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CHM 151 LL Experiment 7 Observing Light in the Atomic Line Spectra

There is a relationship between the color of light observed and the energy of the photon
creating the color. In this experiment you will be observing line spectra created by the
excitation of electrons in different gas samples of elements or compounds. The sample
gas tubes are actually vacuum tubes containing an extremely small sample of each
substance. An electrode is present at each end of the vacuum tube to introduce 10,000
volts of electrons to one end of the vacuum tube. The electrode at other end of the tube
acts to complete the circuit once electrons have traveled through the sample. The
electrons (electricity are actually passing through the sample transmitting energy and
exciting the electrons in each atom of the sample.
!nce the power source is switched on you should be able to see the line spectra when
loo"ing through the spectroscope. The colors you observe in the line spectra are a result
of a two step process. #irst an electron is being excited and moving from its ground state,
first energy level for example, to an excited state, a higher energy level which is always
further away from the nucleus. $ince a negative charged particle, the electron, is
attracted to a positively charge particle, the protons in the nucleus, it ta"es energy to
move an electron further away from the nucleus. $o energy is absorbed by the electron in
the atom as it moves from the ground state to the excited state. %owever, this is not a
stable condition and after a very short amount of time, in nanoseconds (10
sec, the
second step in the process occurs as the electron returns to original energy level or ground
state. The energy it had absorbed to get to its excited state is then released as light in
discrete pac"ets of energy called photons and this is the light you are observing in the line
spectrum in this experiment. (ach photon of light has a characteristic wavelength,
fre)uency, and energy which creates the different colors observed in a line spectrum.
$ince each element has a defined number of electrons the possible movements of each
electron in the element is a function of the number of electrons the element contains.
This results in the line spectrum for each element being uni)ue to that element and can be
used to identify the presence of the element in a sample.
*ead through the following sample calculations so you are better able to answer the
)uestions in this experiment.
Sample Calculation 21 + If you have observed a red line of approximately ,00 nm in
the line spectrum for hydrogen, how would you determine the fre)uency, in hert- (1.sec
or sec
, for one photon of this red light/
#irst, determine the wavelength in meters by converting nanometers to meters0
(,00 nm x (1 m.1.0 x 10
nm 1 ,.00 x 10
Then use the relationship0 speed of light 1 wavelength time fre)uency (c 1 23 and
substitute the wavelength, in meters, and the speed of light constant (4.0 x 10
m.s into
the e)uation and solve for fre)uency0
$peed of light 1 wavelength (m x fre)uency(s

4.0 x 10
m.s 1 (,.00 x 10
m x fre)uency
(4.0 x 10
m.s . (,.00 x 10
m 1 6.7' x 10
1 fre)uency
Sample Calculation 22 + If you have observed a red line of approximately ,00 nm in
the line spectrum for hydrogen, how would you determine the energy, in 8oules, for one
photon of this red light/
9se the relationship0 (nergy (photon 1 :lanc";s constant times fre)uency (( 1 h2 and
substitute :lan";s constant (<.<7< x 10
=&s and the fre)uency calculated in sample
calculation 7.1 above into the e)uation and solve for the energy of one photon of light.
(nergy (photon 1 :lan";s constant (=&s x fre)uency (s

(nergy (photon 1 (<.<7< x 10

=&s x (6.7' x 10
1 7.56 x10
Sample Calculation 2! + >alculate the energy of an electron in the second energy level.
To calculate the energy of an electron in the second (n 1 7 energy level use the following
(nergy (= 1 + (:lan";s constant(speed of light constant(*ydberg constant(1.n

$ince three constants are being used in this e)uation it might be simpler to 8ust calculate
the product of these three constants and 8ust use that value in all of these energy level
types of calculations.
:roduct of 4 constants 1 (:lan";s constant(speed of light constant(*ydberg constant
:roduct 1 (<.<7< x 10
=&s(4.0 x 10
m.s(1.0'<,,< x 10
1 7.15 x 10
?ow substitute this value for the three constants and 7 for the 7
energy level (n into the
original e)uation above0
(nergy (= 1 + (7.15 x 10
1 + (7.15 x 10
=(0.7@ 1 + @.@ x 10
Sample Calculation 2" + >alculate the energy emitted when an electron moves from the
energy level to the 7
energy level. (a Ahat color is the emitted photon of light/
>hange in (nergy (B ( 1 (nergy final energy level ((f + (nergy initial energy level ((i
#irst you will need to find the energy of the electron in the initial ((i and final energy
((f levels0
(f 1 + (7.15 x 10
1 + (7.15 x 10
=(0.7@ 1 + @.@ x 10
(i 1 + (7.15 x 10
1 + (7.15 x 10
=(0.0<7@ 1 + 1.4< x 10
Then, you will need to subtract the energy of the electron in the initial energy level ((i
from the energy of the electron in the final energy ((f level to determine the change in
energy. If the change in energy is positive then energy has been absorbed by the electron
in the atom and not light will be observed but if the change in energy is negative then
energy is emitted as the electron returns to a ground state and electromagnetic radiation
(light will be observed in the line spectrum (if in the visible portion of the spectrum.
B( 1 (f + (i 1 (+ @.@ x 10
= + (+ 1.4< x 10
= 1 + 6.16 x 10
(a 9sing the e)uation from sample exercise 7.7 above (( 1 h2 , substitute the
energy of the photon and :lan";s constant into this e)uation and then solve for the
fre)uency of the emitted light0
( 1 h2 1 6.16 x 10
= 1 (<.<7< x 10
=&s x (fre)uency
(6.16 x 10
= . (<.<7< x 10
=&s 1 <.76 x 10
1 fre)uency
And now using the e)uation from sample exercise 7.1 above (c 1 23, substitute the speed
of light constant (4.0 x 10
m.s and the fre)uency into this e)uation and solve for the
wavelength of this emitted light0
c 1 23 1 4.0 x 10
m.s 1 (wavelength x (<.76 x 10

