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Mantras provided courtesy of

Gifts for the Heart, Mind & Soul
May the elements of this creation abide in me in full manifestation.
This mantra uses the uni!ersal elements"earth, metal, water, wood, and fire## that
$o!ern each cha%ra. &oicin$ the syllables '(, M(, SH), &(, *( hel+s the cha%ras
to better utili,e the fundamental elements that +redominate in the cha%ra.
OM NAMA SHIVAYA leads one +owerfully toward s+iritual maturity and should
be said with con!iction in your mind that all of us should become +erfect each in
his or her own way.
The syllable OM is commonly !oiced as a +refi- to mantras of all %inds
because it is the seed sound for the si-th cha%ra, where masculine and feminine
ener$ies meet at the center of the brow.
.hen the heart and soul are combined, all thin$s are +ossible and The /ewel of
consciousness is in the heart0s lotus are translations of this mantra.
This $reat mantra +romotes s+iritual disci+line and s+iritual ad!ancement
combined with ser!ice to all sentient life.

The syllable OM is commonly !oiced as a +refi- to mantras of all %inds
because it is the seed sound for the si-th cha%ra, where masculine and feminine
ener$ies meet at the center of the brow.
1oncerned with ener$y, breath, and the +lacement of consciousness, this is one
of the sim+lest yet most +owerful mantras for +ermanently alterin$ your state of
consciousness. )t balances the masculine and feminine ener$ies and focuses
their combined forces.
The syllable OM is commonly !oiced as a +refi- to mantras of all %inds
because it is the seed sound for the si-th cha%ra, where masculine and feminine
ener$ies meet at the center of the brow.
The syllable OM is commonly !oiced as a +refi- to mantras of all %inds
because it is the seed sound for the si-th cha%ra, where masculine and feminine
ener$ies meet at the center of the brow.
SHRIM is the seed sound for the +rinci+le of abundance. 2e+etition of the
SHRIM mantra $i!es one the ability to attract and maintain abundance.
MAHA means $reat, in conte-t denotin$ both 3uantity and 3uality. .hen we
s+ea% of the 3uality of abundance here, we are referrin$ to its harmony with di!ine
LAKSHMI in Sans%rit means the ener$y of abundance. (bundance is usually
thou$ht of as sim+le +ros+erity.

SWAHA, a$ain a +rinci+le of abundance, can be !erbali,ed to immediately hel+
the cha%ras be$in +rocessin$ new le!els of ener$y.
)n Sans%rit, OM SHANTI is a mantra which e-tends +ersonal and $lobal +eace to
all. 4laced near an entryway, it bestows $ood tidin$s for +ersonal and $lobal
+eace to all who enter and e-it.
The syllable OM is commonly !oiced as a +refi- to mantras of all %inds
because it is the seed sound for the si-th cha%ra, where masculine and feminine
ener$ies meet at the center of the brow.
HARI OM is the mantra of healin$. .e are +ro!ided with a !ariety of ways to
tac%le life0s difficulties, and meditation, +rayer, or bein$ in a s+iritual s+ace are
!ehicles to ta%e away 5the literal meanin$ of Hari6 im+urities and ne$ati!ity that
brin$ about $rief and sic%ness so that health and stren$th are conser!ed for the
+ur+ose of findin$ self#reali,ation and s+iritual e-+erience.
The syllable OM is commonly !oiced as a +refi- to mantras of all %inds
because it is the seed sound for the si-th cha%ra, where masculine and feminine
ener$ies meet at the center of the brow.
7ach s+iritual /ourney ta%es a different +ath but all are headin$ the same
direction. 8n each +ath, howe!er, one must control the restlessness of the mind
so that healin$ can ta%e +lace. 2e+etition of this healin$ and meditati!e mantra
will allow a narrow of focus necessary for the climb to the to+ of the s+iritual
(n ancient Sans%rit mantra, or meditation focus, is H9m S9h. These words are
su++osed to remind the meditator of the sound of the incomin$ and out$oin$
breath: H9m as one breathes in, S9h as one breathes out.
H9m means ) am. S9h refers to the inner self, the Di!ine S+ar%. (ny short
+hrase will do as a meditation focus, either secular or reli$ious.
(ll forms of meditation, in which the mind becomes 3uiet and focused, elicit an
innate +hysiolo$ical res+onse which is the o++osite of the body0s stress or fi$ht#
or#fli$ht res+onse. ;elly breathin$ is an im+ortant cornerstone of the rela-ation
res+onse and althou$h any word will +roduce the same results, the !owel sound
+resent in H9m S9h, the ah sound, is the uni!ersal +ower sound to hel+ one
connect with the abundance of the uni!erse and manifest anythin$ one desires in

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