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J ohn A. Lukacs IV

J une 2006

Thesis Advisor: Oleg Yakimenko
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J une 2006
Masters Thesis
4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Hit-to-Kill Guidance Algorithm for the Interception of
Ballistic Missiles During the Boost Phase
6. AUTHOR(S) J ohn A. Lukacs IV

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943-5000
11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy
or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)

A near-optimal guidance law has been developed using the direct method of calculus of variations that maximizes
the kinetic energy transfer from a surface-launched missile upon interception to a ballistic missile target during the
boost phase of flight. Mathematical models of a North Korean Taep'o-dong II (TD-2) medium-range ballistic missile
and a Raytheon Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) interceptor are used to demonstrate the guidance laws performance. This
law will utilize the SM-6s onboard computer and active radar sensors to independently predict an intercept point,
solve the two-point boundary value problem, and determine a near-optimal flight path to that point. Determining a
truly optimal flight path would require significant computing power and time, while a near-optimal flight path can be
calculated onboard the interceptor and updated in real time without significant changes to the interceptors hardware.
That near-optimal guidance path is then converted into a set of command functions and fed back into the control
computer of the interceptor. By modifying the second and third derivatives of the two-point boundary value problem,
the intercept conditions can be varied to study their effects upon the optimal flight path regarding the maximization of
kinetic energy upon impact.

Missile Guidance Laws, Direct Methods, Optimal Control, Boost Phase Intercept, Hit-to-Kill

NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


J ohn A. Lukacs IV
Lieutenant, United States Navy
B.S., Drexel University, 1999

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of


from the

June 2006

Author: J ohn A. Lukacs IV

Approved by: Oleg Yakimenko
Thesis Advisor

Anthony J . Healey
Department of Mechanical & Astronautical Engineering

A near-optimal guidance law has been developed using the direct method of
calculus of variations that maximizes the kinetic energy transfer from a surface-launched
missile upon interception to a ballistic missile target during the boost phase of flight.
Mathematical models of a North Korean Taep'o-dong II (TD-2) medium-range ballistic
missile and a Raytheon Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) interceptor are used to demonstrate
the guidance laws performance. This law will utilize the SM-6s onboard computer and
active radar sensors to independently predict an intercept point, solve the two-point
boundary value problem, and determine a near-optimal flight path to that point.
Determining a truly optimal flight path would require significant computing power and
time, while a near-optimal flight path can be calculated onboard the interceptor and
updated in real time without significant changes to the interceptors hardware. That near-
optimal guidance path is then converted into a set of command functions and fed back
into the control computer of the interceptor. By modifying the second and third
derivatives of the two-point boundary value problem, the intercept conditions can be
varied to study their effects upon the optimal flight path regarding the maximization of
kinetic energy upon impact.

I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
A. BACKGROUND..............................................................................................1
B. THESIS ORGANIZATION............................................................................3
II. MODELING AND SIMULATION............................................................................5
A. TARGET MODELING...................................................................................6
1. Basic Definitions and Assumptions ....................................................6
2. The Ballistic Missile Model Program.................................................8
3. Results .................................................................................................12
B. INTERCEPTER MODELING.....................................................................15
1. Basic Definitions and Assumptions ..................................................15
2. Interceptor Missile Model Program.................................................18
3. Results .................................................................................................21
C. HIGH-FIDELITY MODELING..................................................................22
1. Initialization........................................................................................23
2. The Flight Program...........................................................................28
3. Results .................................................................................................39
D. COMMON FUNCTIONS .............................................................................39
1. ZLDragC.m........................................................................................39
2. STatmos.m..........................................................................................40
III. EXISTING GUIDANCE LAWS ..............................................................................43
A. UNACCEPTABLE GUIDANCE LAWS.....................................................43
1. Beam Rider.........................................................................................43
2. Pure Pursuit........................................................................................43
B. LESS THAN OPTIMAL GUIDANCE LAWS ...........................................44
1. True Proportional Navigation ..........................................................44
2. Compensated Proportional Navigation............................................45
3. Augmented Proportional Navigation...............................................45
C. KEY FATAL CHARACTERISTICS ..........................................................46
1. Control System Time Constant.........................................................46
2. End-game Environment ....................................................................47
3. Controlling the Interception Geometry ...........................................47
IV. PROPOSED ALGORITHM.....................................................................................49
A. PROBLEM STATEMENT...........................................................................49
B. CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS ..................................................................50
C. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT....................................................................55
1. Boundary Conditions.........................................................................55
2. Separating and Recombining Space and Time ...............................57
3. Reference Trajectory.........................................................................58
4. Inverse Dynamics...............................................................................60
5. Cost and Penalty Functions...............................................................61
4. Simulation Outline.............................................................................62
D. SIMULATION RESULTS............................................................................64
V. CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................69
A. VERIFICATION OF OPTIMALITY..........................................................69
B. APPLICABILITY..........................................................................................78
C. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH...........................................78
APPENDIX A: MODELING PROGRAMS...............................................................81
A. 3DOF TARGET.............................................................................................81
1. BRParams3.m.....................................................................................81
2. BRFlight3.m.......................................................................................82
B. 3DOF INTERCEPTOR.................................................................................85
1. SMParams3.m....................................................................................85
2. SMFlight3.m.......................................................................................87
C. 6DOF MODEL...............................................................................................92
1. BRDetails6.m......................................................................................92
2. BRParams6.m.....................................................................................94
3. BRFlight6.m.......................................................................................97
3. SMDetails6.m...................................................................................101
5. SMParams6.m..................................................................................103
6. SMFlight6.m.....................................................................................106
7. ACoeff.m...........................................................................................110
8. Animation.m.....................................................................................112
D. COMMON PROGRAMS............................................................................117
1. ZLDragC.m......................................................................................117
2. STatmos.m........................................................................................117
APPENDIX B: GUIDANCE PROGRAMS .............................................................121
A. DEMONSTRATION...................................................................................121
B. GUIDANCE ALGORITHMS.....................................................................123
1. SMGuidance.m.................................................................................123
2. SMGuidanceCost.m.........................................................................129
3. SMTrajectory.m...............................................................................131
LIST OF REFERENCES....................................................................................................139
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST.......................................................................................141

Figure 1. Engagement Sequence Groups [From Ref 9] ....................................................1
Figure 2. Taepo-dong 2 and SM-6 size comparison (after [Ref 9]).................................5
Figure 3. Ballistic Missile Flight Path...............................................................................9
Figure 4. TD-2 Thrust Generated (Boost Phase Only)....................................................10
Figure 5. TD-2 Rocket Mass (Boost Phase Only)...........................................................11
Figure 6. TD-2 Flyout Range..........................................................................................12
Figure 7. TD-2 Acceleration and Velocity Profiles (Entire Flight) ................................13
Figure 8. TD-2 Acceleration and Velocity Profiles (Boost Phase only).........................13
Figure 9. TD-2 Altitude Profile (Entire Flight and Boost Phase only) ...........................14
Figure 10. SM-2 Configuration Details (Missile Only)....................................................18
Figure 11. SM-6 Interceptor Thrust Profile.......................................................................20
Figure 12. SM-6 Interceptor Mass (Boost Phase Only)....................................................21
Figure 13. Interceptor Velocity Profile.............................................................................22
Figure 14. Pitch plane stability data..................................................................................33
Figure 15. Yaw stability and control derivatives..............................................................34
Figure 16. Roll control derivatives....................................................................................34
Figure 17. Roll control Coupling Derivatives...................................................................35
Figure 18. Yaw control Derivatives..................................................................................35
Figure 19. Pitch control effects on roll stability................................................................36
Figure 20. Pitch control derivatives..................................................................................36
Figure 21. 6DOF Orientation Animation..........................................................................39
Figure 22. Drag Coefficient by Mach Number and Flight Phase......................................40
Figure 23. Atmospheric Temperature Variation by Altitude............................................41
Figure 24. Atmospheric Density by Altitude....................................................................41
Figure 25. Atmospheric Pressure Variation by Altitude...................................................42
Figure 26. Variation of Path with
x (after [Ref 18])...........................................54
Figure 27. Variation of First Derivative of Path with
x ......................................54
Figure 28. X-axis Flight Path and Derivatives..................................................................65
Figure 29. Y-axis Flight Path and Derivatives..................................................................65
Figure 30. Z-axis Flight Path and Derivatives..................................................................66
Figure 31. 3D Optimal Flight Path....................................................................................67
Figure 32. 3D Optimal Flight Path....................................................................................68
Figure 33. Final Interception Geometry............................................................................69
Figure 34. 2D (X-Y axis) Optimum Flight Path...............................................................70
Figure 35. 2D (X-Z axis) Optimum Flight Path................................................................70
Figure 36. 2D (Y-Z axis) Optimum Flight Path................................................................71
Figure 37. Heading ( ) and Flight Path Angle ( ) Time History..................................72
Figure 38. Control Forces Time History...........................................................................73
Figure 39. Penalty Function Values..................................................................................74
Figure 40. Iterative Value of the Cost Function................................................................75
Figure 41. Iterative Value of the Cosine of the Impact Angle..........................................76
Figure 42. Iterative Value of Intercept Time.....................................................................77
Figure 43. Iterative Value of

Table 1. Known Information Regarding the TD-2..........................................................6
Table 2. Theoretical Velocity Capability of the Target Model........................................8
Table 3. Known Information Regarding the SM-6........................................................15
Table 4. Range of Possible Interceptor Thrust Values...................................................17
Table 5. WGS-84 Values...............................................................................................24
Table 6. Frame References used in the 6DOF Model (After [Ref 14]) .........................25
Table 7. Interceptor Known Data...................................................................................55


The author wishes to acknowledge the immense patience of his wife, Sarah, while
he spent numerous hours in the computer lab. Her unfailing belief in my abilities often
surpassed my own, and without that support this would not have been possible.
The author also wishes to acknowledge the assistance of his advisor, who
patiently answered every question, no matter how minor. His efforts in assisting me to
troubleshoot pages and pages of MATLAB code are greatly appreciated.

For many years now, the United States Department of Defense has expended
great effort to develop an integrated ballistic missile defense system through a layered,
defense in depth strategy. A ballistic missile's speed and altitude leave little room for
error by the defender, and any strategy must include systems capable of defeating a
ballistic missile at each of its three distinct phases boost, midcourse, and terminal -
which the Missile Defense Agency labels "Engagement Sequence Groups" (ESG) as
shown in Figure 1 [Ref 9].

Figure 1. Engagement Sequence Groups [From Ref 9]

It is the portion of the effort directed toward the boost phase of the Ballistic
Missile Defense Programs that is the focus this paper. The boost phase ESG is concerned
with developing methods and technologies to conduct Boost Phase Intercept (BPI).
Intercepting a missile in its boost phase is the ideal solution for a ballistic missile defense,
since the missile is very vulnerable during this phase of its flight. The missile is relatively
slow while struggling to overcome gravity, has a very visible exhaust plume, and cannot
deploy countermeasures [Refs 9, 11]. Yet the challenges needing to be overcome are
immense: countering the large acceleration rates, reliable scanning and tracking, and very
short reaction time being the most daunting [Refs 9, 11]. A variety of weapon systems
are under development for conducting boost phase interception, including airborne lasers,
space-based intercept missiles, and ground-based intercept missiles. None of these
systems is totally operational, though several look promising.
This paper is applicable to surface-based interceptors, specifically the United
States Navy's Standard Missile. The SM-6 very quickly reaches its top speed of Mach 3+
[Ref 6, 12], allowing it to catch up and maneuver around a boosting ballistic missile. The
SM-6 is not currently configured for missile defense options, as the United States Navy
has not yet decided on appropriate requirements for surface ship based BPI [Ref 6]. Yet,
the SM-6 missile contains the necessary capabilities to conduct such ballistic missile
defense missions, including Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM)
signal processing capabilities that enable the use of active and semi active radar,
AMRAAM guidance and control systems, and advanced fusing techniques [Ref 12].
Given the correct guidance laws and programming, these systems combine to make the
missile very effective out to the maximum kinetic range. This paper analyzes one
method for developing such a guidance law.
A missiles guidance law is one of the largest single factors affecting its ability to
intercept a target. Yet, regarding the BPI ESG, intercepting the target is only one factor;
the other major consideration is the ability to kill the target. Early ballistic missile
defense concepts recognized that a simple warhead effect is not sufficient to destroy an
ICBM and initiated development of hit to kill technologies [Ref 2, 3]. The relative sizes
of a nominal ICBM and an SM-6 means that the interception must maximize the kinetic
energy transferred to the ICBM in order to be effective, which suggests the need to
control the geometry of the interception. Current guidance laws do not address this
aspect, leaving the actual intercept geometry to be the result of the guidance law and the
relative capabilities of the missiles, instead of an input into the guidance law. This is a
reasonable course of action when all that is necessary to kill the target is to get the missile
within the limits of the proximity fuse, the case with most surface-to-air engagements. It
breaks down, however, when dealing with ballistic missiles. The desire for hit-to-kill end
game conditions, coupled with the need to maximize the kinetic energy transfer, means
the interception geometry cannot be left to chance and must be controlled as an input of
the guidance law.
The objective of this thesis is to design a guidance law that will generate the
interceptors entire flight path in order to minimize the distance traveled, minimize the
time to intercept, and maximize kinetic energy transfer by controlling the interception
geometry while providing near-optimal flight path to interception. This will be done by
utilizing the direct method of calculus of variations combined with inverse dynamics
theory to reverse engineer in real time an optimal flight path using the missiles onboard
sensors and computers [Ref 18].

Chapter II develops the simulation models for the ballistic missile target and the
Standard Missile interceptor, generating a mathematical Three Degree-of-Freedom
(3DOF) model of each. This paper will focus on the Taep'o-dong Two (TD2) ballistic
rocket in development by the People's Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK), which is
believed to be an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching at least
Alaska or Hawaii from launch sites within North Korea [Ref 4]. The SM-6 is the US
Navy's latest Extended Range Anti-Air Warfare missile that includes Active-Homing
Terminal Guidance the key feature that allows for the accuracy necessary to intercept
an ICBM in the boost phase. Finally, a full Six Degree-of-Freedom (6DOF) model is
presented for future research to capitalize upon.
Chapter III discusses several modern guidance laws, describing and evaluating for
their effectiveness at intercepting and killing an ICBM. Two families of guidance laws,
Pursuit and Proportional Navigation, are examined. The reasons for the necessity of a
new guidance law are presented.
Chapter IV develops and describes the new guidance law and test program. The
guidance law is continuously calculated onboard the missile as a two point boundary
value problem, using Direct Methods of Calculus of Variation to calculate a near-optimal
flight path and the control commands necessary to achieve it.
Chapter V summarizes the results and discusses the feasibility of employing such
methods in a real-world scenario.
The Appendices include a listing of all MATLAB functions and scripts used in
the simulation.


Throughout the remainder of this paper, the term "rocket", target, and
"TD2" will be used to refer to the Taep'o-dong 2, while the term
"missile", interceptor, and "SM-6" will refer to the Standard Missile 6.

This chapter develops a three-dimensional target model that operates in the
Earths gravitational field, using the TD-2 rocket for reference data. The simulation
models a two-stage, boosting target that reaches intercontinental velocities. Then a three-
dimensional interceptor model is developed that operates in the Earths gravitational
field, using the SM-6 missile for reference data. The simulation models a two-stage,
boosting missile that reaches nominal velocities. Figure 2 shows a comparison of the
relative sizes of the missiles involved.

The SM-6
is roughly
the size
of the TD-2
Figure 2. Taepo-dong 2 and SM-6 size comparison (after [Ref 9])


1. Basic Definitions and Assumptions
Table 1 shows the basic details of a Taep'o-dong two (TD-2) rocket

[Ref 4].
Overall Stage 1 Stage 2
Length 32 m Diameter 2.2 m 1.335 m
Payload 750-1000 kg Length 16 m 14 m
Range 35004300 km Launch Weight ~60,000 kg 15,200 kg
Stages 2 Thrust ~103,000 kg
13,350 kg
Fuel / Oxidizer TM-185 / AK-27I TM-185 / AK-27I
Propellant Mass - 12,912 kg
Type LR ICBM Burn Time ~125 s 110 s
Table 1. Known Information Regarding the TD-2

The limited data must be extrapolated into a complete missile picture. This
required several assumptions, which will be discussed during the course of the
The first assumption was that of a linear ratio between the fuel and the thrust.
The thrust developed was assumed to be a weak function of fuel consumption and the
number of thrust chambers, and a strong function of the specifics of the engines. Stage
one has four chambers while stage two has one chamber; therefore the ratio of the fuel
consumption rates should not be greater than 4. The total propellant mass of stage two is
12,912 kg while the total mass of the stage is 15,200 kg, for a fuel mass fraction of 0.849
and a fuel consumption rate (for 110 s) of 117.38 kg/s. This value is appropriate for a
ballistic missile [Ref 21]. Assuming the same ratio for stage one results in a fuel mass of
50,970 kg and a fuel consumption rate (for 125 s) of 407.8 kg/s.
The fuel used is a combination of a liquid fuel and a liquid oxidizer. TM-185 is
composed of 20% Gasoline (737.22 kg/m
) and 80% Kerosene (817.15 kg/m
) [Ref 4],
which results in a fuel density of 801.164 kg/m
. The oxidizer, AK-27I, is composed of
27% N2O4 (1,450 kg/m
) and 73% HNO3 (1,580 kg/m
) [Ref 4], which results in an
oxidizer density of 1,544 kg/m
. Finally, the fuel to oxidizer ratio (F/O) for this fuel
combination is 4.05:1 [Ref 16], yielding a cumulative density of 1,182.62 kg/m
. Given
the density of the fuel, the total volume for each stage is easily determined. For stage one
the required volume of fuel is 43.1 m
, while for stage two the required volume of fuel is
10.9 m
. Since the total available volume of stage one is 60.82 m
, and the total available
volume of stage two is 19.6 m
, the values are reasonable.
Given that both stages use the same fuel, the specific impulse (I
) should be the
same for both stages, which is expressed as [Ref 21]


where W is the in-stage fuel consumption rate (in kg/s) and T is the thrust produced. The
first stage I

is 252.57 s, which is reasonable for an intercontinental ballistic missile. Yet
the second stage I
using the given thrust data is only 113.73 s, which is too low to
accelerate the rocket to intercontinental speeds [Ref 21]. The second stage I
therefore be assumed to be 252.57 s, and the resultant thrust is then 29,650 kg
Under these assumptions, it is possible to determine the resultant increase in
velocity (in m/s) by the rocket equation [Ref 21] V

, 2
ln , where
p n
n sp f n
f n
t i pay
i n
V I g m
m m

= =

where n is the stage number, m
(in kg) is the stage propellant mass, m
(in kg) is the
total stage mass, and m
(in kg) is the payload mass. In each stage, all masses except
the propellant mass in that stage is considered part of the structural mass. Each of the
stages yields a separate where the total velocity capability of the overall system is V

V =

where n is the number of stages.
This value does not account for drag or the variation of gravity, so it is only a
theoretical estimate of the final value that will be used to verify the model is working
correctly. The theoretical values are listed in Table 2.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Total
Stage Mass Fraction 0.671 0.809 -
V (in m/s) 2755.21 4108.68 6863.90
Table 2. Theoretical Velocity Capability of the Target Model

The final velocity from the model should therefore be less than 6863 m/s, since
both gravity and drag will be working against the launch.

2. The Ballistic Missile Model Program
The 3DOF model presented here is a series of MATLAB functions on a repeating
integration loop, using four function files to accomplish the modeling (the 3 at the end
of each title refer to the 3DOF model).
1. BRFlight3.m - integrates each time step to determine the current position,
attitude, and aerodynamic forces acting on the rocket/missile;
2. BRParams3.m - determines the mass of the rocket and the surface
reference area;
3. ZLDragC.m - determines the drag coefficient (described in section D);
4. STatmos.m determines the properties of the local atmosphere (described
in section D);
The program BRFlight3.m generates a ballistic flight path that will be intercepted
by the SM-6 based on the model developed by Zarchan [Ref 21]. The main difference is
that Zarchan developed a two-dimensional x-y model, whereas this paper requires a
three-dimensional model. The mapping to a three dimensional system is done simply by
employing the x-y equations as x-z equations and making the y-values a constant, in this
case zero. Thus a three-dimensional flight path is created entirely contained within the x-
z plane as shown in Figure 3, where the asterisks represent the staging events.
x 10
6 -2
x 10
x 10
X position (m)
Y position (m)



Figure 3. Ballistic Missile Flight Path

The launch position is at

where Re is the WGS-84 radius of the Earth, 6,378,137 m.
The initial velocities are:

0 0
0 0
0 0
x =V cos cos
y =V cos sin
z =V sin

where V
is the initial velocity, is the initial elevation angle, and is the initial
heading. A heading of will result in an initial y velocity of 0 as required for this
model. The launch angle,

0 =
, is 85 degrees, which was chosen to maximize the range
while still recognizing the restrictions on launching such a large missile as the TD-2 (45-
60 degrees is not a feasible launch angle) [Ref 21].
The program first calculates the axial force on the missile, , which is based on
the thrust and drag forces acting on the missile. The thrust is a given set of time-based
values based on the previously articulated known data and assumptions, shown in Figure
4. The thrust also drops sharply at 130 seconds and 240 seconds to represent the staging
events. Following the completion of the boost phase, the thrust is zero, though the axial
force is not due to the continuous presence of drag.
0 50 100 150 200 250
x 10

Time (sec)

Figure 4. TD-2 Thrust Generated (Boost Phase Only)

The drag requires several steps to calculate, including determination of the local
atmospheric density and temperature (using the function STatmos.m), the atmospheric
drag constant (using the function ZLDragC.m), and the reference surface area (using the
function BRParams3.m). STatmos.m and ZLDragC.m are described in section D of this
The rockets mass is a simple function of time (using the function BRParams3.m),
shown in Figure 5. The mass drops sharply at 130 seconds and at 240 seconds, which
represent the staging events. After the completion of the boost phase, the mass remains
constant for the duration of the flight.
0 50 100 150 200 250
x 10


Time (sec)

Figure 5. TD-2 Rocket Mass (Boost Phase Only)

The axial thrust force is then the difference between the thrust and drag, and the
axial acceleration is given by

= (2.A.6)
Using the nominal two-stage booster design, a simple gravity turn is generated by
aligning the thrust vector with the velocity vector, keeping in mind the flight path is
entirely contained within the x-z plane [Ref 21]

2 2 1.5 2 2 0.
2 2 1.5 2 2 0.5

( ) ( )

( ) ( )
a x gm x
x z x z
a z gm z
x z x z

= +
+ +

= +
+ +

where gm is the WGS-84 Earths gravitational constant, 3.986x10
[Ref 14].
Equations (2.A.7) are integrated for the duration of the rocket flight.

3. Results
The two dimensional graph of the x-z plane, shown in figure 6, clearly shows the
altitude and range of the rocket, which compares favorably with the known data
presented earlier and Zarchan [Ref 21], where the asterisks again represent the location of
the staging events. As noted in Zarchan, the flat earth equations used here are only
moderately accurate over the course of the rockets entire flight, but since the focus of
this paper is only on the boost phase, the accuracy of the termination position is
irrelevant. During the boost phase the accuracy of the flat earth equations is very good.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
X position (km)



Figure 6. TD-2 Flyout Range

The acceleration required to achieve these ranges is on the order of 6.5 km/s [Ref
21]. Figures 7 and 8 clearly show that this speed has been achieved at the end of the
boost phase, and thus the range values are appropriate. Figure 7 shows the velocity
profile for the entire flight. The rocket reaches a velocity of nearly 6 km/s at the end of
the boost phase. After burnout it decelerates due to gravity until it reaches its apogee,
after which point it begins to accelerate due to gravity.

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2200
Time (sec)

Velocity (km/s)
Acceleration (g)

Figure 7. TD-2 Acceleration and Velocity Profiles (Entire Flight)

Figure 7 shows a closer look at the boost phase acceleration and velocity profiles.
The effects of staging are readily apparent. It is clear that the values are consistent with,
but slightly less than, the predictions from Table 2, as expected due to the presence of
gravity and drag.
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (sec)

Velocity (km/s)
Acceleration (g)

Figure 8. TD-2 Acceleration and Velocity Profiles (Boost Phase only)

The determination of the available time for a surface-launched missile to intercept
the target is one of the critical values that can now be determined. Figure 9 shows the
altitude profile for the TD-2 for the entire flight and the boost phase only. The effects of
acceleration are quite apparent. The uppermost limit of the atmosphere according to the
WGS-84 standard atmospheric model is 86 km. Even at 86 km, however, an
endoatmospheric missile has a hard time maneuvering due to the low density of the local
atmosphere. Thus the maximum allowable intercept value must be lowered; in this case
50-60 km will be considered the upper limit. The target achieves this altitude between
130 s and 140 s. This is one of the most significant limitations on the BPI problem, since
a US Navy ship on station and actively monitoring the launch area will still need 45-60
seconds to detect, track, analyze, and engage the target. This paper will assume a 60
second delay in the interceptor launch.
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (sec)

0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (sec)

Figure 9. TD-2 Altitude Profile (Entire Flight and Boost Phase only)

The final step of the program is to record all the data for the rocket. This data will
be called by the interceptor simulation to mimic the missiles onboard sensors. The
missile will see the location and velocity of the rocket at the appropriate intervals by
coordinating the launch time of the interceptor with the launch time of the ballistic

1. Basic Definitions and Assumptions
The following are the basic details of a Raytheon Standard Missile 6 (SM-6)

[Refs 6, 12].
Overall Stage 1 Stage 2
Length 6.5 m Diameter 0.53 m 0.34 m
Payload 115 kg Length 1.72 m 4.78 m
Range 150 km Launch Weight 712 kg 686 kg
Stages 2 Thrust -

Fuel / Oxidizer HTPB-AP TP-H1205/6
Propellant Mass 468 kg 360 kg
Type ERAAW Burn Time 6 s -
Table 3. Known Information Regarding the SM-6

Again, the limited data must be extrapolated into a complete missile picture.
Several assumptions were again made, which will be discussed during the course of the
The two stages have dissimilar fuels, so very few assumptions can be correlated
between the two. One assumption that can be made and applied to both solid propellants
is the grain pattern. It has been assumed that both motors use a star grain pattern, which
was designed to and is known to very effectively provide a constant stable burn
throughout the flight. A star grain pattern produces thrust variations of less than 4% for
the duration of the burn [Ref 10]. This grain pattern typically has a volume loading
fraction of 60-80%, which will be the assumed range for both stages. The final value will
be determined by what gives a reasonable value for structural thickness.
The Stage 1 fuel is HTPB-AP. The presence of smoke during launch, in addition
to the massive thrust required, strongly suggests the presence of a metal (probably
aluminum). The density of the combination of those three components that yields the
highest specific impulse is 1860 kg/m
. A fuel with a mass of 468 kg with a density of
1860 kg/m
has a volume of 0.25 m
. Applying the loading fraction of 60% to the
volume and subtracting from the total volume of the Mk-72 engine leaves 0.0208 m (~4/5
in) average thickness for the structural components. This will be the assumed average
value for the external structure of the SM-6.
When applied to Stage 2, the density of the TP-H1205/6 fuel is roughly 3000
, which is too high. Assuming a volumetric fraction of 80% yields a density of
2267 kg/m
, a more realistic value.
Solid fuel motors used aboard U.S. Navy ships must have a Department of
Defense (DOD) Hazard Classification of 1.1 or 1.3. Typical solid rocket fuels of this
category have a specific impulse, I
, in the range of 180-270 seconds [Ref 3]. The thrust
produced by such a rocket motor is given by

F I mg = (2.B.1)
where is the change in mass over time or the stage fuel consumption rate m
(in kg/s)
and g is the gravitational acceleration at the current distance from the center of the Earth
(in m/s
). Using the known masses and burntimes, and assuming a fifteen second
burntime for the second stage, results in the range of possible thrust values given in Table
4. Since open source literature details the SM-3 (which uses the same engines) speed
capability as 4000 m/s [Ref 6], the final implemented values will be chosen to accelerate
the SM-6 to that speed in a reasonable time.

