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Bexar Audubon Society

is a chapter of the National

Audubon Society. Its primary
goals are to promote species
Volume XXVI, No. 4 and habitat conservation and
November-December 2008
Bexar Tracks environmental education in the

For the latest news and updates, see and
Inside this issue:

Bexar Audubon
Thursday, November Turns
13, 2008, 25!
6:00 PM
November Program & Celebration! All BAS members and guests are invited! The Unexpected 2
For 25 years, a small but tation by John Karger and ers will unhesitatingly af-
dedicated band has fought his magnificent birds of firm, “Yes, he/she deserves
for the environment of the prey from Last Chance that.” Last Chance Forever 3
Earth and the San Antonio Forever. Karger will dem- November Program
Please join us Nov. 13
region under the banner of onstrate his birds' intelli-
to witness the first presen-
the Bexar Audubon Soci- gence and skills and ex-
tation of this honor to Ruth January 2009 Program 4
ety. As we mark a quarter plain how the ancient art of
Lofgren, Ernie Roney, and McNay Art Museum
century of hard but gratify- falconry contributes to the
Bill Sinkin.
ing work, we invite those modern goal of conserving
Cost of the banquet is Mitchell Lake Audubon 4
who have helped our chap- birds of prey.
ter's efforts, our allies in $35 per person. Please Center
The occasion will also
other organizations fighting send your check, made out
unveil Bexar Audubon's
the same good fight, and
newest and highest honor,
to Bexar Audubon Society Happenings: Cibolo, SA 5
friends who share our con-
the Conservation Hero
with 'banquet' on the memo Natural Areas
cern, to join us in celebra- line, to Bexar Audubon
award. This is a special
tion. A 25th anniversary Society, P.O. Box 6084, Banquet Reply Form 7
tribute to the “bravest of the
banquet will take place San Antonio, TX 78209.
brave” among our region's
Thursday, Nov. 13, at 6 Include a note with the
environmental strugglers. It
p.m., in the Brazier Room names of individuals cov-
is an award for heart as
of Los Patios Restaurant, ered by the check. Or feel
much as achievement and Los Patios is located at
and YOU ARE INVITED. free to use the form on
will go to people who have 2015 NE Loop 410 be-
NOTE: This is the chapter's page 7 of the newsletter.
dedicated many years of tween Harry Wurzbach and
usual meeting date, so no Questions? E-mail presi- Starcrest (four exits east of
their lives to conservation
change in schedule is or the airport on the west-
or have made extraordinary
needed during the busy pre call Harry Noyes at bound access road from
personal sacrifices for the
-holiday season. 210.490.3124. Read more Exit 25A, Starcrest, just
cause. In coming years,
We are pleased and only a handful will earn this about John Karger & Last down the hill from Alamo
proud to announce that the special honor, but they will Chance Forever on page 3. Toyota).
affair will include a presen- be people of whom all oth-

December Elections and Party

Thursday, December 11, 2008, 6:00 PM: Happy Holidays!
Time to break out the provided so we can all en- Gifts in recent years have down to the serious busi-
holiday cheer and join to- joy a scrumptious array of included fuzzy-teddy-bear ness of partying!
gether for an evening of fun holiday fare. binoculars, a glow-in-the-
Do come and join in.
and relaxation. Come gear dark dashboard ornament,
And it’s White Elephant EVERYONE is invited! It’s
up for the holidays with a starling trap, and other
Gift Exchange time! Bring a casual opportunity to
Bexar Audubon, at the wonderful treasures!
something you’d just HATE spend some time with like-
home of Bruce and Susan
to part with (you know We’ll also conduct a minded conservationists
Hughes in the King William
you’ve got ‘em!) and see little chapter business. This and be grateful for our
area. Call for directions and
how much it’ll be enjoyed is an election year, so the commitment to make the
to reply: 210.532.2032.
by some lucky other person “formal” part of the meeting San Antonio area — and
Bring a covered dish or at the party. And who will be electing new chapter the world — a better, more
treat to share; beverages, knows what you’ll end up officers and two board sustainable place for us all.
plates, utensils, etc., will be taking home with you? members; then we’ll get Happy Holidays!
Page 2 November-December 2008 Bexar Tracks

