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MARCH 3, 2012

Iran on Track for Nuclear Weapons 3
Germany Finds Itself Back in Power in Europe 4
Call Them Nazis 5
Britains Gendercide Scandal 7
Plan for an Economic 9/11 10
M A R C H 3 , 2 0 1 2
oiiici s1Uui1s are going broke! Not because
tuition fees have skyrocketed over the last :o years.
Or because student loans saddle the average gradu-
ate with tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Or because
dumbed-down, lef-wing diploma mills promise little in
the way of gainful employment afer graduation.
No, students are nancially strapped because theyre pay-
ing w.v 1oo mUcu for birth control. Tats how Sandra Fluke
sees it. Shes a third-year law student at Georgetown. In recent
weeks, Fluke has become something of a poster child for con-
gressional Democrats who are working to drum up support
for President Obamas unpopular healthcare program.
Forty percent of women at Georgetown Law are strug-
gling nancially because they have to pay for their own
contraceptives, Fluke says. Over the course of three years at
law school, she adds, birth control can cost female students
as much as s,,ooo.
What does it say about Americas moral health when
a :o-something oozy whines about having to pay a
The Inalienable
Right to Illicit Sex
see ILLICIT page 12
thousand dollars a year on birth controland who rmly
believes American taxpayers should pick up the tab: Its bad
enough that our universities have turned into hyper-sexu-
alized dens of iniquity where binge drinking and hookup
sex permeates every aspect of campus culture. Now its the
working class taxpayer who is responsible for funding con-
traceptives to help make rampant and random sex safe.
At one point in her testimony, Fluke told the true story
of a distressed coed who felt embarrassed and powerless
upon learning at the local pharmacy that her insurance
coverage didnt provide free contraceptives. She has no
choice but to go without birth control, Fluke lamented.
In other words, these poor women are being forced to
have unprotected sex because of people like voU who wont
pay for their birth control! In truth, the only people being
forced against their will are the ones required to pay for
health services they are morally opposed to.
On Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics
recommended that ::- and ::-year-old boys be immunized
routinely, along with girls, for the human papillomavirus
(uvv)the cancer-causing sexually transmitted dis-
ease. Last year, former Republican presidential candidate
Michelle Bachmann warned about the very serious side
eects of uvv vaccines. But she was quickly ridiculed into
silence. Nothing to worry about here. All we need to know is
that the drugs are freeand that teens can then have sex
without having to worry about cancer.
Wishing Upon Iran
u.1 wiii it take to persuade the
U.S. intelligence community that
Tehrans nuclear intentions arent ex-
actly peaceful: Perhaps nothing short
of an explosion.
Te International Atomic Energy
Agency (i.i.) released its latest report
on Iran on Friday, this time with the
cheerful news that the regime has
sharply increased its production of
:o percent-enriched uranium and in
much greater quantities than it can
possibly need for civilian use.
More than a third of the new en-
richment is taking place at its Fordow
installation, which is inside a heavily
fortied bunker carved into a moun-
tain. Stockpiling :o percent uranium
(reactor-grade is , percent) gives Iran
the option to further enrich the fuel
to bomb-grade level quickly and with
relative ease. And speaking of a bomb,
the regime last week forbade i.i.
inspectors from visiting a weapons-
facility at Parchin, which the agency
suspects has conducted nuclear-weap-
ons design work.
If that sounds grim, Americas
spooks see a silver lining: Tehran may
be doing what it can to manufacture
the various components of a nuclear
weapon, but it has yet to decide to as-
semble them into an explosive device.
Tats the public assessment of James
Clapper, the director of National
Intelligence, seconded by ci. Direc-
tor David Petraeus and Joint Chiefs
Chairman Martin Dempsey.
