2014 - Companies Form 2 - Application For Incorporation As A Private Company Limited by Shares

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Companies Form 2


(Section 6)
NOTE: This application is for a private company with share capital (section 17). It may not have more than 50
shareholers (section 1!). It has the capacity to enter any "#siness$ #nless restricte "y its articles (section %%).
&owever$ it is "o#n "y its acts even if they are contrary to restrictions in its articles (sections %' an %(). The
articles may restrict the ri)ht to transfer shares. It is prohi"ite from ma*in) any invitation to the p#"lic to p#rchase
its shares or e"ent#res (section 1%%). If it is wo#n #p an its assets are ins#fficient to cover its lia"ilities$ the
lia"ility of its shareholers is limite to the amo#nt left #npai on their shares (sections %!5 an %!!).

(1) Name of Company:
(2)General nature of business:

(a)Principal business:

(b)Oter business

(3) ! "e articles do not restrict te business tat te company may conduct
! "e articles restrict te business tat te company may conduct as follo#s$


(4)Situation of re%istered o&ce:

(5)Postal address of te company:

'(mail )ddress

"elepone*Cell Number
(6)Nominal capital:

+, -S., /________________________________________________

di0ided into ......................sares of

"e articles limit te number of sareolders to.
()1ate of be%innin% of second 2nancial year (if not anni0ersary of date of incorporation):

Note tat forms must be type#ritten in duplicate
(!) )rticles to be used (tic3 as applicable)
S"a#$a%$ articles
)rticles proposed by subscribers
1elete #ice0er is not applicable
(&)Particulars of 2rst directors:
4orenames and surnames
forenames or
if any
Nationality and
N5C No6 or
passport No6
5esidential and
Postal addresses
Occupation, and
oter bodies
corporate in #ic
directorsip is eld
('() Particulars of 2rst secretary of company
a) if an indi0idual:
4orenames and surnames
4orenames or
if any
Nationality and N5C
No6 or passport No6 5esidential and
Postal addresses
and any oter bodies
corporate in #ic
secretarysips is
b) if a body corporate
Name of body corporate 5e%istered o&ce of
body corporate
5e%istered Postal
Name of any oter
body corporate in
#ic secretary(
sip is eld
)ddress of principal
o&ce, if di7erent
from re%istered o&ce
N)"*: 8ere all te partners in 2rm are 9oint secretaries, te name and address of te principal o&cer of te 2rm (and, if tat address is outside
:ambia, te address of te principal o&cer of te 2rm in :ambia) may be %i0en, instead of te particulars of eac partner6
8ere te Secretary is a body corporate name and it;s re%istered of principal o&ce (and, if tat o&ce is outside :ambia, te address of te body
corporate in :ambia) sould be %i0en6
+e$ the several persons whose names an aresses are s#"scri"e$ wish to "e forme into a PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY
SHARES in p#rs#ance of this application$ an we respectively a)ree to ta*e the n#m"er of shares in the capital of the company set
opposite o#r respective names.
,orenames an
Nationality an N-.
N#m"er or passport
-esiential aress /ostal aress

No. an class of
shares to "e ta*en
0i)nat#re of
Orinary /referential
NOTE: 1n 1pplication shall "e accompanie with:2
(a) The propose articles where the stanar articles are not aopte
(") 1 eclaration of compliance with the 1ct
3ate the 44444444444444 ay of444444444444 %04444..
+itness to the a"ove si)nat#res:44444 44.4444 4444444. 44444444.
Name 1ress Occ#pation 0i)nat#re

Name an aress of inivi#al lo)in) the application:

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