Automatic Meter Reading Via Cellular Networks

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Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

J1-J33rd Floor, No.44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park,

Xiamen 36100, !"ina
#el$ %6-&'(-63003(0 Fa)$ %6-&'(-&'1(*3&
+utomati, -eter Readin. /ia !ellular Network0
+utomati, meter readin., or +-R, i0 t"e te,"nolo.1 of automati,all1 ,olle,tin. ,on0um2tion,
dia.no0ti,, and 0tatu0 data from ener.1 meterin. de/i,e0 3.a0, ele,tri,4 or water meter and
tran0ferrin. t"at data to a ,entral data5a0e for 5illin., trou5le0"ootin., and anal16in..
1. 7ia.ram
They are major three typologies for AMR systems by using cellular networks:
1. Each meter is connected to !1"# smart $%R& modem 'ia R&!#! by using (&)*data call
!. Each meter is connected to a !1"# smart $%R& modem 'ia R&!#! by using $%R& *met
er control the modem 'ia AT commands+,
#. Each meter is connected to a )ata (oncentration -nits *)(-+. which may support up to #
! meters. and each )(- is connecting to a !1"# %ro serial to $%R& gateway 'ia R&/01 by
www.fourfait".,om 8mail$9ame0:four-fait".,om 1
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
J1-J33rd Floor, No.44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park,
Xiamen 36100, !"ina
#el$ %6-&'(-63003(0 Fa)$ %6-&'(-&'1(*3&
using $%R& *transparent transmit serial data to billing center automatically+.
(. Real Site
!ellular ;P -odem
12port R&!#!3/01 (ellular 4% Modems
www.fourfait".,om 8mail$9ame0:four-fait".,om (
DB9 male connector for RS232/RS485 serial port
Always online
TCP/P protocol stac!
Stan"ar" AT Comman"s
Transparent "ata transmission
Se/eral wa10 to ;P -odem to 5e online
S#pport $#lti %S& '(D%'S& )(*+& SC% *(+& etc,
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
J1-J33rd Floor, No.44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park,
Xiamen 36100, !"ina
#el$ %6-&'(-63003(0 Fa)$ %6-&'(-&'1(*3&