Mr. Clapper and friends are draw-
ing a narrow distinction between
having the ability to build a nuke and
actually building one. In this ever
hopeful analysis, Iran might decide
that it is better served possessing
enough nuclear capability to keep
its options open and its enemies on
guard, without having to incur the
risks of building and maintaining an
actual arsenal.
n Anti-Assad proposal backed by
U.S., Europe, Arabs
Te United States, Europe and Arab
countries said February : that
they are ready today to back a pro-
posal against Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad. Te agreement would call for
Assad to cease his attacks on dissenters,
permit humanitarian aid to reach Syr-
ians, and relinquish his power. Ocials
from these countries were attending a
major international Friends of Syria
conference in Tunisia, negotiating the
details of an ultimatum to be given to
Assad. Te document backs its de-
mands with unspecied punishments.
While the ultimatum has no real lever-
age over Assad, the Friends of Syria
group of around ,o nations hopes
that the increased pressure will make
Assads downfall inevitable. Te Syrian
strongmans downfall would be a major
loss for Iran. Te Trumpet believes that,
whether Assad falls or not, the Syrian
conict will ultimately lead to the col-
lapse of what used to be strong Syrian-
Iranian relations. When that happens,
watch for closer cooperation between
Syria and a new ally: Europe.
n Hamas discusses unity
government with Palestinian Abbas
Palestinian President Mahmoud Ab-
bas and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal
met in Egypt February :, to discuss
the formation of a new Palestinian
MARCH 3, 2012
. development that could chill the dedication of every
soldier in the eld, the U.S. government has refused to
deny reports by the government of Afghanistan that .1o
has agreed to have the soldiers who burned copies of the
Quran face trial.
Last week, Afghan President Hamid Karzai demanded
.1o turn over the U.S. troops to be tried in Afghanistan.
President Obama subsequently sent a letter to Karzai reas-
suring him that the troops involved would be punished for
their actions.
Over the weekend Afghanistan government media
posted a joint statement by the delegations assigned
to probe the Quran burning incident. Te statement
listed several items, including a demand that the U.S. turn
over the authority of the prison in Bagram to the Afghan
government to ensure similar incidents do not recur and
calls on the U.S. government to fully and comprehensively
cooperate to this end.
However, the statement used vastly dierent language
when discussing the fate of the U.S. soldiers involved in the
incident. .1o ocials promised to meet Afghan nations
demand of bringing to justice, through an open trial, those
responsible for the incident and it was agreed that the
perpetrators of the crime be brought to justice as soon as
possible, the statement said.
Te wording suggests members of the military could
be handed over to an Afghan system that imposes sharia-
related penalties.
wu requests to both .1o and the Pentagon asking for
conrmation of the statement by Afghan authorities were
not returned. Clare Lopez, a senior fellow with the Cen-
ter for Security Policy, said if the statement by the Afghan
government turns out to be true, it would be an unprece-
dented betrayal of our men and women in uniform. I cant
imagine we would ever do this, what would we charge them
with: Are we going to try Americans for crimes committed
under sharia law: I cannot believe our government would
go that far, she said.
Afghans: Quran-Burning Soldiers to Face Trial
WORLD NET DAILY | February 29
government. Te two men were in Cai-
ro, where they met with Murad Mua,
the head of Egyptian intelligence. Te
Hamas leadership approved a unity
deal with Abbas, which was originally
signed between Mashaal and Abbas
on February o; it has Abbas heading
an interim unity government ahead of
general elections for both Palestinian
territories. Unity is an important part
of a greater Palestinian strategy for the
Palestinians to receive international
recognition as a sovereign state. Both
Hamas, which is well known for its
terrorism, and the Palestinian Au-
thority, which also has a penchant for
violence, agree that Israel has no right
to exist and should be destroyed. If
and when Palestinians cobble together
some form of unity government, it
will only lead to more conict and
increased bloodshed as they present a
stronger opposition to Israel.
