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JUNE 16, 2012


J U N E 1 6 , 2 0 1 2
Egypt: So much for democracy 2
Death of democracy in Europe? 4
The secret dictator 5
Cartels to retaliate against Americans 7
The real reason there are zombies 9
see CRISES page 12
Europe: Extreme Crises
Demand Extreme Solutions
1s uivvicUi1, especially amid the doom and gloom in
Europe, to realize that we are now moments away from
the creation of a United States of Europe.
Of course, moments in the long grind of human history
are measured in weeks and months. Te point is, Europes
nancial crisis is so bad that virtually everyonemost
especially Germanynow realizes that the only way forward
is greater consolidation and integration, more unity. In other
words, the formation of a United States of Europe.
Meeting this goal wont be easy, simple or clean. Tere
will be casualties.
Many countries will
likely have to make
some pretty extreme
sacrices, the es-
sence of which will
involve relinquishing
national sovereignty.
But Europes nancial
crisis is intensifying
and rapidly head-
ing to the point of no
return. Last weekend,
Spain requested a s::,
billion loan to bail out
its banks; many worry
that Italy will be next;
on Sunday, Greeks
head to the polls in a run-o national election that could
easily be the catalyst for Athens defaulting on its debt,
then leaving the eurozone. In Greece, anxiety is so intense,
people are emptying their bank accounts and stocking up
on food ahead of Sundays election.
Everyone agrees: A far-reaching solution cannot be put
o much longer.
Te most telling signs of how close we are to the emer-
gence of a United States of Europe come from Germany.
Ever since this crisis began in :oo8, Berlin has reacted
slowly and with tremendous caution. When others moaned
and wailed and demanded more extreme measureseu-
robonds, larger rescue funds, more spendingGermany
simply ignored, even rejected, these cries. But over the last
two to three weeks, there have been hints that Berlin might
nally be ready to act.
Speaking on German 1v last week, Chancellor Angela
Merkel emphasized the
need [for] more Eu-
rope. Europe doesnt
just need a currency
union, she explained,
we also need a so-
called scal union, more
common budget poli-
cies. Merkels recogni-
tion of the need for a
scal union is signi-
cant, but it was what she
said next that caught
the attention of some
commentators: Au
wi iiu .vovi .ii .
voii1ic.i Uio. Tat
means we must step by
step, as things go forward, give up powers to Europe as well.
Notice who Merkel was speaking to. Tis wasnt a press
conference in Brussels or a speech before the European Par-
liament. Many Europeans, especially European leaders, dont
need to be convinced of the need for more Europe. Merkel
was speaking directly to the German public. She was, as Spiegel
noted, carefully preparing the
Greek supporters listen to New
Democracy party leader Antonis
Samaras during a pre-election
rally on June 15.
JUNE 16, 2012
based on Bible prophecy, that Germa-
ny will take a stronger lead in nego-
tiations to solve the crisis and even
inuence the outcome toward its favor.
n Palestinians react to Israels
expansion plan
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu said on June o that he has
ordered the construction of ,oo new
homes in a West Bank settlement.
Palestinians re-
acted against the
calling it a prov-
ocation. Netan-
yahu announced
the news shortly
afer the na-
tions Supreme
Court ruled that
ve apartment
buildings in the Ulpana settlement
outpost had been built on private
Palestinian land. Te court ruled that
the buildings will have to be removed
by July :. Instead of demolishing the
buildings, homes for some ,o Jewish
families, Netanyahu plans to remove
them from their foundations and
transfer them to the nearby settle-
ment of Beit El. His plan also calls
for building ,oo additional homes
in Beit El. Te decision has angered
the Palestinians, who have refused to
conduct peace talks while Israel ex-
pands its settlements on disputed land.
For years the Trumpet has pointed to
Bible prophecies showing that half of
Jerusalem will fall violently to Israels
enemies. Mr. Netanyahus announce-
ment last week is stoking the tensions
that will bring this landmark proph-
ecy to fulllment.
n Germany calls for a stop to
Syrian violence
German Foreign Minister Guido
Westerwelle called for a stop to the vi-
olence in Syria on June 8. Westerwelle
made his comments in neighboring
Lebanon afer meeting with the Leba-
nese prime minister in Beirut. Te
ongoing violence in Syria is shock-
ing, Westerwelle told reporters. Te
situation in Syria has already had an
impact on the region and in particular
on neighboring Lebanon. We must
stop the violence in Syria and we must
avoid a regional conagration that can
set the whole region into re. Accord-
ing to the United Nations, over ,ooo
people have been killed since the crisis
began. Nearly :,,ooo Syrian refugees
have ed to Turkey. As the violence in
Syria continues, the Trumpet believes,
wo u.vs before the second round of presidential elec-
tions, Egypts highest court on Tursday dissolved the
Islamist-dominated parliament and ruled that the army-
backed candidate could stay in the race, in what was widely
seen as a double blow for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Te decision was denounced as a coup by opposition lead-
ers of all kinds and many within the Brotherhood, who fear
that they will lose much of the political ground they have
gained since Hosni Mubarak was ousted :o months ago.
Te decision by the supreme constitutional court
whose judges were appointed by Mubarakbrought into
sharp focus the power struggle between the Muslim
Brotherhood and the Supreme Council of the Armed
Forces (sc.v), the military council that took up the reins of
power afer Mubaraks fall. Te Brotherhood has now lost
its power base in parliament, at the same time as seeing the
military-backed candidate, Ahmad Shaq, the last presi-
dent to serve under Mubarak, receive a boost.
Supporters of the Brotherhood, liberals and lef-wing
activists were united in their outrage at what they saw as a
carefully engineered move by sc.v to keep a hold on power.
It was denounced by senior Brotherhood M.P. Mohamed
el-Beltagy as a fully edged coup.
Other politicians went further, saying the decision
spelled the end of the revolution. Saad Aboud of the Kara-
ma (Dignity) party told the Guardian: Tis is a politicized
verdict that constitutes a coup in political life. With the
other verdict allowing Shaq to continue in the race, today
means the death of the revolution, and it is now imperative
that we reconstruct it.
Mohamed ElBaradei, a former head of the United Na-
tions nuclear agency, warned: Te election of a president
in the absence of a constitution and a parliament is the
election of a president with powers that not even the most
entrenched dictatorships have known.
In its decision, the court ruled that one third of the par-
liament had been elected illegally and that the whole body
therefore had to be dissolved.
Shaq, widely seen as a remnant of the old regime, set
the tone moments afer the ruling with what sounded like
a victory speech in which he praised the military. Te
message of this historic verdict is that the era of political
score-settling has ended, he declared triumphantly.
