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With increasing scarcity of fuel for automobiles and necessity of
reducing the emissions to protect the environment,vehicle of the future is
the matter of great concern.
Fuel cell vehicle is such development which keeps the track with such

Fuel cell vehicle (FCV) is a modification to increase the range of
electric vehicle and to reduce emission of conventional vehicles. he
proton e!change membrane ("#$) fuel cell is shown to be best available
fuel cell for transportation applications. %sing hydrogen for its fuel, the
"#$FC vehicle is a true &ero'ultra low emission vehicle ((#V).

o accelerate fuel cell commerciali&ation it may be necessary to use
petroleum based fuels and on board fuel processors. )n the near term this
approach may reduce fuel cell system officinal, to level comparable with
advanced diesel engines. *ut in long term fuel cells powered by hydrogen
will be the most efficient and elegant and cleanest of all automotive power
his paper intended to e!plain the resurgence of interest in fuel cells
in recent years and to outline the significant challenges that lie ahead in
commerciali&ing fuel cells.
+. 7HAT IS 16EL 0ELL8 *+
= 0ON0L6SION /*

)t+s actually a high time that we did some thing to stop the on
going menace of pollution with automobiles ceasing practically to be
ob,ect of lu!ury the problem become serious enough.due to oil crises in
%.-.,stimulated the development of alternative power sources for
automobiles led to emergence of electric vehicle and fuel cell vehicle
(f.c.v) in fuel cell the energy is stored outside the electrodes , ,ust like
gasoline )n )C engine cars .
sir. William .. /rove is genarlly regarded as discoverer of
fuel cells in0123,using hydrogen for fuel o!ygen for o!idi&ing agent ,and
dilute sulphuric acid as electrolyte.fuel cells are conceptually simple and
their efficiency ,modularity allow their use in various applications.
4ppilication fuel cell range from power plant to vehicular applications.
Fuel cells chemically combine hydrogen and o!ygen gasses
to form water and electricity.Fuel cells are about 567 efficient, while
internal combustion engines are only 0879057 efficient. 4nd, since
there are no moving parts, fuel cells can be very reliable and make
almost no noise his is e!pensive, and so current "#$ fuel cells
cost somewhere around :86 per Watt of power they can produce,
depending on their si&e and application. )n the future, as technology
improves and fuel cells are mass9produced in factories, the cost will
drop considerably.
Fuel9cell9powered cars will start to replace gas9 and diesel9
engine cars in about 8665. 4 fuel9cell car will be very similar to an
electric car but with a fuel cell and reformer instead of
batteries.$any companies are active in research and development
of FCVs.-ome prototypes are /$+s (4F).4 and the current
;aimlerChrysler prototype is named the <#C4. =.

4 fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device that
converts hydrogen and o!ygen into water, producing electricity and heat in
the process. )t is very much like a battery that can be recharged while you
are drawing power from it. )nstead of recharging using electricity, however,
a fuel cell uses hydrogen and o!ygen.
he fuel cell will compete with many other types of energy
conversion devices, including the gasoline engine in your car and the
battery in your laptop. Combustion engines like the turbine and the
gasoline engine burn fuels and use the pressure created by the e!pansion
of the gases to do mechanical work. *atteries store electrical energy by
converting it into chemical energy, which can be converted back into
electric energy when needed.
4 fuel cell provides a
;C (direct current) voltage
that can be used to power
motors, lights or any number of
electrical appliances. here are several different types of fuel cells, each
using a different chemistry. Fuel cells are usually classified by the type of
electrolyte they use. -ome types of fuel cells show promise for use in
"hoto courtesy
*allard "ower -ystems
4 fuel9cell stack that could power an
power generation plants. >thers may be useful for small portable
applications or for powering cars.
2.F%#? C#?? ".)<C)"?#
;iagram illustrating fuel cell principle

4 fuel cell operate by taking fuel and an o!idant (usally pure o!ygen
or o!ygen from air) atom separated electrode and convert the e!cess
chemical energy in to ;.C.hydrogen is ioni&ed by losing an electron under
the action of catalyst and anode is negatively charged .o!ygen molecule
atom cathode accepts this electron and becomes positively charged .
hence potential difference is setup and byproduct are water,electric current
and useful heat. he electrochemical reaction of water electrolysis is ,
4node side@ 8A
D =e