n Egypts Islamists control both
houses of parliament
A Muslim Brotherhood member,
Ahmed Fahmy, was elected leader of
the Shura Council, the upper chamber
of Egypts parliament, on February :8,
as Islamists take control of both hous-
es of parliament. Te Brotherhood
control ,8 percent of the seats on the
council, and , percent of seats in the
lower house. Te ultra-conservative
Al-Nour has around a quarter of the
seats in both houses. Meanwhile, the
rest of the world is nally starting to
wake up to the fact that Egypts future
is dominated by the Muslim Brother-
hood. If you want to inuence the
next governments policy, you need
to talk to the Brotherhood, and you
need to talk to them in depth, Re-
uters quoted an anonymous Western
diplomat in Cairo as saying.
n Pakistani extremist coalition
leaves government impotent
Tousands of jihadists poured onto
Islamabads streets on February :o
chanting death to America, demand-
ing holy war against the West, and
heaping scorn on Pakistans govern-
ment. Te gathering is of concern to
the U.S. State Department because
it represents a coalescing of some o
anti-American partiespreviously at
odds with each otherbut now unied
under a new banner: the Defense of
Pakistan Council (uvc). Te Islamists
at the rally have been central to the suc-
cess of the Taliban, al Qaeda, and other
terrorist groups. In the past theyve
ofen clashed with each other over how
best to wage anti-Western jihad. Today,
however, their shared hatred for U.S.
involvement in Pakistan, and frustra-
tion with Islamabads Western cooper-
ation, has persuaded them to set aside
their grievances with each other and
to unite. Te Pakistani government is
becoming powerless against the rising,
America-loathing force that is the uvc.
Te uvc is now planning to eld its
own candidates in Pakistans general
election expected later this year.
n Iran on track for nuclear
Te latest assessment of the timeline
for Iranian nuclear-weapon capability,
according to the International Atomic
Energy Agency, is that Iran will have
8, kilograms of uranium enriched
to :o percent in April. Tis would be
enough to produce a bomb within
three months. Under one scenario,
however, though unlikely, Iran could
obtain enough weapons-grade ura-
nium for a bomb within three weeks
of the decision to do so. Courcys In-
telligence Brief reports that there have
been no ongoing side eects from the
:oo Stuxnet attack on Irans nuclear
caabilities (February :).
Irish EU Treaty Vote
Threatens Chaos
TELEGRAPH Ambrose Evans
Pritchard | February 28
vii.u u.s shocked Europe with
plans for a referendum on the EUs
scal treaty, a move that risks an un-
precedented fragmentation of the euro-
zone and a major clash with Germany.
Premier Enda Kenny said Dublin was
acting on legal advice from Irelands
attorney-general that on balance the
scal compact requires a vote under
the countrys constitution.
All three major parties back the trea-
ty but analysts say there is a high risk of
rejection by angry voters in the current
fractious mood. Te compact gives
the EU intrusive powers to police the
budgets of debtor states, and has been
denounced as feudal bondage by Sinn
Fein and Irelands vociferous euroskep-
tics. Te Irish voted No to both the
Nice and Lisbon treaties before being
made to vote again. Dublin has ruled
out a second vote this time.
Ireland cannot stop the process
since a quorum of :: states brings
the treaty into force, but it would
be politically untenable to create a
new eurozone structure that lef one
member in limbo. German Chancel-
lor Angela Merkel reacted with fury
last November when Greece, which
on Tuesday night approved ,.: bil-
lion of new budget cuts, unexpectedly
called a referendum on the terms of
its bailout. Irelands move may also
rankle, even if deemed less capricious.
Te scal compact has totemic
signicance in Berlin and any sign
that the package is fraying may harden
opposition in the Bundestag to further
imU rescue measures. Mrs.Merkel suf-
fered a serious blow on Monday when
she had to rely on opposition votes to
pass the Greek loan package due to
mounting defections in her own ranks.
Her coalition base is in revolt over
demands from Brussels and the Inter-
national Monetary Fund for a boost
in the EU rescue machinery (ism) to
,,obillion (co,, billion), the unspo-
ken condition imposed by the rest of
the world for unlocking global aid.