Te decision means legislative authority reverts to sc.v.
Te military already holds executive authority until a presi-
dent is elected and it is now up to sc.v to decide when new
elections should be held.
Te decision did not come out of the blue. On Wednes-
day, a decree by the Justice Ministry gave members of the
military police and intelligence services the right to arrest
and detain civilians, an order perilously close to the condi-
tions of emergency law which Egypt has just shed.
Egypts Supreme Court Dissolves Parliament
and Outrages Islamists GUARDIAN | June 14
Benjamin Netanyahu
JUNE 16, 2012
China and Germany
Celebrate 420th
Anniversary of Trade
v voUu asked audience members
at the start of the recent orchestral
and vocal performance Tang Ruowang
about a certain German man by the
name of Johann Adam Schall von Bell,
some might have wondered who you
were talking about.
By the end of the performance they
would have recognized, however, that
the hero of the story, Tang Ruowan,
was in fact Johann Bell, a man who
,,o years ago blazed a path for Sino-
German cultural relations.
Te performance, which took place
on June :: at the National Center for
the Performing Arts (cv.), drew
around :,ooo audience members to
celebrate the :oth anniversary of
relations between China and Germany.
Te performance is now moving on to
cities in Germany, including Tangs
birthplace, Cologne.
Tang (or Bell) devoted his life
to attaining knowledge from a wealth
of sciences and philosophies, ranging
from geography, physics, chemistry
and astronomy to religion. It was
when he was allowed access to histori-
cal archives belonging to the Catholic
Church that he learned about Matteo
Ricci, and decided to follow in his
footsteps and come to China to spread
trade and knowledge. At the age of
: he arrived, and his keen intel-
lect helped him master the Chinese
language afer studying Chinese for
just two years in Macao. Tis allowed
him to translate a book entitled De
re Metallica (On the Nature of Met-
als), which contributed signicantly
to advancing the sciences of mining,
rening and smelting metals in China.
Ruan [Zhenming, lyricist for the
performance,] said that Tang made
great strides in terms of advancing
Chinese culture, in stark contrast to
the missionaries who ooded into
China in the wake of the Opium War.
Despite the fact that Tang lived and
died over ,,o years ago, the spirit and
knowledge of culture and science
that he brought to the Chinese people
should be recognized by Chinese
people today, he said.
Vatican, Israel to Sign
Economic Agreement
ui V.1ic. is about to indirectly
recognize Israels annexation of
East Jerusalem, seen by many Pales-
tinians as the future capital of their
independent state, a media report
[stated] on Monday.
i1u Gviix elections looming this
week, global markets mark time
waiting to see whether Greece will
remain within the eurozone or opt out.
Ten theres the case of Spain, wracked
by debt, its nancial status downgrad-
ed, yet rated as too big to fail. So, over
the weekend European Union nance
ministers agreed to bail out its banks
to the tune of :oo billion.
Tis sets a powerful precedent.
Te economies of the leading Roman Catholic nations in
Europe will not be allowed to fail. Tey are just too crucial
to European elites imperial plans. By contrast, Greece, a
Greek Orthodox nation, is being hung out to dry. Watch for
Cyprus, another Greek Orthodox nation now on the brink
of seeking a bailout from the EU, to receive similar treat-
ment to Greece.
Events in Europe will play out hugely on the world stage
this week and through the rest of the month of June. To
think that a reunited Germany would be holding the whole
world to ransom economically is mind-blowing indeed.
Te degree to which Germany is dominating events
during June is highlighted by the fact that every week this
month, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is engaged
in crucial negotiations that have ultimate bearing on the
future direction of the global economy.
Whether it be vital meetings within her own country
where she has a full calendar till mid-monthor negotia-
tions with other EU heads of governmentwhich are ongo-
ing and will step up apace following the Greek election on
June :,or in the wider arena of the crucial G-:o summit
to take place in Mexico June :8-:, or the most crucial EU
summit at the end of the month, Chancellor Merkel will be
in the spotlight without a break.
By the end of the month, the full impact of Germanys
stance on the most crucial issues relating to the global
economic crisis should be apparent. Tere really will be
no question that Germany will by then emerge from the
events of June far stronger economically, nancially and
politically, the agenda of its imperialist elites further ad-
vanced toward its Holy Roman goal.
If you doubt our take on this, then you only have to wait
three weeks to nd out.
Europes Dangerous Month
Two great trading blocs are
positioning themselves to
control the world. Both power
conglomerates are discussed in
Daniel 11:40-45 and in Isaiah 23.
But that trading partnership wont
last long. Soon they will clash, just
before Jesus Christ returns and
destroys both of them.
Gerald Flurry,
Isaiahs End Time Vision
JUNE 16, 2012
Tis would be done if the draf of
an economic agreement between the
Jewish state and the Holy See, contain-
ing no distinction between sovereign
Israel and the territories occupied by
it in :o,, is approved by the two sides,
Haaretz Online reported.
Te lack of a preamble containing
such a distinction is at the center of
heightened tension between Palestin-
ian Christian denominations and the
Palestine Liberation Organization
(vio) and the Vatican, it said.
Palestinian sources told the Israeli
daily that the agreement would mean
indirect recognition of Israeli an-
nexation of East Jerusalem and of the
imposition of Israeli law in part of the
West Bank.
France, which has special standing
as custodian of holy Christian sites
and Christian communities, is also
said to be concerned at the apparent
latent recognition of the annexation
and the economic implications for
the communities, and particularly its
Christian institutions in the country
and the people who are part of them,
the report said.
Germany Makes Its
uis u.s always been assumed, but
now its getting explicit.
Te deal is: If the rest of Europe
seriously agrees to give up scal
sovereignty, Germany is prepared to
use its might to backstop the whole
project. Te Germans are getting
increasingly vocal about making this
trade: money for control.
Te problem is its a dicey
proposition for the Germans to make
any noises about supporting Europe if
Franois Hollande is explicitly trying to
oer French pensioners cushier perks.
Regardless, this recognition that
Europe is going in this direction is why
some people are wondering whether
todays rise in German yields is a
recognition that bunds are the new eu-
robonds and do not deserve the pure
risk-free status that theyve always had.
n Spain requests bank bailout
European Union nance ministers
agreed to loan Spain :oo billion to
bail out its banks June . But they
havent agreed where the money will
come from or what the conditions
will be, meaning Spain is still vulner-
able and may take Italy down with it.
Te :oo billion doesnt come close
to xing Spains problems. And ::
percent of it is meant to come from
Italy. As the Telegraphs Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard writes, You could
hardly design a surer way to pull Italy
into the re. He notes that Citigroup
s i1 one minute to midnight in Europe: Te failure of
German public opinion to grasp the dire state of aairs
in Europe today is inviting a repeat of precisely the crisis
of the mid-:oth century that European integration was
designed to avoid.
