear associations. Moreover, the Ser-
Selçuk çinsel has said. çinsel drew attention from the West to the East bian Chamber of Commerce expected to attend
Delivering a speech at a press conference to the attendance of Saudi around the world, he said, the fair with a group of eight buyers as will Rus-
organized to promote the 15th stanbul Fashion House, one of Saudi Arabia’s adding that stanbul is an sia’s Krasnodar Chamber of Commerce. Other
Fair, which is scheduled to be held at the CNR leading department stores, at appealing market in this countries that will be represented by companies
Expo Center on Jan. 24-26, çinsel said 125 com- the fair, stressing that this will be regard. A reection of this at the fair are China, Egypt, France, Germany,
panies from around the world are expected to the rst time a Saudi company at- situation is seen in the Lebanon, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, the
participate in the fair. “Since the last fair [held tends. Moreover, he said, purchase fact that countries from UAE, the UK and the US.


Turkish firm invents

Visa: Turkey could lead European credit card market more efficient fuel
Visa Europe President and CEO Peter Ayliffe strong here. Turkey is Visa Europe’s most-devel- Discussing the ndings of “The future of every- hike in the use of electronic payments would contrib-
has said Turkey is Visa Europe’s second-largest
credit card market and may become the largest if it
oped country in terms of technology.”
Noting that advanced payment systems are
day payments in Europe Who cares” report, Ayliffe
said 80 percent of payments in Europe are still made
ute to a 0.5 percent increase in consumer spending.
Answering a question after his presentation,
with boron
maintains its current growth rate. being employed in Turkey, Ayliffe stated that con- in cash and that the sum of the direct and indirect Ayliffe said the global economic crisis had caused a A Turkish technology rm in Edirne has pro-
Rising to second place in 25 years is “an unbe- sumers would soon be able to process payments costs of all payment methods is estimated to be near- change in consumer behavior in terms of card usage. duced fuel with boron through the use of
lievable success story,” Ayliffe said during a press using their mobile phones alone. As of the end of ly 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Using Europeans have grown more inclined to using debit nanotechnology.
conference in stanbul on Wednesday celebrating November, he said, the total number of Visa bank cash facilitates the expansion of the unregistered, cards rather than credit cards in their payments, Ay- NNT Nanotechnology and Boron Products Gen-
the 25th anniversary of Visa’s entry into the Turkish cards in Turkey had seen an annual increase of economy, Ayliffe said, noting that governments all liffe said, adding that today nearly 75 percent of card eral Manager Mehmet Can Arvas said the invention
credit card market. At the press conference, Ayliffe 12.3 percent, reaching 64 million. He also cited g- over the world were taking action to encourage the payments are made using debit cards. Although the was a result of the need to nd alternative energy
also discussed ndings Visa Europe published in a ures showing the hike in usage of these cards. As usage of cards in shopping. “If the utilization of elec- use of bankcards in shopping has risen considerably, resources amidst the increased threat caused by the
report titled “The future of everyday payments in of the end of September, the use of bankcards had tronic payment systems is increased by 15 percent, the volume of transactions is falling, he added. world’s depleting fuel reserves.
Europe Who cares?” Turkish companies that are increased 46 percent over the rst nine months of the overall size of the unregistered economy will fall Visa Europe operates in Turkey in partner- The new fuel is currently only being used as
cooperating with Visa are focusing on innovation, 2008, while the volume of the shopping done us- by up to 8.6 percent in Europe,” he said, quoting the ship with 24 banks, and its share in total consum- an ingredient of the gas or diesel used in fuel
Ayliffe said, adding: “The innovative spirit is quite ing Visa cards rose 22 percent to 45.7 billion euros. report’s ndings. Additionally, he noted, a 1 percent er spending is 14 percent. stanbul Today’s Zaman tanks but Arvas is hopeful that it will replace
these carbon-based fuels once compatible en-
gines are produced. “We are so happy that we
have managed to put boron into fuel tanks after
20 years of research and development studies.

Action plan Our company is also carrying out studies to de-

velop boron-compatible vehicles,” Arvas said.

sees new tax Speaking to the Anatolia news agency on
Wednesday, Arvas also said the storage problems

laws in 2010 related to hydrogen, which is known as a clean and

environmentally friendly fuel, prompted scientists to
An action plan drafted by the gov- look for an alternative product, nally managing to
ernment is targeting the comple- invent what the company is marketing in Turkey and
tion of the groundwork for a new in- Europe as “Bor Power Nanofuel.”
come tax law in the rst half of 2010. Arvas said vehicles using fuel containing bo-
The action plan envisages a full ron would be able to travel 1,300 kilometers on the
overhaul of the income tax system with same amount of gas that a car using ordinary fuel
the new law to make it wholly compat- would need in order to travel 1,000 kilometers. A
ible with a free market economy and reduction in pollution is another benet of the new
supportive of investment and employ- boron product, he added. stanbul Today’s Zaman
ment for the sake of sustainable growth.
The new income tax system also aims to
facilitate the integration of more people
into the system so as to reduce the size
BDDK chairman:
of the unregistered economy.
The Coordinating Board of Improv-
loans to increase
ing Investment Conditions (YOKK) on
Wednesday released the results of its
by 15 pct in 2010
2009 Action Plan as well as the action Banking Regulation and Supervision Agen-
plan for 2010. YOKK said studies on cy (BDDK) President Tevk Bilgin has said
incentives to encourage small-scale en- while the total amount loans extended in the
trepreneurs and micro businesses will be market grew by only 1 percent from October
completed in the rst quarter of 2010. 2008 to October 2009, it enjoyed a 3 percent
It added that it will continue its work on Energy Minister Taner Yldz growth rate during the 41 days following the
allowing company establishment and regis- end of October, a trend that is expected to con-
tration operations entirely online. As regards tinue in the coming year as well.
employment issues, the YOKK statement Speaking at a meeting of the Ankara Cham-
recalled attempts to take measures against
unemployment such as sounder cooperation
among worker unions, employers and the
Turkey expects to secure ber of Industry (ASO) yesterday, Bilgin stated
that this year banking sector did not see growth
rates as high as in previous years, adding that
government. A subcommittee presided over total assets rose by only 11 percent from Octo-
by the General Directorate of Labor has com-
pleted its studies for a “reassessment of sev-
erance payments with an approach that ob-
ol for new ppelne
Turkey sees Russian, Kazakh and from Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan,” out giving a timeline for nalizing the deal.
ber 2008 to October 2009. Stressing that loans
constitute the largest component of the bank-
ing system, he continued: “Even though loans,
serves a compromise among the social sides,” Turkmen oil lling most of a planned Yldz said. “There are many reasons to back Talks between the two sides have lagged which account for 47 percent of assets, saw a
the statement noted and added that its stud- $4 billion pipeline from its Black Sea this pipeline politically,” he said. “It has stra- over the price Azerbaijan wants to charge for slight increase in recent days, during the period
ies on the elimination of problems regarding coast to the Mediterranean port at Ceyhan, tegic importance and will contribute to Turkey the extra gas, some of which will be used by from October 2008 to October 2009 total loans
the exible work system are still under way. Energy Minister Taner Yldz told Reuters in an becoming a petroleum and natural gas corri- Turkey while the rest will be shipped on to Eu- extended rose by only 1 percent. As of October
Some other items on YOKK’s to-do interview late on Tuesday. Turkey also expects dor.” The 550-km pipeline is expected to have rope. Turkey now buys 6 bcm of gas annually 2009, total loans totaled TL 377 billion.”
list for 2010 include: to sign an agreement with the Azerbaijani a capacity of 1.5 million barrels per day. from Azerbaijan’s Shakh Deniz basin at a dis- However, he added that this gure rose in less
* Increase the number of companies us- government on procuring extra natural gas, count that is about half of what it pays Russia than one-and-a-half months to TL 390 billion, as
ing electronic billing to accelerate the Azerbaijani gas of Dec. 11, explaining that the amount of loans,
Yldz said. A disagreement about pricing and and Iran, its main suppliers of the fuel. Azer-
transition to a registered economy. Cur- which grew only by 1 percent in a period from
diplomatic wrangling over Armenia has held Yldz said the cancellation of a tender won baijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mahmadyarov
rently, only six companies send e-bills to October 2008 to October 2009, enjoyed a growth
up the deal. by a Russian-led group to build Turkey’s rst is scheduled to visit Ankara on Friday for bilat-
their customers. rate of some 3 percent in only 41 days. Bilgin said
Çalk Group of Turkey and Eni, Italy’s big- nuclear power station will not affect planned eral talks that are expected to include energy.
* A new set of administrative regulations he predicts this trend to continue in 2010 as well.
gest energy company, are joint partners in the energy projects. A top court in November “From a technical perspective, I don’t see any
will be introduced to improve the process Loans will grow at a higher rate in 2010 com-
Trans-Anatolian Pipeline that aims to deliver cancelled the results of last year’s tender, obstacle blocking the gas talks with Azerbai-
of value-added tax (KDV) returns.
Caspian fuel from the northern city of Samsun when a consortium made up of Russia’s In- jan. I can’t say that we have reached the nal pared to 2009, Bilgin asserted, adding that it might
* Studies to keep electronic inventory re-
to Ceyhan, terminus for two other oil pipe- ter RAO and Atomstroiexport and Turkey’s point on the transport rates, but I don’t see any be between 10 to 15 percent. stanbul Today’s Zaman
cords of free trade zones will continue.
lines, while bypassing Istanbul’s congested Park Teknik was the only bidder, because serious problems,” Yldz said. “I believe we’ll
* A database containing intellectual prop-
Bosporus channel. Russian companies may the power prices it proposed far exceeded reach an understanding.”
erty rights records will be established.
take a stake in the project, pipeline operator current levels. Turkey is planning another Turks and Azerbaijanis share close lin-
Relevant regulations have already been
* A bill to improve and make more ef-
Transneft said last week. State-run Rosneft,
Russia’s biggest oil producer, agreed in Octo-
tender in 2010. No technical obstacles were
preventing a deal to procure an additional 8
guistic and religious ties. “We’ve reached
agreements with many countries, our Azer-
Tekel workers
cient the Turkish Patent Institute was
ber to supply the pipeline with its own crude.
“After the Russian initiatives to secure oil
billion cubic meters (bcm) of Azerbaijani gas
and Turkey expects the continuing negotia-
baijani brothers won’t be exceptions,” Yldz
said. “I don’t see a serious problem in the
continue protests at
prepared and submitted to the Ministry
of Commerce and Industry for comment. for the pipeline, we expect fuel to be procured tions to yield an agreement, Yldz said, with- extra gas we’ve requested.” Ankara Reuters Türk- headquarters
Ankara Today’s Zaman with wires
Protests by the employees of Turkey’s alco-
hol and tobacco monopoly, Tekel, continued
for the ninth straight day as workers made redun-
dant due to factory closures in the wake of Tekel’s
privatization gathered in front of the Confedera-
tion of Turkish Labor Unions (Türk-) headquar-
Daily Monthly Yearly YTD MCAP 1-Y Country Change Level ters in Ankara yesterday.
Close Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) (million TL) Av.Volum (%)
Türk- Chairman Mustafa Kumlu, speak-
İMKB-100 51.533 0,5% 13,6% 96,7% 91,8% 292.693 1.606 Hang Seng H.Kong 0,69 21.092,0 66.90
ing at the general meeting of the board, deliv-
65.322 0,5% 13,8% 90,6% 86,6% 239.795 1.190 Nikkei 225 Japan 1,91 10.378,0 52.0 53.37
İMKB-IND 37.057 0,4% 10,2% 96,1% 87,3% 77.469 531 Cac 40 France 1,03 3.911,9 46.63
ered remarks directed at Prime Minister Recep
İMKB-BANK 116.736 0,8% 17,0% 108,7% 108,5% 138.552 712 DAX Germany 0,65 5.969,1 Tayyip Erdoan, noting that the government ap-
DJIMT 10,90 0,9% 11,0% 58,9% 53,5% - 0,45 FTSE 100 UK 1,14 5.354,4 25.7
proaching its duties as if it were a private rm is
Dow USA 0,70 10.414,0 8.3 9.5
TurkDEX NASDAQ USA 0,61 1.840,0 an “unfortunate situation.”
US$/JP¥ S&P USA 0,47 1.119,3 Native Foreign Native Foreign “The prime minister’s explanation yesterday
65,450 0,73%
EU€/JP¥ 1,527 0,13% BOVESPA Brasil 1,60 66.983,3 Number of Shares M.cap Number of Shares M.cap once again repeated his view that the workers
CALENDAR who were red were making money without
pected working. The prime minister should know that
No data ex Daily Monthly Yearly
Ticker Price (TL) Daily Change (%) Ticker Price Daily Change (%) Ticker Volumes Price (TL) Yearly Change (%) Tekel’s workers worked their [whole] lives to
Close Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) US$/JP¥ 91,77
EGSER 0,96 7,87% GRUND 0,52 -7,14% GARAN 93,1 6,1 137,48
TL / € 2,172 0,0% EU/JP¥ 131 serve this nation. The decisions regarding the
ARCLK 5,95 4,39% ISAMB 1,95 -2,50% ISAMB 62,1 2,0 134,72 TL / $ 1,518 0,1% EU/US$ 1,427 closure of these factories are not the workers’
MARTI 0,82 3,80% AGYO 1,35 -2,17% YKBNK 52,1 3,2 51,43
fault, but rather the fault of those who privatized
YKSGR 9,80 3,70% AKSA 2,31 -2,12% ISCTR 51,7 6,3 74,48
High Low
them in the rst place,” said Kumlu.
GOLDS 1,01 3,06% SNGYO 2,31 -2,12% ECILC 49,3 2,5 204,11 Price ($) Way Change (%)
Light C. Oil 72,40 -0,8% 73,37 72,24 Kumlu requested that the government nd posi-
Gold 1094,25 -1,7% 1094,25 1094,25 tions in other government institutions for the Tekel
Copper 310,20 -1,3% 313,25 310,20
ÝMKB 100 ÝMKB 30 ÝMKB IND RETAILER BIMAS CARFA BOYNR KIPA workers who were laid off and added that they were
Mcap TL -- -- -- 7.282,4 5.123 1.293 111 755 P/E: Share price divided by earnings per share is a measure of the price paid for a share relative to the currently working on trying to delay the closure of
P/E 2006/12 15,7x 14,9x 12,3x 265,1x 71,2x -95,7x 17,6x -20,2x income or profit earned by the firm per share.
P/E 2007/06t 11,2x 10,7x 9,3x 328,4x 63,5x -545,0x 6,9x -10,4x EV/EBITDA: Enterprise value divided by earnings before interest, tax and amortization; “t” stands for
other Tekel factories by six months.
P/E 2007/09t 10,7x 10,4x 9,3x 358,6x 56,6x -207,6x 5,8x -9,1x trailer and means the data over the last four quarters. Speaking about the Minimum Wage Deter-
(*) Yesterday's closing(**) Updated at 6 p.m. by GMT+2
EV/EBITDA 2006/12* 6,8x 5,3x 8,2x 31,9x 47,3x 16,1x 6,7x 41,2x mination Commission, Kumlu added that Türk-
Disclaimer: The information in this report has been prepared by BMD, Bizim Securities from sources believed
EV/EBITDA 2007/06t* 7,5x 6,0x 8,1x 33,5x 44,0x 19,3x 6,1x 74,2x
to be reliable. All the information, interpretations and recommendations covered herein relating to would not be participating in the talks as they did
EV/EBITDA 2007/09t* 7,2x 5,8x 8,2x 30,6x 41,7x 20,0x 5,4x 35,5x investment actions are not within the scope of investment consultancy. Therefore investment decisions
based only on the information covered herein may not bring expected results.
not want to be accessories to the “inappropriate be-
havior” of the government. Ankara Today’s Zaman


CHILE: A WONDER ALONG Students during Frosh Week


Founded in 1541, Santiago is one of the most modern capitals in South America. Situated on the outskirts
of the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 520 meters, the capital has a population of 6 million, making it
Chile’s largest city. High levels of smog are very common in the capital, especially during the winter months
the first place local and foreign tourists stop by in the city. Build-
ings from the colonial period stand out as you tour the streets of
the capital. Paseo Ahumada is one of the busiest streets in the
capital. Shopping centers, stores and stands can be seen on The Presidential Palace in Santiago
both sides of the street. The street is filled with those touring,


shopping, relaxing, observing and walking their dogs.
Chile as a country is just 200 years old. The presidential palace
served as a mint between 1814 and 1929. You can see the place
SANTIAGO -- Chile, a former Spanish colony, is a South American where President Salvador Allende died during Gen. Augusto Pino-
country. The country, which borders the Pacic Ocean, gained its inde- chet’s coup in 1973. After the coup, Pinochet ruled Chile with an iron
pendence in 1810. Located in the southern hemisphere, the capital of rst for 17 years before the people removed him from power with a ref-
this country of 17 million is Santiago. erendum in 1990. The presidential palace is surrounded by ministries.
Santiago can be reached from stanbul via a connection, either in Madrid, President Michelle Bachelet is the country’s rst female president. Her
Brazil or elsewhere. It takes about 21 hours to travel from stanbul to Chile. father was one of the generals that were killed during Pinochet’s coup.
While the ight from stanbul to Madrid takes four hours, the ight from The city has a Mediterranean climate and has many parks. Local ad-

