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Sustainable cultivation planning

- strawberries -

Provided by:
Andrei Ionut Girz
Cheng Ho
Franklin Vrolijk
Issayas Teklu
Lisa Crijns
Maria Starodubrovskaya
Namkang van Dijk
Ying Li

Toine Buijs

Sustainable cultivation planning
- strawberries -

Provided by:
Andrei Ionut Girz
Cheng Ho
Franklin Vrolijk
Issayas Teklu
Lisa Crijns
Maria Starodubrovskaya
Namkang van Dijk
Ying Li

Coordinator: Toine Buijs

Klaas de Jager, innovation manager soft fruits at The Greenery

Module: Sustainable cultivation planning
Course code: 82408
HAS Den Bosch, The Nederlands

I | P a g e

List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................................III
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................................................... IV
Chapter 1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1
Chapter 2 Experiment design ...............................................................................................................................2
2.1. Research question .....................................................................................................................................2
2.2. Response variables ....................................................................................................................................2
2.3. Treatment variables ..................................................................................................................................2
2.4. Number of repetitions ...............................................................................................................................2
2.5. Field design ................................................................................................................................................2
Chapter 3 Choice of starting material ..................................................................................................................3
3.1. Variety .......................................................................................................................................................3
3.2. Cultivation medium ...................................................................................................................................4
3.3. Starting material ........................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 4 Wattering plan .....................................................................................................................................5
4.1. Level control ..............................................................................................................................................6
4.2. Quality of water .........................................................................................................................................6
4.3. Watering method ......................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 5 Fertilization plan ...............................................................................................................................7
5.1. Fertilization method .............................................................................................................................7
5.2. Circulation system nutrient solution ....................................................................................................7
5.3. Standard nutrient solution ...................................................................................................................7
5.4. Nutrient solution to be prepared .........................................................................................................7
5.5. Fertilizer programme ............................................................................................................................9
5.6. Total fertilizer use .................................................................................................................................9
5.7. Laws or regulations............................................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 6 limate and lighting setpoints ....................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Light ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
6.2. Temperature ........................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3. Relative Humidity ................................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 7 Crop protection plan ..................................................................................................................... 12
7.1. Prevention .............................................................................................................................................. 12
7.2. Plan of approach: .................................................................................................................................... 13
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7.2.1. Pests................................................................................................................................................. 13
7.2.1. Insects and mites ............................................................................................................................. 13
7.2.2. Fungal diseases ................................................................................................................................ 18
7.2.3. Slime moulds ................................................................................................................................... 20
7.2.4. Root and crown diseases ................................................................................................................. 21
7.2.5. Nematodes ...................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2.6. Fruit diseases ................................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 8 Pollination ......................................................................................................................................... 24
References ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix A Fertilization advice..................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix B Water analysis ........................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix C Calculation ................................................................................................................................. 29
Appendix D Fertilizer stock at school greenhouse ........................................................................................ 30
Appendix E Assignment: Inspection demands starting material .................................................................. 31

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List of Figures
Figure 2-1: The field design ..................................................................................................................................3
Figure 3-1: Supplied substrate from BVB used in the project ..............................................................................4
Figure 3-2: Soil characteristics ..............................................................................................................................4
Figure 5-1: Diagram of the nutrient solution in a closed cultivation system of the HAS greenhouse .................7
Figure 7-1: Acythosiphon pisum ........................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 7-2: Thysanoptera pteron ....................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7-3: Fruit damages caused by Thysanoptera pteron .............................................................................. 15
Figure 7-4: Tetranychus urticae and their eggs ................................................................................................. 17
Figure 7-5: Trialeurodes vaporariorum .............................................................................................................. 18
Figure 7-6: Powderly mildew damages ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 7-7: Leaf spots ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 7-8: Slim mould ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 7-9: Red stele damages .......................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 7-10: Black root disease damages .......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7-11: Field damaged by nematodes ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7-12: Botrytis fruit damages ................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 8-1: Wireless bumblebee hive ................................................................................................................ 24

IV | P a g e

List of Tables
Table 3-1: Planting dates ......................................................................................................................................5
Table 3-2: The process of plant propagation for the project ...............................................................................5
Table 4-1: Nutrients mixture of macro elements based on standard level recommended for strawberry.........8
Table 4-2: Standard spore elements recommended. ...........................................................................................8
Table 4-3: Calculation of the quantity needed to be prepared. ...........................................................................9
Table 4-4: List of fertilizers and amounts to be used in Tank A. ..........................................................................9
Table 4-5: List of fertilizers and amounts to be used in Tank B. ....................................................................... 10

1 | P a g e

Chapter 1 Introduction

This report is a Cultivation plan for a Cultivation project performed by the 2
year students of Horticulture
and Business Management in HAS Den Bosch University during one of the modules called Sustainable
Cultivation Planning. One of the main aims of this report is to be able to set up and carry out a Cultivation
plan for a certain crop for the following 30 weeks.
For the 2
year cultivation project it was decided to grow strawberries as a main crop. The variety AVA was
chosen. With collaboration of Klaas de Jager, innovation manager of soft fruits in The Greenery, the
innovative experiment was created as a continuation based on the last year students results. It was
recommended to use some other light treatment, differ from what was used, and try different plant age. As
far as last year it was not achievable to keep plants flowering during winter, now it is sort of second chance
to try planting with different dates and with the use of other light treatment in a way to prevent
strawberries from going into dormancy. That is the idea of the experiment.
In order to make sure it is possible, it is important to draw up a fertilization, watering, crop protection plans,
to think about quality of starting material and formulate the main questions on the experiment.
In Chapter 2 the experimental design idea is represented. The research questions are set up over there.
The idea is to try to grow strawberries before Christmas and the period before June. If it is possible, then it
can be a great possibility for growers to have their first harvest period much earlier than usually. It is
suggested that with AVA it is most achievable. In Chapter 3 it is explained more detailed why that variety
was chosen and which quality it is going to be.
Which water should be used? How often it should be applied? What is the amount required for plants? All
these and other questions are going to be answered in Chapter 4 Watering plan.
It is also very important to know how much the plant needs to be fertilized in order to grow properly. In
Chapter 5 the description of fertilization methods can be found. It is shown how the nutrient solution can be
calculated based on the standard nutrient solution for a certain crop. In this case, for strawberry plants.
As it was mentioned already, that is an experiment which is going to take place in HAS Den Bosch
greenhouse, which is slightly different from the last year experiments results. Therefore, some set points for
light and temperature treatment were made. For how many hours and at what period of the day it should be
applied? The answers can be found in the Chapter 6 of this report.
Later on, the crop protection plan is described in Chapter 7 where the way of prevention some of the
diseases are shown. The biological control and chemical control of many diseases, viruses and fungi which
may appear during 30weeks experiment are suggested. The pollination by bumble bees, which will take
place with strawberry plants, is explained over there.
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Chapter 2 Experiment design

