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1. Physically Insignificant
- Lucy Beck was young and small and mouse-
coloured, easily overlooked (Page 9)
2. Underachiever
- She had a lonely O level and typing speed
that would make a tortoise laugh (Page 9)
3. Low Self-Esteem
- Whoever will want to employ me?
(Page 9)
- If I get a job Trouble was that there
were hundreds after every vacancy,
brighter than Lucy, better qualified than
Lucy, wearing strings of O levels
round their necks like pearls. (Page 10)
4. Punctual
- She was early. She smoothed down her windy hair and waited.
(Page 12)
5. Clever
- You catch on quick youre not the timid mouse you look,
Miss Beck. Youre a right little lion. (Page 25)
6. Courageous
- She went back and sat down in front
of the typewriter and glared at it. (Page
- She might be young and shy and a
little slow, but she was not, no, she was
not a coward! (Page 20)
7. Compassionate
- I went along last night and left you flowers (Lucy places
flowers at Miss Broomes grave). (Page 28)
- They only asked you to go because they were worried about
your health. (Lucy tells Miss Broome that Mr Bannister forced
her to leave out of concern.) (Page 29)
8. Determined
- Lucy wants a job to overcome her poverty and move out of
the house.
Lucy wanted the job. More than anyone, more than anything,
she wanted a job. She was too tired of being poor. (Page 9)
- Lucy is determined to complete her letters although she is
constantly challenged by the ghost of Miss Broome.
For an hour, she battled with the machine. (Page 22)

9. Sympathetic
- After forty-three years? Lucy said,
shocked into sympathy. (Page 25)
- Sorry for her, are you? Harry Darke
asked, watching her face. (Page 26)
- No! No, it isnt! We want you, she
said. (Page 28) (Lucy persuades Uncle
Bert to stay with them)

Character that you love/ interesting.

Lucy is a young seventeen year old lady who got a job as a _______________ at
Ross and Banisters. Lucy Beck is young and small and mouse-coloured, easily
______________. She has a very _________________, inferior complex and
______________. Lucy assumes that there are more qualified and brighter people than
her who are qualified for the ____________________.
However, she becomes _______________ to change her ______________. Lucy
is tired of being poor and she is fed up with macaroni cheese and baked beans. She
gathered her strength and _______________ to get a job to get out of ____________.
Lucy becomes enthusiastic and a __________________ when she got a job. She faces
problems when each time she types, the word _____________________ appears on
the paper. When she finds that it was the ghost of Miss Broom, she becomes
____________ and keeps typing and liquid the ______________________ and reached
the end of the letter by _____________.
Lucy becomes ________________, caring and _______________ after knowing
Miss Broomes history. Lucy is ____________ when she heard the news about Miss
Broome from Harry Darke. She was forced to stop working after she had been working
for _______________ years. Lucy ______________ Miss Broome and tells her that Mr
Bannister is only acting out of ____________ as he was worried of her health. Lucy
managed to ____________ Miss Broome that the late Mr Bannister needs her help in
the afterlife.
Based on the evidence above, thats why Lucy is the character I like/ the
character I think is interesting.

I choose the story I analysed in form 4, QWERTYUIOP by Vivien Alcock as the character I
admire most is Lucy Beck from QWERTYUIOP.
Lucy Beck is 17 years old who just graduated from secretarial studies in Belmont Secretarial
College. She then got a job as a secretary at the Ross and Bannisters. She is physically insignificant as
she was described as young, small, mouse coloured and easily overlooked. Furthermore, she has a low
self-esteem. This can be shown when she questioned herself who would employ her when there are
hundreds after every vacancy, brighter and more qualified than her with high academic achievements.
She is also very punctual. She arrived at her workplace earlier than anyone. Moreover, she is clever
and courageous. This can be proved when Harry Darkecomplimented her on catching on quick when
she asked who is Miss Broome and Harry said wrong question and she corrected her question with
who was Miss Broome. Also, she is a compassionate and sympathetic. This is shown by Lucy Beck
when she placed flowers at Miss Broomes grave and when she felt sorry for Miss Broome after
hearing Miss Broomes story. Lucy Beck is also ambitious, determined and optimistic to change her
way of live. This can be shown when Lucy was mentioned of tired being poor, eating the same lame
thing every day and wearing second-hand clothes. She gathered her strength and determined to get a
job to get out of poverty.
This character has taught me that even though you might have some setbacks in your life
embrace it courageously as Lucy Beck did with the ghost of Miss Broome. Also, it taught me that it is
not necessarily that if we are incapable in something than the others, and then we will live miserably.
When Lucy Beck got a job of secretary even though she her typing was described as such that even the
tortoise will laugh at her, the character taught me that there is something that only we can do and also
work hard to achieve something. Lucy Beck also taught me that without determination you will
definitely have hard time dealing with problems. It was Lucy Becks determination that helped her to
keep her job as a secretary at Ross and Bannisters. Lucy Beck also taught me that punctuality is
important to give a good impression so that you might have more chance of succeeding in life.
My admiration towards this character has left me wanting to follow in her lead of living your
life. I decided that I will be determined, hardworking, well-mannered, and optimistic as the character
is in pursuing my dreams.