(4.0 x 10
m.s . (<.76 x 10
1 6.51 x 10
m (651 nm
The emitted light would be a green color.
Calculation o# percent $%& error + This calculation is done to report the accuracy of the
wor" in the lab.
C error 1 D(experimental + theoretical . theoreticalE x 100
If you calculated the wavelength of the red laser light from the measurements you made
in lab to be ,00 nm, this is considered the experimental value. 'he theoretical value #or
the (avelength o# re) light is *5+ nm. The percent error in your experiment is the
absolute value (always positive of the difference between the experiment value and the
theoretical value and divided by the theoretical value. $ince this number represents a
percentage you will need to multiply by 100 to get a percentage answer as show in the
following e)uation0
C error 1 D(,00 nm + <@0 nm . <@0 nmE x 100 1 ,.<' C
E,uipment - Materials
$pectral tubes
$pectral tube power sources
Faser light pens
Getric rulers
600 mF bea"ers (7
Hiffraction grating
Sa#et. /ssues in this lab0
1. SHOC1 HA2A345 + Ie aware of the metal electrodes at the end of the vacuum
gas tubes. The power source is conducting 10,000 volts of electricity when turned
on so please ma"e sure the power switch is always off before attempting to
remove or load the gas tubes into the power source.
7. 9se caution in handling the vacuum gas tubes as they are made of glass and very
6art A 7 4etermine the (avelength o# re) an) green light
$ince laser pointers produce a monochromatic beam of red or green light they can be
used to determine the wavelength for the light they produce. The light emitted by laser
pointers consists of waves that are shorter than a millionth of a meter. Jou can easily
measure the precise wavelength of the laser light by measuring the distance that the first&
order diffraction image is displaced by a diffraction grating of "nown line spacing.
1. !btain a diffraction grating. *ecord whether it contains @00 lines . mm or 1000
lines . mm. !btain two empty 600 mF bea"ers (these will act as a stand to support
the diffraction grating, a laser light pointer, a piece of white paper and a millimeter
7. $et the bea"ers on the white paper and balance the diffraction grating on the top
between the two bea"ers as shown in the instructor;s setup (or in the figure @a.
4. Aim the laser so its beam points down through the diffraction grating onto the white
paper. Jou should see a central bright red or green dot and to both sides of this dot
(some distance away you should observe two somewhat dimmed dots. These dots
are the first&order diffraction image of the laser beam.
6. !ne person should hold the laser steady while a partner mar"s the location of the
central dot and one side dot with a small KxL on the white paper. If you have
difficulty holding the laser light pen steady, then use a ring stand and three prong
clamp to hold the light pen.
@. Ta"e the following measurements in millimeters (mm0
a. Fength (height of the 600 mF bea"er (distance between the white paper and the
diffraction grating. This is distance KJL
b. Histance between the central dot and the side dot. This is distance KML
The wavelength of light can be calculated by using the Kgrating e)uationL0
n 8 ) sin
where 1 wavelength, d is the distance between the lines on the diffraction grating, is
the angle to the diffraction image, and n is the order of the image (1.
Jou should use the slightly modified form of this e)uation, which uses distance rather
than angle measurement when determining wavelength0
n 8 9) :; < L
In this e)uation F is the distance between the point on diffraction grating the light hits
and the side spot. The easiest way to obtain the distance F is to use the :ythagorean
Theorem. (M
1 F
or DF 1 (M

