Volume XXV, No. 1 January-February 2007

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Bexar Audubon Society

is a chapter of the
National Audubon
Society. Its primary
goals are to promote

Bexar Tracks
species and habitat
conservation and envi-
ronmental education
Volume XXV, No. 1

in the community.
January-February 2007

For the latest news & updates, see http://www.bexaraudubon.org & http://www.sa-naturecenter.org

Thursday, January 11•6:30PM gathering; 6:45 announcements; 7:00 program

Trinity University Cowles Life Sciences Building, Room 336 (see map, p. 2) •Free & open to the public
Geology of the Canyon Lake Gorge, a Glimpse at
Central Texas during Early Cretaceous
Following days of tumultuous rains on July 4, Engineers and is presently leased by the
2002, Canyon Lake rose high enough to pour Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, which has
over its spillway for the first time in history. In plans to open up trails on a limited basis for
hours, the gently sloping creek valley below the research and education.
spillway was transformed into a long gorge, Dr. Ward is Professor Emeritus of Geology,
excavated as much as 30-40 feet below the for- University of New Orleans. He received Geology
mer ground level. The new canyon exposes a degrees from UT Austin and Rice University. His
200-foot-thick section of the Glen Rose research has focused on limestones and other
Formation, deposited in a shallow sea about 110 sedimentary rocks in the Yucatan Peninsula,
million years ago. Also spectacularly exposed in northeastern Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, Egypt,
Canyon Lake Gorge is a stretch of the Hidden the U.S. Gulf Coast, and Central Texas. Bill is
Valley Fault of the Balcones Fault Zone. now retired, living in the Hill Country near
Dr. Bill Ward will discuss these unique features Boerne. He is active with Native Plant Society of
and how they give insight into the flow of Texas and the Cibolo Nature Center. He provides
groundwater in limestone aquifers. The Canyon instruction in geology for Master Naturalists and
Lake Gorge site is owned by the Corps of other groups.

Canyon Gorge Field Trip (near Canyon Dam)

January 13th •10AM – 1PM. Leader – Dr. Bill Ward. Trip limited to 25 people.
For reservations & details call Patty at (210)824-1235 or email pasztor@ix.netcom.com.
The alternate date in case of inclement weather is February 3rd.

Thursday, February 8•Same time and place as above •more on p.2

Mike Mecke on
Rainwater Harvesting:
What's Old Is New Again!
Rainwater Harvesting Insights from the Wood
Join us as Mike Mecke explains Bexar Tracks Is Back . . . for a while, at least
the benefits of Rainwater
Harvesting in Texas. With First, let me say a huge t hank s to our benefactors of Bexar
a 4,000 year history, rainwater Tracks. A few generous contributors have kept our hard copy
collection was common practice newsletter coming to your mailbox for the present time. If you
in Texas until the early 1900s. want more frequent reminders of Bexar Audubon events than you
Today, there is new interest get from the bi-monthly Bexar Tracks, please drop an e-mail to
in using rainwater, not only for bexaraudubon@bexaraudubon.org . Ask to be added to the elec-
landscape, but also for pets, tronic announcement mailing list. Eventually
wildlife, businesses, and live- we may shift to an electronic version of
stock. Another new use is for Bexar Tracks for environmental reasons. But
fire protection—now happen- for now we will all continue to enjoy a
ing at UT’s McDonald Obser- printed version. Thank you!
vatory in the Davis Mountains.
Mike will describe the history, Global Climate Change — It seems
benefits, and methods of catch- that the winds are changing. Those political
ing and using rainfall: tradi- winds do not change as often as the meteo-
tional rooftop systems and rological winds. But the direction can some-
landscape and stormwater times be as distinct as a blue norther. As I
catchment methods. Handouts listened to NPR today I heard interesting discussions about the
will be available. shifts in Washington. It now seems like every branch of our
Mike is a Water Management Federal government has taken up the banner of global warming.
Specialist at the Texas
To be fair, the Supreme Court is still trying to decide if they will
A&M Extension Center in Fort
engage, too, but it looks like they might. Thanks to the winds and
Stockton. A graduate of Texas
the voices of the voters.
A&M and the University of
Wyoming Graduate School, But, as with many endeavors in life, there are often two steps
Mike had a 15-year career with forward and one step back . . . . if you are lucky enough to have
the US Dept. of Agriculture, the wind at your back. Lately our local environmental movement
where he advised Texas ranch- has learned that we need more effort and more perseverance. The
ers and farmers on land and
natural resource manage- M a p t o Cowl es Li f e S cie nc es Buil di ng, Tri ni t y Univ er s i ty, wes t of Hig hwa y 281
ment. Then, with the Bureau of
Indian Affairs, he managed range
and cropland divisions for
tribes in AZ, NM, and WY. He
retired from San Antonio Water
System in 2002 as a Water