With every increase in the probability of a disorderly
Greek exit from the monetary union, the pressure on
the Spanish banks increases and with it the danger of a
Mediterranean-wide bank run so big that it would over-
whelm the European Central Bank. Already there has been
a substantial re-nationalization of the European nancial
system. Tis centrifugal process could easily continue to
the point of complete disintegration.
We nd it extraordinary that it should be Germany, of
all countries, that is failing to learn from history. Fixated
on the non-threat of ination, todays Germans appear
to attach more importance to the year ::, (the year of
hyperination) than to the year :,, (the year democracy
died). Tey would do well to remember how a European
banking crisis two years before :,, contributed directly to
the breakdown of democracy not just in their own country
but right across the European continent.
Astonishingly few Europeans (including bankers) seem
to remember what happened in May :,: when Credi-
tanstalt, the biggest Austrian bank, had to be bailed out by
a government that was itself on the brink of insolvency. Te
ensuing European bank crisis, which saw the failure of two
of Germanys biggest banks, ushered in the second half of
the Great Depression. If the rst half had been dominated
by the American stock market crash, the second was all
about European banks going bust.
What happened next: Te banking crisis was followed
by President Hoovers one-year moratorium on payment
of World War i war debts and reparations. Nearly all sover-
eign borrowers subsequently defaulted on all or part of their
external debts, beginning with Germany. Unemployment in
Europe reached an agonizing peak in :,:: In July of that year,
percent of German trade union members were out of work.
Te political consequences are well known. But the Nazis
were only the worst of a large number of extremist move-
ments to benet politically from the crisis. Anti-system
parties in Germanyincluding Communists as well as
fascistshad won :, percent of votes in ::8. By November
:,:, they won nearly oo percent. Te far right also fared well
in Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania.
Communists gained in Bulgaria, France and Greece.
Te result was the death of democracy in much of Europe.
While : European regimes had been democratic in ::o,
the number was down to :: in :,. Even bankers know what
happened that year.
Tose of us who repeatedly warned in the :os that the
experiment of monetary union would end badly would be
gloating nowif we were not so troubled by the prospect of
history repeating itself.
This Time, Europe Really Is on the Brink
Niall Ferguson and Nouriel Roubini, DER SPIEGEL | June 12
JUNE 16, 2012
warned: We expect that Italy will have
to request help. Tis would cause a
huge problem for the eurozone. Each
month, Italy needs to borrow ,, bil-
lionmore than the annual output of
Cypruss entire economy. Germany is
intent on leading a new superpower.
We have ofen highlighted the fact
that German elites constructed the
eurozone to enable the very crisis that
has placed Germany in the dominant
position to dictate terms on its solution.
Tat solution will end with an imperi-
alist Berlin/Rome axis controlling Eu-
rope, all according to the Bible prophe-
cies that forecast it millennia ago.
n Cyprus needs bailout from EU
Analysts are saying that Cyprus ap-
pears to be on the verge of becoming
the next candidate for a European
Union bailout. Te chairman of Cy-
pruss second-largest bank, Cyprus
Popular Bank, said on June 8 that
the country will need to seek money
ivm. Cu.ciiiov Angela Merkel may be the domi-
nant force in the eurozone, but the Bundesbank, Germa-
nys powerful central bank, is the power behind the throne.
When the details of the bailout are agreed, it will almost
certainly be presented as generous to Spain and evidence of
Germanys unstinting support for the eurozone project.
Under the deal, Madrid will borrow the money to recapital-
ize its banks at a rate it would not be oered in the market.
Despite appearances, though, Germany will not have
given an inch.
Tomas Mayer, senior adviser at Deutsche Bank, is
condent that the deal will help restore market condence
in Madrid, which has pushed through dicult but vital
labor market reforms. But, Mayer added, there should be
no mistakeat no point in the negotiations did Germany
stop playing hardball.
Merkel may be the indisputably dominant force in the eu-
rozone but it is the Bundesbank, Germanys powerful central
bank, that is increasingly seen as the power behind the throne.
Since the creation of the euro, and the transfer of monetary
policy for the region to the European Central Bank, its tools
have been blunted. But, experts and ocials say, it still dic-
tates events through the sof power of political inuence.
It is held in extremely high esteem by both the public
and the politicians, one veteran gilts market expert said.
It sets the tone of debate in Germany. It would be incred-
ibly inuential in the decision-making process of who
should stay in the euro and who should go.
[I]f anything, [the Bundesbanks] sway is now stronger
than ever. Afer all, its president is Jens Weidmann, who
was Merkels top economic adviser for the ve years before
his appointment in February :o::.
Weidmann knows the Berlin machine. At the same
time, he understands how the Bundesbank works, Mayer
said. He is now in a very good position to leverage the
power of the Bundesbank. And the power of the Bundes-
bank really goes through its reputation among the German
people. Weidmann has positioned the bank as the institu-
tion that speaks out in the German national interest. Berlin
cannot ignore what the Bundesbank has to say.
As Tobias Blattner, a former icv economist now at
Daiwa Securities, said. Te Bundesbanks position in the
icv stands in complete contrast with Merkels position in
the EUas there she has a veto.
Weidmann has recently [written] to icv President
Mario Draghi to voice concerns about its : trillion emer-
gency funding program for Europes banks. According to
David Marsh, columnist at MarketWatch, the message of
the Weidmann letter [was that] the Bundesbank could wield
inuence through the forcefulness of its own reputation.
For Mayer, the Bundesbanks inuence in the eurozone
crisis is clear. Without the Bundesbank, I think Mrs.
Merkel would have been much more accommodating of
Brussels and the bailouts, he said.
It is not the rst time that the
central bank has dictated events
from behind the scenes. In ::,
Britain learned the hard way
that it was not to be tried with.
Although George Soros is remem-
bered as the man who broke sterling on Black Wednesday,
the Bundesbank played the vital role. According to legend,
Helmut Schlesinger, the Bundesbanks hard-line president
of the time, came to the opinion that the UK had joined
the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ivm) at the wrong rate and
wanted it out. Soross right-hand man, Richard Medley,
was receiving detailed briengs from Bundesbank ocials,
who were making it clear they believed that sterling was
unsustainable and wanted to break it. Medley encour-
aged Soros to take big bets against the pound just as the
Bundesbank went on record saying sterling would have to
be devalued.
In one of the most humiliating moments in UK eco-
nomic history, on Sept. :o, ::, the UK was kicked out of
the ivm. Shortly aferwards, Italy was ejected, with Soros
and the Bundesbank again in cahoots behind the scenes.
