Volume XXV, No. 2 March-April 2007

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Bexar Audubon Society

is a chapter of the
National Audubon
Society. Its primary
goals are to promote

Bexar Tracks
species and habitat
conservation and envi-
ronmental education
Volume XXV, No. 2

in the community.
March-April 2007

For the latest news & updates, see http://www.bexaraudubon.org & http://www.sa-naturecenter.org

Thursday, March 8•6:30PM gathering; 6:45 announcements; 7:00 program

Trinity University Cowles Life Sciences Building, Room 336 (see map, p. 3) •Free; open to the public
Connecting People and Nature:
San Antonio’s Natural Areas
San Antonio’s Natural Areas mission includes also share materials for “show and tell” and
providing protection for the Edwards Aquifer guide us in some hands-on activities with plants
and habitat for both flora and fauna…but they and other natural materials to help us connect.
also provide an outdoor classroom through Peggy Spring earned a Master’s degree in Plant
which to educate the ever-growing number Ecology from the University of Georgia. She has
of local residents about the natural world. Park 35 years of environmental education experience
Naturalist Peggy Spring pays Bexar Audubon a with nature centers, public and private schools,
visit to share how she fosters a connection youth organizations, adult education, and envi-
between people and nature. Peggy will discuss ronmental consulting firms. Peggy currently
plant and nature-based educational programs serves as a Park Naturalist with the City of San
offered at some of our city parks, including Antonio and she assists Bexar Audubon with
Eisenhower, Walker Ranch, and the newly Second Saturday programs, which are co-spon-
opened Crownridge Canyon Natural Area, sored by Bexar Audubon Society and the Natural
enlightening us about successful methods of Areas Program of SA Parks & Recreation. Visit
interpreting our natural world. Peggy will www. sa na tur a la r ea s. or g

