Pancreas, Found Just Behind The Stomach, Makes Insulin. in People With Insulin-Dependent

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(1) There are two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent.

9095% of the estimated 1314 miion peope in the !nited "tates with diabetes ha#e non$
ins%in$dependent, or Type &&, diabetes. Be'a%se this form of diabetes %s%ay be(ins in ad%ts
o#er the a(e of 40 and is most 'ommon after the a(e of 55, it %sed to be 'aed ad%t$onset
diabetes. &ts symptoms often de#eop (rad%ay and are hard to identify at first) therefore,
neary haf of a peope with diabetes do not *now they ha#e it. +or instan'e, someone who
has de#eoped Type && diabetes may fee tired or i witho%t *nowin( why. This 'an be
parti'%ary dan(ero%s be'a%se %ntreated diabetes 'an 'a%se dama(e to the heart, bood
#esses, eyes, *idneys, and ner#es. ,hie the 'a%ses, short$term effe'ts, and treatments of the
two types of diabetes differ, both types 'an 'a%se the same on($term heath probems.
(-) .ost importanty, both types affe't the body/s abiity to %se di(ested food for ener(y.
0iabetes does not interfere with di(estion, b%t it does pre#ent the body from %sin( an
important prod%'t of di(estion, glucose ('ommony *nown as s%(ar), for ener(y. 1fter a
mea, the norma di(esti#e system brea*s some food down into (%'ose. The bood 'arries the
(%'ose or s%(ar thro%(ho%t the body, 'a%sin( bood (%'ose e#es to rise. &n response to this
rise, the hormone ins%in is reeased into the boodstream and si(nas the body tiss%es to
metaboi2e or b%rn the (%'ose for f%e, whi'h 'a%ses bood (%'ose e#es to ret%rn to
norma. The (%'ose that the body does not %se ri(ht away is stored in the i#er, m%s'e, or
(3) &n both types of diabetes, howe#er, this norma pro'ess maf%n'tions. 1 (and 'aed the
pancreas, fo%nd 3%st behind the stoma'h, ma*es insulin. &n peope with ins%in$dependent
diabetes, the pan'reas does not prod%'e ins%in at a. This 'ondition %s%ay be(ins in
'hidhood and is *nown as Type & (formery 'aed 3%#enie$onset) diabetes. These patients
m%st ha#e daiy ins%in in3e'tions to s%r#i#e. 4eope with non$ins%in$dependent diabetes
%s%ay prod%'e some ins%in in their pan'reas, b%t their bodies/ tiss%es do not respond we to
the ins%in si(na and, therefore, do not metaboi2e the (%'ose propery, a 'ondition *nown
as ins%in resistan'e.
(4) &ns%in resistan'e is an important fa'tor in non$ins%in$dependent diabetes, and s'ientists
are sear'hin( for the 'a%ses of ins%in resistan'e. They ha#e identified two possibiities. The
first is that there 'o%d be a defe't in the ins%in re'eptors on 'es. 5i*e an appian'e that
needs to be p%((ed into an ee'tri'a o%tet, ins%in has to bind to a re'eptor in order to
f%n'tion. "e#era thin(s 'an (o wron( with re'eptors. +or e6ampe, there may not be eno%(h
re'eptors to whi'h ins%in may bind, or a defe't in the re'eptors may pre#ent ins%in from
bindin(. The se'ond possibe 'a%se of ins%in resistan'e is that, atho%(h ins%in may bind to
the re'eptors, the 'es do not read the si(na to metaboi2e the (%'ose. "'ientists 'ontin%e to
st%dy these 'es to see why this mi(ht happen.
(5) There/s no '%re for diabetes yet. 7owe#er, there are ways to ae#iate its symptoms. &n
1989, a :ationa &nstit%te of 7eath pane of e6perts re'ommended that the best treatment for
