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Assignment n 1 Yael Squeo 2 AM

My first encounter with words was at the age of three or four when, as a child,
you truly eager to discover new things that caught your attention. In my case,
words were not the exception. In those times, of course, I hardly grasp the
importance of reading. I was just amazed by the simple fact of learning. Then
throughout my life, experiences have shown me that words are more than
merely letters put together like puzzle pieces.
My mother would always enlighten me with stories, mostly spooky, wacky
stories and fairy tales. She would read to me in a quaint brownish wooden chair
beside my bed almost every night under a high lamp illuminating her pleasantly.
It was a delight to listen to such awe-inspiring adventures with heroic characters
and eccentric settings. However, what I loved the most was my mothers soft
gentle voice while pronouncing each word until I fell asleep.
Childrens life is made up of moments, some may remain in their minds forever
but others may be blurred over the years just as fast and spontaneously as they
arrived. But as to what I lived at school that I remember perfectly. During the
breaks I would rush downstairs, passing through the multitude of students until I
reached the library. It was a giant room full of books with colorful and shiny
covers wide spread over a large table. I would leap on it to take as many books
as the librarian would let me. The possibility to rent them was significant for me,
especially during that period of my life. Books were my company. They never
left me alone. If I felt solitary on a stormy night, I would have a story to rely on
and feel immersed in it as if I was one of the characters. Those memories will
last eternally deep inside my soul.
Personally, I read books for the aesthetic emotions they offer me, and I ignore
the commentaries and criticism. Reading is all about drawing and coloring. That
is, in your mind, when you read, you have to paint that picture, and color in the
black and white. Imagination and adventure is the key to reading and writing,
simply because a picture is worth a thousand words.
As Jorge Luis Borges says A book is more than a verbal structure or series of
verbal structures; it is the dialogue it establishes with its reader and the
intonation it imposes upon his voice and the changing and durable images it
leaves in his memory. A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an
axis of innumerable relationships.

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