The Unexpected President - Harry Noyes -

You are invited to Second, we realized This first honorees are nio's "greenest restaurant,"
that this was not just an Ruth Lofgren and Ernie both literally and figura-
help us celebrate our opportunity to celebrate Roney for decades of work tively. I look forward to
2008 Bexar past successes but also a to protect Mitchell Lake, seeing you there.
Audubon Society chance to implement one their leadership in its be-
I was gratified to get
of our strategic-plan goals. coming a successful Audu-
Conservation Heroes: That is our desire to sup- bon Center, and their con-
two promising responses
to my last column calling
Ruth Lofgren port and foster the entire tinued volunteer work
for more people to help
local conservation/ there. No matter what the
Ernie Roney environmental community. odds or how intense the
Bexar Audubon pursue its
goals. I want to assure
Bill Sinkin One of the tactics we se- adversity, Ruth and Ernie
those folks we will be in
lected was to honor out- displayed remarkable resil-
touch with specific sugges-
standing contributors to iency and would not move
tions when we get a few
I will start with the most impor- that community and its from their goals of estab-
(unprescribed) fires put
tant Bexar Audubon Society work. lishing Mitchell Lake as a
out. But for now, to all the
news of the season and then We have given awards
world-class refuge for birds
other BAS members, I'd
end on a personal note that before, but this will be the
and a jewel of south San
like to pass a personal
may seem at first glance to first time that we will pre-
Antonio. Completing the
have little to do with our mis- sent the “award of
slate is Bill Sinkin, foun-
sion of conservation education der and sustainer of Solar Don't delay! I have be-
awards,” the new Bexar
and advocacy...but perhaps San Antonio and an advo- come agonizingly aware
Audubon Society Con-
cate for the environment how quickly we can lose
more than we realize. servation Hero trophy.
even when being green the ability to achieve what
On the first page of this This is an honor not for wasn’t cool. Along with his we want to with our lives. I
newsletter you will find a one-time or short-term wife Fay, whom we hon- have just been through a
details about one of the effort, however noble or ored at BAS’s 20th Anni- week of misery, not sure
most exciting events of our effective, but for many versary celebration for her what triggered it, and my
year, our Nov. 13 banquet years of struggle or excep- work in protecting the Ed- treatments are very slow to
celebrating 25 years of tional sacrifice for the wards Aquifer, Bill is take effect.
Bexar Audubon's work. We cause. It is an award more clearly among the most
were so busy with the mis- Bottom line: I've found
for heart than achieve- influential individuals work-
sion that we almost forgot how fast perspectives can
ment, though most recipi- ing for good in San Anto-
this milestone and have change, from focus on the
ents will surely be achiev- nio’s civic history.
had to scramble to make world to a narrow and total
ers as well as people of
the necessary arrange- All three inaugural he- obsession with one's own
ments in time to get them roes have been quiet war- health. I've lost interest in
into this newsletter. There won't be many riors for their causes, the election, in hurricanes,
Conservation Hero awards achieving their goals with in the aquifer, in birds,
I want to express my but we are determined that tenacity and effective per- even in my beloved books.
gratitude to BAS vice all selectees will be people suasion, armed I've had to
president Tony Wood, pro- of whom you will say, with good infor- cut back on
gram chair Patty Pasztor, "Indeed, those are truly mation and a Conservation Heroes: the volun-
all-around chapter guru worthy honorees"...and fervent desire to teer activi-
Susan Hughes and all our people with whom earlier make San Anto- “people of whom ties that I
board members for their recipients will be proud to nio a better place counted on
ideas, wise counsel and be associated. you will say, ‘Indeed,
to live for us all. to make my
support of this surge effort. those are truly retirement
We are confident that I urge you to
It would have been this is the case with our take advantage
worthy honorees.’” as busy and
easy to ignore the anniver- first three selectees. of this chance to rewarding
sary, but we forged ahead (Ordinarily we will be thank these true conserva- as work. Only the pressure
for two reasons. unlikely to give more than tion heroes. And by the of necessity enables me to
one Conservation Hero way, we will have a special keep up my Bexar Audu-
First, it would be unfair
award a year, on average, program with John Karger bon work via e-mail. I am
to the many hardworking
but we are trying to catch and his raptors from Last getting a little better and
past chapter leaders and
up a little on people who Chance Forever and, of hope to be well by Nov. 13,
activists who built our leg-
have deserved such an course, an excellent meal but the lesson is burned
acy to let such an occasion
honor for many years.) at what may be San Anto- into my mind forever:
pass unmarked.
Page 3 November-December 2008 Bexar Tracks