Madrid to Chile, after a four-hour stopover at the airport, takes 13 hours. ministrations attach great importance to places where the people can
Located in the southern part of South America, Chile is sandwiched relax and enjoy fresh air. The parks are clean and green.
by natural boundaries. While the Andes Mountains stretch from north to The best place to get a bird’s eye view of the capital is Cerro
south in the east, the giant waves of the Pacic salute it in the west. The San Cristobal, the second-highest point in the city, with
total length of its coastline is 6,435 kilometers. Chile has several active an elevation of 880 meters. The hill is named after
volcanoes, and earthquakes have become a fact of life. Tours are avail- St. Christopher. There is a 22-meter statue of the
able from Chile’s southernmost city, Punta Arenas, Virgin Mary on top of the hill. In 1987, Pope John
to the world’s least-explored continent, Antarctica. Paul II celebrated mass there.
Before the Spanish arrived in the 16th century, If your trip to Chile coin-
the central and southern regions of Chile were in- [QUICK FACTS] cides with the rst week of class-
habited by indigenous people called the Mapuche. Capital: Santiago es, then it’s likely that you will
The Spanish established control over the indig- Official language: Spanish come across a different picture
enous people and single-handedly ruled the lands Government: Republic as you stroll through the streets
President: Michelle of the capital. You may observe
for close to 300 years. The country’s current popu-
Bachelet Jeria
lation is 95 percent mestizo, or people of mixed a mechoneo, which is a special
Area: 756,102 square
European and Native American ancestry. Three kilometers rite of passage for new students.
percent of the population is of fully indigenous de- Population: 16,601,707 * It includes older students pour-
scent. The majority of the population is Christian. Gross domestic product (PPP): ing vinegar, our, spicy sauces
$245.1 billion** and eggs on top of new stu-
Chile neighbors Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. It has
Main religions: Roman Catholic
long-running land disputes with both Peru and dents, who must then ask
(70 percent), Evangelical (15
Bolivia. Chile has one of the most stable econo- percent), Jehovah’s Witness for money from people on
mies in Latin America and was invited to be the (1 percent) the streets. At the beginning
rst South American country to join the Organi- of the semester, the streets are
*July 2009 estimate full of students celebrating this
zation for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
**2008 estimate wild practice.
ment (OECD) earlier this month. It is the world’s
largest copper producer and exporter. The majority of Chileans are
Founded in 1541, Santiago is one of the Catholic, and the country’s most
most modern capitals in South America. Situated on the outskirts of prestigious university is the Pontical Catholic Uni-
the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 520 meters, the capital has versity of Chile. Chile has two national television
a population of 6 million, making it Chile’s largest city. channels, Channel 13 and UCV.
High levels of smog are very common in the capital, especially during the Chileans love to have a good time. Just like many
winter months. The smog is an indication of air pollution, which is visible in South Americans, Chileans love to dance, drink and
the city even during the summer because the Andes prevent air circulation. have fun. Entertainment is sine quo non for them. In
Some restrictions have been imposed on cars to reduce air pollution in the the evenings, especially Friday nights, they prefer to
capital. Depending on the license plate number, vehicles are prohibited from go to restaurants that offer live entertainment so they
being driven on some days. This is a measure to reduce trafc density. can have a good time while enjoying a meal. The Salvador
The Mapocho River flows right through the middle of San- When it comes to food, Chileans enjoy eating Allende
scallops. There are special and expensive restau- Gossens
tiago. There is an expressway that goes under the river. These monument
kinds of roads relieve city traffic. rants in that capital that serve only seafood.
Plaza Baquedano (Plaza Italia) and Plaza de Armas are the There are no visa requirements for Turkish citizens.
capital’s most popular squares. Even though the building in Pla- The best time to travel to Chile is between December
za de Armas in which the Spanish governor lived during Spanish and March. When it is winter in Turkey, it is summer in
rule is a bakery today, it is still worth seeing. Plaza de Armas is Chile because it is located in the Southern Hemisphere.
A guard by the
Presidential Palace

10 TODAY’S ZAMAN T H U R S D AY, D E C E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 WORLD

Brown to be grilled US says arms talks with Russia to drag into 2010
after UK election


The United States and Russia have Dmitry Medvedev had been hoping to by at least one-fourth, to about 6,000,
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and failed to clinch a new nuclear arms sign a new deal before the end of the and to implement procedures for ver-
other members of his government will not ap- control treaty this year, denying the White year, but conceded last week at climate ifying that each side was sticking to
pear before an inquiry into the Iraq war until House a quick boost in its efforts to demon- talks in Copenhagen that their goal the agreement.
after a general election next year, the inquiry strate improved relations with Moscow. was unlikely to be met. At a summit in Moscow last July,
team said on Wednesday. John Chilcot, who The two sides hope to reach a deal The 1991 Strategic Arms Reduc- Obama and Medvedev agreed to cut
is leading the inquiry, has said that he wants in early 2010, the US said Wednesday. tion Treaty expired Dec. 5, and both the number of nuclear warheads on
it to remain outside of party politics. Public The American delegation led by countries have agreed to continue to each side to between 1,500 and 1,675
hearings will be suspended from February Assistant Secretary of State Rose Got- honor its main provisions until a suc- within seven years. Russian ofcials
until after the election which must be held by temoeller has left for the United States cessor treaty is in place. The START have said previously that Moscow
June. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who and will return to Geneva for more treaty successor is seen as one of the wants to simplify START’s sprawling

led Britain into the war with Iraq in 2003, will negotiations in January, the US diplo- most achievable areas of cooperation. web of control measures, which were
appear before the inquiry early in the new matic mission in Geneva said. Washington is also seeking help from seen as crucial for both nations to keep
year. Alastair Campbell, Blair’s former direc- “Our goal remains to conclude a Moscow on trickier issues such as the an eye on one another’s nuclear stock-
tor of communications, has also been asked to solid treaty for the presidents’ signa- standoff over Iran’s uranium enrich- piles even as the Cold War was ending.
appear in either January or February. Blair said ture as soon as possible,” it said. ment program. START required each The Kremlin now sees them as too
earlier this month he believed it was right to Presidents Barack Obama and country to cut its nuclear warheads intrusive and unnecessary. Geneva AP The American delegation was led by Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller.
oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein from power
even though no weapons of mass destruc-
tion were found in Iraq. Blair’s order to send
45,000 British troops to take part in the 2003
invasion to topple Saddam Hussein provoked
big anti-war protests in London. London Reuters Bin Laden’s

MISHAP closest relatives

Ryanair plane slips off in Iran,Times says
runway in Scotland Some of the closest relatives of al-Qaeda
A Ryanair plane slid off the runway after land- leader Osama bin Laden are living in a
ing at a Scottish airport on Wednesday and secret compound in Iran, Britain’s the Times
two people were killed in a coach crash in newspaper reported on Wednesday.
western England as snow and ice made trav- The group includes a wife and children who
elling hazardous. Cross-Channel rail opera- disappeared from bin Laden’s Afghan camp at
tor Eurostar advised passengers planning to the time of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United
travel on Wednesday not to go to St. Pancras States in 2001, the report added.
International station in London until after It said other relatives found out last month
1300 GMT because its trains were full after a that the group, including one of bin Laden’s
three-day stoppage. Ryanair, the Irish budget wives, six of his children and 11 of his grand-
airline, said all the 123 passengers and six crew children, had been kept in a high-security com-
on the ight from Dublin to Prestwick airport, pound outside Tehran for the past eight years.
close to Glasgow, were safe after the incident. The Times quoted Omar bin Laden, 29, who it
“After a normal landing was completed and said was the al-Qaeda leader’s fourth-eldest son, as
while taxiing from the runway the aircraft en- saying he had no idea that his brothers and sisters
countered ice and slid just off the runway on to were still alive until they called him in November.
the grass verge,” Ryanair said in a statement. They told him how they had ed Afghanistan
Two Britons were killed and 47 others were just before the Sept. 11 attacks and walked to the
injured when a coach overturned on an icy Iranian border. They were taken to a walled com-
road in Cornwall in western England on Tues- pound outside Tehran where guards said they
day, police said on Wednesday. London Reuters were not allowed to leave “for their own safety.”
One of the children, a daughter called
SWAP A female anti-government student holds a banner that reads “Death to the dictator” during a protest at Tehran University campus on Dec. 7, 2009. Iman, had recently escaped during a rare trip
outside the compound and made her way to
Hamas leaders the Saudi Arabian Embassy. She is now living

weigh Israeli draft

A German mediator gave Hamas on Wednes-
day an Israeli response to a proposed swap
Iranan forces clash wth there while seeking permission to leave Iran.
Omar bin Laden said that his relatives lived
as normal a life as possible, cooking meals,
watching television and reading. They were al-
freeing hundreds of jailed Palestinians for a lowed out only rarely for shopping trips.
captured soldier, and the Islamist group said
it would need days to review the new draft.
Signaling a possible breakthrough, a Hamas
protesters n two ctes As a number of families are being held in the
compound some of the older siblings have been able
to marry and have their own children. London Reuters
ofcial said he expected the group to send a The incidents signal rising tension in Iran, six months after a disputed
delegation from the Gaza Strip to Damascus
by Thursday to meet exiled Hamas leaders. presidential election plunged the Islamic Republic into its deepest
Such rare conferences are reserved by Hamas
for important policymaking. Israel kept a lid internal crisis since it was founded three decades ago US military: No
on which of the Hamas demands it may meet
change to Iraq

to recover Gilad Shalit, an army conscript who An Iranian opposition Web site said
security forces clashed with support-
has become a cause celebre during three-and-
pregnancy policy

a-half years’ captivity in Hamas-ruled Gaza. ers of the late dissident cleric Grand
Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri in at least two
Security cabinet minister Eli Yishai reiter- A US commander in northern Iraq does not
cities on Wednesday, including his birthplace.
ated Israel’s misgivings over a prisoner am- expect to order a court martial for soldiers
If conrmed, the incidents signal rising
nesty likely to boost Hamas, which spurns who become pregnant, but has not rolled back a
tension in Iran, six months after a disputed
peace with the Jewish state and is in a power controversial new policy on pregnancy, a military
presidential election plunged the Islamic
struggle with Western-backed Palestinian spokesman said on Wednesday.
Republic into its deepest internal crisis
President Mahmoud Abbas. “We always say A new directive from Maj. Gen. Tony Cucolo,
since it was founded three decades ago.
‘not at any price’ because otherwise our en- who commands US soldiers in northern Iraq, sets
Police chief Esmail Ahmadi-Moqadam said
emies would exploit it. But on the other hand, out possible punishments from reprimand to court
the pro-reform opposition would face “erce”
we have to make every possible effort,” Yis- martial for prohibited behavior, including drink-
confrontation if it continued its “illegal” activi-
hai told Israel’s Army Radio. Gaza Reuters/AP ing alcohol, taking drugs or becoming pregnant.
ties, the semi-ofcial Fars news agency reported.
The policy has been criticized by some
Referring to the central city where
SECURITY Montazeri was born, the Jaras Web site
women’s advocates and on Tuesday four US
senators wrote to the secretary of the US Army
said: “Sporadic clashes started from Tues-
Pakistan orders day night in Najafabad and still continued.
on Tuesday asking that it be rescinded.

security for media The situation is tense in the city. People are
Pro-reform campus groups called on students across the country to turn out for massive rallies.
“We can think of no greater deterrent to
women contemplating a military career than
Pakistani authorities ordered “foolproof” se- chanting anti-government slogans.”
the image of a pregnant woman being severely
curity on Wednesday for journalists across the It also said many demonstrators were in- many people chanted anti-government slogans, the Islamic state. But Montazeri, viewed
punished simply for conceiving a child,” Sena-
country a day after a suicide bomber attacked a jured during clashes with security forces in the Web sites reported. as the spiritual patron of the opposition
tor Barbara Boxer and others wrote.
press club in the northwestern city of Peshawar. nearby city of Isfahan, which occurred on the movement that led the big protests follow-
Reformist spiritual patron Cucolo defended the rules, which took effect for
The attack on the club was the latest in a surge traditional third day of mourning for Montazeri. ing the June presidential election, fell from
his 22,000 soldiers when he took over in northern
of militant strikes in Peshawar which began Another reformist Web site, Parlemannews, The Web site reports from Isfahan and Naja- grace after criticizing the mass execution of
Iraq in November, as necessary to retain combat
when the army went on the offensive against said at least 50 opposition backers, including fabad could not be veried independently be- prisoners in the late 1980s.
power as US forces prepare to withdraw from Iraq by
Pakistani Taliban militants in their South Wa- four journalists, were arrested during the clashes cause foreign media are banned from reporting Ahmadinejad’s re-election, in the elec-
the end of 2011. Cucolo’s command includes some
ziristan stronghold on the Afghan border in Oc- in Isfahan, one of Iran’s biggest cities. directly on protests. tion that losing opposition candidates said
of the most dangerous areas of Iraq, where ethnic
tober. Reporters have been attacked and killed Jaras said protesters who had gathered in Government supporters staged counter ral- was rigged, kindled the biggest unrest in the
and sectarian rivalries have fuelled an ongoing in-
in Pakistan’s ethnic Pashtun tribal regions Isfahan to commemorate Montazeri, a erce lies in Qom on Tuesday and Wednesday, ofcial Islamic Republic’s 30-year history and split
surgency. Military spokesman Major Jeff Allen said
along the Afghan border and elsewhere, but critic of the hard-line government of President Iranian media reported. the political and clerical establishment.
Cucolo, who personally decides what punishment
the Tuesday blast was the rst on a reporters’ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose disputed re- Iran’s internal unrest, highlighted by Mon- Despite scores of arrests and security
soldiers violating rules will receive, had claried that
club in a city. The blast indicated a new trend in election in June plunged Iran into turmoil. tazeri’s arguments that the leadership had lost crackdowns, opposition protests have re-
he did not intend to court martial any of his soldiers
terrorist attacks and posed a serious threat, the “Police red teargas to disperse people its legitimacy, has complicated the dispute over peatedly ared up since the vote.
who became pregnant. “I have not ever considered
Interior Ministry said. “In order to avert such at- ... many people were injured ... some ar- the Iranian nuclear program, which the West Montazeri’s death occurred in the tense
court-martial for this. I do not ever see myself put-
tacks in future, foolproof security arrangements rested,” Jaras said. believes may have military ends, not just civilian run-up to Ashura, on Dec. 27, a politically
ting a soldier in jail for this,” Cucolo said in a confer-
for all press clubs ... and prominent media per- It also said plainclothes security agents in purposes. important Shiite religious commemoration
ence call on Tuesday with reporters.
sons have to be ensured,” the ministry said in Isfahan surrounded the house of a leading pro- Montazeri, who died on Saturday at the that offers the opposition another opportu-
Yet Allen said that Cucolo, contrary to
an order to provincial interior departments. A reform cleric, Ayatollah Jalaleddin Taheri. age of 87, was an architect of the 1979 revo- nity to show its strength.
what some media reports had implied, had
lone bomber wearing a suicide vest blew him- The reported incidents took place two days lution that overthrew the US-backed shah Opposition backers have seized such occa-
not changed his stance. Becoming pregnant
self up at the gate of the club when a police after huge crowds turned out in the Shi’ite holy and was once named to succeed Ayatollah sions marked in the Islamic revolutionary calen-
remains on the list of prohibited behavior that
guard tried to stop him from geting in, killing city of Qom for the funeral of Montazeri, when Ruhollah Khomeini as supreme leader of dar to raise their voices. Tehran Reuters
could result in a variety of punishments includ-
three people and wounding 17. Peshawar Reuters ing criminal charges. Baghdad Reuters

WORLD T H U R S D A Y, D E C E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 TODAY’S ZAMAN 11


Korea’s G-20 Three dead as dust storm
challenge and snow blast Arzona

OPINION In all, 22 vehicles were involved in the crashes, including
Barry Eichengreen* nine commercial trucks. Five people were severely hurt and
TODAY’S ZAMAN nine suffered lesser injuries requiring hospital trips


BERKELEY -- On Jan. 1, South Korea takes over the
G-20 chairmanship from the United Kingdom. Korea
is not the rst emerging market to chair the G-20, but
it is the rst to do so since the global nancial crisis.
Registered nurse Susan Longobucco-Hynes prepares
And it is the rst to do so since the G-20 emerged as a dose of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine for patients at
the steering committee for the world economy. an asthma fair at a Children’s Hospital in Boston.
G-20 chairs can have considerable inuence.

