Uni-Form® Pulse Start Metal Halide 100W Spec Builder: Physical Properties

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Uni-Form Pulse Start Metal Halide 100W Spec Builder

The Pulse Start Metal Halide lamp shall consist and perform to the following:
Physical Properties
ANSI code M90/ or M90/!"
#ul$ t%pe &'() &*'( or &+,"
-lear or coated $ul$"
MH mogul $ased and MP .ANSI M90/!/ medium and mogul $ased lamps shall ha0e a weldless
frame .no welded internal connections/"
#ased upon the chart listed $elow) lamp shall $e rated to withstand the following ma1imum $ul$ and
ma1imum $ase temperatures:
Ma!imum Bulb
"emperature #$%
Ma!imum Base
"emperature #$%
&D1' 200 +'0
&D(1' 200 +'0
&D)* 200 +'0
3amp arc tu$e shall $e of 45ni67orm89 design"
ANSI T%pe6! lamp shall contain a :uart; shroud around the arc tu$e"
#ased upon the chart listed $elow) lamp shall meet the following initial lumen) mean lumen and rated
life performance characteristics"
,amp "ype #100W%
.ated ,i+e #Hrs%
M/00& $lear1 Uni2ersal #U% 9000</,'00H =900</=>00H '=000</''+=0H
M/00& $oated1 Uni2ersal #U% ,=00</((00H ==00</=000H '=000</''+=0H
M/003 $lear1 Uni2ersal #U% ,=00</((00H ==00</=000H '=000</''+=0H
M/003 $oated1 Uni2ersal #U% ,'00</(>00H =>00</2,00H '=000</''+=0H
M/003 $oated1 4ertical 15 #4% ,'00 =>00 '=000
3amp shall ha0e a ma1imum '00? color temperature .--T/ 0ariance"
5ni67orm8 2? lamp shall ha0e a nominal color temperature of 2000? .clear lamp/ or >(00? .coated
lamp/@ 5ni67orm8 >? lamp shall ha0e a nominal color temperature of >+00? .clear or coated lamp/@
5ni67orm8 +(? lamp shall ha0e a nominal color temperature of +(00? .coated lamp/"
<ertical and hori;ontal lamp shall ha0e minimum =0A sur0i0al at end of rated life"
MP .ANSI M90/!/ lamp shall pass the ANSI containment test"
MP .ANSI M90/!/ lamp shall ha0e 5< inhi$itors reducing 5< emissions $% (06,0A compared to
non65<S lamps"
MP .ANSI M90/!/ lamp shall $e capa$le of operating continuousl% +2 hours per da%) ( da%s per
weeB until end of rated life"
3amp shall ha0e a warm6up time of not more than + minutes and a hot restriBe time of not more than
= minutes"
3amp shall $e warranted for not less than one .'/ %ear .$ased on a ma1imum usage of =)000 hours
per %ear/"
3amp shall $e replaced at manufacturerCs e1pense .la$or e1cluded/ within the warrant% period"
3amp purchased as part of a 5ni67orm8 3amp/Magnetic #allast s%stem from <enture 3ighting shall
carr% a one .'/ %ear lamp warrant% and a fi0e .=/ %ear $allast warrant% .registration re:uired/"
The lamp manufacturer shall $e a0aila$le for technical support and warrant% claims"

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