Thursday, April 12 •No Bexar Audubon Society Program: Please attend the TOS evening program
Texas Ornithological Society Spring Meeting
April 12-14 • Hosted by the San Antonio Audubon Society
Where East Meets West and the Hill Country Meets South Texas
Did you know??? San Antonio—2006 Birdiest Large Inland City
Bexar County—2006 Birdiest Inland County, Central Flyway
Target Birds: Golden-cheeked Warbler, Black-capped Vireo, Green Kingfisher, Painted Bunting,
Vermilion Flycatcher, Black-throated Sparrow, eastern AND western migrants!
There are MANY great field trips on the agenda (including places not normally open to the public),
evening speakers, scientific presentations, vendors, the banquet, and a silent auction. (You do not
have to be a TOS member to attend.) Airport Hilton, 611 NW Loop 410, San Antonio 78216
Download registration and field trip information at www. t exa sbi r ds. or g/ or contact Barbara
Kyse (210)824-8884, kyse125@ msn.com, and see www.sa a udubon. or g/ for late-breaking n e w s .
Words from the Wood
Just after Christmas it was brought nizations and programs can enjoy native and non-native invasive
to the attention of the Bexar learning about or cultivating plants, species, the recent removals were
Audubon Society board that a signifi- sometimes in established beds on not in the three Texas habitat zones.
cant amount of native vegetation at the east side of the gardens. The Most were from a berm around the
the San Antonio Botanical Gardens research done here includes the amphitheater. Some native trees and
(SABG) had been removed. It was development of new hybrids of low- shrubs were taken out, but so were a
feared this loss of understory might water use landscape plants that per- good number of invasive lantana
deprive our feathered friends of nec- form well in the local environment. and chinaberry trees. Most removals
essary winter forage and habitat. I was disappointed to learn there is were of volunteer plants. While the
I’m a scientist, so rather than imme- not yet a master plan for the long- plants that were removed could have
diately jumping into the fray, I want- term design of the SABG. The issues provided bird and butterfly habitat,
ed to personally investigate. I and complaints about these public they were not in the original design
assumed the decision-maker at the gardens might be stemmed if a well- or plan. More importantly, some
helm of the SABG was a profession- vetted plan were developed. A pro- plants will continue to be removed.
al, but I had never met him or her. fessionally developed plan should As exhibits are changed, improved,
So I dropped a note and soon got a incorporate significant input from or redesigned, we should expect
reply. Candace Andrews, San Antonio local stakeholders. It all comes down occasional removals. Right now
Botanical Society managing director, to money, and the planning is not yet some problems with the Pineywoods
invited me to tour the gardens with fully funded. In the meantime, the habitat must be fixed. The pond is
her and the Director of the SABG. I layout and design follow general filling in due to naturally occurring
hadn’t been there in a few years, so it concepts established years ago. aging and deposition processes. It
was time I saw the recent develop- also appears to be leaking. The pond
ments for myself. Native Texas Areas — I was especial- needs to be dredged to an appropri-
ly impressed with the conservation ate depth and a clay liner reinstalled
Managing the SABG — One thing I efforts underway at the SABG and to stop the leaks. Some plants will
quickly learned was that a botanical the preservation of both Texas native likely be removed to facilitate access
garden requires a lot of management and internationally endangered and construct the necessary
and constant maintenance. I was species. Many native plants are prop- improvements.
pleased to understand that Director agated, preserved, and exhibited in
Bob Brackman, from Dallas/Fort three distinct native Texas habitats. Diverse Exhibits — If you haven’t
Worth and Nashville, is indeed a pro- The Hill Country display includes been to the Botanical Gardens lately,
fessional and appreciates native trees typical of our immediate area: you should visit them this spring.Visit
plant habitats and xeriscape. His live oak, juniper (mountain cedar), the native Texas exhibits and the
work is a bit like managing a zoo, and mountain laurel. Recent rains water-saver garden. Then visit the
because the collected and displayed should assure that in spring the blue- garden for the blind, children’s,
species want to wander, but good bonnets, buttercups, red salvia, and Japanese, rose, and herb gardens. See
management requires keeping each Texas bluebells will be abundant in the specialty collections that include
species in its designated location. the area clearings, just as they will alpine plants, epiphytes, desert cacti
Displays change from time to time throughout the Hill Country itself. and succulents, equatorial tropicals,
and there are significant “theme” The Southwest Texas area exhibits palms and cycads, tropical fruits,
areas within the 33 acres of gardens. trees and shrubs like mesquite, ferns and aroids, insectivores, and
It is a complicated job to manage huisache, cenizo, blackbrush, ebony, aquatic plants. As you walk through
such a large footprint and wide vari- and sotol. The third area replicates each habitat, realize that these plants
ety of native and non-native species East Texas Pineywoods habitat, with are housed in their own well-man-
for the aesthetic enjoyment and edu- pine, magnolia, sweetgum, sassafras, aged and human constructed envi-
cation of the general public. and dogwoods. The dominant feature ronments. Many must be climate-
is the one-acre pond surrounded by controlled. Appreciate that folks care
Master Planning — I asked Bob if cypress trees and cat-tails. enough to propagate, cultivate, and
they have a mission statement and a All three native Texas areas have display plants from around the state
master plan to manage such a large healthy understory. Typical life-cycle and the world for our common
expanse. Their stated mission is: is demonstrated by keeping some enjoyment.
“Connecting people to the plant downed and/or decaying trees, The San Antonio Botanical
world through experience, educa- attracting lots of birdlife, including Gardens is located north of Ft. Sam
tion, and research.” My experience, waterfowl at the pond. — 555 Funston at N. New Braunfels
even in the winter, was great. Ave.Visit their occasional plant sales
Education includes areas where Management Choices — While there for interesting garden materials.
children and adults in various orga- have been significant removals of — H.A. Tony Wood, President
Bexar Tracks 2 March-April 2007
M a p t o Cowl es Li f e S cie nc es Buil di ng, Tri ni t y Univ er s i ty, wes t of Hig hwa y 281 F i r s t S a t u r da y H i k e s
The first Saturday of each
month, San Antonio Natural
Areas Program of the San
Antonio Parks and Recreation
Department holds a hike at one

of the Natural Areas. Contact
Library Laurie
(210)565-6400 for the schedule,
locations, and reservations.