Any decision has been postponed un-
til afer this weeks EU summit. Te new
requests would push the German share
of the funding to well over ,oobillion,
breaching a :::billion ceiling set by
the Bundestag in September.
MARCH 3, 2012
Suspicion Slowing
.vuiv . year goes by without the
eruption of yet another chapter
in Germanys ongoing debate about
integration. Do immigrants feel at
home in Germany: Are they willing to
identify with and become part of the
culture: And, most pressing, do Mus-
lims t in or are they more inclined
to view German and Western culture
with deep skepticism:
Tis years discussion was kicked
o on Tursday with the publication
of a study carried out by Germanys
Interior Ministry, which sought to
gauge how Muslims living in the
country view German culture and
their attitudes to integration. Te
result: Twenty percent of Muslims
in the country are skeptical when it
comes to integration.
Perhaps more concerning, among
Muslims in the age group between
: and ,:, there exists a subgroup
that could be described as strictly
religious with strong antipathy to the
West, a tendential acceptance of vio-
lence and no willingness to integrate,
the study says.
Germany respects the origins and
cultural identities of its immigrants,
Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich
said in a statement accompanying the
study. But we do not accept the im-
port of authoritarian, anti-democratic
and fanatically religious views. Tose
who reject freedom and democracy
have no future here.
Initial reactions, perhaps predictably,
have been intense. Hans-Peter Uhl, the
parliamentary spokesman on domestic
policy for Chancellor Angela Merkels
conservatives, called the study hor-
rifying in comments to the daily Neue
Osnabrcker Zeitung. Tis unwilling-
ness to integrate doesnt necessarily, but
can represent a catalyst for religious
fanaticism and terror, he told the
But such sentiments play well in
Germany. A highly publicized study
released in :o:o by the Friedrich Ebert
Stifung found that ,8 percent of
Germans felt that the practice of Islam
in Germany should be signicantly
curtailedin eastern Germany, that
number was ,,., percent.
n ECB loans billions to European
Te European Central Bank
MARCH 3, 2012
ov i.viv ,o years, Germanys grand national ambi-
tion has basically been not to have one. Afer losing
two world wars and carrying out a horric genocide, the
country set to working its way back into the European
fold, content to focus on rebuilding its shattered economy
while dutifully leaving continental leadership to the likes of
Te plan has been a roaring successso much so that,
in one of historys great ironies, Germany today nds itself
right back where it wasnt supposed to be: dominating
As the regions richest, most populous nation, with
control over purse strings rather than panzers, Germany is
the unquestioned boss amid Europes stubborn debt crisis
and deepening economic malaise. But the turnaround has
inspired a fair bit of discomfort and unease, not just among
some neighboring nations but also among some Germans.
We have an ambivalent relationship with power, said
senior research fellow Ulrike Guerot of the European
Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin. Weve never got-
ten it right.
Potentially the fate of the global economy now lies in
Germanys hands as it heads the eort to keep heavily
indebted Greece (where people mutter about a Fourth
Reich) from going under and pulling down other euro-
zone countries with it. On Monday, Chancellor Angela
Merkel successfully steered approval for a s:,,-billion
Greek bailout through the German Parliament, a deeply
divisive measure for German taxpayers who will foot more
than half the bill.
Even so, President Obama and other world leaders are
urging Germany to contribute even more to a permanent
European bailout fund that might stanch the debt crisis
pressure that Merkel has so far resisted.
Te leadership role thrust onto Germany is turning out
to be a mineeld in many ways, complicated by the na-
tions past. Berlin is caught in a classic damned-if-you-do,
damned-if-you-dont position, its every move fodder for
critics eager to spot signs either of Teutonic belligerence or
a failure to exercise power responsibly.
Te plan that Europe is pursuing to save the euro cur-
rency bears an unmistakably German stamp, with its
insistence on solemn pledges of scal rectitude, sti auster-
ity measures and punishment for countries that stray. Tis
week, nearly all of the European Unions :, nations are due
to sign a pact on scal discipline that was largely written in
Berlin. Despite the growing chorus of detractors and indica-
tors showing that austerity is strangling economic growth
in ailing nations, Merkel has refused to yield, and no fellow
European leader has been strong enough to overrule her.