In order to make possible an accurate analysis of the cultivation project, a statistical analysis is needed.
2.1. Research question
Main question:
Do light or planting times prevent dormancy of strawberries?
Sub questions:
1. Do different planting times result in different yields and earlier production?
2. What is the effect of different light treatment on yield and earlier production?
3. Is there interaction between planting time and light treatment on yield and earlier production?
2.2. Response variables
Number of days from planting to the first red strawberry per plant.
Weight of harvested strawberries per plant.
2.3. Treatment variables
normal light with a extra light from sodium lamps
additional led light in blue and red
Three different planting times:
1. First planting time: 20th of November
2. Second planting time: 30th of November
3. Third planting time: 10th of December
2.4. Number of repetitions
There are 210 pots with two plants each, so in total there are 420 plants. There are 2 different light
treatments, so 210 (plant) repetitions per treatment and 3 variations in planting time. In total there are 2
light treatments 3 planting times = 6 variations, then 7 repetitions/planting variation/row/light treatment
5 rows = 35 repetitions/planting variation/light treatment.
2.5. Field design
The experimental field design is set out as shown in Figure 2-1.

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Figure 2-1: The field design

Chapter 3 Choice of starting material

3.1. Variety

For the coming Cultivation project only one crop was chosen for the experiment Fragaria ananassa
(strawberry). The AVA variety will be used on substrate. AVA is a day neutral variety, which means it may
give continues flowering for continues production.
Flower initiation occurs the same period when plants are in their vegetative stage. In comparison with short
day cultivars, they do not need short day length and low temperatures to initiate flower. (Appendix E) That is
the reason AVA variety will be used, so it is going to be checked if it is possible to prevent dormancy and
harvest them as early as it can be possible.
The AVA strawberries variety which will be used in the project is propagated by Anthe BV. The mother plants
for this propagation are coming from Plantenkwekerij Van den Elzen, certified as EE plants according to NAK-
T Elite certification. (Anonymous, Van den Elzen, 2010) The inspections are made by Naktuinbouw.

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3.2. Cultivation medium
The compartment which will be used for the main cultivation project itself is 12m x 6m and contains 5 rows
with pots in it. There are 210 pots with two plants each. There will be 420 plants overall.
For the cultivation medium peat substrate is used. The peat substrate is supplied by BVB Substrates and the
type C2 coarse is used (Figure: 3-1). This type has high air-filled porosity (AFP). The expected drainage of
the water is to be about 20%. Last year 2
year students used the same substrate in the greenhouse at the
HAS Den Bosch for their strawberry experiment. It is a mixture of decomposed raised bog peat with addition
of additives (BVB Substrates, n.d.).

Figure 3-1: Supplied substrate from BVB used in the project

According to the package, the pH level varies from 3,5 - 6,5 according to H
O (Figure: 3-2). It means nothing
is needed to be added to rise (or low) pH level because the appropriate level for cultivating strawberries is
5,3-6,7, so it is suitable. Moreover, the pH of the rain water which will be used for irrigation will be checked
for the pH level at 5,5 automatically in the system.

Figure 3-2: Soil characteristics

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3.3. Starting material
In comparison with the last year project, it is planned to plant strawberries much later. It was 10
of October
last year. The purpose was to achieve production of volume in early March and carry through the production
of volume until June. As a result, it was not possible because plants went in dormancy even with the help of
using light treatment. This year it was suggested to plant strawberries much later and with the 14days (two
weeks) difference for each planting time (Table 3-1).

Table 3-1: Planting dates
Month Date Plant age
November 6 73 days
November 20 73 days
December 4 73 days
December 18 Plants Gerard Joosten

All the plants used are 73days age. Alongside with the project in HAS Den Bosch greenhouse, Gerard Joosten,
the strawberries grower, will plant the other ones 18
of December as an addition to our experiment. There
will be the same treatment applied in order to find out if the different planting date leads plant not to go to
dormancy at that time.

At the beginning the motherplants, which were certified as EE plants were planting at 15
of May. By the
of august the new propagated plants were taken out and 1 month later they were stored by the
temperature 3,7C (Table 3-2).

Table 3-2: The process of plant propagation for the project
Schedule Propagation AVA
Action Month Day Plant age
Planting motherplants May 15
Planting cutlings on plugs August 10
Plugs in cold storage September 10 31 days

Plugs on trays September 25
Plugs on trays October 9
Plugs on trays October 23

Chapter 4 Wattering plan

The present watering plan is used to control the water supply of sustainable cultivation project conducted. It
has to provide enough water effectively and save the water. Moreover, have a good watering plan is one of
the most essential factor leading to the process of cultivation success which significantly reduce the water
problems during the cultivation.
In this chapter will be give the detailed plan of water using and water quality control.
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4.1. Level control
Drainage water management is normally concerned with reducing the amount of drainage water and with
managing its disposal. The drainage water generated must then be managed for reuse purposes in
greenhouses. However, in school`s watering system, the water given to plants is recirculated and recycled.
4.2. Quality of water
For any plant, the selection of water is very important. Different water contains several elements and
nutrient. Such as rain water and tap water. They influence the EC and are able to cause toxicity symptoms.
The amount of water given to depends on greenhouse temperature, sunlight and the pH of soil.
In this project, rain water will be used to be the irrigation water. According to the cultivation plan, the PH of
water has to be controlled between PH 5.7 - 6.4. This will be measure every week after starting the project.
4.3. Watering method
Strawberries prefer plenty of water but it is easy to get diseases if the leaves are wetted. Therefore, we
choose the drip irrigation which is more effective, time-saving, accurate, and it can prevent the leaves from
getting wet.
The water will be added as follows:
Start at + 2.0 hours after sunrise until - 2.0 hours before sunset
Maximum waiting time 3:30 hours
Setpoint light for watering start 250 J/cm2
Amount of water per drip set at 100 ml per dripper
Setpoint pH: 5.5
Setpoint EC: 1.5

At planting the students have to make sure that pots are wet (heavy watered before or direct after planting).
This can be done most efficiently by dripping every 20 minutes with 50 - 70 ml water per dripper or by
showering the pots manually. 20%-30% of water drainage after watering is considered as a successful
irrigation. (Klaas, 2012)
There are 210 pots cultivated, and watering 100ml per time per pot. Therefore is given 21 liters in total for
each time the irrigation is done. Thus the amount of water per day on a cloudy day can be 42 liters and 147-
168 liters on a sunny day.