Stage 1 Stage 2
Mass (kg) 468 360
Burntime (s) 6 15
Thrust Range (N) 137,732.4 206,598.6 42,379.2 63,568.8
Table 4. Range of Possible Interceptor Thrust Values

The density of the structural components must be calculated by omission, since
the assumption can be made that the material is some form of composite vice anything
like common structural steel. The volume of each component was calculated assuming
simple geometric shapes tangent ogive nosecone, cylindrical body sections, trapezoidal
wingforms, and triangular tail control surfaces. No detailed specifications are available
for the SM-6, but it is similar enough to the SM-2, shown in Figure 10 [Ref 1], for the
purposes of calculating the sizes of structural components. An additional modifying
assumption to account for the sensor and computer equipment inside the radome was
included by adding 30% of the volume of the radome as structural weight. The total
volume of structural components was 0.162 m
, and the total weight of structure and
miscellaneous components was 685 kg (everything except fuel and warhead), resulting in
a structural density of 4220 kg/m
, which is a realistic value for a high strength composite

Figure 10. SM-2 Configuration Details (Missile Only)

2. Interceptor Missile Model Program
The 3DOF model presented here is a series of MATLAB functions on a repeating
integration loop, using four function files to accomplish the modeling. (the 3 at the end
of each title refer to the 3DOF model).
1. SMFlight3.m - integrates each time step to determine the current position,
attitude, and aerodynamic forces acting on the rocket/missile;
2. SMParams3.m - determines the mass of the rocket and the surface
reference area;
3. ZLDragC.m - determines the drag coefficient (described in section D);
4. STatmos.m determines the properties of the local atmosphere (described
in section D);
The program SMFlight.m generates the flight plan using the axial velocity, V, the
heading angle, , and the flight path angle, , related through the kinematic equations
[Ref 19]
cos cos
cos sin
x V
y V
z V
The three components are the result of the forces acting on the missile, related
through the dynamics equations [Ref 19]

( )
( sin )
V g n


where is the axial force, is the yaw force, and is the lift force.
Further, the acceleration components are found from the derivatives of equation
cos cos sin cos cos sin
cos sin sin sin cos cos
sin cos
x V V V
x V V V
x V V

= +
= +

The axial forces are calculated in the same manner as the axial force of the
ballistic missile, in fact re-using both the STatmos.m and ZLDragC.m functions.
STatmos.m and ZLDragC.m are described in section D of this chapter. The
SMParams.m function uses the same methodology as the BRParams.m function to
calculate the reference surface area and the mass.
The thrust is a given set of time-based values based on the known data and the
assumptions, shown in Figure 11. The thrust drops sharply at 6 s and 26 s, again to
represent the staging events.
0 5 10 15 20 25
x 10
Time (sec)


Figure 11. SM-6 Interceptor Thrust Profile

The mass is again a simple function of time (using the function SMParams.m),
shown in Figure 12. The mass drops sharply at 6 seconds and at 26 seconds, again to
represent the staging events.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)



Figure 12. SM-6 Interceptor Mass (Boost Phase Only)

The axial thrust force is then the difference between the thrust and drag, and the
axial acceleration is given by

= (2.B.5)
The remaining two forces, , are returned from the guidance laws and applied by
integrating equations (2.B.3).
y z
n n

3. Results
Many of the results are specifically dependant on the guidance law, but several
are relatively independent, such as the Velocity, Acceleration, and generic flight profile.
The I
of both stages was maximized but still unable to accelerate the SM-6 beyond a
speed of 3,500 m/s. This speed was not detrimental to the simulation and was determined
to be the most accurate value considering all the data. Figure 13 shows the generic
Velocity and Acceleration profile produced by the model, which will change slightly with
each run due to the guidance law in effect and specifics of the simulation.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (sec)

Velocity (m/s)
Acceleration (m/s

Likely Intercept Time
Figure 13. Interceptor Velocity Profile

Although the guidance law modeled and developed in sections III and IV deals
with a 3DOF models discussed earlier, the follow-on research will require a higher
fidelity model, such as a Six-Degree-of-Freedom (6DOF) model of the interceptor missile
presented here. This model uses the same fundamental algorithm for the guidance law,
but instead of treating the interceptor as a point mass and considering only position,
velocity, and acceleration, it will also consider attitude and orientation. It also goes one
step further than the algorithm presented by converting acceleration commands into
aileron commands.
The higher fidelity modeling was also addressed in this study. The 6DOF model
presented here is a series of MATLAB functions on a repeating integration loop. It uses
seven function files to accomplish the modeling, each applying to their respective
simulations (the 6 at the end of each title refer to the 6DOF model). The programs are
very similar, only the control inputs and physical parameters differ.
1. BRInitialize6.m and SMInitialize6.m, which initializes the first step values
based on launch conditions;
2. BRDetail6.m and SMDetail6.m, which describes the rocket/missile
characteristics such as structural thickness, sizes, and fuel weights, etc.
3. BRFlight6.m and SMFlight6.m, which repeats for each time step to
determine the current position, attitude, and aerodynamic forces acting on
the rocket/missile;
4. BRParams6.m and SMParams6.m, which determines the mass of the
rocket/missile and moment of inertia based on time, and several
aerodynamic derivatives;
5. AeroC.m, which interpolates to determine several aerodynamic values
based on angle of attack, altitude, and control surface deflections;
6. ZLDragC.m;
7. STatmos.m;
The output of the model is utilized by the guidance law program, SMGuidance.m,
to determine the necessary inputs to the interceptor missile auto-pilot.

1. Initialization
In order to increase the accuracy of the simulation, the Earth is NOT assumed to
be a perfect, non-rotating spheroid. Based on the World Geographic Survey of 1984, the
following values were used in the program [Ref 14].

Earth's Radius, R
6,378,137 m
Earth's Semi-Minor Axis, b 6,356,752 m
Earth's Flattening (1/Ellipticity), f 1/298.257223563
Earth's Rotation Rate (z
) 7.292116 e-5 rad/sec
Earth's Gravitational Constant, GM 3.986004418e14 m
Table 5. WGS-84 Values

A launch point was needed from North Korea, and Pyongyang was chosen
arbitrarily. The coordinates for the launch point (
) are (40
54' North, 129
34' East).
A suitable US city was needed within the maximum estimated range of the TD-2 missile,
3,500-4,000 km, so Pearl Harbor, at 4,260 km at a bearing of 010
, was selected. The
coordinates for the target point (
) are 22
03' North by 159
09' West [Ref 5]. The
geocentric launch latitude is found by converting from the geodetic latitude according to
[Ref 8, 14]

tan (1 ) tan
s g
- f = (2.C.1)
The coordinates of the launch point were converted from Geodetic into
Rectangular coordinates according to [Ref 14]

2 2 2
2 2
, where ,
1 sin
R a b
R e


= (2.C.2)

(0) cos
(0) (0) 0
(0) sin
x s
z s
p R
p p
p R

= =

The initial velocity was defined as

( ) 0
v o


Several different coordinate systems are involved in the flight of the interceptor
missile. The propulsive forces act on the missile at its center of gravity, while the
aerodynamic forces act relative to the movement of the missile with respect to the
atmosphere, and the gravitational forces depend on the position of the missile. In order to
apply all forces equally and appropriately it is necessary to define convenient coordinate
systems for each and then rotate those coordinate systems into a common one. Five
reference frames will be utilized in the model: two geocentric; two geographic; and a
body fixed (subscripted b).

Frame Category Frame of Reference Coordinate System
, an "inertial frame", non-rotating but
translating with Earth's cm
ECI (Earth Centered Inertial), origin at
Earth's cm, axes in the equatorial plane and
along the spin axis
Geocentric F
, a frame defined by the "rigid" Earth
ECEF (Earth-centered, Earth-fixed), origin
at Earth's cm, axes in the equatorial plane
and along the spin axis
Tangent-plane system, a geographic system
with its origin on the Earth's surface
(also F
), a frame translating
with the vehicle cm, in which the axes
represent fixed directions
Vehicle-carried system, a geographic
system with its origin at the vehicle cm
, a "body" frame defined by the "rigid"
Vehicle body-fixed system, origin at the
vehicle cm, axes aligned with vehicle
reference directions

Table 6. Frame References used in the 6DOF Model (After [Ref 14])

The initial reference frame is Earth Centered Inertial (F
). This frame includes the
rotation of the earth as a translational motion. The earth's rotation can be removed from
the equation, thereby simplifying the rest of the problem, by rotating the frame about the
z-axis through the angle

0 E
Llong Wz t = + (2.C.5)
The celestial longitude,
, is arbitrary and can be chosen to be zero. The resulting
rotation matrix is [Ref 8,14]
cos( ) sin( ) 0
sin( ) cos( ) 0
0 0
e i E E
lLong Wz t lLong Wz t
R - lLong Wz t lLong Wz t
+ +

= + +

where e and i are used to designation ECI and ECEF systems, respectively.
The system must now be rotated into the navigational reference system, normally
designated North-East-Down for the directions that x-y-z point, respectively. However,
and intermediate step is required to rotate from ECEF to Up-East-North first. This is
accomplished by rotating first through the geocentric longitude,

cos( ) 0 sin( )
0 1 0
sin( ) 0 cos( )
u e
latgc latgc
latgc latgc


then through the y-axis to point the x-axis North and the z-axis Down,

0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
n u


In order to rotate the NED system into the body-fixed system, the initial roll (),
pitch (), and yaw () angles must be defined. The initial roll is defined as zero, as the
missile is not rotating about its x-axis on the launch pad. The initial pitch is the elevation
of the launch direction with respect to the horizon. The initial yaw is the initial heading
with respect to north. With these terms defined, the rotation matrices for each variable
are [Ref 22]

1 0 0
0 cos sin
0 sin cos
cos 0 sin
0 1 0
sin 0 cos
cos sin 0
sin cos 0
0 0




and the total rotation from NED to body-centered system is

/ b n

= (2.C.10)
The final complete rotational transformation is the combination of all the rotations

/ / / / / b i b n n u u e e i
R R R R R = (2.C.11)
This rotation matrix allows for the computation of several important variables,
notably the angular velocity and the Euler angles which will lead directly to the
Quaternion of this system.
The initial angular velocity is found by transforming the Earth's rotation into the
body system according to [Ref 8]

0 /
b i
b R


It is often preferable to track the system orientation through the use of the
Quaternion instead of using other methods such as Euler Kinematic Equations or Poisson
Kinematic Equations. The initialization of the Quaternion is derived from the initial
Euler angles. The Euler angles are defined from the rotation matrix R
(a 3x3 Matrix)
( )
sin (1,3)
b i
b i
E b i
b i
b i


The initial Quaternion is calculated from Euler angles [Ref 14]

cos( )cos( )cos( ) sin( )sin( )sin( )
2 2 2 2 2 2
sin( )cos( )cos( ) cos( )sin( )sin( )
2 2 2 2 2 2
cos( )sin( )cos( ) sin( )cos( )sin( )
2 2 2 2 2 2
cos( )cos( )sin( ) sin( )sin( )cos( )
2 2 2 2 2 2

= +
= +
To check the validity of the Quaternion, the rotation matrix R
can be re-
evaluated [Ref 14]
2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 1 2 0 3 1 3 0 2
2 2 2 2
/ 1 2 0 3 0 1 2 3 2 3 0 1
2 2 2 2
1 3 0 2 2 3 0 1 0 1 2 3
( ) 2( ) 2(
2( ) ( ) 2( )
2( ) 2( ) ( )
b i
q q - q - q q q q q q q - q q
R q q - q q q - q q - q q q q q
q q q q q q - q q q - q - q q
+ +

= +

+ +

The results should be the same as before.
All the required initial values have now been calculated, and the resulting output
is [Ref 14]




2. The Flight Program
Once the previous iteration (or the initialization) has been integrated, it is returned
to the program as the current values. The program uses these values to calculate all the
descriptive values of the system, apply the corrective time- and position- dependant
factors, and calculate the derivatives for the next iteration.
The angle of attack is

and the sideslip angle is

. The
program then calculates the necessary control surface deflections to zero the angle of
attack and the sideslip angle, to maintain the alignment of the missile axis and its velocity
The geocentric latitude is derived from the Cartesian coordinates of the position

2 2
x y
p p



The celestial longitude is derived from rectangular coordinates of [p] with time-
dependant correction factors, subject to a principle value requirement (between -180 and

g E
lLong Wz t

= + +

Determining the geodetic coordinates requires an iterative process because the
prime radius of curvature, N, is a function of the geodetic latitude, , [Ref 14]

2 2
2 2
2 2
1 sin
( )
( ) iterated while abs( ) <0.1
x y
N h
x y
N h
h N h N h h
h h h





+ =
= +
= +
The ranges and required accuracy of this model prohibit the assumption of a flat
earth with a constant gravitational acceleration vector. The gravitational forces on the
missile are a position dependant correction factor.

2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
[1 1.5 (Re/ ) (1 5sin )] /
[1 1.5 (Re/ ) (1 5sin )] /
[1 1.5 (Re/ ) (3 5sin )] /
J r p
J r p
J r p





The atmospheric affects on the missile are dependant on the altitude, which is
derived using the STatmos.m function described in section D.
The missiles speed in m/s is determined by the normalization of the velocity
vector, vb. The missiles Mach number is determined by dividing the speed by the local
Mach number which is determined by the local temperature from the STatmos.m
program (M RT = ).
The moment matrix and missile mass is determined as a function of time and is
based on assumed fuel usage parameters. The missile program calls a separate function,
either SMParams.m, to evaluate the specific descriptive parameters of the ballistic
missile. The program assumes a cruciform missile in two stages plus a conical nosecone
section, where only the first stage separates after completion.
The dimensions of the remaining fuel are critical to the purposes of calculating
the center of gravity. For the interceptor, the first stage is active for 6 s while the stage 1
fuel is consumed. The fuel is solid, so the only parameters to change are the length of the
fuel and the inner radius as it is consumed. Once the fuel is totally consumed in stage 1,
the booster separates and stage 2 takes over in a similar manner. Stage 2 lasts for an
additional 20 s. For the rocket, the first stage is active for 125 s while the stage 1 fuel is
consumed. The canister the fuel is contained in is assumed to be a constant size and
diameter, so the only parameter to change is the length of the fuel as it is consumed. The
missile is in a constant forward acceleration, so the fuel is assumed to remain in the rear
of the canister for the purposes of calculating its center of gravity. Thus the center of
gravity of the fuel tends toward the rear of the missile through the flight. Once the fuel is
totally consumed in stage 1, the booster separates and stage 2 takes over in a similar
manner. Stage 2 lasts for 110 seconds.
The center of gravity (CG) is determined by the parallel axis theorem applied
independently to the x, y, and z axes. The missile was separated into five separate pieces:
nosecone, stage 1 structure, stage 2 structure, stage 1 fuel, and stage 2 fuel. Each CG was
separately calculated and then combined. The CG of the individual structural
components was a simple matter of their distance from the nosecone. The center of
gravity of the fuel was then based on the fuel remaining in the canister, referenced to the
base of the missile section. The missile CG is calculated from the locations and masses
of the component sections:
1_ 1_ 1_ 1_
2_ 2_ 2_ 2_

nose nose st str st str missile missile st fuel st fuel
st str st str st fuel st fuel
= + +
+ +
The moments of inertia for the x, y, and z-axes are calculated using the CG and
the remaining fuel length using a similar methodology of components. For the rocket the
equations are



M r
3 5
5 4 8

+ +

nose nose nose
M h M CG L

Stage 1
2 2
( )
r r
2 2 2
0 1
3( ) ( 24)
+ + +

i st str
r r L M CG

Stage 1
M r

2 2
(3 ) ( (32 ))
+ +
st fuel fuel
r L M CG L

Stage 2
2 2
( )
r r
2 2 2
0 2
3( ) ( 9)
+ + +

i st str
r r L M CG

Stage 2
M r

2 2
(3 ) ( (16 ))
+ +
st fuel fuel
r L M CG L

The equations for the interceptor are similar.
The J matrix returned is the symmetrical matrix, since the ballistic missile itself is

0 0
0 0


The BRParams.m and SMParams.m functions also determine the reference areas
for the control surfaces and missile planform areas using simple equations from Zarchan
[Ref 21]. The function returns the base diameter (dia), reference area (S
), planform
area (S
), wing area (S
), tail area (S
), nose area (A
), body area (A
), nose center of
pressure (X
), and body center of pressure (X
) according to

1 1 2 2
1 1 2 2
1 2
0.5 ( )
0.5 ( )
0.67 ( 0.5( ))
plan st st st st nose nose
wing T TT RT
tail T TT RT
n nose nose
cpn nose
b st st st st
nose nose body nose st st
nose body
S L d L d L d
S h C C
S h C C
A L d
A L d L d

= + +
= +
= +
= +
+ + +
The program then calls the function ACoeff.m to determine several necessary
aerodynamic coefficients. The function inputs are angle of attack, altitude, and pitch
control surface deflection. The pitch control surface is specifically included because it
alone varies over the spectrum of possible angles, from -20
to +20
, whereas the roll and
yaw derivatives can be assumed to be constant over that range of possible angles. The
pitch deflections therefore require a second interpolation to determine their actual value
at each time step.
Figures 14-20 detail the range of values of the variables returned after
interpolation (all figures after [Ref 7]). Some variables require multiple interpolations,
such as in Figures 14 and 19.
0 5 10 15 20
Stability Data, Pitch Plane

0 5 10 15 20
Angle of Attack (deg)
dP =0
dP =-10
dP =-20

Figure 14. Pitch plane stability data

0 5 10 15 20
Yaw Stability Derivatives

0 5 10 15 20
Angle of Attack (deg)

Figure 15. Yaw stability and control derivatives

0 5 10 15 20
Angle of Attack (deg)

Roll Control Derivative

Figure 16. Roll control derivatives

0 5 10 15 20
Roll Control Coupling Derivatives

0 5 10 15 20
Angle of Attack (deg)


Figure 17. Roll control Coupling Derivatives

0 5 10 15 20
Yaw Control Derivatives

0 5 10 15 20

0 5 10 15 20
Angle of Attack (deg)


Figure 18. Yaw control Derivatives

0 5 10 15 20
Angle of Attack (deg)

Effect of Pitch Control on Roll Stability

dP =0
dP =-10

Figure 19. Pitch control effects on roll stability

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Pitch Control Derivatives/Aeroelastic Missile

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Altitude (km)


Figure 20. Pitch control derivatives

The returned values are combined together to calculate the force and moment
coefficients [Ref 7]

( , , , , )
( , )
( , , , , )
( , )
( , , , , )
l l l
m m m
n n n

= + +
= +
= + +
= +
= + +
The program calls the function ZLDragC.m to determine the value of the drag
coefficient. The Thrust is determined exactly as before, by simple time dependence. The
total force on the body of the missile from all lift, drag, thrust, and aerodynamic forces is
then [Ref 22]

[ ] 0
ro ref N
x x
y ro ref
z ro ref N z
q S C
f V Thrust
f f q S V
f q S C V

= = +

The torque experienced by the missile from all moment forces is [Ref 7]

ro ref m
T q S d C


The inertial-body centered rotation matrix is determined using the quaternion

2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 1 2 0 3 1 3 0 2
2 2 2 2
/ 1 2 0 3 0 1 2 3 2 3 0 1
2 2 2 2
1 3 0 2 2 3 0 1 0 1 2 3
( ) 2( ) 2(
2( ) ( ) 2( )
2( ) 2( ) ( )
b i
q q - q - q q q q q q q - q q
R q q - q q q - q q - q q q q q
q q q q q q - q q q - q - q q
+ + )

+ +

+ +

Also, as before, the ECI-inertial rotation matrix is determined as
cos( ) sin( ) 0
sin( ) cos( ) 0
0 0
e i E E
lLong Wz t lLong Wz t
R - lLong Wz t lLong Wz t
+ +

= + +

The total rotation matrix is then
/ / / /
b n n e e i i b
R R R R =
The Euler angles with respect to the ECEF system are [Ref 8]
( )
sin (1,3)
b n
b n
b n
b n
b n


The quaternion rotation matrix is calculated is [Ref 14]

b i
-P -Q -R
P R -
Q -R P
R Q -P


The centripetal acceleration due to the rotation of the missile and its velocity is
the vector product [Ref 14]

-R Q
-Q P


The centripetal acceleration due to the Earth's angular velocity and the rotation in
the ECI frame is the vector triple product [Ref 14]

0 0
0 0
0 0 0
e i E


All values, coefficient, and matrices have been determined. The full state
parameters can be calculated as [Ref 14]

/ / /
/ , / / / / / / /
/ , /
/ / /
* *
*( * ) ( )*
( ) *( )
i i
CM O b i b e i i
b b b i i i b T b
CM e A T b i e i CM O b i b i e i b i CM e
b b b - b b b b
b i A T b i
b i b i b i
p R v p
v F R G - p - R R v
J M - J
q q

= +
= + +


3. Results
In order to fully visualize the geometry of the intercept, an animation function
was developed that shows side-by-side the orientation of the target and the interceptor. A
screen shot of the plot is shown in Figure 21. The animation shows the stage changes of
the missile as well, dropping the used stages at the appropriate moment.
East (y

Ballistic Missile Attitude
Frame 2 out of 146
Time 0.00 sec
East (y

Interceptor Attitude
Speed Speed

Figure 21. 6DOF Orientation Animation

Two functions were common to all the models, ZLDragC.m and STatmos.m.

1. ZLDragC.m
The drag on the missile is dependant on two conditions, the Mach number and
whether the missile is in the boost or glide phase. The phase of the missile is easily
determinable from the time.
The reason the values differ is the presence or absence of the base drag. When
the rocket is under power, the thrust pressure is balanced to atmospheric, so there are no
parasitic drag effects from the tail section. After the engine shuts down, there is no
longer any pressure generated, so the sharp end of the tail section generates a drag effect.
Parasitic drag from the rest of the missile is relatively constant in both phases of the
missile flight.
There is a sharp increase in the drag effects at Mach one, after which the drag
drops considerably [Ref 8]. Figure 22 shows the effect of speed on the drag coefficient.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mach Number



Drag Coefficient by Mach Number and Boost Phase

Boost Phase
Glide Phase

Figure 22. Drag Coefficient by Mach Number and Flight Phase

The drag force is then calculated from

Drag C

= (2.D.1)
and the atmospheric dynamic pressure is calculated from


= (2.D.2)

2. STatmos.m
Many of the atmospheric affects on the missile are dependant on the altitude. The
missile program calls a separate script, STAtmos.m, to determine the density, pressure,
and temperature of the local atmosphere. The script is based on the 1976 standard
atmospheric survey, and includes values up to 86 km in a tabular format. Figures 23-25
show the details of the values returned.
180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Temperature (K)

Atmospheric Temperature Variation by Altitude

Figure 23. Atmospheric Temperature Variation by Altitude

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Density (kg/m

Atmospheric Density Variation by Altitude

Figure 24. Atmospheric Density by Altitude

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Pressure (kPa)

Atmospheric Pressure Variation by Altitude

Figure 25. Atmospheric Pressure Variation by Altitude

There are a wide variety of guidance laws available for missile guidance processing.
Many of themare not acceptable for this application such as BeamRider and Pure Pursuit, while
others are acceptable though not optimal such as Proportional Navigation and its variants.

1. Beam Rider
BeamRider (also called Command Line-of-Sight) is among the simplest forms of
command guidance. The missile simply flies along a tracker beam that is continuously pointed at
the target. In other words, the inertial velocity vector is continuously pointed at the target. The
beamand the missile generally originate from the same position, but not always. The guidance
commands are proportional to the angular error between the missile and the beam, and if the
missile remains exactly on the beamit will hit the target. There is no consideration for the
capabilities of the target, and the missile is not directed to orient itself to lead the target in order
to anticipate its movements. The missile therefore requires much greater maneuvering
capabilities in the moments just prior to interception. This form of guidance law also assumes
that the shooter will have a direct line of sight for the entire engagement, and that the diffraction
of the beamwill be negligible, which is obviously not true over the distances required for a BPI.
[Ref 2]

2. Pure Pursuit
Pure Pursuit overcomes this limitation by having the missile supply the targeting data
instead of a third-party observer. This is, in effect, Beam Rider Guidance where the beam is
generated onboard the missile. As before, the missile only follows the beam and the guidance
commands are proportional to the angular error between the missile and the line of sight to the
target. This overcomes the diffraction of the beam, but still does not command the missile to
orient itself to lead the target. It thus requires similarly large maneuvering capabilities to
complete the interception.
Both of these guidance laws are severely limited in their effectiveness, are used
only at short range against non-maneuvering or relatively slow targets, and require
significant interceptor capabilities relative to the target. This is not an accurate
description of the requirements for a BPI, and both laws are therefore discounted for use
here. [Ref 2]

1. True Proportional Navigation
Another family of guidance laws involves Proportional Navigation (PN) and its
derivatives. Of the three basic guidance laws, proportional navigation is the most versatile, and
therefore most frequently implemented, making it the guidance law of choice in nearly all
modern guided missiles. In proportional navigation the rate of change of the missile heading is
proportional to the rate of rotation of the line-of-sight (LOS) from the missile to the target. The
guidance systempoints the differential velocity vector at the target [Ref 2]
In order for interception to occur, the heading angle and the LOS angle, , must remain
constant. If the target increases speed, then will increase and the interceptor must increase its
heading to compensate. Thus it is apparent that they must be proportional to each other, or
more accurately, the rate of change of each must be proportional, [Ref 21]
N =

where N is the proportionality constant, which determines the amount of target lead by the
interceptor (usually 3-5 depending on the interceptors maneuvering capabilities). The
interceptor maneuvers until , at which point 0 =

0 =

and no further maneuvers take place

until intercept.
The missile seeker measures the LOS rate and the PN guidance law converts that into an
acceleration command by the guidance computer. Using the fact that the acceleration normal to
the velocity vector of the interceptor is

a V =

which can be correlated to the LOS rate to develop the steering command for the guidance

a NV =

The same method applies to the extension of this law into three dimensions.
Using angular velocity vectors between the target and interceptor, Zipfel

[Ref 22]
develops a three dimensional PN guidance law as

a NV u g =

where is the cross product of the LOS frame with the Earth and the velocity vector with

respect to the Earth, is the unit vector of


, and g is the added gravity bias.

2. Compensated Proportional Navigation
True PN is rarely implemented in this simple form, however. The thrust generated by
the interceptors motor creates a parasitic acceleration in the LOS angle that must be
compensated for in the autopilot command or intercept errors will occur. Such a guidance law is
termed compensated. The missile acceleration is projected onto the LOS plane by

[ ] [ ]
m w
a R =
a (3.B.5)
and subtracted from the PN command in equation (3.B.4) to obtain the augmented command
[Ref 22]
(3.B.6) [ ] [ ] [ ]
w w
v w m n
a NV u R a R g =

where the rotation matrix
Rof the LOS coordinates with respect to the wind frame is defined
by the azimuth and elevation angles from the LOS vector.

3. Augmented Proportional Navigation
Zarchan details one further variation of PN, termed Augmented Proportional Navigation
which includes an extra term to account for the acceleration of the target [Ref 21].

v T
a NV u n g = +

where n
is the acceleration of the target. However, a detailed knowledge of the targets
acceleration requires an advanced Kalman filter, such as an Extended Kalman Filter or an
Alpha-Beta-Gamma Filter, which are not sufficiently accurate [Ref 13] and is not feasible
to be implemented onboard an interceptor as small as the Standard Missile. Additionally,
application of the acceleration would require exact knowledge of the targets staging
events where the acceleration value changes radically.

There are three fatal characteristics of these guidance laws which can preclude the
interceptor from impacting the target: the dynamics of the missile controls system, the
lack of knowledge of the end-game environment, and the inability to control the intercept

1. Control System Time Constant
If the dynamics of the seeker, noise filter and flight control system are neglected,
a perfect or zero-lag guidance system is achieved and the missile will always hit the
target if it is tracked correctly. In reality, guidance commands can not be implemented
instantaneously and there will be lags or dynamics within the guidance system. In
missile systems, the dominant portion of the total system time constant is usually
associated with the flight control system actuators such as the tail fin control surfaces
[Ref 21]. Such time lags are generally represented by a time constant

n s
+ T
where is the achieved missile acceleration, is the commanded missile acceleration,
and T is the flight control system time constant. Zarchan has shown that even a very
good 1-second time constant can have a considerable impact on the miss distance [Ref
21]. A system with a small guidance system time constant has the potential for having
very small miss distances. However, technology issues limit how small the guidance
system time constant can be. Thus all systems that utilize current target information in a
homing guidance loop with a feedback control system will have some miss distance due
to the flight control system time constant.

2. End-game Environment
The lack of knowledge of end-game environment is also a major problem.
Missiles use fuel for a fraction of the flight to generate a set amount of thrust and speed,
after which the missile must glide to the target under a constant drag- and gravity-induced
deceleration. The amount of available maneuver capability depends on the missile speed
and altitude of engagement higher speeds and lower engagement altitudes work to
increase the missile capability [Ref 20]. Therefore trajectories should be flown to
maximize the missile velocity and minimize the intercept altitude so that there is
sufficient acceleration left to intercept the target.
Yet the above guidance laws do not consider the end-game prior to achieving it.
The effect is to guide the missile along the most direct path and hope that the interception
will take place under atmospheric conditions that are acceptable to the interceptor and to
try to minimize the acceleration at each moment with the hope that there will be enough
capability remaining to complete the end-game. The assumption that target maneuvers
will be sufficiently small enough that the missile will have enough capability to counter
them is usually accurate; however, the immense accelerations involved in a BPI makes
active management of the missiles acceleration critical to ensuring the end-game is

3. Controlling the Interception Geometry
The interception geometry of any engagement under the above guidance laws is a
result of the relative speeds of the missile and target, the launch geometry, and the
maneuvers involved. The above guidance laws have no control over any of these aspects,
though this geometry is critical to ensuring the interceptor is capable of destroying the
ICBM. An overtaking intercept (the interceptor approaches the target from the rear) is
significantly less desirable than a head-on or a right-angle intercept.
Only if the intercept geometry is controllable can it be expected to conform to a
pre-determined setup. Since none of these guidance laws can control the geometry, they
are not capable of maximizing the kinetic energy transfer via the intercept geometry.