Resources Planner and Ag Library Laurie

Conservation Coordinator. Cowles

He is co-author of “Harvesting
Rainwater for Wildlife,” pub-
lished by the Texas Cooperative Cowles is just uphill from the Laurie Auditorium
Extension Service. Mike served and adjacent to the Library and the Chapman
Graduate Center. Handicapped parking is across
from Cowles. Park by the Laurie or in lots or on
as president of Bexar Audubon
Society and is a co-founder of streets to the west. Call Patty for additional
directions (824-1235) or see additional map at
the Texas Riparian Association.

Bexar Tracks 2 January-February 2007

San Antonio tree preservation Half Way There
ordinance has been diluted sig-
Generous donations from our
nificantly by recent council
readers have funded about half
actions. My honest concern is
of our year’s expenses to pro-
that migratory birdlife that
duce B ex a r Tr a ck s. To continue,
comes through our region, and
we need to raise an additional
other dependent organisms, will
suffer as we intentionally
get involved in WildFest 2007, Pl ea s e ma k e a n end- of - y ea r,
remove natural and indigenous
San Antonio’s 1st Annual Bird & t a x - deduct i bl e dona t i on t o
biodiversity from our urban and
Nature Festival, May 4-6, 2007. s uppor t Bex a r A udubon.
suburban landscapes.
Bexar Audubon Society will be a The Chapter works hard to rep-
As you look to the holiday sea-
sponsor of this event. The festi- resent the interests of the mem-
son, consider your new year’s
val will include a broad spec- bership on issues in the city and
resolutions. Commit to keeping
trum of workshops and fieldtrips the region. Your donation is
your diversified indigenous
that will draw nature-oriented used locally — it does not leave
ecosystem as much a part of
tourists to our area and will help our area and it reaches and, we
your overall priorities as you can.
get local children involved in hope, influences readers, voters,
Vote, purchase, and teach envi-
nature. and other decision-makers to
Please visit their website for make wise choices about con-
WildFest 2007 — One way for new details and developments. servation right here.
you as Audubon members to www.wi l df es t s a na nt oni o.com. W e honor a nd a ppr eci a te
participate this spring will be to H.A. Tony Wood, December 1, 2006 “ check book a ct i v i s t s ” !

Does y ou r em p loy er of f er
t h e Ea r t h S h a r e a l t e r n a t i v e ?
F o r i n f o r m a t i o n ca l l
8 0 0 - GR E E N T X o r e - m a i l
e s t x @e a r t h s h a r e - t e x a s . o r g .

January-February 2007 3 Bexar Tracks

Also see www.s a - na t ur e program meeting. See page 1. workshop. 10AM - noon. Co-
cent er.or g /conser v a t ion/
conser v a tion.ht ml H sponsored by SA Parks &
Recreation Natural Areas and

Ja nua r y 13 — Bexar Audubon Bexar Audubon. Reservations
Outing to Canyon Gorge. See p1. required; details occasionally
M i t chel l L a k e A udubon Center
e change. Call (210)698-1057.