Cowles is just uphill from the Laurie Auditorium W i l dFes t 2007 — M a y 4- 6

and between the Library and the Chapman
Graduate Center. Park by the Laurie or in
San Antonio’s First Annual Bird &
lots or on streets to the west. Handicapped Nature Festival will include a
parking is across from Cowles. Enter from
Oakmont or Rosewood. Call Patty for addition- broad spectrum of workshops
al directions (210)824-1235 or see additional
map at bexaraudubon.org/map.jpg
and field trips that will draw
nature-oriented tourists to our
Second Sa tur da y Pr ogr a ms a t Ei s enhower Pa r k area and will help local children
Co-sponsored by SA Parks and Recreation Natural Areas Program get involved in nature.
and Bexar Audubon. Reservations required; details occasionally For information and to volunteer
change. Call (210)565-6400. $3 each or $5 per family donation and/or get involved, see
suggested. www.sanaturalareas.org www.wildfestsanantonio.com
M ar ch 10 — Bi r di ng: The Ba ck y a r d a nd Bey ond — Explore the
world of birds with Tom and Patsy Inglet. 10am-noon Cel ebr a te Ur ba n Bi r ds !
M ar ch 10 — St a r Pa r t y — Presented by the San Antonio Sponsored by the Cornell Lab of
Astronomical Association, this program is designed to give people Ornithology, this nationwide
with little knowledge about astronomy the opportunity to view fea- event seeks participants and
tures of the winter sky. The show will go on whether or not there local organizers. See
are clouds — the SAAA has some great videos and will still have www.urbanbirds.org/celebration
some scopes set up. 7-9pm for ideas and free registration.
A pr i l 14 — Bi z a r r e a nd Bea ut i f ul Bugs — Join Gail Dugelby to ven-
ture into the world of bugs. 10am-noon A l l A b o u t Bi r d s webs i te:
M ay 12 — Bea ut i f ul Spr i ng Na t i v e Pl a nt s — Janis Merritt will lead
a hike to enjoy spring flora and help you get ideas for using native
plants in your yard. 10am-noon

