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A Piece of Your Mind:

Brain Anatomy
Teacher Pages Activity 1A

Activity Description:

In this introductory activity, students will read a description of the parts

of the human brain and begin to associate structure with function. It is
important to orient students to the layout of the brain, which will further
assist them in becoming familiar with structures and functions of the
brain. Students will color-code a brain diagram and complete a notetaking activity intended to introduce each part of the brain and define its
area and basic function. After students have read the description of the
parts of the human brain, you may opt to show them a PowerPoint
slideshow (included online with this lesson). The fact that each part of the
brain is complex and carries out many functions is a concept meant to
begin with this lesson but ultimately understood through the combination
of lessons presented in this unit.
Students will pre-read the student text A Piece of Your Mind: Brain
Anatomy. Therefore it is suggested that the teacher make a class set of
this text. Teachers can use the PowerPoint (provided online with this
activity) to allow students to complete A Piece of Your Mind: Brain
Anatomy . Each student will need a copy of the student processing out
pages. A good way for the teacher to demonstrate cross-sections of the
cerebrum would be to take an oblong fruit, such as an apple, and cut it
lengthwise. This would show the students that the brain is divided into
two hemispheres; each side is similar.

Activity Background:

The brain is the center for all thought processes and nearly all regulatory
function in the human body. The brain directly or indirectly controls
every aspect of the living body such as voluntary and involuntary
motor control, enzyme and hormone production, and immune system
responses. Much of what we know today about the function of the brain
comes from the imaging technologies that use scanning instruments to
look at brain structure and function.
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind

Using diagrams of the brain, students will be able to:

Observe the basic anatomy of the brain and its components
Identify the parts of the brain
Identify major lobes of the cerebral cortex
Observe a portion of the spine, spinal cord, and spinal nerves
Relate structure to function in the brain

Activity Overview

Activity Objectives:

Lesson 1
Activity 1A

Temporal Lobe
of Cerebrum


Occipital Lobe
of Cerebrum

Figure 1 Brain Anatomy

The largest area of our brain, the cerebrum accounts for approximately
two-thirds of the total volume of brain. If it were possible to unfold the
cerebrum, it would encompass an area nearly half a square meter in size.
The external morphology (form and structure) of the Cerebrum has a
convoluted surface, allowing for an increased surface area to volume
ratio, thus allowing more neurons in a tighter space, resulting in expanded functioning of the complex neural pathways. The outermost layer of
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind

Insular Lobe, which is

located under the exterior
lobes of cerebrum

Activity Overview Continued

THE BrAIN: A Brief Overview

The brain may be divided into many parts, see Figure 1 Brain Anatomy;
therefore a multitude of anatomy textbooks subdivide the brain into varying levels of complexity depending on the target audience of the book.
For the purpose of this unit, four (4) parts will be defined. They are the
Cerebrum, Diencephalon, Cerebellum, and Brain Stem. It is important for
students to remember that each part of the brain is responsible for controlling a specific combination of activities within the body. For example,
the cerebrum controls processes that require conscious thought, sensation,
and voluntary movement. At the same time it is important for students to
keep in mind that while the cerebrum is performing functions, it is also
communicating and working with other areas of the brain such as the
cerebellum. While this communication is occurs, the cerebellum regulates
balance and coordination. Many areas of the brain work together and/or
independently to maintain body functions. This occurs through a complex
network of interconnecting neural pathways, and is the focus of current
research in brain mapping.
ot a
n a
M re
Se Are
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
of Cerebrum
of Cerebrum

Lesson 1
Activity 1A

The cerebellum, or little brain, is similar to the cerebrum in its external
morphology. It also has two hemispheres highly convoluted on the
surface, or cortex. This structure is associated with regulation and
coordination of movement, posture, and balance. It is also believed to
play a role in cognitive development. It is located below the rear part of
the cerebrum, right behind the brainstem. The cerebellum represents 11%
of the brains weight and contains more neurons that any other part of
the brain. (Neurons form connections and patterns in the brain by
transmitting information using chemical signals.) The cerebellum is so
tightly folded that its surface area is about the same as one of the
hemispheres of the cerebrum.
The cerebellum is known to hold the memory of automated movements
and other skills that require little attention to detail once learned. This
allows the brain to attend to other mental activities, thus allowing for
greater cognitive functioning.
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind

The Diencephalon is located below the two hemispheres of the cerebrum
and above the brain stem. This area of the brain can be divided into two
major parts, the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus is associated
with transmitting sensory impulses and the hypothalamus is associated
with maintaining homeostasis in the body by controlling temperature,
sleep, appetite, and some emotions.

