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The 4th Dimension of Fitness

By Chip Richards
Merging Mind, Body & Emotions to Find the Spirit in Sport
In this day and age, there are countless approaches to fitness, wellness, nutrition and sports performance
enhancement. We have access to many effective training modalities (cardio, strength, power, endurance,
etc.), sub-modalities (free weights, functional training, stability ball, plyometrics, pilates, etc.) and cross-
pollinations (yoga-lates, Tae-Bo, weights on stability balls, etc.). Thousands of dollars are spent each year
researching tiny muscle fibres of the abdominals to determine the relevance of the core! in movement.
"illions of dollars are spent each year researching and promoting miracle nutrition and dietary supplement
approaches. #s an active participant of $Tonthe%&, I have the good fortune of connecting with a lot
of the leading-edge thin'ers and doers in the industry and sort of sitting in the eye of the hurricane of the
immense range of theory, thought and practice.
It is indeed e(citing to have access to such a myriad of advanced approaches to training the body, but in
our efforts to achieve the physi)ue or athletic performance we desire, and in our efforts to empower our
clients and athletes to do the same, it is )uite easy to forget that we are in fact far more than *ust a
physical body. In our mad dash to learn the latest training techni)ues and to discover the perfect diet and
fitness program to fit our specific body type, it is very easy to overloo' the overriding power of T+,-.+T
and /&&0I%. in our sport, vitality and life. In his boo' Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, 1r. 1eepa' 2hopra
tells us that, We are the only creatures on earth who can change our biology by what we thin' and feel.!

Indeed science and philosophy together are steadily proving that our thoughts and feelings have a huge
effect upon 4 and in many ways create 4 our reality.
,ur physical body does play a vital role in our life and sport performance 4 and an e)ually vital role in our
wor' with clients 4 but it truly is only one spo'e in the wheel. -ltimately, whatever physical changes our
clients desire come from a deeper desire to change the way they thin' and feel about themselves or their
endeavor (If I lose weight, I will feel more confident and believe more in myself!). #nd fitness
professionals are in a very fortunate position because often when we simply ma'e a shift in someone5s
physical body, that shift causes a natural and overflowing shift in their entire being. But perhaps there is a
way to wor' at the goal from all sides simultaneously and therefore deepen, e(pand and accelerate our
results on all levels. In my e(perience, I have found that the real 'ey to achieving e(traordinary results in
any endeavour comes in our ability to powerfully align the energies of our mind, body and emotions toward
a common goal. This convergence creates a fourth entity, which in my e(perience is far greater than any of
the individual or even two elements combined.
The following article will e(plore the three-way partnership between the body, mind and emotions and the
importance of their alignment to creating the true spirit! of sport, vitality and life.
The Fastest Doesnt Always Win the Race
If the physically fastest person always won the race, there would be no reason to race at all. There would
in fact be no such thing as sport. In my e(perience with world-class athletes, I have found that at the elite
level, where the ma*ority of athletes are close to their physical pea' and many are actually capable of
achieving a winning performance on any given day, the biggest challenge isnt raising their physical
ability to win but raising their mental and emotional ability to guide their body to perform at its
best when it matters most. Those who e(perience e(traordinary performances are sometimes 4 but
certainly not always 4 the strongest, fastest or best physically prepared. In truth, the best performances
come from those who most powerfully combine ade)uate physical preparation with a clear and focused
mind and positively empowered emotions. In my e(perience, the winner is almost always the one who
/&&06 best on the day, and this sense of feeling often shines out from the person li'e a light, long before
the race even begins.
In the fitness world, we tal' about the need for symmetry and balance in the body between agonist and
antagonist muscle groups, between left and right sides of the body, between fle(ibility, mobility and
strength. We have learned the need to train movements in all three planes of motion, and I would say the
same is true for wor'ing with 7three planes of inner being5 - mind, body and emotions - in efforts to
enhance our overall state or e(pression of s'ills or self in whatever we do. 8ust as we can usually trace
movement limitations and dysfunction bac' to an overriding muscular imbalance or structural bloc'age in
the body, we can almost always trace performance limitations 4 or an inability to achieve a desired goal 4
bac' to some imbalance or incongruence between what the mind is thin'ing, what the heart is feeling and
what we are as'ing the body to do. # simple e(ample of this often surfaces with out-of-shape individuals
as they first embar' on a fitness program. Their mind may become clear about what they must to do in
terms of diet, e(ercise and lifestyle change, but their emotional attachment to certain foods or their
underlying fear or reluctance to endure early phases of conditioning competes with (and often overrides)
the plan they5ve created in their mind. Their body then responds with a mi(ed bag of partial commitment,
partial compliance to the plan9 and at best, partial results.