The Fruitcake Special - The Character That Has Impressed Me Much
I have selected the short story entitled 'The Fruitcake Special' written by Frank Brennan in
order to answer the question. The character that has impressed me much is none other than
Armstrong, the pizza delivery man. Armstrong is a quite good looking man, a bit short and a little thin
on top. He has impressed me much because he is a hardworking, responsible and a brave person.

First and foremost, Armstrong is a hardworking person. He delivers pizza for Anna for a week
when her cooker breaks down. He falls in love with Anna the very first time he delivers pizza to her.
However, he wants to be a success before asking Anna out. He sets his goal and works hard towards
his goal. Finally, he succeeds in his life and owns his own pizza company, Armstrongs Peachy Pizza.
He works very hard to transform himself from an employee to a real boss of a pizza company.

In addition to this, Armstrong is a responsible person. He knows that Anna deserves no less.
This is the reason why he never confesses his love towards Anna when he was only a pizza delivery
man. To him, Anna deserves more and he has the responsibility to make sure that he is good enough
for Anna before he confesses his love towards her. He knows that he has the responsibility to provide
the best for the woman he loves.
Last but not least, Armstrong is a brave person. He dares to confess his love towards Anna, the
woman he loves. He tells everything about his feelings to Anna and gives her flowers. Finally, Anna
sees Armstrong as a strong candidate for a good husband and accepts his love.

In conclusion, the character that has impressed me much is none other than Armstrong, the
pizza delivery man who is a hardworking, responsible and a brave person. His unique character
traits earn him the recognition of the woman he loves the most.

Characteristics: Hardworking and strong determination
Textual evidence:
She is hardworking and strong determined as she is willing to take all the trouble to walk all alone
and sell the flowers at her own risk. She wants to save up for an operation on her eyes.
Characteristics: Caring and devoted
Textual evidence:
She cares for her sick mother, so she sells flowers in order to pay for her mothers medication and
treatments. She is a devoted child who looks after her ailing mother although she is blind.
Characteristics: Smart and efficient
Textual evidence:
She discovers the identity of Lord Septic, accuses him of victimizing her and threatens to expose his
crimes by showing a courageous spirit to fight for her rights. Besides that she is also quick in finding
out about Percys background and gives moral support to him to regain his family fortune. She helps
in unraveling the mystery of the key in order to tie up all the loose ends.

Characteristics: A helpful orphan
Textual evidence:
Percys mother was killed on the railway line and he became an orphan living in poverty and hardship.
He was found in the litter bin at the railway station, wearing a purse containing a key bearing the
initials, NSL. He went through a poor life without realizing that he is actually the rightful heir to
Gatsby Gold. Although he is an orphan, he is a selfless and helpful. He helps Rose to pick up her
flowers which is thrown by Crouch, and rescued Rose from being killed by Lord Septic when she is
tied on the railway tracks by Crouch.
Characteristics: Intelligent and resourceful
Textual evidence:
Percy is quick in thinking as he managed to stop the train before it runs on Rose. He is smart enough
to dab his bleeding nose with his pants until it become dark re. then he climbed up the gas lamp at
the far end of the station and put his pants over the lamp.The train driver thought it was a stop light,
so his pants brought the train to a halt.

Characteristics: Brave and fights for justice
Textual evidence:
He grabs Crouch by his color when Crouch treated Rose badly. He rescues Rose from being killed by
Lord Septic and he manages to chain him and his servant so that they cannot escape from their evil
deeds. Finally the villains are left to their fate as the police are approaching the track.

Characteristics: Cruel and greedy
Textual evidence:
Lord Septic is a cruel owner of the match factory where Rose worked. . When she lost her eyesight
due to the fire in the factory, he did not pay her for the damage. Besides that he treats Rose like a
beggar and chases her form the railway station. Although he is rich, he want more and more wealth,
he seeks more power and willing to kill for it. He wants to be the richest man and wants to find the
Gatsby Gold.
Characteristics: violent
Textual evidence:
He creeps from the shadows and mercilessly hits Percy on his head with his stick.Then he slams Percy
against the locker. He commands Crouch to tie Rose with the rope to the tracks as he hears the train
Characteristics: Selfish
Textual evidence:
He did not keep the match factory safe because it would cause him money. As a result there was a
fire out break which has caused harm and trouble to the poor workers who earn their living working
in the factory. He even has no respect for his wife and calls her a nagger and he confesses that he
married her wealth as she own a gun factory.

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