10750 Pleasanton Road (on the
left, 0.7 miles south of Loop Ja nua r y 13 — Second Saturday:
410 at exit 46, Moursund Blvd) Winter Skies — Star gazing with Febr ua r y 10- 11 — Eaglefest,
Saturday & Sunday 8AM-4PM, the SA Astronomical Society. Emory. www.ea g l ef es t .or g
weekdays by appointment. 6:30-8:30PM. Co-sponsored by SA Unofficial results show 51
Regularly scheduled guided Parks & Recreation Natural Areas Eagles were sighted on Lake
birding tours: 8AM on 2ND and Bexar Audubon. Reservations Fork during the 2006 Texas
Tuesdays and 3RD Sundays with required; details occasionally Parks & Wildlife count.

Helen Rejzek and Georgina change. Call (210)698-1057.
Schwartz, 4TH Saturday with
Ernie Roney; also every Tuesday D Febr ua r y 16-19 — The 10th
afternoon. Call (210)628-1639 Ja nua r y 25-27 — Statewide Land Annual Great Backyard Bird
or visit: www.tx .a udubon.or g / Trust Conference, Austin. Count. The Cornell Lab of
mitchell .htm Sponsored by the Texas Land Ornithology and Audubon are

Trust Council. Contact: cpitts@ challenging people everywhere
t e x a s l a nd t r us t co unci l . or g to “Count for the Record” by par-
Fir st Sa tur da y s — Interpretive
Walks are scheduled at the SA u ticipating in greater numbers
than ever before to provide more
Natural Areas. Confirmed reserva- Febr ua r y 3 — Kids Birding 101 information about bird popula-
tions are required; hike locations 9-11AM. Learn to use binoculars tion trends and better inform
vary. Call (210)698-1057 for and about bird identification, conservation. A downloadable
times and locations. behavior, & habitat. Free, but poster and information are at:

reservations required. Mitchell www.bir ds our ce.or g /g bbc. To
Lake Audubon Center. Call be a GBBC ambassador in your
J a nua r y 5 — Conservation (210)628-1639. community email Jennifer Smith
Easements 2007: A Year of
Opportunity. Bexar Land Trust. SA z at jls39@cornell.edu with “GBBC
ambassador” in the subject line.
Febr ua r y 8 — Bexar Audubon
Public Library, Central Branch
Auditorium, 8AM-2PM. Call program meeting. See pages 1-2. R
Febr ua r y 15- 17 — Brownsville
(210)222-8430 for tickets or
www.bex a r la ndtr ust.or g a International Birding Festival.
Febr ua r y 10 — Second Saturday: www.br ownsv ille.or g /2006Bir d
x Wood Treasures. Hear Randy Fes t /. Field trips, seminars and
J a nua r y 6 — Walker Ranch Goad, local woodcarver and field other events exploring the bio-
Historical Park. 9-11AM. First guide for the natural areas, talk diversity of South Texas and
Saturday Interpretive Walk. SA about local trees and their won- Northern Mexico.
Natural Areas. Confirmed reserva- derful wood. His chronology of N
tions required: (210)698-1057. woodworking includes authentic Combine the Brownsville bird-
J a nua r y 11 — Bexar Audubon tools from his grandfather’s ing festival with:
Bexar Tracks 4 January-February 2007
Febr ua r y 18-22 — El Cielo Inglet. 10AM-noon. Co-sponsored Island Camp in Maine. Early
Biosphere Reserve Nature Festival. by SA Parks & Rec Natural Areas signups encouraged to take
All inclusive birding/butterfly and Bexar Audubon. Reservations advantage of scholarship opportu-
watching trips departing from the required; details occasionally nities. Designed especially for
Texas Valley. The northernmost change. Call (210)698-1057. active Chapter leaders to build
cloudforest in the American
Continent; 397 species of birds, d and deepen participants’ exper-
tise and ability to enhance
e.g., Solitary Eagle and Ornate Apr il 14 — Second Saturday: Audubon’s effectiveness at all lev-
Hawk-Eagle. Local guides. Call Bizarre and Beautiful Bugs. Join els. Call Maine Audubon’s camp
011-52-81-837-85-926,write Gail Dugelby to meet the bizarre registrar at (888)325-5261 x215
elcielofestival@gmail.com, or visit and beautiful in the world of or visit http://www.ma ine
www.elcielof estiv a l .com bugs. 10AM-noon. Co-sponsored a udubon.or g /ex plor e/ca mp/hi_

