Bridges - December 2009

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december 2009

Lithuanian American News Journal
USPS 017131 – Published 10 times per year
(Jan./Feb. & Jul./Aug. combined).
in this issue
Address of publication is:
3906 Lakeview Dr., Racine, WI. 53403 2 editorial
Letter from the Editor
11 reflections
A Teenager’s
First Trip

to Lithuania
is the official publication of the Jeanne Dorr
Lithuanian American Community, Inc.
Part II
National Executive Board
2715 E. Allegheny Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19134
4 christmas
Audra Kriaučiu-nas

Tel: 800- 625 -1170
Fax: 856-428-6014
E-mail: Lithuanian Gloria Kivytaitė O’Brien 12 photo album
BRIDGES Consultants
Jeanne Dorr
Gema Kreivenas
Art Director/Production 5 lac news
First Annual Meeting of
the Lithuanian American 17 reflections
Rimas Gedeika Treasurer

Lithuanian American Community, Inc., &
Subscription Manager. The Coming of Our Savior
THE INFORMATION CENTER FOR Danguole Navickas Sr. Margarita Bareikaite
Collects & provides information from Lithuania.
Copyright ©2007 Lithuanian American Community, Inc. All rights
reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced without
7 trivia 17 letter
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Msgr. Edmond J. Putrimas
written permission of the publisher. All statements & opinions, Submitted by
including product claims, are those of the organization/advertiser Edward Shakalis
making those statements or claims. The publisher does not adopt,
or put forth, any such statement or claim as his own, & any
such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the
8 reflections 18 lac news
XXIII - Lithuanian
Blessed George,
Festival in California
opinion of the publisher.

the Marian Renovator

Address all editorial correspondence to:

BRIDGES Eugenija Misevičius
Dan Valenti
Jeanne Dorr
4 Shrewsbury Yard
Riverton, NJ 08077-1038
22 calendar
For subscription & advertising
information, please contact:
Rimas Gedeika
78 Mark Twain Dr.
Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690
Subscription rate is $20.00 annually, 2 full years
for $38.00 (US Mail serviced subscribers).
Subscriptions to other addresses are (US $35.00),
payable in advance (US funds). Periodicals postage
paid at Racine, WI & additional locations.
Contact us on the Internet at: Part of the live
Postmaster: Send any address correction
&/or changes to:
LAC, Inc./BRIDGES, * Cover:
Rimas Gedeika
78 Mark Twain Dr.
Traditional manger scene with live animals at the Cathedral Square,
Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690 Vilnius. Photo by Banga Grigaliunaitė, Vilnius, Lithuania

