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(P-7) As a hospital administrator of a large hospital, you are concerned with the absenteeism among nurses aides.

g nurses aides. The issue has

been raised by registered nurses, who feel they often have to perform work normally done by their aides. To get the facts,
absenteeism data were gathered for the last 3 weeks which is considered representative period for future conditions. After taking
random samples of 64 personnel file each day, the following data were produced:
Day Aides Absent Day Aides Absent
1 2 9 5
2 8 10 3
3 7 11 8
4 9 12 6
5 3 13 11
6 4 14 4
7 2 15 8
8 4
Because your assessment of absenteeism is likely to come under careful security, you would like a type I error of only 1 percent. You
want to be sure to identify any instances of unusual absences. If some are present, you will have to explore them on behalf of the
registered nurses.
a. Design a p-chart
b. Based on your p-chart and the data from the last 3 weeks, what can you conclude about the absenteeism of nurse aides?
Answer :
a. Design p-chart

( )

UCLp = + z
= 0,0875 + 3 (0,0353)
= 0,0875 + 0,1059
= 0,1935
LCLp = - z
= 0,0875 - 3 (0,0353)
= 0,0875 - 0,1059
= - 0,0184 0

z = 99 % + 0,5 %
= 99,5 %
= 0,995
= 2,57 zigma (based on table)
LCLp = - z
= 0,0875 2,57 (0,0353)
= 0,0875 0,090721
= - 0, 0033 0
UCLp = + z
= 0,0875 + 2,57 (0,0353)
= 0,0875 + 0,090721
= 0,1783

b. Based on your p-chart and the data from the last 3 weeks, what can you conclude about the absenteeism of nurse aides?
Berdasarkan hasil p-chart dari data 3 minggu terakhir mengenai absenteeism, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa proses tersebut masih
dalam batas in control, yang berarti data-data dari sample aides absent tersebut masih dalam batas yang sewajarnya dan tidak
berpengaruh besar terhadap kinerja para suster. Namun demikian, isu bahwa suster merasa akan lebih berkinerja baik dengan
bantuan aides juga harus tetap diperhatikan oleh pihak manajerial rumah sakit.

(P-12)Management at Webster, in Problem 16, is now concerned as to whether caulking tubes are being properly capped. If a
significant proportion of the tubes are not being sealed, Webster is placing its customers in a messy situation. Tubes are packaged in
large boxes of 144. Several boxes are inspected, and the following numbers of leaking tubes are found :
Sample Tubes Sample Tubes Sample Tubes
1 3 8 6 15 5
2 5 9 4 16 0
3 3 10 9 17 2
4 4 11 2 18 6
5 2 12 6 19 2
6 4 13 5 20 1
7 2 14 1 Total 72
Calculate p-chart three-sigma control limits to assess whether the capping process is in statistical control.

( )

UCLp = + z
= 0,025 + 3 (0,0130)
= 0,025 + 0,039
= 0,064
LCLp = - z
= 0,025 - 3 (0,0130)
= 0,025 - 0,039
= - 0,014 0

z = 95 % + 2,5 %
= 97,5 %
= 0,975
= 1,96 zigma (based on table)
LCLp = - z
= 0,025 1,96 (0,0130)
= 0,0875 0,069188
= - 0
UCLp = + z
= 0,025 + 1,96 (0,0130)
= 0,0875 + 0,069188
= 0,0505

Berdasarkan p-chart yang dihasilkan dari data sample, dapat dikatakan bahwa proses masih dalam in control. Masih dapat dikatan
bahwa proses packaged dalam pengawasan yang baik. Namun demikian, Manajemen Webster juga harus selalu berhati-hati pada
proses ini demi tetap menjaga kepuasan dari konsumen.

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