A method that overcomes fatal characteristics of modern guidance laws is the key
driving factor in the development of this advanced guidance law. The guidance law will
determine the near-optimal flight path from the interceptor position to a predicted target
position for the interceptor to follow to intercept, and then derive the set of control
commands necessary to execute that flight. This section will describe a method for
deriving that trajectory using calculus of variations based on three cues: high-order
polynomials as a reference function for the flight path, a preset thrust history as one of
the controls, and a few optimization parameters. The trajectory optimization problem is
then converted into a nonlinear programming problem and solved numerically.

Among all admissible trajectories,

{ }
1 2
( ) { ( ), ( ), , ( )}
( ) , ,
r r
z t z t z t z t S
S z t Z E t t t

that satisfies:
1. The system of differential equations (dynamic constraints):
( , , , ), 1,
t z u a i r f
= =

where the vector of controls is
{ }
1 2
( ) ( ), ( ), , ( ) , ,

u t u t u t u t m r u U E = <

and the vector of

missile parameters is
1 2
( , , , ),
p p
a a a a a A E =

2. The initial conditions:

{ }
0 0 0 0
( ) ,
r r
z t S S z Z E =


{ }
0 0 0 0
( ) ,
m m
u t R R u U E =

and the final conditions:

( ) ( ) ( ) { }
, ; 0, 1,
r r
f f f f j f
z t S S z Z E G z t j l = = =


{ }
( ) ,
m m
f f f f
u t R R u U E =

3. The constraints imposed on the state space

{ }
1 2
( , ) ( , ), ( , ),..., ( , ) 0

t z t z t z t z


on the controls
1 2
( , , ) ( , , ), ( , , ),..., ( , , ) 0

t z u t z u t z u t z u


and on the controls derivatives

{ }
1 2
( , , ) ( , , ), ( , , ),..., ( , , ) 0

t u u t u u t u u t u u


Find the optimal trajectory, ( )
z t

, that minimizes the integral function

( , ) ( , , )
J K x x L t z u dt = +

and the corresponding optimal controls, ( )
u t

, where K, L are defined functions.

Calculus of variations deals with functions of functions, termed functionals,
instead of functions of some variable or variables as in ordinary calculus. Specific
interest is in the extremals of these functionals - those making the functional attain a
maximum or minimum value [Ref 15]. There are two broad categorizations of methods
to solve these problems, indirect methods and direct methods.
Indirect methods resolve the problem into a differential equation, usually via the
difference of a series of equations of motion and thus solve the general theory of partial
differential equations. This method does not assume anything about the solution, leading
to a very complete and perfectly precise answer; however, one must integrate the
resultant equation to derive the extremals. The precision greatly increases the
computational complexity, and therefore the time required to solve, for negligible gain in
optimality. Further, these differential equations are difficult to integrate except in the
simplest of cases, and nearly impossible to program [Ref 19]. This approach is further
complicated by the need to solve the problem in a specified fixed region instead of in the
small neighborhood of some point. These difficulties can be overcome by using direct
methods, which do not reduce the variational problems to ones involving differential
The fundamental idea of direct methods is to consider a variational problem as a
limit problem of the extreme of a function of a finite number of variables that can be
solved by numerical methods. Two basic direct methods are the Rayleigh-Ritz and
Galerkin methods, which assume the solution to be an unknown function but of a certain
form containing a set of unknown coefficients (themselves functions of the boundary
conditions), which are then found by minimization. The practical result is that the
problem has been reduced from calculus to algebra, but at the cost of a significant
increase in the number of simultaneous equations to be solved. It is for this reason that
little work was done in this field until the advent of computer technology. The possible
solution set is restricted to a smaller space than the original equation because of the initial
assumption regarding the solution, but the resultant problem can be programmed and
quickly solved using computers; however, the solutions are only an approximation of the
original solution. Therefore these solutions can only be regarded as near-optimal
Professor Taranenko [Ref 19] first applied the ideas of direct methods and the
combination of Ritz and Galerkin methods to the problems of flight dynamics by
identifying a reference function for the flight vehicles motion and velocity

0 0
( ) ( ), 1
i i if i i
x x x x i ,4

= + + =

where are the Cartesian coordinates for the flight path, is the velocity, and
1 2 3
, , , x x x
( )
is a continuous, unequivocal, differentiable function satisfying the boundary
( ) ( ) 0
i i f
= . Any function that satisfies those conditions would be
acceptable for use. Taranenko called a virtual arc. It is this critical variable that allows
the separation of the spatial trajectory from the velocity and thus optimizes one or the
other, or both independently. The specific task determines the appropriate choice of ,
but in general any continuous, monatomic function is acceptable: time, path, energy, etc.
The remaining state parameters and flight controls are then determined by solving the
inverse problem of flight dynamics. Rather than starting with the control time histories
and integrating them to determine the flight path, this method starts with a flight path and
determines the control time histories necessary to create it.
In order to implement a solution to this problem that can be solved in real time, a
further restriction must be made. The continuous problem must be discretized to reduce
the infinite variational problem to one of optimization of few parameters at numerous
sampling points. This allows for the optimization of the planar trajectory of the missile at
several points along the path by presetting the state variables and one of the controls
time histories, and then solving the inverse flight dynamics problem.
These methods have all previously been used for off-line optimization of
trajectories, but none has yet been applied to the real-time onboard optimization of a
missile flight path. Yakimenko detailed a method called a Direct Method for Rapid
Prototyping, which he applied to short term spatial trajectories of aircraft maneuvers
using fixed boundary points [Ref 19]. The developed program presented here uses similar
numerical method to provide a near-optimal spatial trajectory that is completely defined
by a few optimization parameters, but as will be discussed shortly, has fluid final
boundary conditions.
Though the method artificially limits the possible trajectory variations, it does
guarantee the following [Ref 19]:
1. The boundary conditions are satisfied a priori,
2. The control commands are physically realizable and smooth,
3. Only a few variable parameters are used, thus ensuring that the iterative
process converges well,
4. The near-optimal solution is very close to the optimal one.

A simple two dimensional variation program of a similar 7
order system will
demonstrate how the direct method varies the flight path according to the boundary
conditions. The boundary conditions are
1 =
10 20 1 2
10 20 1 2
10 20 1 2
10 20 1 2
0 0 1
0.2 1 0.1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
var 0.1 0.1 0.1
f f
f f
f f
f f
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x''' x''' x x'''
= = =
= = =
= = = =
= = = =

where the third derivative of the initial condition has been set to vary according to
{ 0.4; 0.1;0.2;0.5} x''' =
and the length of the virtual arc varies according to
The resulting set of paths is shown in Figure 26 and the first derivative of the path is
shown in Figure 27. It is important to note that the first derivative is not velocity but is
instead the rate of change of the path. It is proportional but not equal to velocity,
specifically because of the virtual variable as discussed previously. Each line
represents a different choice of
, showing that by varying that value the length of the
path can change drastically. The algorithm developed here will use this technique to
derive the optimal flight path.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2


0 0.5 1 1.5 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2


Figure 26. Variation of Path with
x (after [Ref 18])

0 2 4 6 8 10

0 2 4 6 8 10

0 2 4 6 8 10

2 2


0 2 4 6 8 10



Figure 27. Variation of First Derivative of Path with

1. Boundary Conditions
Using equations (3.2) and (3.3), in addition to the controls , it is possible
to construct the vector of state variables
, ,
x y z
n n n
1 2 3
, , , , ,
z x x x V = and the vector of controls
. The model for thrust, drag, and missile characteristics is the same as
previously used in Chapter 3.
{ , , }
x y z
u n n n =
The beginning assumption is that the following data is known by the interceptors
onboard computer:

Interceptor Target
Body Frame
1 0 10
2 0 20
3 0 30
0 0 10
0 0 20 10
0 0 30 20
0 0
0 0
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
y y
z z
x t x
x t x
x t x
V x
t x x
t x x
n x


V t
n t
n t

1 1
2 2
3 3
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
f f
f f
f f
f f f
f f f
f f f
x t x
x t x
x t x
V t V x
t x
t x

Earth Centered
1 2 3
( ), ( ), ( )
x t x t x t
1 2 3
( ), ( ), ( )
x t x t x t
1 2 3
( ), ( ), ( )
x t x t x t
1 2 2
( ), ( ), ( )
x t x t x t
1 2 3
( ), ( ), ( )
x t x t x t

Table 7. Interceptor Known Data

The target data will be used to determine the final boundary conditions of the
interceptor missile according to the time until intercept, t :

1 10 10
2 20 20
3 20 20
x x x t
x x x t
x x x t
= +
= +
= +

Heading and Flight Path Angle:

2 2
1 2
, where arctg
, where arctg
f f f
f f f BR
x x

= + =
= =

which, when combined with reasonable estimates of the final values of the velocity, V,
and the time rate of change of velocity,V , heading (

0 =

), and flight path angle

( ), yields the final conditions: 0 =

cos cos
cos sin
f f f
f f f
f f f
x V
x V
x V



cos cos sin cos cos sin
cos sin sin sin cos cos
sin cos
f f f f f f f f f f f
f f f f f f f f f f f
f f f f f f
x V V V
x V V V
x V V

= +
= +

In order to ensure a smooth flight path at the initial and final points, an additional
constraint of

1 1
2 2
3 3
i f
i f
i f
x x
x x
x x
= =
= =
= =

will be imposed on the system at the initial and final conditions. This will have the
practical result of limiting the initial and final controls on the system to smooth
maneuvers, thus avoiding any tendancy to conduct a flair maneuver at the last second.
In current air-to-air engagements, the kill capability of the warhead can be greatly
improved by a last minute change in the orientation of the missile, a rapid jerk of the
attitude from the flight path to an optimal angle, which is termed a flair maneuver.
This focuses the blast effects toward the target and is of great usefulness when it is the
warhead damage that kills the target; but in this situation it is the kinetic energy of the
missile impact that kills the target. A flair maneuver would only dissipate much of that
energy, possibly all of it, in order to achieve the algorithms desired impact angle and
render the developed flight path useless for the mission. Similarly, an immediate and
large maneuver at the start of the flight path would only dissipate the energy. Such
maneuvers are discarded by these beginning and ending boundary conditions.

2. Separating and Recombining Space and Time
As discussed previously, in order to independently optimize the spatial trajectory
and the velocity, the reference function will be derived as a function of . The boundary
conditions cannot, therefore, be defined as functions of time derivatives as in equations
(4.C.3) (4.C.5). A connection between the spatial and time domains must therefore be
introduced, , which is defined as
( )

= (4.C.6)
and is termed the virtual speed [Ref 19]. This allows for the independent variation of the
speed profile along the same paths according to any other convenient reference. In this
case the known thrust profile, , will be utilized by integrating the third equation of
(2.B.3) and applying the virtual speed

( sin
( ) ( sin )
( )
g n d
V g n

= = (4.C.7)
Further use of the virtual speed allows the recalculation of the initial and final boundary
conditions, transforming them from the time frame to the spatial frame. For this, the
obvious relations

( ) ( ) ( )
( ( ) ( ))
( ) 1,2,3
i i
i i i
dx d
x x
d dt
d x d
x x x
d dt

= =

= = +

which when rearranged defines the first and a second derivative of the missile
coordinates as

[ ]
1 2
i i i i i
x x x x x i

= = = (4.C.9)
Using the values of and defined as

0 0 0 0 0
, ,
f f f f

= = = =


3. Reference Trajectory
The knowledge of the initial and final position plus the initial and final conditions
of the first and second time derivates allows for the construction of a 7
polynomial (the maximum orders of the time derivatives of the missile coordinates at the
initial and final points plus one) to describe the reference function of the aircraft
coordinates . The following are introduced as the reference functions [Ref
( 1,2,3)
x i =

1 5
(max(1, 2))!
( )
(max(1, 2))!
( )
( 1)!
( )
( ) ( 2)
i ik
i ik
i ik
i ik
x a
x a
x a
x k a


Or written another way,

2 3 4
3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
( )
1 1 1 1
( )
2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
( )
2 6 12 20 30
1 1 1 1 1
( )
2 6 24 60 120
i i i i i i
i i i i i i i
i i i i i i i i
i i i i i i i i
x"' a a a a a
x" a a a a a a
x' a a a a a a a
x a a a a a a a

= + + + +
= + + + + +
= + + + + + +
= + + + + + +
6 7
6 7
a +
The coefficients can be determined by solving the equations simultaneously,

2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 6 24 60 120 210 4
2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1
2 6 12 20 30 5
2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1
0 0 1
0 0 0 1
f f f f f f f i
f f f f f f i
f f f f f i
f f f f



Finally, by substituting the corresponding values of
0 0 0
, , ( 1,2,3)
i i i
x x x i = for
0 = , and for , , ( 1,2,3)
if if if
x x x i =
= (where
is the first optimization parameter,
the virtual arc), results in a set of 24 linear algebraic equations for 21 unknown
coefficients ( 1,2,3, 0,1,..,7)
a i k = =

0 0 1 0 2 0 3
0 0 0 0
4 2 3 4
0 0
5 2

4 16 60 120 360 480 840 840
30 60 420 600
i i i i i i i
if i if i if i if i
f f f f
if i if i
a x a x a x a x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x

= = = =
= + + +
+ +
= +
0 0
3 4 5
0 0 0
6 3 4 5 6
0 0 0
7 4 5 6
2340 2700 5040 5040
60 80 780 900 4080 4320 8400 8400
35 35 420 420 2100 2100 4
if i if i
f f f
if i if i if i if i
f f f f
if i if i i if
f f f
x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x

+ +

= + + +
+ + +
= + + +
200 4200
if i
x x


4. Inverse Dynamics
The numerical solution develops a reference trajectory over a fixed set of N points
equidistantly placed along the virtual arc. The virtual interval is


and the corresponding time interval is

; ; 1
( )
2 , 1,2,..., 1
i j i j
j j
x x
t j

= =

N (4.C.16)
V and
1 j

is determined by integrating equation (4.C.7). N is any convenient
number, chosen to be 100 in this program.
The value of
V also allows for the determination of both and by rearranging
equations (2.B.2) and substituting the virtual velocity

2 2
1; 2;
x x


The controls are found by rearranging equations (2.B.3) to be and

( cos
y j j j
z j j j

= +

where the angular derivatives are determined as

2 2
2 3 1 2 3 1 2
2 2 3/2
1 2
2 1 2 1 2
( ) (
( )
) x x x x x x
x x
x x x x

+ +



5. Cost and Penalty Functions
Finally, the calculation of the flight path results in a set of functions that must be
minimized, which occurs through a Cost Function (CF) and a Penalty Function (PF).
These functions must be carefully chosen to ensure that the optimal path is truly feasible,
desirable, and obtainable. A simple example of a CF is
J t , the minimal time
problem, or ( ) J u t , the minimum fuel problem, though there is no limit to the number
or variation of the Cost Function.
In this case, the CF was chosen to optimize three properties simultaneously;
minimize the length of the virtual arc,
, minimize the time to intercept,
t , and
maximize the impact angle of the interception. The CF for this program is written as

1 1 2 2 3 3
f go
J w k w k t w k

= + +

Each item must be scaled appropriately using the scaling factors so that
they are all roughly equivalent when optimized, e.g. the anticipated intercept time is
counted in tens of seconds while the cosine of the impact angle will vary from zero to
one. Failure to weight them properly will skew the results of the cost function.
Additionally, through the weighting functions a trade-off analysis can be
conducted and variables can be included or excluded as desired.
1 2 3
, , , k k k
1 2 3
, , w w w ,
The first two variables, and
t , are necessary to ensure the systems optimal
solution is actually physically realizable. Without them, the system will continue to
optimize the intercept well beyond the capabilities of the missile or even physical reality.
One example is that, in a purely mathematical sense, there is no problem with a negative
velocity (yet in the physical world that makes no sense) and the program might try a
program that would intercept after the missile velocity has gone past zero and into
negative numbers (of course, the missile would stop flying long before it even reaches
zero). One might be tempted to include a myriad of parameters to cover all possible
eventualities; however, including these two parameters sufficiently accounts for nearly
every physical limitation and eliminates the need for having a long list of cost variables.
The third variable in the CF was chosen in order to maximize the angle of impact
upon interception. This reflects the need, described in Chapter 1, to maximize the kinetic
energy in order to ensure the interceptor disables the target. The cost is calculated using
a simple dot product relationship

( ,
f f
f f
dot x x
x x

which will have a minimum value of zero when the impact angle is at a maximum.
The PF is chosen to ensure that certain conditions are not violated or exceeded,
such as physical limitations. In this case, the PF is on the maximum acceleration in the y
and z direction. Zarchan showed that acceleration capability is dependent on altitude and
speed [Ref 21]. The PF has been set up to reflect this by varying between 40 gs at sea
level to 10 gs at 50,000 ft.
These are not the only CF or PF variables that can be included. The choice of
variables to include is situation dependant and may be modified to meet whatever the
needs of the situation demand.

4. Simulation Outline
The simulation begins with the definition of the ballistic missile flight path. The
data will be used to represent what the missile sees when it is defining the boundary
conditions. A perfect picture is assumed for this simulation. Once the ballistic flight
path has been defined, the interceptor is launched. The interceptor launch point was
chosen as , roughly 150 nm from the launch position.

100000; 100000; Re

The first portion of the SM-6 flight is the vertical launch, which was assumed to
last 6 s, followed by a 4 s period in which the missile arcs over toward the target, as it
would do under guidance from the AEGIS weapon system in normal circumstances. At
10 seconds, the state of the interceptor and the state of the ballistic target is seen and
input into the system. At this point the missile would not have an independent radar
picture of the target, so instead would be fed targeting data from the AEGIS weapon
system. This can continue indefinitely until the interceptor has its own radar fix on the
ballistic missile.
A first guess at time to go and flight distance is done by a simple iterative
process that takes the known velocity profile and iterates an initial intercept time using a
first order approximation of the ballistic path. This process uses the known velocity
profile of the SM-6 and the known velocity profile of the TD-2 in order to develop an
accurate guess according to
( )
; 0;
100; 5;



3500-10( - 26)
( - 26)(3500 )
2 2

f go
f go
go f
f t t go
f i i
if t
V t
V t
t V
x x x t
x x

= =
= +
= +

2 1
1 2

go go
go go
go go
xdt V
t t
t t
t t


Also, the program creates an initial guess at the optimum final values of the flight
path angle and heading using (4.C.3). This serves only as an initial start point and must
only be mildly accurate, since the program will optimize the time and flight path as it
operates. The accuracy of the initial guesses only serves to decrease the necessary
computation time.
The MATLAB function fminsearch carries out the optimization by varying the
four optimization parameters and evaluating the cost function. Once the minimum value
of the CF has been found, the fminsearch returns the required control time history to the
missile guidance system, which can then execute the commands and fly the derived flight
path. Since the missile system can be programmed with sufficient data to compensate for
its control system time constant, the system lag can be effectively negated, thus
eliminating a source of error.
Updating the guidance system every several seconds will result in increasingly
accurate final intercept positions and further ensure the mission kill.

The simulation ran as expected, testing about 80 iterations and different flight
paths before arriving in the neighborhood of the final value, and testing about 160
iterations and different flight paths before arriving at the optimal solution.
The three coordinate axes were independently optimized. Figures 28-30 show the
flight paths generated and the first and second derivatives of those flight paths in each of
the coordinate axes. It is clear that each flight path is smooth, continuous, and satisfies
the initial and final boundary conditions.
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
x 10

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Figure 28. X-axis Flight Path and Derivatives

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
x 10

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Figure 29. Y-axis Flight Path and Derivatives

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
x 10

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time (s)


Figure 30. Z-axis Flight Path and Derivatives

It is important to note that the derivatives of the flight path are not the velocity
and acceleration in a time-frame sense, but instead are the spatial derivatives. They
represent the rate of change of the motion of the flight path. In an abstract sense, the
interceptor missile could travel along this optimum path at any chosen speed (though in
this case the velocity history is defined), and still be flying along the optimum path. The
velocity history is introduced after the optimum path has been derived to determine the
flight time and test the boundary conditions.
The final flight path selected is shown in Figures 31-33, in three dimensional plots
from various angles. In each figure is a large black star designating the point that the
interceptor activated the guidance law and the point that the state of the ballistic rocket
was extracted. The only state that the interceptor missile was given was the one
represented by the star. The final intercept position is on the ballistic flight path because
the algorithm optimized the intercept time and determined the final position based on that
optimization. This is the major difference between this program and most predictive
intercept guidance laws where the time to intercept is only an educated guess.
x 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
x 10
x 10

Figure 31. 3D Optimal Flight Path

x 10
0 2 4 6 8
x 10
x 10

Figure 32. 3D Optimal Flight Path

A plot of the position and velocity of the ballistic missile overlaid upon the final
optimal flight path shows the final intercept geometry, as shown in Figure 34, where the
lines extending from the position point represent the current velocity vector at that
moment (the relative scale shows the relative speeds and the circle at the end denotes
forward for each). It is clear from Figure 34 that the interceptor does indeed intercept
the ballistic missile, and at a near right angle as was intended.
x 10
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
x 10
x 10
Y position (m) X position (m)



Figure 33. Final Interception Geometry

Another way to verify that the interception is as predicted is to look at each
coordinate axis, as shown in Figures 35-37. Again the missiles heading and relative
speeds are denoted by the lines extended from the position point, and the line shows the
optimum flight path.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
x 10
x 10
X position (m)



Figure 34. 2D (X-Y axis) Optimum Flight Path

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
x 10
x 10
X position (m)



Figure 35. 2D (X-Z axis) Optimum Flight Path

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
x 10
x 10
Y position (m)



Figure 36. 2D (Y-Z axis) Optimum Flight Path

It is clear that the intercept does occur and that it is at a near right angle. The
remaining question is whether it is feasible and physically possible for the interceptor
missile to fly the derived path. Figure 38 shows the time history of the heading and flight
path angles.
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time (s)


Figure 37. Heading ( ) and Flight Path Angle ( ) Time History

It is clear from Figure 38 that the path generated does not require large variations
of heading or flight path, suggesting it is a feasible flight path. However, this is not
conclusive. Instead, the required axial forces must be verified to be constantly within the
limitations of the system. Figure 39 shows the time history of the independent control
forces, . The dashed line represents the maximum capability of the system at each
point, based on the altitude of the missile as discussed in Chapter IV.
y z
n n
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time (s)



Figure 38. Control Forces Time History

It is clear from Figure 39 that the missile is capable of navigating the generated
flight path. Note that it uses the full capabilities of the missile to conduct the
interception, which suggests that the program is appropriately accounting for the missile
capabilities. Also note that the required forces are near zero at the intercept point,
demonstrating no flair maneuver or high-g maneuver was conducted. This suggests that
the full kinematic energy of the missile is directed into the target, which was the original
intent of the program.
It can be proven that the penalty functions were indeed influencing the choice of
trajectory. If the required control effort exceeded the maximum capabilities of the
missile the trajectory, the path should be rejected as infeasible. It can be seen from
Figure 40 that this is the case, and that the final path has no penalty assigned to it.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
x 10
Iterations (#)



Figure 39. Penalty Function Values

The flight path is feasible, it accomplishes the intended goal, and is within the
capabilities of the interceptor missile. The final question, then, is whether the generated
flight path is in fact optimal, i.e. the best available path. Figure 41 shows the value of
the CF after each iteration, with emphasis on the final series of values. The figure clearly
demonstrates that the value of the CF quickly gets within the neighborhood of the
minimum, and after a short duration reaches the minimum cost function.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
x 10
Iterations (#)



Figure 40. Iterative Value of the Cost Function

It is also important to ensure the impact angle is maximized. It has already been
shown from the various graphs that the impact angle is indeed close to 90 degrees. It
remains to be seen, however, if it the best one that can be found. It is possible that this
flight path is returned as optimal not because it maximizes the impact angle, but instead
because the values of t
dominate to the point that impact angles contribution is
negligible. Figure 42 shows the value of the impact angle after each iteration of the
program, with emphasis on the final values.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Iterations (#)


Figure 41. Iterative Value of the Cosine of the Impact Angle

The two remaining variables to be optimized have no target value, as there was
with the impact angle. It therefore must only be shown that the algorithm has indeed
tried numerous values and found the best one. Figure 43 shows the iterative value of t
and clearly shows this is occurring. Likewise for Figure 44 regarding
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Iterations (#)

Figure 42. Iterative Value of Intercept Time

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Iterations (#)


Figure 43. Iterative Value of

It can therefore be said that the generated flight path is indeed the solution which
minimizes the flight path distance, minimizes the time of flight, and maximizes the
impact angle the optimum one for this intercept.

This algorithm can easily be incorporated into existing control systems for
numerous applications. Yakimenko has shown that for short term spatial maneuvers, the
system is extremely robust and capable, and requires only a moderate level of
computational power [Ref 19]. The power required for this particular application is
slightly more since the final boundary conditions are not fixed but instead vary with the
time and flight path conditions. Still, a dedicated system, such as onboard a properly
modified SM-6, must be capable of not only deriving the flight path, but also storing the
data and executing it. None of these are particularly challenging requirements, as many
other missiles in the US inventory complete many of these individual tasks already.
This program cannot take into account the future actions of the target. It is thus
not applicable to a target that is capable of maneuvering or deviating from its flight path
in a considerable manner. This limits the scope and applicability of the program, but
there are currently many very capable guidance laws for these situations. The purpose
here was to propose a law that is very specific in its application but which operates far
beyond the capabilities of otherwise excellent guidance laws.

Several avenues remain unexplored within this area of study. Some weaknesses
that may be overcome by further research are:
1. Perform a trade-off analysis of cost function weighting coefficients to
determine if the chosen ones are the most influential choices, or if they are
redundant, or if other choices may provide better results.
2. Implement a second-order prediction model of the Ballistic Missile path in the
development of the final boundary conditions to improve the accuracy of the
3. Perform robustness analysis using the developed 6DOF high-fidelity model
and auto-pilot model in the presence of disturbances.
4. Perform Monte Carlo simulation on launch-interception scenario to determine
the limitations on the algorithm.


1. BRParams3.m
f unct i on [ BR_mass, di a, l engt h] =BRPar ams3( t )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on cal cul at es t he mass of t he r ocket , assumi ng a cr uci f or m
%r ocket i n t wo st ages pl us an unpower ed nosecone st age. Thi s f unct i on
%al so r et ur ns t he r ef er ence ( base) di amet er of t he mi ssi l e.

%%Not es:
%The f i r st st age l ast 125 seconds, t he second st age l ast s an
%addi t i onal 110 seconds. The st ages separ at e upon compl et i on.