bridges 3
christmas Gloria Kivytaitė O’Brien

up by the big black coal-burning stove Anna woke especially early that day,
that stood against one wall, in an alcove and had already prepared several dish-
that was a blocked-off fireplace. es for the traditional meal: Her ice-box
Standing next to that was a small, four- was full today. Just one or two more
burner “modern” green porcelain gas dishes, and she would be finally ready.
stove, and in a corner, a tall silver-col- She had a whole fresh fish ready to
ored boiler full of water, that allowed bake in the oven; several dishes of her-
the tenants to light the attached gas- ring prepared in different ways; šližikai
fired mechanism to heat the water. The and poppy seed milk; kisielius (cran-
other large occupant of space in the berry pudding); fruit compote; veg-
kitchen, was the very important ice- etable salad; mushrooms; roasted pota-
box, that helped keep foodstuffs fresh. toes; sauerkraut; and dark bread. Her
A table covered in colorful oilcloth kitchen had been busily steaming and
stood in the middle. humming all day.
Juozas Bandoraitis left Lithuania in The two boys told their mother they
1895 to avoid the Russian Czar’s mili- Anna was a proud and busy housekeep-
er, and her home was decorated with were going to the “movies”, to see a
tary draft. He went to England, found a picture about a “Bold Bank Robbery”,
steady job and a place to live, and attractive embroidered items, pillows,
curtains and spreads. She had spent the and she expected them home within a
stayed. After a while he sent for his short time. But apparently, they had
wife, Anna, and infant son, Juozukas. whole day yesterday cleaning the apart-
ment. She had special things put aside been delayed, and Anna was by now
When a second son, Antanukas, joined beside herself with anxiety. What if
their family, they decided that they for special holidays, and she was sort-
ing through her bedspreads as she spoke they had an accident? The city could be
should seek a better life in a bigger a dangerous place with all its teeming
place -- America. with her husband:
They settled in New York, in the “Juozai, brangusis, (dearest), you know
that it is almost time we must get At 3 o’clock, even though the boys had
Lithuanian community of Williamsburg,
dressed and ready for Ku-čios. The girls not returned, Juozas decided it was
Brooklyn, and in the course of time, two time to go to the bath-house. While he
and I will bathe in the kitchen, and you
more children were born -- Mary and was gone and the apartment was other-
can go to the bath-house around the
Onutė. Both were baptized in Queen of wise empty, Anna had her washcloth
corner for a nice shower. Now where
Angels Church, a Lithuanian parish. bath, bathed her two daughters, and put
are the boys? They were supposed to go
Juozas worked in the big Domino sugar them to bed for a little nap. Soon it
with you. If they do not come home
factory on Williamsburg’s waterfront, within an hour or so, you will have to would be time for them all to don their
and the family rented an apartment in a go on alone. best clothes, to be ready for the cele-
typical four-story tenement nearby, on bration of Ku-čios.
Grand Street. “Just remember, this year we will have
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Čikanas, who are Anna just had time to prepare her table,
It was a “railroad” flat, with five well-off and accustomed to the best. strewing an armful of sweet hay beneath
rooms, all in a row. There was no bath- We don’t want them to be disappointed her pure white tablecloth, setting the
room. There had been an “outhouse” in in our hospitality. places, then distributing her food dishes
the backyard, but just recently a small in an attractive pattern. She dressed the
toilet closet was built in the hallway “Where are those boys?! I realize it is girls, placed her fish in the oven of the
outside their rooms. still only 3 o’clock, but we all know coal stove, and was ready.
how fast time flies. Juozukas, as the
The kitchen, the largest room in the responsible elder, assured me they Juozas had come home, was already
apartment, had a large porcelain-clad would be home in plenty of time. I am dressed, and seated in his soft armchair
cast-iron double sink, that was big very angry! They will both know it in the front room, “out of the way”.
enough to allow a child to sit in it and when they return! And, my dear, before Soon their guests would arrive, but the
bathe. Adults had to make do with you leave for the bath-house, please boys were not to be seen.
washcloths. Many regularly went to the stop at the stables across the street and Anna began to fret; perhaps they
municipal bath-house on Maujer Street, ask them for an armful of sweet hay. I should go to the police station around
for a comfortable shower. will spread it on the table under our the corner and ask if anyone had heard
A large section of the kitchen was taken nice new tablecloth.” anything about two young boys who

4 december 2009
lac news
First Annual Meeting of the
Lithuanian American
may have had some trouble. She fin-
gered her rosary and sat in her rocking

