Defining Resources LAB01E8Y

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Practice - Defining Resources

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management
Job Title
Te Job Title !list"#o$rCompan%&com'($b)ect*+A,-----. is responsible /or ens$ring tat tis
0oc$ment is necessar% an0 tat it re/lects act$al practice&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
Practice - Defining Resources 2!"#27!$".oc
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Practice - Defining Resources
A reso$rce represents a cra/t& #o$ can enter m$ltiple reso$rces /or eac 0epartment& 1or eac
reso$rce2 %o$ can speci/% te si/ts tat te reso$rce is a3ailable& 1or eac reso$rce si/t2 %o$ can
speci/% capacit% mo0i/ications tat cange te a3ailable o$rs per 0a%2 $nits per 0a%2 or
6eso$rces can be an%ting2 besi0es Material& 6eso$rces are 0e/ine0 an0 ten associate0 4it
costs an0 o3erea0s& To bill carges /or reso$rces2 %o$ m$st /irst create a ,illing 7tem& 7n tis
practice2 %o$ 4ill 0e/ine a billing item2 an0 ten 0e/ine t4o reso$rces8 +$brication Tr$c5
9e:$ipment; an0 Oiler 9person; to operate te tr$c5&
(t$0ents log into Oracle 4it <ser =ame mfg an0 >ass4or0 welcome? %o$r instr$ctor
migt a3e a 0i//erent <ser =ame an0 >ass4or0 /or %o$ to $se
(t$0ents $se eAM enable0 organi@ation2 EM1
(t$0ents replace AA 4it a $ni:$e i0enti/ier
Te instr$ctor as complete0 all g$i0e0 0emonstrations
#o$ a3e complete0 all pre3io$s practices
Assign the item to EM1 organization
Create an equipment item
Create a +$brication Tr$c5 tat 4ill associate 4it te 6eso$rce&
1& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation2 4itin te Master 7tem 4in0o48
7tem * AA +<,E T6<CB
Description * AA +<,E T6<CB
Generation * >re0e/ine0
(tarting >re/i- * AAC
(tarting =$mber * 1000
E:$ipment * (electe0
D& Appl% te E:$ipment 7tem template&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
Practice - Defining Resources 2!"#27!$".oc
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Assign the item to EM1 organization
Generate serial numbers
Generate serial n$mbers /or te tr$c5&
4& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation 4itin te Generate (erial =$mbers2 (%stem 7tems 4in0o48
7tem * AA +<, T6<CB
5& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation 4itin te Generate (erial =$mbers2 >arameters 4in0o48
E$antit% * F
G& 9,; OB 9,; ($bmit 9,; =o
Create an equipment resource
H& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation2 4itin te 6eso$rces 4in0o48
6eso$rce * AA+<,ET6<C
Description * AA +<,67CAT7O= T6<CB
T%pe * Macine
<OM * I6
Carge T%pe * Man$al
,asis * 7tem
Coste0 * (electe0
(tan0ar0 6ate * (electe0
Absorption Acco$nt * 01C580CHH40C0000C000
Jariance Acco$nt * 01C5F0C5DG0C0000C000
8& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation2 4itin te 6eso$rce Costs 4in0o48
Cost T%pe * A3g6ates
6eso$rce <nit Cost * 150
9& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation2 4itin te E:$ipment T%pes 4in0o48
E:$ipment * AA +<,E T6<CB
Create a person resource
Create a Mecanic K Oiler 6eso$rce an0 associate %o$r emplo%ee n$mber 4it it&
10& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation2 4itin te 6eso$rces 4in0o48
6eso$rce * AAO7+E6
Description * AA +<, T6<CB MECIA=7C K O7+E6
T%pe * >erson
<OM * I6
Carge T%pe * Man$al
,asis * 7tem
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
Practice - Defining Resources 2!"#27!$".oc
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,illing 7tem * AA ,7++7=G 7TEM
Coste0 * (electe0
(tan0ar0 6ate * (electe0
Absorption Acco$nt * 01C580CHH40C0000C000
Jariance Acco$nt * 01C5F0C5DG0C0000C000
Competence * AA Mecanic Oiler
(5ill +e3el * FC#es
11& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation2 4itin te 6eso$rce Costs 4in0o48
Cost T%pe * A3g6ates
6eso$rce <nit Cost * F5
1F& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation2 4itin te Emplo%ees 4in0o48
Emplo%ee * %o$r emplo%ee n$mber /rom te Creating an Emplo%ee practice
=ote8 ,ase0 on tis set$p2 %o$ are te onl% emplo%ee :$ali/ie0 /or te tas5&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
