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Teaching aids plays a main part in teaching and learning activity. Teaching aids can help to
make a lesson meaningful if it is used wisely. In Materials Development in Language
Teaching (20! "y #rian Tomlinson wrote that characteristics of good teaching aids are as
follows $%
! Teaching aids are large enough to "e seen "y the students for whom they are used.
2! Teaching aids are meaningful and they always stand to serve a useful purpose.
&! Teaching aids are upto the mark and upto date in every respect.
'! Teaching aids are simple ( cheap and may "e improvised.
)! Teaching aids are accurate and realistic.
*! Teaching aids are according to the mental level of the learners.
+! Their purpose may "e informative "ut it is not ,ust entertainment.
-! Teaching aids helps in reali.ation of stipulated learning o",ects.
/! Teaching aids are really very useful and can "e used in many lessons and at different class
0! Teaching aids are useful for supplementing the teaching process "ut they cannot replace
the teacher.
! 0ave to "e colourful and attractive.
1re teaching aids really important in teaching and learning process2 1ccording to 3astern
4entucky 5niversity (345!( 61 good aid is like a window( it should not call attention to itself( it
should ,ust let in the light.6 Teaching aids provide a means of reiterating lessons( and they
provide students with the opportunity to learn in a new light. More than classroom decoration(
teaching aids are designed to teach( illustrate and reinforce lessons. 3dgar Dale who created 6The
7one of 38perience(6 talks a"out the importance of teaching aids and said 6the more sensory
channels possi"le in interacting with a resource( the "etter the chance that many students can
learn from it.6 #rian Tomlinson in Materials Development in Language Teaching (20! also
said that the advantages of teaching aids are$%
! 9upplement in ver"al instructions.
2! Teaching aids makes learning permanent.
&! Teaching aids provide variety.
'! Teaching aids are helpful in attracting attention of the students.
)! Teaching aids saves time and energy.
*! Teaching aids encourages the healthy classroom interaction.
+! Teaching aids helps the teacher to create situations for teaching the "eginners.
-! Teaching aids are helpful in creating positive environment for discipline.
/! Teaching aids are helpful in meeting individual differences.
0! Teaching aids helps in providing speech training to the pupils.
! Teaching aids ena"le the children to retain language items for a longer time.
2! Teaching aids gives vividness to the learning situation.
&! Teaching aids makes the a"stract ideas concrete and thus help in making learning more
'! Teaching aids provide good su"stitutes for the real o",ects as they make learning e:ually
)! Teaching aids help in the development of various skills such as( how to draw a diagram of
the topic among the students.
It is proven that teaching aids are really important in teaching and learning process and it
help a lot in making a lesson meaningful. 1 teacher must know how to choose good teaching aids
to make sure it gives ma8imum effects on his or her lesson.
#efore I evaluate the teaching aids that I have chosen( I would like to give a "rief picture
on my school. My school is located in rural area where most of my students; parents are farmers
and la"ours. Most of them are poor and don;t even have 19T<= in their house. 3nglish is :uite
alien to them and they have very poor voca"ularies in 3nglish.
I would like analyse year two te8t "ook. The pages I have chosen to analyse are page '-
and page '/. >irst let;s talk a"out page '-. This page focuses on a reading activity. Ingredients
and steps for making vanilla cupcakes are shown on it. There are some plus and minus points on
these pages.
The first plus point that we can talk a"out on this page is the pictures on this page are
clear and colourful. These pictures can attract students; interest to read the page. It also uses real
pictures of the cupcakes which I think are interesting and it help to attract students; interest to
read it. 1s mention "y Tomlinson in Materials Development in Language Teaching (20!(
teaching aids have to "e colourful and this material goes in line with that theory.
?e8t( the activity on this page shows how to make food. @upils love food and they will en,oy
reading on how to make it. 9o( this page will allow pupils to read without getting "ored
on what they are reading a"out. @upils also have e8perience on eating cakes and
material that relate pupils to their e8perience is a good material as stated "y Beth
Lefgren in =",ect Lesson Made 3asy (200!