Shes the queen of Europe, said Josef Joe, editor of the
newspaper Die Zeit. Gone are the days when Germany was
considered an economic giant but a political dwarf, as the
clich had it, Joe said. In an age where economic power
suddenly moves to the fore, as it has in the last :8 months,
the economic giant also becomes a political giant.
But Joe said Berlin had neither sought nor built up
much experience for its current ascendancy in European
aairs, which helps explain some of its missteps. Te lead-
ership of Europe has really been dropped into its lap .
Germany Finds Itself Back in Power in Europe
LA TIMES Henry Chu | February 27
(icn)oered more than ,oo billion
to European banks December ::, and
oered a second batch of loans dur-
ing February. icnPresident Mario
Draghi encouraged banks to take
the low-interest loans on February
, saying there was no stigma or
sign of weakness associated with
them. More than 8oo banks took
theicnup on the oer. While
theicns massive injections of liquid-
ity have improved Europes nancial
situation, some see theicnloans
as preparation for Greece exiting
the eurozone. Robert Halver, head
of Market Research at Baader Bank
AG, said he believed theicnknows
Greece will leave in less than a year
and that it is actually trying to shield
Europe by building rewalls with
lots of liquidity. TeTrumpethas
forecast that whatever the EUs solu-
tions are, they will lead to a stronger,
more centralized government with
Germany at the helm. Continue to
watch as European headlines prove
this forecast true.
n G-20 rejects Germanys plea to
boost IMF
Te Group of :o nations put pressure
back on Europe to solve the euro
crisis at its meeting in Mexico on
February :o. German leaders hoped
to secure money from the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund (imv), but the
G-:o said it will not intervene until
Europe coughs up more of its own
cash to stabilize the eurozone. Te
G-:os rebu places a heavier bur-
den on Berlinthe biggest national
contributor to Europes expensive
bailouts. An Associated Press source
said the G-:o feels that theimvcan
play a back-up role, but the European
Unions own fund must be the rst
line of defense. Germany has been
reluctant to commit even more of
MARCH 3, 2012
viixs gone from being big fans of Germans to com-
paring them to Nazis dead-set on using nancial means
to establish the Fourth Reich. What was once the type of
exaggeration mostly found in caricatures has now become a
genuine, widespread and worrisome belief among Greeks.
Stathis Stavropoulos is tired of constantly drawing evil
Germans, but he does it again and again, slightly vary-
ing the theme each time. In his drawings, the well-known
Greek cartoonist has dressed German Chancellor Angela
Merkel in sinister-looking uniforms, placed her in a tank
and depicted her frightening little Greek boys. Stavropou-
los portrays Horst Reichenbach, the German head of the
European Union task force, as a sort of ocer of the Weh-
rmacht, Germanys World War ii army, controlling puppets
with strings as he laughs sardonically. Te puppets bear
the faces of members of the Greek government. Te word
Reich in Reichenbach is written in capital letters.
Te nasty German is once again wearing a uniform in
Greece these days, taking babies away from mothers and
counting the beans in fasolada, the white bean soup consid-
ered a national dish. What should I do: Tats just the situ-
ation now, Stavropoulos says. Even the New York Times
recently published one of his cartoons, which Stavropoulos
characterizes as more tragic than funny.
Although similar reminders of Germanys Nazi past have
occasionally appeared in the French, Spanish and British
media, Germans have rarely been depicted as hideously as
they currently are in the Greek media. Images of Chancel-
lor Merkel with a grim facial expression now appear almost
every day on the cover pages of Greek newspapers. Te
caricatures depicting her as a sharp-toothed bloodsucker
or as a strict schoolmaster with a raised index nger seem
almost benign compared to the harsher depictions of her
wielding a leather whip and wearing a Swastika armband.