Activity Overview Continued

the Cerebrum is called the Cerebral Cortex, and is only 1/4 inch thick.
High level human functions such as thought, memory, emotions, personality, voluntary movement and reasoning are controlled and regulated
here. The Cerebrum is divided into two halves, called hemispheres.
The hemispheres are separated by a deep split, however, the two halves
communicate with each other and the rest of the brain through a network
of connecting nerve tissue. Each hemisphere is divided into 5 lobes:
1. Frontal Lobe: responsible for thinking and creativity. The motor area is
located within the frontal lobe.
2. Parietal Lobe: regulates memory of objects and their uses, and
directions. Also located in this lobe is the Sensory Area, which receives
many of the sensory messages such as touch, pain and temperature
from the rest of the body and routes them to the correct area of
the brain.
3. Temporal Lobe: regulates hearing, speech, and memory.
4. Occipital Lobe: nerve impulses from the eyes are received, where the
brain translates them into images.
5. Insular Lobe: this lobe is located beneath the other four lobes, and
cannot be seen without pushing aside the frontal and temporal lobes.
Scientists are not sure what functions this lobe control, but some
studies indicate it is related to controlling behavior related to feelings
of pleasure.

Lesson 1
Activity 1A

It is traditionally believed that the cerebellum is purely involved with

motor control, however there is evidence to support the idea that the
cerebellum contributes to cognitive processing and control of emotions.

2. PONS: This area is located below the midbrain and is composed of

nerve fibers that connect the two halves of the cerebellum to the brain
stem. The name pons means bridge as it is a bridge to these parts of
the brain. The pons plays an important role in connecting the cerebellum with the rest of the nervous system, and is vital for integrating
such involuntary actions as breathing.
3. MEDULLA OBLONgATA: Located below the Pons, this region of the
brain stem directly connects to the spinal cord. It contains a collection
of nerve fibers that include motor fibers extending from the cerebrum. These fibers cross each other in this area of the brain stem and
results in the right half of the brain controlling the left side of the body
and the left half of the brain controlling the right side of the body.
The Medulla Oblongata contains vital clusters of nerves involved in
respiration, heartbeat and blood pressure.


Class set of Student Pages

Set of Brain Anatomy Worksheets for each student (included after the
Student Pages)
Colored pencils for each group of (2) students
Scissors to cut out brain flaps
Glue or tape to glue brain flap
Slide show included online with this activity (optional)

Management Suggestions:

All materials should be available at the beginning of the activity. Two

sided copies can be made to conserve paper. To further save paper, teachers can make a class set (one per student) of the background information
for students to read. Each student will need a copy of the worksheets.

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind

1. MIDBrAIN: This area forms the upper part of the brain stem and
functions to control and regulate various reflex actions such as those
involved in the eyes, such as in the process of reading.

Activity Overview Continued

Brain Stem
The brain stem is located below the Diencephalon and connects to the
spinal cord, which is found inside the vertebrae of the spine. It can be
divided into three structural parts:

Lesson 1
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Activity 1A

Suggested Modifications:

For students needing more assistance, provide copy of slide show

(available online with this activity). Also, fill in the note taking sheet so
students need only to color the brain as the slide show progresses.

Suggested Extensions:

Activity 1B Make Up Your Mind: Brain Cap builds on this activity, with
students labeling parts of the brain based on this lesson to build a model
of the brain. Activity 1B Make Up Your Mind: Brain Cap can also serve as
an assessment.

References Used:

Cohen, BJ. (2005). Memmlers structure and function of the human body 8th
ed. Baltimore, MD: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott William & Wilkins.