0owever( there are some minus points on this page. The first one is( the food itself. The
food shown on this page is a vanilla cupcake. @upils always feel eager to try new things. Ahen
they learn a"out this food( they will love to try to make it at home. 5nfortunately( vanilla
cupcake is not suita"le for them. Most parents won;t allow their - years old child to operate oven
and "ake a cake. 9o( they will pro"a"ly lose interest on reading this page since they know they
won;t "e a"le to do it. BTeaching aids should allow pupils to create something interesting so that
it will give positive effect on pupilsC (Materials development in Language Teaching( #rian
Tomlinson % 20!
The page focuses on reading activity "ut the outcome of the lesson says that pupils have
to ask a"out how to make vanilla cupcake and se:uence the ,um"led pictures. There is a clear
contradictory "etween the o",ective and the learning outcomes. BDood teaching aids will help
learners to achieve the o",ective of the lessonC (>rom 4ids Aith Love( Eanis 0ill % /-+!. This is
another minus point of this page.
The ingredients used on this page are also not suita"le for year two pupils. 9tuffs
like self%raised flour and vanilla essence might "e too Falien; for year two pupils and they might
think it is too hard to "ake a vanilla cupcake so( they might lose interest on reading this page.
BDood teaching aids have to "e simple and realisticC (Material Development In Language
Teaching( #rian Tomlinson % 20!. It is clear that this material is not simple and realistic enough
for year 2 students.
?e8t I will discuss a"out @age '/. This page focuses on writing activity. =n this page(
pictures of how to make a milkshake and steps of making it are shown. The pictures are very
clear and it will easily "e understood "y the pupils. This is a positive aspect on this page and it
prove that this material is a good teaching aids that can "e used in class as suggested "y #rian
Tomlinson in his "ook that I;ve mentioned previously( Material Development in Language
Teaching where he suggested that teaching materials should "e "ig and clear..
The food chose on this page is milkshake( I think this food is suita"le for year 2 pupils
"ecause it is easy to make it and pupils can try it on their own at home. It doesn;t involve any
electrical e:uipment in preparing a milkshake soG pupils won;t have any pro"lem to prepare it. In it is mentioned that a good teaching aids allows pupils to come out with
an outcome from it. 9o( it is proven that this material is a good one and this is another positive
aspect or plus point that we can say a"out this page.
The activity is also simple( it ,ust need pupils to rearrange the steps of making a
milkshake. This activity goes in line with the learning o",ective where writing activity was
focused on it. 9o( pupils won;t get confuse with the ru"rics. 1s mentioned "efore( Eanis 0ill;s
opinion on good teaching aids where it should help students to achieve the lesson;s o",ective go
in line with this material so I am very sure that this material is very suita"le to "e used in my
1ll in all( we can say that( page '- and '/ on year 2 3nglish te8t"ook have their own plus
and minus points. @ersonally I think that page '- is less suita"le for my pupils since it involve
electrical appliances that my pupils might not even know what it is. They don;t even have
television in their house so it;s hard to e8plain a"out oven and its functions to them. page '/( I
think is more suita"le for my pupils since the activity is simple and the voca"ularies used in it are
on my students; level. They will "e a"le to understand it easily and en,oy making milk shakes in
class. Teaching aids are very helpful in a lesson for "oth teachers and students and it has "ig
advantages in a lesson. Teachers should know how to use them correctly in order to make sure
their lesson is meaningful. The minus points of these materials can "e overcame with teachers;
creativity. 9o( let;s "e creativeH
. #eth Lefgren (200!. =",ects Lesson Made 3asy. Iowa$ Deseret #ook 7ompany.
2. #rian Tomlinson (20!. Material Development In Language Teaching. 7am"ridge$
7am"ridge 5niversity @ress.
&. http$IIwww.indiastudychannel.comIresourcesI20&*/%Teaching%1ids%Their%7haracteristics%
'. http$
). Eanis 0ill (/-+!. >rom 4ids Aith Love. 0ouston$ >earon Teaching 1ids.

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