The Fittest Dont Always Live the Longest
The mental, physical and emotional congruence needed for achieving and sustaining pea' performance in
sport is e)ually true for creating health, fitness and vitality in life. "edical researchers at various
prestigious institutions now agree that thought and emotions are the primary factors in creating illness
(and therefore health) in our bodies.
This has been demonstrated powerfully with the use of placebos
(dummy treatments such as sugar pills) in laboratory tests to successfully treat and relieve such conditions
as post-surgery pain, asthma, allergies, warts, sleep disorders, obesity and many other afflictions. The
same placebo treatments 4 which in themselves have no specific effects 4 have been used to cause
into(ication, bac' pain, euphoria, blurred vision, increased libido and heart palpitations among individuals
who e(pected such reactions;
In short, our thoughts and feelings literally create our physical reality.
=ou may run a five-minute mile, eat all organic foods, e(hibit perfect weight lifting form and the fle(ibility
of a yogi, but if your mind and emotions aren5t positively aligned with your body, you will have great
difficulty attaining your potential in sport, fitness, wellness or life. #s 8ohn >andolph $rice says in The
Wellness Book, /ive miles of *ogging may not cancel out five minutes of hostility. #nd all the vitamins on
the shelf simply will not overcome the physical damage caused by daily doses of resentment and
Indeed, our bodies are the world5s most powerful pharmacy and have the ability to powerfully, naturally
support or degenerate our health in ama@ing ways. In one clinical study, scientists too' the saliva from a
man who was in a rage of anger, and through lab analysis, revealed the composition of the saliva to be the
same as a rattlesna'e5s venom; This saliva was then in*ected into small animals and each one died.

Imagine the effect of this sort of chemical discharge in our own bodies. This is very powerful, especially
when we consider that the chemical reaction of our body to <B seconds of stress can stay in our body for
up to si( hours.
What is needed to attain true health and lasting fulfilment in sport and life is congruence, a sense of unity
where the elements of our physical, emotional and mental bodies wor' synergistically with each other and
add to what each may do individually. 2onsider our physical, emotional and mental body as the body,
engine and driver of a car. ,ur physical body is li'e the car body 4 beautiful to loo' at and full of dynamic
potential but relatively useless without an engine to propel it and a driver to steer its course. The engine of
the car is li'e our heart, the internal and emotional energy source for all productive motion. Without it, we
go nowhere, and yet as powerful and passionate as it may be, it too remains useless without a vehicle
within which to e(press itself or a driver to guide its energy. The driver is our mind 4 our source of wisdom
and clarity to see and navigate our way along the path. The driver5s role is e)ually vital, but without the
car body and engine, he too will be left standing on the side of the road with his thumb out, waiting for a
ride. #s such, our thoughts, feelings and actions are e)ual partners in an interdependent *ourney, which
can flow with the power and efficiency of a /ormula ,ne race car or stop, stutter and ultimately brea'
down li'e an old *alopy.
BODY + M!D + "MOTO!# $ #%RT
When our hearts and minds are aligned with what we as' our bodies to do, incredible things begin to
happen. This space of confluence 4 the positive coming together of mind, body and emotion 4 is what
creates the true spirit! behind any endeavour or pursuit. Whether roc' climbing, running a marathon,
rehabbing an in*ury or healing a disease, our moments of positive congruence and true alignment are
mar'ed with levels of flow and achievement that often e(ceed our e(pectations and e(planation; This is
true not only in our own lives and endeavours but also in how we empower and facilitate the same sense of
flow in our clients and athletes.
We have all e(perienced this feeling of flow at one time or another in sport, wor', creative e(pression or
with a loved one. In these moments, we are not concerned with results, with achieving a certain end or
with what will happen ne(t. We are simply and purely in the moment. 2onnected. We go from surfing on
the wave to being part of the wave itself. /rom running on the trail to feeling as though our feet are not
even touching the ground. 1ynamic and e(pressive, yet totally natural and unforced. These moments of
flow are often perceived as extraordinary and unexplainable departures from normality, but
in truth they are simply outward glimpses of an inner congruence that is available to all of us,
all of the time.
