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Exercise 1:
Tick (P) the correct endings.
1. Are you ..................... e-mails to all your friends and family.
A used to send B used to sending
2. When I was a child I ..... .. .............. go swimming in the Lake District.
A used to B am used to
3. I ..................... in front of many eole. I am a teacher.
A used to seak B am used to seaking
!. "y grandmother ..................... 1 mile to go to school e#ery day.
A used to walk B is used to walking
$. I ..................... a cu of coffee after lunch. %hat&s one of the things I really en'oy.
A used to drink B am used to drinking
(. After a few years I ha#e )ecome *uite ..................... +,cel.
A used to oerate B used to oerating
Exercise 2:
Compete the sentences !ith the "er#s in #r$ckets.
1. When I was a student- I used to .work/ in a restaurant called
"armalade and 0riends. It was in Brighton near the sea front.
2. When I worked there- I used to .go/ to )ed #ery late at night
and .get u/ #ery early.
3. It is #ery difficult to get used to .work/ nights. It&s much
)etter and easier to work days.

!. Are you getting used to .li#e/ in your new flat yet1
$. 2he isn&t used to .fly/ on her own. 2he is always terrified .

(. I&m not used to .sit/ in an office all day. I used to
.)e/ a gardener.
Exercise %:
&$tch the sentences $nd responses.
1 ' (sed to e$t $ ot o) choco$te
A no! he p$*s the g(it$r.
2 +e (sed to go to !ork #* c$r
B ' o)ten (sed to go to the
3 S(e (sed to en,o* his comp$n*
3 no! '-m on $ diet.
! D$"id (sed to !ork in Bristo
D no! she )inds him $ #it
$ .e (sed to go to the mo(nt$ins
)or o(r hoid$*s
+ no! ' e$t $ ot.
( .hen ' i"ed in /ondon0 0 no! he t$kes the tr$m.
4 +e (sed to p$* the pi$no #(t 5 no! he !orks in /ondon.
6 .hen ' !$s *o(nger0 ' didn-t
(se to e$t )ish #(t
7 no! !e pre)er going to the
Exercise 1:
&$ke sentences !ith the !ords gi"en. Use used to 2 "er#. Use short )orms i)
1. 8ohn 9 not like 9 watching sort )ut he does now.
2. "y sister 9 ha#e 9 short hair when she was younger.
%. 8ane 9 not wear 9 'eans )ut she does now.
1. We 9 go 9 to #isit my arents at 3hristmas )ut now we don&t.

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