%%Var i abl e Li st
%BR_mass =t ot al r ocket mass
%BR_nose =t ot al mass of nosecone sect i on
%BR_st 1_bt =bur nt i me f or st age 1
%BR_st 1_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 1 f uel
%BR_st 1_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 1 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%BR_st 1_st r =t ot al mass of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_st 1_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 1 f uel
%BR_st 2_bt =bur nt i me f or st age 2
%BR_st 2_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 2 f uel
%BR_st 2_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 2 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%BR_st 2_st r =t ot al mass of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_st 2_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 2 f uel
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er , base di amet er
%t =t i me

%%St r uct ur al Component s
BR_st 2_st r =2288;
BR_st 1_st r =9000;

%%Fuel Component s
BR_st 1_t f m=50970;
BR_st 1_bt =125;
BR_st 1_f cr =BR_st 1_t f m/ BR_st 1_bt ;
BR_st 2_t f m=12912;
BR_st 2_bt =110;
BR_st 2_f cr =BR_st 2_t f m/ BR_st 2_bt ;

i f t <125
%%St age 1 - St age 1 Fuel i s consumed; St age 2 Fuel i s not used.
BR_st 1_f uel =BR_st 1_t f m- BR_st 1_f cr *t ;
BR_mass=BR_nose+BR_st 1_st r +BR_st 1_f uel +BR_st 2_st r +BR_st 2_t f m;
di a=2. 2;
l engt h=2+14+16;

el sei f t <240;
%%St age 2 - St age 1 has separ at ed; St age 2 Fuel i s consumed.
BR_st 2_f uel =BR_st 2_t f m- BR_st 2_f cr *( t - 125) ;
BR_mass=BR_nose+BR_st 2_st r +BR_st 2_f uel ;
di a=1. 3;
l engt h=2+14;

el se
%%St age 3 - St age 2 has separ at ed; unpower ed nosecone r emai ns.
di a=1. 3;
l engt h=2;

r et ur n

2. BRFlight3.m
%%Scr i pt Fi l e
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s scr i pt i nt egr at es t he posi t i on, vel oci t y, and accel er at i on
val ues
%at each t i me st ep t o det er mi ne t he f l i ght pat h of a bal l i st i c mi ssi l e
%i n a gr avi t y t ur n. The scr i pt cal l s BRPar ams3. m, ZLDr agC. m, and
%STat mos. m

%%Var i abl e Li st
%acc =t ot al accel er at i on
%al t =al t i t ude
%ax =x component of accel er at i on
%ay =y component of accel er at i on
%az =z component of accel er at i on
%CD =dr ag coef f i ci ent
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er ( base di amet er )
%Dr ag =t ot al dr ag f or ce
%dt =t i me st ep i nt er val
%g =gr avi t y f or ce, based on WGS- 84 val ue of gr avi t at i onal
% at t r act i on and al t i t ude
%gm =i ni t i al l aunch angl e
%i =i nt er val count
%m_r =r ocket mass
%Mspd =r ocket speed i n Mach ( r el at i ve t o l ocal speed of sound)
%num_BR =number of i t er at i ons conduct ed ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%nx =axi al f or ce
%pr ess =l ocal at mospher i c pr essur e
%px =x component of posi t i on
%py =y component of posi t i on
%pz =z component of posi t i on
%Re =WGS- 84 val ue f or Ear t h' s r adi us
%r o =l ocal at mospher i c densi t y
%spd =r ocket speed i n m/ s
%Sr ef =pl anar r ef er ence ar ea ( f or dr ag cal cul at i ons)
%t =t i me
%t emp =l ocal at mospher i c t emper at ur e
%Thr ust =t hr ust gener at ed by mot or
%vx =x component of vel oci t y
%vy =y component of vel oci t y
%vz =z component of vel oci t y
%Acc_BR =i ndex- based vect or of accel er at i on val ues
%For ces_BR=i ndex- based vect or of f or ce val ues
%Pos_BR =i ndex- based vect or of posi t i on val ues
%t i me_BR =i ndex- based vect or of t i me val ues
%Vel _BR =i ndex- based vect or of vel oci t y val ues
%Al l _BR =i ndex based vect or of al l r ocket val ues

%%I ni t i al i ze Var i abl es
t =0; dt =0. 5; i =0;
Re=6. 378137e6;

%%I ni t i al Condi t i ons
gm=75*pi / 180;
vx=cos( gm) ;
vz=si n( gm) ;

%%Bal l i st i c Fl i ght Pat h
f or t =0: 0. 5: 2219. 5
i =i +1;

%Speed, Mach Number
spd=nor m( [ vx; vy; vz] ) ;
al t =nor m( [ px; py; pz] ) - Re;
i f al t <86000
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( al t ) ;
el se
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( 86000) ;
Mspd=spd/ sqr t ( 1. 402*287*t emp) ;

%For ces
g=3. 986004418e14/ nor m( [ px; py; pz] ) ^2;
[ m_r , di a] =BRPar ams3( t ) ;
[ CD] =ZLDr agC( Mspd, t ) ;

i f t <125
Thr ust =105000*9. 81;
CD=CD( 1) ;
el sei f t <240
Thr ust =29950*9. 81;
CD=CD( 1) ;
el se
Thr ust =0;
CD=CD( 2) ;
Sr ef =pi *di a^2/ 4;
Dr ag=r o*spd^2*CD*Sr ef / 2;
nx=( Thr ust - Dr ag) / m_r ;

%Accel er at i ons
g=3. 986004418e14*pz/ nor m( [ px; py; pz] ) ^3;
ax=nx*cos( gm) ;
az=nx*si n( gm) - g;
acc=nor m( [ ax; ay; az] ) ;

%Col l ect Var i abl es
t i me_BR( i , 1) =t ;
Pos_BR( i , 1) =px;
Pos_BR( i , 2) =py;
Pos_BR( i , 3) =pz;
Pos_BR( i , 4) =nor m( [ px; py; pz] ) ;
Vel _BR( i , 1) =vx;
Vel _BR( i , 2) =vy;
Vel _BR( i , 3) =vz;
Vel _BR( i , 4) =spd;
Vel _BR( i , 5) =Mspd;
Acc_BR( i , 1) =ax;
Acc_BR( i , 2) =ay;
Acc_BR( i , 3) =az;
Acc_BR( i , 4) =acc;
Acc_BR( i , 5) =nx;
For ces_BR( i , 1) =Thr ust ;
For ces_BR( i , 2) =m_r ;
For ces_BR( i , 3) =Dr ag;

%Ti me St ep
px=px+dt *vx;
py=py+dt *vy;
pz=pz+dt *vz;
vx=vx+dt *ax;
vy=vy+dt *ay;
vz=vz+dt *az;
num_BR=l engt h( t i me_BR) ;

Al l BR=[ t i me_BR For ces_BR Pos_BR Vel _BR Acc_BR] ;

cl ear CD Dr ag Mspd Re Sr ef Thr ust acc al t ax ay az di a dt
cl ear g gmh i m_r nx pr ess px py pz r o spd t t emp vx vy vz

1. SMParams3.m
f unct i on [ SM_mass, di a] =SMPar ams3( t )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on cal cul at es t he J Mat r i x and Mass of t he i nt er cept or ,
%assumi ng a cr uci f or mr ocket i n t wo st ages t o i nt er cept . Thi s
%f unct i on al so r et ur ns t he r ef er ence ( base) di amet er of t he mi ssi l e.

%%Not es:
%The f i r st st age l ast 6 seconds, t he second st age l ast s an addi t i onal
%10 seconds. St age 1 ( boost er ) separ at es upon compl et i on. St age 2
%does not separ at e af t er compl et i on

%Var i abl e Li st
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er , base di amet er
%l =l engt h, var i es by component
%p_SM_st 1_f uel =densi t y of st age 1 r ocket f uel
%p_SM_st 2_f uel =densi t y of st age 2 r ocket f uel
%p_SMst r =densi t y of st r uct ur al mat er i al
%r =r adi us, var i es by component
%r o =out er r adi us, var i es by component
%r i =i nner r adi us, var i es by component
%SM_mass =t ot al r ocket mass
%SM_nose =t ot al mass of nosecone sect i on
%SM_st 1_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 1 f uel
%SM_st 1_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 1 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%SM_st 1_st r =t ot al mass of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%SM_st 1_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 1 f uel
%SM_st 2_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 2 f uel
%SM_st 2_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 2 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%SM_st 2_st r =t ot al mass of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%SM_st 2_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 2 f uel
%t =t i me
%t h =st r uct ur al t hi ckness
%V_body =vol ume of body st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_nose_st r =vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_nose_st r 0 =vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al ,
% i nt er medi at e val ue
%V_nose_st r 1 =vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al ,
% i nt er medi at e val ue
%V_st 1_f uel =vol ume of st age 1 f uel
%V_st 1_st r =vol ume of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_st 2_f uel =vol ume of st age 2 f uel
%V_st 2_st r =vol ume of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al

%%St r uct ur al Component s
p_SMst r =4225;
t h=. 0208;

%Mass of Nosecone
l =. 8255;
r =0. 34/ 2;
V_nose_st r 0=pi *( l *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2- l ^3/ 3- ( ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / . . .
( 2*r ) ) - r ) *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2*asi n( l / ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ) ) ;
l =. 8255- t h;
r =0. 34/ 2- t h;
V_nose_st r 1=pi *( l *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2- l ^3/ 3- ( ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / . . .
( 2*r ) ) - r ) *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2*asi n( l / ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ) ) ;
V_nose_st r =V_nose_st r 0- V_nose_st r 1+pi *r ^2*t h;
SM_nose=1. 3*V_nose_st r *p_SMst r ;

%Mass of Body/ War head Sect i on
l =. 849;
r o=0. 34/ 2;
r i =0. 34/ 2- t h;
V_body=l *pi *( r o^2- r i ^2) ;
SM_body=V_body*p_SMst r +115;

%Mass of St age 1 ( Mk72 Boost er )
l =1. 72;
r o=0. 53/ 2;
r i =0. 53/ 2- t h;
V_st 1_st r =l *pi *( r o^2- r i ^2) +2*pi *r o^2*t h;
SM_st 1_st r =V_st 1_st r *p_SMst r ;

%Mass of St age 2 ( Mk104 Engi ne)
l =2. 88- 2*t h;
r o=0. 34/ 2;
r i =0. 34/ 2- t h;
V_st 2_st r =l *pi *( r o^2- r i ^2) +2*pi *r o^2*t h;
SM_st 2_st r =V_st 2_st r *p_SMst r ;

%%Fuel Component s
%St age 1 Sol i d Fuel i s HTPB/ AP/ Al
l =1. 72;
r i =0. 53/ 2- t h;
V_st 1_f uel =0. 80*l *pi *r i ^2;
p_SM_st 1_f uel =1860;
SM_st 1_t f m=468;
SM_st 1_f cr =468/ 6;
%St age 2 Sol i d Fuel i s TP- H1205/ 6
l =2. 88;
r i =0. 34/ 2- t h;
V_st 2_f uel =0. 60*l *pi *r i ^2;
SM_st 2_t f m=360;
p_SM_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_t f m/ V_st 2_f uel ;
SM_st 2_f cr =360/ 15;

i f t <6
%%St age 1 - St age 1 Fuel i s consumed; St age 2 Fuel i s not used.
SM_st 1_f uel =SM_st 1_t f m- SM_st 1_f cr * t ;
SM_mass=SM_nose+SM_body+SM_st 2_st r +SM_st 2_t f m+SM_st 1_st r +. . .
SM_st 1_f uel ;
di a=0. 53;

el sei f t <21
%%St age 2 - St age 1 has separ at ed; St age 2 Fuel i s consumed.
SM_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_t f m- SM_st 2_f cr * ( t - 6) ;
SM_mass=SM_nose+SM_body+SM_st 2_st r +SM_st 2_f uel ;
di a=0. 34;

el se
%%St age 3 - The unpower ed nosecone and St age 2 r emai ns.
SM_mass=SM_nose+SM_body+SM_st 2_st r ;
di a=0. 34;

r et ur n

2. SMFlight3.m
%%Scr i pt Fi l e
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s scr i pt devel ops and t r acks t he f l i ght pat h of t he i nt er cept or
%mi ssi l e. For t he f i r st t en seconds i t i nt egr at es a ser i es of
%accel er at i on commands t o si mul at e a ver t i cal l aunch and t i p over .
%Upon act i vat i on of t he gui dance l aw, i t sends t he known val ues t o t he
%gui dance l aw and r ecei ves back t he f ut ur e t i me hi st or y of t he opt i mal
%f l i ght pat h. Thi s scr i pt t hen i mpl ement s t hat opt i mal pat h. I t
%updat es t he f i nal condi t i ons and r ecal cul at es t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h
%at an ( modi f i abl e) i nt er val of 10 seconds. The scr i pt cal l s
%SMPar ams3. m, ZLDr agC. m, and STat mos. m

%%Var i abl e Li st
%Acc_SM =i ndex- based vect or of accel er at i on val ues
%Al l SM =i ndex based vect or of al l i nt er cept or val ues
%al t =al t i t ude
%CD =dr ag coef f i ci ent
%count =count i ng var i abl e t o det er mi ne gui dance l aw updat e
% i nt er val
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er ( base di amet er )
%di st =cumul at i ve di st ance t r avel ed
%Dr ag =t ot al dr ag f or ce
%For ces_SM=i ndex- based vect or of f or ce val ues
%g =gr avi t y f or ce, based on WGS- 84 val ue of
% gr avi t at i onal at t r act i on and al t i t ude
%i =i nt er val count
%m_i =i nt er cept or mass
%Model _SM =i ndex- based vect or of i nt er nal val ues
%MV =i nt er cept or speed i n Mach ( r el at i ve t o l ocal speed of
% sound)
%N1 =var i abl e used t o compar e opt i mal vect or l engt h
%N2 =var i abl e used t o compar e opt i mal vect or l engt h
%num_SM =number of i t er at i ons conduct ed ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%nx =axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame x
%nx_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%ny =axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame y
%ny_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%nz =axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame z
%nz_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%pat h =r et ur ned t i me hi st or y of t he opt i mal pat h
%Pos_SM =i ndex- based vect or of posi t i on val ues
%pr ess =l ocal at mospher i c pr essur e
%psi =headi ng angl e
%psi _ol d =headi ng angl e ( used i n t he t i me st ep)
%psi _Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%psi dot =r at e of change of headi ng angl e
%psi dot _Op=i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%px =x component of posi t i on
%px_ol d =x component of posi t i on ( used i n t he t i me st ep)
%px_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%py =y component of posi t i on
%py_ol d =y component of posi t i on ( used i n t he t i me st ep)
%py_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%pz =z component of posi t i on
%pz_ol d =z component of posi t i on ( used i n t he t i me st ep)
%pz_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%q =count i ng var i abl e ( used i n anot her pr ogr am)
%Re =WGS- 84 Ear t h' s r adi us
%r o =l ocal at mospher i c densi t y
%spot =count i ng var i abl e ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%spot 2 =count i ng var i abl e ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%Sr ef =pl anar r ef er ence ar ea ( f or dr ag cal cul at i ons)
%st at e =t he st at e of t he i nt er cept or
%t =t i me
%t ar get =t he st at e of t he r ocket
%t emp =l ocal at mospher i c t emper at ur e
%t go =t i me t o go t o i nt er cept
%t h =f l i ght pat h angl e
%t h_ol d =f l i ght pat h angl e ( used i n t he t i me st ep)
%t h_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%t hdot =r at e of change of f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hdot _Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%Thr ust =t hr ust gener at ed by mot or
%t i me_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%t i me_SM =i ndex- based vect or of t i me val ues
%updat e =number of updat es t o t he gui dance l aw conduct ed
%V =vel oci t y of t he i nt er cept or
%V_ol d =vel oci t y of t he i nt er cept or ( used i n t he t i me st ep)
%V_Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%Vdot =r at e of change of t he vel oci t y
%Vdot _Op =i ndex based vect or of t he opt i mal f l i ght pat h val ues
%Vel _SM =i ndex- based vect or of vel oci t y val ues
%w =count i ng var i abl e ( used i n anot her pr ogr am)

BRFl i ght 3

gl obal t go q st at es xf xpf spot spot 2 j pat h N1 updat e t r ys
gl obal spot spot 2 w Pos_BR Pos_SM

%I ni t i al i ze Var i abl es
t =0; dt =0. 5;
i =0; i i =0; w=120; q=0; qq=0; r r =0;
count =30; updat e=0 ;
spot =13; spot 2=81;
Re=6. 378137e6;

t go=85;
psi =- 130*pi / 180;
t h=90*pi / 180;
V_ol d=V;
psi _ol d=psi ;
t h_ol d=t h;

px_ol d=px;
py_ol d=py;
pz_ol d=pz;
di st =0;

%%Fl i ght Pat h
f or i =1: 1: 1000
t =t +dt ;

%Tr ue APN Gui dance
i f t <10
%Speed, Mach Number
al t =nor m( [ px; py; pz] ) - Re;
i f al t <86000
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( al t ) ;
el se
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( 86000) ;
MV=V/ sqr t ( 1. 402*287*t emp) ;

%For ces
g=3. 986004418e14/ nor m( [ px; py; pz] ) ^2;
[ m_i , di a] =SMPar ams3( t ) ;
[ CD] =ZLDr agC( MV, t ) ;
i f t <6
Thr ust =206500;
CD=CD( 1) ;
el sei f t <20
Thr ust =95300;
CD=CD( 1) ;
el se
Thr ust =0;
CD=CD( 2) ;
Sr ef =pi *di a^2/ 4;
Dr ag=r o*V^2*CD*Sr ef / 2;
nx=( Thr ust - Dr ag) / m_i / g;

%Gui dance
i f t <=6 %Boost Phase Ver t i cal Launch
psi dot =0;
t hdot =0;
ny=V/ g*cos( t h) *psi dot ;
nz=V/ g*t hdot +cos( t h) ;
el se %Boost Phase Pi t ch over
psi dot =0;
t hdot =- 0. 075;
ny=V/ g*cos( t h) *psi dot ;
nz=V/ g*t hdot +cos( t h) ;

%Ki nemat i cs
Vdot =g*( nx- si n( t h) ) ;
psi dot =ny*g/ V/ cos( t h) ;
t hdot =g*( nz- cos( t h) ) / V;

%Col l ect Var i abl es
t i me_SM( i , 1) =t ;
For ces_SM( i , 1) =nx;
For ces_SM( i , 2) =ny;
For ces_SM( i , 3) =nz;
Model _SM( i , 1) =V;
Model _SM( i , 2) =Vdot ;
Model _SM( i , 3) =t h;
Model _SM( i , 4) =t hdot ;
Model _SM( i , 5) =psi ;
Model _SM( i , 6) =psi dot ;
Pos_SM( i , 1) =px;
Pos_SM( i , 2) =py;
Pos_SM( i , 3) =pz;
Pos_SM( i , 4) =di st ;
Vel _SM( i , 1) =V*cos( t h) *cos( psi ) ;
Vel _SM( i , 2) =V*cos( t h) *si n( psi ) ;
Vel _SM( i , 3) =V*si n( t h) ;
Acc_SM( i , 1) =Vdot *cos( t h) *cos( psi ) - V*cos( t h) *si n( psi ) *psi dot . . .
- V*si n( t h) *cos( psi ) *t hdot ;
Acc_SM( i , 2) =Vdot *cos( t h) *si n( psi ) +V*cos( t h) *cos( psi ) *psi dot . . .
+V*si n( t h) *si n( psi ) *t hdot ;
Acc_SM( i , 3) =Vdot *si n( t h) +V*cos( t h) *t hdot ;

%Ti me St ep
V=V_ol d+Vdot *dt ;
psi =psi _ol d+psi dot *dt ;
t h=t h_ol d+t hdot *dt ;

px=px_ol d+V*cos( t h) *cos( psi ) *dt ;
py=py_ol d+V*cos( t h) *si n( psi ) *dt ;
pz=pz_ol d+V*si n( t h) *dt ;

di st =( di st +abs( nor m( [ px- px_ol d; py- py_ol d; pz- pz_ol d] ) ) ) ;

V_ol d=V;
psi _ol d=psi ;
t h_ol d=t h;

px_ol d=px;
py_ol d=py;
pz_ol d=pz;

el se %Opt i mal Gui dance
i f count ==30
di spl ay( ' St ar t i ng SMGui dance Updat e' )
updat e=updat e+1;
st at e=[ px; py; pz; V; t h; psi ; Vdot ; t hdot ; psi dot ] ;
t ar get =[ Pos_BR( i +w, 1) ; Pos_BR( i +w, 2) ; Pos_BR( i +w, 3) ;
Vel _BR( i +w, 1) ; Vel _BR( i +w, 2) ; Vel _BR( i +w, 3) ] ;
[ pat h] =SMGui dance( t , st at e, t ar get , i ) ;
i f updat e==1;
N1=l engt h( pat h( : , 1) ) ; N2=N1;
el se
N2=l engt h( pat h( : , 1) ) ;
%I dent i f y Var i abl es
t i me_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 1) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
px_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 2) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
py_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 3) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
pz_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 4) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
V_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 5) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
t h_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 6) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
psi _Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 7) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
Vdot _Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 8) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
t hdot _Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 9) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
psi dot _Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 10) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
nx_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 11) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
ny_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 12) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
nz_Op( : , updat e) =[ pat h( : , 13) ; zer os( N1- N2, 1) ] ;
count =1;

t =t i me_Op( count , updat e) ;
nx=nx_Op( count , updat e) ;
ny=ny_Op( count , updat e) ;
nz=nz_Op( count , updat e) ;
V=V_Op( count , updat e) ;
Vdot =Vdot _Op( count , updat e) ;
t h=t h_Op( count , updat e) ;
t hdot =t hdot _Op( count , updat e) ;
psi =psi _Op( count , updat e) ;
psi dot =psi dot _Op( count , updat e) ;
px=px_Op( count , updat e) ;
py=py_Op( count , updat e) ;
pz=pz_Op( count , updat e) ;

%Col l ect Var i abl es
t i me_SM( i , 1) =t ;
For ces_SM( i , 1) =nx;
For ces_SM( i , 2) =ny;
For ces_SM( i , 3) =nz;
Model _SM( i , 1) =V;
Model _SM( i , 2) =Vdot ;
Model _SM( i , 3) =t h;
Model _SM( i , 4) =t hdot ;
Model _SM( i , 5) =psi ;
Model _SM( i , 6) =psi dot ;
Pos_SM( i , 1) =px;
Pos_SM( i , 2) =py;
Pos_SM( i , 3) =pz;
Pos_SM( i , 4) =di st ;
Vel _SM( i , 1) =V*cos( t h) *cos( psi ) ;
Vel _SM( i , 2) =V*cos( t h) *si n( psi ) ;
Vel _SM( i , 3) =V*si n( t h) ;
Acc_SM( i , 1) =Vdot *cos( t h) *cos( psi ) - V*cos( t h) *si n( psi ) *psi dot . . .
- V*si n( t h) *cos( psi ) *t hdot ;
Acc_SM( i , 2) =Vdot *cos( t h) *si n( psi ) +V*cos( t h) *cos( psi ) *psi dot . . .
+V*si n( t h) *si n( psi ) *t hdot ;
Acc_SM( i , 3) =Vdot *si n( t h) +V*cos( t h) *t hdot ;
Updat e( i , 1) =updat e;

%Ti me St ep
count =count +1;
di st =( di st +abs( nor m( [ px- px_ol d; py- py_ol d; pz- pz_ol d] ) ) ) ;
V_ol d=V;
psi _ol d=psi ;
t h_ol d=t h;
px_ol d=px;
py_ol d=py;
pz_ol d=pz;

num_SM=l engt h( t i me_SM) ;
Al l SM= [ t i me_SM For ces_SM Model _SM Pos_SM Vel _SM Acc_SM updat e] ;

1. BRDetails6.m
%%Scr i pt Fi l e
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s scr i pt def i nes mass and f uel par amet er s of t he Bal l i st i c Rocket ,
%as ext r act ed f r omsever al open sour ce mat er i al s r el at i ng t o t he
%Nor t h Kor ean Taepo- Dong I I mi ssi l e pr oj ect .

%Thi s scr i pt cal cul at es t he vol ume of st r uct ur al mat er i al and
%t her ef or e t he wei ght of t he st r uct ur al component s, assumi ng
%st r uct ur al st eel as t he pr i mar y st r uct ur al mat er i al . The pr ocess t o
%det er mi ne t he aver age t hi ckness of t he st r uct ur e was an i t er at i ve
%pr ocess based on t he known i nf or mat i on of l aunch wei ght , some f uel
%dat a, payl oad, and bur n t i mes.

%%Var i abl es Li st
%BR_f uel _p =densi t y of r ocket f uel
%BR_st r _p =densi t y of st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_nose =t ot al mass of nosecone sect i on
%BR_st 1_bt =bur n t i me of st age 1 f uel
%BR_st 1_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 1 f uel
%BR_st 1_st r =t ot al mass of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_st 1_t f m=t ot al mass of st age 1 f uel
%BR_st 2_bt =bur n t i me of st age 2 f uel
%BR_st 2_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 2 f uel
%BR_st 2_st r =t ot al mass of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_st 2_t f m=t ot al mass of st age 2 f uel
%l =l engt h, var i es by component
%r =r adi us, var i es by component
%r i =out er r adi us, var i es by component
%r o =i nner r adi us, var i es by component
%t ct c =t ot al vs. chamber t hr ust compar i son, used t o
% ext r apol at e f uel consumpt i on r at e f or st age 1
% f r omst age 2
%t h =t hi ckness of st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_nose_st r =vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_nose_st r 0=vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al ,
% i nt er medi at e val ue
%V_nose_st r 1=vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al ,
% i nt er medi at e val ue
%V_st 1_st r =vol ume of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_st 2_st r =vol ume of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al

gl obal BR_st r _p BR_f uel _p BR_nose BR_st 2_st r BR_st 1_st r
gl obal BR_st 2_t f mBR_st 1_t f mBR_st 1_f cr BR_st 2_f cr

%%St r uct ur al Component s
BR_st r _p=7682;
t h=. 012;

%%Mass of Nosecone
l =2;
r =1. 3/ 2;
V_nose_st r 0=pi *( l *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2+l ^3/ 3- ( ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) - r ) *. . .
( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2*asi n( l / ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ) ) ;
l =2- t h;
r =1. 3/ 2- t h;
V_nose_st r 1=pi *( l *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2+l ^3/ 3- ( ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) - r ) *. . .
( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2*asi n( l / ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ) ) ;
V_nose_st r =V_nose_st r 0- V_nose_st r 1;
BR_nose=250+V_nose_st r *BR_st r _p;

%%Mass of St age 2
l =14;
r 0=1. 3/ 2;
r i =1. 3/ 2- t h;
V_st 2_st r =l *pi *( r 0^2- r i ^2) ;
BR_st 2_st r =V_st 2_st r *BR_st r _p;

%%Mass of St age 1
l =16;
r 0=2. 2/ 2;
r i =2. 2/ 2- t h;
V_st 1_st r =l *pi *( r 0^2- r i ^2) ;
BR_st 1_st r =V_st 1_st r *BR_st r _p;

%%Fuel Component s
BR_f uel _p=801. 164+1544. 9/ 4. 05;

%Fuel mass, r at e, bur nt i me
BR_st 2_t f m=12912;
BR_st 2_bt =110;
BR_st 2_f cr =BR_st 2_t f m/ BR_st 2_bt ;
t ct c=103000/ 30432;
BR_st 1_f cr =BR_st 2_f cr *t ct c;
BR_st 1_bt =125;
BR_st 1_t f m=BR_st 1_f cr *BR_st 1_bt ;

2. BRParams6.m
f unct i on [ J , BR_mass, di a, l engt h] =BRPar ams6( t )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on cal cul at es t he J Mat r i x and Mass of t he r ocket ,
%assumi ng a cr uci f or mr ocket i n t wo st ages pl us an unpower ed nosecone
%st age. Thi s f unct i on al so r et ur ns t he r ef er ence ( base) di amet er of
%t he mi ssi l e.

%%Not es:
%Al l CGs ar e measur ed f r omt he t i p of t he nosecone.
%The r ocket i s di vi ded i nt o f i ve component s: t he nosecone and payl oad,
%st age one st r uct ur e, st age one f uel , st age 2 st r uct ur e, st age 2 f uel .
%Li qui d f uel i s assumed t o r emai n at t he r ear of t he f uel t anks. Bot h
%st ages ut i l i ze t he same f uel . Fuel i s consumed at a const ant r at e.
%The f i r st st age l ast 130 seconds, t he second st age l ast s an
%addi t i onal 110 seconds. The st age separ at es upon compl et i on.
%No Par al l el axi s t heor emi s r equi r ed f or J x due t o symmet r y. Par al l el
%axi s t heor emi s r equi r ed f r omCG f or J y and J z.