chair, praying for her sons’ return. Soon
tears were flowing; Juozas did his best to
calm her, but she could not be consoled.
And, not only were the boys missing,
but their guests had not arrived - they
were more than an hour late. XIX
Just as Juozas was preparing to go out
to the police station, at half-past the
hour of five, Juozukas and Antanukas
came rushing up the stairs, full of
apologies for their parents, and compli-
cated explanations.
The Denver chapter of the Lithuanian Roman Catholic diaspora and Saulius
“Mama, Papa, we were on our way home,
American Community (LAC) hosted Kuprys, president of the Lithuanian
when we passed a fruit cart that was being
the First Annual Meeting of the LAC American Council, also sent their
attacked by a group of boys! They beat up
XIX Board of Directors on the week- greetings. Regina Narusis, president of
the man, and took all his money, then they
end of September 25 through 27, 2009 the World Lithuanian Community
overturned the cart and all the fruits and
at the Denver Airport Marriott. The air (WLC), could not attend due to com-
vegetables rolled all around in the street!
was crackling with excitement and mitments to be present at meetings
The man was crying!
anticipation, since the current Board and decisions taking place in the
“We tried to help him, and gathered consisted of many new and young Parliament of Lithuania regarding
most of the fruits and vegetables, and members, promising new attitudes and issues of the World Lithuanian
wiped them off before putting them ideas for the future of the LAC. Community, but sent reports on the
back on the cart. The man was glad we year’s activities and the budget for the
The first session on Friday afternoon
helped him, and when the police came, construction of the Governors’ Palace
was opened by the chair of the LAC
we had to tell them all about it. We in Vilnius .
XVIII Board of Directors, Danguole
talked with them for a long time. That’s
Navickas. After the singing of the The approval of the proposed 2009
why we’re so late coming home!”
American and the Lithuanian national meeting agenda and the minutes of the
Anna wielded a soapy washcloth to anthems, Msgr. Albert Contons read 2008 meeting in Boston were followed
wash their faces, hands and arms, and the invocation. The remembrance of by a report by Romas Veitas, the chair-
that would have to do for traditional departed members was especially man of the Election Committee. This
Ku-čios cleanliness that year. poignant due to the loss of an unusual- was especially significant because
Immediately, they heard noises from ly high number of long-time active 2009 was the first year that members
the stairway, and it was their guests, members who died during the past could vote via the internet. While not a
Mr. and Mrs. Čikanas, who were full of year: Vaiva Vebraite, Kestutis Miklas great number of members took advan-
praise for the two boys. They had wit- and Ceslovas Mickunas as well as tage of this new feature, it was suc-
nessed the incident with the fruit cart, former Board members Fr. Ricardas cessfully implemented without any
and their compliments and gracious Repsys and Algis Augunas. Romas significant problems and this year’s
approval made an unforgettable Ku-čios Zableckas, the president of the Denver elections proved that it could be done.
feast for the Bandoraitis family. Their Chapter, and Kate Porterfield, the Voting via the internet enables mem-
friendship endured for many years, America’s Crossroads District chair, bers who live far from parish and cul-
until they all were gone to their reward, warmly welcomed the delegates. tural centers or who do not belong to
and during the intervening years, they Greetings were sent by Ambassador an established chapter to participate in
often mentioned this story with a great Audrius Bruzga and Consul General the selection of delegates to the meet-
deal of satisfaction. Skaiste Aniuliene, who could not ings, thereby giving each and every
Gloria Kivytaitė O’Brien attend the meeting because of member a voice in the future of the
Gloria Kivytaitė O’Brien is a frequent contrib- President Dalia Grybauskaite’s first LAC.
utor to Bridges. She grew up in Brooklyn,
A nnunciation Parish. Gloria can be contacted visit to the United States that same In her report on the tasks and accomplish-
at weekend. Msgr. Edmund Putrimas, ments of the Officers of the LAC XVIII
*The illustration is from the book “Tevu Nameliai Brangus” spiritual leader of the Lithuanian Board of Directors over the last year,

bridges 5
M e e t Ou r
Y o u n g W r i t e r s ...