Only when the markets turned on France did the Bundes-
bank stop the rot. As Soros later said: I felt safe betting
with the Bundesbank. Te Bundesbank clearly wanted the
pound and lira devalued, but it was prepared to defend the
French franc. I did better than some others by sticking to
the Bundesbanks side.
Traders and economists have drawn analogies between
:: and the current crisis. Like then, there will come a
point when the Bundesbank decides enough is enough.
Greece is expendable, as the Bundesbank recently made
clear by saying its exit from the euro would be manage-
able, but Spain, Mayer says, is too big.
Bundesbank: The Eurozones Secret Dictator
In 1992, Britain learned
the hard way that the
Bundesbank was not
to be tried with.
JUNE 16, 2012
from the EU to prevent its banks from
collapsing. Realistically, we will have
to seek some sort of support, said
the chairman, Michalis Sarris. Last
month, the government poured s:.,
billion into the nancial sector to keep
the countrys banks alive. However,
government funds are running dry
because Cyprus is unable to borrow
from international markets afer its
credit rating was downgraded to junk
status. Like Greece, Cyprus will have
to eectively subject itself to Germany
to keep the money owing. With an-
other nation depending on its money,
Germany will gain even more leverage
as it attempts to solve the euro crisis.
Tis situation will also give Germany
nancial control in one of the worlds
most strategic islands. Te Trumpet
believes Germany will use Cyprus as
an important staging ground to gain
more inuence in the Middle East,
especially over Jerusalem.
n China supplied North Korea with
missile launchers
A Chinese company gave North
Korea vehicles capable of moving and
launching missiles, in possible viola-
tion of UN sanctions, according to
reports on Wednesday by Japanese
media. China is Pyongyangs only
formal military ally, and supplies the
North with o percent of its oil on easy
terms or even at no charge. Writing
for Forbes, Gordon Chang said, If it
werent for the Chinese, there would
be no North Korean missile program,
no North Korean nuclear program
and no North Korea. Chinas lead-
ers support the regime in Pyongyang
because a rogue North Korea serves
Chinas ambitions. Te existence of an
unpredictable, volatile nuclear aspirant
is a distraction to Chinas competi-
tors in the region. Also, North Koreas
ambitions align perfectly with Chinas
top global priority: undermining the
United States. China considers Pyong-
yang a tool with which it can challenge
the U.S., and Beijings decision to give
Kidnapping by
Mexican Police
1 w.s all caught on video: Five heav-
ily armed policemen barge into a
hotel in western Mexico before dawn
and march out with three handcued
men in underwear.
But police werent making an
arrest; they were apparently taking or-
ders from a drug gang. Just hours afer
the three were seized, they were found
asphyxiated and beaten to death.
Mexicans have become inured to
lurid tales of police collaboration with
narcotics gangs during , years of
a drug war that has cost more than
,,,oo lives. But seldom can they
actually see it occur, and the video
broadcast on national television was a
One assumes that in some cities
the municipal police work for the drug
cartels, said Jorge Chabat an expert
on security and drug tracking at the
Center for Economic Research and
Teaching. But what is dierent here is
that there is a video. Its not the same
missile launchers to Pyongyang is evi-
dence of Chinas deance. Te North
Korean threat is intensifying, and the
trend simultaneously shows that the
U.S., succumbing to its moral and -
nancial diseases, has a broken will, and
that Chinas patronage and protection
is a force that smaller Asian states can
survive on.

n Russia exploiting U.S. election
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lav-
rov on Wednesday accused the United
States of arming Syrias rebels. It was
the rst time Moscow has specically
singled out America for violating
international law. Te accusation may
foreshadow a more aggressive Russia
while America is distracted with inter-
nal politics. Although Russia appears
to be backing the Assad regime, in re-
ality Syria is little more than a pawn in
Russias plan to return to great-power
status. Syria is a bargaining chip for
Moscow to extract concessions out of
the West. Russian President Vladi-
mir Putin is striving to restore Russia
to the status of an empire. Expect
Russia to take full advantage of this
American election cycle in his quest to
rebuild the former Soviet empire.

n Critics call armed Russian police
raids a return to the days of Stalin
On Tuesday, armed Russian police
raided the homes of anti-Putin activ-
ists in a major new clampdown on
dissent. Russian President Vladimir
Putins opponents compared the
wave of arrests to the purge tactics of
former Russian dictator Joseph Stalin.
I never thought we will go back to be
a country of such repressions, said
television reporter Ksenia Sobchak,
who was targeted by one raid. Putin
returned to the Kremlin with more
power than any Russian since the col-
lapse of communism, and the stage is
set for him to take on a new and much
more dictatorial role. Putin has long
been working to rebuild Russias inu-
ence in its former Soviet periphery,
and the drastic measures he is taking
to quell domestic unrest will allow
him to intensify these eorts.
JUNE 16, 2012
thing to imagine that this going on,
and to see it.
Te January :o video released by
prosecutors late Wednesday shows a
police truck pulling up to the hotel in
the city of Lagos de Moreno, quickly
followed by a pickup carrying four
armed civilians. A city policeman
carrying an assault rie runs over to
their truck and is given what appears
to be a list. Ten he and his fellow
ocers trot into the hotel and present
the list at the reception desk, appar-
ently asking what rooms the men are
staying in.
In the next segment of the video,
the victims are trotted out of the hotel
in their underwear with their hands
cued behind their backs. One is be-
ing hustled along by a civilian gun-
man, who stus him into a patrol car.
Te gunmenpolice are investigating
whether they belong to the Jalisco New
Generation drug gangappear to be
calling the shots throughout, with the
police ocers serving as gofers.
Te police then watch and wait
in front of the hotel while the mens
luggage and vehicle are stolen. Finally,
the police truck carrying the victims
follows the gunmen as they drive away
in their own pickup and the stolen
Tere are police ocers who kill
the mayors they are supposed to
protect, Chabat said. But this weeks
video is cause for despair, he said.
It gives rise to the feeling that this
is not going to be solved in the short
mivic. 1v.viiivs to Mexico should beware of pos-
sible violent retaliation for this weeks arrest of alleged
Zetas drug cartel associates and family members inside the
U.S., the U.S. State Department has warned.
Tough the warning does not specify which Trans-
national Criminal Organization might engage in anti-
American violence, on Tuesday federal authorities arrested
seven alleged associates of the powerful Zetas drug cartel in
New Mexico and Oklahoma for allegedly laundering millions
in drug prots through breeding and racing quarter horses
in the U.S. Tose arrested included Jose Trevino Morales,
the brother of Zetas leaders Miguel Angel and Oscar Omar
Trevino Morales, who were also indicted but remain at large
in Mexico.