...Unexpected AGUA News

There is no substitute Dear AQUIFER GUARDIAN,
for your health. Use it while The AGUA office recently received a request from the Green Spaces Alliance to assist
you can. Take that trip to them in identifying land in the Edwards Aquifer region for conservation. Specifically, they are
Europe now. Write that looking for land that contains, or is likely to contain, endangered species — the Golden-
novel now. START YOUR cheeked warbler, Black-capped vireo, or Karst invertebrates. Many of these endangered spe-
VOL U NT EER WO RK cies serve as “health indicators” for the Edwards Aquifer, so the more we protect them, the
NOW, whether for Bexar more we protect our drinking water source. The GSA is looking for property in several coun-
Audubon or any other wor- ties across the Edwards region, including Bexar, Medina, Comal, and Bandera counties.
thy cause.
If you have property you would like to dedicate to conservation or know of a property
Editor’s Note: There’s
that might be a good candidate, please contact Cherie Heuser at: 210.222.8430 x 5
many ways you can help!
(Monday or Friday, 9 AM—2 PM) or THANK YOU!
Email Harry Noyes at pres-; Elyzabeth Earnley, Technical Research Director
log on to www.sanatural Aquifer Guardians In Urban Areas (AGUA) or www.bexar 210.320.6298;

Excerpt From

In The Flow: Eagles

In the Flow is a weekly freshwater news wrapup and analysis prepared by the River Systems Institute. In the Flow
partners with Public Strategies, Inc. to keep you apprised of the latest news and events concerning the river systems of
Texas and important freshwater issues on a regional, national and world level.
An editorial in the Austin American-Statesman avers that bald eagles, such as those at Lake Buchanan, could face
threats to their habitat under changes to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Rule, if the birds or their nests are in the way of
development. Published in the Aug. 14 edition of the Federal Register, the explanation of the change is chilling, says the
writer, in its outline of what's about to happen. The new program is "designed to protect bald and golden eagle populations,
while providing the flexibility necessary for people to manage their land and businesses. This program would allow issu-
ance of permits under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act authorizing activities that may disturb eagles, require nest
removal, or otherwise result in the death of or injury to a bird." We're protecting them by allowing them to be killed or in-
jured, the writer asks? What we're saying, he asserts, is that managing land or businesses can take precedence over mega
-raptors that are just beginning to assert themselves after nearly being wiped out. He goes on to say that if “we're trying to
protect eagles, do that. Don't set up parameters that would allow them to be killed or injured."

More Information on
November 2008: Last Chance Forever with John Karger
Thursday, November 13, 2008, 6:00 PM at Los Patios
John Karger is Executive Director of Last Chance Forever, The Bird of Prey Conservancy.
He is a Master Falconer, Certified Veterinary Technician, and recipient of a Bio-engineering be-
havior certification from Southwest Research Institute. He holds wildlife rescue, rehabilitation,
and educational permits to care for and teach about native wildlife including endangered spe-
cies. His educational background is in the wildlife and veterinary sciences.
For over 30 years, Mr. Karger has been deeply involved in wildlife rehabilitation releasing
well over 2,000 birds. The impact of his work is national, and international.
His public educational programs have touched well over a million people, exposing them to
the importance of birds of prey and their living within a healthy ecosystem. He currently directs
and performs an average of 350 educational programs annually, reaching an audience of ap- John Karger
Last Chance Forever
proximately 250,000 people throughout Texas and the United States.
To read more about Last Chance Forever: The Bird of Prey Conservancy, log on at
Page 4 November-December 2008 Bexar Tracks