by SA Parks & Rec Natural Areas a dult08132007.shtml

and Bexar Audubon. Reservations
Febr ua r y 23- 25 — 11th Annual required; details occasionally
Celebration of Whooping Cranes change. Call (210)698-1057. Test Your Bir d B r a in
and Other Birds. Guided trips by
land and water to see Whooping I Brush up on your identification
skills by taking the brand new
Cranes and other birds, lectures M a y 4-6 — WildFest. See p. 3. video birding quiz on our All
by birding experts, photography
and watercolor workshops, tours o About Birds web site www.bir ds.
cor nell .edu/Al lAbout Bir ds/bir d-
of the Animal Rehabilitation M a y 10 -13 — The Cornell Lab of i ng 123/i dentif y /quiz. You’ll see
Keep, and a marine education Ornithology is sponsoring a video footage of each bird and
bus. Early registration ends nationwide “Celebrate Urban hear its sounds. If you really get
February 14. Call 800-45-COAST Birds!” event. To participate or stuck there’re hints. It’s a good
or visit www.por t a r a ns a s .or g help organize activities in your way to practice for the both the
community, visit www.ur ba n-
h bir ds.or g /celebr a tion for ideas,
Great Backyard Bird Count and
“Celebrate Urban Birds!”
Febr ua r y 24 — Community and free registration.
Volunteer Day at Mitchell Lake
Audubon Center. Come help as A udubon Tex as announces its
we spruce up our gardens and M a y 12 — Second Saturday: Plant newly re-designed website is now
trails! Please call for times and Hike with Janis Merritt, native LIVE and available for you to
details: (210)628-1639. plant expert, to enjoy spring flora browse. http://www.a udubon-
and get ideas for using native
Z plants in your yard. 10AM-noon.
t ex a s.or g /

February 27 — Ecosystem Service Co-sponsored by SA Parks & “ If k nowledg e a lone wer e

Markets: Everyone’s Business. Recreation Natural Areas and e noug h t o i ns pi r e a ct i on, t he
Westin Galleria, Houston. See p7. Bexar Audubon. Reservations wor ld would a lr ea dy be a bet-
http://tf sr eg ister.ta mu.edu. required; details occasionally t er pla ce.” A. Goodman
change. Call (210)698-1057. Act on y our k nowledg e t oda y.