Teacher Resource:

A Piece of Your Mind: Brain Anatomy

Online slideshow posted at:

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind

There is a subsequent unit on brain imaging that builds on this unit. The
Brain Imaging Activity explains the history and development of imaging
techniques. It includes images of brain scans and explanation of how scientists have used this technology to learn more about the brain.

Activity Overview Continued

Students could role play different areas of the brain and their functions,
having others in the class guess their structure.

Lesson 1
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Activity 1A

Activity Administrivia:
Intended Grade Level:


Process Skills
Utilized in Lesson:
Observation, inference,
drawing conclusions

Previous Learning
Understanding of basic
systems in the human body:
nervous system,
systems work within systems

6.5 The student knows that systems

may combine with other systems to
form a larger system.
(B) describe how the properties of
a system are different from the
properties of its parts.
6.10 The student knows the relationship between structure and function
in living systems.
(A) differentiate between structure
and function
(B) determine that all organisms are
composed of cells that carry on
functions to sustain life.
(C) identify how structure complements function at different levels of
organization including organs,
organ systems, organisms, and
7.5 The student knows that
equilibrium of a system may change.
(A) identify the systems of the
human organism and describe
their functions.
8.6 The student knows that
interdependence occurs among
living systems.
(A) describe interactions among
systems in the human organism

Key Words for Web Page: brain, brain

anatomy, cerebrum, cerebellum,
structure, function, brain stem,
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind

Brain Anatomy,
Structure of the Human Brain,
Basic function of parts of
the brain

Relevant TEKS

Activity Overview

Key Concepts:

Lesson 1
Activity 1A

A Piece of Your Mind: Brain Anatomy

student Pages Activity 1A
Today you will learn about the different structures of the human brain. The
brain is a very complex organ made up of millions, if not billions, of cells. The
average human brain is nearly three-pounds and fills most of the top half of your
head and is roughly the size of a coconut fruit.

The Brain and Its Parts
The brain may be divided into many parts, but for the purpose of this unit, four main parts
will be defined. They are referred to as the Cerebrum, Diencephalon, Cerebellum, and Brain
Stem. Even though they are part of one organ, they function differently and work together
to control body activities. It is important to remember that each part of the brain
is responsible for controlling a specific combination of activities within the body.
An example of parts of the brain controlling at the same time would be the cerebrum and the cerebellum. The cerebrum controls processes that require conscious
thought, sensation, and voluntary movement. The cerebellum regulates balance
and coordination; both processes may occur at the same time.

The Cerebrum is the largest area of our brain. It makes up almost two-thirds of the volume
of the total brain. The outward appearance of the cerebrum has a wrinkled surface. This
wrinkling allows for a greater surface area so that more nerve cells (neurons) can fit into
a smaller space. (Think about wrinkling a sheet of paper - the 8 1/2 X 11 page fits in a
much smaller space after crumpling it.) This makes more neurons available for the complex
human nervous system to do its work. The outermost layer of the cerebrum is called the
cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is only 1/4 inch thick. It covers the wrinkled surface of
the cerebrum like the bark of a tree. High-level human functions such as thought, memory,
emotions, personality, voluntary movement and reasoning are controlled here. The
cerebrum is divided into two halves, called hemispheres. The hemispheres are divided by
a deep split, but the two halves communicate with each other and the rest of the brain
through a network of connecting nerve tissue. Each hemisphere is divided into 5 lobes.
Four of these lobes are easily studied because they are located on the surface of the cortex.

1. Frontal Lobe: responsible for thinking and creativity. The motor area is located
within the frontal lobe. (#1 in the diagram)
1a. At the back of the frontal lobe is an area that controls motor functions.

2. Parietal Lobe: regulates memory of objects and their uses, and directions.
Also located in this lobe is the sensory area, which receives many of the
sensory messages such as touch, pain and temperature from the rest of the
body and routes them to the correct area of the brain. (#2 in the diagram)
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind


Lesson 1
Activity 1A

2a. At the front of the parietal lobe is an area that controls

sensory functions.