They coordinate the group’s work. They organize
its meetings. Like most committee chairs, they have
signicant agenda-setting power.
Other viruses
During the UK’s year chairing the G-20, Gordon
Brown had a clear agenda. He saw the G-20 as a
vehicle for building consensus on coordinated mon-
abound in US
etary and scal stimulus and nancial regulation. He
also viewed it as a forum to address the problems
flu season,
created for the poorest countries by the global -
nancial crisis. And he used the chairmanship to elicit
commitments to resist protectionism.
tests show
Several u-like viruses are more common
In retrospect, Brown’s agenda-setting problem was
than usual this u season in the United States,
easy. Given the nature and gravity of the crisis, it was
adding to the misery and confusion caused by
brutally obvious what the priorities for the G-20 should
H1N1 swine u, one lab company said on Tuesday.
be. The priorities for President Lee Myung-bak are less
Kansas City, Missouri-based ViraCor Labo-
obvious. Some will say that he should get G-20 coun-
ratories found that only 6 percent of the samples
tries to coordinate an orderly exit from their expan-
it was sent tested positive for inuenza A virus.
sionary monetary and scal policies. But growth in the
Tests by the US Centers for Disease Control and
advanced economies will almost certainly remain weak
Prevention show virtually all inuenza now circu-
in 2010. With the United States, Europe and Japan still
lating is H1N1 swine u.The rest include a range
suffering post-crisis hangovers, this issue can be safely
of u-like viruses, each caused by a distinct germ
left to the country that chairs the G-20 in 2011.
but all causing similar symptoms. By far the most
Others will say that a priority should be agreement US officials examine wreckage on Interstate 10 eastbound near Casa Grande, Ariz. on Tuesday, after a multiple car pileup. The
crash killed three people -- including a teenage brother and sister -- and injured 14 others when a flash dust storm hit Casa Grande. common is rhinovirus, one of the so-called com-
on slowing climate change. But this is best addressed
mon cold viruses, the testing company found.
in Copenhagen, in the presence of all world leaders,
This ts in with a report last November from


not in the cozy connes of the G-20. Small countries A strong winter storm wreaked Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where 500
-- think of Mauritius -- are often the ones affected most havoc in Arizona on Tuesday, children were hospitalized with rhinovirus in Sep-
dramatically by global warming. They are excluded leaving at least three people dead tember and October -- an unusually high number
from the G-20, which is supposed to be made up of the in a series of ery crashes caused by thick, to be that sick with a normally mild virus. ViraCor,
20 largest economies as a matter of design. blowing dust on Interstate 10 and shutting which tested samples from severely ill pediatric
Instead, President Lee should give priority to down I-40 for hours with slick conditions.

patients around the country, as well as transplant
four issues, starting with nancial reform, a problem One of the dead was a man whose vehicle and other high-risk patients who became ill, found
that Brown targeted but did not solve. Progress here was rear-ended by his father’s truck. that 28 percent of the tests showed the patient had
has been inadequate, despite much talk. In particu- The midday I-10 wrecks, about rhinovirus between April and December this year.
lar, there has been little action on issues like creating 40 miles south of Phoenix near Casa
a cross-border resolution authority to deal with the Grande, left the eastbound lanes littered The tests also showed that:
failure of a large nancial group, something that can with the smoldering remains of several * 39.5 percent of tests from children up to age
only be done at the international level. big rigs, passenger cars and vans. Both 3 had rhinovirus. The gure fell to 23 percent
The window of opportunity for nancial reform directions of the freeway connect- among 11- to 18-year-olds and less than 20
is now closing, and business-as-usual will only result ing Tucson to Phoenix were closed for percent of adults.
in more crises and more bailouts. South Korea must hours as crews freed the injured and * 4.2 percent of patients tested had metapneu-
therefore do everything it can to reinvigorate the dead from the tangled wreckage. movirus but 6 percent of children under 10 had
debate. The second priority should be more prog- Along 1-40 west of Flagstaff, doz- metapneumovirus.
ress on global rebalancing. Asian countries need to ens of cars and trucks were involved * 3.2 percent of children 3 and under had respi-
do even more to stimulate spending, and they need in collisions or slid off the highway ratory syncytial virus or RSV; it was rare among
to move together. China is incapable of solving this as snow began falling Tuesday af- older children.
problem on its own because its economy is still only ternoon. A stretch of the highway * 6 percent of children under 3 who were tested had
one-third the size of America’s. But if Asian coun- between Williams and Ash Fork was parainuenza virus, as well as 6 percent of patients
tries move together, China will be more willing to let closed intermittently. Snowy and crashes, including nine commercial ter in a Jeep, Mark and Katie Eide of over 61. The virus was rare among age groups in
slippery conditions were also report- trucks. Five people were severely Casa Grande. He was 14 and she was between. “Overall, parainuenza rates are much
its exchange rate against the dollar become unstuck.
ed on I-17 north of Sedona. hurt and nine suffered lesser injuries 17, Graves said. higher than expected,” the company’s report said.
The second factor contributing to the crisis could
requiring hospital trips. The westbound lanes of I-10 were re- * 1.5 percent had adenovirus.
then be addressed once and for all.
Burning vehicles Edgar Ivan Medina Vargas of Iowa opened by midafternoon, but state engi- Doctors rarely test patients for respiratory
Third, the G-20 must address its own legiti-
The crashes near Casa Grande and City, Iowa, was among those killed. neers will need to inspect the eastbound viruses, in part because few tests are available
macy decit. After all, no one anointed these 20
a second set a dozen miles further He slowed suddenly because of the lanes before allowing trafc to resume, and in part because there is little option for treat-
countries as the designated representatives of the
south near Pichaco were triggered dust storm, and his pickup truck was said Ofcer Robert Bailey, a Department ment other than keeping patients comfortable,
world. Who speaks for the other 173 internation-
by dust kicked up from nearby farm struck from behind by his father’s of Public Safety spokesman. breathing and hydrated.
ally recognized countries? Why should there be
elds. Dust and thick gray smoke large commercial truck, said Arizona “ADOT engineers have to get out Antibiotics can be used for bacterial infec-
so many European G-20 members -- other than
from burning vehicles billowed across Department of Public Safety spokes- there and examine the pavement and tions but are useless against viruses. But better
the fact that they were incumbent members of the
the at sprawl of farms and desert. In man Bart Graves. see if it’s OK to be driven on after tests are now being developed for u and Vira-
earlier “G’s” -- and not more African members?
all, 22 vehicles were involved in the Also killed were a brother and sis- these res,” Bailey said. Phoenix AP Cor’s xTAG RVP test can diagnose 12 different
Here, South Korea can propose an obvious so-
lution. Align G-20 membership with the composi- viral infections. Washington Reuters
tion of the International Monetary Fund’s Executive
Board. Twenty-four countries sit there. Big ones have
their own seats, while smaller ones represent groups
of countries, known as “constituencies.” In many
cases, the constituencies rotate the chair among their Pakistan Taliban say fighters will British universities told: cut courses to
members. Everyone is represented.
Finally, the G-20 needs an emerging-markets
caucus. The US and the Europeans are in constant
rebuff incoming American troops 2 years, offer more ‘fast-track’ degrees
A top Pakistani Taliban commander says ments “rhetoric” that were not to be believed. Universities must move away from the tra- are all facing difcult choices. We will want some
contact, doing their best to agree on positions and
he sent thousands of ghters to neighbor- “We have not noticed any signicant move- ditional three-year courses and offer more shift away from full-time, three-year places and
table common proposals. Emerging markets, fail- ing Afghanistan to rebuff incoming US troops, ment of insurgents in the border area,” he said. “fast-track” degrees to help reduce education towards a wider variety of provision.” The higher
ing to do the same, have punched below their a claim that comes as a Pakistani army offen- Ishtiaq Ahmad, a professor of international re- budgets and boost the economy, the govern- education budget will fall next year by 533 million
weight. They have allowed the advanced coun- sive is believed to have pushed many of his lations at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islam- ment said on Wednesday. pounds to 7.3 billion pounds and universities were
tries to drive the G-20 process. men to ee their main redoubt. abad, speculated the comments were just an at- Cutting next year’s higher education budget, told to stay within limits for new students.
This is the most delicate issue of all for South Korea. Waliur Rehman told The Associated Press tempt to worsen the already-tense relationship Business Secretary Peter Mandelson said he want- Higher Education Minister David Lammy
As chair, it needs to act as an “honest broker.” It can’t in an exclusive interview Monday night that the between the US and Pakistan. ed to see more students taking degrees that last just said universities must play their part in easing
be seen as giving emerging markets special encourage- Pakistani Taliban remain committed to battling “When the United States expects Pakistan two years. With Britain slowly emerging from the the pressure on public nances. But the Uni-
ment. And, given its location, South Korea would be the army in South Waziristan tribal region, but to synchronize its own counterterrorism policy longest recession on record, he said the recovery versity and College Union, which represents
torn between encouraging an emerging-market cau- they are essentially waging a guerrilla war. with the troop surge ... the militants issue these will need more graduates with work-related de- 120,000 academics, said the changes would
cus and encouraging an Asian caucus -- for Asia, too, Rehman is a deputy to Pakistani Taliban statements in an attempt to create problems in grees in areas like science and engineering. damage universities and lead to job cuts and big-
needs to organize itself better in order to represent its chief Hakimullah Mehsud, and the man in this relationship,” said Ahmad. Either stance is Teaching unions said the announcement ger class sizes. “It is a real Christmas kick in the
interests in the G-20. charge of the group’s operations in South Wa- nearly impossible to independently verify. Ac- was a “Christmas kick in the teeth” that would teeth for staff and students,” said UCU General
Thus, the initiative here might best come from ziristan. “Since [President Barack] Obama is cess to the tribal belt, especially conict zones, is lead to job cuts and a two-tier education sys- Secretary Sally Hunt. “You cannot make these
another G-20 country -- maybe Brazil, South Af- also sending additional forces to Afghanistan, severely restricted. Pakistani army spokesmen tem which benets privileged students. But kinds of cuts and expect no consequences.”
rica or even Russia. But South Korea could use- we sent thousands of our men there to ght could not immediately be reached for comment. the government said the changes would help The National Union of Students said it
fully drop a hint. NATO and American forces,” Rehman said. Rehman spoke in a large mud-brick com- cut public spending, make universities more feared shorter degrees would provide higher
The Afghan “Taliban needed our help at this pound in the Shaktoi area of South Waziristan. exible and create more graduates able to education “on the cheap.” “The scheme must
*Barry Eichengreen is professor of economics and po- stage, and we are helping them.” He looked relaxed as a he sat on a carpet wear- contribute to the economic recovery. not be about forcing poorer students to choose
litical science at the University of California, Berke- Col. Wayne Shanks, a US military spokes- ing a beige shalwar kameez robe, black vest and ”The economic situation is extremely challeng- courses that are not right for them,” said NUS
ley. © Project Syndicate, 2009. man in Afghanistan, called Rehman’s com- brown wool cap. Shaktoi, Pakistan AP ing,” said Mandelson. “Across the public sector we President Wes Streeting. London Reuters

12 TODAY’S ZAMAN T H U R S D AY, D E C E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 EXPAT ZONE

One Chrstmas lunch or two?

Oh dear, oh dear. No sooner is Kurban Bayram out of the way than souvenir fez on them, nor by gift-wrapping a fairy-chimney ashtray. pensive around here). Every year I dig it out again and place beneath
it’s the turn of Christmas to throw a spanner in the works of normal Slowly things started to change as the eyes of stanbul shopkeepers it in pride of place two plaster statuettes of Father Christmas. To an
life. If that sounds like a pretty mean-minded way of looking at life,
then I’ll offer my apologies immediately, but the truth is that one of CAVE LIFE swiveled across the oceans and alighted on the potential represented by
the very same commercialism I abhorred. There was just one small prob-
outsider they might not look anything special but for me they’re
particularly precious because they were bought for me by my neigh-
the things I most loved about my rst few years in Göreme was the
fact that I had nally found a way to escape the crass commercialism of PAT YALE lem, which was that Christmas was intrinsically un-Islamic. Of course we
all know the convenient solution they eventually settled on, which was
bor’s sons at an age when they had barely enough pocket money for
sweets, let alone for plaster Santas to give to their mother’s strange
Christmas in the UK. All that frenzied last-minute shopping for pres- to time-shift all the trappings of Christmas onto Ylba (New Year’s). It friend whose every sentence they had to struggle to understand.
ents no one wanted that were exchanged for equally unwelcome gifts took a little longer for the Nevehir retailers to cotton on, but now we too And then there’s Christmas lunch. It would take a more mis-
that then had to be accommodated in already over-cluttered homes. can buy our “Christmas” decorations even in deepest Anatolia. anthropic person than myself to take exception to a gathering of
I’d had more than my ll of all that wastefulness, and it was a relief to But even the most bah humbug of Christmas-phobes has a friends with ne food, a bottle of wine and an atmosphere of cama-
escape here and cut the festive season right back down to size. one hotel before it was time to rush across village and force down a second tendency to cherry-pick the best bits of the festivities. I was always raderie. Still, in the interests of a trimmer 2010, I’ll try and make do
That’s not to say that there were no celebrations here in the past. In- in another. But at least the commercialism had been stripped out of the especially partial to Christmas trees, which meant that as soon as it with just the one serving of turkey and sprouts this year.
deed I remember a particularly memorable year in which I had barely man- picture, not least because at that time the pool of potential gift options was became possible to do so I bought myself a little tree to put up inside
aged to stuff down a Christmas lunch of turkey and all the trimmings in very small indeed. After all, no one wanted to insult a friend by foisting a my cave dining room (not a real one sadly -- they’re prohibitively ex- Pat Yale lives in a restored cave-house in Göreme in Cappadocia.

Brigitte Gross explains that people in the German-speaking
community had different reasons for being in stanbul back
when she was growing up: many families had historic ties to the
city, while others were there for work. ‘There were always strong

relations between Germany and the sultans: German master
craftsmen and professors were invited to work in what was then
Constantinople and their families stayed on…’ she explained

THERESA DAY ANTALYA brand of washing powder, for example -- and and, added to working in tourism in Germany, I
there were no imported products such as dis- also worked in Tunisia for a year. Even though I
Turkey is perhaps one of the most posable diapers. It was also a time of shortages, never envisaged working in the Turkish tourism
rewarding countries to live in as a and sometimes you couldn’t nd sugar or butter sector -- it’s very badly paid -- I kept a at on in
foreigner, says Brigitte Grosse, a Ger- for months. In the ‘70s, when the city was ex- Antalya. I worked for both Lufthansa and Sun-
man. She grew up in stanbul because of her panding, there were constant electricity and wa- Express and so I kept coming to Turkey. Then I
father’s job and left when she was 15. She tells ter cuts as the city’s infrastructure couldn’t cope met my husband -- a pilot for SunExpress -- in
us about her charmed childhood, what it was with the extra demand. After all that, I think I 2003. I’ve been based here ever since.”
like to move to Germany as a teenager and can safely describe myself as chaos-proof.”
about now raising her daughter in Antalya. The best part of her childhood was the long Mira’s childhood
summer holidays. “Every three years we’d rotate Brigitte’s daughter Mira is now almost 4 and
Halcyon days between traveling around Greece or Turkey by has spent most of her life in Antalya. As a Third
“stanbul was, of course, very different when I car and visiting relatives in Germany,” she ex- Culture Kid (TCK) herself, Brigitte has rsthand
lived there,” she highlighted, adding: “In 1964, plained, adding, “My parents also rented part of experience of what it means to be brought up
the population was under 1 million and even a ‘yal’ on the Bosporus in the summer. Every abroad and what it could mean for her daughter.
when we left 15 years later, there were still only 5 year the same stanbul Italian, Greek and Turk- “As for the positives, whenever I go somewhere,
million people there. It was small but very cosmo- ish families rented the other parts of the yal. We I never feel like an outsider and I’m condent
politan and it felt like a community, not the big, had a very good time and as the water was very enough to deal with language or cultural dif-
anonymous city it is today. It was more obviously clean, I also learned to swim there.” ferences,” she explained, adding, “Being used
a cultural mosaic, and you were more aware of Asked if she would change anything about to dancing on an international platform also
the different communities who have settled there her childhood, she replied: “Nothing. I was al- helps on a professional level, and I’m able to
over the centuries, e.g., the Albanians, Jews, Ar- ways a happy child and had everything I needed. work alongside many different nationalities. The
menians, Greeks, Italians and Germans. Some My father constantly reminded me that it wasn’t a other side of the coin is that it’s not nice to feel
lived in different areas of the city, maintaining ‘normal’ life, however.” rootless, with no sense of belonging. I now also
their distinct identities, and added to Turkish, you realize how important a role relatives can play:
would also hear lots of other languages being spo- So where’s home? my husband’s family -- originally from the Cau-
ken as you went down the street.” “When we moved back to Germany, it didn’t casus -- are very close to each other.”
People in the German-speaking commu- feel like going home for me because we didn’t go So what are her priorities for Mira’s up-
nity had different reasons for being in stanbul: somewhere we’d been before,” she noted, add- bringing? “Both my husband and I are working
many families had historic ties to the city, ing, “If we’d moved to Berlin, where my father’s to equip her with the skills to deal with a global
while others were there for work, she pointed family was, or near to Cologne, where my moth- world,” she emphasized, adding, “Mira’s already
out. “There were always strong relations be- er’s family lives, then it might have been differ- aware of different languages and cultures as we go
tween Germany and the sultans: German ent. Instead we moved to a small village near the to Germany to visit relatives and visit a lot of other
master craftsmen and professors were invited headquarters of my father’s company. It wasn’t a places, too. She’s started at the ICCA, the English-
to work in what was then Constantinople and typical German village, however, as many of the language nursery, and so added to speaking Ger-
their families stayed on, creating a German- families there also worked for the same company. man and Turkish she’s now also learning English.
speaking community,” she explained, adding, Many of them came from different parts of Ger- When we have visitors, she now asks beforehand
“When the Turkish Republic was founded, the many, and some had also lived abroad.” which language they speak.”
German police were also invited to Turkey to Settling in wasn’t easy for her. “Academically It’s also important to teach her about Ger-
train the police force. The next wave of Ger- I was OK but socially it was a different matter,” man traditions, but what’s on offer in Antalya?
man immigrants were those, both Jewish and she said, adding: “At the Alman Lisesi in stanbul Brigitte is realistic and recognizes that you can
non-Jewish, who ed to Turkey to escape Hit- -- which followed the German curriculum -- they neither compare stanbul with Antalya nor
ler. This meant that we felt very welcome; it taught the compulsory 13 years of school in 12 so what she had when she was a child with what’s
seemed that everyone was aware of the close I was a year ahead of my classmates. That, how- available in Antalya for Mira. “stanbul has al-
historic ties, and they thought of Germans as ever, meant it was difcult to integrate with the ways been Turkey’s cultural and economic cap-
very well-educated and polite people. Unfor- other kids: they assumed I was only interested ital, whereas Antalya is a tourism boom town
tunately, that perception changed after Turks in studying. As I’d never been top of the class in that’s grown into a city in the last 20 years,” she
who’d worked in Germany spoke of their expe- stanbul, I was very unhappy at being wrongly la- pointed out, adding: “They’re totally different
riences there. People in Turkey were both con- beled. Worse still, in stanbul we knew very little places with different people living there. Any-
fused and disappointed by what they heard.” about daily life in Germany; nowadays we have way, even though there are still many more cul-
Then there was the thriving, cultivated expat easy access to all kinds of media, but TV only ar- tural activities on offer in stanbul, it’s changed
community that Brigitte’s family were part of. Her rived in Turkey in the mid-1970s. I also wasn’t a lot since I was a child: Nowadays you need a
father was the representative of a German com- up to date on German pop culture, which made lot of money to live there comfortably. Antalya
pany there. (They were originally going to stay for me even more of an outsider. I spent the rest of is good for small children as they can spend
three years but liked it so much they left in 1978.) the year focusing on my ballet classes and gave most of the year outside. At the Church of
Embassy staff, people working for international guitar lessons to earn pocket money. As soon St. Nicholas [the German church] there are
companies, teachers and doctors and nurses at the as I could, I used that money to buy a ticket to always special Christmas and Easter services
foreign hospitals all contributed to a wide variety stanbul to go and visit my friends.” for children, and every Dec. 6 German fami-
of cultural activities organized through the many “I eventually got used to being in Germa- lies get together at someone’s house so they
associations and clubs. “I played the ute in ny,” she went on, “but I left the village as soon can see St. Nicholas that day, a German tra-
the German orchestra,” she highlighted, add- as I could. In an attempt to learn about Ger- dition. Unfortunately, at the moment, there’s
ing: “The Christmas fair was always a very man culture and society, I finally decided to not much else for children here when they
popular event, and each group took charge of study social work and education. In hindsight get older, except for schools. We may move
a particular activity such as baking or making it wasn’t such a good idea.” somewhere else when Mira is older.”
Christmas decorations. Every year my father So why has she chosen to settle in Turkey? In the meantime, Brigitte isn’t sitting at home
made wooden toys for the fair, and our dining “I always felt that Turkey was calling me, and I waiting for something to happen, and she and Mira
room became a workshop for six weeks.” wanted to nd out if living in here would feel are always busy. “If you want something, then you
Life wasn’t easy for anyone then, however, the same without my family,” she explained. just start it yourself,” she emphasized, adding, “Last
she said. “It was a time of political instability, “I looked for a job and rst came back in 1990 year I held a playgroup at my house, and this year Brigitte Gross, who spent the first 15 years of her life in
there was the oil crisis and the Cyprus war -- we as training manager at the Steigenberger Falez a friend and I are doing monthly puppet shows for stanbul after her family’s three year plan of staying Tur-
had to put blackouts over our windows at night. Hotel in Antalya,” she said. “Then I went to and children from the German-speaking community. key was extended due to their love of the country, says
that back then there was the thriving, cultivated expat
Daily life wasn’t easy, either. There was plenty fro from Germany, including two stints as as- Both the parents and children love them, and there
community which her family was a part of.
of fresh produce, but there wasn’t a large selec- sistant producer in Turkey for Turkish-German were 14 kids at the last one. It’s all a question of be-
tion of consumer products -- there was just one lm companies. I also visited other countries ing willing to get something going.”