M a r ch 10 — Second Saturday: Q W ith mor e a ctiv e v olunteer s,

B ex a r Audub on ca n be ev en
Winged Adventures — Explore the Aug ust 19-25 — Audubon mor e ef f ecti v e. Ca ll a ny boa r d
world of birds with Tom and Patsy Leadership Workshop at Hog member. BAS needs y ou — now.
January-February 2007 5 Bexar Tracks
Sonor a Ca v er ns’ B ut ter f l y Cur bsi de Recy cl i ng #7. Look for the recycling sym-
For ma t i on Va nda l i zed i n Sa n A nt oni o bol on the bottom. Remove lids
The signature Butterfly formation and rinse any remaining food or
at the Caverns of Sonora was liquids from containers or trays.
vandalized shortly before Examples include: beverage
Thanksgiving, according to a bottles, shampoo and lotion
news release from the park. bottles, meat trays, condiment
About two-thirds of the right bottles, prescription and medi-
wing was broken off the distinc- cine bottles, plastic grocery bags
tive—and perhaps unique—for- tied together into a bundle.
mation. The cave system is 90 Gl a s s B ot t l es a nd J a r s A l l
percent active: most of the for- Col or s : Remove lids and rinse
mations are still growing as all food and liquids. Examples:
minerals are deposited by perco- beverage bottles, food and
lating water within the caves. condiment bottles and jars
Of the unusual helictite forma- (jelly, mustard, mayonnaise).
tions that grow in whatever M et a l Ca ns : Aluminum, steel
direction they want, best known There’ve been some changes and tin beverage and food
is the Butterfly — quartz fins that made. The following items are cans—rinse all food or liquids;
grew as a pair facing each other, now acceptable in your green aerosol cans—empty, remove
mimicking the form of a butter- curbside bin: nozzle; baking tins—rinse and
fly. It is the only known forma- Pa per : Most types of paper, remove remaining food.
tion of its kind. such as ad circulars, catalogs, Thanks to the City of San
carbonless paper, dry goods Antonio! This list is far more lib-
packaging with liners removed eral than it had been. Now —
(example: cereal, pasta, rice, how can the City make it easier
beer/soda cartons), envelopes, for SA businesses to recycle?
file folders, flattened cardboard, Need a recycling bin? Go the
junk mail, magazines, newspa- city’s website at www.s a na nto-
pers, office paper, paperback ni o.g ov , choose “services,” then
books, paper bags, paper “recycling.” Or call 311 on your
towel/toilet paper cores, phone telephone . . . one-stop calling
books, non-metallic gift wrap. for city services of all kinds and
P l a s t i cs : L a bel ed #1 t hr ough a good number to know.
Sonora Caverns, considered a W h o ’ s W ha t ?
national natural landmark, is
a n d how t o c o n t a c t t he m
located about 8 miles west of
Pr es id ent , To ny W oo d — 210-492-4684 — tonywood@sbcglobal.net
Sonora off Farm Road 1989.
VP & W ebmaster, Harr y Noyes — 210-490-3124 — harrynoyes@satx.rr.com
Anyone with information about Tr ea s u r er, Ca r y l Swa nn — 210-653-2860 — cjswann1@earthlink.net
the wing can call the caverns at Secr et a r y, Ji l l Son deen — 830-980-2377 — jls2003@gvtc.com
(325) 387-3105. [Reported by A t - l a r ge: K a r a R y f — 503-803-2856 — kararyf@hotmail.com
Matthew Phinney at: A my L . W h i tl ey — 210-340-0114 — nueces66@yahoo.com
www.g os a na ng el o.com/news / Ed i to r, Sus a n Hugh es — 210-862-1150 — editor@bexaraudubon.org
200 6/dec/05/br ea k i ng - news ] Pr ogr ams /Out i ngs , Pa tt y Pa s z t or —210-824-1235—pasztor@ix.netcom.com

Bexar Tracks 6 January-February 2007

Ecosy stem Ser v ice M a r k ets: • How can the market be used to this pledge, which includes
Ev er y one's Business establish values and prices for $900,000 for land purchase and
ecosystem services? Case studies $100,000 for other conservation
February 27, 2007
will be discussed. work from New York philan-
The Westin Galleria
• How can service delivery be mea- thropist Robert Wilson.
5060 West Alabama
sured and ensured over time? This year alone, ABC and its part-
Houston, TX 77056
• What is the current state of the ners have protected twenty-eight
Sponsored by: Texas Forest
market for ecosystem services? tracts of land in Central and South
Service, USDA Forest Service, Texas
• Where is the market going? America that provide core habitats
A&M Institute of Renewable
• What is the state of science that for more than seven hundred bird
Natural Resources, Greater
underlies this evolving market? species, including four that are
Houston Partnership, Houston
Leaders in government, business, globally endangered: the Santa
Advanced Research Center,
academia, and the non-profit sec- Marta parakeet, the jocotoco
Conservation Capital, Ltd.
tor need to address these critical antpitta, the black-breasted puff-
As businesses, government, uni-
issues proactively. Mainstreaming leg, and the long-whiskered owlet.
versities, and the non-profit sector
market-based ecosystem service ABC will use the grant, which stip-
strive to understand and apply
transactions is challenging ulates a three-to-one match, to
new concepts of “sustainable
because of fragmented govern- leverage additional support and
development,” a recurring theme
ment rules and policies, difficult encourage others to participate in
is the inability of market forces to
property rights issues, and the a land-acquisition campaign. “With
prevent the fragmentation of func-
complexities of matching supply the average cost to acquire land in
tioning ecosystems. The economic
and demand. At this conference South America only $100 per
importance of healthy, functioning
industry representatives, private acre,” said ABC president George
ecosystems is widely recognized.
landowners, government leaders, Fenwick, “this generous challenge
Wetlands purify our streams and
university researchers, and non- grant means many more imperiled
ground water and assimilate our
profit organizations will discuss bird species will have a permanent
wastes. Estuaries mitigate the
economic-based approaches to place to call home.”
impact of storms and floods.
protecting ecosystems-strategies Worthen’s sparrow and the long-
Forests provide timber and fiber
that employ a combination of billed curlew in Mexico, the
for human use, while stabilizing
enforceable regulatory constraints Honduran emerald hummingbird,
our climate and providing habitat
on ecosystem impairment and the chestnut-capped piha in
for plants and animals.
meaningful economic incentives Columbia, and Lear’s macaw in
Can society find practical ways to
for ecosystem conservation. For Brazil are species in immediate
provide incentives, through market
more information, see: need of habitat protection.
mechanisms, to protect function-
htt p://tf s register.tamu.edu “These funds will be targeted
ing ecosystems? This conference

