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1. An RC circuit has an e.m.f given (in volts) by , a resistance of 100 ohms and a
capacitance of 10
farad. Initially there is no charge on the capacitor. Find the current in
the circuit at any time.

2. The equation of motion of a body of mass m falling vertically under the action of a
download gravitational force mg and an upward aerodynamic drag force () is

(), where v(t) is one velocity for the case () with the initial
condition v(0)=0, what is the terminal velocity.

3. The population of a certain country is known to increase at a rate proportional to the
number of people presently living in the country. If after two years the population has
doubled, and after three years the population is 20,000. Estimate the number of people
initially living in the country.
4. A 25 liter gas cylinder contains 80% Oxygen and 20% Helium. If Helium is added at a
rate 0.2litres a second and the mixture is drown off at the same rate, how long will it be
before the cylinder contains 80% Helium?


2. ()

3. N
4. 173 seconds (aprrox).


1. A stream pipe 20cm in diameter contains stream at 150
C and is covered with asbestos
5cm thick. The outside temperature is kept at 60
C. By how much should the thickness
of the covering be increased in order that the rate of the heat loss should be decreased
by 25%.
2. A metal bar of a temperature of 100
F is placed in a room at a constant temperature of
F. If after 20 minutes the temperature of the bar is 50
F . Find
(a) the time it will take the bar to reach a temperature of 25
F and
(b) the temperature of the bar after 10 minutes.
3. A certain radioactive material is known to decay at a rate proportional to the amount
present. If initially there is 50 milligrams of the material present and after two hours it is
observed that the material has lost 10 percent of its original mass. Find
(a) an expression for the mass of the material remaining at any time t, and
(b) the time at which the material has decayed to one half of its initial mass.
4. A sea shell contains 90% as much C-14 as a living shell of the same size. How old is it ?
approximately how many years did it take for its C-14 content to diminish from its initial
value to 99% of that? (C-14 half life is 5570years).

1. 2.16 cm.
2. (a) 39.6 mins (b) 70.5
F .
3. (a) N=50 e
(b) t=13 hours.
4. 847 years.

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