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Chapter 5 Fertilization plan
For every crop grown in a greenhouse the feeding process is an artificial one, done by means of machinery
and set up by human. Therefore is a crucial factor in the future growth, development and crop yield to have
a proper fertilization plan.
5.1. Fertilization method
The fertilization is made by use of drip feeder. One drip feeder will be place per pot. The irrigation water
contains fertilizers, so fertilizer is fed to the plants every time the crop is irrigated. A specification of the
fertilizers can be found in Subchapter 5.3 Standard nutrient solution.
5.2. Circulation system nutrient solution
In the school greenhouse a closed circulation system is used, as shown in Figure 5-1. This means that all the
water in the system is recirculated. The drain water, which still contains some nutrients, is disinfected and
mixed with the rain water. The diluted drain solution is the mixed with the fertilizer in the A/B tank and this
gives the drip solution. The drip solution should have the right EC and pH for the crop.

Figure 5-1: Diagram of the nutrient solution in a closed cultivation system of the HAS greenhouse
5.3. Standard nutrient solution
The standard nutrient solution was recommended by Klaas de Jager, agronomist R&D soft fruit crops at The
Greenery (Appendix A).
5.4. Nutrient solution to be prepared
A nutrients mixture is created according to the standard nutrient solution. The fertilizer choice is based on:
1) The standard requirements of macro elements of strawberry
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2) The solubility of nutrients mix in the water

3) The availability stock of fertilizer from the school greenhouse (see Appendix D).
Table 5-1: Nutrients mixture of macro elements based on standard level recommended for strawberry
mmol/L Fertilizer
11.30 1.25 1.47 5.17 3.99 1.17 Standard
7.98 3.99 3.99 Ca(NO

3.32 3.32 3.32 KNO

0.30 0.60 0.30 K

1.17 1.17 1.17 MgSO

1.25 1.25 1.25 KH

-11.30 -1.25 -2.94 +5.17 +7.98 +2.34 mEq/L
Sum: -15.49 Sum: +15.49 mEq/L

As a rule of thumb, the EC can be calculated as follows:

According to the analysis of the water sample from the school greenhouse (see Appendix B), the water
contains little salt (Ca, Mg and HCO
<0.1 mmol/L) and nutrients. The pH is 5.3. Therefore, there is no need to
make adjustments in the nutrients mixture.
The iron chelate in Table 4-2 was changed from 3% (advice from Klaas) to 6%, because of availability at the
school greenhouse. In addition, it is possible to use, because the iron chelate (Fe DTPA 6.0%) is stable in
levels of pH 5.5 to 6.5, which is the optimum pH in strawberry cultivation.
Table 5-2: Standard spore elements recommended.
Fe Mn Zn B Cu Mo mmol/L Fertilizer
0.030 0.015 0.007 0.015 0.000750 0.000500
0.030 0.030 Fe DTPA 6.0% (liquid)
0.015 0.015 MnSO
0.007 0.007 ZnSO
0.015 0.003750 Na
0.000750 0.000750 CuSO
0.000500 0.000500 Na

The solution in the A/B tank will have a dilution factor of 100 for a total volume of 1000 liters of water. The
quantity of fertilizer to be used in the tanks is calculated in Table 4-3.

In the advice from Klaas, K
fertilizer is added which is difficult to dissolve in the water according to the book and
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Table 5-3: Calculation of the quantity needed to be prepared.
Dilution 1
Stock solution
Dilution 100
kg/1000 l
l/1000 l
3.99 320.5 1278.8 1500 0.853 127.9 85.3
3.32 101.1 335.7 33.6
0.30 174.3 52.3 5.2
O 1.17 246.5 288.4 28.8
1.25 136.1 170.1 17.0
Fe DTPA 6.0%
0.030 930.8 27.925 1280 0.022 2.7925 2.1816
O 0.015 169.0 2.535 0.2535
O 0.007 287.5 2.013 0.2013
O 0.003750 381.2 1.430 0.1430
O 0.000750 249.7 0.187 0.0187
O 0.000500 241.9 0.121 0.0121

The details of the calculation can be found in Appendix C.
5.5. Fertilizer programme
The fertilizer will be given to the crops together with irrigation water by drip feeder. The starting time is two
hours before sunrise and two hours after sunset (see Chapter 4 Wattering Plan).
5.6. Total fertilizer use
Because highly concentrated calcium will react with sulphates and phosphates (Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, n.d.), it will be prepared in tank A (Table 4-4) and the sulphates and phosphates in tank B
(Table 4-5). The iron chelate will also be prepared in tank A to keep it separate from the other trace
elements in tank B, because the trace elements will repress the iron from the chelate, which leads to
precipitation of iron (Berkhout, 2010).
Table 5-4: List of fertilizers and amounts to be used in Tank A.
Tank A
Fertilizer Amount
Calcium nitrate Ca(NO
51.2% (liquid) 85.3 l
Iron chelate Fe DTPA 6.0% (liquid) 2181.6 ml

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Table 5-5: List of fertilizers and amounts to be used in Tank B.
Tank B
Fertilizer Amount
Potassium nitrate KNO
33.6 kg
Potassium sulphate K
5.2 kg
Epsom salt (heptahydrate) MgSO
O 28.8 kg
Mono potassium phosphate KH
17.0 kg
Manganese sulphate MnSO
O 253.5 g
Zinc sulphate ZnSO
O 201.3 g
Borax Na
O 143.0 g
Copper sulphate CuSO
O 18.7 g
Sodium molybdate Na
O 12.1 g