A Teenager’s
First Trip
Part II
Vytas holding a snail
a huge ship made entirely of amber at one shop that
Audra Kriaučiu-nas
In Part 1 A udra describes her feelings about her first
was 10,000 litai and he thought it was pretty cool.
trip abroad. She very quickly learns about missed
We kept seeing huge ships at different amber shops
flights and lost luggage, but none of these mishaps
and my dad stopped at each one to have us take a
can put a damper on this teen’s first trip to Lithuania
picture. The biggest one was 25,000 litai! That after-
as the problems are quickly forgotten when she meets
noon we traveled to Klaipeda where we went to a
her family and walks in the paths of those who came
beer tour at Svyturys brewery. Although the tour
before her. Thanks to A udra for not only sharing her
was in Lithuanian, I was able to pick out a few
experiences with us, but also her emotions.
words here and there and I still found it interesting.
Part II During that tour was the first time I had tried a hop,
and tried liquid yeast which tasted like candy at
first, but then had a bad aftertaste. After the beer
A Teenager’s First Trip to Lithuania
tour we partook in a tour of Klaipeda led by the
same woman who led the beer tour, although the
tour was in English this time. I learned that Klaipeda
was a port city and it was damaged during the war.
Along the tour we saw a whole bunch of snails
which I had never seen in the wild, and here there
were hundreds of snails! It was pretty cool to see.
My brother even picked one up to examine closer.
That evening we ventured to Kaunas, and got to see
the place where the Neris River meets the Nemunas
River which was pretty cool. We also got to take a
walk through a park which was very pretty, especial-
ly with the castle in the background. The next day
we stayed in Kaunas to see the Devil’s Museum and
the War Museum which were both pretty interesting.
What stuck out to me the most in the War Museum
Amber Ship
was the actual plane parts that still existed after the
The next morning we went to the amber museum, crash of Darius and Girenas who tried to fly to
and got to see all kinds of amber. The coolest pieces Lithuania over the Atlantic Ocean. Even though they
were the ones that had big bugs in them, such as spi- were unsuccessful, they brought a lot of attention to
ders and flies. I had never seen anything like it Lithuania. There is a huge rock called Punktukas
before. Amber is a popular commodity in Lithuania, which is dedicated in their honor. The rock is in a
and it can be very expensive. We also saw lots of story about the Devil who supposedly tried to crush
amber shops throughout the country. My father saw an entire church with it. There were also old
Continued from page 14

bridges 11
Lithuanians who had been deported to Siberia lived
in. They would have been in a house that was proba-
bly smaller than my bedroom and there would have
been 40 to 50 people living inside. They also would
have used ice for windows. It gave me a new perspec-
tive and made me appreciate everything that I have.
It also gave me a greater appreciation for those
Lithuanians who had been deported to Siberia.
Rumsiskes is also the place where they filmed the
“Amazing Race” segment in Lithuania. We got to see
the exact places where different teams had completed
their tasks,one of which was walking on stilts. We
actually saw the exact street they filmed this, and
they even had stilts there of different sizes that we
could test to see how we would have done had we
Homemade Gingerbread Cookie in Rumsiskes been on the “Amazing Race”. It was fun and difficult
trying to walk on stilts, and I think the highest num-
weapons of all kinds from all of Lithuania’s different ber of steps I achieved on the stilts was three or four.
eras of war. The Devil’s Museum was my favorite One woman who worked there even remembered
because it told many stories of the devil, including being a part of the “Amazing Race” experience. All
the story of the rock Punktukas, and it helped me to in all it was very exciting.
understand the origins of some of Lithuania’s folk-
lore. In the afternoon we went to Rumsiskes, which
can be described as the Lithuanian version of Connor
Prairie found in Indianapolis Indiana. Since I am a
huge fan of Connor Prairie, I was looking forward to
Rumsiskes. Rumsiskes was interesting because it had
replicas of houses from all the major regions of
Lithuania. In one of the houses in which we visited
there was a lady who was selling homemade ginger-
bread men that were beautifully decorated. She had
made them with a recipe that had been used in the
same era of the time she was representing. The gin-
gerbread men were both beautifully decorated and
delicious. We got to see many old cabins and houses,
but the most interesting one was a replica of a house
Gediminas Castle, Vilnius

The next day the two families split up for a day to rest
and recover from the tour around Lithuania. I spent
the day with my mom, dad, and brother in Vilnius. We
got to see many things that we hadn’t seen yet includ-
ing the Gates of Dawn, Saint Casimir’s Church,
Gedimino Pilis, Vilnius University, and we even got
to witness local students who played their instruments
along the side of the street for money; some of them
were pretty good and well worth listening to. I
enjoyed seeing Gedimino Pilis because we got to
climb up to the very top and the view from the top was
amazing. We could see out over all the city of Vilnius.
I could even distinguish between Old Vilnius
Siberian House and New Vilnius because in old town all the roofs