Tere is only one other person who can compete with
Merkel for the position of the most-reviled gure among
Greeks at the moment: German Finance Minister Wolfgang
Schuble, who is sometimes shown wearing an SS uniform.
Te vitriol isnt just on display in the tabloids. Journalist
Georgios Trangas delivers live tirades against the German
occupiers every night on Extra ,, an Athens-based televi-
sion station. In his show Choris Ansthetiko (Without
Anesthesia), he criticizes the barbaric measures being
imposed on his country by Berlin.
Te breakdown of the relationship between Germany
and Greece is omnipresent, but the question is whether the
media are fueling the hatred or simply reporting on it. An-
dreas Kapsabelis, editor-in-chief of the tabloid Dimokratia,
has a clear opinion on the issue. He believes the Germans
are trying to destroy the Greeks and using nancial means
to achieve what they failed to do militarily more than oo
years ago.
His paper recently ran a cover story entitled Memoran-
dum Macht Frei, a reference to the cynical slogan Arbeit
Macht Frei (Work Sets You Free) at the entrance to
the Dachau concentration camp, on the one hand, and to
Greeces obligations under the loan agreements with its inter-
national creditors, on the other. To ensure that even the most
poorly informed reader would understand the headline, the
word Dachau was printed in bold letters under it. We are
doing our job and voicing public opinion, Kapsabelis says.
German publications were in fact the rst to use deroga-
tory language, referring to the bankrupt Greeks as the
frauds in the euro family. Te Greeks led a lawsuit for
collective libel against the Munich-based magazine Focus
several months ago afer it depicted the Venus de Milo
statue with an extended middle nger in February :o:o.
Since then, Delastik says, anti-German sentiment has
gone beyond the journalistic sphere. Grandparents are now
reminding their grandchildren about the Nazi occupation,
he says, and almost every Greek is suddenly an expert on the
forced loan the German Reich imposed on Greeces national
bank in ::. Its terrible, says Delastik, noting that this sort
of thinking doesnt t with his idea of a united Europe.
When in Doubt, Call Them Nazis
SPIEGEL | February 29
n China, Russia, Tajikistan and
Kazakhstan wish to cut arms along
shared borders
On Wednesday, military ocials from
China, Russia, Tajikistan and Kazakh-
stan met in Astana to discuss cutting
the number of troops and weap-
onry deployed along the borders they
share. Te delegates also discussed
the development of an information
communication network between the
four Asian nations. Te four countries,
all members of the Shanghai Coop-
eration Organization, are becoming
less concerned about the threat each
poses to the others, and more focused
on cooperating with each other. A
reduction of arms along their shared
borders means these nations would
free up military resources to position
n Russia, China developing
programs to disable satellites
China isworking on an anti-satellite
space weapon program and Russia
is developing technologies to disable
its money for the rewall, and the
issue is a sensitive one in its domestic
politics. Chancellor Angela Merkel is
playing a delicate political game and
has yet to show her hand. Continue
to watch the situation to see whether
Germany submits to the G-:os con-
clusion. Either way, these discussions
demonstrate the important role
Germany now plays in the world
economy and its increasing power to
set the agenda.
MARCH 3, 2012

.1io.i v.vii.mi1s are becoming like EU institu-
tions as part of the growing interweaving of European
and national politics, said European Council President
Herman Van Rompuy on February :,. European integra-
tion is a slow process which sometimes gets a sudden
push, concluded Van Rompuy. In this crisis we have
reached a whole new level of cooperation, a sort of Euro-
pean home aairs.
In the old days, exaggerating just slightly, the European
Community used to exist on one planet, and national
politics on six, nine, twelve, feen other planets, he said
at the start of his speech. Tis is over now. Te debt crisis,
dicult and painful as it is, brings home the fact that the
Union is us. Right here and now, in everyones daily life.
Europe is not a great abstract idea for the future, no it is our
daily experience!
