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... through Bertha Dudde

God permits the battle of faith....
People will eperie!"e serious ps#"hologi"al "o!fli"ts as a result of
worldl# laws$ a!d this time is !ot far awa#. %he# will be re&uired to
ope!l# de"lare their faith$ a!d God allows this to happe! be"ause it
is !e"essar# that people should gi'e serious thought to the
&uestio! of their sal'atio! whi"h the# had disregarded so far.
(e allows them to be put u!der pressure b# the earthl# power$ to
eperie!"e serious diffi"ulties due to their faith$ so that the# ha'e
to ma)e a "lear de"isio! regardi!g their belief.
(e allows e'er# huma! bei!g his freedom$ that is$ God will !ot
for"e a!#o!e to a")!owledge (im if he is !ot war!ed b# his i!!er
'oi"e to remai! lo#al to God a!d thus feels the i!!er urge to
"o!fess (im before the world.
God will i!deed allow this i!!er 'oi"e a!d obser'er to spea) where
there is still doubt a!d the huma! bei!g is wea)*willed.
(e will help all those who are hitherto u!de"ided$ (e will se!d them
de'out people a!d through them tou"h their hearts$ (e will "ome
"lose to e'er#o!e i! (is Word$ i! sufferi!g a!d i! !eed+
(e will re'eal (imself to them$ a!d with the good i!te!tio! to
re"og!ise God a!d to fulfil (is will a huma! bei!g will also )!ow
how he should de"ide$ be"ause the! the bei!gs of light$ who "are
for him$ will also guide his thoughts right.
But ma!# people will dis"ard what should be their most pre"ious
possessio!.... their faith i! ,esus -hrist as the di'i!e .a'iour....
%he# will "hoose the world without hesitatio! a!d "ause serious
distress to their souls. /!d God "autio!s them i! ad'a!"e b#
"o!fro!ti!g them (imself through (is ser'a!ts.... b# tea"hi!g them
to )!ow the stre!gth of faith a!d thus gi'i!g them remar)able
e'ide!"e whi"h "a! result i! faith if the# are !ot e!tirel# opposed to
/!d for that reaso! (e will allow the battle agai!st the faith$ (e will
allow it to assume shapes whi"h i!di"ate the depra'it# of people
be"ause (e (imself wa!ts to spea) duri!g this time i! order to
sa'e those people who !eed a "o!'i!"i!g reaso! to belie'e.
%herefore (e will !ot pre'e!t the earthl# power whe! it ope!l#
ad'a!"es agai!st people who "o!fess God. /!d the! people are
for"ed to ma)e a de"isio!$ a!d this de"isio! is 'itall# importa!t for
the souls as it will determi!e the soul0s fate i! eter!it#$ whether it
will awa)e! to life or to death after it departs from this earth.
%o help people ma)e the right de"isio! God will tr# beforeha!d to
ma)e them u!dersta!d$ (e will tr# to i!flue!"e them through (is
earthl# a!d spiritual ser'a!ts who will help them if the# are
u!"ertai! what the# should do. But (e will !ot for"e their will a!d
therefore it is !e"essar# that people are "ompelled b# earthl#
mea!s to ma)e a de"isio! i! order that the freedom of their a"tio!s
is guara!teed....
Published b# frie!ds of !ew re'elatio!s of God 1 2!formatio!$
dow!load of all tra!slated re'elatio!s$ theme*boo)lets at3

.... http344e!.bertha*dudde.org4

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