According to the indictment, the Zetas cartel steered
drug money to Jose Trevino Morales and his wife to
purchase, train and race quarter horses. Horses owned by
the Zetass alleged front companies competed at Ruidoso
Downs in New Mexico and won lucrative races, including
the s: million All American Futurity in :o:o. Some of the
horses, like Morning Cartel and Coronita Cartel, had the
word cartel in their names.
Te travel warning issued Tuesday, the day of the arrests
and the unsealing of the indictment, urges U.S. citizens in
Mexico to be on guard. Given the history and resources of
this violent 1co, the U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to main-
tain a low prole and a heightened sense of awareness.
Travel Warning for Mexico
ABC NEWS | June 13
n Argentina Argues for Falkland Is-
lands at UN decolonization meeting
Argentine President Cristina de Fer-
nandez made a very rare appearance
at a United Nations decolonization
committee on Tursday where she
debated that the Falklands Islands
are Argentinas territory and should
not be under British rule. Fernan-
dezs resolution to address a com-
mittee that is typically the territory
of mid-ranking ocials is the latest
move in her intensifying diplomatic
oensive to assert Argentinas claims
to the islands, which are part of the
UKs self-governing overseas ter-
ritories. Britain needs to act more
intelligently, regarding the Islands,
Fernandez said in an emotion-driven
appeal. She also described Britain
as a bully for wielding its power as
a member of the UN Security Coun-
cil, and she accused the UK of lying
about the history of the islands. Brit-
ish Prime Minister David Cameron
insisted that he would not discuss
sovereignty as long as the Falklands
,,ooo residents wish to remain under
the British ag. Te Argentine gov-
ernment has complained for years
that Britain is ignoring UN calls for it
to negotiate the islands sovereignty.
Fernandezs administration has taken
an increasingly combative stance on
the issue in recent months. Prior to
World War ii, Britain and the United
States controlled the worlds most
important ports and straits. Tese
gates, as they are called in the Bible,
proved crucial to Allied success
throughout World War ii. Since then,
these two countries have given up
as gatekeeperswithout a ght. Te
U.S. and Britain have surrendered
Suez, Singapore, Hong Kong and the
Panama Canal. Expect Gibraltar and
the Falklands to soon follow suit.
Fernandez is intensifying her diplo-
matic pressure on Britain, and the
weakening former empire is losing
the resolve to hold on to this impor-
tant sea gate.
n South Africa gets ready for more
A large number of violent riots
erupted last month in South Africa as
masses of people threw tear gas and
stones, and burned tires in protest of
the lack of basic government services.
According to the South African gov-
ernment, May :o:: had more protests
than any other month since :oo.
Most of the protesters live in shanty
towns without electricity and other
modern conveniences. Even though
South African politicians promised
to help remedy this situation back in
:oo when similar protests occurred,
conditions have not changed for the
better. Now analysts are saying that
this year will eclipse :oo in terms of
violent rioting. Te Trumpet has long
predicted that social stability would
deteriorate in South Africa and all of
Britains former colonies as God with-
draws His blessings from modern-day
Israel. Watch for the rioting to get
much worse.
JUNE 16, 2012
Pentagon to
Recognize Gay Troops
.s1 sUmmiv, gays in the military
dared not admit their sexual orien-
tation. Tis summer, the Pentagon will
salute them, marking gay pride month
just as it marks other celebrations hon-
oring racial or ethnic groups.
Ocials said Tursday that theyre
planning the rst-ever event to rec-
ognize gay and lesbian troops. Tey
declined to give details about what the
event will be, but ocials said De-
fense Secretary Leon Panetta feels its
important to recognize the service of
gays in the armed forces.
June is gay pride month in the U.S.
Tis is the rst time the Pentagon
could participate, since Septembers
repeal of dont ask, dont tell. Under
the :, law, troops were kicked out for
talking about their sexual orientation
and more than :,,ooo lost their jobs.
Plague Is Back
i1uoUuu 1ui plague is typically
considered a remnant of the Middle
Ages, when unsanitary conditions and
rodent infestations prevailed amid
the squalor of poverty, this rare but
deadly disease appears to be spread-
ing through wealthier communities in
New Mexico, researchers report.
Why the plague is popping up in af-
uent neighborhoods isnt completely
clear, the experts added. Where
human plague cases occur is linked
to where people live and how people
interact with their environment, not-
ed lead researcher Anna Schotthoefer,
from the Marsheld Clinic Research
Foundation in Wisconsin. Tese
factors may change over time, neces-
sitating periodic reassessments of the
factors that put people at risk.
Plague is caused by a fast-moving
bacteria, known as Yersinia pestis, that
is spread through ea bites (bubonic
plague) or through the air (pneumonic
Te new report comes on the heels
of the hospitalization on June 8 of an
Oregon man in his ,os with what ex-
perts suspect is plague. According to
the Oregonian, the man got sick a few
days afer being bitten as he tried to
get a mouse away from a stray cat. Te
cat died days later, the paper said, and
the man remains in critical condition.
For the new study, published in
.s1 Wiuisu.v, the World Health
Organization (wuo) warned that
mankinds last medical defense
against gonorrhea has been essentially
breached. Te agency warned that
human beings are down to our last an-
tibiotic treatment for the disease. But
its eectiveness is declining.
Tere could soon be no eective
treatment for patients, Dr. Manjula Lusti-Narasimhan, of
the wuos Department of Reproductive Health and Research,
said in a press release. [T]here are no new therapeutic drugs
in development. In a couple of years it will have become
resistant to every treatment option we have available now.
Tis is crushing news for many of the ,oo,ooo people
in the United States alone who become infected with the
disease each year. Globally, around :oo million people per
year become carriershelping to spread it to others.
In America, about :. percent of those infected have this
resistant form of gonorrhea. Tat may not seem high, but
the number of detected cases has increased :,-fold in just the
past ve yearsand the infection rate may be accelerating.
So much for sexually transmitted infections, which is
what doctors assured us gonorrhea was. Dont worry, its
just an infection. Live however you want, and if you catch it,
theres no need to change your lifestyle. Just come on in and
pop a few pills, then you can keep on sleeping around. Un-
told millions of Americansmillions of teenagers, millions
of university studentswere toldare still toldthis
garbage. And the disease keeps spreading.
As it turns out, the medical community didnt know
what it was talking about. And gonorrhea is not only pain-
ful, but causes infertility, genital sores, bleeding, increased
uiv risk, cervix and rectum infections, miscarriages, and
eye infections leading to blindness in half of newborns
whose mothers have the s1u. And now it can withstand the
only form of treatment doctors have.