January 2009 Meeting: Audubon Exhibition at the McNay

Thursday, January 8, 2009, 6:00 PM; the McNay Art Museum

January's chapter meet- bition that evening in the colored prints from the "Where the Wild Things
ing will be a special outing Lawson Print Gallery. books on birds (double- Are Drawn," by Kate
to the McNay Art Museum elephant size) and quadru- Carey, museum educator;
HOWEVER, the lecture "Nature Talk & Bird
for their exhibition "Prints peds (imperial size). A few
starts at 6 p.m., a half-hour Watch," by Iliana
Gone Wild: John James belong to the McNay but
earlier than our normal Pena, Mitchell Lake Audu-
Audubon." have never been exhibited
meeting time and an hour bon Center; and "Up Close
before. Others have been
The date will be the earlier than our usual pro- with Critters," a San Anto-
loaned by San Antonio-
same as always, the sec- gram time. So we encour- nio Zoo educator with trav-
area collectors.
ond Thursday (Jan. 8), age you all to make a note eling animals.)
which has two benefits for on your calendars to arrive (NOTE: On Sunday,
us. First, the McNay early. After the lecture, we Nov. 2, from 2:30-4 p.m., The McNay Art Museum is
charges no admission on will have until 9 p.m. to there will be several free located at 6000 New
Thursday evenings. Sec- view the prints. afternoon activities for chil- Braunfels, San Antonio.
ond, prints curator Lyle dren related to the Audu- Info? 210.824.5368 for or
Williams says they will
Williams will be giving a bon exhibition, including
have about 20 hand-
public lecture on the exhi-

Conservation Conversation
Susan Campbell, new Education Coordinator of Medina River Natural Area, is looking for people who are willing to have
a conversation about the possibility of helping create a Friends of Medina River Natural Area organization. If you are inter-
ested in this possibility for Medina River Natural Area, please call Susan at 210.624.2575. For more information on the
Medina River Natural Area, log on at

Coastal Sanctuaries vs. Hurricane Ike

Please check our website for updates on the status of our coastal sanctuaries after the damage sustained by Hurricane
Ike. High Island, Sundown Island, and many other sanctuaries all up and down the coast were affected. Log on for more
information and to find out how you can help:

What’s Happening at Mitchell Lake? Don’t Forget!

Nov. 13: BAS 25th Anniver-
wildlife, including hum- chance to explore the habi- sary Banquet & Program
mingbirds, butterflies, song tat at Mitchell Lake. Dec. 11: Elections & Christ-
birds, lizards, and amphibi-
ans. Plants discussed are
These programs are mas Party
both free; space is limited
not only food sources for
and RSVP is required. For Jan. 9: Outing to the McNay
wildlife, but are also water
more information or to
sources. Wildscaping is
RSVP on any MLAC pro-
also very helpful for pre-
serving soil’s water con- Second Saturday
Saturday, Nov. 8, 2008 or 210.628.1639.
tent, reducing the need to Beginners’ Walks
9:00-11:00 AM water one’s yard. The pro- Mitchell Lake
Join San Antonio
gram concludes with a Audubon Center
MAKE YOUR LAND- Audubon Society on the
Wildscaping Plant Walk. 10750 Pleasanton Rd.
SCAPE A “WILDSCAPE!” second Saturday of the
. San Antonio , TX 78221
Judit Green of Texas month (November 8,
Saturday, Dec. 6, 2008: 210.628.1639
Parks and Wildlife will
December 13); start at
Kids Birding 101 8:00 AM, meet at the
teach you about “wildsca-
ping” your yard. A Wild- A class for children to Mitchell Lake Judson Nature Trails
scape is a landscape in learn more about this fun next to the Alamo
activity. They will learn how Audubon Center Heights swimming pool
which plants provide food,
water, and shelter for wild- to use binoculars and how on Viesca Street. For
life. Wildscaping also pro- to identify the birds they Connecting People more information call,
vides habitat and food for see. They’ll also get a with Nature 210.342.2073. Newbies
Page 5 November-December 2008 Bexar Tracks


