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The Elements and Modalities

Much has been written about the elements and the modalities by Stephen Aroyo and many
others. The purpose of this discussion is only to relate these concepts to the Zodiacal signs,
to which they primarily associated. There are four elements: fre, earth, air and water. The
modalities, which correspond to the Vedic gunas are: cardinality, fity and mutability. The
elements and modalities are related to ancient concepts of how the material world is formed
and structured. The elements are passi!e substance and relate to basic "ualities of
matter. The modalities are acti!e states of motion.
#n the Zodiac, the elements and "ualities are superimposed on each other through the
progression of the signs and the houses. Since the elements are e!en in number and the
modalities are odd in number, each modality successi!ely imbues each element. This
produces the magical number twel!e. $%ote that four and three also produce the liberating
number se!en and that the relationship between the numbers three and four are symboli&ed
in the pyramid.'
The fre element is associated with energy and with the acti!ating spirit. #ts "uality is
outgoing, as fre naturally see(s to epand. )ire is associated with the moti!ating force of
life. #ts life*spiriting nature generates enthusiasm and a penchant for action. )ire generates
warmth, which is comforting and acti!ates the emotions. The fery emotions tend to be
outgoing and to bla&e up and die down "uic(ly. These fery emotions can ha!e intense power
for good or destruction. The fre signs are: Aries, +eo, Sagittarius. ** Gargatholil
The earth element is associated with solidity and groundedness. #ts "ualities are stable
and enduring. #t is the densest element and the most a,nity with the physical world. #ts
density ma(es it less penetrable than the other elements. The earth element brings
cohesi!eness and is associated with form and structure $which are the abstract phenomena
that hold things together'. -ensity, solidity and structure result in less reacti!ity,
responsi!eness and openness than is the case with the other elements. .eing the hea!iest of
the elements, it is the least li(ely to be mo!ed. #t is the strongest of the elements and, thus,
capable of supporting weight. #t therefore is the symbolic foundation of the created
world. /arth is also the element of which building bloc(s are formed and which are used to
erect structures. Thus, the earth element is associated with usefulness and practicality. The
earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo, 0apricorn. ** Gargatholil
The air element is associated with the mental realm and with communication. #t is the
least dense of the elements, as the mental realm contains the least admiture of materiality
of the 1three realms2 $physical, astral and mental'. The "ualities of the air element are its
per!iousness, its freedom of mo!ement, its ubi"uitousness and its lightness. #t is so per!ious
that light and sound tra!el through it. 3ithout air, there would be no communication. #t
touches e!erything, e!en being dissol!ed in water and penetrating the soil. Thus, it is
inclined toward social energy and relationships. The air signs are: 4emini, +ibra, A"uarius.
** Gargatholil
The water element is associated with the emotions. #ts "ualities are 5uidity, ta(ing the
shape of its container, moistness, lifegi!ingness, and power. .ecause it is 5uid and malleable,
it tends toward changeableness. #ts moisture soothes and "uenches thirst. 3ater brings
things to life and is sustaining and is therefore associated with caring and nurturing. 6et
water, when directed or harnessed, possesses incredible power. 3ater can also be perfectly
still, in which case its tendency is inward. #ts tendency to fll empty and, otherwise, hidden
ca!ities symboli&es a need for security, particularly emotional security. The water signs are:
0ancer, Scorpio, 7isces. **Gargatholil
The cardinal modality symboli&es forward direction and is associated with acti!ity. #t is
the rajasik guna of Vedic cosmology. The cardinal modality is also associated with the
initiation of de!elopment cycles. #t is the thesis of the 8egelian dialectic. 9ualities associated
with cardinality include confdence, directness of approach and mo!ement toward some
goal. The cardinal signs are: Aries, 0ancer, +ibra, 0apricorn. ** 4argatholil
The fed modality symboli&es inertia and is associated with retenti!eness. #t is
the tamasik guna of Vedic cosmology. The fed modality is associated with the consolidation
phase of de!elopment cycles. #t is the antithesis of the 8egelian dialectic. 9ualities
associated with fity include strength, security, immobility and permanence. The fed signs
are: Taurus, +eo, Scorpio, A"uarius. ** 4argatholil
The mutable modality symboli&es balance and duality. .alance $i.e., the e"uilibrium
state between action and inertia' implies duality, since there must be two sides to
balance. The mutable modality is the satvik guna of the Vedic cosmology. #t is associated
with the culminating phase of de!elopment cycles. #t is the synthesis of the 8egelian
dialectic. 9ualities associated with mutability include pendulum motion, e"uipoise, instability
and uncertainty. The mutable signs are: 4emini, Virgo, Sagittarius, 7isces. ** 4argatholil

The Houses
-ane :udhyar and others ha!e written etensi!ely about the houses and their
meanings. Traditionally, the houses are seen to represent specifc life acti!ities or areas of
eperience. :udhyar has conceptuali&ed the house structure as a progression through the
de!elopmental phases of life. There are twel!e houses, corresponding to the twel!e Zodiacal
signs and the twel!e states deri!ed by combining the se"uence of elements and modalities.

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