NOTE: Today’s Zaman intends to provide a lively forum for expatriates living in Turkey. We encourage you to contact us at and share your experiences, questions and problems in all walks of life for publication in Today’s Zaman.

Porumboiu’s ‘Police’ goes after language abuse Turkish-Armenian

movie premiere
KENNETH TURAN HOLLYWOOD police detective named Cristi (Dragos Bucur) who who’s the ofcial suspect is innocent and the stu-

“Police, Adjective” confounds expectations.

is facing a crisis of condence about his profession.
Cristi has been assigned by his superior to follow up
dent who tipped off the police is the guilty party. Not
wanting to have it on his conscience that he ruined
held in Ankara
Ankara’s Büyülü Fener Theater was the ve-
It’s neither a conventional crime lm nor a on a tip that a high school student has been pushing a person’s life with an unmotivated arrest, Cristi re-
nue for an evening hosted by the Turkish-
police drama. Rather it’s a gently subversive in- marijuana. By the time we meet him, he’s followed sists institutional pressure to wrap things up quickly.
Armenian Business Development Council
tellectual exercise, a philosophical jest wrapped in the young man for a few days and is already bored If this were a conventional police story, the questi-
(TABDC), the Armenian Marketing Associati-
police-procedural clothing that examines not just with the assignment. Police work of this kind is te- on of what actually happened would play a major part.
on and the United States Embassy in Turkey on
the scene of the crime but also the power of langu- dious, demanding the devotion of hours of observa- As it is, that question soon disappears in a series of con-
Tuesday. The reason for the event was the pre-
age and the use and abuse of words. tion to the most enervating situations. It’s not only versations centering on dictionary denitions of words
miere of a new lm, “Aras Kylarnda,” or “On
Written and directed by Corneliu Porumboiu, who the stakeouts that lack excitement, other aspects of such as “conscience” and “police.” Wielding the dicti-
the Banks of the Aras,” a joint venture involving
did the Cannes prize-winning “12:08 East of Bucha- Cristi’s life -- the meals prepared by his new wife, the onary is Cristi’s supervisor, the man he’s been trying to
all the institutions and organizations mentioned
rest,” “Police, Adjective” is the latest effort in the Ro- constant negotiation for information with his collea- avoid, Capt. Anghelache. Potently played by Vlad Iva-
above as well as the US Embassy in Armenia.
manian New Wave, the newest bleakly ironic lm to gues -- do not exactly galvanize us with exhilaration. nov, Anghelache’s way with words changes everyone’s
Co-directed by Gevorg Nazaryan and Ser-
come from that former Iron Curtain country. That doesn’t mean, however, that Cristi is not thinking and turns the lm on its ear. “Police, Adjecti-
dar Dinler, and based on a story written by Din-
“Police, Adjective” submerges us in the dailiness involved with his case. He thinks about it constantly ve” may not be the lm you’re expecting, but it’s one Dragos Bucur plays the leading role in direc- ler and Aram Navasardyan, the movie’s two ma-
of Romanian life, here the particular life of a young and has come to the conclusion that the young man that will stay on your mind. © Los Angeles Times 2009 tor Corneliu Porumboiu’s “Police, Adjective.”
jor characters are Tamer (played by Sabina Mu-
radyan) and Aras (played by Bulut Öngüner),
with Tamer living in Armenia and Aras in Tur-
key. Tamer’s work brings her into contact with
Aras, and the two begin an Internet-based exc-
hange of viewpoints about their countries, their
history as well as the present.
The river Aras is used both as a symbol of
today’s border separating Armenia from Turkey
and a manifestation of its people’s common he-
ritage and future.
The lm leaves its end open, allowing for
speculation about whether one day Tamer will
be able to meet Aras. Filmed on location and
using the magnicent countryside as its back-
ground, the movie does not point ngers and
does not try to put blame on any one side. It is
much more than a movie about a potential futu-
re romance -- it is a lm that creates awareness
about two countries living side by side with a
closed border separating them from each other.
Upon welcoming guests, Dinler, a member
of the TABDC executive team, stressed the re-
levance of engaging civil society, noting that the
movie is not of a commercial nature.
Speaking with Today’s Zaman, Nergis Öztürk,
one of the two scriptwriters and editors and also a
member of the TABDC executive team, stated that
opening the border is not only a civil society requ-
irement but would bring along much needed tra-
de and business. She said both peoples must learn
more about each other and described how exciting
it had been to shoot the movie on location.
Thomas M. Leary, public affairs counselor at
the US Embassy in Ankara, who addressed the
guests before the screening, later told Today’s
Zaman that the US Embassy in Ankara and
the US Embassy in Yerevan had co-sponsored
the making of the lm as part of their civil so-
ciety engagement and that further civil society
projects and the dissemination of their results
-- albeit not necessarily linked with Armenia --
were in the pipeline for 2010.
Suat Knklolu, deputy chairman of external
affairs for the Justice and Development Party (AK
Party) and spokesman for the Turkish Parliament’s
Foreign Affairs Committee, was also in attendance.
The uniqueness of this lm premiere can be
attributed to the fact that individuals and their sto-
ries -- even if scripted -- often allow for a better
understanding of the wider picture. While states-
men must continue to meet and create the regula-
tory framework for rapprochement between both
nations, ultimately citizens must learn how to live
with each other more closely again. “Aras Kylarn-
da” is much more than a movie! Klaus Jurgens Ankara

Dormen putting on
A fresh taste of dark humor musical in Kurdish
Veteran stage actor-director Haldun Dormen
is preparing to stage a Kurdish-language

from the Taylan brothers informed outsider: Celal has a huge crush on structure takes the easy route after its climax.
musical version of the Turkish play “Bir K Öykü-
sü” (A Winter Story) in early 2010 in the southeas-
tern province of Diyarbakr.
The musical, titled “Çi-
rokek Zivistane” in Kurdish,
EMNE YILDIRIM STANBUL refrains from glamorizing the rural regions as is based on renowned 20th
a washed-out singer in the neighboring town; the sweet innocent redemptive places that can After the supposed death of Sevilay, her sud- century Turkish journalist-
One of the best Turkish lms out in Sevilay’s father has been wiring her cash from be common in lms set in the country. den reappearance brings fertile ground for sus- playwright Cevat Fehmi
theaters this week, directing brothers Germany for the past 15 years without Celal’s Hypocrisy and superciality are not just pense and psychological tension for the audi- Bakut’s well-known stage
Yamur and Durul Taylan’s “Vavi- knowledge; Celal is hiding his vast porn col- characteristics found in the city, but all aro- ence. It is at this point that Celal, along with play “Buzlar Çözülmeden”
en,” achieves the kind of satire and dead-pan lection from Sevilay; their son, Mesut, has dis- und as is manifested in most of the charac- the viewer, is left hanging; the script reaches its (Before the Ice Thaws, 1964). Haldun Dormen
comedy seldom seen in Turkish cinema. One covered papa’s extracurricular collection and is ters in the lm. Celal is the epitome of sel- well-crafted peak -- does she know what Ce- Adapted into musical
wants to shout “nally!” especially conside- secretly enjoying it as well. shness and cunning while Sevilay’s secrecy lal has done to her, or is she still unaware upon form by Dormen and Kemal Uzun, “Çirokek Zivis-
ring a socio-cultural environment where the- The funny thing is that without revealing is caused by fear of her husband. Sevilay’s her return? Kaya shines in this moment of ac- tane” will have its premiere at the Diyarbakr Metro-
re is so much material for irony and paradox. anything to his family, Celal actually knows boss, the town’s local administrator (played ting as she delivers a performance that oscilla- politan Municipality’s City Theater in February, the
Written by comedian Engin Günaydn, about what’s going on. Not only about his by the brilliant Serra Ylmaz), is unaware of tes between naïveté and shrewdness. Anatolia news agency reported on Wednesday.
one of the favorite actors of the hit Turkish son’s freeloading but also about the 75,000 eu- her snobbery as she imposes her “I’m going When the tables turn, one expects the The play recounts in a comedic approach the
TV show “Avrupa Yakas” (The European ros Sevilay has saved over the years. to save this town” attitude, and Celal’s sec- nale to take on a bleaker ending since all story of a town in southeast Anatolia that is isolated
Side), the lm illustrates a parable of deceit Here’s the catch though: Celal is planning ret crush -- the singer -- is only after his mo- the way through the rst 70 minutes the from the rest of the world due to heavy snow blocking
in a run-of-the-mill Anatolian town. something big that involves conscating his ney while she sweet talks him. misery and hypocrisy of the characters are the roads in winter. A series of amusing incidents oc-
Celal (Günaydn), a middle-aged electrici- wife’s savings and at the same time getting rid Except for Celal’s older brother and bu- shown with such brutality. However, it se- cur as a young man who claims to be the newly ap-
an, is not the nastiest person you could meet, of her for good. He hatches up a perfect freak ac- siness partner, Cemal, none of the characters ems that the story opts for a sensibility that pointed local administrator comes to the town.
but his spinelessness can be smelled from mi- cident. Needless to say, things get out of hand, are likable, but all with good reason since the tries to satisfy the masses by resorting to a Dormen, noting that this will be the rst time he
les away. His sweet but naïve wife, Sevilay and Celal nds himself in a Coen brothers-style Taylan brothers make an effort to create an at- kind of supercial happiness that was the is putting on a performance in Kurdish, told Anato-
(Binnur Kaya, also a favorite from “Avrupa Ya- movie, specically reminiscent of “Fargo.” mosphere in which the viewer is placed in the target of the lm in the rst place. lia that this was “a personal attempt at achieving pe-
kas”), loves her husband, but is clueless as to One of the most enticing elements of “Va- comfortable zone of smirking from afar. It is Nevertheless, “Vavien,” via its awless ace to eliminate the Kurdishness-Turkishness deba-
how to save her unhappy marriage. Under the vien,” beyond its plot and narrative, is the uni- not the characters that draw us to this lm, but ensemble acting, succeeds at creating an te.” Dormen said, “The world is running out of water,
surface of their idyllic country life lays a multi- que portrayal of country life that has its mo- the absurd situations they nd themselves in. eerie atmosphere, and its technical brilli- running out of fresh air, and instead of thinking abo-
layered secrecy that transforms their predica- ments of embellishment for comedic purpo- Günaydn’s script is an example of spot- ance brings a refreshing example of black ut solutions to these problems, we humans are still
ment into a potpourri of tragicomedy for the ses, but that also carries a verisimilitude that on and rhythmic dialogue although the story’s comedy to Turkish cinema. trying to kill each other over trivial problems.” Dor-
men intends to schedule the musical’s premiere be-
fore Feb. 20. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires




I greet you with the sincerest sentiments, and it is my
pleasure to meet with you in Konya on the occasion of
the commemoration of the 736th “reunion” anniversary
of Mevlana [Jelaluddin Rumi]’s death. I am sure that most of you
know that reunion in our language means a “reunion with one’s
beloved.” Mevlana, in the lines he wrote before his death, had

described the moment and the day of his death as a “reunion
with his beloved God.” Following his death, the anniversary of
Mevlana’s death has been called “eb-i Arus,” in other words the
“wedding day.” Mevlana, whose message spread across these
lands and throughout the world beyond these lands for seven
centuries, succeeded in bringing together humanity and human
values through his reunion with his beloved one. We owe our
meeting today on the occasion of this dinner to great Mevlana.
We remember him once more with grace and gratitude.
Today Mevlana’s universal messages have even more
meaning and signicance than ever before. The world is going
through difcult times. There are both positive and negative
aspects to globalization, as demonstrated by various global
problems that we confront today. Issues such as poverty, wars,
conicts, terror, immigration and intolerance are becoming
greater threats to humanity. Humans are increasingly moving
away from trying to understand each other. Segregation and
polarization are instead becoming preferred methods.
As the last global crisis indicates, the gap between the rich
and the poor is growing, and this gap results in less cooperation
and solidarity among people.
I have no intention of drawing a negative picture. Despite
this negative state of affairs, I have very strong hopes for the fu-
ture. I know that there are alternatives, and I sincerely believe
Turkish PM
that we can build a different world. During the times of Mevlana
Recep Tayyip
Jelaluddin Rumi, this region was seriously threatened by Mon- Erdoan while
golian invasions. Many books and libraries were burned, men of delivering
knowledge were killed and cultures and civilizations were de- a speech in
stroyed. Yet, thanks to Mevlana and men like him, the qualities Konya on
Dec. 17
that humanity possessed continued to illuminate the world.