5.7. Laws or regulations
The Dutch laws regarding use of fertilizers in greenhouse became stricter starting the current year (Beerling,
2011) . They are very specific when one speaks about reuse of water, mixing, handling of fertilizers and
Reuse of water

No discharge below Sodium threshold value
No residual discharge water on sewage system
Obligatory 500 m
/ha rainwater storage

The fertilizers shall be stored in special places and recipients/tanks from where they cannot leak. The
fertilizers cannot be stored as a mix of nutrients; they must be stored as separate and mixed when
needed. (Anonymous1, 2005)

All the fertilizers must be handled only by authorized personnel with license. Protecting equipment must
be used when one wants to work with fertilizers. (Anonymous1, 2005)

Mixing can be done only according to law which specifies the substances what can me mixed by
authorized personnel. (Anonymous, regelgeving, 2012)
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Chapter 6 limate and lighting setpoints

Climate and lighting are a major factor in present cultivation project. Therefore a great attention will be
given to.
6.1. Light
According to the main question, which was set up for the coming experiment with strawberries is: Do light
or planting times prevent dormancy of strawberries? It is going to be measured whether different light
treatment effects on yield and earlier production. Different light treatment means the use of Assimilation
lights & LED lights respectively. As it was mentioned, the compartment for the experiment will be divided
into 2 parts where half of plants will be treated with normal light only and the other one with the use of red
light (Figure 2-1, Chapter 2. The field design).
The following setting points will be followed for treatments:
Assimilation lights
Assimilations light should be on up from 8.00 am until 16:00 hours pm (8 hours)
Settings LED lights - day length
LEDs for the day length should be on up from 16:00 hours pm - 8.00 am (16 hours)
6.2. Temperature
In case the experiment is set to see if it is possible to prevent dormancy, then it is very important to create
right temperature which will influence on flowering and fruiting on strawberry plants. The optimal
temperature for flowering is to keep from 17C during 10 hours to maximum 11C during 15 hours. As for
the following experiment it was decided to keep average 24-hours temperature at the point of 14C (taking
in account that the first planting time is at November 6, so the experiment is going into winter). Therefore,
that is the heating pipe temperature suggested:
Max pipe temperature 45 degrees day and night
Min pipe temperature 30 degrees
period: - 1.00 hours before sunrise until + 4.00 hours after sunrise
Night temperature:
11 degrees setpoint heating
period: - 1 hours before sunset untill - 3.30 hours before sunrise
12 degrees setpoint ventilation
period: + 2 hours after sunset untill - 3.30 hours before sunrise
Day temperature:
16 degrees setpoint heating
period: - 3.30 hours before sunrise untill -1.00 hours before sunset
17 degrees setpoint ventilation
period: - 3.30 hours before sunrise untill + 2.00 hours after sunset

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6.3. Relative Humidity
When it comes to humidity, there is the same aim as it was described above: to create summer conditions
instead of winter coming. The relatively high humidity is required for strawberries to flower. Consequently, it
was set up as following:

Day humidity 70 %
period: - 1.00 hours before sunrise untill - 1.00 hours before sunset
Night humidity 85 %
period: - 1.00 hours before sunset untill -1.00 hours before sunrise
(Klaas, 2012)

Chapter 7 Crop protection plan

All the crops are susceptible to different natural stressors, more specifically pests and diseases. For avoiding
problems in their cultivation project, students have to realize a sustainable crop protection plan which will
provide all the information needed regarding prevention and treatment of pests and diseases.

7.1. Prevention
There are many ways in which prevention of diseases may occur and therefore enhances students aim of
crop protection.
Prevention of diseases will occur from the beginning because they will use clean and disease free starting
material. Using only plants that are disease free will also is a method to prevent the crop from diseases.
Throughout the entire cultivation project the greenhouses will monitored to make sure that the area in
which the strawberries are growing in are not tempered with and that there are no external factors that
could damage the strawberry plants.( E.g. Human interference)
Furthermore will be used sticky pads, strips (blue and yellow) to catch the pests and that will be located
within the greenhouse. This will allow monitoring the number and the volume of pests within the
greenhouse before and during the project.
The use of sulphur burners will be used in order to prevent the growth of fungi such as Botrytis. This will also
help prevent other forms of fungus from infecting the crop.
An efficient drainage system is also important because will not allow water logging to occur and that is off
the ground in order to prevent contact with the soil and therefore the prevention of fungus infection.
Further safety measure such as preventing any groups members from travelling in and out of different
apartments to prevent the spread of diseases from other crops.
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Finally the students want to keep the apartment closed in order to prevent anyone or anything else coming
in and infecting the plants.

Sticky traps: Deploy the sticky pads just above the plants on each row, an equal number on each row.
Idea: 5 sticky pads equally distributed on the rows.

7.2. Plan of approach:
The plan of our approach to the crop protection of the students strawberry cultivation is that they will
attempt to protect their crop as biologically but also cultural as possible. They will introduce many predators
and conduct many cultural measures in order to protect the crop with minimum or no use of chemical
protection. Early monitoring and the use of sticky pads can also help in their plan of approach. The aim of the
plan approach is that the students would also limit the environmental effects and the risk of resistance as
the crop protection is attempted to be done as biologically as possible. They will pay attention to possible
effects on the environment but also on the risk of resistance.
Effects on the environment with biological control
There will be no effects on the environment with the use of biological control as the biological control will be
deployed in a closed system.
7.2.1. Pests
The main objective is to have complete biological control in crop; therefore, application of pesticides will be
done only when it is really necessary. The students will work with IPM (Integrated Pest Management).
Thereby is wanted to avoid applying insecticides when bees are active, to prevent killing the bees.
Throughout the project will be used the sticky pads, both yellow and blue in order to attract a wider variety
of pests and to monitor the crop. Thereby the students are also going to use a hand lens for scouting the

Control scheme
The crop will be monitored two times a week for all those diseases. Thereby the students are also going to
use a hand lens for scouting the crop. The students will also use sticky pads to monitor the pests in the crop.
The monitoring of the students will be done through random selection from the different rows of strawberry
plants. This will allow them to cover greater area of strawberries and therefore will save time not having to
check all the plants.
E.g random check of 5-10 plants per row.
7.2.1. Insects and mites
Is very likely to occur insects and mites in the greenhouse`s room where the strawberries are cultivated
therefore is given much attention to them.
14 | P a g e Aphids (Acythosiphon pisum)
The nymph of this specie looks like the wingless adults but then smaller. The adults are about 2 mm, pale
green or yellowish green in colour and may or may not have wings (Figure: 6-1). The aphid overwinters as
nymphs or adults in strawberry crowns or as black eggs on the older leaves. Several strawberry viruses are
spread by aphids.