14 december 2009
were colored, and the buildings were my great aunt’s farm and we ate dinner
older looking, while in new town, all with them which was delicious. We
the buildings were grey and modern had chicken that was wonderfully
looking. We also got an up close and spiced. Even though the dinner was so
personal view of the Lithuanian flag good, my favorite part was the dessert
on top which was very exciting. because they had cake, Sakotis, and
While we were stopped in the square candy. After the meal we saw the
at the Cathedral next to the clock church that members of my family had
tower we saw a rehearsal of the inau- donated money to have built, along
guration of the new president, pre- with the family graveyard. We also
sented by the armed forces. I had walked across the bridge, and saw the
never seen anything like it before and land that my uncle owned. It was good
it was interesting to see how the to meet new family members and to
armed forces in Lithuania compared see the way they lived and to feel so
to the armed forces in America. The welcomed into their home. They gave
Monument to Celebrate us gifts to take back home.
armed forces were of different ranks 1000 yr. Anniversary
and they all had different colors and The next day we went with my uncle
had a different level of purpose in their marches. to see a place called Gruto Park where they had
Because it was an unplanned event for us we got Soviet statues, which my dad wanted to see. The
good seats just by stopping and sitting to eat our Soviet statues were from all over Lithuania when the
snack. That evening we went to a pancake house, and Soviets occupied the country and put up statues of
I got to have crepes with chocolate ice cream for the themselves. The most memorable statues for me
first time. It was an unusual combination, but deli- were the statues of Lenin. Seeing the statues remind-
cious all the same. My brother even got bacon top- ed me of all of the hardships that Lithuania has gone
ping to go with his ice cream and pancakes. It was a through, and made me thankful that Lithuania is
good day. My favorite part of the day was seeing a free country now. The most memorable part of
Gedimino Pilis because the view from the top was the trip to see the Soviet statues, however, was when
amazing. I could see everything. we went to use the bathroom. It was the first time
we had encountered
The next day we went to Trakai with everyone again,
the type of toilet
and we got to see Traku Pilis. We took a boat ride where the toilet was
around the castle, and got to see a side of it that most a hole in the ground.
people don’t get to see since they don’t to see it from I bravely used the
the water side. That evening we drove to Inkunai to hole correctly, by
standing up and I
was successful. My
mother, however,
walked into the
stall, and said, “Um,
uhhhh, I don’t think
so,” all rather loudly
for all to hear before
walking back out of
the toilet and start-
ing on a search to
find a “normal toi-
let”. We then went Stork Nest
out for lunch, I had kaldunai which were delicious,
and then it was off to Kernave, which was the first
capital of Lithuania. On the way to Kernave we
Trakai stopped by one of only two statues of distinguished