Mevlana’s inspiration of hope Dec. 17 is an important date for us for another reason. Today, ties in the EU accession process and display a resolute political similarities, a common culture and a common history with the
Mevlana inspired us with hope. “If the clouds couldn’t cry then Dec. 17, is also the fth anniversary of the Brussels summit, where will in this regard, we expect the EU to fulll its commitments. countries in its region, than to establish friendly relations and
how could the meadows smile?” said Mevlana. He welcomed Turkey was given a date to start accession negotiations with the EU. The Turkey-EU process, which is based on a constructive under- to improve its trade relations with its neighbors and the coun-
the rising of the sun after each sunset, reminding us that every As you may well know, Turkey’s integration with the EU ofcially standing and a win-win relationship, should not be allowed to tries in the region? As a condent and stable country, Turkey’s
day was a new day. In fact, despite all wars, conicts and de- started in 1959 with the application made by the late [Adnan] Mend- be overshadowed with ungrounded discussions. development of strong, sound and sustainable relations with
struction, humanity has been able to recover once again. eres. Unfortunately, no signicant steps were taken since then. With As you may know, UNESCO declared 2007 “Mevlana Year” its neighbors and the countries of the region is extremely ben-
Today, with the experience gained from history, we believe that this awareness, at the end of 2002 when we came to power, we iden- to commemorate the 800th anniversary of Mevlana’s birth. I ecial for the region at large. A stronger relationship with the
we can change this negative picture, preventing greater sorrows and tied EU membership as Turkey’s strategic objective, and since then, would like to draw your attention to this fact as we understand East means a stronger relationship with the West. Similarly, a
destruction. we have demonstrated great determination concerning this end. that humanity needs more than ever the eternal message of Mevlana. stronger relationship with the north also means stronger rela-
We have to understand one another. We have to make an ef- With this determination, we took signicant steps for the We can see that greed and extremism are the greatest threats tionship with the south. This is because Turkey is both a cen-
fort to understand each other. We must put aside our prejudices fulllment of the Copenhagen criteria within a short amount of against today’s order. The growing support lately for racist and ex- tral country but also a country at the crossroads.
and preconceptions and be tolerant of one another. If the rich time, two years. Turkey’s EU accession process gained new dy- treme rightist movements, especially in Europe, may be explained We are taking historically important steps in order to improve
sympathize with the poor, poverty is allayed. Sorrows are less- namism and enthusiasm with the Brussels summit on Dec. 17. by this greed. The EU’s fundamental understanding is to “renounce our friendship with all nations and countries in the world. Ow-
ened when they are shared. Happiness grows when it is shared. I once again would like to underline that EU membership grudges, hatred, animosity and hostilities and unify around common values.” ing to its historical and strategic situation, Turkey can establish
Welfare becomes permanent through solidarity. is an objective over which the Turkish people have reached a Mosques have never overshadowed the freedom of church- dialogue with countries within a large geographical area and use
Conicts do not make our world and lives better. Quite the consensus on. Based on this consensus, we have taken extreme- es, synagogues or other religious centers in this geographical its soft power efciently within that geography. This makes Tur-
contrary, it is friendship and brotherhood that make them liv- ly important steps and realized reforms of historical importance area. There is no community in this geographical region that was key a strong and privileged country. Isn’t it meaningful that Tur-
able. Conicts going on even at this very moment in many parts over the last four years. We also made every effort to transform ostracized or cast as the “other” based on race, identity or reli- key, along with Spain, is co-chairing the Alliance of Civilizations,
of our world can’t guarantee our future; on the contrary, they this social consensus into one of social participation and have gion. Neither was there any religion whose religious practices which is an extremely critical project? Who can easily dismiss
threaten the future of our regions and our world. pursued, and continue to pursue, a participatory approach to the EU were questioned or toward which hostility or discomfort was Turkey’s election to the UN Security Council with 151 votes cast by
Terrorism does not help anybody, including itself. It is a accession process. The EU process is currently being discussed all over expressed. Love overcame hostility and mercy overcame anger. member states out of a possible 192, which is nearly a record in the
threat even to those that protect, favor and oversee it. This is the the country, in 81 provinces. It is a priority not only of the Turkish This happened with the guidance of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi and history of the UN? Can we underestimate the increasing inuence of
reason why, on such an important evening, I emphasize once government but also of the 72 million Turkish citizens. Currently, 12 other scholars highlighting love, peace, justice and humanity. Turkey in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia and its role
more the importance of building alliances. I emphasize once chapters are open for negotiations. One of those chapters was closed. For this reason, my advice to those who attach religious and as a reliable mediator to end conicts in the region?
cultural meanings to their fallacies, identify Islam with terror- Turkey has realized all of these by mobilizing its potential. As a
more solidarity and cooperation. I underline once again the im-
Turkey closer than ever to EU ism and fuel fear of Islam and anti-Semitism is to read Mevlana. result of our determination, Turkey has become an important actor
portance of friendship and brotherhood. Alliance, peace, solidar-
not only in its region but also in the world, contributing to the solu-
ity, friendship and brotherhood are difcult to attain. Yet, it is Today Turkey is closer to the EU and is integrated with the EU and My advice to those who resort to referendums for fundamental
tion of global problems. I feel that I should express frankly that Turkey
beyond question that we need these ideas and sentiments. member states more than ever. We are determined to maintain the rights and freedoms and perceive freedom of religion for people
today is very different from seven years ago. Turkey today is distinct
enthusiasm that emerged with the opening of the accession negotia- living in their country as a threat is to listen to the doctrines of Mev-
in its region in regards to its economy and politics and its enhanced
European integration and Mevlana tions, maintain social consensus and continue the reform process at lana. This philosophy makes Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi universal.
standards of democracy. Issues that could not be discussed or could
I believe that our meeting on a day of such historical im- the same pace. In line with this objective, we are taking yet another In fact, every doctrine that leads humanity to kindness,
not even be brought up ve or 10 years ago are freely discussed today.
portance is very meaningful in terms of Turkey’s European very important step, which is to assign one deputy governor respon- beauty and truth is universal. Mevlana’s words “One man is the
We believe that the future will be much brighter than today,
Union accession process. sible for the EU process in each province by establishing EU contact mirror of the other” are no different from those of [Johann Wolf-
and we are making great efforts to ensure that. Doubtlessly, a
European integration, founded on values of tolerance, points in all 81 provinces. This is another clear indicator of our deter- gang von] Goethe, “We don’t get to know people when they
strong and stable Turkey would be an element of stability for its
compromise and dialogue, is consistent with Mevlana’s phi- mination in this process, as is the appointment of Egemen Ba as come to us; we must go to them to nd out what they are like.”
region and for Europe and would strengthen the region. I would
losophy, which has illuminated humanity since the 13th cen- the rst chief negotiator and minister for EU affairs. Today being able to repeat after Mevlana and say, “Come, come like to once again remind you that we expect the support and
tury. Mevlana’s teachings, based on compassion, made this I would like to refer to the signicance of the opening of the again, whoever you are” has become more signicant than ever. constructive contributions of our friends.
land a center of universal values for centuries. stanbul ofce of the Secretariat General for EU Affairs on Dec. We note sadly that Turkey’s foreign policy has been a
Today we will participate in the international events orga- 5. I already expressed this at the opening ceremony, which many cause of concern lately. Some claim that Turkey has been shift- *The text is a translation of a speech made by Prime Minister Recep
nized to commemorate the 736th anniversary of Mevlana’s “re- of you also attended. I would like to take this opportunity to ing its axis. No, Turkey is extending its axis. What can be more Tayyip Erdoan on the occasion of the 736th anniversary of Mev-
union,” remembering these values once again. emphasize one issue in particular. As we fulll our responsibili- normal for a country like Turkey, which has demographic lana’s death in Konya on Dec. 17, 2009.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

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Dear Babu: We are watng for convncng answers

The two most recent events, Lt. Col. Ali Tatar’s suicide and need to explain to us what is happening. No one was convinced by politician that speaks the boldest is Bülent Arnç. Now a plot
the discovery of a plot to assassinate Deputy Prime Min- HÜSEYN the threats you made from a battleship. Believe me, neither did it to assassinate him has been discovered. What if, God forbid,
ister Bülent Arnç, have broken the camel’s back. Tatar’s scare any democrat that is determined to defend the truth, rule of something happened to Arnç? Wouldn’t you have been ac-
suicide is the eighth mysterious suicide. All suicides are
GÜLERCE law and accountability. The reality you can’t see or choose not to cused of making him a target? Now do you accept that your
linked to Ergenekon in one way or another. The active duty see is that Turkey is no longer the same Turkey. speech was wrong in terms of responsibility?
and retired military ofcers who allegedly committed sui- Our rst question is: In a democratic country can a chief of Question 4: Are you informed about military ofcers that en-
cide are people that knew a lot about the allegations in the general staff declare a portion of its own citizens an enemy with- gage in illegal activities, including those who were caught in front
Ergenekon case. All suicides are suspicious. The dominant ter Recep Tayyip Erdoan, some state ministers and several deputies. out due process from a battleship that was paid for by citizen of Arnç’s home? If not, then under whose direction do they act?
public opinion is that these military ofcers were silenced. What kind of armed forces do we have? Cage action plans, plans taxes? We don’t know of any other example like this, do you? Where do they nd the courage to do it?
In the words of the prime minister, the incident related to Arnç to detonate dynamite placed in a submarine while primary school Do you believe anyone and everyone that defends binding the Question 5: There are many cases of neglect of duty, efforts to
points to a perilous and thought-provoking process. Pay attention; students tour a sea museum, traps against the country and democ- military to civilian will should be silenced? weaken the army and illegality. Is there a serious investigation into
we are talking about a process, a process that is continuing, grow- racy, plans to place weapons in the homes of innocent students and Question 2: You always talk about the rule of law and the these situations? Is anyone being questioned? For example, Tokat’s
ing, escalating and harboring dangerous developments. The people then to declare them members of a terrorist organization and to try armed force’s respect for the judiciary. Instead of sending implicit Readiye district is under gendarmerie jurisdiction. How were vil-
that were caught watching Arnç’s home since March with sketches them in military courts, memorandums, explosives buried under- threats and putting pressure on prosecutors, why don’t you apply lains able to freely walk around and kill our unarmed soldiers? What
of the house were active military ofcers. Artillery ofcer Maj. .G. ground, bombs and loaded light anti-tank weapons. And beside to the judiciary? Why don’t you le a lawsuit against those who are was the weakness here? Who is responsible? What actions have
and engineer Col. E.Y.B both work at the General Staff Mobilization each one of these there are active and retired ofcers from all levels. leading an asymmetrical psychological warfare? been taken against those who are responsible?
Inspector General Directorate. Notebooks belonging to the ofcers The General Staff cannot continue to stay quiet in a country like this. Question 3: Among those you were referring to when you Dear Babu: The public is waiting for convincing and explanatory
contained information about President Abdullah Gül, Prime Minis- Dear Babu: You need to speak up. As a commander, you said, “Can’t talk, should not talk,” there are politicians. The one answers from you. How much longer are you going to stay quiet?



Plots, assassnatons Solvng the

and the madness mystery of the
of bureaucratc assassnaton attempt
red herrngs on Bülent Arnç
Madness is prevailing in the deep state in Turkey. While the pub- Two members of the Special Forces Command were detained
lic expects common sense and constructive action from civilian and on Saturday night on suspicion of planning to kill Arnç. Gen-
military bureaucrats and opposition parties, the discourse and action darmerie and police teams launched an operation to capture the
of these groups contradict civic and legal norms, traditions and the suspects after they received information that two military ofcers
Constitution. They go on acting with deant and unaccountable un- -- Maj. brahim G. and Col. Erkan Ylmaz B. -- were planning to
restraint. Simultaneously, Kurdish political and militant organizations assassinate the deputy prime minister. The teams detected two
are leading all matters down a difcult road which lacks any resolution suspicious vehicles in the vicinity of Arnç’s house. One of the
or compromise despite the wishes of an unprecedented of majority of vehicles belonged to the General Staff while the other was hired
Turks from all walks of life. Also, with every day that passes, military from a private car rental company. Turkish dailies claimed, and
ofcers from the Special Forces Command are caught red-handed or Arnç conrmed, that one of the ofcers tried to swallow a piece
exposed in the media to be involved in another plot or assassination. of paper while he was waiting for military ofcers to come to the
On top of all this, the chief of General Staff has just dispatched police station where the two were being held (in the Turkish ju-
orders to the judiciary, the media and the public to move against the dicial system military personnel cannot be detained by the police
enemies of the nation and military. Countless intellectuals have con- alone. When a member of the military is detained, police must
demned this as an act that would only be suitable in a Third World inform the military to come and take them to military holding
country under the rule of a junta. Although this is not the rst such facilities). The paper featured Arnç’s home address. Police also
blunder by the chief of General Staff, this time stories of deep disap- found several maps showing Arnç’s house in the two vehicles.
proval and rifts within the military and the top brass are being leaked Turkish dailies are not debating whether the ofcers were
to the media. Not only civilians, but even some commanders now leak
planning to kill Mr. Arnç or not. Examining all the informa-
and dispute such brazen shows of power and interference in civilian
tion available at the moment, it would seem that, whatever
and governmental affairs, viewing them as undemocratic and uncon-
they were doing in the vicinity of Arnç’s house, they were
stitutional. Obviously, some top ofcers are manipulated by the junta
doing it as part of their ofcial duties. Perhaps they did not
into conspiring against their own people, government and state.
even know that the target was Arnç himself.
Any failed junta anywhere in the world, when its intentions and
Let me analyze the available information and try to make sense
the guilty parties are revealed, starts killing or eliminating its own
of what the military ofcers were doing there. First, it was reported
members for personal, ideological and other ulterior motives. Sev-
that the police received a tip from an anonymous source that provid-
eral ofcers implicated in the plots and coup-planning in Turkey have
ed detailed information, including the ofcers’ names and the mod-
recently committed suicide. But the media, their colleagues and the
public do not buy into these claims of suicide and have been discuss- els and plate numbers of the cars, saying that the two ofcers were
ing whether these suspicious deaths are attempts to silence people planning to kill Arnç. Second, the ofcers had Arnç’s home address
and restrain the progress of prosecutions of top ofcers. Why is the written on a piece of paper, and when they were detained, one of
chief of General Staff not collaborating with civilian judges in the coup them tried to swallow the paper. Third, police found additional doc-
investigations? Why does the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) try to con- uments in the ofcers’ houses that show that Prime Minister Recep
ceal or destroy evidence from the judicial process, even though some Tayyip Erdoan and President Abdullah Gül were being monitored
ofcers on the inside have revealed the voice recordings and original by the military ofcers as well. Fourth, the ofcers had rented cars
documents of plots devised in the military headquarters? Faced with
all the caches of weapons and munitions, the assassination plans, the
A crucxon earlier and parked them in front of Mr. Arnç’s house before leaving.
Bringing all the pieces together, we can predict the following
evidence of military personnel caught up in an assassination attempt that they use language that only goes to reinforce his complaint points: The details in the tip indicate that the operation against Arnç
on Bülent Arnç and on the “black box” of Ergenekon, retired Gen. that the Greek community is now treated as second-class citi- was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. It rather indicates that
Levent Ersöz, why this madness to protect their ofcers?
ANDREW zens in a land where they were born. How dare the patriarch use whatever the two ofcers were doing was part of a planned opera-
The Turkish public and the media acknowledge the closure of the FINKEL such evocative language to criticize a country in whose military tion. Perhaps the operation was part of a formal exercise that was
Democratic Society Party (DTP) as an overt strategy by the deep state he served yet in which he is somehow still a guest. The cover- conducted by the Special Forces Command. If it was the work of the
in the judiciary to thwart the government’s attempts to resolve the age in this newspaper has been fair, but one headline “Patriarch two ofcers or more ofcers, without the knowledge of the high-
ongoing Kurdish conict. When Turks and Kurds needed common Bartholomew talks tough against Turkey” fell into that trap. The ranking ofcers of the Special Forces Command, it would be less
sense and a positive contribution to the resolution, the court played “Some people think the Crucixion only took place on Cal- column from the editor-in-chief of Today’s Zaman yesterday likely to leak to the police in such detail. Second, from the fact that
the issue into the hands of violent, extremist, deep state provocateurs, vary. They better wise up! Taking Joey Doyle’s life to stop him defending not just the patriarch’s right to speak out but the sub- Mr. Arnç’s home address was written on a piece of paper, we can
the Kurdish Democratic Confederation (KCK), an urban arm of the from testifying is a crucixion. And dropping a sling on Kayo stance of his remarks, was, therefore, right and timely. suspect that because it was part of a formal operation conducted by
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The KCK is known to often be at Dugan because he was ready to spill his guts tomorrow, that’s Indeed, the patriarch’s comments seem temperate given the Special Forces Command, the ofcers did not even know who
odds with the moderates of the DTP. Furthermore, the demands by a crucixion. And every time the Mob puts the pressure on a the horrifying set of revelations which have emerged even in the target was and what they were doing there. It is very likely that
the DTP for direct negotiations with Abdullah Öcalan on an equal ba- good man, tries to stop him from doing his duty as a citizen, the months since he gave that interview. This is that there exist- the task that was given to the two ofcers was to park the rented
sis and status with the Turkish state, demanding a sovereign, autono- it’s a crucixion. And anybody who sits around and lets it hap- ed within the armed forces something called the “Cage Opera- car in front of Mr. Arnç’s house and return to their units. As Turk-
mous state with its own security forces and other demands that could pen, keeps silent about something he knows that happened, tion Action Plan” to target Turkey’s minority community, carry ish press reported, they had done exactly this many times previously
have been made more moderately, have all led to further crises. Talk shares the guilt of it just as much as the Roman soldier who out assassinations, all in the interests of prompting a military before being detected by the police.
by some DTP and opposition party members of heading up to the coup. Even as it is, the patriarch travels with an armed guard. This is an important detail that law enforcement agencies
pierced the esh of our Lord to see if he was dead.”
mountains to resolve the issue through ghting is yet more madness. should focus on. Although the Turkish press reported that the of-
Anyone who spent the same wasted youth as myself Of course 60 Minutes could have produced a more round-
The public advocacy and defense of Ergenekon members by the
inside a darkened cinema watching old movies, will recog- ed report. They traveled to Saint Catherine’s Monastery, cers were parking the rented cars in front of Mr. Arnç’s house
Republican People’s Party (CHP) cannot be reconciled with social de-
nize these words as belonging to the battling priest played Mount Sinai, to retrieve a pledge of tolerance issued [to Chris- to tape his conversations while he was at home, this is not very
mocracy or Turkish law. The CHP deputies sit with the accused and
by Karl Malden in “On the Waterfront” -- a lm in which tians] by the prophet Muhammad. They could have made a likely. First, it is not the job of special forces units to conduct such
their lawyers in court in open deance of the Constitution. Presum-
Marlon Brando’s conscience forces him to blow the whistle much shorter trip to Grecian Thrace to discover a Turkish mi- an operation. Second, it is unlikely that such an operation would
ably, they have some assurances from the deep state within the judi-
on the mob that controls the docks. The director, Elia Kazan, nority which also complains of historic ill-treatment. And, of be conducted with rented cars because of the technical equipment
ciary, those same people to whom they always turn for the rejection of
was born in Kadiköy, only a few miles from my own stanbul course, those so incensed by the patriarch’s comments might needed to tape conversations remotely.
constitutional amendments made in line with European Union regu-
neighborhood, and Kadiköy (to continue the free association) question why the foreign ministry attacks a Turkish citizen for What is likely, however, is that they were trying to check for se-
lations. Their mastermind in all those acts, the “honorary president” of
or the ancient Chalcedon was once the metropolitinate of the speaking his mind, yet feels it must defend the president of curity gaps in front of Arnç’s house. Parking a rented car in front
the Supreme Court of Appeals, Sabih Kanadolu, who devised many
judicial interpretations to thwart the presidential and parliamentary current ecumenical patriarchate, Bartholomew -- a man now Sudan who stands accused of committing war crimes. of a house is one of the easiest ways of checking the security in the
elections and the elimination of the discriminatory coefcient in uni- much in the news. It was not all that long ago that we witnessed the perse- vicinity of the house. Given that special forces units are known for
versity entrance tests and who has been presented as the one who is The patriarch, too, used the word “crucixion” to describe cution of Hrant Dink, the editor of an Armenian newspaper conducting such operations (in 1996, a special forces unit parked a
the most expert on the interpretation and practice of the law, is now the agonizingly slow death of the Orthodox community in who tried to call for modern Turkey’s reconciliation with its car with explosives near Abdullah Öcalan’s house in Damascus in an
declining to testify in the Ergenekon probe. If he is as expert and objec- Turkey -- the appropriation of property and the refusal to al- Armenian community. His words were twisted in the Turk- assassination attempt), we can suspect that at least some people in
tive as he is claimed to be, he should have no fear of any legal argu- low the theological seminary in Halki on Heybeliada, an island ish press to make him appear to be an enemy of the coun- the special forces unit were trying to see whether they could park a
ments or moves against him. However, as he refuses to testify, the off stanbul, to resume the training of priests. His words, ed- try in which he was born; he was tried in the courts for the car near enough to assassinate Mr. Arnç.
situation must now be too serious for any legal twists or distortion. ited from an interview he gave last spring into a segment for “thought crime” of offending Turkishness and his ultimate More importantly, it is likely that the two ofcers were told to
The would-be assassins and their leaders’ attempts to save them the US news show, 60 Minutes, has managed to jump start punishment was meted out by a street tough who red a park the car at the address that was written on the piece of paper.
from civilian trials, the acts of the CHP deputies and some Kurdish the self-righteous anger of many a columnist and prompted bullet into his head. To be persecuted for doing the right They were going to park the rented car and return to their units in
leaders against any sustainable resolution along with law-defying le- a ticking-off from Turkey’s foreign minister, seconded by the thing is, pace those political leaders and all those columnists the car that belongs to the General Staff. Thus, it is very important
gal experts must surely all be a part of the deep-state delirium or just a president himself. tut-tutting over the patriarch’s supposed offence -- and in to nd out who ordered the two ofcers to park the rented car in
tale, as claimed by their new foreign defender, Gareth Jenkins. The most objectionable aspect of the patriarch’s critics is the language of the Karl Malden character -- a crucixion. front of Mr. Arnç’s house, and why.
16 TODAY’S ZAMAN T H U R S D AY, D E C E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 0 9