Figure 7-1: Acythosiphon pisum
They harm the plant by sucking the sap from it. They have to be controlled in order to lengthen the useful
life of the plants. The aphids are mainly found under the surface of youngest emerging leaves from the
strawberry plant. The AVA strawberry normally does not attract many aphids but is expected to deal with
them during the experiment.

Biological control
When the aphids occur the students will use biological control. There is a number of beneficial and natural
help to control aphids. For example lady beetles, lacewings, syrphid flies and parasitic wasps. The use of lady
beetles will try to control the aphids. They will use lady beetles as their primary source of biological control
mainly because they are the most efficient predator. At the time the aphids are going to fly, the students will
combining the lady beetles with wasp. This is because they lady beetles will not be sufficient enough to catch
the aphids but the wasps are capable of catching the aphids.
In case it will not be sufficient the use chemical control will be needed. They can monitor the efficiency of
the biological control through monitoring the number of aphids that are present in the crop. E.g.: sticky
pads. Scouting should be performed particularly during the early season. (Anonymous, Bc Ministry of
Agriculture, 2012)

Chemical control
Pesticide which will be use when needed is 25 ml Calypso (thiacloprid) per 100 L water. It is preferable to be
used no more than two times per cultivation period in order to prevent resistance. If is needed, students will
alternate spraying with 50 g Pirimor (pirimicarb) per 100 L water. The safety term is 7 days (from last
application until harvest). (Gewasbescherming Vollegrondsgroenteteelt en Aardbeien, 2012)

15 | P a g e

Environmental effects
The chemical Calypso (thiacloprid) possesses consequences to the environment. The chemical would be seen
to affect other insects but also affect insects that live in freshwater. Possess little effect on other forms of
life. E.g: plants and animals. Trips (Thysanoptera pteron)
Western flower trips Frankliniella occidentalis is most likely to appear.
Trips are tiny and yellow-brown insects (Figure 7-2). They are small and 0.5 - 1 mm in length. The younger
trips are shiny yellow and they do not have wings.

They can be found most of the times in flowers, under bracts and petals and under the calyx of fruit. The
trips only damage the strawberry fruit that will become bronzing (Figure 7-3). Adults and larvae feed by
removing sap from punctures they make in the plant tissue. Trips are expected in the beginning of spring in
the AVA variety.

Figure 7-2: Thysanoptera pteron
Figure 7-3: Fruit damages caused by Thysanoptera pteron
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Biological control
The students will use the predatory Amblyseius cucumeris to control the trips. The biological control will
start when there are about 10 trips per flower detected. Is not desired to start too early with this application
to avoid the death of the predators. This is because the Amblyseius cucumeris only kills the first nymphal
instar the students would have to deploy the predators at an early stage in order to make the biological
control efficient. With that in thought they cannot introduce the predators too early because the predators
may die as a result of no pest to eat.

Chemical control
When needed will be used 100 ml Spruzit per 100 L water. The safety term is 2 days (from last application
until harvest). (Gewasbescherming Vollegrondsgroenteteelt en Aardbeien, 2012) If the students do have to
use this chemical control they would also kill off the beneficial insects within the crop. As a result to this the
students would then have to re-introduce the insects later. Furthermore the students will need to apply a
chemical control such as Spruzit when they notice that the numbers of trips within the crop is too large to
control biologically.

Environmental effects
Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic
environment. This is only applies if the water leaks out into other sources of water. This would not be highly
considered as the students are conducting their project in a closed environment (glasshouse). Spider mites (Tetranychus urticae)
The spider mite is very tiny and it is hardly possible to see it with the naked eye. The mites lay eggs in spring
and throughout the summer and the eggs look like a small pile of salt. The mites will attack at first the young
folded leaflets in the centre of the plant which results in crinkled or puckered leaves. The older leaves will be
darker green or twisted and feel brittle. (Anonymous, Bc Ministry of Agriculture, 2012)
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Figure 7-4: Tetranychus urticae and their eggs

Biological control
The biological control use for trips is also efficient for spider mite control. (Gewasbescherming
Vollegrondsgroenteteelt en Aardbeien, 2012) So will be used the Amblyseius cucumeris (200-300 mites per
m2) to control the spider mites. In case of very severe infection the infected plants have to remove. After
this operation will be added 500 Amblyseius cucumeris in the plants around the removed plants. If the
students notice that the Amblyseius cucumeris is not efficient in killing the spider mites they will then
introduce the Phytoseiulus persimilis. We will notice that there are still spider mites on the plants. Using the
Phytoseiulus persimilis as secondary option is good because they are specialised in killing spider mites. On
average a one Phytoseiulus persimilis will kill around 7 spider mites and 20 spider mite eggs per day.
(Anonymous, Bc Ministry of Agriculture, 2012)
The students would chose to use the Amblyseius cucumeris because they also kill other different species of
pest and therefore be introduced earlier without the risk of death.

Chemical control
No chemical control possible. White fly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)
The white fly is a tiny insect with yellowish bodies and white wings (Figure 7-5). They usually occur in groups
on the undersides of leaves and suck phloem sap. The leaves can turn yellow or appear dry and they can
cause fall off plants. (Anonymous, How to manage pests, 2011)

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Biological control

The students do not think white fly will damage the AVA variety in a high level by using the predatory
Amblyseius swirskii. They expect that the AVA variety will not be infested with white fly.

