Marketing - Project

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- Target Market:
Our target market was developed by looking at Simmons data, as well as considering
geographic, demographic, and psychographic data. After analyzing this information,
primary and secondary targets were realized and defined.

- Age & Demographics:
For our product campaign, our primary and secondary target audience is comprised of
males and females between the ages of 18 and 40. Many members of our target
audience are young and professionals because they have established a steady job and
have already graduated college. Many of them may have children and have an average
annual income over
$30,000. Many other trends and psychographic information was analyzed in order to
gain a broader understanding of the target audience.

- Geographic Distribution of Current Users :
Skin is damaged due to sun ray directly effect because of less ozone layer on the
Australia and New Zealand. UV protected users are women, males also take up a large
portion of the market. Mostly people are between the ages of 18 to 40. UV protected
cream users are equally likely to be married or not married. Mostly users have an annual
household income minimum between $30,000 and & $40,000.

- Geographic Factors
For our campaign we are going to advertise nationally within in the top 2 Designated
Marketing Areas (DMA), and spot heavy in Australia and New Zealand.

- Psychographics :
Our target audience is very aware of their health both physically and emotionally. They
are more likely than the average consumer to eat a very healthy diet. They exercise
regularly and prepare their meals before leaving the house. They are also more likely to
spend whatever they have to make themselves look younger. In terms of personality, the
target audience rates themselves as friendly and outgoing. These consumers have
friends that come to them for advice before buying new things and they are always
looking out for special offers.

- Target Market:

- Primary Target: Females ages 18-40
Our primary target for this campaign is females ages 18-40. We plan to use a defensive
strategy in regards to our primary target. Due to the fact that women in this age category
make up so much of our market share, we want to defend the current strategy and
expand upon it.

- Secondary Target: Males ages 18-34
Our secondary target for this campaign is males 18-40 to try and saturate that market
more thoroughly. To reach our secondary target audience, we will employ an offensive
strategy. The end goal here is to increase usage and awareness among men, which is
described in more detail
within the Objectives section.

- Market Size and Tread:
- Market Size:
- The number of buyers and sellers in a particular mar Geographic Distribution of Current
Users :
Skin is damaged due to sun ray directly effect because of less ozone layer on the Australia and
New Zealand. UV protected users are women, males also take up a large portion of the market.
Mostly people are between the ages of 18 to 40. UV protected cream users are equally likely to
be married or not married. Mostly users have an annual household income minimum between
$30,000 and & $40,000.
ket. This is especially important for companies that wish to launch a
new product or service, since small markets are less likely to be able
to support a high volume of goods. Large markets could bring in more competition
- Trade :

- Competition:
There are many competitors in the market and numbers companies manufacturing of
lotions, soaps, body washes, deodorants, or any other similar body care products could
be seen as competition to the brand. However, based on product category info as well
as data collected, Market Share Reporter and surveys, the primary competitor for us
is_______ . Secondary competitors include: ___________
Spring, Ivory, Old Spice, and Softsoap.
Below is a brief history of these competing brands,
followed by any perceived strengths and weaknesses, demographic information, creative
history, and advertising spending.
Primary Competition: __________
Nivea, owned by the German company Beiersdorf, was launched in 1911. It quickly
became an

- Product Design:

- Product Positioning:

- Pricing Strategy:
Because the price of skincare and cosmetics products in New Zealand varies
considerably depending on the product e.g. the ingredients, value proposition,
positioning, branding and point of sale etc, this profile does not include prices. Price
information is best obtained on a product specific basis. The right value proposition can
bring a price premium in New Zealand. For example, if a lanolin cream contains placenta
or collagen, as opposed to just lanolin, it can be positioned out of the mainstream lanolin
segment and command a higher price.

- Distribution Strategy:

- Sales Force:

- Advertising:

- Media Selections:
Our target groups primary choices of media, including magazine use, television,
Internet, and radio. A quintile analysis was performed on all types of media use and
compiled to show which types of media were used most by our consumers each year.
For the purposes of this campaign, we took the first two quintiles into consideration when
looking at the different media uses among our target audience. We found through the
quintile analysis, we also took in consideration the selected media that our main
competitors are utilizing. By doing a competitive analysis, we are looking for
opportunities to reach our target without getting lost among our competitors. If there is a
medium that our competitors tend not to focus on, we could have an opportunity to reach
our target without getting lost in the clutter. We provide a clear rationale for why we have
chosen the media vehicles and how they will be integrated into our overall campaign.
According to our research, we made the following choices based on the analysis and our
target groups media use.

- Internet:
Advertising on Internet make global market. This will be through interactive
advertisements on websites and internet radio sites, as well as social media sites. Our
internet advertisements will be featured on Hulu, Netflicks, Youtube, and internet radio
websites such as Pandora and Spotify where viewers have to listen to the advertisement
in order to continue watching or listening. We will specifically promote our product for
Men+Care line on websites geared towards men such as ESPN, videogame websites,
and mens health websites. We will utilize social media websites to advertise Dove
through promotions since our research shows that many people view out product as an
expensive so promotions will help combat this setback.

- Print:
The print ads will focus solely on our product scented skin care with body lotion with a
QR code leading consumers right to our promotion, Day of our product. Day of our
product is a promotion that will take place in the peak of summer, asking consumers to
vote for our scent on for a chance to win an all-inclusive Spa day
sponsored by Kiwi Skincare product and their premier products. Our research shows
that a lot of our consumers are working mothers and providing a day of relaxation is
exactly what our target needs. Putting 1-page color print ads in all of these magazines
will be a vital part of our integrated marketing campaign with our product. Magazines that
attract prosperous parties are typically filled with ads from luxury brands. With that being
said, the amount of effort that a magazine brand puts into Internet and mobile could
potentially have a greater affect on consumers.

- Television:
In the case of TV prime time, we feel that it would be an efficient media to use as way to
reach a wide audience. Because our target group is made up of women and men ages
18-40, we can expect that many of them may be young professionals or parents. Having
time to watch TV may be scarce in their busy lifestyles. In order to reach our target
audience through this medium, we have done some initial research on potential
channels that we could run our broadcast advertisements on based on information that
we found. Many of our main competitors also utilize broadcast to reach their target
audiences and we feel that using broadcast in our campaign would provide an
opportunity to spread our message to a large audience.

- Radio:
Consequently, radio provides brands with an opportunity to reach drivers while
commuting to work, running errands, etc. Since women between the ages of 18 and 40
tend to drive throughout the day, In simple terms, this means that an all-day strategy will
reach more people within our target audience. Advertisements will be focused primarily
on regular radio and Internet radio. We also found that many of our potential consumers
listen to the radio on the Internet, so we have decided to utilize Internet radio.

- Media Timing and schedule:

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