Gregorian Calendar: 24 December 2009 C.E. Hijri Calendar: 08 Muharram 1431 A.H.Hebrew Calendar: 07 Tevet 5770 tv gude
08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Today is Christmas Eve in the Western world. In ing. The Japanese also observe the Santa Claus tradition General Assembly resolution stating that Libya should 09:00 Merlin
10:00 The Martha Stewart Show
most societies, this day is treated to a greater or a during Christmas. The Santa Claus figure developed out become independent before Jan. 1, 1952. The kingdom of 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show
move gude lesser extent as a public holiday. The night is a celebra- of the personality St. Nicholas, whose reputation for gen- Idris lasted until 1969, when a 27-year-old army officer, 12:00 The Rachael Ray Show
13:00 Desperate Housewives
tion of the arrival of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem for erosity and kindness gave rise to legends of miracles he Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, staged a coup d’état 14:00 The Martha Stewart Show
the birth of Jesus. In European countries, religious ceremo- performed for the poor and unhappy. against him. 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show
16:00 The Rachael Ray Show
nies and celebrations such as lighting a Yule log or hav- Today is Independence Day in Libya. Though Libya Today is the birthday of James Prescott Joule (1818- 17:00 Merlin
18:00 The Martha Stewart Show
ing a special Christmas meal after attending church take was relinquished by Italy under the terms of the 1947 1889). Joule was the English physicist and inventor after 19:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show
place. Some traditional stories associated with Christmas peace treaty with the Allied powers, real autonomy came whom Joule’s Law was named. The joule, a unit of mea- 20:00 Family Guy
21:00 Chuck
Eve are that animals can talk, water turns to wine and hid- only after Libya declared its independence in 1951 as the surement for energy, is named after him as well. He also 22:15 The Prisoner
den treasures are revealed. In modern Western societies, United Kingdom of Libya, a constitutional and hereditary worked with Lord Kelvin to develop the absolute scale of 23:00 The Tonight Show With
Conan O'Brien
Christmas Eve is associated with Santa Claus and gift giv- monarchy under King Idris, in accordance with the UN temperature, and he made observations on magnetism. 00:00 The Prisoner
01:00 The Jay Leno Show
02:00 The Tonight Show With
“Süpürrr!” Conan O'Brien
03:00 Chuck
04:00 Family Guy
AVATAR 05:00 The Prisoner
STANBUL:Bakrköy Cinebonus Capacity 06:00 The Tonight Show With
12:00 15:00 18:15 21:30 00:30 14:00 17:15
20:30 34:45 Beyolu AFM Fita 11:00
14:10 17:30 20:50 00:10 Caddebostan AFM
11:10 14:30 17:50 21:15 ANKARA: Ata On
Tower 12:00 13:45 15:15 18:30 20:15 21:45
New ‘Alvn and the Chpmunks’ Conan O'Brien
07:00 The Jay Leno Show

17:55 The Simpsons
00:00 Bilkent Cinebonus 14:20 17:45 18:50 The Jay Leno Show
21:10 00:30 ZMR: AFM Forum Bornova
11:00 14:15 17:30 21:00 00:15 Cinebonus
Konak Pier 11:00 14:15 17:45 21:00 00:15
ANTALYA: Cinebonus Migros 17:45 21:00
00:00 14:30 11:45 15:00 18:15 21:30
album contnues genre’s success 20:00 Scrubs
20:30 Aliens in America
21:00 Ghost Whisperer
22:00 Yumurta
00:00 The Jay Leno Show
01:00 Scrubs

You’re making a legitimate album.”
BAKA DLDE AK More than 100 tracks were licensed
01:30 Aliens in America
02:00 Ghost Whisperer
STANBUL: Beyolu 12:15 14:30 16:45

03:00 Yumurta
19:15 21:30 ili Megaplex Cevahir 11:30 In the years since an aspiring and recorded by Dee’s Chipmunks and 05:00 Ghost Whisperer
13:30 15:45 17:50 20:00 22:00 Kozyata 06:10 The Jay Leno Show
Cinepol 11:15 13:15 15:15 17:15 19:15 21:15
small-time actor named Ross Bag- Chipettes for the new movie, most of
23:15 aknbakkal Megaplex M&S 11:15 dasarian bought a variable-speed which ended up on the cutting-room floor. GOLDMAX
13:15 15:15 17:15 19:15 ANKARA: Cinebonus tape recorder and sang “The Chipmunk “You don’t know if a song will work 08:55 What Lies Beneath
Panora 11:00 13:05 14:30 15:15 17:30 19:45 11:05 A Night At The Roxbury
21:00 22:00 ZMR: AFM Passtel 11:15 13:45 Song” into its embedded microphone in until you record it,” said Dee, who esti- 12:30 The Hustler
16:00 18:30 21:00 ANTALYA: Megapol 11:15 14:50 Flight Of The Phoenix (2004)
1958, his mischief-making rodents have mates there’s enough leftover material for 16:50 I Love You, I Love You Not
13:15 15:15 17:15 19:15 21:15
sold 47 million copies of their 31 albums a triple album of B-sides. 18:30 October Sky
VAVEN and amassed a worldwide fan base. The Rolling Stones’ “(I Can’t Get No) 20:15 Donnie Brasco
22:25 Into The Wild
STANBUL: Bakrköy Cinebonus Capacity
11:00 13:00 15:15 17:30 19:45 22:00 00:15 In fact, though “Alvin and the Chip- Satisfaction” and Van Halen’s “Jump,” for 00:50 Psycho II
02:45 Valley Of The Dolls
Beyolu AFM Fita 11:40 14:00 16:20 munks: The Squeakquel” only opened in example, were both recorded but discard- 04:45 The Last Supper
18:40 21:00 23:45 Caddebostan AFM 10:30
12:50 15:10 17:30 19:50 22:10 Kozyata US theaters Wednesday, the soundtrack to ed because “Monkicizing the vocal sucks
Cinebonus Palladium 12:45 15:00 17:15 the sequel to 2007’s breakout animated hit the life out of it,” Dee said.
06:45 Scary Godmother: The
19:30 21:45 00:00 ANKARA: Ata On
Tower 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:15 19:30 21:45 is already a bona fide success. While the soundtrack to 2007’s “Al- Revenge Of Jimmy
07:40 Road House 2 : Last Call
00:00 ZMR: AFM Forum Bornova 11:30 Released on Rhino Records on Dec. 1 vin and the Chipmunks” featured mostly 09:15 The Year Without Santa Claus
13:45 16:20 18:45 21:20 23:45 ANTALYA: and featuring hits by the Kinks, Katy Perry new songs created by Dee specifically 10:50 Burn After Reading
Cinebonus Migros 12:15 14:30 16:45 19:00 12:30 CJ7
21:15 23:30 and Beyonce, the album sold 77,000 copies for the movie and versions of songs such 14:10 Rails & Ties
in its first two weeks of release, compared as “Witch Doctor” that were originally 16:05 Midnight Clear
SÜPÜRRR! 18:00 17 Again
STANBUL: Esentepe Cinebonus Astoria with just 7,000 for the first two weeks of sales penned and recorded by the elder Bag- 20:00 The Valley Of Light
11:00 13:00 15:00 17:15 19:30 21:45 00:00 for the 2007 film’s soundtrack, which went dasarian, the “Squeakquel” soundtrack is 21:50 Cloverfield
Kozyata Cinebonus Palladium 12:30 14:45 23:20 The Jane Austen Book Club
17:00 19:15 21:30 23:45 ANKARA: Bilkent on to move more than 1 million copies. dominated by hits from artists such as the 01:05 Town Creek
Cinebonus 11:40 14:10 16:40 19:10 21:40 Ross Bagdasarian Jr. and his wife Janice Karman with stuffed chipmunks Simon, Alvin and Theodore. 02:50 Rails & Ties
“It’s hard to be miserable when you Bee Gees and Keys. “On the first movie, 04:30 Half Past Dead 2
00:10 Cinebonus Panora 11:00 13:05 15:15
17:30 19:45 22:00 ZMR: AFM Passtel hear those voices,” said Ross Bagdasarian people were a lot more tentative as far
11:30 14:00 16:30 19:00 21:45 ANTALYA: Jr., 60, speculating on the enduring appeal animated television show for NBC. “The first step is to recognize that we’re as roping in talent or artists; for brand- MGM MOVIES
07:10 Pascali's Island
Deepo 11:30 13:30 15:30 17:30 19:30 21:30 While actors including Justin Long and working with one of the biggest groups out
of furry critters chirping out cover songs. name songs, people just flat-out denied 08:55 The Greatest Story Ever Told
ACI AK Bagdasarian Sr. voiced the original Christina Applegate voice the Chipmunk there,” he said. “I know I sound out of my us,” said Mike Knobloch, executive vice
12:10 Monkey On My Back
13:45 A Doll's House
STANBUL:Beyolu AFM Fita 11:30 13:50 characters in the “Squeakquel,” the songs mind when I say that, but the Chipmunks
16:10 18:30 20:50 23:30 Caddebostan Chipmunks and pioneered the “vari-speed” president of film music for Fox. “On the 15:25 Far North
in the film were performed by New York have sold [a ton of] records. Once you rec- 17:00 Cotton Comes To Harlem
AFM 11:10 13:30 16:00 18:30 21:00 23:20 recording technique that transformed his [second] one, people were a lot more ea- 18:50 A Family Thing
ANKARA: Bilkent Cinebonus 11:45 adult voice into the higher-pitched, kid-i- producer Ali Dee and four of his studio ognize the brand as being legitimate, then ger to be involved. Not only did we have 20:45 Buy & Cell
13:00 14:15 15:30 16:45 19:15 21:45 00:15 22:25 Young Billy Young
ZMR: Balçova Cinebonus Kipa 10:45 fied sound so associated with the group. singers, who employed the same vari- you can hit the production and make the a hit movie with the first one, we had a 00:00 Up In The Cellar
12:45 15:00 17:15 19:30 21:45 00:00 After his death in 1972, his son Ross and speed technique Bagdasarian used. Chipmunks sound competitive against Jay- platinum record in a climate where re- 01:35 A Doll's House
ANTALYA: Cinebonus Migros 12:15 03:45 A Family Thing
14:30 16:45 19:00 21:15 23:30 Ross’ wife Janice kept the franchise alive, There are two things that go into pro- Z or Alicia Keys,” he added. “That’s the cords going platinum is largely unheard 05:35 Two For The Seesaw
voicing 16 more Chipmunks records and an ducing a Chipmunks record, Dee said. mind-set: You’re not making a kids record. of.” © Los Angeles Times 2009
08:00 American Dad
08:30 Til Death
09:00 The Cosby Show
10:00 According to Jim
11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond
Crossword Mr. DploMAT! Cem Kzltu
12:00 Reaper
13:00 Everybody Hates Chris
13:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm
970 14:00 American Dad
14:30 Til Death
ACROSS 60 Conceals a 21 Mozart’s canal locale 15:00 The Cosby Show
1 Drums’ present “L’___ del 47 Use the
16:00 According to Jim
edges 63 Speaks Cairo” overhead
5 Addition unclearly 23 Provides compartment 17:00 Everybody Loves Raymond
figures 64 Way to keep with a crew 48 Peter of 18:00 3rd Rock from the Sun
9 Cote chorus the keel? 24 Diminish in Peter, Paul 18:30 Everybody Hates Chris
13 Superior to 65 “The Grapes intensity and Mary 19:00 The Cosby Show
14 Ship’s front of Wrath” 27 Boggy earth 50 Behind bars 19:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm
15 Ragout of migrant 28 Baby wipes 51 The “C” in 20:00 American Dad
roasted 66 Change for additive C.S. Lewis 20:30 Til Death
game a hundred, 29 Grammy 52 Truck 21:00 According to Jim
16 Seasonal perhaps winner stopper
21:30 Everybody Loves Raymond
position 67 In ___ (owing Lovett 53 Cholesterol,
18 Balance money) 30 Unweaned e.g. 22:00 Reaper
sheet listing 68 Abandons deer 54 They make 23:00 Entourage
19 Accordion bachelor- 31 Be heartsick a bloom 23:30 Weeds
fold hood 32 “With this blossom? 00:00 Til Death
20 Love, hate, DOWN ring, I ___ ...” 55 Boundless 00:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm
fear, etc. 1 Some pinball 34 Anti- 56 Atoll 01:00 American Dad
22 Orderly targets smoking org. component 01:30 According to Jim
25 “Avast!” 2 Mediterra- 35 Abalone 57 Treat like a
responder nean boot? product pariah
26 Wild 3 Some 38 Calorie 61 Abe’s
30 Some
spare tires,
rado gude
essentially 4 Food fight 39 Affliction 62 You’ll have a
33 Indian bread sound 40 Class blast with it
36 Without
37 Classic
5 Whirlpool
45 Auditory
Sudoku TRT Toursm Rado
00:00 Identification and
ghost story 6 Barista’s 00:25 Music
41 Early container PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER HARD EASY 07:25 Identification and
invention 7 Liturgical

2 3 4 8 9 6 1 5 7
42 Price list song
word 8 Hindu 9 6 4 8 9 5 7 2 6 9 1 5 3 7 2 4 8 6
07:30 Music
08:30 News (English,
43 Extraordi- teacher 8 6 7 1 5 4 3 9 2 French, German)
nary shoe 9 Vatican
width attraction 2 1 2 1 4 6 9 2 5 8 7 3
08:40 Live Broadcast
44 Speedom- 10 “And (English, German, Russian)
7 9 3 4 8 1 2 6 5
eter part another 10:30 News (English, French,
46 Like some thing ...” 4 8 9 4 9 6 8 5 5 2 8 7 6 3 9 4 1 German, Greek, Russian)
cheeks or 11 Worship- 10:45 Live Broadcast
4 5 1 6 3 8 7 2 9
futures per’s “So (English, German, Russian)
49 Not be it!” 3 5 2 6 8 9 2 1 7 5 3 4 12:30 News (English, French,
permissible 12 Uses a tuffet German, Greek, Russian)
3 7 2 5 4 9 6 1 8
55 Deeply felt 15 Like 12.45 Live Broadcast
58 Root used in
8 7 6 3 2 1 7 9 6 5 2 (English, German, Russian)