Chemical control

25 ml Calypso (thiacloprid) per 100 L water will be used if chemical control will be needed. (anonymous, n.d.)
Is the same substance which can be used for aphids and it will kill the larvae of the white fly.
Environmental effects:
The chemical Calypso (thiacloprid) possesses consequences to the environment. The chemical would be seen
to affect other insects but also affect insects that live in freshwater. Possess little effect on other forms of
life. E.g.: plants and animals
Rate m/unit
frequency remark
preventive 25/m 2000 - 1x -
curative light 50/m 1000 - 1x start when trips or whitefly is present
100/m 500 - 1x
infested areas only, always in
combination with other beneficial

7.2.2. Fungal diseases
Fungal diseases are very likely in strawberries, especially in high relative humidity. Powderly mildew
White patches of mycelium may appear on lower leaf surface and the edges of leafs may be rolled up (Figure
7-6). The flowers may end up looking deformed or they may be killed due to the Powderly mildew. Besides
Figure 7-5: Trialeurodes vaporariorum
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the fruits can be infected and may stop ripening. (Anonymous, Strawberry diseases, 2009)

Cultural control
Students want to prevent breeze as much as possible to prevent the fungi (powdery mildew) from occurring.

Chemical control
For chemical control, will be used sulphur burners during stages where the moisture and humidity are at
their highest in order to protect and prevent Powderly mildew.
Environmental effects
There will be a small amount of sulphur released into the air. This could then cause acid rain to occur on a
small scale thus causing the soil in the environment to be lowered. Leaf spots
Symptoms are red rusty borders and white centres. The disease may also affect the flower, stem and the
runners. As spots grow bigger they tend to turn into grey colours (Figure 7-7). Free and safe starting material
will be needed to get it out of diseases.

Figure 7-6: Powderly mildew damages
Figure 7-7: Leaf spots
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Chemical control
Only if the leaf spot is severe is needed to apply fungicides. The leaf spot is a clear diagram of severe amount
of leaf spot. The use of propiconazole would be most suitable to as if the leaf spots are detected. The
students will Spray at a concentration of 500ml/ha. This would be a concentration that would be able to
cover a greater surface of the infected leafs. (Anonymous, Strawberry diseases, 2009)

Disease cycle
Diseases survive the winter and new disease cycle begins when rain and wind disperse fungal material.

Environmental effects
Due to the approach that the students are taking on crop protection there will be no effects on the
environment as they plan on using clean material and disease free plants in order to prevent leaf spot and
the use of chemical control.

7.2.3. Slime moulds
Due to warm and wet weather, slime moulds usually cover the straw and the lower leafs (Figure 7-8) of the
plant. Normally is seen in low lying plants and occurs weather is warm and wet.

The planting environment must be clean and also the starting material. Avoiding water getting logged
between the plants and trying to keep things as dry as possible is a good way to prevent infection.
Environmental effects
There will be no effects visible as no chemical compounds are used to prevent slime moulds.

Figure 7-8: Slim mould
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7.2.4. Root and crown diseases Red Stele
Diseased plants produce fewer runners and smaller berries. Older leafs show browning and death (Figure 7-
9) and new leafs are stunted in hot temperatures and dry periods. (Anonymous, Strawberry diseases, 2009)

Figure 7-9: Red stele damages
Diseases cycle
Red Stele normally occurs in wet, humid conditions at temperatures between 1-10 degrees. Especially in
water logged soil. The disease is very active during spring time and blooming period.

Red stele will be hard to come across as our drainage system will be good and there will not be any water
logged soil. The students would also prevent Red stele by using disease free soil and starting material.
Red stele is always a possibility despite the cultural control and preventative measures taken into account.
The students will do all they can to prevent the red stele from occurring but bearing in mind that it is more
than capable of appearing in their crop. Black root rot

Symptoms are root attacking fungi which turn the roots black and lose their feeder roots (Figure 7-10). The
cause could be freezing or waterlogged soil or nematodes seen in clay soil and excessive irrigation.
(Anonymous, Bc Ministry of Agriculture, 2012)
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Figure 7-10: Black root disease damages

Chemical control
Soil fumigation may be used in order to reduce or cure the problem.
7.2.5. Nematodes
This are small round worms which cause root knot-signs of nematodes, stunted growth, yellowing of leafs,
reduced yields, less runners and wilting of the plant (Figure 7-11).

Figure 7-11: Field damaged by nematodes
Regular samples should be taken in order to monitor and keep record of the amount of nematodes within
the soil. Fumigation is probably the best method to get rid of the nematodes. Unlikely to occur in the present

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7.2.6. Fruit diseases Botrytis fruit rot (Gray mould)
Symptoms are showed as a grey cover on the fruit surface, it also causes the affected flowers to turn brown
and die. The berry turns brown but stays firm-most frequent during rains.
Caused through contact with soil or contaminated fruits. During spring time the fungus grows down the
plant into the young berries and causes infection that may be seen in a later stage of life (Figure 7-12). They
will use the combination of cultural control and chemical control to control the effects of the botrytis fruit
rot on our strawberries. (Anonymous, Bc Ministry of Agriculture, 2012)
Biological control
Clear and destroy old leafs and fruits that may possible contain Botrytis. Control and destroy the weeds
around the plant in order to reduce humidity and moisture surrounding the plant. Manage the spacing
between the rows and the leafs in order to assure that the leafs on the floor dry faster.

Chemical control
The use of a variety of fungicides will be used in order to prevent the fungi from affecting the crop. The use
of sulphur burners are also a commonly way of fungi developments prevention. The fungicides will be
applied through varies periods in which they should apply funcides. For example: During rainy and humid
temperatures and during the peak flowering period. The students will use a variation of fungicides against
botrytis as a result of preventing resistance. In this case the students will vary the use of fungicides in order
to prevent the risk of resistance from occurring.
Effects on the environment
One of the main effects that fungicides bring out to the environment is that they contain metals that
contaminate soils, rivers and underground water.

Figure 7-12: Botrytis fruit damages
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Chapter 8 Pollination

The students will use bumble bees in order to carry out the pollination. This is because the bumble bees are
extremely active in pollinating. The other reason to why the students will be using the bumble bees for
pollination is that they have a proven track record with majority of the Dutch famers in the Netherlands.
There are many negatives that come forth due to the use of bumble bees for pollination such as they get
orientated due to the domination of the UV lights. As a result to this they then become less efficient as
pollinators. Bumble bees also suffer when there is failure in their colonies.