E a r t h S h a r e ? W h a t a b ou t i t ?
Earth Share of Texas raises money for environmental
and conservation organizations through workplace giv-
ing. If your employer participates in such programs,
please ask them (if they don’t already) to add Earth
Share to your giving options. When you and your co-
workers designate the Audubon Foundation of Texas
(AFT), Bexar Audubon Society can benefit. BAS
receives credit for our support of Earth Share — getting
the word out and promoting participation. Then BAS
receives funding annually from AFT. Want more info?
1-800-GREENTEX or ESTX@earthshare-texas.org
March-April 2007 3 Bexar Tracks
Help Stop A ntif reeze Poisoning ing a bittering agent to be added Na tur e Ques t 2007
Over the last fifteen years, three to all antifreeze sold in the U.S. The 8th annual nature festival
states have successfully passed Until then, protect curious crit- offers an exciting opportunity to
legislation requiring that a bitter- ters from antifreeze’s sweet—but
get acquainted with the beauti-
ing agent be added to ethylene deadly—spell:
ful Texas Hill Country River
glycol antifreeze to make it 1. Switch to antifreeze that con-
tains propylene glycol instead of Region of Uvalde County. This
unpalatable for wild and domes-
tic animals and children. Other ethylene glycol. year’s event will be held April
states have considered similar 2. Keep antifreeze sealed and 24-29.
laws, but they have failed to pass. away from animals; clean up See www.thcrr.com/index.cfm
The Antifreeze Bittering Act of spills completely, and fix any for descriptions of field trips,
2005 (S. 1110 and H.R. 2567), now leaks immediately. (From workshops, seminars, and other
being considered in Washington, w w w .hsus.org/ pets/ pet_ca re/ a nti activities and to download a reg-
would trump state laws by requir- freez e.html) istration form.
Tex a s Spr i ngs : Pr otect i on, Res t or a t i on & Stewa r ds hi p
Friday, March 30 • Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin
A tt wa ter ’s Pr a i r i e Chi ck en
Environmental Defense is focus- • Regional and state-level ground-
ing its annual state-wide water water-management efforts and
Fes ti v a l at the National Wildlife
conference on, arguably, our state’s how these affect and can be Refuge, off IH-10 near Eagle
most precious and at-risk water used to protect springflows Lake, east of Columbus, Texas.
resources: our springs. • Testimonials from spring owners Dates: April 14-15
As our state’s population and and caretakers on how they’ve Activities: various van and walk-
water demands grow, we must built relationships for protection ing tours focused on prairie
manage groundwater resources — and managed their land to chickens, marsh birds, general
especially our springs — soundly. restore and protect flows birding, and native plants.
With the majority of our springs • Tools and financial resources For more information, call the
located on private property, the available to landowners to pro- Attwater’s Prairie Chicken NWR
roles of steward, caretaker, and tect and restore springflows at (979)234-3021.
advocate fall to landowners and • Ins and outs of springflows from
the local community. Travel to the Edwards Aquifer
Austin for a day of stimulating dis- More information, including the N ew R ep o r t M e a s u r es
cussions including: full agenda and registration form, B e n e f i t s o f Pa r k s
• The history and diversity of are located at www.texaswater- The Texas Parks and Recreation
Texas springs matters.org/conference_ Foundation has released a new
• The Florida Springs Initiative: springs_march30-2007.htm report by economist Ray
www.floridasprings.org Perryman showing that local
parks contribute billions to
W ho’s W ha t ?
Texas’s economy and help cre-
a n d how t o c o n t a c t t he m ate tens of thousands of jobs.
Pr es id ent , To ny W oo d — 210-492-4684 — tonywood@sbcglobal.net The report includes detailed
VP & W ebmaster, Har ry Noyes — 210-490-3124 — harrynoyes@satx.rr.com
numbers for every metro area in
Tr ea s u r er, Ca r y l Swa nn — 210-653-2860 — cjswann1@earthlink.net
Secr et a r y, Ji l l Son deen — 830-980-2377 — jls2003@gvtc.com
A t - l a r ge: K a r a R y f — 503-803-2856 — kararyf@hotmail.com HB 6, introduced in the Texas
A my L . W h i tl ey — 210-340-0114 — nueces66@yahoo.com Legislature, would increase
K at hy I k er d — kathy@wordwright.com funding for state and local parks
Ed i to r, Sus a n Hugh es — 210-532-2032 — editor@bexaraudubon.org by more than $90 million. HB 6
Pr ogr ams /Out i ngs , Pa tt y Pa s z t or —210-824-1235 — information can be viewed at
pasztor@ix.netcom.com www.ca pi t ol .s t a t e.t x .us
Bexar Tracks 4 March-April 2007
M i t chel l L a k e A udubon Center Pr ogr a ms — www.mitchelllakeaudubon.org
Sa t ur da y, M a r ch 17 — The A r t of Na t ur e Fa mi l y Pr ogr a m
Visual arts activities led by local arts educators from the Mobile Arts Program (MAP) of the Young
Artist Programs (YAP) of the Southwest School of Art & Craft.
10 am-noon: Paper Freshwater Fish
Noon-2: Drawing Bugs & Flowers
2-4 pm: Mobiles with Natural Materials
Come for one session or all three! FREE, reservations required: Call (210)628-1639.
Sa t ur da y, M a r ch 24 — Pa pel Pi ca do W or k s hop — 9a m- noon
Artist/author Kathleen Trenchard has developed original cut-paper applica-
tions of this most unusual technique of “punching paper.” She designed the
distinctive T-shirt for Mitchell Lake! You will learn about the technique at this
hands-on workshop.
Papel picado, “punched paper” in Spanish, describes the traditional Mexican
folk art used to decorate altars, tables, ceilings, and plazas during festivals.
Papel picado artists use hammer and chisel to punch designs out of stacks of
up to forty layers of tissue at once. copyright © Kathleen Trenchard
Registration and pre-payment required: $30 for Mitchell Lake Audubon
Center members, $35 for non-members (includes all materials). Call (210)628-1639.