non$ins%in$dependent diabetes is a diet that heps one maintain a norma wei(ht and pays
parti'%ar attention to a proper baan'e of the different food (ro%ps. .any e6perts, in'%din(
those in the 1meri'an 0iabetes 1sso'iation, re'ommend that 5090% of daiy 'aories 'ome
from 'arbohydrates, 1--0% from protein, and no more than 30% from fat. +oods that are
ri'h in 'arbohydrates, i*e breads, 'ereas, fr%its, and #e(etabes, brea* down into (%'ose
d%rin( di(estion, 'a%sin( bood (%'ose to rise. 1dditionay, st%dies ha#e shown that 'oo*ed
foods raise bood (%'ose hi(her than raw, %npeeed foods. 1 do'tor or n%tritionist sho%d
aways be 'ons%ted for more of this *ind of information and for hep in pannin( a diet to
offset the effe'ts of this form of diabetes.
1''ordin( to the passa(e, what may be the most dan(ero%s aspe't of Type && diabetes;
a. &ns%in shots are needed daiy for treatment of Type && diabetes.
b. Type && diabetes may (o %ndete'ted and, therefore, %ntreated.
'. &n Type && diabetes, the pan'reas does not prod%'e ins%in.
d. Type && diabetes interferes with di(estion.
,hi'h of the foowin( are the same for Type & and Type && diabetes;
a. treatments
b. on($term heath ris*s
'. short$term effe'ts
d. 'a%ses
1''ordin( to the passa(e, one pa'e in whi'h e6'ess (%'ose is stored is the
a. stoma'h.
b. ins%in re'eptors.
'. pan'reas.
d. i#er.
1 diet dominated by whi'h of the foowin( is re'ommended for non$ins%in$dependent
a. protein
b. fat
'. 'arbohydrates
d. raw foods
,hi'h of the foowin( is the main f%n'tion of ins%in;
a. &t si(nas tiss%es to metaboi2e s%(ar.
b. &t brea*s down food into (%'ose.
'. &t 'arries (%'ose thro%(ho%t the body.
d. &t binds to re'eptors.
,hi'h of the foowin( statements best s%mmari2es the main theme of the passa(e;
a. Type & and Type && diabetes are best treated by maintainin( a hi(h$protein diet.
b. Type && diabetes is a distin't 'ondition that 'an be mana(ed by maintainin( a heathy
'. Type & diabetes is an insidio%s 'ondition most harmf% when the patient is not ta*in(
daiy ins%in in3e'tions.
d. 1d%ts who s%spe't they may ha#e Type && diabetes sho%d immediatey adopt a hi(h$
'arbohydrate diet.
,hi'h of the foowin( is mentioned in the passa(e as a possibe probem with ins%in
re'eptors in ins%in$resistant indi#id%as;
a. <#ereatin( 'a%ses the re'eptors to f%n'tion impropery.
b. There may be an o#erab%ndan'e of re'eptors present.
'. 1 defe't 'a%ses the re'eptors to bind with (%'ose.
d. 1 defe't hinders the re'eptors from bindin( with ins%in.
1''ordin( to the passa(e, in norma indi#id%as, whi'h of the foowin( pro'esses o''%r
immediatey after the di(esti#e system 'on#erts some food into (%'ose;
a. The (%'ose is metaboi2ed by body tiss%es.
b. &ns%in is reeased into the boodstream.
'. Bood s%(ar e#es rise.
d. The pan'reas man%fa't%res in'reased amo%nts of ins%in.
Based on the information in the passa(e, whi'h of the foowin( best des'ribes peope
with Type & diabetes;
a. They do not need to be treated with in3e'tions of ins%in.
b. They 'omprise the ma3ority of peope with diabetes.
'. Their pan'reases do not prod%'e ins%in.
d. They are %s%ay dia(nosed as ad%ts.
,hat is the 'osest meanin( of the %nderined word offset in the fina senten'e of the
a. 'o%ntera't
b. '%re
'. soothe
d. erase

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