Study Material

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The following material for study and reference is being distributed only for the personal use of the participant. It has been taken from the sources indicated.
AAK Ayyangar
Ayyangar - A new continued fraction (1938).pdf
Ayyangar - Bhaskara and Samclishta Kuttaka (1929-30)
Ayyangar - Earliest Sol;ution of the Biquadratic (1938)
Ayyangar - New Light on Bhaskara's Chakravala (1929-30)
Ayyangar - Theory fo Nearest Square Continued Fraction (1940-41)

Marar_Rajagopal - Gregory's Series in the Mathematical Literature of Kerala (1945)
Marar_Rajagopal - On the hindu Quadrature of the Circle (1944)
Rajagopal - A Neglected Chapter of Hindu Mathematics (1949)
Rajagopal_Aiyar - On the Hindu Proof of Gregory's Series (1951)
Rajagopal_Rangachari - On an Untapped Source of Medieval Keralese mathematics (1977)
Rajagopal_Rangachari - On Medieval Kerala Mathematics (1986)
Rajagopal_Venkataraman - The Sine and Cosine Power Series in Hindu Mathematics (1949)

Datta and Singh (Revised by Shukla)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Approximate values of Surds in Indian mathematics (1993)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Hindu Geometry (1979)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Hindu trigonometry (1983)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Magic Squares in India (1992)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Surds in Hindu mathematics (1993)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Use of Calculus in Hindu mathematics (1984)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Use of Permutations and Combinations in India (1992)
Datta_Singh_Shukla - Use of Series in India (1993)

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Parmanand Singh (Translation of Ganitakaumudi)
Singh - Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita - Ch 1-3 (1998)
Singh - Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita Ch 13 (2001)
Singh - Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita Ch 14 (2002)
Singh - Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita Ch 4 (1999)
Singh - Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita Ch 5-12 (2000)

Colebrooke - Algebra with Arithmetic and mensuration From the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and Bhascara (1817)
Ganitasarasangraha - Tr Rangacharya (1912)

Aryabhatiya - Tr Shukla_Sarma (1976)
Aryabhatiyya Ganita pada - Keller Vol I (2006)
Aryabhatiyya Ganita pada - Keller Vol II (2006)
Bag - Mathematics in Ancient and Medieval India (1979)
Datta - Ancient Hindu Geometry - The Science of the Sulba (1932)
Datta and Singh - History of Hindu Mathematics (1935, 1938, 1962)
Emch_Sridharan_Srinivas - Contributions ot the History of Indian Mathematics (2005)
Ganitayuktibhasa Vol I Sarma_Ramasubramanian_Srinivas_Sriram (2008)
Ganitayuktibhasha Vol II Sarma_Ramasubramanian_Srinivas_Sriram (2008)
Joseph - The Crest of the Peacock (3ed 2011)
Lilavati - Patwardhan (2001)
Lilavati - Tr Colrebrooke - Bannerji (1967)
Parameswaran - The Golden Age of Indian Mathematics (1998)
Plofker - Mathematics in India (2010)
Saraswati Amma - Geomety in Ancient and Medieval India (2ed 1999)
Selin - Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (2008)
Seshadri (ed) - Studies in the History of Indian Mathematics (2010)
Srinivasiengar - Ther History of Ancient Indian mathematics (1967)
Tantrasangraha - Ramasubramanian_Sriram (2011)
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