E. The distance (d between the lines on the
diffraction grating can be determined as the inverse of the number of lines per unit length.
#or example0 if the diffraction grating is 1000 lines per mm then d 1 1.1000 or 1.0 x 10

mm. Peep all calculations in millimeters until the end and then convert into nanometers
(nm. (1 meter 1 1.0 x 10
I would suggest including a data table similar to the one shown below in your lab
noteboo" to record the measurements made on the red light.
Hata Table 10 Geasuring the Aavelength of *ed Fight and Qreen Fight
Hata Fength (mm *ed Fength (mm Qreen
%eight from paper to diffraction grating
(600 mF bea"er + variable J
Histance form center dot to first&order
image dot + variable M
Histance (d between the lines on the
diffraction grating
6art = 7 Observations o# Atomic Spectra
In your lab noteboo" or on separate paper you should prepare @ sets of the following
chart to record your observations of the line spectra for each of the @ sample gases you
observe in the lab.
?ame of gas sample 1 RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
600 @00 <00 ,00 ,@0
Siolet Ilue Qreen Jellow !range *ed
1. :ic" up a spectroscope from your instructor;s lab station or your plastic container.
7. Foo" into the white light of the room and see if you can find a color spectrum. If you
cannot try turning your spectroscope about 6@ degrees from the light source.
4. Arrange your lab station so that your can find your report sheet, pencil and diffraction
grating with the lights off. Ae need to have the room dar" to accurately see the
absorption spectrum.
6. #ill in the @ spectra data tables, one for each spectral gas tube observed, as best you
can with a line on your paper for each one you see in the spectrum for each element.
The left side of your spectrum is violet and the right side is red. Ga"e lines that
represent each element you observe.
@. Fabel the lines your draw with a color or label your spectrum with colors so you can
associate each line with a color.
<. Qet with you lab partner and compare spectra.
,. $pend a couple of minutes associating characteristic spectra with the elements. Jou
want to be familiar enough with each spectrum so that you could actually identify
each of the observed elements by loo"ing at their characteristic spectra. (potential lab
)ui- or lab practical )uestion
>uestions +
6art A0 9se the values in the data table for :art A to ma"e the following calculations.
Ie sure to show all of your wor" in arriving at your answer for each )uestion to
receive credit for your response.
1 >alculate the value of F in millimeters (mm using the :ythagorean Theorem.
1 F
or F 1 (M

2 >alculate the wavelength of the red and green laser light in millimeters (mm
using the e)uation0 n 8 9) :; < L? (n 1 1, strongest line in the series The
e)uation is explained in the procedure section of part A.
! Ahat is the wavelength of the red and the light you measured in lab in nanometers
" %ow does each wavelength you measured compare to the theoretical value for the
wavelength of each color of light/ (found on the side of each light pen
5 Ahat is the percent error of the wor" you have done measuring the wavelength of
the red light produced by the laser light pen/ (The e)uation for percent error
calculation can be found in the introduction section of this experiment.
6art =0 Gany of these )uestions are based on the observations you have made from the
different vacuum gas tubes in the lab. Ahen responding to each )uestion please clearly
identify the value you have used before showing the set up and calculations used to
answer the )uestion. :lease put a box around your final answer to each )uestion so it is
easy to find for the grader.
* Ahat is the fre)uency of the teal color of light you observed in the hydrogen
7 Ahat is the energy of one photon of light in the teal color of light you observed in
the hydrogen sample )uestion T<.
@ Ahat is the energy of an electron in the first energy level (n11/
A Ahat is the energy of an electron in the third energy level (n14/
1+ If a small sample of hydrogen gas in a vacuum tube is exposed to 10,000 volts of
electricity list the three or four brightest colors of light seen in the observed line
spectrum for this sample and estimate each line;s wavelength in nanometers (nm.
11 If a sample of gas is excited with 10,000 volts and an electron in the first energy
level is excited and absorbs enough energy to move to the third energy level, how
much energy has it absorbed/ (to save time see )uestions 5 U ' above
12 If a sample of gas is excited with 10,000 volts and an electron in the second
energy level is excited and absorbs enough energy to move to the sixth energy
level, when the electron returns to ground state what color of light will be
observed when this sample of light is seen through a spectroscope/
1! >ertain elements emit light of a specific wavelength when they are burned.
%istorically, chemist used emission wavelengths to determine whether specific
elements were present in a sample. $ome characteristic wavelengths for some of
the elements are0
Ag 1 475.1 nm #e 1 4,7.0 nm Au 1 7<,.< nm
P 1 606., nm Ia 1 6@@.6 nm Gg 1 75@.7 nm
>a 1 677., nm ?a 1 @5'.< nm >u 1 476.5 nm
?i 1 461.@ nm
(a Hetermine which elements emit radiation in the visible part of the spectrum.
(b Ahich element emits photons of the highest energy/
(c Ahich element emits photons of the lowest energy/
(d Ahen burned, a sample of un"nown substance is found to emit light of
fre)uency <.@' x 10
. Ahich of these elements is probably in the sample/

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