%Var i abl e Li st
%BR_f uel _L =Lengt h of r emai ni ng f uel i n t he st age
%BR_f uel _p =densi t y of r ocket f uel
%BR_mass =t ot al r ocket mass
%BR_nose =t ot al mass of nosecone sect i on
%BR_st r _p =densi t y of st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_st 1_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 1 f uel
%BR_st 1_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 1 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%BR_st 1_st r =t ot al mass of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_st 1_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 1 f uel
%BR_st 2_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 2 f uel
%BR_st 2_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 2 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%BR_st 2_st r =t ot al mass of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%BR_st 2_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 2 f uel
%CG =t ot al r ocket cent er of gr avi t y
%CG_nose =nosecone cent er of gr avi t y
%CG_st 1 =st age 1 cent er of gr avi t y
%CG_st 2 =st age 2 cent er of gr avi t y
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er , base di amet er
%J =Mat r i x of moment of i ner t i a
%J x =t ot al r ocket moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_nose =nosecone moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 1_f uel =st age 1 f uel moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 1_st r =st age 1 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 2_f uel =st age 2 f uel moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 2_st r =st age 2 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J y =t ot al r ocket moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_nose =nosecone moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 1_f uel =st age 1 f uel moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 1_st r =st age 1 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 2_f uel =st age 2 f uel moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 2_st r =st age 2 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J z =t ot al r ocket moment of i ner t i a, z- axi s
%t =t i me

gl obal BR_st r _p BR_f uel _p BR_nose BR_st 2_st r BR_st 1_st r
gl obal BR_st 2_t f mBR_st 1_t f mBR_st 1_f cr BR_st 2_f cr

i f t <130
%St age 1 - St age 1 Fuel i s consumed; St age 2 Fuel i s not used.
BR_st 1_f uel =BR_st 1_t f m- BR_st 1_f cr *t ;
BR_f uel _L=BR_st 1_f uel / ( BR_f uel _p*pi *1. 0^2) ;
CG_nose=BR_nose*10/ 8;
CG_st 1=BR_st 1_st r *24+BR_st 1_f uel *( 32- BR_f uel _L) ;
CG_st 2=BR_st 2_st r *9+BR_st 2_t f m*9;
BR_mass=BR_nose+BR_st 1_st r +BR_st 1_f uel +BR_st 2_st r +BR_st 2_t f m;
CG=( CG_nose+CG_st 1+CG_st 2) / BR_mass;

FF=( BR_st 1_f uel +BR_st 2_t f m) / BR_mass;

J x_nose=BR_nose*3*( 0. 65^2) / 10;
J x_st 1_st r =BR_st 1_st r *( 1. 1^2+1. 025^2) / 2;
J x_st 1_f uel =BR_st 1_f uel *( 1. 025^2) / 2;
J x_st 2_st r =BR_st 2_st r *( 0. 65^2+0. 575^2) / 2;
J x_st 2_f uel =BR_st 2_t f m*( 0. 575^2) / 2;
J x=J x_nose+J x_st 1_st r +J x_st 1_f uel +J x_st 2_st r +J x_st 2_f uel ;

J y_nose=BR_nose*3*( . 25*1. 3^2+2^2) +BR_nose*( CG- 10/ 8) ^2;
J y_st 1_st r =BR_st 1_st r *( 16^2/ 12+( 1. 1^2+1. 025^2) / 4) + . . .
BR_st 1_st r *( CG- 24) ^2;
J y_st 1_f uel =BR_st 1_f uel *( 1. 025^2/ 4 + BR_f uel _L^2/ 12) + . . .
BR_st 1_f uel *( CG- ( 32- BR_f uel _L/ 12) ) ^2;
J y_st 2_st r =BR_st 2_st r *( 14^2/ 12+( 0. 65^2+0. 575^2) / 4) + . . .
BR_st 2_st r *( CG- 9) ^2;
J y_st 2_f uel =BR_st 2_t f m*( 0. 575^2/ 4+7^2/ 12) + . . .
BR_st 2_t f m*( CG- 9) ^2;
J y=J y_nose+J y_st 1_st r +J y_st 1_f uel +J y_st 2_st r +J y_st 2_f uel ;
J z=J y;

di a=2. 2;
l engt h=2+14+16;

el sei f t <240;
%St age 2 - St age 1 has separ at ed; St age 2 Fuel i s consumed.
BR_st 2_f uel =BR_st 2_t f m- BR_st 2_f cr *( t - 130) ;
BR_f uel _L=BR_st 2_f uel / ( BR_f uel _p*pi *0. 575^2) ;
CG_nose=BR_nose*10/ 8;
CG_st 2=BR_st 2_st r *9+BR_st 2_f uel *( 14- BR_f uel _L) ;
BR_mass=BR_nose+BR_st 2_st r +BR_st 2_f uel ;
CG=( CG_nose+CG_st 2) / BR_mass;

J x_nose=BR_nose*3*( 0. 65^2) / 10;
J x_st 2_st r =BR_st 2_st r *( 0. 65^2+0. 575^2) / 2;
J x_st 2_f uel =BR_st 2_f uel *( 0. 575^2) / 2;
J x=J x_nose+J x_st 2_st r +J x_st 2_f uel ;

J y_nose=BR_nose*3*( 1. 3^2/ 4+2^2) +BR_nose*( CG- 10/ 8) ^2;
J y_st 2_st r =BR_st 2_st r *( 14^2/ 12+( 0. 65^2+0. 575^2) / 4) + . . .
BR_st 2_st r *( CG- 9) ^2;
J y_st 2_f uel =BR_st 2_f uel *( 0. 575^2/ 4+BR_f uel _L^2/ 12) + . . .
BR_st 2_f uel *( CG- ( 16- BR_f uel _L/ 2) ) ^2;
J y=J y_nose+J y_st 2_st r +J y_st 2_f uel ;
J z=J y;

di a=1. 3;
l engt h=2+14;
el se
%St age 3 - St age 2 has separ at ed; onl y t he unpower ed nosecone r emai ns.
BR_f uel _L=0;
CG_nose=BR_nose*10/ 8;
CG=( CG_nose) / BR_mass;

J x=BR_nose*3*( 0. 65^2) / 10;
J y=BR_nose*3*( 1. 3^2/ 4+2^2) +BR_nose*( CG- 10/ 8) ^2;
J z=J y;

di a=1. 3;
l engt h=2;


%%Combi ni ng t he r esul t s i nt o out put var i abl es.
J =[ J x 0 0;
0 J y 0;
0 0 J z] ;

r et ur n

3. BRFlight6.m
f unct i on [ udot ] =BRFl i ght 6( u)
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s scr i pt i nt egr at es t he posi t i on, vel oci t y, and accel er at i on
%val ues at each t i me st ep t o det er mi ne t he f l i ght pat h of a bal l i st i c
%mi ssi l e i n a gr avi t y t ur n. The scr i pt cal l s BRPar ams6. m, ZLDr agC. m,
%and STat mos. m

%Var i abl e Li st :
%[ ACoef f ] =Vect or of 13 coef f i ci ent s r et ur ned f r omAer ocoef f . m
%Aa =angl e of at t ack
%As =si desl i p angl e
%Cd =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%Cl =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%Cm =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%CN =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%Cn =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%CY =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%del t a_h =i t er at i ve val ue f or det er mi nat i on of al t i t ude
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er , base di amet er
%dP =Pi t ch cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on
%dPdot =Pi t ch cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on der i vat i ve
%Dr ag =Tot al dr ag f or ce
%dY =Yaw cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on
%dYdot =Yaw cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on der i vat i ve
%egm =i nt er medi at e val ue f or gr avi t y cal cul at i ons
%For ce =Tot al f or ce on t he cent er of mass
%g =Gr avi t y
%h =Al t i t ude above t he Ear t h sur f ace
%J =Mass Moment of I ner t i a Mat r i x
%l at gc =Geocent r i c Lat i t ude
%l at gd =Geodet i c Lat i t ude
%l m_g =Cel est i al Longi t ude
%Mach =Bal l i st i c Rocket speed i n Mach
%Mspd =Local Speed of Sound
%N =i t er at i ve val ue f or det er mi nat i on of al t i t ude
%Nh =i t er at i ve val ue f or det er mi nat i on of al t i t ude
%P =Rol l Rat e
%p =Bal l i st i c Rocket Posi t i on vect or , [ px; py; pz]
%pdot =Bal l i st i c Rocket Posi t i on der i vat i ve vect or
%phi =Eul er Rol l wr t ECEF
%pr ess =at mospher i c pr essur e
%psy =Eul er Yaw wr t ECEF
%px =X Posi t i on
%py =Y Posi t i on
%pz =Z Posi t i on
%Q =Pi t ch Rat e
%q =quat er ni on vect or
%q0 =Quat er ni on' s 0t h component
%q1 =Quat er ni on' s 1st component
%q2 =Quat er ni on' s 2nd component
%q3 =Quat er ni on' s 3r d component
%qdot =Quat er ni on der i vat i ve
%qnor m =Nor mal i zat i on of Quat er ni on
%Qr o =At mospher i c densi t y
%R =Yaw Rat e
%R_b2e =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%R_i 2b =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%R_i 2e =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%R_n2b =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%Rm =Bal l i st i c Rocket cur r ent mass
%r o =l ocal at mospher i c densi t y
%r p =i t er at i ve val ue f or gr avi t y
%speed =vel oci t y of t he r ocket i n m/ s
%t =t i me
%t het a =Eul er Pi t ch wr t ECEF
%t emp =l ocal at mospher i c t emper at ur e
%Thr ust =t hr ust vect or
%Tor que =t or que vect o r
%u =i nput vect or
%udot =out put vect or , t o be i nt egr at ed
%vb =vel oci t y vect or
%vdot =vel oci t y vect or der i vat i ve
%vx =X Vel oci t y
%vy =Y Vel oci t y
%vz =Z Vel oci t y
%wb =angul ar vel oci t y
%Wbwi =cr oss pr oduct mat r i x
%wdot =angul ar vel oci t y der i vat i ve
%Wewi =cr oss pr oduct mat r i x
%Wq =cr oss pr oduct mat r i x

gl obal l Long Re WzE Eps2 Gr avi t y R_e2n r uncount dq dr

%Var i abl e Def i ni t i ons and Quat er ni on Nor mal i zat i on
px=u( 1) ;
py=u( 2) ;
pz=u( 3) ;
vx=u( 4) ;
vy=u( 5) ;
vz=u( 6) ;
P =u( 7) ;
Q =u( 8) ;
R =u( 9) ;
qnor m=nor m( u( 10: 13) , 2) ;
q0=u( 10) / qnor m;
q1=u( 11) / qnor m;
q2=u( 12) / qnor m;
q3=u( 13) / qnor m;
t =u( 14) ;
dq=u( 15) ;
dr =u( 16) ;

%Vect or Def i ni t i ons
p =[ px; py; pz] ;
vb=[ vx; vy; vz] ;
wb=[ P; Q; R] ;
q =[ q0; q1; q2; q3] ;

%Geocent r i c Lat i t ude and Cel est i al Longi t ude f r om[ p]
l at gc=at an( pz/ sqr t ( px^2+py^2) ) ;
l m_g=( at an2( py, px) +l Long- WzE*t ) ;
i f l m_g > pi
l m_g=l m_g- pi ;
el sei f l m_g < - pi
l m_g=l m_g+pi ;

%Geodet i c Lat i t ude and Al t i t ude about t he Ear t h' s Geoi d f r om[ p]
h=0; N=Re; Nh=N+h; del t a_h=Re;
whi l e abs( del t a_h) > . 1
l at gd=at an( pz/ sqr t ( px^2+py^2) / ( 1- N*Eps2/ Nh) ) ;
N=Re/ sqr t ( 1- Eps2*si n( l at gd) ^2) ;
Nh=sqr t ( px^2+py^2) / cos( l at gd) ;
del t a_h=Nh- N- h;
h=h+del t a_h;

%Gr avi t y, At mospher e f r omEGM1996
r p=nor m( p, 2) ;
egm=di ag( [ 1; 1; 3] ) ;
g=- Gr avi t y*3. 986004418e14/ r p^2*( eye( 3) +1. 5*1. 0826267e- 3*( Re/ r p) ^2*. . .
( egm- 5*( pz/ r p) ^2*eye( 3) ) ) *p/ r p;
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( h) ;

%Speed, Mach Number , Angl es
speed=nor m( vb, 2) ;
Mspd=sqr t ( 1. 402*287*t emp) ;
Mach=speed/ Mspd;

Aa=at an2( vz, vx) ;
As=at an2( vy, speed) ;
i f As<1e- 3

%Moment Mat r i x, Aer odynami c Coef f i ci ent s
[ J , Rm, di a, l engt h] =BRPar ams( t ) ;
CD=ZLDr agC( Mach, t ) ;
Sr ef =pi *di a^2/ 4;
Dr ag=r o*speed*vb*CD*Sr ef / 2;
Qr o=0. 5*r o*speed^2;

[ CN_Aa Cm_Aa CY_As Cn_As Cl _dp CY_dp Cn_dp. . .
Cl _dr CY_dr Cn_dr Cl _As CN_dq Cm_dq] =Aer oCoef f ( Aa, h, dq, t ) ;

CY=CY_As*As+CY_dr *dr ;
Cl =Cl _As*As+Cl _dr *dr +di a/ 2*speed*[ - 0. 5*P] ;
Cm=Cm_Aa*Aa+Cm_dq*dq+di a/ 2*speed*[ - 0. 5*Q] ;
Cn=Cn_As*As+Cn_dr *dr +di a/ 2*speed*[ - 0. 5*R] ;

%For ce, Tor que
i f t < 130
Thr ust =[ 103500*9. 81; 0; 0] ;
el sei f t < 240
Thr ust =[ 26200*9. 81; 0; 0] ;
el se
Thr ust =[ 0; 0; 0] ;

For ce=Sr ef *Qr o. *[ 0; CY; - CN] +Thr ust - Dr ag;
Tor que=Sr ef *Qr o. *[ di a*Cl ; 100*l engt h*Cm; di a*Cn] ;

%Quat er ni on f r omECI t o Body Cent er ed
R_i 2b=[ q0^2+q1^2- q2^2- q3^2 2*( q1*q2+q0*q3) 2*( q1*q3- q0*q2) ;
2*( q1*q2- q0*q3) q0^2- q1^2+q2^2- q3^2 2*( q2*q3+q0*q1) ;
2*( q1*q3+q0*q2) 2*( q2*q3- q0*q1) q0^2- q1^2- q2^2+q3^2] ;

%Rot at i on f r omECI t o ECEF and f r om{b} t o ECEF
R_i 2e=[ cos( l Long+WzE*t ) si n( l Long+WzE*t ) 0;
- si n( l Long+WzE*t ) cos( l Long+WzE*t ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_b2e=R_i 2e*R_i 2b' ;
R_n2b=( R_e2n*R_b2e) ' ;

%Eul er Angl es wr t {n}
phi =at an2( R_n2b( 2, 3) , R_n2b( 3, 3) ) ;
t het a=asi n( - R_n2b( 1, 3) ) ;
psy=at an2( R_n2b( 1, 2) , R_n2b( 1, 1) ) ;

%Cr oss- Pr oduct mat r i ces
Wewi =[ 0 - WzE 0;
WzE 0 0;
0 0 0] ;
Wbwi =[ 0 - R Q;
R 0 - P;
- Q P 0] ;
Wq=[ 0 - P - Q - R;
P 0 R - Q;
Q - R 0 P;
R Q - P 0] ;

%St at e Equat i ons
pdot =Wewi *p+R_i 2b' *vb;
vdot =R_i 2b*( g- Wewi ^2*p) - ( Wbwi +2*R_i 2b*Wewi *R_i 2b' ) *vb+For ce/ Rm;
wdot =i nv( J ) *Tor que- i nv( J ) *Wbwi *J *wb;
qdot =Wq*q/ 2;

f or i nd=1: 3
i f wdot ( i nd) <1e- 5
wdot ( i nd) =0;

%Out put Vect or udot
udot =[ pdot ; vdot ; wdot ; qdot ;
phi ; t het a; psy; Aa; As; speed;
l at gd; l m_g; h; ] ;

3. SMDetails6.m
%%Scr i pt Fi l e
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s scr i pt def i nes mass and f uel par amet er s of t he SM- 6 i nt er cept or
%mi ssi l e, as ext r act ed f r omsever al open sour ce mat er i al s r el at i ng t o
%t he Rayt heon SM- 6 ERAAWi nt er cept or mi ssi l e pr oj ect .

%Thi s scr i pt cal cul at es t he vol ume of st r uct ur al mat er i al and
%t her ef or e wei ght of t he st r uct ur al component s, assumi ng st r uct ur al
%st eel as t he pr i mar y st r uct ur al mat er i al . The pr ocess t o det er mi ne
%t he aver age t hi ckness of t he st r uct ur e was an i t er at i ve pr ocess based
%on t he known i nf or mat i on of l aunch wei ght , some f uel dat a, payl oad,
%and bur n t i mes.

%%Var i abl es Li st
%l =l engt h, var i es by component
%p_SM_st 1_f uel =densi t y of st age 1 r ocket f uel
%p_SM_st 2_f uel =densi t y of st age 2 r ocket f uel
%p_SMst r =densi t y of st r uct ur al mat er i al
%r =r adi us, var i es by component
%r 0 =out er r adi us, var i es by component
%r i =i nner r adi us, var i es by component
%SM_body =t ot al mass of body sect i on
%SM_nose =t ot al mass of nosecone sect i on
%SM_st 1_f r =f uel consumpt i on r at e of st age1
%SM_st 1_st r =t ot al mass of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%SM_st 1_t f m =t ot al f uel mass of st age 1
%SM_st 2_f r =f uel consumpt i on r at e of st age2
%SM_st 2_st r =t ot al mass of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%SM_st 2_t f m =t ot al f uel mass of st age 2
%t h =t hi ckness of st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_body =vol ume of body st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_nose_st r =vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_nose_st r 0 =vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al ,
% i nt er medi at e val ue
%V_nose_st r 1 =vol ume of nosecone st r uct ur al mat er i al ,
% i nt er medi at e val ue
%V_st 1_f uel =vol ume of st age 1 f uel
%V_st 1_st r =vol ume of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%V_st 2_f uel =vol ume of st age 2 f uel
%V_st 2_st r =vol ume of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al

gl obal p_SMst r p_SM_st 2_f uel p_SM_st 1_f uel SM_nose SM_st 2_st r
gl obal SM_st 1_st r SM_body SM_st 2_t f mSM_st 1_t f mSM_st 1_f r SM_st 2_f r

%%St r uct ur al Component s
p_SMst r =7682;
t h=. 007;

%Mass of Nosecone
l =. 8255;
r =0. 34/ 2;
V_nose_st r 0=pi *( l *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2+l ^3/ 3- ( ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) - r ) *. . .
( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2*asi n( l / ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ) ) ;
l =. 8255- t h;
r =0. 34/ 2- t h;
V_nose_st r 1=pi *( l *( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2+l ^3/ 3- ( ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) - r ) *. . .
( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ^2*asi n( l / ( ( r ^2+l ^2) / ( 2*r ) ) ) ) ;
V_nose_st r =V_nose_st r 0- V_nose_st r 1;
SM_nose=V_nose_st r *p_SMst r ;

%Mass of Body/ War head Sect i on
l =3. 729- 2. 88;
r 0=0. 34/ 2;
r i =0. 34/ 2- t h;
V_body=l *pi *( r 0^2- r i ^2) ;
SM_body=V_body*p_SMst r +115;

%Mass of St age 2 ( Mk104 Engi ne)
l =2. 88;
r 0=0. 34/ 2;
r i =0. 34/ 2- t h;
V_st 2_st r =l *pi *( r 0^2- r i ^2) ;
SM_st 2_st r =V_st 2_st r *p_SMst r ;

%Mass of St age 1 ( Mk72 Boost er )
l =1. 72;
r 0=0. 53/ 2;
r i =0. 53/ 2- t h;
V_st 1_st r =l *pi *( r 0^2- r i ^2) ;
SM_st 1_st r =V_st 1_st r *p_SMst r ;

%%Fuel Component s
%St age 2
V_st 2_f uel =0. 70*l *pi *r i ^2;
SM_st 2_t f m=360;
p_SM_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_t f m/ V_st 2_f uel ;
SM_st 2_f r =360/ 20;

%St age 1
V_st 1_f uel =0. 70*l *pi *r i ^2;
p_SM_st 1_f uel =1860;
SM_st 1_t f m=468;
SM_st 1_f r =468/ 6;


5. SMParams6.m
f unct i on [ J , SM_mass, C] =SMPar ams6( t )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on cal cul at es t he J Mat r i x and Mass of t he i nt er cept or ,
%assumi ng a cr uci f or mr ocket i n t wo st ages t o i nt er cept . Thi s
%f unct i on al so r et ur ns t he r ef er ence ( base) di amet er of t he mi ssi l e.

%%Not es:
%Al l CGs ar e measur ed f r omt he t i p of t he nosecone.
%The r ocket i s di vi ded i nt o f i ve component s: t he nosecone and payl oad,
%st age one st r uct ur e, st age one f uel , st age 2 st r uct ur e, st age 2 f uel .
%Sol i d f uel i s assumed t o bur n f r omt he cent er l i ne r adi al l y out war d.
%A const ant bur n pr of i l e i s assumed, such as a st ar gr ai n pr oduces.
%See descr i pt i on i n SMDet ai l . mf or speci f i c der i vat i on of r easons.
%The f i r st st age l ast 6 seconds, t he second st age l ast s an addi t i onal
%15 seconds. St age 1 ( boost er ) separ at es upon compl et i on. St age 2
%does not separ at e af t er compl et i on.

%Var i abl e Li st :
%SM_mass =t ot al r ocket mass
%SM_nose =t ot al mass of nosecone sect i on
%SM_st 1_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 1 f uel
%SM_st 1_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 1 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%SM_st 1_st r =t ot al mass of st age 1 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%SM_st 1_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 1 f uel
%SM_st 2_f cr =consumpt i on r at e of st age 2 f uel
%SM_st 2_f uel =r emai ni ng st age 2 f uel based on t i me and
% consumpt i on r at e
%SM_st 2_st r =t ot al mass of st age 2 st r uct ur al mat er i al
%SM_st 2_t f m =t ot al mass of st age 2 f uel
%CG =t ot al r ocket cent er of gr avi t y
%CG_nose =nosecone cent er of gr avi t y
%CG_st 1 =st age 1 cent er of gr avi t y
%CG_st 2 =st age 2 cent er of gr avi t y
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er , base di amet er
%J =Mat r i x of moment of i ner t i a
%J x =t ot al r ocket moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_nose =nosecone moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 1_f uel =st age 1 f uel moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 1_st r =st age 1 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 2_f uel =st age 2 f uel moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J x_st 2_st r =st age 2 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, x- axi s
%J y =t ot al r ocket moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_nose =nosecone moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 1_f uel =st age 1 f uel moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 1_st r =st age 1 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 2_f uel =st age 2 f uel moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J y_st 2_st r =st age 2 st r uct ur e moment of i ner t i a, y- axi s
%J z =t ot al r ocket moment of i ner t i a, z- axi s
%L_SMf uel =Lengt h of r emai ni ng f uel i n t he st age
%p_SMf uel =densi t y of r ocket f uel
%p_SMst r =densi t y of st r uct ur al mat er i al
%t =t i me

gl obal p_SMst r p_SM_st 1_f uel p_SM_st 2_f uel SM_nose SM_st 2_st r
gl obal SM_st 1_st r SM_body SM_st 2_f uel _mass SM_st 1_f uel _mass
gl obal SM_st 1_f uel _r at e SM_st 2_f uel _r at e

%Moment Mat r i x
i f t <6
%St age 1 - St age 1 Fuel i s consumed; St age 2 Fuel i s not used.
SM_st 1_f uel =SM_st 1_f uel _mass- SM_st 1_f uel _r at e*t ;
r i =sqr t ( 0. 258^2- SM_st 1_f uel / ( p_SM_st 1_f uel *1. 72*pi ) ) ;

CG_nose=3/ 4*0. 8255*SM_nose;
CG_body=( 0. 8255+0. 8445/ 2) *SM_body;
CG_st 2=( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) *( SM_st 2_st r +SM_st 2_f uel _mass) ;
CG_st 1=( 4. 55+1. 72/ 2) *( SM_st 1_st r +SM_st 1_f uel ) ;

SM_mass=SM_nose+SM_body+SM_st 2_st r +SM_st 2_f uel _mass+SM_st 1_st r +. . .
SM_st 1_f uel ;
CG=( CG_nose+CG_body+CG_st 2+CG_st 1) / SM_mass;

J x_nose=SM_nose*3/ 10*0. 17^2;
J x_body=SM_body*0. 17^2/ 2;
J x_st 2_st r =SM_st 2_st r *( 0. 17^2+0. 163^2) / 2;
J x_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_f uel _mass*( 0. 163^2+0. 091^2) / 2;
J x_st 1_st r =SM_st 1_st r *( 0. 265^2+0. 258^2) / 2;
J x_st 1_f uel =SM_st 1_f uel *( 0. 258^2+. 141^2) / 2;
J x=J x_nose+J x_body+J x_st 2_st r +J x_st 2_f uel +J x_st 1_st r +J x_st 1_f uel ;

J y_nose=SM_nose*( 12*0. 17^2+3*0. 8255^2) / 80+SM_nose*( CG- 3*0. 8255/ 4) ^2;
J y_body=SM_body*( 0. 17^2/ 4+0. 8445^2/ 12) +SM_body*. . .
( CG- ( 0. 8255+0. 8445/ 2) ) ^2;
J y_st 2_st r =SM_st 2_st r *( ( 0. 17^2+0. 163^2) / 4+2. 88^2/ 12) +SM_st 2_st r *. . .
( CG- ( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) ) ^2;
J y_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_f uel _mass*( ( 0. 163^2+0. 091^2) / 4+2. 88^2/ 12) +. . .
SM_st 2_f uel _mass*( CG- ( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) ) ^2;
J y_st 1_st r =SM_st 1_st r *( ( 0. 265^2+0. 258^2) / 4+2. 88^2/ 12) +SM_st 1_st r *. . .
( CG- ( 4. 55+1. 72/ 2) ) ^2;
J y_st 1_f uel =SM_st 1_f uel *( ( 0. 258^2+0. 141^2) / 4+2. 88^2/ 12) +. . .
SM_st 1_f uel *( CG- ( 4. 55+1. 72/ 2) ) ^2;
J y=J y_nose+J y_body+J y_st 2_st r +J y_st 2_f uel +J y_st 1_st r +J y_st 1_f uel ;
J z=J y;

di a=0. 53;

el sei f t <26
%St age 2 - St age 1 has separ at ed; St age 2 Fuel i s consumed.
SM_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_f uel _mass- SM_st 2_f uel _r at e*t ;
r i =sqr t ( 0. 17^2- SM_st 2_f uel / ( p_SM_st 2_f uel *2. 88*pi ) ) ;

CG_nose=3/ 4*0. 8255*SM_nose;
CG_body=( 0. 8255+0. 8445/ 2) *SM_body;
CG_st 2 =( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) *( SM_st 2_st r +SM_st 2_f uel ) ;

SM_mass=SM_nose+SM_body+SM_st 2_st r +SM_st 2_f uel ;
CG=( CG_nose+CG_body+CG_st 2) / SM_mass;

J x_nose=SM_nose*3/ 10*0. 17^2;
J x_body=SM_body*0. 17^2/ 2;
J x_st 2_st r =SM_st 2_st r *( 0. 17^2+0. 163^2) / 2;
J x_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_f uel *( 0. 163^2+0. 091^2) / 2;
J x=J x_nose+J x_body+J x_st 2_st r +J x_st 2_f uel ;

J y_nose=SM_nose*( 12*0. 17^2+3*0. 8255^2) / 80+SM_nose*. . .
( CG- 3*0. 8255/ 4) ^2;
J y_body=SM_body*( 0. 17^2/ 4+0. 8445^2/ 12) +SM_body*. . .
( CG- ( 0. 8255+0. 8445/ 2) ) ^2;
J y_st 2_st r =SM_st 2_st r *( ( 0. 17^2+0. 163^2) / 4+2. 88^2/ 12) +. . .
SM_st 2_st r *( CG- ( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) ) ^2;
J y_st 2_f uel =SM_st 2_f uel *( ( 0. 163^2+0. 091^2) / 4+2. 88^2/ 12) +. . .
SM_st 2_f uel *( CG- ( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) ) ^2;
J y=J y_nose+J y_body+J y_st 2_st r +J y_st 2_f uel ;
J z=J y;

di a=0. 34;

el se
%St age 3 - St age 2 has not separ at ed; ent i r e mi ssi l e i s unpower ed.
CG_nose=3/ 4*0. 8255*SM_nose;
CG_body=( 0. 8255+0. 8445/ 2) *SM_body;
CG_st 2 =( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) *SM_st 2_st r ;

SM_mass=SM_nose+SM_body+SM_st 2_st r ;
CG=( CG_nose+CG_body+CG_st 2) / SM_mass;

J x_nose=SM_nose*3/ 10*0. 17^2;
J x_body=SM_body*0. 17^2/ 2;
J x_st 2_st r =SM_st 2_st r *( 0. 17^2+0. 163^2) / 2;
J x=J x_nose+J x_body+J x_st 2_st r ;

J y_nose=SM_nose*( 12*0. 17^2+3*0. 8255^2) / 80+SM_nose*. . .
( CG- 3*0. 8255/ 4) ^2;
J y_body=SM_body*( 0. 17^2/ 4+0. 8445^2/ 12) +SM_body*. . .
( CG- ( 0. 8255+0. 8445/ 2) ) ^2;
J y_st 2_st r =SM_st 2_st r *( ( 0. 17^2+0. 163^2) / 4+2. 88^2/ 12) +SM_st 2_st r *. . .
( CG- ( 1. 67+2. 88/ 2) ) ^2;
J y=J y_nose+J y_body+J y_st 2_st r ;
J z=J y;

di a=0. 34;


%Combi ni ng t he r esul t s i nt o out put var i abl es.
J =[ J x 0 0;
0 J y 0;
0 0 J z] ;

r et ur n
6. SMFlight6.m
f unct i on [ udot ] =SMFl i ght 6( u)
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s scr i pt i nt egr at es t he posi t i on, vel oci t y, and accel er at i on
val ues
%at each t i me st ep t o det er mi ne t he f l i ght pat h of a SM- 6 mi ssi l e
%under gui dance. The scr i pt cal l s SMPar ams6. m, ZLDr agC. m, and
%STat mos. m

