Name: Karla Mónica Salcido Pineda. Registration: 2687685. Course Title: Biology 2. Teacher's Name: Vanessa Yvette

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High School

Name: Karla Mnica Salcido Pineda. Registration: 2687685.
Course title: Biology 2. Teachers name: Vanea !"ette
#a$acho %oren&ana.
Module: '.(n o"er"ie) o* the h+$an
,ody and it internal tranportation
Activity: -.#irc+latoty yte$.
Date: -..8.'/ Team: 0(.
Har"ard Health P+,lication1 (+g+t o* 2.'/. 2a3en *ro$:
7ietary #holeterol1 (+g+t o* 2.'/. 2a3en *ro$:
%i"e Strong1 (+g+t o* 2.'/. 2a3en *ro$:
"I declare that in conducting this homework not violates the Honor Code of the
University, since I only used the material authorized by the teacher, and did not
receive or have provided support during the homework
;<plain the $ain *+nction o* the circ+latory yte$.
=denti*y the di**erent organ in"ol"ed in ,lood circ+lation.
7ecri,e ho) the h+$an heart )or3.
2ell the di**erence ,et)een the ,lood cell1 a )ell a their *+nction.
(ociate cardio"ac+lar dieae )ith poi,le alteration o* the circ+latory
'. >irt = )ent on to ,lac3,oard to ee )hat the ho$e)or3 )a.
2. 2hen = reearched the choleterol in*or$ation the type etc.
-. = co$pleted $y r+,ric.
/. >inally = $ade $y concl+ion and end the ho$e)or3.
High School
#holeterol i *o+nd in e"ery cell o* the ,ody and ha i$portant nat+ral
*+nction. =t i $an+*act+red ,y the ,ody ,+t can alo ,e ta3en in *ro$ *ood. =t i
)a<y and *at8li3e in appearance.
#holeterol i oil8,aed and o doe not $i< )ith the ,lood1 )hich i )ater8
,aed. =t i there*ore carried aro+nd the ,ody in the ,lood ,y lipoprotein.
#holeterol tra"el thro+gh the ,lood attached to a protein. 2he co$,ination
protein and choleterol i called a lipoprotein. 2here are three type o*
lipoprotein in yo+r ,lood: high denity1 lo) denity1 and "ery lo) denity. 2he
peci*ic type depend on ho) $+ch protein there i in relation to *at.
Types Functions
o! density
=t i alo called ?,ad? choleterol ,eca+e it can ca+e pla@+e
,+ild+p on the )all o* arterie. 2he $ore %7% there i in the
,lood1 the greater the ri3 o* heart dieae.
$igh density
=t i alo called ?good? choleterol. =t help the ,ody get rid o*
%7%. Maintaining a higher le"el o* H7% i good. =* yo+r H7%
le"el i lo) yo+r ri3 o* heart dieae goe +p.
%ery lo!
2hi one i i$ilar to %7% in that it contain $otly *at and not
$+ch protein.
Triglycerides 2hi type o* *at1 i carried in the ,lood ,y V%7%. ;<ce
calorie1 alcohol1 or +gar in yo+r ,ody are con"erted into
triglyceride and tored in *at cell thro+gho+t yo+r ,ody.
Main *ood o+rce o* choleterol
Ran&in Food 'tem ( Cumulative (
High School
) ;gg and egg $i<ed dihe 2/.6 2/.6
* #hic3en and chic3en $i<ed dihe '2.5 -7.'
+ Bee* and ,ee* $i<ed dihe 6./ /-.6
, B+rger /.6 /8.2
- Reg+lar cheee /.2 52./
. Sa+age1 ,acon and ri, -.A 56.-
/ 9ther *ih and *ih $i<ed dihe -./ 5A.7
0 Brain ,aed deert -.- 6-..
1 7airy deert -.2 66.-
)2 Pata and pata dihe -.' 6A.-
)) Pi&&a 2.A 72.2
)* Me<ican $i<ed dihe 2.A 75.'
)+ #old c+t 2.7 77.8
), Red+ced *at $il3 2.5 8..-
)- Por3 and por3 $i<ed dihe 2.- 82.6
). Shri$p and hri$p $i<ed dihe 2.. 8/.6
High choleterol a**ect the circ+latory yte$C
Hinder yo+r circ+lation
7ecreae arterial health
=ncreae health ri3
#an protect yo+r circ+latory yte$
2hi ho$e)or3 i "ery intereting to $e1 it $ade $e +ndertand $ore a,o+t
choleterol )ich = thin3 it "ery i$portant in*or$ation that )ill ,e +e*+l *or $y
career and ordinary li*e1 alo o,"io+ly on thi co+re.

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