If you are thinking you can just use some sort of contra-
ception to protect against s1us, think again. Tey can still
spread: Scabies, warts, molluscum contagiosum, herpes,
pubic lice, gonorrhea. When you are committing fornica-
tion, there is just no such thing as safe sex.
Te wuos ,:-page report, an urgent attempt to control
the spread and minimize the impact of gonorrhea, did not
once recommend that people should have sex only inside of
marriage. Not one mention of the word abstinence. Just
a couple vague token sentences about the need to promote
safer sex.
But does the idea of safer sex even make sense: If you
take at least two bullets out of a revolver, is it safer to play
Russian roulette:
Te way to stop the spread of gonorrheaand syphilis,
and chlamydia, and genital warts and uvv viv, and a lot
of the uiv and all the other sexually transmitted diseases
that infect around oo million new people per yearis to
simply stop having sex outside of marriage.
Obey Gods law, and the diseases go away. Tats not
religionits science.
Gonorrhea Superbug
JUNE 16, 2012
the July issue of Emerging Infectious
Diseases, the researchers used U.S.
Census Bureau data to pinpoint the
location and socioeconomic status of
plague patients.
Bubonic plague starts with painful
swellings (buboes) of the lymph nodes,
which appear in the armpits, legs, neck
or groin. Buboes are at rst a red color,
then they turn a dark purple color, or
black. Pneumonic plague starts by
infecting the lungs. Other symptoms
include a very high fever, delirium,
vomiting, muscle pains, bleeding in
the lungs and disorientation.
In the :th century, a plague called
the Black Death killed an estimated ,o
percent to oo percent of the European
population. Victims died quickly,
within days afer being infected.
Infectious disease expert Dr. Marc
Siegel, an associate professor of medi-
cine at vU Langone Medical Center
in New York City, said he doesnt
expect to see that kind of outbreak
ever again.
More Teens Smoking
Pot Than Cigarettes
TIME | June 11
iims iixi teens have gotten the
memo that cigarettes are bad for
you; however, the same isnt true for
oUvi sUviiv heard of this spate of
bizarre cannibalistic crimes. A ho-
mosexual porn star in Canada appar-
ently killed his lover and ate himbut
not before mailing to the nations main
political parties his victims dismem-
bered feet and hands. A naked Miami
man ate almost the entire face o a
homeless person; when police inter-
vened, he viciously growled back at them like an animal
before they shot him to death. A Louisiana man was work-
ing in his yard when another man showed up and attacked
him, and actually bit a chunk of his face o. At a college in
Maryland, a student admitted to carving up his roommate
with a knife and devouring his heart and part of his brain.
All these events occurred just within the last couple weeks.
Much media coverage has centered on bath saltsa po-
tent drug that a couple of these attackers might have taken.
Te U.S. Senate responded by voting almost unanimously
to ban the substance.
As reasonable as passing that bill may have been, though,
are we really going to pretend that this combination of
chemicals is the real cause of these horror stories: No drug
turns people into crazed, violent beasts. Tese are clearly
crimes inuencedor perhaps even committedby demons.
Be honest: A drug alone cannot account for a man
whose girlfriend says was happy, and with whom she felt
safeone day getting out of his car in broad daylight,
stripping o his clothes, nding a napping homeless man,
savagely attacking him and gnawing away at his face in full
view of passing motorists and cyclists for nearly :o minutes,
and then responding to multiple threats by police to shoot
him by snarling at them incoherently.
However, that drug could weaken a mind enough to
open the door to a demon.
Tis kind of behavior is unmistakable evidence of the
power of the spirit world, which has a very evil side.
Te Canadian cannibal knew all about it. Tere is such
things as Monsters, Demons and Ghosts, he wrote on
his Facebook page. Tey live inside of us, and sometimes
they win. In this manwho, it has since been discovered,
appears to have committed other unspeakably grotesque
murders in the pastthey clearly did win. Te macabre
and violent nature of these acts is a measure of the demons
extreme hatred for human beingsa hatred that actually
has a remarkable explanation.
How much do you understand about evil spirits: Te Bi-
ble makes clear that ignorance about these powerful beings
leaves us dangerously vulnerable to them. Matthew:::,-
, and many other passages reveal that demons crave to
possess someone or something. However, not all demonic
activity takes such manifest form. Our world suers from
far more satanic inuence than most people realize.
Read Revelation ::. It describes a stunning spiritual
reality. It names the supreme evil spirit being as the great
dragon that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the whole world.
Te whole world is cloaked in deception about this being.
He ofen obscures his own identityeven, at times, dis-
guising himself as an angel of light (: Corinthians ::::).
How much do you recognize evil spirit inuence in the
world around you: Popular culture today is saturated in it.
Many people are fascinated by and addicted to increasingly
overt forms of rank evil and perversionyet naively believe
it is harmless or even healthful. Millions are soaking their
minds in books, television programs, movies, music, video
games, websites and other media with explicitly demonic
messages. No doubt there are demons inuencing or even
possessing people in order to write books and screenplays,
to direct videos and lms, that consumers are lapping up.
Added to these inuences are the widespread use of
mind-altering drugs; spreading mental and emotional
imbalances and loss of control; increasingly commonly
embraced perversions; open blasphemy and hostility to
God. In arena afer arena, our society is opening doorways
to sinister spiritual inuences and creating a hospitable
playground for evil spirits to have their way.
You need to read Chapter Two of Herbert W. Arm-
strongs book Mystery of the Ages, titled Mystery of Angels
and Evil Spirits. You can also watch Trumpet editor in
chief Gerald Flurrys television program Satan Is a Mys-
tery. Tese sources give solid biblical explanations on this
crucial subject. And they show how important it is to draw
close to God for protection (James :o-:o).
Bath Salts Do Not Turn People Into Flesh-Eating Zombies
JUNE 16, 2012
marijuana, according to a study by
the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention. Released late last week,
the government study revealed that
of :,,ooo high school students, pot
is now more popular among teens
than cigarettes . Eighteen percent
of surveyed students in :o:: reported
smoking a cigarette in the past month,
while :,percent reported smoking
marijuana in the last ,o days.
Perhaps thanks to the anti-smoking
campaigns in ads and in schools, or
to the personal experiences teens may
have with family members or relatives
with lung cancer, cigarette use has been
on the decline over the past few years.
But apparently, the association of
marijuana with cancer and other health
risks is not as prevalent among teens. I
just hear a lot of dangers of cancer and
cigarettes and I think thats why a lot
of teens look to marijuana, Tianda, a
Philadelphia high school junior who
wasnt identied by her full name .