Cathode side@ >
D =A
D =e
<et reaction@ 8A
D >
he fuel for operating a fuel cell is not restricted to hydrogen alone so the
general chemical reaction is ,
Fuel D o!idant 9999999999 A8> D other productsDelectricity.
I! %(&s "a"er "ar%&c#2ar24 "ro%o! e>c(a!$e )e)5ra!e ?#e2 ce22 &s d&sc#ssed.
Proton Exchange Membrane
he proton exchange membrane fuel cell ("#$FC) uses one of the
simplest reactions of any fuel cell. First, letEs take a look at whatEs in a "#$
fuel cell@ )n Figure you can see there are four basic elements of a "#$FC@
he anode, the negative post of the fuel cell, has several ,obs. )t
conducts the electrons that are freed from the hydrogen molecules so that
they can be used in an e!ternal circuit. )t has channels etched into it that
disperse the hydrogen gas eFually over the surface of the catalyst.
he cathode, the positive post of the fuel cell, has channels etched
into it that distribute the o!ygen to the surface of the catalyst. )t also
conducts the electrons back from the e!ternal circuit to the catalyst,
where they can recombine with the hydrogen ions and o!ygen to
form water.
he electrolyte is the proton exchange membrane. his specially
treated material, which looks something like ordinary kitchen plastic
wrap, only conducts positively charged ions. he membrane blocks
he catalyst is a special material that facilitates the reaction of
o!ygen and hydrogen. )t is usually made of platinum powder very
thinly coated onto carbon paper or cloth. he catalyst is rough and
porous so that the ma!imum surface area of the platinum can be
e!posed to the hydrogen or o!ygen. he platinum9coated side of the
catalyst faces the "#$.
"ower@ G66 mW (o!ygen)
866 mW (air)
A ! W ! ; 31 ! 16 ! H1 mm
(2 5'G I ! 2 0'G I ! 2 I)
Weight@ 885 g
4.OTHER TYE! OF F"E# $E##!
here are several other types of fuel9cell technologies being developed for
possible commercial uses@
%l&aline fuel cell '%F$() his is one of the oldest designs. )t has been
used in the %.-. space program since the 03G6s. he 4FC is very
susceptible to contamination, so it reFuires pure hydrogen and o!ygen.
)t is also very e!pensive, so this type of fuel cell is unlikely to be
hosphoric*acid fuel cell '%F$)@ he phosphoric9acid fuel cell
has potential for use in small stationary power9generation systems.
)t operates at a higher temperature than "#$ fuel cells, so it has a
longer warm9up time. his makes it unsuitable for use in cars.
!olid oxide fuel cell '!OF$() hese fuel cells are best suited for
large9scale stationary power generators that could provide electricity
for factories or towns. his type of fuel cell operates at very high
temperatures (around 0,128 F, 0,666 C). his high temperature
makes reliability a problem, but it also has an advantage@ he steam
produced by the fuel cell can be channeled into turbines to generate
more electricity. his improves the overall efficiency of the system.
+olten carbonate fuel cell '+$F$)@ hese fuel cells are also
best suited for large stationary power generators. hey operate
at 0,008 F (G66 C), so they also generate steam that can be
used to generate more power. hey have a lower operating
temperature than the ->FC, which means they donEt need such
e!otic materials. his makes the design a little less e!pensive.
,irect methanol fuel cell ' ,+F$ () these are new member of
fuel cell family .hese are similar to "#$ cell and undergoes
direct o!idation .his eliminate necessities of onboard fuel
processor . he electrode is platinum based and electrolyte is
polymer membrane based .*ut it gives poor performance.
AJ;.>/#< @ hydrogen is ideal fuel for "#$ fuel cell because it simplified
system integration ,raises the efficiency and proved &ero emissions and is
the promising fuel for long term for the FC#Vs.
?)K%); AJ;.>/#<@ )t has 2 times the energy as the same weight of
petrol , but it needs to be stored atom very low temperature( about
8526C).For this cryogenic storage is reFuired . which need a refrigeration
$#4? AJ*.);#@ ?arge amount of hydrogen can be stored atom room
temperature and pressure in its metal hybride. he hybride is usually
magnesium or titanium based alloy. it binds the hydrogen to the metal
atoms at low temperature and releases hydrogen atom high temperatures.
his method reFuires less volume of hydrogen and it is Fuite safe.
$#A4<>?@ $ethanol can be considered as liFuid hydrogen, more ever in
contrast with gasoline, methanol has hydrogenous composition.
Conversion of methanol (CA2>A) to hydrogen (A8) produces C>8 but the
amount involved is about half of the produced by ).C. engines. $ethanol
has higher energy density (about 5 LW'lit. compared with liFuid hydrogen
having 8.G LW'lit., and having a low cost.
"#.>?)%$ *4-#; F%#?-@ the fuel cell vehicle efficiency is around 15
to 367 .for gasoline and diesel, it is ,ust over G67 for methanol. the
Fualitative is that, automakers will try to adapt petroleum based fuels.