towards priority sites for species
will focus on the scientific, public
that are very rare or declining fast,”
policy, and economic foundations
said Fenwick. “But it is not only
of emerging markets for “ecosys-
Amer i ca n Bi r d Conser v a ncy birds that will benefit. Biodiversity,
tem services.”
Topi cs Receiv es $1 M ill ion Pledg e including declining frogs and other
f or La nd-Acqui si tion amphibians, reptiles, mammals,
• What is an “ecosystem service”?
The ABC and various partners and plants, can all benefit from the
• Who might buy such a service?
seeking to acquire habitats for management of these lands as
• Who might be able to sell such a
endangered bird species received protected reserves.” 11/28/06.
January-February 2007 7 Bexar Tracks
Bexar Tracks is the official newsletter
of the Bexar Audubon Society, a
Bexar Audubon Society, Inc.

The Economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Environment. — Tim Wirth

Chapter of the National Audubon P.O. Box 6084 U.S. Postage Paid
Society. The Chapter’s primary goals San Antonio TX 78209-0084 San Antonio TX
are to promote species and habitat
Permit #590

conservation in the community.

Your membership includes National
and Bexar Audubon and subscrip-
tions to Audubon and Bexar Tracks.

Adopt - a n- Ocel ot !
A major problem facing the
endangered ocelot in South
Texas is loss of habitat. Help sup-
port habitat protection and con-
tinuing research for ocelots at the
Laguna Atascosa NWR and in
South Texas.
“Adopt-an-Ocelot” is sponsored
by Friends of Laguna Atascosa
NWR, a non-profit group. Tax-
deductible contributions may be
sent to:Adopt-an-Ocelot, P.O. Box
942, Rio Hondo, TX 78583.
Sponsoring an individual ocelot
is $20; a family may be spon- research, as well as habitat pro-
sored for $30. Make checks to: tection information. After choos-
Friends of Laguna Atascosa NWR. ing the ocelot or family you
Your adoption packet has pho- would like to adopt and returning
tos of ocelots available for adop- the postcard in the packet, a cer-
tion, plus life histories and tificate of adoption suitable for
information about each ocelot framing will be mailed to you or
and a synopsis of ongoing to a person of your choice.

Mem be rs hip & Sup port — Than k Y ou & Ha ppy New Yea r!
Bexar Audubon welcomes new members to join through the chapter. This brings 100 per cent of the
first-year’s dues directly back to support local work. The same applies to gift memberships placed
through the chapter. Your a ddi t i ona l tax-deductible donation is also appreciated. Bexar Audubon
receives only a few thousand dollars each year from National Audubon as dues share. The rest we
must raise ourselves. Your help is needed, and your donations will be put to good use right here in
South Central Texas. Individual introductory memberships are $20; seniors and students join for $15.
Provide the following information for each personal subscription or gift:
Name $_________subscriptions $_______additional donation
Mailing Address (including Zip code)
AC & Phone + e-mail, if available
Indicate whether you wish to opt out of other mailings by Audubon or those with whom it shares lists.
Make checks payable to “Bexar Audubon Society” and mail to the address above.

January-February 2007 8 Bexar Tracks

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