NCDPI Licensure Renewal Plan and State Authorization

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for North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Licensure Section 6365 Mail Service
CenterRaleigh, NC 27699-6365
Attn: Portia W. Reese
Licensure Renewal Plan for Canterbury School, Greensboro, NC
effective July 1, 2014
Canterbury School in Greensboro, NC is an independent Episcopal PK-8 day school.
Canterbury is accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
Professional Development Requirements for Teachers: Canterbury teachers are
required to meet SAIS/ SACS standards for ongoing professional development. Each teacher
must complete a minimum of 170 hours (17 credits) of professional development, documented
within an individual growth plan, during each five-year renewal period. The five-year cycle is
correlated either to a teacher's date of hire or to his/her NCDPI license renewal. Professional
development activities relate to critical job responsibilities and focus on content knowledge,
content pedagogy, assessment, differentiation, learning styles, literacy, leadership, and other
topics pertinent to teachers' classroom performance and to the goals of our school.
In addition, Canterbury requires that three of the seventeen renewal credits within each five-year
period relate to meaningful technology use and integration. In accordance with NCDPI licensure
renewal requirements, faculty are also required to document one renewal credit (10 hours) in
literacy-related activities and one renewal credit (10 hours) related to the specific academic
subject area of licensure.
Credit hours are defined as one quarter hour or two-thirds of a semester hour or ten clock hours.
Professional Development Requirements for Administrators: Canterbury
administrators are held to similar high standards. Each administrator must complete a minimum
of 170 hours (17 credits) of professional development, documented in an individual growth plan,
within each five- year renewal cycle. At least five of the seventeen continuing education credits
within each five- year period must relate to critical job skills, such as providing leadership in
educational pedagogy, professional evaluation, program evaluation, and student assessment. In
addition, Canterbury requires that three renewal credits within the five-year cycle relate to
technology integration. Administrators holding a teaching license are required to document
NCDPI licensure renewal requirements, including one renewal credit in literacy-related activities
and one renewal credit related to the specific academic subject of licensure.

Administration of the Licensure Renewal Plan: Dr. Susan Gebhard, Academic Dean,
oversees the licensure program at Canterbury School. Dr. Gebhard has a master's degree in
education and a doctoral degree in instructional technology and holds a North Carolina
Professional Educator's License (Standard Professional I, M Class) with five endorsements. She
has twenty years of experience as a P-12 educator, five years of experience as a P-12 school
administrator, and six years of experience as an IHE teacher education faculty member/
administrator/ licensure official. Her credentials meet SAIS/SACS standards for independent
school administrators.
Individual Growth Plans: Individual growth plans are established for teachers each year
through the Canterbury School Professional Assessment and Development Program (PADPro).
Each spring, administrators and faculty review a collection of data from the preceding academic
year; this data is used to evaluate progress towards Canterbury's current strategic plan and to set
goals for the School, the academic departments, the divisions, and the faculty. Division directors
meet with individual teachers to establish personal professional goals and to set annual goals for
growth. Each teacher has the opportunity to review his/her individual growth plan and to
provide input to it. Canterbury administrators, including the Division Directors and the
Academic Dean, observe and evaluate teachers annually.
Individual growth plans for administrators are developed each year in consultation with the
Head of School. Each administrator has the opportunity to review his/her growth plan and to
offer input to it.
Process for Determining Appropriateness of Renewal Credit: A teacher is granted
permission to participate in a professional development activity when his/her request has been
reviewed and approved by the appropriate Canterbury Division Director and/or the Academic
Dean. These administrators review each request to ensure that the activity is compatible with the
School's goals and priorities, aligned with the growth plan for the teacher, and reflect best
practices as articulated by the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards.
Similarly, administrators are granted permission to participate in a professional development
activity when a request is reviewed by the Head of School. The Head of School approves
requests that are compatible with the School's goals and priorities, that match the growth plan
for the individual administrator, and, for licensed administrators, that are aligned with the North
Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. Activities are endorsed when they are deemed likely to
enhance skills critical to job performance.
Compatibility with the State Board of Education's Goals and Priorities: Each year,
administrators at Canterbury review the State Board of Education's goals and priorities against
those of the School to ensure that they are compatible with one another. Canterbury's goals align
with the SBOE's goals articulated in the 2006 Future-Ready Students for the 21
Century, and our
professional expectations match closely to the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards.

Renewal Credits: Canterbury School grants renewal credits for college or university courses
and local or regional professional workshops. Courses and workshops must develop professional
skills aligned with the School's goals and priorities and the individual growth plan for the teacher.
All courses and workshops must be lead by qualified personnel.
Teachers and administrators are encouraged to present at local and national conferences. Such
presentations and any preparation for them are also granted renewal credit hours.
Additionally, for SAIS/SACS purposes, teachers are granted one credit per one full-time year of
teaching up to a maximum of five credits per five-year renewal cycle.
Administration of Continuing Education Credits: Once the Division Director, Academic
Dean, or Head of School has approved a professional development activity, the faculty member
enrolls in the activity. He/she is expected to keep outstanding records of participation by
providing enrollment information, proof of attendance, and an official workshop schedule/
conference program in which relevant sessions have been indicated. All required documentation
is submitted to Dr. Gebhard who tracks and grants Continuing Education Credits at the rate of
quarter hour or two-thirds of a semester hour or ten clock hours. Partial credit can be granted for
activities of less than the hours at the rate of .1 credit per clock hour; these hours are tallied until
a total of ten is attained at which time a full CEU is grated.
Record Keeping and Submission: Records of and documentation for each staff member's
ongoing professional development activities are kept in a filing cabinet located in the Stafford
Arts Center. The Academic Dean reviews these records each year to make sure that staff
members are on track to meet their five-year professional development cycles. She sends bi-
annual reminders to all staff so that individuals are aware of their position in five-year cycles.
Specific reminders are sent to and individual conferences are held with those individuals whose
five-year cycle concludes with the current academic year.
The Canterbury School Handbook clearly states that continued employment is dependent upon
meeting professional development requirements. Documentation is the responsibility of each staff
member; paperwork must be up-to-date and on file in the cabinet in the Stafford Arts Center.
The Academic Dean serves as the Canterbury School licensure official. Staff members wishing to
submit licensure renewal documentation to NCDPI obtain formal forms from the NCDPI
website and provide them to the Academic Dean for review and signature. They are then
submitted to NCDPI for processing.
Plan submitted by Dr. Susan Gebhard, Academic Dean
May, 2014

5400 Old Lake Jeanette Road, Greensboro, NC 27455

NOTE TO TEACHER: To renew your license, submit this signed verification form along with NCDPI Form U and a check, money order, or Credit
Card Authorization Form for $55 to the address listed on Form U.
Verification of Renewal Credit Activity
5 YEAR CYCLE 20 ____________ to __________

Name of Teacher: __________________________________ Social Security Number _____ - _____ - _____

NCDPI requires 7.5 professional development credits for renewal of a Standard 2 Professional Educator's License:
1 renewal credit (10 hours) for literacy
1 renewal credit (10 hours) in the specific academic subject area of licensure
5.5 general renewal credits (55 hours) as determined by the school
years of teaching experience do not count for NCDPI licensure renewal


title/ description of professional development activity
required credit in literacy (1)

required credit in academic subject of licensure (1)

required general credit for school requirements (5.5)

TOTAL RENEWAL CREDITS (minimum of 7.5 required):

As licensure official of Canterbury School, I verify that _____________________________________ has
completed the required professional development renewal credit hours as required by the North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction for renewal of a Standard 2 Professional Educator's License.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________
signature of licensure official date

print name of licensure official

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