Fuels create electricity directly from fuel hydrogen rich is fed
through channels in a bipolar plate into the fuel cell+s anode whih is coated
with a platinum catalyst that helps lower the temperature at which electrons
are stripped off the hydrogen to produce protons. hese electrons can be
used to energi&e a drive motor to run the wheels of a vehicle and on their
return to the cathode ray combine with air stream, fed through channels in
the other side of the bipolar plate, to produce o!ygen ions.
$eanwhile in case of proton e!change membrane cell ,the hydrated
proton pass through the membrane electrolyte and link up with these
o!ygen ions to produce water which is e!pelled via channels in the bipolar
plate. he net effect is identical to the combustion of hydrogen in air e!cept
thet the transfer of electrons has occurred seperatetly from the chemical
union so that electricity is obtained directly.


We will compare a fuel9cell9powered car to a gasoline9engine9
powered car and a battery9powered car. -ince all three types of cars have
many of the same components (tires, transmissions, etc)
F"E#*$E##*O0ERE, E#E$TR.$ $%R
)f the fuel cell is powered with pure hydrogen, it has the potential to be up
to 169percent efficient. hat is, it converts 16 percent of the energy content
of the hydrogen into electrical energy. *ut, as we learned in the previous
section, hydrogen is difficult to store in a car. When we add a reformer to
convert methanol to hydrogen, the overall efficiency drops to about 26 to
=6 percent.
We still need to convert the electrical energy into mechanical work. his is
accomplished by the electric motor and inverter. 4 reasonable number for
the efficiency of the motor'inverter is about 16 percent. -o we have 269 to
=69percent efficiency at converting methanol to electricity, and 169percent
efficiency converting electricity to mechanical power. hat gives an overall
efficiency of about 24 to 12 percent.
2%!O#./E*O0ERE, $%R
he efficiency of a gasoline9powered car is surprisingly low. 4ll of the heat
that comes out as e!haust or goes into the radiator is wasted energy. he
engine also uses a lot of energy turning the various pumps, fans and
generators that keep it going. -o the overall efficiency of an automotive
gas engine is about 23 percent. hat is, only about 86 percent of the
thermal9energy content of the gasoline is converted into mechanical work.
his type of car has a fairly high efficiency. he battery is about 369percent
efficient (most batteries generate some heat, or reFuire heating), and the
electric motor'inverter is about 169percent efficient. his gives an overall
efficiency of about 52 percent.
H.*#<#F)- 4<; ;.4W*4CL- >F F%#? C#?? V#A)C?#
6. FCV has &ero or ultra low emission , which would dramatically
reduce urban air pollution.
2. #fficiency of the engine is in the range of 569G67 which is higher
than 859257 for combustion engines.
1. he power density 0 L)W'lit. which is greater than that of
combustion engine which is .19.3 LW'lit.
4. <ew methods of membrane electrode assembly for fuel cell for
higher power densities.
7. he batteries needed are atom least one tenth of the si&e reFuired
for electrical vehicles
0. Fuel cell stack operation using atmospheric o!ygen needs some
8. Aigh cost of fuel cell stack
2. Aydrogen storage problem is there which occupies 2666times more
space then gasoline

Fuel cells offer a technology which can dramatically reduce air
pollution emissions for both stationary and mobile application ,since fuel
cell directly convert chemical energy to electrical energy, they can also
attain higher efficiencies than standard heat engines. Cost is still a ma,or
issue with regards to marketing fuel cells, as they are composed of
e!pensive materials. .ecent breakthrough has dramatically reduced the
amount of platinum that fuel cells will reFuire.
Fuel cell vehicles are more likely to be common till 8665.
/. www.Hows%#??wor's.0o)
+. www.Sae.Or$
-. @?#e2 ce22 A-a#%o)o%&Be E!$$. I!%er!a%&o!a2
,. A#%o)o%&Be E!$$. C?#e2 ce22 Be(&c2e
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