All listings are on Saturdays unless indicated otherwise For more information on listings below,
Medina River Natural Area (MRNA)
Medina River Natural Area is located
For more information on CNC events and applications for sustainable build- approximately 4½ miles south of Loop
(those listed and others), www.cibolo. ing and living. The house, co- 410 on State Highway 16 South.
org/calendar or 210.564.6400. sponsored by CNC, is one of only a
handful of LEED certified houses in Art in the Park, MRNA
Rainwater Harvest Workshop the state. Great opportunity if you are November 8, 2008: 9:00-11:00 AM
planning to remodel, build, or are in Join artist Susan Blaker to learn basic
November 8, 2008
the industry. nature printing techniques. Explore the
9 AM—Noon; CNC Auditorium & visit shape and texture of elements found in
to installation. the natural world. Learn to apply ink or
CNC members $20/person and $30/ Boerne Birders paint directly to plants and flowers to
couple; non-members $30/person, November 15, 2008 create life-sized images. Make your own
$40/couple. Preregistration required. 8:00-10:00 AM note cards using natural materi-
Call 830.249.4616. Limited to 30. Meet at the CNC pavilion. Join a als. RSVP, 210.624.2575. $3 suggested
John Kight, engineer and rainwater friendly group of birders who are donation, $5/family.
catchment owner, gives the latest happy to share knowledge and guide
technological information and the this bird walk and monthly census. We
most practical advice. Learn about will bird the 100-acre Nature Center Creatures of the Night, MRNA
design and materials from someone property that includes marsh, prairie, November 8, 2008: 5:00-8:00 PM
who has done it himself! The Kight woodland and Cibolo Creek. Bring Richard Heilbrun, TPWD Wildlife Biolo-
home, with no well or outside water your binoculars and favorite bird book. gist, joins us for an evening about night
source, is in a traditional develop- Free. For more information, call critters & the sounds they make.
ment. Their system comfortably sup- 830.230.5551 or 210.710.3981.
plies delicious water for all household First Saturday Hikes
and landscape needs. Mother Nature’s Storytime: Interpretative Walks in November and
Talkin’ Turkey December
Second Saturday Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008 Call 210.372.9124 or 210.564.6400 for
reservations or info on First Saturday
Volunteer Service Workdays and Hikes detailed below. Hikes may be
November 8, 2008 & Mother Nature’s Storytime: Nature’s cancelled if there are no reservations;
and Homes (Home for the Holidays) participants limited to 15 per hike. Dona-
December 13, 2008 Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2008 tion $2/person suggested.
9:00—Noon; CNC Pavilion 10:00-11:00 AM
Bring family and friends to spend the Friedrich Wilderness Park
CNC Visitor Center
morning pulling weeds, picking up 21395 Milsa
Children (ages 3-5) and their care-
trash and assisting with other to-do November 1, 2008: 9:00-11:00 AM
giver are invited to join Miss Con-
projects to help keep the CNC looking Take a break & come learn about the
stance, Boerne Public Library Youth
beautiful. plants, animals, rocks and how people
Services Librarian, for a fun hour of
have used and shaped our land.
nature activities at the CNC. Partici-
Sustainable Concept House pants will listen to themed nature sto- Crownridge Canyon Natural Area
November 15, 2008 ries, enjoy motion games, finger 7222 Luskey Blvd.
9 AM-12:30 PM plays, and make a craft. December 6, 2008: 9:00-11:00 AM
CNC Auditorium; preregistration re- Learn about the flora, fauna, geology of
quired. Call 830.249.4616. Kids’ Club: Nature Ornaments this great natural area!
CNC continues its green theme by December 13, 2008
offering a workshop on the Sustain- 10:00-11:30 AM Second Saturday Program: Cibolo!
able Concept House. Topics include: Come out to Kid's Club with the kids Eisenhower Park
Passive Solar Design, Geothermal in their life. This month we'll create 19399 NW Military Hwy.
Heating & Cooling, sustainable Build- Christmas ornaments for the birds. November 8, 2008: 10:00 -12 noon
ing Materials, and Passive Solar Hot You can make two: one to take home Join us as Master Naturalist Charlie
Water Heating. Team members from and one for the Nature Center birds. McCarl leads an excursion into the life
the Sustainable Concept House of the buffalo and we learn “where they
( will be have gone.” Call 210.564.644 for reser-
on hand to showcase best practices vations/information.
Page 6 November-December 2008 Bexar Tracks

