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Problem Statement:

The average force constant of truth of this claim, we gathered the Force Constants every trial of Hookes
Law Experiment. It is consisting a 4 N/m spring is 5.25 Newton per meter when a certain mass is added
to the spring. To test the of 4 trials and heres the following data of the Force Constants: 5.07, 5.30,
5.33, and 5.25. Is the Force constant of a 4 N/m spring claim true?
Hookes law, law of elasticity discovered by the English scientist Robert Hooke in 1660, which
states that, for relatively small deformations of an object, the displacement or size of the deformation
is directly proportional to the deforming force or load. Under these conditions the object returns to its
original shape and size upon removal of the load. Elastic behavior of solids according to Hookes law
can be explained by the fact that a small displacement of their constituent molecules, atoms,
or ions from normal positions is also proportional to the force that causes the displacement.
The deforming force may be applied to a solid by stretching, compressing, squeezing, bending, or
twisting. Thus, a metal wire exhibits elastic behavior according to Hookes law because the small
increase in its length when stretched by an applied force doubles each time the force is doubled.
Mathematically, Hookes law states that the applied force F equals a constant k times the
displacement or change in length x, or F = kx. The value of k depends not only on the kind of elastic
material under consideration but also on its dimensions and shape.
A use of an experiment, Hookes Law Experiment, in Physics11 Laboratory was used to obtain the data.
Given the experiment paper, we gathered the specific data needed from this study. The experiment was
performed by the physics11 students. This allows us to use a performed experiment and not predicted
values to ensure that we really understand what this is all about.
Background Study:
The Hookes Law experiment was the fifth experiment in Physics11 Laboratory. The objectives of the
experiment are the following: To study the elastic properties of the spring, to determine the force
constant of the spring, to investigate the relationship between the deforming force and the amount the
spring stretches, and to determine the total work done on the spring when it is being stretch.
The theory of this experiment explains that Elasticity refers to a property by which an object changes its
length, shape or size under the action of a deforming force and recovers its original configuration upon
the removal of force.
The deformation of an elastic material obeys Hookes Law which states that Within the elastic limit of a
body, the deforming force is directly proportional to the elongation of the body.
The main purpose of this research is to claim whether the average Force Constant of the spring satisfies
the gathered data as we mention in the problem statement. Since the population is only 4, which is less
than 30, we used the t-test hypothesis statistical test using the claimed average Force Constant of the
spring as the null hypothesis. Calculations were done and as a result, the claimed average Force
Constant of the spring was accepted because the computed value is in the accepted area of the critical

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