6o how do we facilitate this sense of congruence in our daily livesC The full answer to this )uestion is
perhaps beyond the scope of this article, but the following steps will get you on the road to creating an
empowering sense of inner connection with your e(ternal world and help you to integrate your mind, body
and emotions into the spirit of what you desire. Try these steps yourself, and then e(plore their
implications in the wor' you do with clients and athletes of all levels.
#te& '( Become Awa)e
8ust as you might assess your clients5 physiology (posture, stability, etc.) before creating a physical training
program, the first step to integrating the forces of mind, body and emotions is to observe them in relation
to each other and to what you really want to achieve. #s 0ouis 0. +ay says in her boo' Heal Your BodyD
Stop or a moment and !at!h your thought" What are you thinking right no#$ % thoughts shape your lie
and e&perien!es, #ould you #ant this to 'e!ome true or you$ % it is a thought o #orry or anger or hurt
or revenge, ho# do you think this thought #ill !ome 'a!k to you$ % #e #ant a (oyous lie, #e must think
(oyous thoughts" % #e #ant a prosperous lie, #e must think prosperous thoughts" % #e #ant a loving lie,
#e must think loving thoughts" Whatever #e send out mentally or ver'ally #ill !ome 'a!k to us in lie
orm) Be #illing to !hange your #ords and thoughts, and #at!h your lie !hange" %t*s your po#er and your
!hoi!e" +o one thinks in your mind 'ut you"
$ic' an area of your life that you would li'e to improve or achieve something special, and ta'e a moment
to honestly assess your state! of mind, body and emotions with regard to this area. Watch to see how
your thoughts translate into feelings and emotions, and how those emotions empower (or disempower)
your actions toward your goal. 1o you have a clear vision in your mind of what you truly desireC 2an you
feel in your body what it would feel li'e to have or achieve that goalC #re your thoughts, feelings and
actions wor'ing together to support your *ourney towards this goal, or are there areas of incongruenceC
Which of the three elements are strongestC Which ones are holding you bac'C ,n a scale from 3-3B, where
would you be if 3B is absolute unity and powerC
Ta'e a few moments to consider and write your responses to the above )uestions.
#te& *( #ta)t With Yo+) Bo,y
If your thoughts and emotions are not fully in line with where you want to go, one of the fastest and most
effective ways to shift your internal energy is by changing what you do with your body. If you are feeling
upset, stressed out or frustrated, often the best first step is to stop what you are doing, ta'e some deep
breaths or go for a wal'Erun outside. This positive change in physiology will almost always have an e)ually
positive effect on our mental and emotional states. +ow often do we have clients arrive in negative,
stressed out or dis-empowered states, only to depart FB minutes later feeling energi@ed, positive and more
rela(ed about their livesC #nd while many trainers out there certainly have a natural gift for verbally
coaching their clients and athletes through negative emotional patches, powerful positive emotional shifts
often happen simply through powerful, positive movement and breath. When we move physically, we shift
energy, and this movement often allows us to see and e(perience our circumstances with fresh
perspective. In the words of world-renowned motivational spea'er and personal coach Tony >obbins,
"otion creates emotion.!
Write a list of physical movements or activities that ma'e you feel good, whole and connected. #s simple
as a deep breath or as committed as a trail run, what things do you or can you do on a regular basis to
dispel negative energy and ma'e you come aliveC
#te& -( #ee the .ighest /ision
,nce you have elevated your overall state! into the positive, the first step toward achieving true fulfilment
in any area is to get clear about what you really want. We often gauge our ambitions and ma'e decisions
about our potential based on other people5s opinions or what we have e(perienced or achieved in the past,
but seldom do we stop to truly as' ourselves, Who do I really want to beC What do I want to doC #nd
whyC! (see $art 3 of the G/unctional Integrated 0ifeG article series for a more detailed e(ploration of this).
#s' your mind what its highest vision for your life is, and listen to what it says.
In my e(perience wor'ing with individuals of all wal's of life, the biggest challenge I have found is not to
achieve our goals but to 'eep elevating our vision, to continually e(pand our perception and to stay open
to what is truly possible. In truth, the only limits that e(ist in our world are those we impose upon
ourselves or allow others to impose upon us.