Sa t ur da y, A pr i l 14 — Bi r da t hon 2007 — A l l da y beg i nni ng a t 7am

Our annual fundraiser, Birdathon, is similar to a walkathon, but with a twist – nature lovers collect
pledges from friends, family, and co-workers (per species seen or a lump sum) — then count bird
species and report back to their supporters. It’s all about getting outdoors, discovering nature, and
helping raise money for education, conservation, and restoration programs at MLAC.

Sa t ur da y, A pr i l 21 — St a r r y, St a r r y Ni ght s — 6- 8:30 pm
Evening program of stargazing and astronomy education provided by the San Antonio Astronomical
Association. Admission free; reservations required.

Sa t ur da y, A pr i l 28 — Bi r di ng 101 f or K i ds — 9- 11a m
Morning birding classes for children to learn about bird identification, behavior, and habitat.
Admission free; reservations required.

Sa n A nt oni o Ci t y Bond I ss ue Coul d Benef i t M i t chel l L a k e A udubon Center

In the upcoming 2007 $550 million bond issue, The funds proposed for MLAC are to be used for
$125,000 is earmarked for Mitchell Lake Audubon construction of an Education Pavilion at the Center,
Center. The citywide vote for the bond issue will be including more restrooms, a place for group orien-
held May 12, 2007. For a complete report on the tations, and craft and nature studies.“Thanks to the
bond issue proposals, go to http:/ / w w w .sananto- great work by Susan Albert and Iliana Peña, the
nio.gov/ 20 07/ bond/ . Click on “Community Bond District 3 City Councilman and staff agreed to inclu-
Committees Report and Recommendations.” The sion of this project,” wrote Charles Bartlett,Vice
197 page report in full color shows the details of Chairman, Parks & Rec Advisory Board; District 3
Project Number 1857 at MLAC on page 121. Member, Linear Creekway Parks Advisory Board;
Learn about the bond issue and plan to vote. and President, Gardening Volunteers of South Texas.

March-April 2007 5 Bexar Tracks

Tex a s B r i ga des Seek t o • “Feathered Forces Brigade,” July helps bridge the generation gap
15-19 at Pineywoods Conservation between an ever-aging corps of
M u s t er N ew R ec r u i t s Center near Lufkin. instructors and an ever-younger
Texas Cooperative Extension’s “The core curriculum stresses group of cadets.”
Texas Brigades announces this leadership development and nat- The camps are also sponsored
year’s summer camps: ural resources conservation,” said by the Texas Wildlife Association,
•“South Texas Buckskin Brigade,” Dr. Dale Rollins, extension wildlife the Texas Parks and Wildlife
June 10-14 at La Bandera Ranch specialist at San Angelo and origi- Department, U.S. Department of
near Carrizo Springs. nator of the camps. He said each Agriculture’s Natural Resources
• “Rolling Plains Bobwhite camp forges these skills into fun Conservation Service, Quail
Brigade,” June 16-20 at Krooked and interesting activities. A partic- Unlimited, the National Wild
River Ranch near Lueders. ular species forms the nucleus for Turkey Federation, the Texas Deer
• “South Texas Bobwhite Brigade,” each camp, which typically Association, local Soil and Water
June 24-28 at 74 Ranch near involves 30 youth, ages 13 to 17. Conservation Districts, private busi-
Pleasanton. “This marks our 15th year and nesses, landowners, and, recently,
• “North Texas Buckskin Brigade,” I’m proud to say that the fire still several foundations.
July 22-26 at Stasney’s Cook Ranch burns brightly among our various Tuition is $300 per cadet per
near Albany. volunteers who conduct these camp, but Rollins said cost should-
camps,” Rollins said. n't deter applicants.“We have
“We’ve been doing these sponsors ready and willing to pro-
camps long enough now to vide financial aid whenever it is
begin to see the fruits of needed.”
our labors,” he said.“We Applications are available at
have young professionals w w w .texa sbrigades.org and are
in place who were active in due by April 15. For further infor-
the Brigades ten years or mation contact Rollins at
more ago. Some of them (325)653-4576, d-rollins@tamu.edu,
are coming ‘back home’ to or contact Helen Holdsworth,
dedicate their time and tal- (800)TEX-WILD, (210)826-2904, or
ents to the Brigades. This h_holdsworth@texas-wildlife.org