bridges 15
the Soviet occupation, that of town Vilnius. My cousin Andrius
Vytautas Didysis. Kernave was and I were on a team, with
beautiful. We climbed up to the Marius as our chaperone. My
top of the biggest hill and were brother and cousin Gytis were
able to look out over all the land. on another team with my dad as
Next we went to see the Center their chaperone. Both teams
of Europe which was a highlight started out and had to complete
for me. It felt powerful to be able the tasks on a sheet of paper,
to stand at the exact center of which included buying a news-
Europe and look out in all direc- paper, riding the trolley, meeting
tions. I got to stand on the rock people, and finding the answer
that said it was the exact center to history questions. We were
of Europe and I looked out in all allowed to ask the people we
directions trying to imagine all saw for help, and the winning
the rest of Europe stretching out team got bookmarks with a
on either side. I thought it was picture of Vilnius on them.
extremely cool that the center of Unfortunately, I was not on the
Europe is in Lithuania. Next we winning team, but the experi-
were off to Romas’ house for ence gave me a better apprecia-
dinner and my Uncle surprised Center of Europe tion for what the teams in the
us by serving dinner on the recently recovered fami- real “Amazing Race” have to go through and how
ly dishes that my great grandfather buried over 50 hard they work. That evening we all dressed up and
years ago. I met Marius, who was nineteen and close went to Lokys which is located in a 16th century
to my age. It was interesting to discuss how being a building. They had all kinds of different game there,
teenager in Lithuania compared to being a teenager in and the restaurant was cool because it was under-
America. ground. Dessert was really good because I had ice
cream and melted chocolate. It was delicious. That
The next day was our last day in Lithuania, and we
evening I sat looking out the window of the hotel, try-
went to the TV tower in the morning. Unfortunately,
ing to soak it all in one last time because the next
we didn’t have time to go up in
morning I would be leaving
the tower, but it was still cool to
Lithuania and going to England.
see the museum. Next we went
As I took my last look at
to Akropolis, which everyone
Lithuania the next morning
had been looking forward to for
from the plane, I knew I would
awhile now. Akropolis is one of
miss it, but I also hoped that I
the biggest malls in Lithuania
would be back soon. That trip
with a Mega Maxima as an
will always be a part of me, and
anchor store. It was better than a
one that hopefully I can learn
mall in America because it had a
from for years to come.
movie theatre and an ice skating
A udra Kriauciunas
rink, not to mention all kinds of
cool stores. We got to do some A udra Kriauciunas is a sixteen-year-
last minute souvenir shopping, old junior at Pike High School in
Indianapolis, Indiana. She has played
eat lunch, and try coca cola ice soccer since she was eight years old,
cream, a flavor I had never seen and is involved in show choir. She
previously, before heading back currently sings in an all girls show
to the hotel to begin our version choir at her school. A udra enjoys
of the “Amazing Race”. The writing, traveling, and being out-
doors through activities such as
“Amazing Race “was something camping and biking. She hopes to
my uncle put together. It was a study Psychology in college, as well
scavenger hunt throughout old TV Tower in Vilnius as music and writing.

16 december 2009
lac news Eugenija Misevičius

XXIII - Lithuanian Festival in California

As it became a beautiful tradition in the "City of Angels", every first
weekend of October, Lithuanian Days take place. This year it was the
23rd annual festival, and as many other Lithuanian events in the
United States, it was dedicated to the one thousandth anniversary of

the name of the Lithuanian state. Thousands of people come to this
event, not only from California, but from other neighboring states and
from the East coast and Canada, although I should say that this year
there were less people than usual. It could be that many American
Lithuanians were traveling to the land of their parents and ancestors to
celebrate the memorable date there.
Unfortunately, for some reason a couple of the performers from
Lithuania could not attend the festival in California. We were expect-
ing to see the rock ensemble "InCulto", as well as the folk group
"Kitava" (they perform traditional music in the modern style) of Šiauliai
Pedagogical University. Nevertheless, there were local talented
American Lithuanian performers entertaining the crowd. The duo from

Colorado, "Kolorado vabalai" ("Bugs of Colorado") showed their
artistry as well as the well known singer Hokshila, who lived for more
than ten years in such places as Africa, Japan and South America and
now resides in Hawaii. The energetic young performer from
Washington, D.C., Robertas Kupstas-Byla, and well known singer from
Chicago Paul Strolia also performed. A group from Los Angeles,
"Retro", were dancing in their lovely way.
As I mentioned before, Lithuania proudly celebrates its 1000th
year anniversary. Los Angeles’ St. Casimir Lithuanian society has
smaller but still significant jubilees: this year Los Angeles’ Lithuanian

St. Casimir’s school celebrates its 60th year as well as the folk dance
group LB "Spindulys" (Sun Ray).

CA P T I ON S 3. Lithuanian food - a culinary art

1. Maryte Newsom, Danguole 4. Duo from Colorado (Varbalai)
Varniene and Jurate Venckiene 5. LA Retro.
2. Enjoying a break 6. Los Angeles Parish. Actress Ru- ta Lee on right.