Ta'e time to create and write down your ultimate vision for your body, sport or life, and ta'e time to do
this with your clients. 6ee the end result in as many details and colours as you can con*ure, and allow that
vision to continually e(pand and evolve. 1on5t loc' it in and don5t loc' into how you thin' it should come
about. The path always unfolds in ways that we never could imagine, and if we get too focused on climbing
one specific hill, we could miss the chance to summit the full mountain beyond it. If you are dealing with a
physical ailment, don5t focus your mental energy on healing! your body or fi(ing the problem but on
seeing and envisioning your body whole and healed. 6pend time each day envisioning your absolute
ultimate vision (in fact, any vision that ma'es you feel good), and each day strive to ma'e that vision
bigger, brighter, higher.
Ta'e a moment right now to create a compelling vision for one or more areas of your life. 6ee it in full color
and write what you see.
It is so easy to get caught e(isting day-to day unconsciously, to get stuc' in a state of reaction, simply
responding moment to moment to what is most urgent or demanding rather than designing our life around
what we truly want. But this is not really living. When we ta'e time to set a clear and high intent for
ourselves or for our clients, and when we connect emotionally to the purpose behind our actions, we
become a cause set in motion. #s our internal sails rise and catch wind of our conscious desire, we
naturally begin to draw thoughts, ideas and e(periences into our reality that support our intended
#te& 4( B+il, the Feeling of that /ision
,nce you have created an empowering and inspiring vision in your mind for what you truly desire, the ne(t
step is to let that mental image permeate your emotional body and feel what it would feel li'e to bring this
vision to fruition. Ta'e a few moments to stand, breathe and move how you would if you had already
achieved your goal. 1o this right now. &mbody the feeling of your ultimate vision in completed form. #s we
mentioned earlier, ultimately no matter what we or our clients want in life, we want it because of how we
thin' it will ma'e us feel. Why do we want to lose weightC 6o we will /&&0 more energetic. Why do we
want to win the raceC 6o we will /&&0 a sense of achievement. ,ne of the 'eys to creating congruent flow
in the body is to identify the emotional feeling underneath our goals and then generate these feelings in
our bodies - in a,vance.
What is the feeling you will have when you have achieved or attained your visionC +ow will it feel in your
bodyC What mental and emotional charge will come with this achievementC
%ow ma'e a list of all the things in your life that give you similar feelings to those your goal will bring you.
I call this the /ulfilment 0ist 4 list everything small and large that gives you or could give you some feeling
of flow and fulfilment in your life. This can be as simple as watching a sunrise or as interactive as riding a
wave on a surfboard. ,nce you have this list, the ne(t step is to schedule these activities into your life on a
regular basis so that you literally build the rhythm of that feeling. This seems )uite simple, but the simple
truth is that success breeds success 4 li'e attracts li'e 4 and as you learn to create these positive feelings
in your daily life (even in small ways), two things occur. /irst, you become less dependent on achieving the
big end goal to e(perience fulfilment in your life, and second, you actually generate a vibration in your
body that tunes you in to the e(periences you truly desire. In his boo' -leanse and .uriy Thysel, 1r.
>ichard #nderson e(plains it this wayD
)our thoughts and eelings emit spe!ii! #aves /like radio #aves0 o energy and vi'ration that inluen!e
the patterns #ithin our 'odies" The patterns o negative thought and eeling automati!ally !reate physi!al
patterns that result in disease" The patterns o love and (oy automati!ally !reate physi!al patterns that
result in health, strength and vitality"
8ust li'e the tuner on a radio, we can only hear the music that5s playing on the station we5re tuned into. If
we tune our thoughts and feelings into what5s wrong or missing (the radio static!) in our lives 4 then we
will naturally draw in e(periences to support that focus. Tas's become difficult, people uncooperative and
the path forward becomes unclear. +owever, when we tune into the positive feeling of that which we truly
desire, and we allow ourselves to feel that feeling on a regular basis, then we will naturally align with and
call into our reality the people, e(periences and opportunities that support that state of being.