3. Temporal Lobe: controls hearing, speech, and memory

(#3 in the diagram)

4. Occipital Lobe: nerve impulses from the eyes are received, where
the brain translates them into images. (#4 in the diagram)

5. Insular Lobe: this lobe is located beneath the other four lobes,
and cannot be seen without pushing aside the frontal and temporal
lobes. Scientists are not sure what are controlled by this lobe. Some
studies have been done that indicate it is related to controlling behavior
related to feelings of pleasure. (#5 in the diagram-under the flap)


The cerebellum, or little brain, is similar to the cerebrum in its

external appearance. It has two hemispheres and is folded on the
surface or cortex. This structure is associated with regulation and
coordination of movement, posture, and balance. It is also believed
to play a role in learning (cognitive) development. It is located
below the rear part of the cerebrum, right behind the brainstem.
(#6 in the diagram)
The diencephalon is located below the two hemispheres of the
cerebrum and above the brain stem. This area of the brain can be
divided into two major parts, the thalamus and hypothalamus.
The thalamus is associated with transmitting sensory impulses and
the hypothalamus is associated with maintaining homeostasis
(balance) in the body by controlling temperature, sleep, appetite,
and some emotions. (#7 in the diagram)

Brain Stem

The brain stem is located below the diencephalon and connects to

the spinal cord, which if found inside the vertebrae of the spine. It
can be divided into three structural parts that include the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. (#8 in the diagram)

1. Midbrain:

This area forms the upper part of the brain

stem and functions to control and regulate various reflex
actions such as those involved in the eyes, such as in the process of reading.
(#8-1 in the diagram)

2. Pons:

This area is located below the midbrain and is composed of nerve

fibers that connect the two halves of the cerebellum to the brain stem. The
name pons means Bridge as it is a bridge to these parts of the brain. The
pons plays an important role in connecting the cerebellum with the rest

Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE

2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind


Lesson 1
Activity 1A

of the nervous system, and is vital for integrating such involuntary actions
as breathing. (#8-2 in the diagram)

3. Medula Oblongata:

Located below the Pons, this region of the

brain stem directly connects to the spinal cord. It contains a collection
of nerve fibers that include motor fibers extending from the cerebrum.
These fibers cross each other in this area of the brain stem and results in
the right half of the brain controlling the left side of the body and the left
half of the brain controlling the right side of the body. The Medulla Oblongata
contains vital clusters of nerves involved in respiration, heartbeat and blood
pressure. (#8-3 in the diagram)


Class set of Student Activity Sheets

Set of Brain Anatomy Worksheets for each student
Colored pencils for each group of (2) students
Scissors to cut out brain flaps
Glue or tape to glue brain flap
Slide show included online with this activity


Read the Background information section the brain and its parts.


Watch the PowerPoint that may be shown by your teacher.


Before coloring:
Be sure to cut out the small square flap on the Cerebrum and Cerebellum Student
Page. Glue or tape in place as shown with dotted lines. As you color the lobes of
the cerebrum, you will color the flap-leave the area under the flap white.


Follow along, filling out note sections and color coding each section. Be sure to write
the name and function of each part.

The Brain: Its All In Your Mind


Lesson 1
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Activity 1A

A Piece of Your Mind: Brain Anatomy

Processing out Activity 1A

Cerebrum and Cerebellum

(1) Label__________ (1a) Label_________ (2a) Label_________ (2) Label__________








(3) Label______________


(4) Label______________

(5) Label______________


This section will be taped over matching section on brain

(dashed line). Additional brain part under flap. Be sure
to tape or glue flap into place BEFOrE coloring.
Glue from back


(6) Label______________


Remember: The brain is divided into two halves or

hemispheres. Therell be a lobe on each side of the brain.
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Lesson 1
Activity 1A

Cross Section View of Brain

Processing out Activity 1A
(4) Label__________
(1) Label__________ (2) Label__________ (3) Does not
____________________ ____________________
section view ____________________
____________________ ____________________
of brain
____________________ ____________________



(5) Does not

show on cross
section view
of brain





(7) Label__________

(6) Label_________

(8-1) Label________ (8-2) Label________ (8-3) Label________




The Brain: Its All In Your Mind

vIeW OF The

Lesson 1
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives/CAINE
2009The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Activity 1A


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