%Var i abl e Li st :
%[ ACoef f ] =Vect or of 13 coef f i ci ent s r et ur ned f r omAer ocoef f . m
%Aa =angl e of at t ack
%As =si desl i p angl e
%Cd =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%Cl =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%Cm =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%CN =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%Cn =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%CY =aer odynami c coef f i ci ent
%del t a_h =i t er at i ve val ue f or det er mi nat i on of al t i t ude
%di a =r ef er ence di amet er , base di amet er
%dP =Pi t ch cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on
%dPdot =Pi t ch cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on der i vat i ve
%Dr ag =Tot al dr ag f or ce
%dY =Yaw cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on
%dYdot =Yaw cont r ol sur f ace def l ect i on der i vat i ve
%egm =i nt er medi at e val ue f or gr avi t y cal cul at i ons
%For ce =Tot al f or ce on t he cent er of mass
%g =Gr avi t y
%h =Al t i t ude above t he Ear t h sur f ace
%J =Mass Moment of I ner t i a Mat r i x
%l at gc =Geocent r i c Lat i t ude
%l at gd =Geodet i c Lat i t ude
%l m_g =Cel est i al Longi t ude
%Mach =speed i n Mach
%Mspd =Local Speed of Sound
%N =i t er at i ve val ue f or det er mi nat i on of al t i t ude
%Nh =i t er at i ve val ue f or det er mi nat i on of al t i t ude
%P =Rol l Rat e
%p =Posi t i on vect or , [ px; py; pz]
%pdot =Posi t i on der i vat i ve vect or
%phi =Eul er Rol l wr t ECEF
%pr ess =at mospher i c pr essur e
%psy =Eul er Yaw wr t ECEF
%px =X Posi t i on
%py =Y Posi t i on
%pz =Z Posi t i on
%Q =Pi t ch Rat e
%q =quat er ni on vect or
%q0 =Quat er ni on' s 0t h component
%q1 =Quat er ni on' s 1st component
%q2 =Quat er ni on' s 2nd component
%q3 =Quat er ni on' s 3r d component
%qdot =Quat er ni on der i vat i ve
%qnor m =Nor mal i zat i on of Quat er ni on
%Qr o =At mospher i c densi t y
%R =Yaw Rat e
%R_b2e =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%R_i 2b =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%R_i 2e =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%R_n2b =Rot at i on Mat r i x
%Rm =cur r ent mass
%r o =l ocal at mospher i c densi t y
%r p =i t er at i ve val ue f or gr avi t y
%speed =vel oci t y i n m/ s
%t =t i me
%t het a =Eul er Pi t ch wr t ECEF
%t emp =l ocal at mospher i c t emper at ur e
%Thr ust =t hr ust vect or
%Tor que =t or que vect or
%u =i nput vect or
%udot =out put vect or , t o be i nt egr at ed
%vb =vel oci t y vect or
%vdot =vel oci t y vect or der i vat i ve
%vx =X Vel oci t y
%vy =Y Vel oci t y
%vz =Z Vel oci t y
%wb =angul ar vel oci t y
%Wbwi =cr oss pr oduct mat r i x
%wdot =angul ar vel oci t y der i vat i ve
%Wewi =cr oss pr oduct mat r i x
%Wq =cr oss pr oduct mat r i x

gl obal l Long Re WzE Eps2 Gr avi t y R_e2n r uncount dq dr

%Var i abl e Def i ni t i ons and Quat er ni on Nor mal i zat i on
px=u( 1) ;
py=u( 2) ;
pz=u( 3) ;
vx=u( 4) ;
vy=u( 5) ;
vz=u( 6) ;
P =u( 7) ;
Q =u( 8) ;
R =u( 9) ;
qnor m=nor m( u( 10: 13) , 2) ;
q0=u( 10) / qnor m;
q1=u( 11) / qnor m;
q2=u( 12) / qnor m;
q3=u( 13) / qnor m;
t =u( 14) ;
dq=u( 15) ;
dr =u( 16) ;

%Vect or Def i ni t i ons
p =[ px; py; pz] ;
vb=[ vx; vy; vz] ;
wb=[ P; Q; R] ;
q =[ q0; q1; q2; q3] ;

%Geocent r i c Lat i t ude and Cel est i al Longi t ude f r om[ p]
l at gc=at an( pz/ sqr t ( px^2+py^2) ) ;
l m_g=( at an2( py, px) +l Long- WzE*t ) ;
i f l m_g > pi
l m_g=l m_g- pi ;
el sei f l m_g < - pi
l m_g=l m_g+pi ;

%Geodet i c Lat i t ude and Al t i t ude about t he Ear t h' s Geoi d f r om[ p]
h=0; N=Re; Nh=N+h; del t a_h=Re;
whi l e abs( del t a_h) > . 1
l at gd=at an( pz/ sqr t ( px^2+py^2) / ( 1- N*Eps2/ Nh) ) ;
N=Re/ sqr t ( 1- Eps2*si n( l at gd) ^2) ;
Nh=sqr t ( px^2+py^2) / cos( l at gd) ;
del t a_h=Nh- N- h;
h=h+del t a_h;

%Gr avi t y, At mospher e f r omEGM1996
r p=nor m( p, 2) ;
egm=di ag( [ 1; 1; 3] ) ;
g=- Gr avi t y*3. 986004418e14/ r p^2*( eye( 3) +1. 5*1. 0826267e- . . .
3*( Re/ r p) ^2*( egm- 5*( pz/ r p) ^2*eye( 3) ) ) *p/ r p;
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( h) ;

%Speed, Mach Number , Angl es
speed=nor m( vb, 2) ;
Mspd=sqr t ( 1. 402*287*t emp) ;
Mach=speed/ Mspd;

Aa=at an2( vz, vx) ;
As=at an2( vy, speed) ;
i f As<1e- 3

%Moment Mat r i x, Aer odynami c Coef f i ci ent s
[ J , Rm, di a, l engt h] =SMPar ams6( t ) ;
CD=ZLDr agC( Mach, t ) ;
Sr ef =pi *di a^2/ 4;
Dr ag=r o*speed*vb*CD*Sr ef / 2;
Qr o=0. 5*r o*speed^2;

[ CN_Aa Cm_Aa CY_As Cn_As Cl _dp CY_dp Cn_dp. . .
Cl _dr CY_dr Cn_dr Cl _As CN_dq Cm_dq] =Aer oCoef f ( Aa, h, dq, t ) ;

CY=CY_As*As+CY_dr *dr ;
Cl =Cl _As*As+Cl _dr *dr +di a/ 2*speed*[ - 0. 5*P] ;
Cm=Cm_Aa*Aa+Cm_dq*dq+di a/ 2*speed*[ - 0. 5*Q] ;
Cn=Cn_As*As+Cn_dr *dr +di a/ 2*speed*[ - 0. 5*R] ;

%For ce, Tor que
i f t < 130
Thr ust =[ 206500; 0; 0] ;
el sei f t < 240
Thr ust =[ 95300; 0; 0] ;
el se
Thr ust =[ 0; 0; 0] ;

For ce=Sr ef *Qr o. *[ 0; CY; - CN] +Thr ust - Dr ag;
Tor que=Sr ef *Qr o. *[ di a*Cl ; 100*l engt h*Cm; di a*Cn] ;

%Quat er ni on f r omECI t o Body Cent er ed
R_i 2b=[ q0^2+q1^2- q2^2- q3^2 2*( q1*q2+q0*q3) 2*( q1*q3- q0*q2) ;
2*( q1*q2- q0*q3) q0^2- q1^2+q2^2- q3^2 2*( q2*q3+q0*q1) ;
2*( q1*q3+q0*q2) 2*( q2*q3- q0*q1) q0^2- q1^2- q2^2+q3^2] ;

%Rot at i on f r omECI t o ECEF and f r om{b} t o ECEF
R_i 2e=[ cos( l Long+WzE*t ) si n( l Long+WzE*t ) 0;
- si n( l Long+WzE*t ) cos( l Long+WzE*t ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_b2e=R_i 2e*R_i 2b' ;
R_n2b=( R_e2n*R_b2e) ' ;

%Eul er Angl es wr t {n}
phi =at an2( R_n2b( 2, 3) , R_n2b( 3, 3) ) ;
t het a=asi n( - R_n2b( 1, 3) ) ;
psy=at an2( R_n2b( 1, 2) , R_n2b( 1, 1) ) ;

%Cr oss- Pr oduct mat r i ces
Wewi =[ 0 - WzE 0;
WzE 0 0;
0 0 0] ;
Wbwi =[ 0 - R Q;
R 0 - P;
- Q P 0] ;
Wq=[ 0 - P - Q - R;
P 0 R - Q;
Q - R 0 P;
R Q - P 0] ;

%St at e Equat i ons
pdot =Wewi *p+R_i 2b' *vb;
vdot =R_i 2b*( g- Wewi ^2*p) - ( Wbwi +2*R_i 2b*Wewi *R_i 2b' ) *vb+For ce/ Rm;
wdot =i nv( J ) *Tor que- i nv( J ) *Wbwi *J *wb;
qdot =Wq*q/ 2;

f or i nd=1: 3
i f wdot ( i nd) <1e- 5
wdot ( i nd) =0;
nd e

%Out put Vect or udot
udot =[ pdot ; vdot ; wdot ; qdot ;
phi ; t het a; psy; Aa; As; speed;
l at gd; l m_g; h; ] ;

7. ACoeff.m
f unct i on [ CN_Aa Cm_Aa CY_As Cn_As Cl _dp CY_dp Cn_dp. . .
Cl _dr CY_dr Cn_dr Cl _As CN_dq Cm_dq] =Aer oCoef f ( Aa, h, dq, t )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on i nt er pol at es t o det er mi ne sever al aer odynami c
%coef f i ci ent s t o be ut i l i zed by t he BRFl i ght . mf unct i on f or
cal cul at i on
%of f or ces and moment s act i ng on t he mi ssi l e.

%The t abl es used wer e poi nt - pl ot t ed f r omt he book:
% Tact i cal Mi ssi l e Aer odynami cs: Gener al Topi cs, M. J . Hemsch
( Edi t or )
% Pr ogr ess i n Ast r onaut i cs and Aer onaut i cs, Vol . 141, c1992
% Chapt er 2, Aer odynami c Consi der at i ons f or Aut opi l ot Desi gn,
% L. L. Cr onvi ch, Fi gur es 8, 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 23 f r ompp. 47- 59

%Var i abl e Li st :
%Aa =angl e of at t ack, f unct i on i nput .
%CY_As =aer odynami c si de f or ce coef f i ci ent .
%CY_dr =aer odynami c yaw cont r ol f or ce der i vat i ve.
%CY_dp =aer odynami c yaw cont r ol coupl i ng der i vat i ve.
%CN_Aa =aer odynami c nor mal f or ce coef f i ci ent ,
% r equi r es mul t i pl e i nt er pol at i ons.
%CN_dq =aer odynami c pi t ch cont r ol f or ce der i vat i ve.
%Cl _As =aer odynami c si de moment coef f i ci ent .
%Cl _dr =aer odynami c r ol l cont r ol coupl i ng der i vat i ve.
%Cl _dp =aer odynami c r ol l cont r ol moment der i vat i ve.
%Cm_Aa =aer odynami c pi t chi ng moment coef f i ci ent ,
% r equi r es mul t i pl e i nt er pol at i ons.
%Cm_dq =aer odynami c pi t ch cont r ol moment der i vat i ve.
%Cn_As =aer odynami c yaw moment coef f i ci ent .
%Cn_dr =aer odynami c yaw cont r ol moment der i vat i ve.
%Cn_dp =aer odynami c yaw cont r ol coupl i ng der i vat i ve.
%dq =pi t ch cont r ol l i ng sur f ace def l ect i on, ut i l i zed t o
% cal cul at e var i abl es r equi r i ng mul t i pl e i nt er pol at i ons,
% f unct i on i nput .
%si gn( dq) =ut i l i zed t o cr eat e symmet r i c r esponse t o dq commands.
% Obt ai ns a val ue of +1 i f dq>0, - 1 i f dq<0.
%h =al t i t ude i n met er s, conver t ed t o km, f unct i on i nput .
%n00, n10, n20=t abul ar val ue of dq f r ompoi nt pl ot s. Ut i l i zed f or
% i ni t i al i nt er pol at i on of CN_Aa, Cm_Aa, and Cl _As t o cr eat e
% t he secondar y i nt er pol at i on t abl es. The act ual i nput
% val ue of dq i s t hen used t o i nt er pol at e bet ween t he t hr ee
% val ues.

AoA =[ 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 ] ;
Al t =[ 0 3. 048 6. 096 9. 144 12. 192 15. 24 18. 288 86 ] ;
Tdq =[ 0 10 20 ] ;

Aa=Aa*180/ pi ;
dq=dq*180/ pi ;
h=h/ 1000;

i f dq == abs( dq) %Assume t he coef f i ci ent val ues ar e symmet r i cal
si gn=1; %ar ound t he mean l i ne of t he cont r ol sur f ace.
el se
si gn=- 1;

%%Tabl es
%Fi g 8 - St abi l i t y Dat a, Pi t ch Pl ane
T_CN_Aa_dqn00=[ 0 0. 545 1. 212 2. 061 3. 212 4. 424 5. 697 ] ;
T_CN_Aa_dqn10=[ - 0. 424 0. 061 0. 727 1. 576 2. 727 3. 879 5. 152 ] ;
T_CN_Aa_dqn20=[ - 0. 969 - 0. 485 0. 242 1. 182 2. 242 3. 455 4. 606 ] ;
T_Cm_Aa_dqn00=[ 0 - 0. 394 - 0. 848 - 1. 394 - 1. 969 - 2. 545 - 3. 212 ] ;
T_Cm_Aa_dqn10=[ 2. 061 1. 697 1. 273 0. 788 0. 303 - 0. 182 - 0. 667 ] ;
T_Cm_Aa_dqn20=[ 4. 545 3. 909 3. 273 2. 606 2. 121 1. 818 1. 667 ] ;

%Fi g 10 - Yaw St abi l i t y Der i vat i ves
T_CY_As=[ - 0. 114 - 0. 118 - 0. 127 - 0. 136 - 0. 152 - 0. 177 - 0. 207 ] ;
T_Cn_As=[ 0. 106 0. 085 0. 042 - 0. 015 - 0. 042 - 0. 021 0. 042 ] ;

%Fi g 14 - Rol l Der i vat i ve
T_Cl _dp=[ 0. 08 0. 08 0. 082 0. 084 0. 086 0. 088 0. 09 ] ;

%Fi g 17 - Rol l Cont r ol Coupl i ng Der i vat i ves
T_CY_dp=[ 0 - 0. 002 - 0. 005 - 0. 009 - 0. 016 - 0. 024 - 0. 032 ] ;
T_Cn_dp=[ 0 0. 0078 0. 019 0. 039 0. 068 0. 104 0. 141 ] ;

%Fi g 18 - Yaw Cont r ol Der i vat i ves
T_Cl _dr =[ 0 - 0. 001 - 0. 004 - 0. 009 - 0. 016 - 0. 023 - 0. 031 ] ;
T_CY_dr =[ 0. 050 0. 050 0. 050 0. 051 0. 053 0. 056 0. 059 ] ;
T_Cn_dr =[ - 0. 209 - 0. 217 - 0. 223 - 0. 231 - 0. 241 - 0. 250 - 0. 266 ] ;

%Fi g 19 - Ef f ect of Pi t ch Cont r ol on Rol l St abi l i t y
T_Cl _As_dqn00=[ 0 0. 011 0. 039 0. 106 0. 123 0. 082 0. 021 ] ;
T_Cl _As_dqn10=[ 0 0. 033 0. 102 0. 227 0. 269 0. 219 0. 167 ] ;

%Fi g 23 - Pi t ch Cont r ol Der i vat i ves f or Aer oel ast i c Mi ssi l e
T_CN_dq=[ 0. 1634 0. 1649 0. 1656 0. 1662 0. 1665 0. 1667 0. 1668. . .
0. 167 ] ;
T_Cm_dq=[ 0. 0689 0. 0827 0. 0921 0. 0985 0. 1033 0. 1061 0. 1076. . .
0. 110 ] ;

%%Cal cul at i on of Coef f i ci ent Val ues
%Angl e of At t ack based val ues
CN_Aa_dqn00=i nt er p1( AoA, T_CN_Aa_dqn00, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
CN_Aa_dqn10=i nt er p1( AoA, T_CN_Aa_dqn10, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
CN_Aa_dqn20=i nt er p1( AoA, T_CN_Aa_dqn20, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cm_Aa_dqn00=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cm_Aa_dqn00, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cm_Aa_dqn10=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cm_Aa_dqn10, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cm_Aa_dqn20=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cm_Aa_dqn20, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
CY_As=i nt er p1( AoA, T_CY_As, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cn_As=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cn_As, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cl _dp=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cl _dp, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
CY_dp=i nt er p1( AoA, T_CY_dp, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cn_dp=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cn_dp, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cl _dr =i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cl _dr , Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
CY_dr =i nt er p1( AoA, T_CY_dr , Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cn_dr =i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cn_dr , Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cl _As_dqn00=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cl _As_dqn00, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cl _As_dqn10=i nt er p1( AoA, T_Cl _As_dqn10, Aa, ' spl i ne' ) ;

%Al t i t ude based val ues
CN_dq=i nt er p1( Al t , T_CN_dq, h, ' l i near ' ) ;
Cm_dq=i nt er p1( Al t , T_Cm_dq, h, ' l i near ' ) ;

%%Fur t her I nt er pol at i on of dq var i abl es
T2_CN_Aa=[ CN_Aa_dqn00 CN_Aa_dqn10 CN_Aa_dqn20 ] ;
T2_Cm_Aa=[ Cm_Aa_dqn00 Cm_Aa_dqn10 Cm_Aa_dqn20 ] ;
T2_Cl _As=[ Cl _As_dqn00 Cl _As_dqn10 Cl _As_dqn10 ] ;

CN_Aa_1=i nt er p1( Tdq, T2_CN_Aa, abs( dq) , ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cm_Aa_1=i nt er p1( Tdq, T2_Cm_Aa, abs( dq) , ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cl _As_1=i nt er p1( Tdq, T2_Cl _As, abs( dq) , ' spl i ne' ) ;
Cl _As=Cl _As_1;

r et ur n

8. Animation.m
%%Scr i pt Fi l e
%Thi s scr i pt ' ani mat es' t he dat a r ecei ved af t er Bal l i st i c Mi ssi l e
%r un. I t r equi r es si x vect or s of par amet er s:
% speed - def i ni ng mi ssi l e' s f ul l speed t i me hi st or y,
% psy, t het a, phi - def i ni ng Eul er angl es hi st or i es ( or i ent at i on of {b}
% wr t {n}) ,
% al pha, bet a - def i ni ng angl e of at t ack and si desl i p angl e
% hi st or i es,
% E- mai l : oayaki me@nps. edu

cl c
d2r =pi / 180;
Numbof Fr s=l engt h( t het a) ; %Number of avai l abl e dat a poi nt s ( f r ames)

psyI =pi +psy;
t het aI =t het a;
phi I =phi ;
al phaI =al pha;
bet aI =bet a;
speedI =speed;

%%Def i ne Bal l i st i c Mi ssi l e' s geomet r y ( 3 st ages)
%The geomet r y i s def i ned f or a hal f of t he mi ssi l e
xBMs{1}=[ 0 0 2 3 16 19 30 32] ;
yBMs{1}=[ 0 1. 85 1. 85 1. 1 1. 1 0. 65 0. 65 0] ;
xBMs{2}=[ 0 0 1 2 14 16] ;
yBMs{2}=[ 0 1. 31 1. 31 0. 65 0. 65 0] ;
xBMs{3}=[ 0 0 2] ;
yBMs{3}=[ 0 0. 65 0] ;
%Def i ne geomet r y f or t he second hal f
f or i MS=1: 3
nP=l engt h( xBMs{i MS}) ;
f or i =1: nP- 1
xBMs{i MS}=[ xBMs{i MS} xBMs{i MS}( nP- i ) ] ;
yBMs{i MS}=[ yBMs{i MS} - yBMs{i MS}( nP- i ) ] ;
%Pl ace t he mi ssi l e t o t he cent er of t he i mage and scal e i t so t hat i t
%occupi es 2/ 3 of t he scr een
sca=max( xBMs{i MS}) - mi n( xBMs{i MS}) ;
xbm=3*( xBMs{i MS}- sca/ 2) / sca; %Mi ssi l e geomet r y i s def i ned i n NED
ybm=3*yBMs{i MS}/ sca; %f r ame {b} ( x- axi s i s poi nt ed Nor t h)
%The f i nal ( f ul l , cent er ed and scal ed) geomet r y
Mi ssi l e{i MS}( : , 1) =xbm' ; Mi ssi l e{i MS}( : , 2) =ones( l engt h( xbm) , 1) ;
Mi ssi l e{i MS}( : , 3) =ybm' ;

%%Def i ne I nt er cept or ' s geomet r y ( 2 st ages)
%The geomet r y i s def i ned f or a hal f of t he mi ssi l e
xI Ms{1}=[ 0 0 1. 6 1. 7 1. 74 1. 83 2 2. 1 2. 6 2. 8 4. 5 4. 7 6 6. 63] ;
yI Ms{1}=[ 0 0. 265 0. 265 0. 17 0. 17 0. 29 0. 33 0. 17 0. 17 0. 3 0. 3 0. 17 . . .
0. 17 0] ;
xI Ms{2}=[ 0 0 0. 04 0. 13 0. 3 0. 4 0. 9 1. 1 2. 8 3 4. 3 4. 93] ;
yI Ms{2}=[ 0 0. 17 0. 17 0. 29 0. 33 0. 17 0. 17 0. 3 0. 3 0. 17 0. 17 0] ;
%Def i ne geomet r y f or t he second hal f
f or i I S=1: 2
nP=l engt h( xI Ms{i I S}) ;
f or i =1: nP- 1
xI Ms{i I S}=[ xI Ms{i I S} xI Ms{i I S}( nP- i ) ] ;
yI Ms{i I S}=[ yI Ms{i I S} - yI Ms{i I S}( nP- i ) ] ;
%Pl ace t he mi ssi l e t o t he cent er of t he i mage and scal e i t so t hat i t
%occupi es 2/ 3 of t he scr eeng
sca=max( xI Ms{i I S}) - mi n( xI Ms{i I S}) ;
xi m=3*( xI Ms{i I S}- sca/ 2) / sca; %Mi ssi l e geomet r y i s def i ned i n NED
yi m=3*yI Ms{i I S}/ sca; %f r ame {b} ( x- axi s i s poi nt ed Nor t h)
%The f i nal ( f ul l , cent er ed and scal ed) geomet r y
I nt er cept or {i I S}( : , 1) =xi m' ; I nt er cept or {i I S}( : , 2) =ones( l engt h( xi m) , 1) ;
I nt er cept or {i I S}( : , 3) =yi m' ;

%%Def i ne t he i ni t i al f r ame f or Mi ssi l e
f i gur e( ' Name' , ' Si de- Vi ew Ani mat i on' )
subpl ot ( 1, 2, 1)
R_psy =[ cos( psy( 1) ) si n( psy( 1) ) 0;
- si n( psy( 1) ) cos( psy( 1) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_t het a=[ cos( t het a( 1) ) 0 - si n( t het a( 1) )
0 1 0;
si n( t het a( 1) ) 0 cos( t het a( 1) ) ] ;
R_phi =[ 1 0 0;
0 cos( phi ( 1) ) si n( phi ( 1) ) ;
0 - si n( phi ( 1) ) cos( phi ( 1) ) ] ;
Rm_n2b=R_phi *R_t het a*R_psy; %Rot at i on f r om{n} t o {b}
i mMi s=Rm_n2b' *Mi ssi l e{1}' ; %Mi ssi l e' s coor di nat es i n {n}
Mi s=f i l l ( i mMi s( 2, : ) , - i mMi s( 3, : ) , ' c' ) ; %Pr oj ect i on ont o y- z pl ane of {n}
set ( Mi s, ' Er aseMode' , ' xor ' )
axi s( 2*[ - 1 1 - 1 1] ) ; axi s equal
hol d on
pl ot ( 0, 0, ' r . ' ) %Cent er of t he f i gur e
pl ot ( [ 0 0] , [ 0 - . 1] , ' Col or ' , ' k' , ' Li neWi dt h' , 2) %Gr avi t y vect or
R_bet a =[ cos( bet a( 1) ) si n( bet a( 1) ) 0;
- si n( bet a( 1) ) cos( bet a( 1) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_al pha=[ cos( - al pha( 1) ) 0 - si n( - al pha( 1) )
0 1 0;
si n( - al pha( 1) ) 0 cos( - al pha( 1) ) ] ;
Rm_n2v=R_al pha*Rm_n2b; %Rot at i on f r om{n} wr t {v}
Speed=[ speed( 1) ; 0; 0] / 1000; %Speed magni t ude i n {v}
i mSpd=Rm_n2v' *Speed; %Pr oj ect i on ont o y- z pl ane of {n}
SpM=pl ot ( [ 0 i mSpd( 2) ] , [ 0 - i mSpd( 3) ] , ' Col or ' , ' r ' , ' Li neWi dt h' , 2) ;
set ( SpM, ' Er aseMode' , ' xor ' ) ;
t ext Speed=t ext ( i mSpd( 2) +. 1, - i mSpd( 3) , ' Speed' ) ;
set ( t ext Speed, ' Er aseMode' , ' xor ' ) ;
xl abel ( ' East ( y_{LTP}) ' ) , yl abel ( ' Up ( - z_{LTP}) ' )
set ( gca, ' XTi ckLabel ' , {}) , set ( gca, ' YTi ckLabel ' , {})
t i t l e( ' Bal l i st i c Mi ssi l e At t i t ude ' )
%%Di spl ay i ni t i al f r ame and t i me
t ext Fr ame=t ext ( ' Col or ' , [ 0. 8471 0. 1608 0] , ' Font Angl e' , ' i t al i c' , . . .
' Posi t i on' , [ 1 1. 75] , ' St r i ng' , [ ' Fr ame ' num2st r ( 1) ' out of ' . . .
num2st r ( Numbof Fr s) ] ) ;
t ext Ti me=t ext ( ' Col or ' , [ 0. 8471 0. 1608 0] , ' Font Angl e' , ' i t al i c' , . . .
' Posi t i on' , [ 1 1. 45] , ' St r i ng' , [ ' Ti me ' num2st r ( t i me( 1) , ' %. 2f ' ) . . .
' sec' ] ) ;

%%Def i ne t he i ni t i al f r ame f or I nt er cept or
subpl ot ( 1, 2, 2)
R_psy =[ cos( psyI ( 1) ) si n( psyI ( 1) ) 0;
- si n( psyI ( 1) ) cos( psyI ( 1) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_t het a=[ cos( t het aI ( 1) ) 0 - si n( t het aI ( 1) )
0 1 0;
si n( t het aI ( 1) ) 0 cos( t het aI ( 1) ) ] ;
R_phi =[ 1 0 0;
0 cos( phi I ( 1) ) si n( phi I ( 1) ) ;
0 - si n( phi I ( 1) ) cos( phi I ( 1) ) ] ;
Ri _n2b=R_phi *R_t het a*R_psy; %Rot at i on f r om{n} t o {b}
i mI nt =Ri _n2b' *I nt er cept or {1}' ; %I nt er cept or ' s coor di nat es i n {n}
I nt =f i l l ( i mI nt ( 2, : ) , - i mI nt ( 3, : ) , ' r ' ) ; %Pr oj ect i on ont o y- z pl ane of {n}
set ( I nt , ' Er aseMode' , ' xor ' ) ;
axi s( 2*[ - 1 1 - 1 1] ) ; axi s equal
hol d on
pl ot ( 0, 0, ' r . ' ) %Cent er of t he f i gur e
pl ot ( [ 0 0] , [ 0 - . 1] , ' Col or ' , ' k' , ' Li neWi dt h' , 2) %Gr avi t y vect or
R_bet a =[ cos( bet aI ( 1) ) si n( bet aI ( 1) ) 0;
- si n( bet aI ( 1) ) cos( bet aI ( 1) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_al pha=[ cos( - al phaI ( 1) ) 0 - si n( - al phaI ( 1) )
0 1 0;
si n( - al phaI ( 1) ) 0 cos( - al phaI ( 1) ) ] ;
Ri _n2v=R_al pha*Ri _n2b; %Rot at i on f r om{n} wr t {v}
Speed=[ speedI ( 1) ; 0; 0] / 1000; %Speed magni t ude i n {v}
i mSpd=Ri _n2v' *Speed; %Pr oj ect i on ont o y- z pl ane of {n}
SpI =pl ot ( [ 0 i mSpd( 2) ] , [ 0 - i mSpd( 3) ] , ' Col or ' , ' r ' , ' Li neWi dt h' , 2) ;
set ( SpI , ' Er aseMode' , ' xor ' ) ;
t ext SpeedI =t ext ( i mSpd( 2) +. 1, - i mSpd( 3) , ' Speed' ) ;
set ( t ext SpeedI , ' Er aseMode' , ' xor ' ) ;
xl abel ( ' East ( y_{LTP}) ' ) , yl abel ( ' Up ( - z_{LTP}) ' )
set ( gca, ' XTi ckLabel ' , {}) , set ( gca, ' YTi ckLabel ' , {})
t i t l e( ' I nt er cept or At t i t ude' )

%%Add t he ' Next Fr ame' and ' Aut o' but t ons
ui cont r ol ( ' st r i ng' , ' Next Fr ame' , . . .
' uni t s' , ' nor mal ' , ' pos' , [ . 66, . 15, . 13, . 06] , . . .
' cal l back' , ' set ( gcf , ' ' user dat a' ' , 1) ' ) ;
aut o=ui cont r ol ( ' st yl e' , ' t oggl e' , ' uni t s' , ' nor m' , ' pos' , . . .
[ . 8 . 15, . 08, . 06] , ' st r i ng' , ' Aut o' , ' cal l back' , ' set ( gcf , ' . . .
' user dat a' ' , 1) ' ) ;
set ( gcf , ' user dat a' , 0) ; goFl ag=0;

%%St ar t ani mat i on
f or j =2: Numbof Fr s
%%i ) Def i ne cur r ent st age f or Mi ssi l e and I nt er cept or
i f t i me( j ) <6 %I nt er cept or boost er bur ns out
i MS=1; i I S=1;
el sei f t i me( j ) <130 %Mi ssi l e 1st st age bur ns out
i MS=1; i I S=2;
el sei f t i me( j ) <240 %Mi ssi l e 2nd st age bur ns out
i MS=2; i I S=2;
el se
i MS=3; i I S=2;