18 december 2009
lac news
newly appointed Honorary Consul of
the Republic of Lithuania in the state of
Washington, Vytautas Čekanauskas.
And of course, what kind of Lithuanian
Festival in Los Angeles would it be
without the appearance of the
Hollywood star of Lithuanian descent,
the charming Ru- ta Lee!
Eugenija Misevičius
Photos by the author from the
m 2009 Lithuanian Days in LA
Robertas Kupstas- Byla fro
Washi ng ton, DC Young Spindulys dancers Eugenija Misevič ius is a graduate of the
University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. She
LA was also interesting because the younger crowd actively participat- serves as the secretary of the Lithuanian
ed in it as well. It was the second year there was a basketball "3x3" Journalist Association. Eugenija freelances as a
tournament arranged by the sport club "Banga" (Wave) in which as court interpreter. She belongs to the Lithuanian
Sports Clubs of Connecticut and New Jersey
many as eight teams participated. On this occasion the son of Frank and enjoys participating in amateur sports such
Lubin, the famous Lithuanian basketball player who was named a god- as martial arts. She and her husband, Laurynas,
father of Lithuanian basketball, was present. It was a pleasure to meet participate in many Lithuanian events.

Performer Hokshila takes

break a
Players in action
Members of the Banga tea

AN SWER TO TRIV IA QUE STION Lithuanian-American

Trivia Quiz on page 7
Source: “The Lithuanian Language” (page 43-44) by Alfred Senn

“In the seventeenth and early part of the eighteenth century the Lithuanians

came in contact with the Swedes who may have some influence on the
Lithuanian vocabulary.

The word “gatve” (street) is of foreign origin and its geographical distribution
points toward the north as place of origin It may be Swedish.
Modern Lithuanian is not completely free of foreign elements, but nether is any
other language. Moreover, loanwords which are retained look so characteristi-
cally Lithuanian that it is difficult to detect their foreign origin. We thus witness
an amazing vitality of this conservative language, a vitality enabling it to assim-
ilate completely even recent acquisitions.
Lithuanian is most of all a youthful language, a fact which is usually overlooked
because the scholars are overawed by a few striking archaic features.”
Edward Shakalis is a retired Electrical Engineer and a ham radio operator. He and his son Rick run “The Lithuanian
Open” golf tournament.

bridges 19
Calendar of Events for Dec. 2009 - Jan./Feb. & Mar 2010
Please verify all events as places & times are subject to change.

DECEMBER December 8, 2009 - 7 to 9 pm Philadelphia, PA. heritage with the Phoenix Suns
December 6, 2009 - 3-6pm (Tuesday) Annual Ku- čcˇi os $15 donation - as they take on the Chicago Bulls.
KC Lithuanian Community Bring a Lithuanian dish $5 children 12 and under This is a great opportunity to
Christmas Party “K Ku- čcˇi os” Table Lithuanian Music Hall Tickets and Reservations: enjoy the national sport of
Traditional Christmas Eve Dinner 2715 E. Allegheny Ave Maryte: 215- 969- 2117 or Lithuania with family and friends.
Folkdancing, Music, Games. Phila., PA Laima: 609- 268- 8045 Our special package includes the
Davis Hall, Wyandotte County Use side door on Tilton Street Sponsor: Philadelphia Lithuanian following:
Info: mi l l i e ma rks@ a ol .com Scouts Association (1) special Lithuanian Heritage T-shirt;
December 20, 2009 - 12 Noon
Lake Kansas City, KS.
or 610-497-5469 (2) 200 level Suns' game ticket;
December 11, 2009 (Friday)
Info: www.kcl i
(3) early entry to watch the players
Sponsor: “Vinco Krėvės” Lithuanian warm up;

traditional “Kalėdų Eglutė” and

Kansas City Chapter of the LAC La sa gna Ta ke -Out Di nne r Heitage School will present the
December 6, 2009 - Ku- čcˇi os
(4) a group photo on the court after the

