One Year Later Key Development Achievements

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Construction of County Headquarters

a game-changer in service delivery

a) Agriculture
Economic mainstay of our County
Injected Ksh. 50 billion to our local and national economy.
Over 70% residents derive their livelihood from agriculture.
We have adopted two strategies:
I. To increase productivity, commercialization and
competitiveness of agricultural commodities and
II. To develop and manage the key factors of production.
Our County produces some of the best cofee in the world.
In 2013/14 farmers produced 32 million Kgs of cherry valued
at Ksh. 3.6 billion. This fgure is way below our potential.
We will work with key stakeholders, particularly the cofee
cooperatives, to implement a strategy that will see an
increase in production and improve on quality.
We are working on strategies to cut out brokers who have
feeced this sector for many years.
Tea Farming is an important crop in three of our
In 2013/14, the farmers produced 85,540 MT of green
leaf which earned them Ksh. 4.3 billion.
The tea sub sector is faced with several challenges
such as low bonuses that need to be addressed to
improve farmers earnings. We are calling for reforms
in this sector to empower the farmers to have greater
control of the crop.
Fresh produce- our fagship crops are bananas,
French beans and tomatoes. Our County produces
over 60% of the French beans exported to the EU
from Kenya.
Mr Joseph Ndathi
Message from the Governor
oday, we mark an important milestone in the develop-
ment of our county as we launch the construction of an
ultra-modern County Headquarters. Once completed
this will be a game-changer in terms of service delivery to
the people. Currently, our our staf are scattered around the
county due to lack of ofce space. The HQs will bring all key
decision makers under one roof making coordination of
development activities faster and more efcient. It will be
a one-stop shop. Below are highlights of some of our key
In 2013/14 the County produced 285,395 Metric tons
of assorted fresh produce valued at Ksh. 4.3 billion.
There is still more potential for increased production.
Rice is grown by small scale farmers in Mwea irrigation scheme
which covers an area of 9,000 ha.
In 2013/14 the scheme produced 48,925 Metric tons which
earned the farmers Kshs. 2.58 billion. The County government will
continue to collaborate with the national government to increase
productivity and proftability in rice growing.
Quelea birds are a threat to the rice crop. Surveillance is
ongoing and we shall strike at the most appropriate time to
remove the menace.
Key to increasing productivity is use of organic and inorganic
This year, we facilitated 15 groups and 14 Co-operative
Societies to access the subsidized fertilizer. A total of 72,000
bags of assorted fertilizers (worth about kshs.140 Million)
were purchased through these groups and the Co-operative
We have availed fertilizer for this planting season at a cost
of Ksh.2,000 per 50kg bag. I advise farmers to liaise with
their ward Agricultural Ofcers who will guide them on how
to purchase the fertilizers from the National Cereals and
Produce Board (NCPB) Stores.