1 9 7 5 4 8 6 2 3 15:00 News (English, French,

59 They may be 17 Worry © 2009 Universal Uclick
scattered obsessively German, Greek, Russian) 4 9 3 5 3 8 2 1 6 7 9 4
15:15 Live Broadcast
6 2 4 7 9 3 5 8 1
(English, German, Russian)
9 1 5 3 8 7 2 4 6 18:30 News (English, French,
5 2 4 1 6 8 2 9 7 8 6 4 2 9 3 1 5 German, Greek, Russian)
18:45 Live Broadcast
2 4 3 1 6 5 8 7 9
4 3 6 9 3 8 1 8 7 1 6 5 4 9 3 2
(English, French)
21:30 News (English, French,
3 5 2 9 7 1 4 6 8 German, Greek, Russian)
3 6 2 6 9 8 4 6 9 8 3 2 1 5 7
21:45 Live Broadcast
(English, Greek)
23:58 Identification

HOW TO PLAY? : The objective of the game is to fill all the blank squares in a game Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Broadcast Areas:
Alanya FM 94.4
with the correct numbers. There are three very simple constraints to follow. In a 9 Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Ankara FM 100.3
by 9 square Sudoku game: Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 Antalya FM 92.1
Ayvalk FM 101.1
Bodrum FM 97.4
Fethiye FM 103.1
stanbul FM 101.6

Ambulance: 112 Fire: 110 171 Police: 155156 Maritime: 158 Unknown numbers: 118 Turkish Airlines: 444 0 849 U.S. Embassy: 0312 455 5555 U.S. Consu- zmir FM 101.6
Kalkan FM 105.9
late: 0212 2513602-3-4 Russian Embassy: 0312 439 2122 Russian Consulate: 0212 244 1693-2610 British Embassy: 0312 455 3344 British Consulate: 0212

Kapadokya FM 103.0
293 7540 German Embassy: 0312 455 5100 German Consulate: 0212 334 61 00 French Embassy: 0312 455 4545 French Consulate: 0212 292 4810-11 Indian Kuadas FM 101.9
Marmaris FM 101.0
Embassy: 0312 438 2195 Pakistani Embassy: 0312 427 1410 Austrian Embassy: 0312 419 0431-33 Austrian Consulate: 0212 262 9315 Belgian Embassy: Pamukkale FM 101.0
Trabzon FM 101.5
0312 446 8247 Belgian Consulate: 0212 243 3300 Egyptian Embassy: 0312 426 1026 Egyptian Consulate: 0212 263 6038 Israeli Embassy: 0312 446 3605


Charity administrators detained over Eid al-Adha fraud Ensar Öüt

the Mehmetçik Vakf went to the THK, but in The charities and the meat rms also al-

contnued from page 1

The investigation, which began with or- actuality they were sold to private rms. In ad- legedly prevented inspectors from doing the-
ders from the Ankara Chief Prosecutor’s Of- dition, the THK was supposed to solicit at le- ir jobs, reportedly putting laxatives in the beve-
ce, also found that the Mehmetçik Vakf char- ast three offers from different rms for the sale rages of the inspectors who were supposed to
ged excessively for sacricing cattle. The of- of sheepskins, but only one rm was contacted keep a record of the actual slaughters.
cials of the THK, which collects sheepskins and false papers were prepared to show that In order to complete the falsied records,
to help the development of the state aviation more rms had been contacted. the organizations allegedly used ear tag num-
sector, allegedly prepared fraudulent docu- In addition, slaughterhouses that signed bers from animals sacriced by other organi-
ments on more than 150,000 sheepskins. contracts with the foundations to carry out zations. Both LÖSEV and Mehmetçik Vak-

The investigation started on Dec. 20, when the sacrices were found to have not comp- f sent messages to the people who had cho-
56 people were detained. With the detention lied with religious requirements and sacri- sen to do their sacrice through the organiza-
of several more people believed to have enga- ced fewer animals than the number specied tions, saying: “Your sacrice has been done in CHP deputy criticizes
Dozens of suspects who were detained on corruption char-
ged in improper conduct, the total number of
detainees in the scandal has increased to 63.
in their contracts. Moreover, several inspec-
tors from the foundations, notaries public, ve-
accordance with Islamic practices. May God ac-
cept it.” In a written statement issued on Mon-
government’s silence
ges for accepting donations during the Feast of the Sacri-
fice were sent to court yesterday after being questioned.
Sources said that falsied papers showed
that sheepskins from some sacrices done by
terinarians and imams have been accused of
malpractice for being involved in the offense.
day, LÖSEV dismissed claims that the founda-
tion did not sacrice animals on Eid al-Adha.
over Kurdistan map
Following a gaffe by Republican People’s Party (CHP)
Deputy Chairman Onur Öymen when he ange-
red Turkey’s Alevi community by referring to the Turkish
government’s strong response to a 1937 rebellion in the
predominantly Alevi city of Tunceli, then known as Der-
sim, as an example of ghting terrorism, CHP deputy En-

Police Chief Okkan was killed sar Öüt on Tuesday made a similarly racist statement, cal-
ling Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutolu “Davutyan,” an
Armenian-sounding last name.
Speaking at a press conference held at the CHP Erzurum
Provincial Directorate, Öüt reacted to an American NBS TV

by a state team, says witness station broadcast that labeled a part of Turkey as “Kurdistan.”
He claimed that the government has remained silent over the
dispute. Asserting that Foreign Minister Davutolu is also si-
lent on this, Öüt allegedly made a comment that was meant
to insult Turkey’s Armenian citizens, observers said.


contnued from page 1 Öüt claimed that when an American TV station broad-
He also recalled that on the night of casts a divided map of Turkey, no US ofcials react. “The TV
the assassination, members of Team station in question does not even say sorry, it does not say it
C had a meeting with a military ofcer code- made a mistake,” Öüt added. He also claimed that if Ameri-
named Mete (retired Col. L.G., currently ja- cans show a divided map of France, Germany, Italy or Greece,
iled as a suspected member of Ergenekon, a strong reactions would follow from these countries.
clandestine network charged with plotting “He [the foreign minister] does not issue a statement.
to overthrow the government). Beler reco- He makes no explanation. Foreign Minister, are you good
unted that the colonel ordered them to go to for anything? Is your last name Davutolu or Davutyan?
northern Iraq and to avoid being seen. Ac- Just so we know. If you are Davutyan, you are making

cording to him, members of Team C went to an Armenian initiative. What is your rst name, your last
the town of Sulaymaniyah, where they sta- name? Are you a Turk? Are you the foreign minister of Tur-
yed for three or fourth months. “After three key? Why does the prime minister not react? Maps showing
or four months, things had settled down. Du- ‘Kurdistan’ have been broadcast many times; why is no one
ring this time, Hizbullah claimed responsibi- doing anything?” he said. Although there was no immedia-
lity for Okkan’s assassination,” Beler said. te reaction to the CHP deputy’s charged statement, in a te-
levised speech he later denied insulting Turkey’s Armeni-
We tortured, Okkan an citizens. According to experts, Öüt’s words, questioning
defended democracy the foreign minister’s ethnicity, are clear discrimination.
Beler emphasized that Okkan was an in- Many found the comments uncalled for because the CHP
telligent man and a visionary. “Okkan was deputy was speaking about a map depicting “Kurdistan” in
trying in those times to do what the Justice southeastern Turkey, not Armenia. stanbul Today’s Zaman
and Development Party [AK Party] is doing
now with its democratic initiative. He didn’t
think like us. When we captured PKK mili- Ergenekon suspect’s
tants, we tortured them. He knew that this
was the wrong method. He thought that you attacker sent to jail for
couldn’t get anywhere with torture and be-
lieved that everything should be based on
backing terrorist gang
mutual tolerance and understanding, whe- Erhan Keskin, who was caught with two guns in his
reas we would turn life into a hell for a per- possession at stanbul University Hospital, where reti-
son just because we would nd a tape of red Gen. Levent Ersöz -- a key suspect in an investigation into
[Kurdish folk singer] Shivan Perwer.” Yldrm Beler, a longtime translator for the military, claims that Gaffar Okkan was killed by Team C, a squad of the Special Forces Command.
a clandestine organization -- was a patient, on Saturday night
Beler also said Team C was very active and was arrested on charges of aiding and abetting a terrorist or-
was behind major atrocities between 1990 and tantly executed,” he said. He said although members of most of nated. “Actually, when the AK Party won, that ganization in addition to threatening a civil servant on duty.
2001 that make the Okkan assassination seem He said he was on Team C for a short the lower and intermediate ranks of these marked our end. They gave orders to reduce our Ersöz is undergoing treatment at stanbul University’s
insignicant. “The soldiers working for this time. “Capt. H.B., who used the code name groups have been captured as part of the Er- numbers. We were very comfortable under co- faculty of medicine’s infectious disease department, repor-
team believed they did what they did for the Rza at the time, was in charge. He also died genekon investigation, the higher ranks still alition governments. Nobody ever touched us. tedly for a deadly esh-eating bacterial infection, which he
motherland and the nation,” he noted. on that plane that crashed in Malatya.” remain untouched. “These people have also They even encouraged us.” claims to have contracted at a hospital after surgery.
According to Beler’s account, this squad taken control of private security compani- Beler remembers yet another detail abo- Keskin was taken into custody when he was caught by po-
was destroyed in a May 16, 2001 plane crash Not JTEM but MAK es. Actually, there is this: MAK once had a ut the CASA plane that crashed in Malat- lice in the infectious disease department of the hospital whe-
in Malatya. He said after Team C returned to Beler also provided information on MAK, un- scheme in which one non-commissioned ya. He says Ergenekon defendant L.G. tried to re Ersöz, a primary suspect in the trial of Ergenekon, a clan-
Diyarbakr, they were ordered by L.G. to y to der which Team C operated. Beler said the ofcer from the special forces was an orderly stop Sgt. Ümit Baaran, who wanted to see his destine network charged with plotting to overthrow the de-
Antep. “This was the military type CASA pla- “real jobs” inside the special forces were taken to every general. Now, you have an ex-MAK ancée, from boarding but had to give him per- mocratically elected government, has been receiving treat-
ne that crashed in Malatya on May 16, 2001. care of by the MAK group, which had about 30 man as an orderly with every brigade com- mission when the sergeant insisted. ment. Keskin was sent from the counterterrorism department
All 34 onboard died. All the perpetrators of squads functioning under a captain, a lieute- mander. Why do they choose ex-MAK pe- In the CASA crash of May 16, 2001, 34 of the stanbul Police Department to the Beikta courthouse
the Gaffar Okkan murder, the entire Team C nant and 12 staff sergeants in each team. Beler ople? This way, they can keep all generals soldiers died including Sgt. Baaran. Of- in stanbul on Tuesday. He was interrogated at the courthouse
of 20 people, were on that plane.” said Team C, which carried out the Okkan mur- under control. An orderly knows everything cials announced that the majority aboard for ve hours by prosecutors, who decided to send him to the
Beler also believes that Team C was der, was one of the most active squads. about a general. He can render a general were from the special forces. emdin Sakk, 9th High Criminal Court. Keskin was imprisoned on charges
destroyed because they were partially expo- Beler also said it was not the dreaded J- ineffective, even kill him, when he wants to. a PKK commander, had claimed that Mah- of threatening a civil servant on duty and aiding and abetting a
sed. “Their cover must have been blown at TEM -- an illegal and shady intelligence unit in- Go ask any brigade commander in which mut Yldrm [also known as Yeil] was also terrorist organization. It was also reported that Keskin was qu-
some point; otherwise, they wouldn’t have side the military believed to be responsible for branch of the military his orderly began to on the plane. Yeil is one of the most noto- estioned by Ergenekon prosecutors. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires
been killed. This is how things work at MAK many crimes committed against residents of the serve. They will all say the special forces. rious gures in Turkey, a hit man suspected
[the Wartime Search and Rescue Unit]: If you Southeast in the 1990s -- but MAK that is, cur- This was L.G.’s plan,” he said. of some of Turkey’s most mysterious politi-
rently, the most dangerous unit among the il- cal killings. He disappeared 13 years ago, but
are not exposed by the enemy, you’ll live a
hundred years. In any other case, you are ins- legal structures known to exist in the military.
Beler also said that since the AK Party
came to power, MAK has slowly been elimi- some have claimed that he is still alive.
Prosecutor’s office to
investigate links between
Ergenekon, Atabeyler
Prosecutors are to examine possible links betwe-
en the Atabeyler gang and Ergenekon, a shadowy

Euro 2016 candidate Turkey introduces logo crime network which has alleged links within the state
and is suspected of plotting to topple the government,
after the merger of the Ergenekon investigation with
AHMET TEKN STANBUL the organization will also be announced. Whi- 1990s, Turkey is one of the leading countries the trial in the Council of State shooting, which claimed
le Fenerbahçe’s ükrü Saraçolu and Beikta’s which is open to success and development. The- the life of a senior judge in 2006.
A candidate to host the Euro 2016 Euro- nönü stadiums were kept out of the plans for refore, investments in soccer are highly valued.” Atabeyler is a gang whose plans to assassinate Prime
pean soccer event, Turkey introduced its failing to comply with necessary criteria, the Orhan Gorbon, the coordinator of the Euro Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan were uncovered in 2007.
championship logo yesterday at a meeting at- Atatürk Olimpiyat Stadium and the Türk Te- 2016 Committee, said that 2.2 million people fol- There are currently 10 suspects, including two chiefs of po-
tended by State Minister for Sports Faruk Na- lekom Arena, the construction of which is still low the championship in stadiums, with 6 milli- lice and four military ofcers, on trial for membership in
z Özak and Turkish Soccer Federation (TFF) under way, will host the soccer games if Tur- on following it on the streets through giant scre- Atabeyler. The gang came to the agenda again after an as-
Chairman Mahmut Özgener. key is selected. In addition to stanbul, the pro- ens. About 5 billion follow the competition on sassination plot was discovered over the weekend against
Turkey will submit its bid to host the Eu- vinces of zmir, Konya, Antalya, Bursa, Eskie- television and 1.2 billion on the Internet. A total Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arnç, with some sugges-
ropean Football Championship, also known as hir and Ankara will also host games during the of 51 games will be played in Euro 2016 and each ting that the plot might be the work of Atabeyler.
Euro 2016, the third largest sporting event after event in the event of Turkey’s selection. city will host at least four games. The latest hearing in the Atabeyler case was held at the
the Olympic Games and the soccer World Cup, State Minister Özak said in his inaugural Having been a candidate to host the Ankara 11th High Criminal Court yesterday. In order to
and will wage campaigns until May 27, 2010, remarks that as the government, they will fully 2008 and 2012 European Football Champi- examine the possible links between Ergekenon and Ata-
the day before the host country is decided by support the event, which is critical for the pro- onships, Turkey will compete with Italy and beyler, prosecutors petitioned the court to ask for the Erge-
UEFA, the top soccer authority in Europe. motion of the country. “Having made its mark France, who have both hosted the event nekon le from the stanbul 13th High Criminal Court. The
The cities and stadiums planned to host on the world and European soccer since the mid- twice, to host Euro 2016. case was adjourned until Feb. 25, 2010. Emrullah Bayrak Ankara

8th & 9th GRADERS


We used to build civilizations. Now we build
shopping malls.
Bill Bryson


A man was pulled over for driving too fast, even though he
thought he was driving just fine.
Officer: You were speeding.
Man: No, I wasn't.
Officer: Yes, you were. I'm giving you a ticket.
Man: But I wasn't speeding.

Officer: Tell that to the judge!
(The officer gives the man the ticket.)
Man: Would I get another ticket if I called you a jerk?
Officer: Yes, you would.
Man: What if I just thought that you were?
Officer: I can't give you a ticket for what you think.
Man: Fine, I think you're a jerk!

