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Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems ILO-OSH


Promote opportunities for workers to obtain decent and productive
work in safe condition, , equity, security and human dignity.
The ILO guidelines have designed as a practical tool for assisting
organizations and competent institutions as a means of achieving
continual improvement in OSH performance.

The ILO guidelines contribute to the protection of workers from hazards and
to the elimination of work-related injuries, ill health, diseases, incidents and
deaths by:-
Provide guidance regarding the integration of OSH management system
elements in the organization as a component of policy and management
Motivate all members of the organization, to continually improve OSH

The ILO guideline covers the following aspects:-
The occupational safety and health management system in the
Main elements of the OSH management system
Planning and implementation.
Measuring performance
Action for improvement.
Auditing and reviewing performance
Hazard prevention
Emergency prevention, preparedness and response
Note: - the guideline gave a brief summary of the aspects listed above.

The guideline includes some useful definitions such as (employer, work,
Also includes relevant ILO conventions and recommendations.

The OHSAS Standards covering OH&S management are intended to
provide organizations with the elements of an effective OH&S
management system that can be integrated with other management
requirements and help organizations achieve OH&S and economic
NOTE: - This OHSAS Standard is based on the methodology known as Plan-
Do-Check-Act (PDCA). PDCA can be briefly described as follows:

Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results
in accordance with the organizations OH&S policy.
Do: implement the processes.
Check: monitor and measure processes against OH&S policy, objectives,
legal and other requirements, and report the results.
Act: take actions to continually improve OH&S performance.

The OHSAS includes some terms and definitions.

Cover OH&S management system requirements:
OH&S policy.
o includes a commitment to prevention of injury and ill health
and continual improvement in OH&S management and
OH&S performance
o includes a commitment to at least comply with applicable
legal requirements and with other requirements
o Provides the framework for setting and reviewing OH&S
o Etc.
o Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining
o Legal and other requirements
Implementation and operation
o Resources, roles, responsibility, accountability and
o Competence, training and awareness
o Communication, participation and consultation
o Documentation
o Emergency preparedness and response

o Performance measurement and monitoring
o Evaluation of compliance
o Incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective action and
preventive action
o Control of records
o Internal audit

Management review
o Include results of internal audits and evaluations of
compliance with applicable legal requirements
o Follow-up actions from previous management reviews.
o changing circumstances, including developments in legal
and other requirements related to OH&S
o Etc.

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