a visit from Santa

4-6 pm (pick up) To order please game
Transfiguration Church call 412-885-7232 by Dec. 7 (5) Suns' tote bag.
Maspeth, NY Sisters of St. Francis of the St. Andrew’s Parish Hall Tickets are $34 each plus a $5
Providence of God - Pittsburgh,PA. 19th & Wallace Sts. handling fee per order. Please
December 12, 2009 - 2:00 pm
Reservations: 718-849-5725
December 6, 2009 - 2:00 pm
Philadelphia, PA. place your orders directly with
Chri stma s Soci a l JANUARY 2010 David Segal. He can be reached
January 3, 2010 - 2 pm
Lithuanian Traditional
" Ku- čcˇi os" McKeon Center Fraternal Order of Eagles Hall at (602) 379-7593 or
1151 S Galena Street Annua l Chri stma s Conce rt dse ga l @
Mission San Luis Rey
4070 Mission Ave. (just west of Mississippi & Havana) “Laisvė” Choir Sponsor:
Oceanside, CA 92054 Denver, CO 80247 St. Andrew’s Church Arizona Chapter of the LAC
Info: www.l i Info: 19th & Wallace Sts. MARCH
March 7, 2010
Sponsor: www.col ora dol ithua nia Philadelphia, PA.

December 6, 2009 - 1 pm
San Diego Chapter of the LAC Sponsor: Info: 215-265-2322
January 22, 2010 (Friday)
December 13, 2009 - 12 Noon
CONCERT, Virgis Stakėnas, LITHUANIAN HERITAGE NIGHT St. Elizabeth Seton Parish,
Country music performer Ku- čcˇi os, Traditional Lithuanian WITH THE PHOENIX SUNS - 9728 W. Palmeras Drive, Sun City
Lithuanian House Christmas Eve Dinner US Airways Center, Sponsor: Arizona Chapter of the
Toronto, Canada St. Andrew’s Parish Hall 201 E. Jefferson St., Phoenix LAC http://www.l i tha
Info: 416-769-1266 19th & Wallace Sts. Come celebrate our Lithuanian

Christmas Gift LAC, Inc./BRIDGES
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L I T H U A N I A N - A M E R I C A N N E W S J O U R N A L
22 december 2009


78 Mark Twain Dr., Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690
December 8 - Immaculate Conception

M om e n t s
f r om t h e
December 25 - Christmas

Jurgis Joga, Dalia Puskorius, Juozas Polikaitis, Vytas Maciunas,

Los Angeles chapter,
Western region,
Cleveland chapter,
Ohio district,
B oa r d Lemont chapter,
Midwest district,
Philadelphia chapter,
Southeast district,
outgoing Secretary of the
Officers of the Board,
past co-chair of the
M eet i ng incoming chairman of the
Officers of the Board,
President of the LAC
Executive Committee,
member of the Lithuanian Parliament/WLC chair of Social Services member of the Lithuanian
Parliament/WLC commission council Parliament/WLC
commission commission

Danguole Arvydas Giedre Stankunas, Ramutis Pliura, Jonas Prunskis,

Navickas, Barzdukas, president of the Wisconsin chapter, Lemont chapter,
Los Angeles chapter, Washington DC chapter, Bridgeport chapter, Midwest district, VP for Midwest District,
Western district, Southeast district chair, Connecticut district Financial Affairs, LAC member of the Lithuanian
outgoing Chair of the incoming member of the Executive Committee Parliament/WLC
Officers of the Board Officers of the Board commission

Terese Gecys, Kastytis Giedraitis, Milda Satas, Stasys Vanagunas, Algis Lukas,
Philadelphija chapter, Detroit chapter, Cicero chapter, Arizona chapter, Washington DC chapter,
Southeast District Michigan district Midwest region Western district Southeast district

Photos by Kazys Razgaitis

P h o t o Al b u m
Annual Meeting
of the
Lithuanian American

Photos by: Kazys Razgaitis,

Rosemont, PA

12 december 2009 bridges 13

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