According to the National Institute
on Drug Abuse, marijuana smoke con-
tains ,o-,o percent more carcinogenic
hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke,
and that pot smokers usually inhale
more deeply and hold their breath,
which can lead to an even larger in-
crease in exposure to the smoke.
China Can Shut Down
All the Telecom Gear
It Sold to U.S.
uiisi comv.iis apparently
have a covert capability to remotely
access communications technol-
ogy sold to the United States and
other Western countries and could
disable a countrys telecommunica-
tions infrastructure before a military
engagement, according to former and
current intelligence sources.
Te Chinese also have the ability
to exploit networks to enable China
to continue to steal technology and
trade secrets, according to the open
source intelligence company Lignet,
which is comprised of former U.S.
intelligence analysts.
Te issue centers on the Chinese
rm Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.,
which U.S. intelligence sources say has
direct links to the Chinese govern-
ment and the Peoples Liberation
Army, or vi.. Tese sources assert
that Huawei and other Chinese tele-
communications rms such as z1i
Corp. have electronic backdoors to
telecommunications technology sold
to the U.S. and other countries.
Te problem of fake Chinese elec-
tronic components, which were in-
stalled by defense contractors without
prior testing and are operating in U.S.
military systems, is far more wide-
spread than originally thought.
Tese parts dont just come directly
from China, but also from suppliers
in Britain and Canada who redirect
Chinese products to U.S. defense
contractors. Tese counterfeit compo-
nents have been found in sensitive U.S.
missile systems meant to thwart the
potential of a Chinese missile attack,
in night vision devices and in various
military aircraf.
.viiiv 1uis week, my family and
ve Herbert W. Armstrong College
students visited Israels Holocaust His-
tory Museum at Yad Vashem. Tou-
sands of people visit the site every day,
making it the second most popular
tourist attraction in Israel, afer the
Western Wall.
Each display inside the museum is
organized chronologically and begins with the most sig-
nicant events that led up to the HolocaustMein Kampf
becoming a bestseller in Germany, Hitlers rise to power,
the dizzying transformation of Germany into a totalitar-
ian state in less than one year, the establishment of the rst
concentration camp in :,,, Christianitys anti-Semitic al-
liance with fascism, the Western medias willful blindness,
Germanys conquest of Austria without having to re a
shot, the Anschluss, appeasement in Munich, Kristallnacht,
Hitlers vow to annihilate the Jewish race in Europe, the
secretive Molotov-Ribbentrop alliance and then, nally,
Germanys invasion of Poland.
Despite these many disturbing warning signs, Western
nations turned a blind eye to Germanys domestic prob-
lems for years. None were willing to confront the madman
By the time the war ended, approximately ,o million
human beings had been slaughtered. Six million Jews
were murdered in death camps all across Europe. It was
the deadliest, most destructive conict in human history.
Whenever the Holocaust is remembered, it is remembered
with the determined phrase, never again.
But as hard as it is to think about, the Bible says man-
kind will bring upon itself such horrors as these again.
In this end time, Jesus Christ prophesied, For then
shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the begin-
ning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be (Mat-
thew ::::). Jesus said this end time would be worse than
anything mankind has ever experiencedincluding the
But most peopleeven as earthshaking military alli-
ances form, as totalitarian regimes devour whole nations,
as the spirit of hatred and racism explodes in front of us
and as the protectors of freedom and democracy enter into
full-scale retreatwill simply refuse to believe that any-
thing this catastrophic could ever happen again.
But the scene is setGermany and all of Europe is
reaching a crisis point. Many countries are calling on Ger-
many to do more to take care of this economic crisis. In its
quest for a savior, Europe will willingly give up its power to
Germany in the interest of saving the Union. And, just as
before, the world wont fully realize what is happening until
it is too late.
Never Again?
JUNE 16, 2012
ovi oviv, tiger moms. Dads can play an even more
signicant role in the development of happy, well-
adjusted children than do mothers, a new study indicates.
Just in time for Fathers Day, ndings from a large-scale
review of research shed light on how parental acceptance
and rejection can aect the personalities of progeny well
into adulthood.
In our ,o years of research in every continent but Antarc-
tica, we have found that nothing has as strong and consistent
an eect on personality development as does being rejected
by a parentespecially by a fatherin childhood, said study
co-author Ronald Rohner, director of the Ronald and Nancy
Rohner Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and
Rejection at the University of Connecticut, in Storrs.
Te study, published recently in the journal Personality
and Social Psychology Review, analyzed ,o studies, from
:,, to :o:o, involving almost :,oo adults and 8,ooo chil-
dren in :8 countries. Te children ranged in age from to
:8, and adults were between :8 and 8.
All the studies included in the review included an assess-
ment of seven personality traits considered central to what
is called parental acceptance-rejection theory.
Tose traitsaggression, independence, positive self-
esteem, positive self-adequacy, emotional responsiveness,
emotional stability and positive worldviewwere evalu-
ated using self-report questionnaires. Participants were
asked about their parents degree of acceptance or rejection
during their childhoods and about their own personality
characteristics or tendencies.
Te study shows a strong relationship between those
seven traits and the experience of feeling accepted and
cared about by your parents, said Dr. John Sargent, a pro-
fessor of psychology.
Study author Rohner said fathers may have a greater
impact on a childs personality because children and teen-
agers pay more attention to the parent who seems to have
greater interpersonal power, or inuence, in the familys
power hierarchy.
He explained that when a father is perceived as having
more power, even if he spends less time with the children,
he can have a greater impact. Tats because his comments
or actions seem to stand out more notably. Tis is despite
the fact that, all over the world, mothers tend to spend
more time with kids than fathers do.
Rejection predicts a specic set of negative outcomes
such as hostility, low self-esteem, negativity .
Tere was no dierence seen in the importance of a
fathers love for girls versus boys.
Rohner said the research shows that society tends to
place too much emphasis on the impact of mothers on
children, ofen blaming them for troublesome personality
traits or behaviors, even into adulthood. We need to start
giving greater acclaim to dads, and put them on an equal
footing with moms in terms of their impact on children,
he said.
Our work should encourage dads to get really involved
in the loving care of their children at an early age, Rohner
said. Teir kids will be measurably better o.