#te& 0( 1a))y the Feeling nto Action
2reate a schedule of physical activity in your life that not only supports your goals in a physical sense but
also serves to e(pand your mental vision and empower your emotions. In practical terms, often the best
initial step to carrying positive energy into our lives is to ta'e time to cultivate it within our selves on a
daily basis. This time for 6&0/ is often the first thing to go out the window when we start getting busy, but
in truth, it should be the last thing we ever sacrifice. If we don5t ta'e time for ourselves, we will eventually
find that we have very little to give anyone else. "any of the world5s great leaders and masters have
honoured this rhythmic e(change between public e(pression and solo retreat as a way to 'eep perspective
and stay energi@ed in their missions 4 and so should we. I 'now that my own morning ritual of movement
and connection (a combination of e(ercise, meditation and *ournal writing) ma'es the absolute difference
in my day between stressed effort and inspired flow. By ta'ing time each morning to connect with and
charge up our body, mind and heart, we literally raise our level of consciousness and ultimately ma'e it
possible to give a lot more to our wor' and clients throughout the day.
What are a few things you could do every morning that would ensure you were in a pea', empowered and
aligned state going into the dayC
/rom there, let us ma'e a commitment to be aware of our thoughts, feelings and actions throughout the
day, and when in doubt, simply as' the )uestion, 1oes this activity support my (or my client5s) ultimate
vision on all levelsC! Bottom lineD The more actions we ta'e on the outside world that ma'e us feel good
about ourselves, the faster and more powerfully our minds and hearts will come into alignment with our
goals. #nd interestingly, these actions don5t always need to be directly related to our goal. In fact,
sometimes when we hit a stic'ing point or obstacle in the path, the best thing is not to force the issue but
to focus our attention on what is wor'ing and then let the rhythm of that activity flow into the area that is
not. #s fitness professionals, we often e(perience this on the gym floor with clients. 6ometimes the best
way to train a new movement pattern is to begin with one that wor's, and then use that positive
movement as a reference point to carry over into the challenged pattern. 6o it is with life - when we ta'e
time first to connect with the feeling of all that is right and good and wor'ing in our lives, we can then
carry that energy and perspective into the other more challenging areas.
Ri&&les of the Wave2
I believe we are born into a world of truly limitless possibility, and while much of our conditioning has
served to scatter our energy and efforts over time, when we ta'e the time to align our body, mind and
emotions with our very highest vision, we open the gateway to truly empowered wor', achievement and
e(istence on all levels. #s a coach, I have always put much more focus on the personal, inner *ourney of
the individuals I coach than on what the scoreboard says. This approach is occasionally met with initial
resistance, but I have found that when the spirit is aligned and the approach is Gholistic,G the results
always spea' ama@ingly for themselves.
#s we launch further into the technology age, we may find that the most profound brea'throughs and
scientific achievements will not be found in e(ternal inventions but rather in the brea'throughs of our own
Ginner technology,G as we learn to powerfully harness all that we thin', feel, say and do into the true spirit
of what we desire.
For more details on any o the inormation dis!ussed in this arti!le, or to ind out a'out the Fun!tional
%ntegrated 2ie personal !oa!hing and lie !oa!hing training program /the #orld*s irst lie !oa!h training
program spe!ii!ally designed or itness proessionals0, please !onta!t -hip at !hip3ptonthenet"!om"
3. 1eepa' 2hopra, ".1., Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, (%ew =or', %=D +armony Boo's, 3HH?),pg. ?.
:. 8ohn >andolph $rice, The Wellness Book (2arlsbad, 2#D +ay +ouse, Inc., 3HHI), p. F.
<. .eorge 0eonard J "ichael "urphy, The 2ie We Are 4iven (%ew =or', %=D 8eremy $.
TarcherE$utnam), p. 3BB.
?. $rice, pg. 3<.
A. 1r. +al +uggins 1.1.6., The .ri!e o 5oot -anals" #vailable from 1r. +uggins office at K3-L3H-A::-
F. 0ouise 0. +ay, Heal Your Body (2arlsbad, 2#.D +ay +ouse, Inc., 3HII), p. <.
L. 1r. >ichard #nderson, %.1., %.".1. ("t. 6hasta, 2alforniaD 2hristobe $ublishing), p. :B.
This article emerged from a similarly themed piece by 2hip >ichards titled 6pirit in 6port,! which appeared
in the %ovember :BB? issue of Fitness 2ie Maga6ine, %ew Mealand.

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