%%i i ) Def i ne r ot at i on mat r i x f r om{n} t o {b} and r ot at e t he mi ssi l e
R_psy =[ cos( psy( j ) ) si n( psy( j ) ) 0;
- si n( psy( j ) ) cos( psy( j ) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_t het a=[ cos( t het a( j ) ) 0 - si n( t het a( j ) )
0 1 0;
si n( t het a( j ) ) 0 cos( t het a( j ) ) ] ;
R_phi =[ 1 0 0;
0 cos( phi ( j ) ) si n( phi ( j ) ) ;
0 - si n( phi ( j ) ) cos( phi ( j ) ) ] ;
Rm_n2b=R_phi *R_t het a*R_psy; %Rot at i on f r om{n} t o {b}
i mMi s=Rm_n2b' *Mi ssi l e{i MS}' ; %Mi ssi l e' s coor di nat es i n {n}
set ( Mi s, ' XDat a' , i mMi s( 2, : ) , ' YDat a' , - i mMi s( 3, : ) ) ; %y- z pl ane pr oj ect i on

%%i i i ) Def i ne r ot at i on mat r i x f or t he Mi ssi l e' s speed vect or
%%and r ot at e i t
R_bet a =[ cos( bet a( j ) ) si n( bet a( j ) ) 0;
- si n( bet a( j ) ) cos( bet a( j ) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_al pha=[ cos( - al pha( j ) ) 0 - si n( - al pha( j ) )
0 1 0;
si n( - al pha( j ) ) 0 cos( - al pha( j ) ) ] ;

Rm_n2v=R_al pha*Rm_n2b; %Rot at i on f r om{n} wr t {v}
Speed=[ speed( j ) ; 0; 0] / 1000; %Speed magni t ude i n {v}
i mSpd=Rm_n2v' *Speed; %Pr oj ect i on ont o y- z pl ane of {n}
set ( SpM, ' XDat a' , [ 0 i mSpd( 2) ] , ' YDat a' , [ 0 - i mSpd( 3) ] ) ;
set ( t ext Speed, ' Posi t i on' , [ i mSpd( 2) +. 1 - i mSpd( 3) 0] ) ;

%%i v) Def i ne r ot at i on mat r i x f r om{n} t o {b} and r ot at e t he
i nt er cept or
R_psy =[ cos( psyI ( j ) ) si n( psyI ( j ) ) 0;
- si n( psyI ( j ) cos( psyI ( j ) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_t het a=[ cos( t het aI ( j ) ) 0 - si n( t het aI ( j ) )
0 1 0;
si n( t het aI ( j ) ) 0 cos( t het aI ( j ) ) ] ;
R_phi =[ 1 0 0;
0 cos( phi I ( j ) ) si n( phi I ( j ) ) ;
0 - si n( phi I ( j ) cos( phi I ( j ) ) ] ;
Ri _n2b=R_phi *R_t het a*R_psy; %Rot at i on f r om{n} t o {b}
i mI nt =Ri _n2b' *I nt er cept or {i I S}' ; %I nt er cept or coor di nat es i n
set ( I nt , ' XDat a' , i mI nt ( 2, : ) , ' YDat a' , - i mI nt ( 3, : ) ) ; %y- z pl ane pr oj ect i on

%%v) Def i ne r ot at i on mat r i x f or t he I nt er cept or ' s speed vect or
%%and r ot at e i t
R_bet a =[ cos( bet aI ( j ) ) si n( bet aI ( j ) ) 0;
- si n( bet aI ( j ) ) cos( bet aI ( j ) ) 0;
0 0 1] ;
R_al pha=[ cos( - al phaI ( j ) ) 0 - si n( - al phaI ( j ) )
0 1 0;
si n( - al phaI ( j ) ) 0 cos( - al phaI ( j ) ) ] ;

Ri _n2v=R_al pha*Ri _n2b; %Rot at i on f r om{n} wr t {v}
Speed=[ speedI ( j ) ; 0; 0] / 1000; %Speed magni t ude i n {v}
i mSpd=Ri _n2v' *Speed; %Pr oj ect i on ont o y- z pl ane of {n}
set ( SpI , ' XDat a' , [ 0 i mSpd( 2) ] , ' YDat a' , [ 0 - i mSpd( 3) ] ) ;
set ( t ext SpeedI , ' Posi t i on' , [ i mSpd( 2) +. 1 - i mSpd( 3) 0] ) ;

%%vi ) Count f r ames
set ( t ext Fr ame, ' St r i ng' , [ ' Fr ame ' num2st r ( j ) ' out of ' . . .
num2st r ( Numbof Fr s) ] ) ;
set ( t ext Ti me, ' St r i ng' , [ ' Ti me ' num2st r ( t i me( j ) , ' %. 2f ' ) ' sec' ] ) ;

%%vi i ) Wai t f or any cont r ol but t on t o be pushed
whi l e goFl ag==0
i f get ( aut o, ' val ue' ) ==1
goFl ag=1;
el sei f get ( gcf , ' user dat a' ) ==1
goFl ag=1;
set ( gcf , ' user dat a' , 0)
el se
pause( . 25)
goFl ag=0;

pause( 0. 1)

1. ZLDragC.m
f unct i on [ Dr ag] =ZLDr agC( M, t )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on i nt er pol at es t o det er mi ne dr ag coef f i ci ent based on t he
%Mach number and t he boost or gl i de phase of t he r ocket t o be ut i l i zed
%i n t he BRFl i ght . mand SMFl i ght . mpr ogr ams f or t he cal cul at i on of
%f or ces act i ng on t he r ocket / mi ssi l e.

%The t abl es used wer e poi nt - pl ot t ed f r omPr of Hut chi nson s ME4703
%" Mi ssi l e Fl i ght Anal ysi s" Cl ass Not es

%Var i abl e Li st
%BDr ag=boost phase dr ag i nt er pol at i on t abl e
%GDr ag=gl i de phase dr ag i nt er pol at i on t abl e
%M=mach number
%Mach=mach number i nt er pol at i on t abl e
%t =t i me

%%Tabl es:
Mach= [ 0 0. 90 1. 1 1. 2 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0. . .
3. 5 5. 0 6. 0] ;
BDr ag=[ 0. 1444 0. 1444 0. 2778 0. 2778 0. 2308 0. 1778 0. 1481 0. 1296. . .
0. 1185 0. 1000 0. 0950] ;
GDr ag=[ 0. 2461 0. 2461 0. 4615 0. 4615 0. 3615 0. 2846 0. 2500 0. 2192. . .
0. 2000 0. 1500 0. 1300] ;

%%Cal cul at i on of Dr ag Coef f i ci ent Val ues:
i f M>6. 0
M=6. 0;

BDr ag=i nt er p1( Mach, BDr ag, M, ' cubi c' ) ;
GDr ag=i nt er p1( Mach, GDr ag, M, ' cubi c' ) ; ;

Dr ag=[ BDr ag; GDr ag] ;
r et ur n

2. STatmos.m
f unct i on [ Densi t y, Pr essur e, Temper at ur e] =STat mos( al t )
%Cal cul at i on of t he 1976 st andar d at mospher e up t o 86 km
%Code sour ce: ht t p: / / www. pdas. com/ at mos. ht m
%Run ezpl ot ( ' STat mos( x) ' , 0, 86000) t o see t he pl ot of densi t y vs
%al t i t ude

%Aut hor : Yaki menko, Ol eg A.
%Dat e: Sept ember , 27 2005
%E- mai l : oayaki me@nps. edu
al t =al t / 1000; %Conver t al t i t ude f r ommt o km
%%- - - I ni t i al i ze val ues f or 1976 at mospher e
REARTH=6369. 0; %Ear t h r adi us ( km) , depends on Lat i t ude
GMR=34. 163195; %Gas Const ant
ht ab=[ 0. 0, 11. 0, 20. 0, 32. 0, 47. 0, 51. 0, 71. 0, 84. 852] ; %Geomet r i c al t
t t ab=[ 288. 15, 216. 65, 216. 65, 228. 65, 270. 65, . . . %Temper at ur e
270. 65, 214. 65, 186. 946] ;
pt ab=[ 1. 0, 2. 233611E- 1, 5. 403295E- 2, 8. 5666784E- 3, . . . %Rel at i ve pr es
1. 0945601E- 3, 6. 6063531E- 4, 3. 9046834E- 5, 3. 68501E- 6] ;
gt ab=[ - 6. 5, 0. 0, 1. 0, 2. 8, 0. 0, - 2. 8, - 2. 0, 0. 0] ; %Temp gr adi ent
P0=101325. 0; Ro0=1. 225;

%%- - - Conver t geomet r i c t o geopot ent i al al t i t ude
i f al t >250
al t =100

h=al t *REARTH/ ( al t +REARTH) ;

%%- - - Bi nar y sear ch f or al t i t ude i nt er val
i =1;
j =8;

whi l e j > i +1
k=f i x( ( i +j ) / 2) ;
i f h<ht ab( k) ;
j =k;
el se
i =k;

%%- - - Cal cul at e l ocal t emper at ur e
t gr ad=gt ab( i ) ;
t base=t t ab( i ) ;
del t ah=h- ht ab( i ) ;
t l ocal =t base+t gr ad*del t ah;
t het a=t l ocal / t t ab( 1) ;

%%- - - Cal cul at e l ocal pr essur e
i f ( t gr ad == 0. 0)
del t a=pt ab( i ) *exp( - GMR*del t ah/ t base) ; %I sot her mal l ayer s
el se
del t a=pt ab( i ) *( t base/ t l ocal ) ^( GMR/ t gr ad) ; %Non- i sot her mal l ayer s

%%- - - Cal cul at e l ocal densi t y
si gma=del t a/ t het a;

%%- - - Cur r ent at mospher e par amet er s cor r espondi ng t o Al t i t ude al t
Temper at ur e=t l ocal ; Densi t y=Ro0*si gma; Pr essur e=P0*del t a;

r et ur n


%%Scr i pt Fi l e
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s scr i pt gener at es t he pl ot s used t o demonst r at e t he power of t he
%devel oped al gor i t hmt o change t he pat h and der i vat i ves of t he pat h
%by var yi ng t he boundar y condi t i ons and vi r t ual ar c, t au. The out put
%i s t wo char t s, wi t h f our sub- char t s each, t hat show t he pat h f or t he
%var i at i on of t he t hi r d der i vat i ve of t he i ni t i al condi t i on and t au.

%Thi s scr i pt i s model ed af t er one devel oped by Ol eg Yaki menko f or t he
%ME4903 cour se, Spr i ng 2006

%%Var i abl e Li st
%A = mat r i x of r ef er ence equat i ons
%x1 = f i r st coor di nat e axi s
%x2 = second coor di nat e axi s
%t f = var i abl e pl acehol der f or t au
%x0 = i ni t i al posi t i on [ x1; x2] boundar y condi t i on
%xp0 = i ni t i al 1st der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xpp0 = i ni t i al 2nd der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xppp0 = i ni t i al 3r d der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xf = f i nal posi t i on [ x1; x2] boundar y condi t i on
%xpf = f i nal 1st der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xppf = f i nal 2nd der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xpppf = f i nal 3r d der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%t au = vi r t ual ar c var i abl e
%N = l engt h of t au
%a1 = x1 boundar y condi t i ons vect or
%a2 = x2 boundar y condi t i ons vect or
%ax1 = x1 boundar y condi t i ons r ef er ence equat i on
%ax2 = x2 boundar y condi t i ons r ef er ence equat i on
%bx1 = x1 1st der i vat i ve of boundar y condi t i ons r ef er ence
% equat i on
%bx2 = x2 1st der i vat i ve of boundar y condi t i ons r ef er ence
% equat i on
%px1 = i nver si on of ax1
%px2 = i nver si on of ax2
%x1 = x1 r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%x2 = x2 r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%vx1 = i nver si on of bx1
%vx2 = i nver si on of bx2
%v1 = x1 1st der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%v2 = x2 1st der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%v = nor mof [ v1; v2]

syms t f x0 xp0 xpp0 xppp0 xf xpf xppf xpppf r eal
A=[ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0;
1 t f t f ^2/ 2 t f ^3/ 6 t f ^4/ 24 t f ^5/ 60 t f ^6/ 120 t f ^7/ 210;
0 1 t f t f ^2/ 2 t f ^3/ 6 t f ^4/ 12 t f ^5/ 20 t f ^6/ 30 ;
0 0 1 t f t f ^2/ 2 t f ^3/ 3 t f ^4/ 4 t f ^5/ 5;
0 0 0 1 t f t f ^2 t f ^3 t f ^4] ;
b=[ x0 xp0 xpp0 xppp0 xf xpf xppf xpppf ] ' ;
a=A\ b;
a=col l ect ( a, t f )

f or j =1: 1: 4
xppp0=0. 3*j - 0. 7;
f or t f =1: 1: 10;

a1=subs( a, {' x0' , ' xp0' , ' xpp0' , ' xppp0' , ' xf ' , ' xpf ' , ' xppf ' , ' xpppf ' , ' t f ' }, . .
{0, . 2, . 2, xppp0, 1, 0. 1, 0. 1, 0. 1, t f }) ;

a2=subs( a, {' x0' , ' xp0' , ' xpp0' , ' xppp0' , ' xf ' , ' xpf ' , ' xppf ' , ' xpppf ' , ' t f ' }, . .
{0, 1, 0. 1, 0. 1, 1, - 1, 0. 1, 0. 1, t f }) ;
ax1=di ag( [ 1, 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 6, 1/ 24, 1/ 60, 1/ 120, 1/ 210] ) *a1;
ax2=di ag( [ 1, 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 6, 1/ 24, 1/ 60, 1/ 120, 1/ 210] ) *a2;
bx1=di ag( [ 0, 1, 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 6, 1/ 12, 1/ 20, 1/ 30] ) *a1;
bx2=di ag( [ 0, 1, 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 6, 1/ 12, 1/ 20, 1/ 30] ) *a2;
t au=[ 0: . 05: t f ] ;
N=l engt h( a) ;

f i gur e( 1)
subpl ot ( 2, 2, j )
f or i =1: N
px1( i ) =ax1( N+1- i ) ;
px2( i ) =ax2( N+1- i ) ;
x1=pol yval ( px1, t au) ;
x2=pol yval ( px2, t au) ;
l i ne( x1, x2, ' Li newi dt h' , 2)
axi s( [ 0 2 0 6] )
xl abel ( ' x_1' ) , yl abel ( ' x_2' )
t ext ( 1. 1, 2, ' \ t au_f =var ' )
t i t l e( [ ' d^3x/ dt ^3| _0=' num2st r ( xppp0) ] )
gr i d on;

f i gur e( 2)
subpl ot ( 2, 2, j )
f or i =1: N- 1
vx1( i ) =bx1( N+1- i ) ;
vx2( i ) =bx2( N+1- i ) ;
v1=pol yval ( vx1, t au) ;
v2=pol yval ( vx2, t au) ;
v=sqr t ( v1. ^2+v2. ^2) ;
l i ne( t au, v, ' Li newi dt h' , 2)
axi s( [ 0 10 0 4] )
xl abel ( ' \ t au' ) , yl abel ( ' \ sur d( x_1^2+x_2^2) ' )
t ext ( 1. 1, 2, ' \ t au_f =var ' )
t i t l e( [ ' d^3x/ dt ^3| _0=' num2st r ( xppp0) ] )
gr i d on

1. SMGuidance.m
f unct i on [ pat h] =SMGui dance( t i me, st at e, t ar get , i ) ;
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on t akes i n t he st at e of t he i nt er cept or and t ar get and
%gener at es an i ni t i al guess at t he f i nal condi t i ons ( posi t i on,
%or i ent at i on angl es, r ange, and t i me t o i nt er cept ) t hr ough a f i r st -
or der
%t r aj ect or y assumpt i on and i t er at i ve pr ocess. I t t hen cal l s t he
%f mi nsear ch f unct i on usi ng t hose i ni t i al guesses. Fi nal l y, i t pl ot s
t he
%r et ur ned opt i mal f l i ght pat h and associ at ed var i abl es.

%%Var i abl e Li st
%best = vect or of t he var i abl es i n t he opt i mal pat h r et ur ned f r om
% t he f mi nsear ch f unct i on
%const = var i abl es t hat f mi nsear ch cannot modi f y, i ncl udi ng syst em
% const r ai nt s
%cost = cost f unct i on val ue r et ur ned f r omSMGui danceCost . m
%cost s = ar r ay of t he val ue of t he cost var i abl es at each
i t er at i on
%del t a = di f f er ence bet ween t he t go1 and t go2 val ues ( used i n t he
% i t er at i on of i ni t i al guesses)
%f r ee = var i abl es t hat f mi nsear ch can modi f y, speci f i cal l y
% [ t au; t go; t hf ; psi f ]
%i ni t = vect or of i ni t i al est i mat es
%J = vect or of cost f unct i on var i abl e val ues
%N = l engt h of t he pat h vect or ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%nmax = maxi mumaccel er at i on capabi l i t y of t he i nt er cept or ,
% al t i t ude dependent
%opt i ons = modi f i abl e opt i ons f or t he f mi nseach f unct i on ( MATLAB
% hel p f i l e i s under " opt i mset " )
%pat h = r et ur ned t i me hi st or y of t he opt i mal pat h
%psi = i ni t i al i nt er cept or headi ng angl e
%psi dot = i ni t i al r at e of change of i nt er cept or headi ng angl e
%psi f = f i nal i nt er cept or headi ng angl e, cal cul at ed f r omf i nal
% condi t i ons est i mat e
%psi t = t ar get headi ng angl e
%Py = penal t y f unct i on on t he y accel er at i on
%Pz = penal t y f unct i on on t he z accel er at i on
%q = count i ng var i abl e
%qq = count i ng var i abl e
%r ange = est i mat e of di st ance bet ween t ar get and i nt er cept or
%st at e = st at e of t he i nt er cept or mi ssi l e, sent f r omSMGui dance. m
% [ px; py; pz; V; t h; psi ; Vdot ; t het adot ; psi dot ] ;
%st at es = ar r ay of t he val ues of al l pr ocesses i n SMGui dance. m
%t ar get = st at e of t he r ocket , sent f r omSMGui dance. m
% [ Pos_BR( i +j , 1) ; Pos_BR( i +j , 2) ; Pos_BR( i +j , 3) ;
% Vel _BR( i +j , 1) ; Vel _BR( i +j , 2) ; Vel _BR( i +j , 3) ] wher e ' i +j '
% i s t he t i me synchr oni zat i on f unct i on bet ween BRFl i ght . m
% and SMFl i ght . m
%t au_f = val ue of t he vi r t ual ar c
%t go = t i me t o go t o i nt er cept
%t go1 = est i mat e of t i me t o go t o i nt er cept , i t er at i ve val ue
%t go2 = est i mat e of t i me t o go t o i nt er cept , i t er at i ve val ue
%t h = i ni t i al i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hdot = i ni t i al r at e of change of i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hf = f i nal i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t ht = t ar get f l i ght pat h angl e
%t i c. . t oc = MATLAB f unct i on t o t r ack r un t i me
%t r ys = vect or of opt i mal pat h and der i vat i ve val ues
%V = i ni t i al i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%V_f = f i nal i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%Vave = aver age i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%Vdot = i ni t i al i nt er cept or accel er at i on
%x0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or posi t i on
%xd0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%xdd0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or accel er at i on
%xdf = f i nal i nt er cept or posi t i on
%xdt = cur r ent t ar get vel oci t y
%xf = f i nal i nt er cept or accel er at i on
%xmul t = r at i o val ue ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%xt = cur r ent t ar get posi t i on
%ymul t = r at i o val ue ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%zmul t = r at i o val ue ( used f or pl ot t i ng)

gl obal cost s q qq st at es t go t r ys updat e

%I ni t i al i ze Var i abl es
Re=6. 378137e6;
%SM I ni t i al St at e
x0=st at e( 1: 3) ;
V=st at e( 4) ;
t h=st at e( 5) ;
psi =st at e( 6) ;
Vdot =st at e( 7) ;
t hdot =st at e( 8) ;
psi dot =st at e( 9) ;

%SM I ni t i al Vel oci t i es and Accel er at i ons
xd0=[ V*cos( t h) *cos( psi ) ;
V*cos( t h) *si n( psi ) ;
V*si n( t h) ] ;
xdd0=[ Vdot *cos( t h) *cos( psi ) - V*cos( t h) *si n( psi ) *psi dot - V*si n( t h) *. . .
cos( psi ) *t hdot ;
Vdot *cos( t h) *si n( psi ) +V*cos( t h) *cos( psi ) *psi dot - V*si n( t h) *. . .
si n( psi ) *t hdot ;
Vdot *si n( t h) +V*cos( t h) *t hdot ] ;

%BR I ni t i al St at e
xt =t ar get ( 1: 3) ;
xdt =t ar get ( 4: 6) ;
t ht =at an2( xdt ( 3) , nor m( xdt ( 1: 2) ) ) ;
psi t =at an2( xdt ( 2) , xdt ( 1) ) ;

%Est i mat e Fi nal Condi t i ons
t go1=100; del t a=5;
whi l e del t a>1
i f t go1>26
V_f =3500- 10*( t go1- 26) ;
Vave=( 26*3500/ 2+( t go1- 26) *( 3500+V_f ) / 2) / t go1;
el se
V_f =t go1*3500/ 26;
Vave=V_f / 2;
xf =xt +xdt . *t go1;
t go2=sqr t ( ( xf ( 1) - x0( 1) ) ^2+( xf ( 2) - x0( 2) ) ^2+( xf ( 3) - x0( 3) ) ^2) . . .
/ ( nor m( xdt ) +Vave) ;
del t a=abs( t go2- t go1) ;
t go1=( t go1+t go2) / 2;
t go=t go1;

r ange=sqr t ( ( xf ( 1) - x0( 1) ) ^2+( ( xf ( 2) - x0( 2) ) ) ^2+( ( xf ( 3) - x0( 3) ) ) ^2)
t au_f =30- 10*q;
t hf =- t ht ;
psi f =psi t +pi ;
i ni t =[ t au_f ; t go; t hf ; psi f ] ;

%Col l ect Const r ai nt s
f r ee=i ni t ;
const =[ x0; xd0; xdd0; t i me; xt ; xdt ; i ni t ] ;

%Sear ch f or Mi ni mumCost f unct i on
t i c
opt i ons=opt i mset ( ' MaxI t er ' , 100, ' Tol f un' , 10, ' Tol X' , 10) ;
best = f mi nsear ch( @( x) SMGui danceCost ( x, const ) , f r ee, opt i ons) ;
t oc
[ pat h] =SMTr aj ect or y( best , const ) ;
[ cost , J , Py, Pz] =SMGui danceCost ( best , const )

t au_f =best ( 1) ;
t go=best ( 2) ;
t hf =best ( 3) ;
psi f =best ( 4) ;

N=l engt h( pat h( : , 1) ) ;
V_f =pat h( N, 5)
xf =pat h( N, 2: 4)
xdf =[ V_f *cos( t hf ) *cos( psi f ) ;
V_f *cos( t hf ) *si n( psi f ) ;
V_f *si n( t hf ) ] ;

%% Pl ot Ever y I t er at i on
xmul t =20000/ ( nor m( xd0) +nor m( xdt ) ) ;
ymul t =20000/ ( nor m( xd0) +nor m( xdt ) ) ;
zmul t =20000/ ( nor m( xd0) +nor m( xdt ) ) ;
nmax=40+( 40- 10) / ( 0- 50000) *( pat h( : , 4) - Re) ;

f i gur e
pl ot 3( pat h( : , 2) , pat h( : , 3) , pat h( : , 4) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
hol d on; gr i d;
pl ot 3( x0( 1) , x0( 2) , x0( 3) , ' *b' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot 3( [ x0( 1) - xmul t *xd0( 1) ; x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) ] , . . .
[ x0( 2) - ymul t *xd0( 2) ; x0( 2) +ymul t *xd0( 2) ] , . . .
[ x0( 3) - zmul t *xd0( 3) ; x0( 3) +zmul t *xd0( 3) ] , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot 3( x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) , x0( 2) +xmul t *xd0( 2) , x0( 3) +xmul t *xd0( 3) , . . .
' ob' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot 3( xf ( 1) , xf ( 2) , xf ( 3) , ' *r ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot 3( [ xf ( 1) - xmul t *xdt ( 1) ; xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) ] , . . .
[ xf ( 2) - ymul t *xdt ( 2) ; xf ( 2) +ymul t *xdt ( 2) ] , . . .
[ xf ( 3) - zmul t *xdt ( 3) ; xf ( 3) +zmul t *xdt ( 3) ] , ' - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot 3( xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) , xf ( 2) +xmul t *xdt ( 2) , xf ( 3) +xmul t *xdt ( 3) , . . .
' or ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
%axi s( [ 0 250000 - 150000 200000 6300000 6550000] )
xl abel ( ' X posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' Y posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
zl abel ( ' Z posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
t i t l e( ' I nt er cept i on Geomet er y' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' , . . .
' Font si ze' , 12. 5)

f i gur e
pl ot 3( pat h( : , 2) , pat h( : , 3) , pat h( : , 4) - Re, ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
hol d on; gr i d;
pl ot 3( x0( 1) , x0( 2) , x0( 3) - Re, ' *b' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot 3( [ x0( 1) - xmul t *xd0( 1) ; x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) ] , . . .
[ x0( 2) - ymul t *xd0( 2) ; x0( 2) +ymul t *xd0( 2) ] , . . .
[ x0( 3) - Re- zmul t *xd0( 3) ; x0( 3) - Re+zmul t *xd0( 3) ] , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot 3( x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) , x0( 2) +xmul t *xd0( 2) , x0( 3) - Re+xmul t *xd0( 3) , . . .
' ob' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot 3( xf ( 1) , xf ( 2) , xf ( 3) - Re, ' *r ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot 3( [ xf ( 1) - xmul t *xdt ( 1) ; xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) ] , . . .
[ xf ( 2) - ymul t *xdt ( 2) ; xf ( 2) +ymul t *xdt ( 2) ] , . . .
[ xf ( 3) - Re- zmul t *xdt ( 3) ; xf ( 3) - Re+zmul t *xdt ( 3) ] , ' - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot 3( xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) , xf ( 2) +xmul t *xdt ( 2) , xf ( 3) - Re+xmul t *xdt ( 3) , . . .
' or ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
%axi s( [ 0 250000 - 150000 200000 6300000 6550000] )
xl abel ( ' X posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' Y posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
zl abel ( ' Z posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
pl ot ( pat h( : , 2) , pat h( : , 3) , k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ' -
hol d on; gr i d; %axi s equal ;
pl ot ( x0( 1) , x0( 2) , ' *b' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot ( [ x0( 1) - xmul t *xd0( 1) ; x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) ] , . . .
[ x0( 2) - ymul t *xd0( 2) ; x0( 2) +ymul t *xd0( 2) ] , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) , x0( 2) +xmul t *xd0( 2) , ' ob' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( xf ( 1) , xf ( 2) , ' *r ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot ( [ xf ( 1) - xmul t *xdt ( 1) ; xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) ] , . . .
[ xf ( 2) - ymul t *xdt ( 2) ; xf ( 2) +ymul t *xdt ( 2) ] , ' - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) , xf ( 2) +xmul t *xdt ( 2) , ' or ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
xl abel ( ' X posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' Y posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
pl ot ( pat h( : , 3) , pat h( : , 4) - Re, ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
hol d on; gr i d; %axi s equal ;
pl ot ( x0( 2) , x0( 3) - Re, ' *b' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot ( [ x0( 2) - ymul t *xd0( 2) ; x0( 2) +ymul t *xd0( 2) ] , . . .
[ x0( 3) - Re- zmul t *xd0( 3) ; x0( 3) - Re+zmul t *xd0( 3) ] , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( x0( 2) +xmul t *xd0( 2) , x0( 3) - Re+xmul t *xd0( 3) , ' ob' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( xf ( 2) , xf ( 3) - Re, ' *r ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot ( [ xf ( 2) - ymul t *xdt ( 2) ; xf ( 2) +ymul t *xdt ( 2) ] , . . .
[ xf ( 3) - Re- zmul t *xdt ( 3) ; xf ( 3) - Re+zmul t *xdt ( 3) ] , ' - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( xf ( 2) +xmul t *xdt ( 2) , xf ( 3) - Re+xmul t *xdt ( 3) , ' or ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
xl abel ( ' Y posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' Z posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
pl ot ( pat h( : , 2) , pat h( : , 4) - Re, ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
hol d on; gr i d; %axi s equal ;
pl ot ( x0( 1) , x0( 3) - Re, ' *b' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot ( [ x0( 1) - xmul t *xd0( 1) ; x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) ] , . . .
[ x0( 3) - Re- zmul t *xd0( 3) ; x0( 3) - Re+zmul t *xd0( 3) ] , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( x0( 1) +xmul t *xd0( 1) , x0( 3) - Re+xmul t *xd0( 3) , ' ob' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( xf ( 1) , xf ( 3) - Re, ' *r ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 5)
pl ot ( [ xf ( 1) - xmul t *xdt ( 1) ; xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) ] , . . .
[ xf ( 3) - Re- zmul t *xdt ( 3) ; xf ( 3) - Re+zmul t *xdt ( 3) ] , ' - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( xf ( 1) +xmul t *xdt ( 1) , xf ( 3) - Re+xmul t *xdt ( 3) , ' or ' , ' l i newi dt h' , 3)
xl abel ( ' X posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' Z posi t i on ( m) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
hol d on
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 5) , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 8) , ' - - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
gr i d
xl abel ( ' t i me ( s) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' V' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
l egend( ' V' , ' Vdot ' , ' Locat i on' , ' East Out si de' )

f i gur e
hol d on
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 6) , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 7) , ' - - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
gr i d
xl abel ( ' t i me ( s) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' t h, psi ( r ad) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
l egend( ' t h' , ' psi ' , ' Locat i on' , ' East Out si de' )

f i gur e
hol d on
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 12) , ' - - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 13) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , nmax( : ) , ' - - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , - nmax( : ) , ' - - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
gr i d
xl abel ( ' t i me ( s) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' f or ce ( g) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
l egend( ' ny' , ' nz' , ' Locat i on' , ' East Out si de' )

f i gur e
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 1)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 1) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
l egend( ' x( 1) ' )
gr i d
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 2)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 5) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
yl abel ( ' Fl i ght Pat h' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
l egend( ' x^/ ( 1) ' )
gr i d
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 9) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
l egend( ' x^/ ^/ ( 1) ' )
gr i d
xl abel ( ' t i me' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 1)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 2) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
gr i d
l egend( ' x( 2) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 2)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 6) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
yl abel ( ' 1st Di r i vat i ve of Fl i ght Pat h' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
l egend( ' x^/ ( 2) ' )
gr i d
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 10) , ' k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
l egend( ' x^/ ^/ ( 2) ' )
gr i d

f i gur e
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 1)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 3) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
l egend( ' x( 3) ' )
gr i d
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 2)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 7) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
yl abel ( ' 2nd Der i vat i ve of Fl i ght Pat h' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
l egend( ' x^/ ( 3) ' )
gr i d
subpl ot ( 3, 1, 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , t r ys( : , 11) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 2) ;
l egend( ' x^/ ^/ ( 3) ' )
gr i d
xl abel ( ' t i me ( s) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
pl ot ( cost s( : , 1) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d
xl abel ( ' I t er at i ons ( #) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' Cost Funct i on Val ue' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
pl ot ( cost s( : , 2) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d
xl abel ( ' I t er at i ons ( #) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' / t au _f ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e
pl ot ( cost s( : , 3) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d
xl abel ( ' I t er at i ons ( #) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' t _g_o t o I nt er cept ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )

f i gur e; hol d on;
pl ot ( cost s( : , 5) , ' - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
gr i d
pl ot ( cost s( : , 6) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
hol d of f
xl abel ( ' I t er at i ons ( #) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' Penal t y Val ues' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
l egend( ' Py' , ' Pz' )

f i gur e
pl ot ( 180/ pi *acos( cost s( : , 4) / 100) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d
xl abel ( ' I t er at i ons ( #) ' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
yl abel ( ' I mpact Angl e' , ' Font Name' , ' Ti mes New Roman' )
axi s( [ 0 qq 0 100] )
st at es{q, 1}=pat h;
st at es{q, 2}=const ;
st at es{q, 3}=f r ee;
st at es{q, 4}=best ;
st at es{q, 5}=[ cost ; J ; Py; Pz] ;

r et ur n

2. SMGuidanceCost.m
f unct i on [ cost , J , Py, Pz] =SMGui danceCost ( f r ee, const )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on cal cul at es t he cost of t he pr oposed t r aj ect or y r et ur ned
%f r omt he SMTr aj ect or y. mf unct i on based on t he opt i mi zat i on par amet er s
%and penal t y par amet er s def i ned her ei n. Thi s i s a sub- f unct i on of t he
%SMGui dance. mf unct i on' s f mi nsear ch. Thi s cost val ue i s used t o
%det er mi ne whet her t he pr oposed t r aj ect or y i s opt i mal . The t r aj ect or y
%t hat r et ur ns t he mi ni mumval ue of J i s t he opt i mal f unct i on.