Figure 8-1: Wireless bumblebee hive

In order to prevent all this from happens the students could possible use the wireless bee home. The
wireless bee house is capable of closing automatically or manually in order to allow the bees to be released
during favorable light hours, thus making less time consuming. This will therefore enhance their efficiency to
pollinate. Furthermore the wireless bee hive will extend the bumble bees life as they will keep control of
their colonies. Plus bumble bees have difficulties in processing and being orientated when the UV lights are
in place.
The students realized that this method of pollination will increase efficiency of pollination but also improve
the lifespan of the pollinators (Bees). They will place the beehive at around 1.2 meters. The bee hives will be
opened at sunrise and closed at sunset in order to allow the bees to work and pollinate during the light
hours before the use of the UV lights are needed.
This would have a positive effect on the bees as they are kept away from the UV lights that could hinder
their orientation and thus making pollination less efficient. Therefore having more control on the pollination
of the bees but at the same time keeping them safe and away from the UV lights (anonymous, n.d.).

25 | P a g e

Anonymous. (2012). Bc Ministry of Agriculture. Retrieved April 23, 2012, from Strawberries.
Anonymous. (2011, February). How to manage pests. Retrieved June 8, 2012
Anonymous. (2012). regelgeving. Retrieved October 19, 2012, from minerale meststoffen federatie web site:
Anonymous. (2009). Strawberry diseases. Retrieved March 12, 2009
Anonymous. (2010). Van den Elzen. Retrieved October 14, 2012, from
Anonymous1. (2005, November 2005). Regeling van de Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit.
Retrieved October 19, 2012, from overheid web site:
Beerling, E. (2011, October 5). Retrieved October 30, 2012, from Wageningen University Resort website:
Berkhout, B. (2010). Dosing Trace elements. Retrieved October 30, 2012, from Relab den Haan:
BVB Substrates. (n.d.). Strawberry-substrates. Retrieved October 18, 2012, from BVB Substrates:
CTGB. (2011). Retrieved from College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden.
Gewasbescherming Vollegrondsgroenteteelt en Aardbeien. (2012).
Klaas, d. J. (2012, 09). advises of watering plan. (Ho,Cheng, Interviewer)
Koppert. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from Koppert Biological Systems:
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (n.d.). Preparing a Complete Fertilizer Solution. Retrieved
October 30, 2012, from The Province of British Columbia:
Pijnenburg, H. (2012). Gewasbeschermingsgids. Wageningen.
substrates, B. (2012). BVB substrates. Grubbenverst, the Netherlands.

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Appendix A Fertilization advice

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Appendix B Water analysis

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Appendix C Calculation
Calculation for a liquid fertilizer:
Calculate the molar mass of solid Ca(NO

This molar mass amounts to of the total molar mass, so the total molar mass is

We need , or

The density of liquid Ca(NO
at 25 C is , so we need

The tank has a capacity of and we wil use a concentration of times, so

Calculation for a solid fertilizer:
Calculate the molar mass of MgSO

We need , or

The tank has a capacity of and we wil use a concentration of times, so

Other fertilizers are calculated in the same way.

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Appendix D Fertilizer stock at school greenhouse
Liquid Solid
1 Ammoniumnitraat 1 Agroblen 18-6-12+3 (3-4M)
2 Calcium chloride 2 Agroblen 19-00-12+4
3 Calcium nitraat 3 Ammonium sulfaat salpeter
4 Librel ijzer chelaat 6 % 4 Ammonium sulfaat zwavel ammoniak
5 Magnitral 5 Bitterzout
6 Salacid 6 Borax
7 Dolokal
8 Entec 14-7-17+2+micro
9 Entec 26%N
10 Floranid 15-9-15+2+micro
11 Gekorrelde kalk
12 Ijzer sulfaat
13 Kalisalpeter
14 Kalium chloride oplosbaar kali 60
15 Kalium chloride strooibaar kali 60
16 Kalium sulfaat
17 Kalk salpeter
18 Kalkammon salpeter
19 Kieseriet korrel
20 Koper sulfaat
21 Kristalon 15-5-30+3+micro
22 kristalon 18-18-18+3+micro
23 Kristalon 19-6-20+3+micro
24 Kristalon 3-11-38+4+micro
25 Lewatitt
26 Magnesamon
27 Mangaan sulfaat
28 Mono kalium fosfaat
29 Multigrow 24-6-18
30 N.P.K. 12-10-18
31 Natrium molybdaat
32 Osmocote 15-10-11+3+te Hi end 8-9mnd
33 Osmocote 15-9-12+2,5+micro(5-6M)
34 Osmocote 15-9-9+3+micro (8-9M)
35 osmosol 13-5-25
36 Patent kali
37 Peters 12-00-43
38 stikstof magnesia
39 Technische ureum 46%
40 Tripel super fosfaat
41 Zink sulfaat

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Appendix E Assignment: Inspection demands starting material