…………… (A) Otherwise, distract them and buy more stuff, according to What you can do: Get your caf-
Most shoppers are fully aware Lempert. The tactic also encourages feine fix before you go shopping and
that supermarkets deliberately put …………… (B) consumers to try new products, which try to get in and out of the supermar-
candy and magazines at the checkout Most folks assume that items lo- are typically put in the place where ket as fast as you can.
counters, where they can easily tempt cated at the end of the aisles (i.e., top-selling items are usually found.
bored, cranky and hungry shoppers. those items displayed as you do your What you can do: Before trying …………… (E)
But it doesn't stop there. Throughout U-turn into the next aisle) are chock that new brand, check the price to see Notice how the mouthwatering
the store, supermarkets strategically full of sale items. Not necessarily. if you're spending more than you smell of cookies greets you at the su-
arrange products on shelves in a way "People think that if it's out on that would for your old favorite. If you are, permarket entrance? While super-
that makes you buy more. end, it must be some kind of a special take the time to track down what you markets don't fabricate smells, ac-
Take, for example, the cereal aisle deal," says Jack Taylor, professor of were originally looking for. cording to Lempert, they do use
-- it's usually located directly across retailing at Birmingham-Southern smells to encourage more shopping.
from the candy section. "It's a moth- College in Birmingham, Alabama. …………… (D) "The more the store can attract all our
er's greatest nightmare," Phil "More often than not, it isn't." Has your supermarket become so senses, the more we're going to buy,"
Lempert, a supermarket industry ex- Needless to say, food manufactur- comfortable that you feel like you he says.
pert, says. "You'll find breakfast cere- ers are well aware of this. "That real could practically spend the whole day Whole Foods supermarkets, for
als on one side and candy on the oth- estate is so valuable, companies actu- there? That's exactly the plan. example, have chocolate-making sta-
er." Why? So kids can check out the ally pay the store to have their mer- "Whenever a supermarket can keep tions in many of their stores. And
candy while mom is filling up the cart chandise put there," Taylor says. you in the store longer, you'll spend don't think that putting the rotisserie
with cereal -- a must-buy on most What you can do: Go through the more money," Lempert says. "We see chicken near the entrance is an acci- Tarantula
shopping trips. Likewise, sugary kids' aisles to search for better deals. more supermarkets putting in coffee dent. "It's one of the first things you
cereals are always on the lower shops to make the shopping experi- see when you walk into the store won- Tarantulas are part of the family of spiders ……… (1)
shelves, at a child's eye level and …………… (C) ence longer." dering what to make for dinner," Hairy Mygalomorphs. These are the spiders that, scien-
within reach of little arms. Suddenly can't find your favorite Another ploy: Playing slow music, Kimberly Danger, founder of tists believe, have been around ………… (2) millions of
What you can do: If possible, leave jar of peanut butter? Supermarkets which encourages you to move slowly as, says. Don't forget years and have not changed much in that time! There
the children at home so you don't end regularly move items throughout the you walk through the aisles -- and buy samples, either: Those very conve- are around 700 kinds, or species, of Tarantulas.
up buying too much junk food. store so shoppers walk around longer more stuff that you don't really need. niently trigger your appetite. Tarantulas are found in the rainforests and jungles
of South and Central America, in Africa and in the south-
ern part of North America. Many Tarantulas …………
What you can do: Never enter the supermarket hungry. Exercise 2 (Shopping malls) (3) in burrows underground. They will either use their
Exercise 1 (Shopping malls) 1. deliberately a. causing something to begin to happen or exist fangs to dig them or else take someone else's burrow-
1. Follow your nose 2. checkout counters b. find, or find information about something, home. Even though they do not spin webs, Tarantulas
2. Cozy cafes after a difficult or long search use their silk to make doors …………. (4) soft walls for
3. Eye candy 3. aisles c. food looking or smelling extremely nice their burrow.
4. End-aisle deception 4. merchandise d. on purpose, not by chance Tarantulas are nighttime hunters who will pounce on
5. Shelf shuffles 5. encourages e. goods that are bought, sold or traded their prey. They eat insects, beetles and grasshoppers.
6. track down f. a long, narrow gap that people can walk along between The Goliath Bird-eating Tarantula species will eat larger
rows of seats in a public building such as a church prey, ………… (5) as lizards, snakes, frogs, bats and
or between rows of shelves in a supermarket small birds.
7. practically g. precisely All Tarantulas have an interesting way ………… (6)
8. exactly h. long, narrow table or flat surface at which defending themselves. They have hairs on their ab-
customers are served domen (stomachs) that have sharp little barbs, or pokey
9. mouthwatering i. almost things, on them. When threatened, the spider will rub
10. trigger j. you give somebody confidence these hairs ………… (7) their legs and shoot them at
their predator. That would hurt!
Predators that the tarantula would be afraid of are
weasels, hawks, owls, skunks and snakes. Their
………… (8) enemy is the spider-wasp. The female
wasp will paralyze the spider by stinging it. She then
………… (9) a hole and puts the spider and an egg into
FILL IN THE GAPS WITH THE APPROPRIATE OPTION it. When the egg hatches, the baby wasp will eat away
An appointment at the paralyzed spider. The spider could stay buried
Ann: Hello. a. pleasure alive for ………… (10) days before the larvae hatch.
Dorothy: Hello.
Ann: I have an appointment (1) ………………… . b. to see Mr. Eric
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate option.
Dorothy: Mr. Eric?
c. through this door 1. A) calling B) calls C) called
Ann: Yes.

Dorothy: (2) ……………… You are in the right place. d. meet you 2. A) for B) at C) in
Ann: Right. Thanks. My name is Ann. 3. A) lives B) living C) live
Dorothy: Hello Mark. My name is Dorothy. e. Oh great
4. A) but B) while C) or
Ann: Nice to (3) …………, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Mm. It is a (4) ………… . 5. A) so B) such C) but
Ann: Is Mr. Eric here? 6. A) of B) over C) above

Dorothy: Yes. You just have to go through that door. 7. A) within B) while C) with
Ann: Oh (5) ………………………? OK, OK.
8. A) worst B) the worst C) worse than
Thanks very much. Nice to meet you. Dorothy.
Dorothy: Wonderful. Bye. 9. A) digging B) digger C) digs
Ann: Bye. 10. A) much B) many C) any

Last week’s answers: Sport injuries 1-B, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A, 5-A, 6-A, 7-A Penguins 1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C, 5-A, 6- C, 7-B, 8-A Match: 1-D, 2-E, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B, Fill in the gaps 1- searched, 2- dive, 3- Unlike, 4- average, 5- speed
SPORTS Van Persie’s World Cup hopes take nosedive
Injured Dutch striker Robin van Persie’s hopes of being fit for the World Cup took
a nosedive when Arsenal said he could be out of action until May. “If you are very
positive you would say [he will be back in] April,” manager Arsene Wenger
told the Premier League club’s Web site ( “If you’re a bit
cautious you say May. It is virtually the rest of the season.” London, Reuters




Women’s junior team
reports to camp
The Turkish women’s junior national basket-
ball team began training on Tuesday in prep-
aration for the upcoming FIBA Under-17
Black Eagles’ fall

World Championship for Women, which
will be held on July 16-25 in France next year.
The training camp at the Pamukspor facilities
will continue until Dec. 26. Hasan Frat Okul
is the head coach of the team, and the fol-
lowing players are participating in the train-
from grace continues
ing camp: Olcay Çakr, Özge Kavurmacolu, The Eagles’ winless streak has increased to four after their defeat in Manisa, and Michael Schumacher
Pnar Melodi Çalkan (Pamukspor), Aye
Cora, Hande Melis Karasu, Yasemin Koç, most fans are fed up with coach Denizli’s lame excuses. The coach has a one-month
Gülah Duman (Beikta Cola Turka), Ferda
Yldz, Büra Akgün (Antalya Koleji), Merve
break to put his house in order and return prepared for the season’s second half Schumacher
agrees to drive

Aydn (Mersin Büyükehir Belediyesi), Me- OKAN UDO BASSEY STANBUL
like Yalçnkaya (Ceyhan Belediyesi), Pelin
Derya Bilgiç, Elif Emirtekin and Cansu Yeti
(BOTA Spor). stanbul Today’s Zaman
History has proven beyond a doubt
that the Turkish Cup, rightfully
for Mercedes
Seven-time Formula One champion Mi-
dubbed the “tournament of upsets,”
chael Schumacher has agreed a one-year
SOCCER is a competition in which minnows often

deal to come out of retirement and drive for
show no respect for soccer prodigies.
Hakan Arkan This competition again lived up to its name
Mercedes in 2010, Bild newspaper reported.
Formula One driver Nico Rosberg has
undergoes surgery on Tuesday night when Turkcell Super League
newcomer Manisaspor beat the visiting Beikta
welcomed reports that Michael Schumacher
Injured Beikta goalkeeper Hakan Arkan was to be named as his Mercedes teammate
Black Eagles 2-1 in their Ziraat Turkish Cup
has undergone surgery on his left wrist. Dr. for next season, but warned the former world
Group D opener at Manisa’s 19 Mays Stadium
Ufuk Nalbatolu, who performed the sur- champ will have a difcult task to make his
-- thereby rubbing salt into the wounds of the
gery at the Kadköy Acbadem Hospital, said comeback successful.
slumping stanbul soccer powerhouse.
on Tuesday that it was a very successful op- Schumacher, 40, was expected to be
Goals by 26-year-old Canadian striker
eration. Club doctor Devrim Urgun said the announced as a Mercedes driver later on
Joshua Christopher Simpson in the 37th
keeper was to be released later on Wednes- Wednesday after three years in retirement.
minute and 22-year-old Turkey international
day. “His wrist will be in a cast for three “It will not be easy for him,” Rosberg
striker Ergin Kele in the 61st compounded
weeks, and after the rst week, he will start in German newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung.
the Eagles woes and tribulations. Brazilian
wrist exercises. The treatment will last for six “When you stay away from F1 for a long time,
striker Deivson Rogeiro da Silva (Bobo) got
weeks,” Urgun stated. stanbul Today’s Zaman it takes time to get used to all the test sessions
the consolation goal for Beikta in the 48th.
again. It’s not simple.”
How the mighty have fallen. The Beikta
The Bild newspaper said the 40-year-old
SOCCER Black Eagles, who clinched the domestic
German, who won his titles with Benetton and
league and cup double back in May, are almost
Former ‘Busby Babe’ unrecognizable nowadays. Already eliminated
Manisaspor players celebrate their victory over the Beikta Black Eagles in a Ziraat Turkish
Cup Group D match at Manisa’s 19 Mays Stadium on Tuesday night.
Ferrari and retired at the end of 2006, signed
the deal at the team’s ofces in Brackley, Eng-
Scanlon dies at 74 from all European competitions, the embattled
Beikta nished a distant fth at the halfway
land, after a month of talks.
Former Manchester United winger Albert Schumacher will earn 7 million euros ($10
point in this season’s Turkcell Super League.
Scanlon, one of the ‘Busby Babes’ who sur- million), according to media reports, in what
vived the 1958 Munich air disaster that killed Winless streak would be an all-German line-up.
eight teammates, has died at the age of 74. Mercedes, who have taken over champi-
The Black Eagles, going into Tuesday’s match at
Manchester United paid tribute on their Web ons Brawn, have signed Nico Rosberg as their
Manisa, were winless in three domestic league
site ( to a player who other driver for 2010.
matches and one UEFA Champions League
made his debut at the age of 19 for Matt Bus- Schumacher turns 41 in January and, if con-
match this month. They drew 0-0 in the Turk-
by’s rst team in 1954 after coming through rmed, will be returning to F1 after aborting
cell Super League with Diyarbakrspor, 1-1
the United youth system. Scanlon won two plans for a comeback with Ferrari this year as a
with Manisaspor and were beaten 3-2 by Bur-
titles as an outside forward in 1956 and 1957 stand-in for injured Brazilian Felipe Massa due
saspor. They were also defeated 2-1 at home
and was on the ight from Belgrade to Man- to a neck injury caused by a motorcycle accident.
by Russian outt CSKA Moscow in the Cham-
chester that crashed after a refueling stop in A move to Mercedes would reunite him
pions League, a result that sent them packing
Munich following a European Cup match with Britain’s Ross Brawn, the technical di-
from Europe this season.
in February 1958. Fifteen passengers and rector who guided Schumacher to his record
Tuesday’s debacle in the Ziraat Turkish
crew were also killed in the disaster. Scanlon seven titles and 91 race wins and who is now
Cup Group D -- which also includes stanbul
stayed with United after recovering from his the team principal.
Büyükehir Belediyespor, Kasmpaa and
injuries, making 127 senior appearances and It will also take Schumacher’s career full
Konya ekerspor -- has increased the Eagles’
scoring 35 goals. London Reuters/AP circle, since the German drove for the Mer-
winless streak in December to four games. And The Beikta Black Eagles, in a far too frequent occurrence nowadays, leave the Manisa 19 cedes sportscar team before breaking into For-
this, without mincing words, is relegation form. Mays Stadium pitch with their heads bowed after Tuesday’s cup debacle.
ICE HOCKEY mula One with Jordan in 1991.
Disallowed goal Since his retirement the German has worked
match, plenty of scoring positions and a goal said Beikta coach Mustafa Denizli. “It was
Sharks take top As in every game so far this season, the Manisa that was scored but disallowed. I therefore con- a rough and tumble match, but we allowed
as a consultant for Ferrari, but the Italian team
has said that is not a binding agreement.
spot in NHL West match also was not without controversy. A gratulate the players of both teams,” he stated. our opponents to have the upper hand. We
goal scored by Nigeria striker Isaac Promise It is true that the Beikta Black Eagles committed too many turnovers and did not
The San Jose Sharks defeated the Chicago Age no barrier
Blackhawks in a battle for top spot in the NHL in the 49th minute, exactly one minute after were highly depleted in the Manisa match. defend well,” he lamented.
Former champions Damon Hill, Schumacher’s
Western Conference on Tuesday, withstanding Beikta equalized, was ruled offside by referee Several key players, including the top two But who is Denizli complaining to, if we
rival in the 1990s, and Nigel Mansell have both
a erce third-period onslaught to hold on for a Hüseyin Göçek and therefore disallowed. goalkeepers Rütü Reçber and Hakan may ask. It is his duty to right the wrongs at
said that age will be no impediment and that
3-2 victory. San Jose netminder Evgeni Nabo- Interestingly though, the coaches of both Arkan, were sidelined due to injury and Beikta and that’s why he is there.
the German could return as a winner.
kov made 45 saves, many of them in the nal teams dwelled mostly on the match itself in the fate of the “mighty” Eagles was left in As a matter of fact, most fans are fed up
“It wouldn’t surprise me if Michael chal-
minutes, while Dany Heatley, Joe Thornton their post-match new conferences, not on the the hands of young and inexperienced ju- with Denizli’s lame excuses. He has a one-
lenged for another world championship,” Brit-
and Jason Demers netted to help the Sharks referee’s decisions or non-decisions. nior keeper Korcan Çelikay. But that team, month winter break to put his house in order
ain’s 1992 champion Mansell, who won his
snap the Blackhawks’ (23-9-3) four-game win- “The tempo was incredible,” visibly happy nonetheless, was Beikta and so there can and return well prepared for the season’s sec-
title aged 39 and competed in Formula One
ning streak. “Our goalie gets an A-plus but as a and smiling Manisaspor coach Mesut Bakkal be no excuse for losing. ond half -- or face the music. That is it!
until the age of 41, said at the weekend.
team that’s not the way you want to win hock- said. “Our rst match [in the league] ended “We played well, but if you don’t reap In the other Ziraat Turkish Cup on Tues-
“It doesn’t matter what age you are as long
ey games,” Sharks defenseman Dan Boyle told 1-1. And I am sure the fans watched an exciting the fruits of your labor, you can’t be happy,” day, Eskiehirspor beat Antalyaspor 1-0 away.
as you are professional, committed and fo-
reporters. Other NHL results (home teams in cused,” added the Briton. Berlin Reuters
CAPS): Anaheim 4, COLORADO 2 and VAN-
COUVER 4, Nashville 1. Chicago Reuters

Feyenoord piles on
agony for Alkmaar
Kobe Bryant’s 40 helps Lakers eclipse Oklahoma City Thunder

Kobe Bryant scored 40 points and shook off ibility and was able to bounce back but it was still coach Phil Jackson. “Oklahoma had been in LA longer
A goal by Georginio Wijnaldum earned Fey-
a knee scare to help the Los Angeles Lakers scary,” Bryant told reporters. than we were. Fortunately we had a good third quarter
enoord a 1-0 home win over league cham-
survive a nail-biting nish and defeat the Oklaho- “We made adjustments after the rst half, it’s and played the way we anticipated we should.”
pion AZ Alkmaar in the Dutch Cup fourth
ma City Thunder 111-108 in the NBA on Tuesday. really about grinding it out and winning games.” Derek Fisher nished with a trio of three-
round. It represented another blow for Al-
With the Thunder pressing late in the fourth Kevin Durant scored a team-high 30 points and pointers and 15 points while Pau Gasol added 15
kmaar which also failed to qualify for the
quarter, the Lakers made six consecutive free throws Westbrook added 21 and 13 assists (13-14) for the and 11 rebounds for the Lakers. It was the Thun-
knockout stages of the Champions League
in the nal 90 seconds and breathed a collective sigh Thunder, who slumped to their fth loss in six games. der’s 12th consecutive loss to Los Angeles.
and is seventh in the Dutch league, 19 points
of relief when Russell Westbrook missed a potential The league-leading Lakers (23-4) got off to a slow Other NBA results on Tuesday (home teams
behind leader Twente Enschede. Alkmaar
game-tying three-pointer in the nal seconds. start in their rst game back at home following a ve- in CAPS): CHARLOTTE 88, Detroit 76; WASH-
sacked coach Ronald Koeman earlier this
All-Star guard Bryant was among six Lakers to game road trip. They trailed by 12 in the second quar- INGTON 105, Philadelphia 98; BOSTON 103, In-

month, bringing in Dick Advocaat as his

score in double-gures, and added eight rebounds ter and were down by seven at halftime before their diana 94; NY KNICKS 88, Chicago 81; MEMPHIS
successor. Sparta Rotterdam also reached
and six assists. He also survived a scare when he came defense stiffened to capture the 16th win in their last 121, Golden State 108; Atlanta 112, MINNESOTA
the last eight with a 5-0 victory over amateur
down awkwardly on his left knee late in the fourth. 17 contests. “Just getting ourselves back into the ow 87; Portland 85, DALLAS 81; and HOUSTON 108,
side Baronie Breda. Rotterdam Reuters Kobe Bryant
“I was scared. I did a lot of work with my ex- (after the road trip) took some time,” said Los Angeles LA Clippers 99. Los Angeles Reuters/AP

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