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Sample questions in Automobile Engineering.

Describe the development of motor vehicle briefly. Discuss the changes that are
brought in society by automobile.
1.2 How do you classify the automobiles and why? Discuss.
1.3 What are the major components of an automobile? What are their functions?
Why does a vehicle with a manual gearbo need a clutch? !ame the different types
of clutch and discuss what "ind of clutch do we use in automobile.
What are the components of a single dry#plate clutch with coil pressure springs?
Discuss how it differs from a diaphragm#spring clutch.
What is the purpose of clutch operating clearance? Describe what happens if there
is not enough clutch free play between the thrust rod and the clutch release for".
How do you chec" the condition of clutch plate? What material is used for clutch
lining? How do you chec" the lining wear?
2.% Describe with figure the multi#plate clutch operation and its uses.
Why is a gearbo providing several drive ratios needed on a motor vehicle? !ame
the various types of gearbo. Describe how the simplest form of gearbo designed.
What are the advantages of helical#cut gears compared with straight#cut gears?
What is meat by a synchromesh gearbo? Which are the most commonly used
types of synchromesh? How are these synchromesh assemblies made up?
How is the mainshaft supported inside the gearbo? What are the possible
conse&uences of bearing faults?
Which "inds of shaft seal are normally used in gearboes? What re&uirements must
gear oil satisfy? What are multipurpose gear oils? Why is it important to maintain
the correct oil level in the gearbo? What is hypoid gear oil?
What are the re&uirements' which oil for automatic transmissions and hydraulic
tor&ue must satisfy?
3.( Describe the wor"ing of tor&ue converter with a neat s"etch.
Which types of joint can be used on a propeller shaft? When are propeller shafts
e&uipped with universal joints?
$.2 When do two universal joints and a sliding joint have to be provided?
Why must joints and flanges be mar"ed before they are removed? How does
imbalance affect the propeller shaft?
$.$ Describe the arrangement of propeller shaft with $ WD vehicle.
$.% How an angular velocity is given to the driving wheel smoothly?
)ample &uestions *continued+
Why does a motor vehicle need a differential? Which types of differential are used
on motor vehicle?
%.2 How does the differential function when driving in a straight line and when
Which vehicles need a differential loc"? When can the automatic differential action
prove to be a disadvantage?
Why are crown wheels and pinions always supplied in matched pairs? How is tooth
bac"lash be measured? Why must hypoid bevel final drives are filled with special
hypoid gear oils?
(.1 What are the different types of rim? What advantages do light alloy wheels posses?
What are the re&uirements of a tyre? How do you specify the tyres? ,ive eamples.
)tate the factors that reduce the tyre life.
(.3 Why wheel balancing is important and how is it done?
(.$ -plain why tubeless tyre is getting popular.
(.% Why and how the tyre rotation is done? ,ive schematic figure to clarify the
What are the main causes of rapid tyre wears? -plain them. Which is more
dangerous .over inflation/ or .under inflation/ of tyre and why?
12adial ply tyres are more advantageous than the cross#ply tyres3. 4rove the
0.1 What is the function of the chassis frame? !ames the different types of chassis
What are the advantages of the unitary construction bodyshell? How can a unitary
bodyshell be straightened if damaged?
What is the purpose of suspension system in a motor vehicle? How do you control
the vibration and road shoc"s? 6llustrate with eamples.
!ame the different types of spring and describe their functions in the motor vehicle.
What is the function of the dampers? How do they wor"?
5.3 )tate the most important forms of independent suspension.
5.$ What are jolts and bumps? How are they absorbed in a vehicle?
Why is the bra"ing effect at the front and rear wheels not identical in magnitude
although their bra"es are the same si8e?
What is the significance of stopping and bra"ing distances? How do you calculate
them? 9lso describe the various factors that effect the stopping distance.
-plain the function of different parts of bra"e used in a car. What is the
conse&uence of bra"e lining wear? How do you adjust and bleed the hydraulic
)ample &uestions *continued+
!ame the various "inds of bra"e used in motor vehicles. ,ive their advantages.
What is the function of antiloc" in bra"e system?
)how with a neat s"etch the wor"ing of par"ing bra"e. How do you test the hand
bra"e and pedal bra"e?
Differentiate the simple' duple and servo bra"es. Why servo bra"es are more
useful? -plain.
:echanical bra"e system are comparatively heavier' even then they are used in
these days. Why?
7.5 Differentiate the drum bra"es from that of disc one.
7.7 Describe the tandem type of master cylinder with a suitable figure.
Describe the charging and discharging of lead#acid battery with a neat s"etch. What
is the correct density of electrolyte in a charged battery? How do you measure it?
9lso give reason why do we need to add distilled water in the battery time to time.
1;.2 What are the advantages of the alternator compared with the D< generator?
1;.3 Describe the functions of diodes' transistors and thyristors with a neat s"etch.
)tate the two most commonly used types of starter motor? Which type of electric
motor is used as a starter motor?
How do you adjust the head light beams? Describe the various "inds of headlight
available in the mar"et.
What are the components of the lighting system? )how these components in an
electrical circuit drawing.
1;.0 )"etch the horn circuit and eplain it.
What is the purpose of steering system in the motor vehicle? Describe the various
"inds of steering boes and steering lin"ages.
What is meant by power assistance? How does power#assisted steering operate?
What is the operating principle of a safety steering column?
6llustrate with neat s"etches the caster' camber' toe#in' toe#out' "ingpin inclination.
Which measurements are ta"en when chec"ing wheel alignment?
What is the front#end geometry of steering system? -plain the purposes of camber'
caster and "ing pin inclination.
What are the forces acting on the running vehicle? How do they effect on the
vehicle speed and shape of the motor vehicle body?
12.2 How can you increase the efficiency of the running vehicle?
How do you calculate the fuel consumption in the vehicle? What is the optimum
speed for the minimum fuel consumption?
)ample &uestions *continued+
What is the road resistance? How is fuel consumption affected by the conditions of
What is vehicle safety? Describe the eterior and interior safety of motor vehicle.
What are the possible safety measures ta"en care for the driver and passenger in the
case to accidents?
Which part of the vehicle is considered to be more vulnerable to accidents? What
are possible ways of avoiding accidents?
!ame the various vehicle pollutants that you get from the ehaust system in the
vehicle? -plain how they are formed and their effects on the human life.
What is emission standard? ,ive the -uro#6 and -49 standard for <=' H<' !='
and smo"e for petrol and diesel engines.
What are the possible ways of reducing pollutants in the vehicle? Which method do
you consider the best and why?
1$.$ What are 8ero emission vehicles? How are they achieved? -plain with eamples.
!ame and describe the various gas analy8ers used for measuring ehaust gases
from the tail pipe.
What are the effects of noise pollution in human beings? What should be the noise
level in the urban areas and why? What are possible measures you can suggest
reducing the noise level in the urban areas.
What are the necessary documents a car owner should posses? Who provides these
documents and what are the possible penalties in case of failure to provide these
documents during chec"ing?
Why do we need vehicle act? What is the information you can get from this act?
Who ma"es this act and which organi8ation implements it.
Describe with s"etch the various types of motor vehicle repair wor"shops. What are
the basic re&uirements for the garage and repair wor"shops?
How do you design a repair wor"shop? 4ropose a layout design for the repair of
21;; vehicles in a year.
How do you perform the various "inds of repair and maintenance wor"s of motor
1(.$ Why is a service station needed in the country? How many of them do you "now?
1(.% :a"e a proposal to a transport company owning 1;; vehicles for their repair and
maintenance wor".

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