A.I .Services
Currently studying the options available with a view of
lowering the cost of A.I.
We have set aside funds to purchase liquid nitrogen
containers so that we can bulk semen in our county.
Dairy Farming
In 2013/14 fnancial year the county produced 7.3 million
liters of milk which earned the farmers Ksh. 2.3 billion,
however the marketing is not streamlined.
Only 30 - 40% of the milk produced in the County is
marketed formally through existing Dairy Cooperatives and
Dairy Marketing groups and the rest is informally hawked.
We are urging our farmers to unite and form one giant
Cooperative or Federation that will market and also add
value to our milk.
b) Ministry of Environment, Water
and Natural Resources
Water Sector
63 Water projects were implemented and are at various
stages of completion.
Completed Projects Include: Kenera water project, Nguka
-Witeithie water project, Rukenya-Kutus water project,
Rukanga water laboratory, Riamiatu, Kibaratani water
project, Kukikiri irrigation project, Ndiikio water project,
Mumako irrigation project, Kirunda water tank, Migiioini
water project, Riagicheru water project, Wakigo and
Ngando water projects, Kagioini-Kanyokora water project,
Kiamuchuku water tank, Mukia water project, Kariria-
Umbui, Nginduri, Mikimaini, Mithuthiini, Kamuchege,
Kiamuguongo, Gathigiriri borehole, Mithuthiini borehole,
Marurumo, Rurumi and Gategi boreholes.
Energy Sector, 5 high-mast security lights to serve Kagio,
Mutithi, Kandongu, Wanguru and Kianyaga have been
constructed and are waiting commissioning.
Support green energy and reduction of greenhouse gas
emission in the County, procurement is underway for 55
biogas trappers which are intended to beneft households
and institutions across the wards on a cost-sharing basis.
The County Government is collaborating with the United
Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO),
Kirinyaga University College and the NIB in piloting and
implementing a new ultra low head (ULH) hydropower
generation technology in Mwea. Thirteen sites with a
potential of 10 kW have so far been identifed on the main
Mwea irrigation water supply canal and many other suitable
sites exist in our rivers.
Lucy Wangechi frst runners-up Miss Kenya
school community in center infrastructure development
and capacity building of teachers.
By next year the model ECDE centers which will act as
resource centres for the wards will be operational.
f) Youth
Developing strategies on how to make sure they are fully
engaged and maximize their full potential.
Sensitizing them on anti-social behavior like drug and
alcohol abuse.
Upgrading of playgrounds in all wards and training football
Supporting Bethany home for elderly.
Face-lifting Kianyaga children home.
Encouraging them to participate in extra curriculum
activities such as participating in Miss World Kenya.
In the process of constructing a youth hay storage Centre
in Mwea. This will promote the youth and community
doing hay business.
g) Finance
In the process of automating our revenue collection to
improve on efciency and to seal all leakages.
The proposed system will utilize the latest forms of
technology in revenue collection such as mobile money
(MPESA) and direct deposits through agents spread across
the county.
These payment options amongst others, will give you the
county citizens various convenient ways to pay fees and
charges right at the comfort of your house or businesses.
h) Ministry of Land, Housing
and Urban Development
Through the Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban
Development we will endeavor to regularize ownership
and use of all public land within the county.
Addressing historical land injustices, resolve disputes and
Forestry Sector, we have so far planted 25,000 seedlings in
schools, 50,000 seedlings on the roadside, 50,000 for river
line rehabilitation and 3,000 ornamental trees in our major
urban centres. In order to promote tree nursery investment
among our youth and women groups, 80,000 seedlings
were procured from these groups and tree nursery
management training done in all our sub-counties.
To rehabilitate the Kerugoya urban forest. forest, we have
over the last one year replanted 3,000 indigenous seedlings
and constructed a 1km fence to ward-of encroachment.
d) Health
Initiated various development projects in the health sector-
construction of 8 new dispensaries is ongoing
Constructing laboratories, X-ray units, and maternity and
inpatient wards in various health facilities in the county to
expand the range of health services ofered to the residents.
Medical equipment has been procured and distributed
to many health facilities in the county to enhance health
service delivery.
In the process of upgrading Sagana health centre to
become level 4 hospital and 10 dispensaries to become
health centres.
Hired more than 260 health workers with diferent
Experiencing lack of drugs and re-agents necessary to
conduct laboratory tests to determine certain sicknesses
especially in Kirinyaga County Hospital.
e) Education
We appreciate eforts by all stakeholders in ensuring our
children access quality and relevant education.
Committed to improving education standards to desirable
Improved ECDE programmes are yielding good results with
enrollment in public ECDE centres having risen by 35%
(from 10,000 pupils to currently 16,000 pupils) since the
launch of free pre-primary education (FPPE).
Ensure supply of teaching/ learning resources,
disbursement of centre operational grants, involvement of
process public land tranfers through the physical planning,
lands and housing committee.
We have undertaken to secure back land acquired
from individuals for expansion of towns and they were
compensated but never surrendered the land.
This afects towns like Kianyaga, Kutus, Kerugoya, Baricho,
Sagana amongst others. Restoration of such lands to
enable us plan, provide and develop amenities to Kirinyaga
All these activities have been taking place with great
collaboration and participation of the Kirinyaga county
land management board.
We have managed to secure land at Kutus for the
development of the new and modern county headquarters
whose construction will commence soon.
Development plans for Kutus, Wanguru, Kianyaga, Kagio,
Sagana and Kerugoya on progress. These were identifed
as the fastest growing urban centres that call for urgent
development control.
The plan will avert the many boundary disputes being
experienced in our towns, improve county revenue through
property rating and ensure controlled urban development.
Through the Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development,
in conjuction with the National Irrigation Board,we have
ensured smooth compensation and re-settlement of persons
being displaced by the construction of Thiba dam in Kabare area
and the lower parts of Mwea.
We are working with the Housing Department in
developing incentives to attract private investors towards
the housing sector and push for public private partneships
to increase the housing stock for our staf and the public.
There is high demand for quality housing in Kirinyaga
for example the high population being generated by the
growth of Kirinyaga University college.
We are also looking for appropriate land to develop
a modern medical training and reseach centre in
collaboration with interested parties like KEMRI.
Mau Mau War Heroes
My government is committed to working with our heroes
to explore ways of honouring and recognizing them. It is
unacceptable that our heroes who fought for our freedom
should be living in abject poverty. We also celebrate our modern
day heroes. We shall help them document their experiences for
Text compiled by Evalyne Githinji
P.O.Box 260 10304
Tel: 0208010181
Facebook: Governor Joseph K Ndathi,
Twitter: @governor Ndathi

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