,onne,tion for ,u0tomer0, w"i," are all em5edded real time o2eratin. 010tem, and inte.rated wit"
,ommon 2roto,ol0, 0u," a0 #!P=;P=>7P, et,. ;t i0 ?uite ,on/enient for 1ou ;P -odem to
5e online 51 audio, S-S and data. ;n addition, t"e1 all 0u22ort dou5le or 0e/eral data ,enter0 for
data ,olle,tion.
+ll de/i,e0 are ideal for a22li,ation0, 0u," a0 P@! 5a0ed automation, +utomati, -eter Readin.,
Power=water 0u22l1=0treet li."t remote monitorin. and ,ontrol, weat"er data a,?ui0ition,
www.fourfait".,om 8mail$9ame0:four-fait".,om 3
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
J1-J33rd Floor, No.44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park,
Xiamen 36100, !"ina
#el$ %6-&'(-63003(0 Fa)$ %6-&'(-&'1(*3&
en/ironmental 2rote,tion, information di02la1 5oard, flood alarm, "1drolo.i,al anal10i0, et,.
Airele00 S2e,ifi,ation
-odel No. F2403 F(503 F(603
!ellular network WC!"#$%&" T-%C!" C!"2000 'X ()*
!ellular interfa,e
GPRS=87G8 !@+SS 1(.
+ (010-(0(&-B6,
GPRS=87G8 !@+SS 1(
!7-+(000 1X 8C7<
Re/ + 00-B6,
&0-B6 3o2tional4.
!7-+(000 1)R##;S-
'& +=D
-odel No. F(103 F((03 F(303
!ellular network GPRS !7-+ 87G8
!ellular interfa,e
!om2liant to GS-
2"a0e (=(%, GPRS ,la00
10, ,la00 1(3o2tional4.
!7-+(000 1)R##
, 4&0-B63o2tional4
6,-odulation and !odin.
S,"eme -!S 1-'.
GPRS=87G8 !la00 1(
RS(3(=RS4& 0erial 2ort37D' male4, rate0$ 110E(304005it0=0
+ntenna interfa,e$ 0tandard S-+ female interfa,e, &0 o"m
S;-=>;- interfa,e$ 0tandard 3C=1.C u0er ,ard interfa,e
Power interfa,e$ 0tandard 3-P;N 2ower 9a,k
%tatu+ L(
FPowerG, F+!#G, F<nlineG
Power ,e-uirement+
Standard 2ower 0u22l1$ 7! 1(C=0.&+
Power ran.e$ 7! &E3&C
Power ,on0um2tion$ H(&0m+:1(C 37ata ,ommuni,ation mode4
H10m+:1(C3;dle mode4
www.fourfait".,om 8mail$9ame0:four-fait".,om 4
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
J1-J33rd Floor, No.44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park,
Xiamen 36100, !"ina
#el$ %6-&'(-63003(0 Fa)$ %6-&'(-&'1(*3&
8n/ironmental @imit0
<2eration tem2erature$-(& to 6&I!3-13 to 14'IF 4
Stora.e tem2erature$ -40E%&I!3-40 to 1&IF 4
Bumidit1$ '&J 3unfree6in.4
Software Fun,tion
1. )esign with standard T(%34% protocol stack
!. Adopt smart online keeping technology to make sure that 4% M5)EM is always online
#. &upport R&A and R(/ encryption arithmetic
/. &upport A%637%)6
1. &upport transparent data transfer and protocol con'ersion. &upport multi work modes
8. &upport dynamic domain name*))6&+ and 4% access to data center
9. &upport double data centers. one main and another backup
0. &upport multi data centers. 4t can support 1 data centers at the same time
:. &upport T(%3-)% ser' multi T(%3-)% client connection
1". &upport multi online trigger ways. including &M&. audio and data. &upport link
disconnection when timeout.
11. &upport &M& backup and emergency report
1!. &upport T(% keepali'e
1#. &upport hardware and software ;)T
1/. Reporting the status of data transfer
11. &tandard AT command interface
18. &upport common M5)EM function
19. &upport telnet function
10. &upport remote configure and control
1:. Easy to upgrade firmware by (5M
!". &upport multi 5&. such as ;46)5;&. <46-=. &(5 -64= etc.
8n"an,ed fun,tion$3o2tional4
1. &upport low2consumption mode. including sleep mode. scheduled online3offline mode.
scheduled power2on3power2off mode
!. &upport remote firmware upgrade
#. &upport remote configure by &M&
P"10i,al !"ara,teri0ti,0
>ousing: metal
;eight: !"1?1g
)imension: '1)&.&)(( mm
;arranty %eriod: 1 year
www.fourfait".,om 8mail$9ame0:four-fait".,om &
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
J1-J33rd Floor, No.44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park,
Xiamen 36100, !"ina
#el$ %6-&'(-63003(0 Fa)$ %6-&'(-&'1(*3&
imen+ion and .nter/ace
<rderin. ;nformation
+/aila5le !odel0
!1"#: $%R& 4% Modem
!!"#: ()MA 4% Modem
!#"#: E)$E 4% Modem
!/"#: ;()MA3>&)%A 4% Modem
!1"#: T)2&()MA 4% Modem
!8"#: ()MA!""" 1= E7)5 4% Modem
0ote1 /re-uency 2and need to 2e con/irmed 2e/ore 3lacing an order.
www.fourfait".,om 8mail$9ame0:four-fait".,om 6
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
J1-J33rd Floor, No.44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park,
Xiamen 36100, !"ina
#el$ %6-&'(-63003(0 Fa)$ %6-&'(-&'1(*3&
Pa,ka.e !"e,kli0t
1. 4% modem
!. &MA male antenna
#. %ower adapter
/. R&!#! or R&/01 cable
1. )ocument and &oftware ()
8. ;arranty (ard
!onta,t ;nfo
Jame0 K"an 3Re.ional 0ale0 mana.er4
Xiamen Four-Fait" !ommuni,ation #e,"nolo.1 !
"dd.1 J1-J3, 3rd Floor, No. 44, Guan Ri Road, Software Park, Xiamen, !"ina3361004
Tel1 %6-&'(-&'0*(*6
Fa41 %6-&'(-&'1(*3&
!o2ile1 %6 1&(&'(1'430
(mail1 9ame0:four-fait".,om
%5y3e1 9ame0fourfait"
www.fourfait".,om 8mail$9ame0:four-fait".,om *

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