Dads Love Crucial for Happy Childhood
With cyber-espionage on the rise
and increasing attacks aimed at U.S.
government computer systems, these
sources contend that Huawei has
achieved that capability on behalf of
the Chinese government. Sources say
that Huawei can use its backdoor ac-
cess to reach into foreign telecommu-
nications company systems without its
knowledge or permission.
n Colorado wildfire turns deadly
A wildre near Fort Collins, Colorado,
has killed one woman and destroyed at
least ::8 buildings. As of Tuesday morn-
ing, the massive re had burned more
than ,,ooo acres. Only , percent of
the blaze is contained. Te re started
Saturday with a lightning strike and has
grown to become the third largest in
Colorado history. Seventy percent of the
burn area is private land; ,o percent of
it is national forest land. Te Colorado
re is one of :8 large wildres presently
burning in nine states. In New Mexico,
one fast-moving wildre has charred
tens of thousands of acres and damaged
,, structures. Elsewhere in New Mexico,
reghters are battling the largest wild-
re in state history. It has destroyed ,,
square miles of forest since it was ignit-
ed by lightning in mid-May. Fireghters
have the blaze o percent contained.
Te frequency and intensity of wildres
and other disasters will increase in the
months and years ahead.
n Online porn causing massive
child abuse, says report
A government expert reporting to M.P.s
says sexual abuse of children by chil-
dren is rife throughout Britain. Deputy
Childrens Commissioner Sue Bere-
lowitz said there isnt a town, village or
hamlet in which children are not being
sexually exploited, reports the Mail
Online. What I am uncovering is that
sexual exploitation of children is hap-
pening all over the country, Berelowitz
told the Commons Home Aairs Com-
mittee on June ::. She also warned that
Internet porn has denitely aected
childrens thresholds of what they think
is normal. Te sexual abuse Berelow-
itz describes is a horrible symptom of
todays warped culture.
JUNE 16, 2012
public for the possibility that great
changes are coming and that estab-
lished certainties are no longer valid.
Charles Grant, director of the Cen-
ter for European Reform, was recently
in Berlin to discuss Europes problems
with German policymakers. He wrote
in the New York Times this week that
the view of German policymakers is that the govern-
ment will do what is necessary to save the euro. Germany
knows it is going to have to intervene on a major scale, and
even has measures in place, explained Grant. But its not
overtly publicizing these measures because its concerned
this may encourage some states to slacken eorts to curb
budget decits and enact reforms. Tats pretty smart.
On Monday, Spiegel published an article outlining a plan
currently in the works to stabilize the eurozone and the euro.
According to George Friedman, cio of Stratfor, Spiegels
report appears to be well-grounded, with European lead-
ers conrming that the four individuals are working on a
plan. Te plan is the brainchild of European Commission
President Jos Manuel Barroso, European Council President
Herman Van Rompuy, Eurogroup Chairman Jean-Claude
Juncker and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi.
Spiegel says these four are conversing on the phone daily.
A watered-down version of the plan is already circulating
in Europes capitals, while a more comprehensive presenta-
tion is being prepared for the European summit later this
month. A concrete version is expected as soon as August.
Iv i1 uois .ui.u, 1uis uv.m.1ic vi. wiii vivoiU-
1ioizi EUvovi.u 1ui woviu!
Spiegel reports that the four leaders intend on mak-
ing the currency union irreversible, and uiiviiu i1 1o
vicomi . voii1ic.i Uio (emphasis added through-
out). Remember, this is exactly what Chancellor Merkel
also desires. Spiegel continues: A comvii1iiv uivvivi1
EUvovi woUiu imivui vvom sUcu . vvociss. Te plan
envisions nation-states giving up signicant elements of their
sovereignty to European institutions. At the heart of the
deliberations is the cvi.1io ov . vi.i visc.i Uio,
which would prohibit member states from taking on new
debt on their own.
Basically, the plan envisions an all-powerful EU s-
cal authority that would have dictatorial power over the
nances of member states!
One possibility under this new plan is the creation of
a special EU institution to supervise Europes banks. Tis
overarching EU body would not only keep an eye on
systemically relevant nancial institutions, vU1 o .ii
v.xs, reported Spiegel.
Te plan also provides for the creation of a eurobond,
a bond backed by all eurozone nations, most importantly
Germany. Tis will please France and many other countries,
and could go a long way to solving Europes debt crisis. A eu-
robond backed by Germany is a thousand times more attrac-
tive than anything else on the market. But theres a catch. In
order to soothe Berlins justied concerns about a eurobond,
which would basically result in all Germany taking on li-
ability for the debt of individual countries, states would have
to meet a laundry list of rules and guidelines. Rules and
guidelines, mind you, essentially created by Germany.
Most notably, the plan puts the power to issue euro-
bondsand leadership of the EU scal authority itselfin
the hands of one individual, a kind of European nance
minister with supreme authority. Wu.1 vowiv! If this
plan proceeds, European states will eectively transfer con-
trol of their national budgets to a European scal author-
ityheaded by a single individual!
Heres another important development. Citing sources
in Brussels, Spiegel also reports that the plan includes
turning the oce of European Commission president and
European Council president into one and cvi.1iu .
oviv.vcuiu EUvovi. vvisiui1.
Tis plan is still under construction. As it forms and
becomes more public, it will likely be met with a lot of
opposition as EU states and citizens fear ceding more
power to Brussels and Berlin. But you watch: As this crisis
escalates and as pressure mountsif Greece defaults on its
debt and leaves the eurozone; if Italy too needs a bailout; if
the euro suddenly plummets; if even more destructive riots
and protests break outEuropeans and their leaders will
Extreme crises demand extreme solutionseven as
extreme as ceding power to Germany!
Consider one last observation. In its article on this
dramatic plan to rescue Europe, Spiegel states that this
plan would mark the viuiiu ov 1ui Ui1iu S1.1is
ov EUvovi. On Sunday, the Independents Peter Popham
explained how amid the bailouts, a Ui1iu S1.1is ov
EUvovi takes shape. Today, if you type the term United
States of Europe into Google, youll get hundreds of hits
from news items posted in just the last few months. It
seems politicians and news nerds the world over have given
this term to the political organism now forming in Europe.
But notice.
On Jan. :,, :,movi 1u. u.iv . ci1Uvv .uo
Herbert W. Armstrong wrote a co-worker letter discuss-
ing the formation in the end time of a European empire
patterned afer the ancient Roman Empire. He stated that
they may call it the Ui1iu S1.1is ov EUvovi. Six
years earlier, in the June :,, issue of the Good News, Mr.
Armstrong was again explaining the prophesied unica-
tion of a German-led European empire, and forecast that
the moment would come when suddenly the world will
behold a Ui1iu S1.1is ov EUvovi! By the time he died
in January :8o, Mr. Armstrong must have employed the
term hundreds, perhaps thousands, of times in his articles,
books and sermons.
Tis is just more proof that God was working with
Herbert Armstrong in a very special way. God didnt just
inspire Mr. Armstrongs understanding of Bible prophecy
and end-time events in Germany and Europe, He even
inspired Mr. Armstrong to useuic.uis .uothe exact
term that is today commonly used to describe what we are
witnessing in Europe.
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