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)olution - Defining Resources
Create an equipment item
1irst2 create a +$brication Tr$c5 tat 4ill associate 4it te 6eso$rce&
1& =a3igate to te Master 7tem 4in0o4&
7n3entor% L 7tems L Master 7tems
F& Enter AA +<, T6<CB in te 7tem /iel0&
D& Enter AA +<, T6<CB in te Description /iel0&
4& Appl% te E:$ipment 7tem template&
9M; Tools L Cop% 1romM
(elect E:$ipment 7tem /rom te Template list o/ 3al$es&
9,; Appl% 9,; Done
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
Practice - Defining Resources 2!"#27!$".oc
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5& (elect te 7n3entor% tab2 an0 enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation 4itin te (erial region8
Generation * >re0e/ine0
(tarting >re/i- * AAC
(tarting =$mber * 1000
G& (elect te >%sical Attrib$tes tab2 an0 enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation 4itin te T%pe
E:$ipment * (electe0
H& 97; (a3e
Assign the item to EM1 organization
8& 1rom te Tools men$2 select te Organi@ation Assignment option&
9& (elect te Assigne0 cec5 bo- /or te EM1 organi@ation&
10& 97; (a3e
11& Close te 4in0o4&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
Practice - Defining Resources 2!"#27!$".oc
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Generate serial numbers
Generate serial n$mbers /or te tr$c5&
1F& =a3igate to te Generate (erial =$mbers 4in0o4&
7n3entor% L On Ian02 A3ailabilit% L Generate (erial =$mbers
1D& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation in te (%stem 7tems 4in0o48
7tem * AA +<,E T6<CB
14& 9,; OB
15& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation in te >arameters 4in0o48
E$antit% * F
1G& 9,; OB 9,; ($bmit 9,; =o
Create an equipment resource
1H& =a3igate to te 6eso$rces 4in0o4&
(et$p L 6o$ting L 6eso$rces
18& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation8
6eso$rce * AA+<,ET6<C
Description * AA +<,67CAT7O= T6<CB
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
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T%pe * Macine
<OM * I6
Carge T%pe * Man$al
,asis * 7tem
Coste0 * (electe0
(tan0ar0 6ate * (electe0
Absorption Acco$nt * 01C580CHH40C0000C000
Jariance Acco$nt * 01C5F0C5DG0C0000C000
19& 9,; 6ates
F0& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation8
Cost T%pe * A3g6ates
6eso$rce <nit Cost * 150
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
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F1& 97; (a3e
FF& Close te 6eso$rce Costs 4in0o4&
FD& 9,; E:$ipment
F4& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation8
E:$ipment * AA +<,E T6<CB
F5& 97; (a3e
FG& Close te 4in0o4s&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
Practice - Defining Resources 2!"#27!$".oc
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Create a person resource
Create a Mecanic K Oiler 6eso$rce an0 associate %o$r emplo%ee n$mber 4it it&
FH& =a3igate to te 6eso$rces 4in0o4&
(et$p L 6o$ting L 6eso$rces
F8& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation8
6eso$rce * AAO7+E6
Description * AA +<, T6<CB MECIA=7C K O7+E6
T%pe * >erson
<OM * I6
Carge T%pe * Man$al
,asis * 7tem
,illing 7tem * AA ,7++7=G 7TEM
Coste0 * (electe0
(tan0ar0 6ate * (electe0
Absorption Acco$nt * 01C580CHH40C0000C000
Jariance Acco$nt * 01C5F0C5DG0C0000C000
Competence * AA Mecanic Oiler
(5ill +e3el * FC#es
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
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F9& 9,; 6ates
D0& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation8
Cost T%pe * A3g6ates
6eso$rce <nit Cost * F5
D1& 97; (a3e
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
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DF& Close te 6eso$rce Costs 4in0o4&
DD& 9,; Emplo%ees
D4& Enter te /ollo4ing in/ormation8
Emplo%ee * %o$r emplo%ee n$mber /rom te Creating an Emplo%ee practice
D5& 97; (a3e
=ote8 ,ase0 on tis set$p2 %o$ are te onl% emplo%ee :$ali/ie0 /or te tas5&
DG& Close te 4in0o4s&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserve.
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