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for IWAMSN2014
IWAMSN 2014 Local Organizing Committee is pleased to arrange the free transfer for all
participants attending the IWAMSN 2014 ith the folloing sched!les"
I# $A NOI % $A LON&"
1# 'rom Noi (ai Airport )$a Noi Capital* to $a Long cit+" )For International participants only*
This is for those who arrives at the Noi Bai international airort an! "o to #a Lon" $it% !ire$tl%& The
IWAMSN Lo$al 'r"ani(in" )o**ittee +IWAMSN2014 L'), will arran"e the airort transfer on 02 da+s"
No,em-er 1
and No,em-er 2
+for so*e arti$iants who arrive in the Noi Bai International Airort on
Nove*.er/ lease infor* 0a$1ie #an at os2hoa.inhto3rist&$o*/ )$4 iwa*sn2i*s&vast&a$&vn well
earl% in or!er for 3s *ana"e,& 'ther !a%/ arti$iants will arran"e the transfer .% the*selves& The i$1 5
3 ti*e !een!s on the fli"ht s$he!3les of arti$iants& As the !istan$e .etween Noi Bai aiort an! #a
Lon" $it% is far +62001*, so the earl% arrivin" arti$iants *a% nee! to wait for other arti$iants who
arrive a .it later& There will .e "reetin" staff at the airort to hel fin!in" a "oo! an! $o*forta.le la$e to
rela7 while waitin" for other arti$iants&
2# 'rom $a Noi cit+ to $a Long cit+"
This is for those who arrives in #a Noi earl% as well as for !o*esti$ arti$iants& IWAMSN L') will
arran"e the free transfer onl% on one !a%4 Nove*.er 2
& The arti$iants nee! to "ather at 84-0 AM on
Nove*.er 2
at the #ea! 93arter of :ietna* A$a!e*% of S$ien$e an! Te$hnolo"% at 18 #oan" 93o$
:iet street/ )a3 ;ia% !istri$t to <oin the .3s to #a Lon" $it%& 'therwives/ arti$iants will fin! their own
wa% to #a Lon" $it%&
II# $A LON& % $A NOI
1# 'rom $a Long cit+ directl+ to the Airport"
This transfer arran"e*ent is for arti$iants who will nee! to "o to the Noi Bai airort +#a Noi $aital,
!ire$tl%& IWAMSN2014=s L') will arran"e free transfer on two !a%s4 Nove*.er >
an! Nove*.er ?
'ther than these !a%s/ arti$iants will .e resonsi.le for their own transfer&
If arti$iants $o3l! not <oin the afternoon si"htseein" to3r to #a Lon" Ba% an! nee! to "o to airort
earl% on Nove*.er >
/ IWAMSN2014=s L') will arran"e the transfer a$$or!in" to the earliest fli"ht
s$he!3les of arti$iants an! other arti$iants who nee! to "o in the *ornin" will <oin the .3s of the
earliest ones&
For those who $an <oin the afternoon si"htseein" to3r to #a Lon" Ba%/ IWAMSN2014=s L') will arran"e
the transfer at 1>400PM ri"ht after the en! of to3r an! arti$iants will arrive at the airort aro7i*atel%
at aro3n! 20400PM an! $an $at$h the fli"ht after this ti*e a.o3t 2 ho3rs& 'ne ho3r after this ti*e $an .e
ris1% if arti$iant $annot !o the a!van$e! online re"istration& These participants are strongly requested
to check out and bring along the luggages on the appointed bus to aiport after the tour.
For those who will !eart to Noi Bai airort +#a Noi $it%, on Nove*.er ?
/ IWAMSN2014=s L') will
arran"e *ornin" .3s tri for all arti$iants an! this also !een!s on the earliest fli"ht of arti$iant an!
other arti$iants will <oin the .3s with this one&
'ther than these !a%s/ arti$iants will $over the $ost for their own transfer arran"e*ent&
2. 'rom $a Long cit+ to $anoi cit+"
The IWAMSN14=s L') will arran"e the .3s for arti$iants who want to "o to #a Noi onl% on 01 !a%4
Nove*.er >
at 14400PM an! 1>400PM ri"ht after finishin" the #a Lon" Ba% to3r +These participants are
strongly requested to check out and bring along the luggages on the appointed bus to aiport after the
'ther than this/ arti$iants will arran"e the transfer the*selves&
All arti$iants who wants to 3se this lan is re@3ire! to fill the for* .elow an! sen! it to Mr& 0a$1ie #an
at os2hoa.inhto3rist&$o* .efore '$ 2A
or $onta$t hi* !ire$tl% at B84&C8&C8&C8&1C8 or
./ANS'0/ 'O/M
F3ll na*e4
Arrival +for international arti$iants onl%,4 !ate4 ti*e4 fli"ht n3*.er4
Deart3re +for international arti$iants onl%,4 !ate4 ti*e4 fli"ht n3*.er4
Fro* 18 #oan" 93o$ :iet/ #anoi to #alon" +at 8h-0 AM Nove*.er 2
Fro* #a Lon" to #anoi +at 14400 PM Nove*.er >
Fro* #a Lon" to #anoi +at 1>400 PM Nove*.er >
Note: For any transfer requirement, please email to Mr. Jackie an at
ops! and "c. #$%M&N'()*! or contact him
directly at ,-*..-..-..-.).- or ,-*..)/.)...-00

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