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Entrepreneurship Courses in India

Entrepreneurship as a career option has emerged due to the cut-throat competition and
lack of opportunities in the formal sectors. Individuals with a dream to do something on
their own are even leaving their secure jobs to pursue a business venture. There are
several institutes that offer entrepreneurship courses in India. It is always considered to
be a better idea to join a formal training before setting your foot forward as an
The details of entrepreneurship courses conducted in India are:
Advanced iploma in Enterprise !anagement" uration: # months" Eligibility:
$raduation" preferably with work e%perience of & - '( years.
)ertificate )ourse in E%port !arketing" uration: * months" Eligibility:
)ertificate )ourse in International +usiness ,anguage" uration: & months "
Eligibility: $raduation.
)ertificate )ourse in International Trade ,ogistic" uration: * months" Eligibility:
iploma-)ertificate )ourses in Entrepreneurship" uration: # months- ' year"
Eligibility: $raduation- iploma-'(./ with 0 yr. E%p.
iploma in Entrepreneurship" uration: 1 months" Eligibility: $raduation
iploma in 2lanning and Entrepreneurship" uration: / years" Eligibility: '(./"
awaiting results
E%ecutive !asters in International Trade" uration: ' year" Eligibility: $raduation
E%ecutive !+A.!.)om-2$+A" uration:/ years" Eligibility: $raduation"
appearing for final e%am.
E%ecutive 2ostgraduate 2rogram" uration: 0 years" Eligibility: $raduation 3&&45
E%ecutive 2ostgraduate iploma in !anagement" uration: 0 years" Eligibility:
+achelor6s-!aster6s degree with & years e%p.
7ellow 2rogram in !anagement 3octoral ,evel5" Eligibility: +.E. !.E. 2.$
+A 3$eneral-8uman 9esource evelopment !arketing" :perations 9esearch and
7inance5" uration: / years # months" Eligibility: $raduation
2$ iploma in International +usiness-Entrepreneurship-;mall +usiness and
!anagement of ;ervices
2$ iploma in !anagement of ;mall and !edium Enterprises" uration: ' year"
Eligibility: $raduation
2$+A" uration: / years" Eligibility: $raduation
2$+!" uration: / years" Eligibility: $raduate
2ostgraduate iploma in Entrepreneurship !anagement 32$E!5" uration: 1
months" Eligibility: middle level e%ecutive
2$E!" uration: # months" Eligibility: $raduation
;ome of the reputed and prestigious institutes offer entrepreneurship courses in India.
:ne can come across both degree and diploma programs on entrepreneurship. ;hort term
certificate courses are also <uite popular among the students.
II!" Ahmedabad" +angalore = >olkata
All India !anagement Association )enter for !anagement Education" ?ew elhi
Indian Institute of 7oreign Trade 3II7T5" ?ew elhi
Entrepreneurship evelopment Institute of India" $ujarat
7I))I" ?ew elhi
;mall Industries ;ervice Institute" ?ew elhi
?ational ;cience and Technology Entrepreneurship evelopment" ?ew elhi
?ational Institute for Entrepreneurship and ;mall +usiness evelopment
3?IE;+@5" ?ew elhi
A;EE and Entrepreneurship evelopment Institute of India 3EII5" ?ew elhi
Indian Institute of 2lanning and !anagement 3II2!5" ?ew elhi
Institute of !arketing and !anagement 3I!!5" ?ew elhi
Aavier ,abour 9elations Institute 3A,9I5" Bharkhand
Aavier Institute of !anagement 3AI!5" :rissa
!anagement evelopment Institute" 8aryana
Indian Institute of Information Technology and !anagement 3IIIT!5" !adhya
;ymbiosis )enter for !anagement" !aharashtra
Bamia !illia Islamia" ?ew elhi.
These Institutes not only identify prospective entrepreneurs but provide them with a
thorough knowledge and appropriate approach towards the subject" conse<uently
producing industrious entrepreneurs.
Scopes in India
The scope for entrepreneurship is limitless here in India. Entrepreneurship can be divided
into three areas of work -
2roviding ;ervice
;elling $oods
!anufacturing $oods
The first activity involves the least monetary investment and risk. The other two re<uire
higher investments" but a good foresight can make these ventures e%tremely successful.
Scopes Abroad
2eople who like to dream big can e%pand their business ventures beyond the boundaries
of India. An understanding of international economy and business methods are re<uired
in this case.

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