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Raphael E.

Ignacio Date Performed: Nov 26, 2014

Section 3 ChE O Date Submitted: Nov 04, 2014
Group No
E!periment No. "
It should state the objective of the study and mention previously published work
on the topic, if there is any Note that this objective!s will be accounted for in the
"onclusion #1$ %uch of the terms will be introduced here and therefore references will
be necessary "ite them properly #2$
&his section describes the summary of the procedure done in order to arrive at
the objectives of the e'periment (etails of the procedure should not be )iven here and
neither should one copy the procedure )iven in the manual Nothin) in this section
should be stated in the imperative form *ll the chemicals should state the supplier and
the )rade +tandard and well,known techni-ues and e-uipment need not be described,
but must be properly referenced &he brand and model of the instruments used must
be specified .i) 1 shows an e'ample of the set up of the e'periment
+tandards of ammonia )as were prepared by collectin) head space )as with a
60 m/ syrin)e over a diluted 201 ammonia solution analytical rea)ent, %erck
23ermany4 &rimethylamine )as was prepared #1$ from 2 ) of trimethylamine
hydrochloride +i)ma 25+*4 that is reacted with 10 m/ of a 10% Na67 solution in a
+chott (uran 200 m/ filterin) flask
Re%ult% and Di%cu%%ion
&hese may be treated to)ether or separately &his should show how the data
were treated in order to arrive at your conclusions 8esults may be presented in the
form of charts or calculations 9resentation of lar)e masses of essentially raw data must
be avoided &he discussion of the results must be complete and relevant but concise
5nnecessary repetition of e'perimental methods and unsupported hypotheses should
be avoided * sample calculation should be presented where necessary, showin) the
formula, the data and constants with their references Note that plots, calculations etc
are results &hey are not the discussion
&able1 shows an e'ample &hey should be numbered with *rabic numerals and
have brief descriptive headin)s &he layout should be )iven serious thou)ht so that the
si)nificance of the results can be )rasped -uickly *ll necessary information must be
contained in the caption, so that the table can be understood independently
&ig. ' &he title of the fi)ure is placed under the fi)ure
TMA + NaOH solution
Filtering flask
(able '
(escription of the table
e No
:olume!m/ %ass!)
1 ;000 1;00
2 4020 <1;
= 2=00 2;40
.i)ures should be numbered with *rabic numerals and have brief descriptive
headin)s *ttention should be )iven to line thickness, letterin) and spacin) on a'es of
)raphs to ensure stability for interpretin) it .i)ure 2 shows an e'ample of a chart
)enerated from data
)n%*er% to +ue%tion%
*nswer the -uestions )iven in the manual It should be as complete as
possible with clear and direct to the point answers to -uestions
&ig. , +pectra of methyl red in neutral and basic medium
7ere, state point by point, whether you have met the objectives of the e'periment
as presented in the introduction or not "omment on the evidences that you have met
your objectives or discuss why you have not met the objectives "ompare the
e'perimental values arrived at with accepted or literature values 7ow close or far are
they> &o what do you attribute their differences if any>
8eferences of /iterature should be numbered in the order of their citation in the te't and
should be listed consecutively at the end of the paper *ll sources taken from the
internet should be listed with their authors or or)ani?ation or a)ency first, followed by
the website and then the date the website was visited In listin) the references, the
followin) form should be adopted *n e'ample of 8eferences section is shown
1 9ayumo, @ % and "astillo, @ + Phil. J. Nutr. =A224, 21<A<4, p;2
2 "hemical education 9urdue 5niversity httpB!!chemedchempurdue
edu!)enchem!topicreview!bp!ch4!deviation0htmlCvan visitedB Nov 2A,2000
= Dinterton, E Dilson, " / and Dilson, ( D Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry,
ed, 2E Diley and +ons, 1<;04 :ol I:, p1=4
4 :anasse, 3* Spectrometric Techniques, 2*cademic 9ress, 1<;44, :ol =, p 104

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