1. Cultivars
Strawberry cultivars vary widely not only in size, color, flavor, shape but also in degree of fertility, season of
ripening, liability to disease and constitution of plant. When choosing the cultivar will be used, there is an
environmental control of flowering aspect we must base on. Research has shown recently that strawberries
actually occur in three basic flowering habits: short-day, long-day, and day-neutral. (Anonymous, Wikipedia,
-Short day (or June bearing) plants for floral initiation need photoperiods under 14hours. They normally bear
fruits in spring only.
-Long day and Day neutral (or Ever bearing) plants need not very high temperatures. They generally produce
two harvests per year: in the spring and in the late summer. Ever bearing strawberry varieties put out less
runners (or no runners at all) than the June bearing varieties, as most of the plants productive energy is
directed toward producing multiple strawberry harvests. (Anonymous, Strawberry plants. org, 2012) The
continuous-flowering can be obtained with these cultivars. More days length with not high temperatures is
needed for Long day plants to promote flowering throughout the summer, as long as for Day neutral plants
there is no difference in short or long days because they will flower in both conditions several times a year.
(Rieger, 2006)
For the project the AVA variety will be used which is, based on the theory above, a Day neutral cultivar.
2. Quality
With the help of Naktuinbouw (Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture) it will be identified the best
planting material by means of the Elite certificate.
The so-called candidate plants are used to produce runners that must undergo multiplication stages, after
which will be certified by NAK tuinbouw to be disease free material. There are five multiplication stages: SEE,
SE1, SE2, EE and E. They distinguish the conditions, time, and presence of viruses of a plant. The most
intensive inspected plants, which get certified, are E plants.
3. Inspection
The NAKTUINBOUW is one of the best services in the Netherlands that monitors the quality of plant material
of horticultural products. They carry out tests and inspections during every multiplication phase while raising
plants. There are three criterias which are taking into account in order to certify a product: soil quality, plant
material quality, damaged or non-resistant plants.
The field where propagation is carried out must be isolated from any other fields with crops or situated at
least 50meters away from plots in case of not being infected. Soil itself must not contain nematodes and
viruses such as Xiphinema & Longidorus species. All material should be free of Collectotrichum acutatum. It
would be also nice if all the plants are free of Verticillium dahlia & Phytophtora cactorium because it is still a
problem to be sure they do not present in the soil and plants. Otherwise, they will not be certified.
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Beside the viruses from soil by which plants can be affected, it is also very important for plants be varietaly
true and pure. Due to NAK contributes to high quality products they must be sure about the varieties they
produce. They must be named properly and be not mixed verieties, otherwise there is no guarantee in what
customers are going to use. That is why throughout the year visual inspections are taking place.
Those plants, which are damaged by droughts, frosts, rain cannot be certified. Certified material must meet
stringent quality requirements. In this case, if plants are damaged they are much lower quality. Moreover, it
means that plants do not resist against environmental factors, which is also not good.
4. Explanation of the purpose of inspection
Xiphinema species & Longidorus species
Plants, affected by these nematodes are showing a poor growth and stunting of the plant, yellowing or
wilting of the foliage, and reduced root systems which can include root necrosis, lack of or secondary roots.
It also causes the devitalization of root tips and overall root death when they feed at the root tips and root
sides of strawberry plants. Both of them are important transmitters of various plant viruses including tomato
ring spot nepovirus (TomRSV), tobacco ring spot nepovirus (TRSV), peach rosette mosaic nepovirus (PRMV),
and cherry rasp leaf nepovirus. (Anonymous, Wikipedia, 2012) + (Trudgill)
As roots play important part in strawberry plant development, it is vital to be sure there are no these
nematodes appear during propagation. As soon as they can transmit viruses from tomatoes, cherries,
peaches, that for sure these crops must not grow in the surrounded area where strawberries are cultivated.
Collectotrichum acutatum
Despite diseases in strawberry crops tend to be more virulent in warm climates, where damage can be
devastating, this virus can occur in cooler conditions where propagating material is grown. (pic.1)
They may lie dormant in the soil for some time, often overwintering. Survival is longest under relatively cool,
dry conditions. (EPPO)Collectotrichum acutatum frequently colonizes leaves and petioles of runner plants in
the nursery. Symptoms may not be visible in the nursery environment, but if inoculum is allowed to build up
and the weather is favorable, flowers and fruit are attacked and lesions may develop on the petioles (pic.2).
It spreads from colonized tissue above the ground to the root system below. (Peres, 2012)
As it was mentioned roots and tissue can be affected. The dangerious for propagation process can be that
this virus may appear in cold conditions and may be dormant in the soil. As a result not only root system
suffers but it may also affect the runners directly when they appear.
Verticillium dahlia
It is a soil-borne fungi with worldwide distribution, causing vascular disease that results in severe yield and
quality losses in fruit .The control of this fungi is difficult because they can survive in the soil as resting
structures for several years. (Zebrowska J, 2007) Because microsclerotia (so-called) are in the soil, growers
should be reminded that the movement of significant amounts of infested soil (via mud clinging to
equipment and vehicles or by in-field disking) will move the pathogen to uninfested locations. Researchers
also find that microsclerotia can be found in high numbers in old strawberry crop residues. (Koike, 2011)
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As with Collectotrichum acutatum virus, Verticillium dahlia fungi may stay in soil or years and do not be
active towards plants. It also can be found in old strawberry residues, so if propagators do not change fields
they may face up with this fungi being in soil.
Phytophtora cactorium
Initially, symptoms typically include plant stunting and small leaves. It leads to brown discoloration in the
crown vascular tissue or throughout the crown tissue. Phytophthora also attack roots, causing a brown to
black root rot. When the soil becomes saturated with water, the pathogen can produce and release
zoospores, which swim through water-filled pores to infect plant tissue. It can also produce resilient spores
(chlamydospores, oospores) that enable them to survive in soil for long periods without a host . Infections
can occur during cool to moderate temperatures, which are typical throughout coastal fruit-production
cycles. (Anonymous, UC IPM Online, 2012)
This fungi is dangerous for strawberry propagation process because of affecting hardly all the species.
Moreover it deals with water where rots are, so it is active when the soil is saturated. It is also possible for
Phytophtora leave spores which can live on their own and affect roots and tissue independently.
5. Reason
Why the starting material must comply with the inspection demands? Firstly, there is a guarantee the
material has been certified free from viruses and other diseases & pests. Secondly, it offers a grower more
peace of mind that the plant is a guarantee for a good start.

(Picture 1 the Collectotrichum acutatum affection on strawberry fruits)
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(Picture 2 the Collectotrichum acutatum affection on strawberry petioles)

Appendix E References:
Anonymous. (2012). Strawberry plants. org. 2 October 2012 r.,
Anonymous. (16 July 2012 r.). UC IPM Online. 11 October 2012 r.,
Anonymous. (3 October 2012 r.). Wikipedia. 17 October 2012 r.,
Anonymous. (6 July 2012 r.). Wikipedia. 11 October 2012 r.,
EPPO, C. a. (..). Collectotrihum acutatum. 11 October 2012 r.,
Koike, M. B. (9 June 2011 r.). Strawberries & Caneberries. 11 October 2012 r.,
Peres, J. M. (April 2012 r.). University of Florida IFAS Extention. 11 October 2012 r.,
Rieger, M. (2006). Strawberry. M. Rieger, Introduction to Fruit Crops (. 383). the Haworth Press.
Trudgill, D. B. (..). Nematode transmission of plant viruses. 11 October 2012 r.,
Zebrowska J, H. J. (2007). NCBI. 11 October 2012 r.,

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