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The Board of Trustees of Canterbury School acknowledges the importance of having a policy to
deal with communicable diseases in the school community, including but not limited to possible
cases of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and HIV.

In considering such a policy, the Board affirms that:
There are no known cases in which the HIV has been transmitted through casual contact
whether or not in a school setting.
The well-being and needs of its students and community, as well as the needs and
purposes of the school, are of primary concern.
All current wisdom on the subject declares that most children with AIDS should be
educated in an unrestricted environment and that the health hazard posed by an AIDS
infected person is remote.

The Board adopts the following policy that is consistent with the recommendations made by the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Association of Independent Schools
statement of AIDS for dealing with persons in a school who are diagnosed as having AIDS or

This policy shall apply to all students and staff (all employees of the school, including faculty and
administrators) and shall also apply in the case of other infectious diseases which are, in the
judgment of the Head of School, sufficiently serious to warrant similar treatment. It is important
that the school be informed of all cases of communicable disease in order to take the precautions
necessary to protect the individual as well as the school community.

1. Determination of whether a person, who tests HIV positive, or who has been diagnosed
as having AIDS, or who has another communicable disease, is to be permitted to attend
classes or participate in school activities shall be made on a case-by-case basis by an Ad
Hoc Advisory Committee which will be convened to advise the Head of School
concerning the appropriate course of action. This Ad Hoc Committee shall be composed
of the following:
The Head of School
The Board President or one board member
The treating physician
A public health officer or other knowledgeable physician
Other appropriate educational or administrative personnel as deemed suitable by
the Ad Hoc Committee.

2. The Ad Hoc Committee, along with the parents or guardians (if a student) or the infected
individual (if an employee), will consider, among other issues that may be relevant to the
infected persons situation, (a) the behavior, neurological development, and physical

condition of the infected person; (b) the expected type of interaction with others in school
setting; and (c) the impact on both the health and safety of the infected person and others
in that setting.

3. The Head of School shall make a prompt decision regarding the infected persons
continued participation in school activities. The Head of School may exclude the
individual from the school while the decision is being made.

4. The Ad Hoc Committee shall meet periodically to review its recommendations to the
Head of School in light of any changes in the individuals condition or of advances in
medical knowledge as to transmission or treatment.

5. Only individuals with a need to know should have medical knowledge of a particular
case. Such persons should be identified by the Ad Hoc Committee and notified by the
Head of School in a manner that preserves confidentiality. The number of personnel
notified should be kept to a minimum necessary to assure proper care for the infected
individual and to detect situations where the safety or health of the infected person might
be at risk.

It is essential to understand that no one will always know which individuals are carrying
communicable diseases. Infected persons do not always know. Therefore, Universal Precautions
will be followed for handling body fluids as a matter of routine. This will provide the best
protection for everyone.

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