A Connecticut Lesson: Intro to Birds and Birding

By Nathaniel T. Wheelwright Brunswick, Maine — want our time together to Earlier this summer, the
Forty-three years ago, end because I would have National Audubon Society
when I reached what my to go back to my family's released a definitive study
grandfather imagined to be farm where, to the best of of population trends of
the eve of puberty, I was my knowledge, there were North American birds, a
summoned to spend the no birds. monumental effort based
weekend with him at his on decades of Christmas
Of course, back home
house in rural Connecticut. bird counts and breeding
in the Berkshires of west-
bird surveys. The study
I knew what to expect ern Massachusetts, I found
confirms what my grandfa-
because my four older all the birds I'd been intro-
ther feared and what most
brothers had undergone duced to in Connecticut
of us now know. Birds that
the same rite of passage. and many more, ambassa-
I used to see routinely
The climax of the weekend dors of every color: electric
growing up in New Eng-
would be the ceremonial -blue indigo buntings,
land — evening gros-
“The climax of the presentation of a double- blood-red scarlet tanagers,
beaks, eastern meadow-
barreled shotgun, followed earth-toned veeries. I still
weekend would be the larks, northern bobwhites -
by sober instruction on remember the first black-
ceremonial presentation firearm safety and general burnian warbler I ever saw,
are in free fall. The losses
of a double-barreled manliness. Next, my his throat and cheeks so
are mind-boggling. Since
shotgun…(but) the ritual my grandfather introduced
grandfather would take me vividly orange, his face
had changed. Instead of me to birds just half a life-
on an excursion into the looked like it might burst
time ago, once-common
a gun, I was given a woods and we'd fire off a into flames.
species have declined by
double-barreled pair of few rounds.
Spring and summer as much as 80 percent due
binoculars, and then my But when my turn came mornings thereafter, I'd to the usual suspects:
grandfather took me on the ritual had changed. wake up and listen to the habitat loss, pesticides,
my first bird walk.” Instead of a gun, I was birds singing in my back- introduced species, and
given a double-barreled yard. If there was a sound I climate change. The songs
pair of binoculars, and then couldn't recognize, I'd of tens of millions of birds
my grandfather took me on throw on a shirt and pair of have been silenced. It
my first bird walk. pants, grab my binoculars, feels as if the lights are
and track it down, some- dimming.
I was bewildered. But
thing I still do today.
within an hour my disap- In one sense, extinction
pointment was forgotten, In his later years, my is hugely overrated. The
shoved aside by sheer grandfather used to grum- vast majority of animals
awe at the sight of a red- ble that birds were becom- and plants that disappear
start hovering in midair, the ing scarcer and scarcer. It hardly leave a ripple in the
sound of a wood thrush's was tempting to write off pool of life. Species be-
flute music, the swoosh of his gloom as the natural come rare, they disappear,
chimney swifts rushing in tendency of yet ecosystems
formation overhead. Out of the elderly to persist. In some
the cacophony of the dawn romanticize cases biological
chorus, my grandfather the past, or communities
taught me to pick out the maybe just an are fundamen-
rhythm of a dropped ping- old man's de- tally altered
pong ball in the field spar- teriorating because of the
row's song and the tow- hearing and missing pieces,
hee's exuberant "drink eyesight. But it but most of the
your tea!" By their silhou- was true that time the eco-
ettes alone I learned to the whippoor- Indigo Bunting
logical effects
distinguish a phoebe and a will that had kept me of extinction of species like
kestrel. awake nights when I vis- Bachman's warbler or even
ited him as a boy had gone ivory-billed woodpeckers
That weekend my
quiet, and the woods and are hardly measurable.
grandfather lifted the veil to
fields of the Northeast felt
a world that had not ex- The true loss is spiritual
emptier to me.
isted for me before. I didn't
(continued on page 7)
Page 7 November-December 2008 Bexar Tracks

... Intro to Birds and Birding Computer Recycling

and aesthetic, not func- was about learning how to Companies now taking can be found at www.tceq.
tional or economic. Life become intimate with our back, recycling com-
would go on if every world's signs, smells, puters for free Goodwill Industries and
Shakespeare play and sounds, textures and
Dell, Inc. have worked to
Beethoven sonata were rhythms. It was about Manufacturers selling make free computer recycling
destroyed, but to use the knowing where we are and computer equipment in available at Goodwill outlets
words of the Audubon re- who we are. How wonder- Texas are now required to in Waco, Austin and San An-
port, our skies would be "a ful it would be to be able to offer consumers a way to tonio, among other places.
little quieter and the land- pass that gift on to my own conveniently recycle their
scape a little drabber." Of grandchildren. old computers for free. Environmental groups say
course, we'll always have computers take up space in
CDs of bird song and This state law orders landfills and pushed for the
DVDs of bird behavior to Nathaniel T. Wheelwright manufacturers to take the law because some computer
fall back on — a digital studies the behavioral old computer equipment components can be toxic if
memory, as it were — but ecology of birds and back from consumers with- disposed of improperly.
will that be enough? teaches biology at Bow- out charge. The manufac-
doin College in Brunswick, turers' recycling plans are More info also at
I can see now that my Maine.
listed with the Texas Com-
grandfather's rite of pas- conserve/materials/ecycling/
Reprinted with author’s mission on Environmental
sage was really about con- index. ecycling, not recycling.
permission. Quality; more information
necting us with the land. It