Bex a r A udubon a mong Hundr eds of Or ga ni z a t i ons A udubon Tex a s A nnounces

E n d o r s i n g F a r m a n d F o o d Po l i cy R e p o r t : Two A ppointments
“ Seek i ng Ba l a nce i n U.S. Fa r m a nd Food Pol i cy ” Dr. Andrew Kasner has been
appointed Director of Bird
The FFPP believes that all the 1. Prosperous Farms and Conservation, and Iliana Peña
major sections of the Farm Bill Ranches: Renewing American has been promoted to Director
— commodity, nutrition, rural Agriculture of Conservation Education. Both
development, credit, conserva- 2. Healthy People: Reducing will office at Mitchell Lake
tion, research, and energy — Hunger and Improving Nutrition Audubon Center.
hold significant opportunities 3. Vital Communities: Building Andrew will oversee Audubon
for crafting more cost-effective Rural Businesses and Promoting Texas programs to further bird
and higher-impact policies that Entrepreneurship conservation efforts and build
can increase farm profitability 4. Sustainable Lands: Cultivating the capacity of the Audubon
and improve the health of indi- Stewardship organization to achieve great
viduals, communities, and the 5. Diversity and Equity: conservation both in Texas and
environment. The FFPP’s public Advancing Opportunities for All throughout the Central Flyway.
statement identifies core priori- For more information on the Iliana will further Audubon’s cit-
ties and opportunities for inno- Farm and Food Policy Project, izen science and education
vation in five areas within the contact (202)543-1300, efforts in Texas, including intro-
2007 Farm Bill: www.farmandfoodproject.org ducing a new curriculum.
Bexar Tracks 6 March-April 2007
Deep and Punkin Nature Preserve — Carta Valley, Edwards County
Geary Schindel, Property Manager, Texas Cave Management Association
In September, 2004, the Texas Cave Punkin Cave — Punkin Cave, also wildlife water system, and marked
Management Association (TCMA) located on the property, is a signifi- the boundaries. We’ve had two
purchased 225 acres including cant roost for Mexican Free-tail Boy Scout Eagle projects and have
Deep Cave and Punkin Cave, two bats. The cave is not used as a lead numerous Boy Scout Venture
large Edwards Plateau caves. The nursery cave and appears to be Crews, college classes, and recre-
property was purchased for used by males from July to early ation programs at the property.
$128,900 and included a hunting November. Punkin has two
cabin, now converted into a field entrances. The main one is approx- Hawks, Butterflies, and More —
research station. TCMA obtained a imately 20 by 40 feet and drops 50 We knew we had a very special
15-year loan and, after two years, feet into a large entrance room. place when we held our first work
has already paid off more than The second entrance is a 30 foot weekend. In one day, more than
half the principal. The property pit. This cave is generally closed 500 hawks were seen migrating
was purchased with the assistance in the summer to protect the bats overhead, along with thousands of
of Bexar Audubon Society and and birds that use the cave. The Monarch Butterflies, and a fantas-
other generous contributors. With entrance pit offers opportunities tic bat flight occurred at Punkin
successful fund-raising, we hope to for cavers to practice their vertical Cave that evening. We’ve seen fox,
retire the mortgage quickly. techniques. deer, snakes, lizards, horned toads,
A fern located in the entrance porcupines, and wild turkeys.
Project Deep — Originally room appears to be unique in Numerous songbirds make the
explored by Texas cavers in the Texas. Samples have been collect- property home, along with cliff
early 1960’s, Deep and Punkin ed and sent to biologists for identi- swallows and Great Horned Owls.
were the subject of a week-long fication. Punkin Cave was mined In the coming year, we plan to
expedition called “Project Deep” in for guano in the early 60’s. There install a permanent on-site sani-
1965. This resulted in a map of are reports and evidence that the tary system and additional wildlife
Deep Cave which indicated a cave caught fire and burned in the watering systems; plant some
depth of about 290 feet and a late 60’s. native wildflowers, including
length of over one mile. In the Historically, only the entrance Milkweed; and begin to “manage”
1970’s, the large ranch containing room of Punkin Cave was known wild hogs and cedar. The county
the caves was subdivided, and to cavers. However, exploration NRCS agent has provided valuable
cavers lost access to the property. indicates that Punkin Cave is also suggestions.
Since the purchase, remapping very large and may rival Deep in
efforts in Deep Cave have extend- size and depth. It also shows evi- Editor’s note: A BAS outing to
ed two kilometers, with less than dence of hydrogen sulfide origins the property may be arranged
half the known cave being from ascending artesian waters. in the future, if there is interest
remapped. Both have provided significant in a long-day’s event.
Deep Cave is in remarkable con- insight into the origin of caves in
dition for such a major cave. A vir- the Edwards Plateau. Sa v e t he L a j a , I nc., a Texas
gin passage has been found 501(c)(3) fostering watershed
minutes from the entrance. Noted Volunteer Efforts — TCMA volun- and habitat protection in the
for its fine formations, it is a com- teers have provided thousands of Texas-Central Mexico corridor,
plex vertical and horizontal maze. hours of work on the property.
has joined forces with Bexar
The unusual passage morphology Since October 2004, we have creat-
Audubon to increase knowl-
indicates the cave may have been ed a management plan, removed
edge and understanding of
formed by rising sulfate-rich water tons of garbage, put the cabin into
and has a similar genesis as working order, removed cedar and corridor and border issues.
Carlsbad Caverns and Lechuguilla brush, built trails, installed a rain- Look for a series of articles in
Cave in New Mexico. fall collection system, built a future issues of Bexar Tracks.
March-April 2007 7 Bexar Tracks
Bexar Audubon Society, Inc.

The Economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Environment. — Tim Wirth

P.O. Box 6084 U.S. Postage Paid
San Antonio, TX 78209-0084 San Antonio, TX
Permit #590

Bexar Tracks is the official

newsletter of the Bexar
Audubon Society, a Chapter of
the National Audubon Society.
The Chapter’s primary goals
are to promote species and
habitat conservation and envi-
ronmental education in the
Your membership includes
National Audubon and Bexar
Audubon and subscriptions to
Audubon and Bexar Tracks.

Membership and Support for

Your Environmental Voice in Our Community
Bexar Audubon welcomes new members to join Audubon through the chapter. This brings 100 percent
of the first-year’s dues directly back to support local work. The same applies to gift memberships placed
through the chapter. Your additional tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated. Bexar Audubon
receives only a few thousand dollars each year from National Audubon Society as dues share. The rest
we must raise ourselves. Your help is needed, and your donations will be put to good use right here in
South Central Texas to provide environmental news and education to the community, including the
newsletter, programs, San Antonio Environmental Network Issues Forums, Second Saturday programs,
and other activities you may or may not hear about.
Individual introductory memberships are $20; seniors and students join for $15.
Please provide the following information for each personal subscription or gift:

Mailing Address with ZIP code

AC & Phone + e-mail, if available

Do you wish to opt out of other mailings by Audubon or those with whom it shares lists? ___yes ___no

Make checks payable to “Bexar Audubon Society” and mail to the address above.
$__________for subscription(s) $_______ additional donation

NOTE: Renewals should be sent directly to National Audubon Society.

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