%%Var i abl e Li st
%cal ccost = a gl obal var i abl e of t he val ue of t he J f unct i on ( used
% f or pl ot t i ng)
%const = var i abl es t hat f mi nsear ch cannot modi f y, i ncl udi ng syst em
% const r ai nt s, speci f i cal l y [ x0; xd0; xdd0; t i me; xt ; xdt ; i ni t ]
%cost = cost f unct i on val ue r et ur ned f r omSMGui danceCost . m
f unct i on
%cost s = vect or of val ues of t he cost var i abl es at each i t er at i on
%di st = cumul at i ve di st ance t r avel ed
%f r ee = var i abl es t hat f mi nsear ch can modi f y, speci f i cal l y
% [ t au; t go; t hf ; psi f ]
%i ni t = vect or of i ni t i al est i mat es
%J = vect or of cost f unct i on var i abl e val ues
%N = l engt h of t he pat h vect or ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%nmax = maxi mumaccel er at i on capabi l i t y of t he i nt er cept or ,
% al t i t ude dependent
%nx = axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame x
%ny = axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame y
%nz = axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame z
%pat h = r et ur ned t i me hi st or y of t he opt i mal pat h, speci f i cal l y
% [ t i me' X( 1: 3, : ) ' V' t h' psi ' Vdot ' t hdot ' psi dot ' nx' ny'
nz' ]
%psi = i ni t i al i nt er cept or headi ng angl e
%psi dot = i ni t i al r at e of change of i nt er cept or headi ng angl e
%psi f = f i nal i nt er cept or headi ng angl e, cal cul at ed f r omf i nal
% condi t i ons est i mat e
%Py = penal t y f unct i on on t he y accel er at i on
%Pz = penal t y f unct i on on t he z accel er at i on
%qq = count i ng var i abl e
%t = cur r ent t i me
%t au_f = val ue of t he vi r t ual ar c
%t go; = t i me t o go t o i nt er cept
%t h = i ni t i al i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hdot = i ni t i al r at e of change of i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hf = f i nal i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t i me = opt i mal pat h t i me hi st or y
%V = i ni t i al i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%V_f = f i nal i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%Vdot = i ni t i al i nt er cept or accel er at i on
%X = t he opt i mal pat h t i me hi st or y i n Car t esi an coor di nat es
%x0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or posi t i on
%xd0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%xdd0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or accel er at i on
%xdf = f i nal i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%xdt = cur r ent t ar get vel oci t y
%xt = cur r ent t ar get posi t i on

[ pat h] =SMTr aj ect or y( f r ee, const ) ;

gl obal cal ccost cost s q qq t go t r ys

%I ni t i al i ze Var i abl es
di st =0;
Re=6. 378137e6;

%%I dent i f y Var i abl es
t i me=pat h( : , 1) ;
X=pat h( : , 2: 4) ;
V=pat h( : , 5) ;
t h=pat h( : , 6) ;
psi =pat h( : , 7) ;
Vdot =pat h( : , 8) ;
t hdot =pat h( : , 9) ;
psi dot =pat h( : , 10) ;
nx=pat h( : , 11) ;
ny=pat h( : , 12) ;
nz=pat h( : , 13) ;
N=l engt h( pat h( : , 1) ) ;

t au_f =f r ee( 1) ;
t go=f r ee( 2) ;
t hf =f r ee( 3) ;
psi f =f r ee( 4) ;

x0=const ( 1: 3) ;
xd0=const ( 4: 6) ;
xdd0=const ( 7: 9) ;
t =const ( 10) ;
xt =const ( 11: 13) ;
xdt =const ( 14: 16) ;
i ni t =const ( 17: 19) ;

V_f =pat h( N, 5) ;
xdf =[ V_f *cos( t hf ) *cos( psi f ) ;
V_f *cos( t hf ) *si n( psi f ) ;
V_f *si n( t hf ) ] ;
t go=pat h( N, 1) ;

f or i =2: 1: N
di st =di st +abs( nor m( [ X( i , 1) - X( i - 1, 1) ; X( i , 2) - X( i - 1, 2) ; X( i , 3) - X( i -
1, 3) ; ] ) ) ;
nmax=40+( 40- 10) / ( 0- 50000) *( pat h( : , 4) - Re) ;

%%Cal cul at e Cost of t he chosen t r aj ect or y
J =[ t au_f ;
t go;
100*abs( dot ( xdf , xdt ) / nor m( xdf ) / nor m( xdt ) ) ] ;
Py=sum( max( 0, abs( ny) - nmax) . ^2) ;
Pz=sum( max( 0, abs( nz) - nmax) . ^2) ;

cost =0. 33*ones( 1, 3) *J +nor m( [ Py; Pz] ) ;
cost s( qq, 1: 6) =[ cost ; J ; Py; Pz; ] ;
cal ccost =cost ;

r et ur n

3. SMTrajectory.m
f unct i on [ pat h] =SMTr aj ect or y( f r ee, const )
%Wr i t t en by LT J ohn A. Lukacs I V, Naval Post gr aduat e School , J une 2006

%Thi s f unct i on pr oposes a t r aj ect or y based on t he i nput par amet er s
%" f r ee" and " const " . Thi s i s a sub- f unct i on of t he SMGui dance. m
%f unct i on' s f mi nsear ch. Thi s f unct i on cr eat es a 7t h or der set of
%equat i ons and eval uat es t hat equat i on at t he boundar y condi t i ons
%suppl i ed by t he i nput s. I t t hen cal cul at es t he t i me hi st or y of al l
%t he f l i ght vehi cl e var i abl es, i ncl udi ng cont r ol s and r eact i ons,
%necessar y t o devel op t hat f l i ght pat h. A pl ot command set at t he end
%of t hi s f unct i on wi l l pl ot a char t of t he i t er at i ons at t he end of
%r un i f desi r ed.

%%Var i abl e Li st
%A = mat r i x of r ef er ence equat i ons
%Ax = boundar y condi t i on r ef er ence equat i on ( 1 f or each axi s)
%Axp = 1st der i vat i ve of boundar y condi t i ons r ef er ence equat i on
% ( 1 f or each axi s)
%Axpp = 2nd der i vat i ve of boundar y condi t i ons r ef er ence equat i on
% ( 1 f or each axi s)
%Axppp = 3r d der i vat i ve of boundar y condi t i ons r ef er ence equat i on
% ( 1 f or each axi s)
%BND = boundar y condi t i on vect or ( 1 f or each axi s)
%BR_di f f = i t er at i ve var i abl e ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%BR_end = i t er at i ve var i abl e ( used f or pl ot t i ng)
%const = var i abl es t hat f mi nsear ch cannot modi f y, i ncl udi ng syst em
% const r ai nt s, speci f i cal l y [ x0; xd0; xdd0; t i me; xt ; xdt ; i ni t ]
%Cx = i nver si on of Ax ( 1 f or each axi s)
%Cxp = i nver si on of Axp ( 1 f or each axi s)
%Cxpp = i nver si on of Axpp ( 1 f or each axi s)
%Cxppp = i nver si on of Axppp ( 1 f or each axi s)
%dt au = t au st ep val ue
%dt i me = t i me st ep val ue
%f r ee = var i abl es t hat f mi nsear ch can modi f y, speci f i cal l y
% [ t au; t go; t hf ; psi f ]
%g = gr avi t at i onal f or ce
%i = i ndex f or coor di nat e axi s
%i ni t = vect or of i ni t i al est i mat es
%L = l ambda, vi r t ual speed
%Lf = f i nal l ambda, def i ned as Vf
%Li = i ni t i al l ambda, def i ned as V0
%Lpf = 1st der i vat i ve of f i nal l ambda
%Lpi = 1st der i vat i ve of i ni t i al l ambda
%nmax = maxi mumaccel er at i on capabi l i t y of t he i nt er cept or ,
% al t i t ude dependent
%nX = nor mof r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%nx = axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame x
%nXp = nor mof 1st der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%nXpp = nor mof 2nd der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%nXppp = nor mof 3r d der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y
%ny = axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame y
%nz = axi al accel er at i on command, body f r ame z
%pat h = r et ur ned t i me hi st or y of t he opt i mal pat h, speci f i cal l y
% [ t i me' X( 1: 3, : ) ' V' t h' psi ' Vdot ' t hdot ' psi dot ' nx' . . .
% ny' nz' ]
%psi = i nt er cept or headi ng angl e
%psi dot f = f i nal r at e of change of i nt er cept or headi ng angl e
%psi f = f i nal i nt er cept or headi ng angl e
%psi p = 1st der i vat i ve of headi ng angl e
%qq = count i ng var i abl e
%t = cur r ent t i me
%t au = vi r t ual ar c var i abl e
%t au_f = val ue of t he vi r t ual ar c
%t go = t i me t o go t o i nt er cept
%t h = i ni t i al i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hdot f = f i nal r at e of change of i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hf = f i nal i nt er cept or f l i ght pat h angl e
%t hp = 1st der i vat i ve of f l i ght pat h angl e
%t i me = opt i mal pat h t i me hi st or y
%t r ys = col l ect i on of nor ms [ X nX Xp nXp Xpp nXppp] ( used f or
% pl ot t i ng )
%V = vel oci t y
%Vdot f = f i nal accel er at i on
%Vdot i = i ni t i al accel er at i on
%Vf = f i nal vel oci t y
%Vi = i ni t i al vel oci t y
%Vp = 1st der i vat i ve of vel oci t y
%X = r ef er ence t r aj ect or y ( 1 f or each axi s)
%x0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or posi t i on
%xd0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%xdd0 = i ni t i al i nt er cept or accel er at i on
%xddf = f i nal i nt er cept or posi t i on
%xdf = f i nal i nt er cept or vel oci t y
%xdt = cur r ent t ar get vel oci t y
%xf = est i mat e of i nt er cept posi t i on
%xF = f i nal posi t i on [ x1; x2] boundar y condi t i on
%xI = i ni t i al posi t i on [ x1; x2] boundar y condi t i on
%Xp = 1st der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y ( 1 f or each axi s)
%xp0 = 1st der i vat i ve of i ni t i al boundar y condi t i ons
%xpf = 1st der i vat i ve of f i nal boundar y condi t i ons
%xpF = f i nal 1st der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xpI = i ni t i al 1st der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%Xpp = 2nd der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y ( 1 f or each axi s)
%xpp0 = 2nd der i vat i ve of i ni t i al boundar y condi t i ons
%xppf = 2nd der i vat i ve of f i nal boundar y condi t i ons
%xppF = f i nal 2nd der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xppI = i ni t i al 2nd der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%Xppp = 3r d der i vat i ve of r ef er ence t r aj ect or y ( 1 f or each axi s)
%xppp0 = 3r d der i vat i ve of i ni t i al boundar y condi t i ons
%xpppf = 3r d der i vat i ve of f i nal boundar y condi t i ons
%xpppF = f i nal 3r d der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xpppI = i ni t i al 3r d der i vat i ve of posi t i on boundar y condi t i on
%xt = cur r ent t ar get posi t i on

gl obal updat e t r ys q qq Pos_BR Pos_SM cal ccost
Re=6. 378137e6;

%%Def i ne Ter ms
t au_f =f r ee( 1) ;
t go=f r ee( 2) ;
t hf =f r ee( 3) ;
psi f =f r ee( 4) ;

x0=const ( 1: 3) ;
xd0=const ( 4: 6) ;
Vi =nor m( xd0) ;
Li =Vi ;
xdd0=const ( 7: 9) ;
Vdot i =nor m( xdd0) ;
Lpi =Vdot i / Vi ;
t =const ( 10) ;
xt =const ( 11: 13) ;
xdt =const ( 14: 16) ;
i ni t =const ( 17: 19) ;

Vf =3500- 10*t go;
Lf =Vf ;
xf =xt +xdt . *( 2. 5*t go) ;
xdf =[ Vf *cos( t hf ) *cos( psi f ) ;
Vf *cos( t hf ) *si n( psi f ) ;
Vf *si n( t hf ) ] ;
Vdot f =- 5. 9578;
t hdot f =0;
psi dot f =0;
xddf =[ Vdot f *cos( t hf ) *cos( psi f ) - Vf *cos( t hf ) *si n( psi f ) *psi dot f - . . .
Vf *si n( t hf ) *cos( psi f ) *t hdot f ;
Vdot f *cos( t hf ) *si n( psi f ) +Vf *cos( t hf ) *cos( psi f ) *psi dot f - . . .
Vf *si n( t hf ) *si n( psi f ) *t hdot f ;
Vdot f *si n( t hf ) +Vf *cos( t hf ) *t hdot f ] ;
Lpf =Vdot f / Vf ;

%%Cal cul at e Coef f i ci ent s
xp0=xd0/ Li ;
xpp0=( xdd0- xd0*Lpi ) / Li ^2;
xppp0=[ 0; 0; 0] ;
xpf =xdf / Lf ;
xppf =( xddf - xdf *Lpf ) / Lf ^2;
xpppf =[ 0; 0; 0] ;

xpf =xdf ;
xppf =xddf ;

syms t au_F xI xpI xppI xpppI xF xpF xppF xpppF r eal
A=[ 1 0 0 0 0 0. . .
0 0;
0 1 0 0 0 0. . .
0 0;
0 0 1 0 0 0. . .
0 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0. . .
0 0;
1 t au_F t au_F^2/ 2 t au_F^3/ 6 t au_F^4/ 24 t au_F^5/ 60. . .
t au_F^6/ 120 t au_F^7/ 210;
0 1 t au_F t au_F^2/ 2 t au_F^3/ 6 t au_F^4/ 12. . .
t au_F^5/ 20 t au_F^6/ 30;
0 0 1 t au_F t au_F^2/ 2 t au_F^3/ 3. . .
t au_F^4/ 4 t au_F^5/ 5;
0 0 0 1 t au_F t au_F^2. . .
t au_F^3 t au_F^4] ;
b=[ xI xpI xppI xpppI xF xpF xppF xpppF] ' ;
a=A\ b;
a=col l ect ( a, t au_F) ;
N=l engt h( a) ;

%%Def i ne Boundar y Condi t i ons
% {' xI ' , ' xpI ' , ' xppI ' , ' xF' , ' xpF' , ' xppF' , ' t au_F' }
BND{1}={x0( 1) , xp0( 1) , xpp0( 1) , xppp0( 1) , xf ( 1) , xpf ( 1) , xppf ( 1) , . . .
xpppf ( 1) , t au_f }; %x1
BND{2}={x0( 2) , xp0( 2) , xpp0( 2) , xppp0( 2) , xf ( 2) , xpf ( 2) , xppf ( 2) , . . .
xpppf ( 2) , t au_f }; %x2
BND{3}={x0( 3) , xp0( 3) , xpp0( 3) , xppp0( 3) , xf ( 3) , xpf ( 3) , xppf ( 3) , . . .
xpppf ( 3) , t au_f }; %x3
dt au=t au_f / 99;
t au=[ 0: dt au: t au_f ] ; %100 dat a poi nt s

cl ear A
%%Cal cul at e t r aj ect or i es ( 2+1 4t h or der case)
f or i =1: 3
A{i }=subs( a, {' xI ' , ' xpI ' , ' xppI ' , ' xpppI ' , ' xF' , ' xpF' , ' xppF' , . . .
' xpppF' , ' t au_F' }, BND{i }) ;
Ax{i }=di ag( [ 1, 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 6, 1/ 24, 1/ 60, 1/ 120, 1/ 210 ] ) . . .
*A{i };
Axp{i }=di ag( [ 0, 1, 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 6, 1/ 12, 1/ 20, 1/ 30 ] ) . . .
*A{i };
Axpp{i }=di ag( [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 3, 1/ 4, 1/ 5 ] ) . . .
*A{i };
Axppp{i }=di ag( [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ) . . .
*A{i };
Cx( i , : ) =Ax{i }( [ N: - 1: 1] ) ;
Cxp( i , : ) =Axp{i }( [ N: - 1: 2] ) ;
Cxpp( i , : ) =Axpp{i }( [ N: - 1: 3] ) ;
Cxppp( i , : ) =Axppp{i }( [ N: - 1: 4] ) ;
X( i , : ) =pol yval ( Cx( i , : ) , t au) ;
Xp( i , : ) =pol yval ( Cxp( i , : ) , t au) ;
Xpp( i , : ) =pol yval ( Cxpp( i , : ) , t au) ;
Xppp( i , : ) =pol yval ( Cxppp( i , : ) , t au) ;

%%Comput e t he St at es
g=3. 986004418e14/ nor m( X( 1: 3, 1) +[ 0; 0; Re] ) ^2;
V( 1) =Vi ;
Vp( 1) =Vdot i ;
t h( 1) =at an2( Xp( 3, 1) , nor m( Xp( 1: 2, 1) ) ) ;
psi ( 1) =at an2( Xp( 2, 1) , Xp( 1, 1) ) ;

L( 1) =V( 1) ;
t i me( 1) =t ; dt i me( 1) =0. 1;
t au( 1) =0;

f or j =2: l engt h( t au) ;
g=3. 986004418e14/ nor m( X( 1: 3, j - 1) +[ 0; 0; Re] ) ^2;
i f nor m( X( : , j - 1) ) <86000
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( nor m( X( : , j - 1) ) ) ;
el se
[ r o, pr ess, t emp] =STat mos( 86000) ;
MV=V( j - 1) / sqr t ( 1. 402*287*t emp) ;
[ m_i , di a] =SMPar ams3( t i me( j - 1) ) ;
[ CD] =ZLDr agC( MV, t i me( j - 1) ) ;
i f t i me( j - 1) < 6
Thr ust =206000;
CD=CD( 1) ;
el sei f t i me( j - 1) < 26
Thr ust =95300;
CD=CD( 1) ;
el se
Thr ust =0;
CD=CD( 2) ;
Sr ef =pi *di a^2/ 4;
Dr ag=r o*V( j - 1) ^2*CD*Sr ef / 2;
nx( j - 1) =( Thr ust - Dr ag) / m_i / g;

t h( j - 1) =at an2( Xp( 3, j - 1) , nor m( Xp( 1: 2, j - 1) ) ) ;
psi ( j - 1) =at an2( Xp( 2, j - 1) , Xp( 1, j - 1) ) ;
Vp( j - 1) =g*( nx( j - 1) - si n( t h( j - 1) ) ) ;

t hp( j - 1) =cos( t h( j - 1) ^2) *( Xpp( 3, j - 1) *( Xp( 1, j - 1) ^2+Xp( 2, j - 1) ^2) - . . .
Xp( 3, j - 1) *( Xpp( 1, j - 1) +Xpp( 2, j - 1) ) ) / ( Xp( 1, j - 1) ^2+. . .
Xp( 2, j - 1) ^2) ^1. 5;
psi p( j - 1) =cos( psi ( j - 1) ^2) *( Xp( 1, j - 1) *Xpp( 2, j - 1) - Xpp( 1, j - 1) *. . .
Xp( 2, j - 1) ) / ( Xp( 1, j - 1) ^2+Xp( 2, j - 1) ^2) ;
ny( j - 1) =V( j - 1) / g*cos( t h( j - 1) ) *psi p( j - 1) ;
nz( j - 1) =V( j - 1) / g*t hp( j - 1) +cos( t h( j - 1) ) ;

V( j ) =V( j - 1) +Vp( j - 1) *dt i me( j - 1) ;

t au( j ) =t au( j - 1) +dt au;
ddi st ( j ) =sqr t ( ( X( 1, j ) - X( 1, j - 1) ) ^2+( X( 2, j ) - X( 2, j - 1) ) ^2+. . .
( X( 3, j ) - X( 3, j - 1) ) ^2) ;
dt i me( j ) =2*ddi st ( j ) / ( V( j ) +V( j - 1) ) ;
L( j ) =dt au/ dt i me( j - 1) ;

t i me( j ) =t i me( j - 1) +dt i me( j - 1) ;
N=l engt h( X( 1, : ) ) ;
f or i =1: 1: N
nX( i ) =nor m( X( 1: 3, i ) ) ;
nXp( i ) =nor m( Xp( 1: 3, i ) ) ;
nXpp( i ) =nor m( Xpp( 1: 3, i ) ) ;
dt i me( N) =dt i me( N- 1) ;
t h( N) =t h( N- 1) ;
psi ( N) =psi ( N- 1) ;
Vp( N) =Vp( N- 1) ;
t hp( N) =t hp( N- 1) ;
psi p( N) =psi p( N- 1) ;
nx( N) =nx( N- 1) ;
ny( N) =ny( N- 1) ;
nz( N) =nz( N- 1) ;

t r ys=[ X' nX' Xp' nXp' Xpp' nXpp' ] ;
pat h=[ t i me' X( 1: 3, : ) ' V' t h' psi ' Vp' t hp' psi p' nx' ny' nz' t au' . . .
ddi st ' dt i me' L' ] ;

%%Pl ot ever y i t er at i on
nmax=40+( 40- 10) / ( 0- 50000) *( pat h( : , 4) - Re) ;
BR_end=t i me( N) *2+1;
BR_di f f =BR_end;
whi l e BR_di f f >1
BR_di f f =BR_di f f - 1;
BR_end=BR_end- BR_di f f ;

f i gur e( 100)
f i gur epal et t e( ' hi de' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, [ 1 2 7 8] )
pl ot 3( X( 1, : ) , X( 2, : ) , X( 3, : ) - Re, ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
hol d on;
pl ot 3( Pos_BR( 1: 300, 1) , Pos_BR( 1: 300, 2) , Pos_BR( 1: 300, 3) - Re, ' : k' , . . .
' Li neWi dt h' , 2)
pl ot 3( Pos_BR( 140+BR_end, 1) , Pos_BR( 140+BR_end, 2) , . . .
Pos_BR( 140+BR_end, 3) - Re, ' ok' , ' Li neWi dt h' , 3)
pl ot 3( Pos_BR( 140, 1) , Pos_BR( 140, 2) , Pos_BR( 140, 3) - Re, ' *k' , ' Li neWi dt h' , 2)
pl ot 3( xf ( 1) , xf ( 2) , xf ( 3) - Re, ' *r ' , ' Li neWi dt h' , 2)
pl ot 3( Pos_SM( 1: 19, 1) , Pos_SM( 1: 19, 2) , Pos_SM( 1: 19, 3) - Re, ' - - b' , . . .
' Li neWi dt h' , 2)
vi ew( - 102, 8)
hol d of f ;
axi s( [ 0 1. 1e5 - 1e4 1. 1e5 0 7e4] )
t i t l e( ' 3D Fl i ght Pat h' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, [ 13 14] )
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 12) , ' - - b' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
hol d on; gr i d on
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , pat h( : , 13) , ' - k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , nmax( : ) , ' - - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
pl ot ( pat h( : , 1) , - nmax( : ) , ' - - r ' , ' Li newi dt h' , 3)
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 45 45] ) ;
t i t l e( ' Cont r ol Ef f or t ' )
hol d of f
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 3)
pl ot ( t i me, X( 1, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) 1e4 1. 1e5] )
t i t l e( ' X( 1) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 9)
pl ot ( t i me, X( 2, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 1e4 1. 1e5] )
t i t l e( ' X( 2) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 15)
pl ot ( t i me, X( 3, : ) - Re, ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) 0 7e4] )
t i t l e( ' X( 3) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 4)
pl ot ( t i me, Xp( 1, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d o n
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 45 45] ) ; axi s ' aut o y'
t i t l e( ' X_p( 1) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 10)
pl ot ( t i me, Xp( 2, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 45 45] ) ; axi s ' aut o y'
t i t l e( ' X_p( 2) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 16)
pl ot ( t i me, Xp( 3, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 45 45] ) ; axi s ' aut o y'
t i t l e( ' X_p( 3) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 5)
pl ot ( t i me, Xpp( 1, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 45 45] ) ; axi s ' aut o y'
t i t l e( ' X_p_p( 1) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 11)
pl ot ( t i me, Xpp( 2, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 45 45] ) ; axi s ' aut o y'
t i t l e( ' X_p_p( 2) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 17)
pl ot ( t i me, Xpp( 3, : ) , ' Li newi dt h' , 3) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 10 t i me( N) - 45 45] ) ; axi s ' aut o y'
t i t l e( ' X_p_p( 3) ' )
subpl ot ( 3, 6, 6)
hol d on
pl ot ( qq, t i me( N) , ' *k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 1) ; gr i d on
hol d of f
axi s( [ 0 200 0 60] ) ;
t i t l e( ' Ti me t o go' )
i f qq>1
subpl ot ( 3, 6, [ 12 18] )
hol d on
pl ot ( qq, cal ccost , ' *k' , ' Li newi dt h' , 1) ; gr i d on
axi s( [ 0 200 0 100] ) ; axi s ' aut o y'
hol d of f
t i t l e( ' Funct i onal Cost ' )

r et ur n

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1. Defense Technical Information Center
Ft. Belvoir, Virginia

2. Dudley Knox Library
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

3. Temasek Defence Systems Institute
National University of Singapore
Singapore, Singapore

4. Thomas Hoivik, Associate Chair of Interdisciplinary Activities
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

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