Join us for Bexar Audubon Society’s 25th

Anniversary Celebration at Los Patios,
Thursday, November 13, 2008, 6:00 PM at
the Brazier. Program by John Karger of Last
Chance Forever: Birds of Prey Conservancy,
and special celebration of our three Conser-
vation Hero recipients: Ruth Lofgren, Ernie
Roney, and Bill Sinkin.
______ Yes! I/We will be there!
______ No, sorry, can’t make it, but enclos-
ing a donation.
Please indicate below your reservation
name(s) and a contact number/email

Earth Share of Texas represents the Audubon Foundation of

Name(s): __________________________
Texas and the National Audubon Society in payroll contribution
plans throughout Texas. For information, call 1-800-GREENTX
or email Or please visit our website Phone and/or Email: __________________
at _________________________________
Banquet is $35 per person; please make your
Bexar Audubon Society Contacts check payable to Bexar Audubon Society and
President & Webmaster: Harry Noyes — 210.490.3124, mark “banquet” on the memo line. Please
Vice President: Tony Wood — 210.867.2363; return this form with your check to Bexar
Treasurer: Caryl Swann — 210.653.2860; Audubon Society, PO Box 6084, San Antonio
Secretary: Anita Anderson — 210.533.8726; TX 78209. Questions? Contact Harry Noyes,
At-Large: Amy L. Whitley — 210.340.0114; 210.490.3124 or president@ bexaraudu-
At-Large: Kathy Ikerd — We look forward to seeing you for
Programs/Outings: Patty Pasztor — 210.824.1235; this very special celebration!
Editor: Michele Wood — 210.492.4684,
Bexar Audubon Society Organization
PO Box 6084 US Postage Paid
San Antonio TX
San Antonio TX 78209-0084 Permit #590

Bexar Tracks November-December 2008

Bexar Tracks is the official newsletter of the

Bexar Audubon Society, a Chapter of the
National Audubon Society. The Chapter’s
primary goals are to promote species and
habitat conservation and environmental
education in the community.
Your membership includes National Audubon
and Bexar Audubon and subscriptions to both
Audubon and Bexar Tracks.

For the latest information on environmental

events and happenings throughout the San
Antonio community and surrounding areas,
check out and

Membership and Support for Your Environmental Voice in Our Community

Bexar Audubon welcomes new members to join Audubon through the chapter. This brings 100 percent of the first year’s
dues directly back to support local work. The same applies to gift memberships placed through the chapter. Your additional
tax deductible donation is greatly appreciated. Bexar Audubon receives only a few thousand dollars each year from Na-
tional Audubon Society as dues share. The rest we must raise ourselves. Your help is needed, and your donations will be
put to good use right here in South Central Texas to provide environmental news and education to the community, includ-
ing the newsletter, programs, San Antonio Environmental Network Issues Forum, Second Saturday programs, and other
activities you may or may not hear about.
Individual introductory memberships are $20; seniors and students join for $15. Please provide the following information
for each personal subscription or gift:

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address with Zip Code: _______________________________________________________________________

Phone w/Area Code: _________________________________ e-mail ________________________________________

Do you wish to opt out of other mailings by Audubon or those with whom it shares lists? ____ yes ____ no
Make checks payable to “Bexar Audubon Society” and mail to the address above.
Enclosed: $__________ for subscription(s) $_________ additional donation

NOTE: If you change address or cancel membership, you do NOT need to contact Bexar Audubon but MUST contact National Audubon (and we
will automatically get that change when we download labels). Save time and energy by mailing your change of address information to National Audu-
bon Society Membership Data Center, PO Box 52529, Boulder CO 80322-2529; phoning 800.274.4201; or e-mailing

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