Speaking at the opening of a conference for ocials
across Europe to discuss economic policy, Van Rompuy
said, Maybe not formally speaking, but at least politi-
cally speaking, all national parliaments have become, in
a way, European institutions. Here the old slogan of the
three musketeers applies: All for One; One for All! It is the
responsibility of the parliaments to adapt themselves to this
situation, he said.
Te euro has made the European Union more inter-
dependent, he said, so that Decisions by one national
parliamentbe it in Germany or Ireland, in Slovakia or
Portugalare watched all over Europe. Van Rompuy also
highlighted how much power the EU had gained as a result
of the crisis: Te Commission has received unprecedented
supervisory power. Te Court of Justice will control the
transposition of the debt brake. Te European Parliament
was decisive in designing the new budgetary and macro-
economic surveillance .
He also admitted that EU nations had lost sovereignty
over their nances and economy. Under new agreements on
decits, the national parliaments keep their budgetary sov-
ereignty, at least as long as national policies do not threaten
the nancial stability of the whole, he said. In other words,
if the EU deems that their budget threatens the European
economy, they lose sovereignty. Te Commission and
other euro area member states have to be consulted before
adoption of any major scal or economic policy reform with
potential spillover eects, so as to allow for an assessment of
possible impact on the euro area as a whole, he said.
Tis EU power grab is exactly what the Trumpet forecast
right from the start of the crisis. Weve ofen drawn attention
to this insightful statement by Bernard Connolly, former EU
civil servant and author of Te Rotten Heart of Europe: [T]
he EU quite deliberately created the most dangerous credit
bubble of all: imU [European Monetary Union]. And, where-
as the mission of the Fed is to avoid a nancial crisis, the mis-
sion of the icn [European Central Bank] is to provoke one.
Te purpose of the crisis will be, as [Romano] Prodi, then
Commission president, said in :oo:, to allow the EU to take
more power for itself. Te sacricial victims will be, in the
rst instance, families and rms (and banks and investors)
in countries such as Ireland . Subsequently, German savers
(or British taxpayers) will bear the burden of bailouts that a
newly empowered EU economic government will ordain.
Tis is exactly what has happened. Even Eurocrat in
chief Herman Van Rompuy admits that the crisis has
forced nations to give power to Brussels.
But the crisis is not over, and it wont end until EU na-
tions have been forced to cede even more power to the EU
and Germany.
Euro Crisis Turning National Parliaments Into EU Institutions
February 29
United States satellites, the direc-
tor of the U.S. Defense Intelligence
Agency (ui.) told a Senate commit-
tee last week. Army Lt. Gen. Ronald
Burgess presented the ui.s report,
which cautioned that China has
already successfully tested adirect
ascent anti-satellite (.s.1) missile,
destroying one of its own satellites.
Te report said only about two dozen
.s.1 missile attacks would seriously
damage U.S. military operations.
MARCH 3, 2012
viv of gendercide: Its the
term applied to the abortion of a
fetus because it isnt of the desired
gender. Its also a term being splashed
across British tabloids, thanks to a re-
cent Telegraph investigation that found
doctors across the nation are helping
mothers abort their unborn because
its the wrong sex.
No doubt, this is a scandal. According to Vincent Argent,
the former medical director of Britains largest abor-
tion provider, theres no doubt women are terminating
pregnancies because of gender, and that the practice is
fairly widespread. For sure, this revelation is horrible, the
practice profoundly despicable. But lets get realis it really
When it comes to sex and family, Britains moral com-
pass has for decades been systematically pulverized, and
a culture of sex worship developed. Nowadays, there are
barely any qualms about any sort of premarital, promiscu-
ous or perverted sex. Te state eectively sponsors licen-
tious sexual behavior, which includes selling it to children,
giving contraceptives to teens, and supporting those who
experience the consequences. Any sort of stigma attached
to out-of-wedlock pregnancy, promiscuous sex, single par-
enthood, abortion, has vanished.
In Britain, abortion is considered as routine and mun-
dane as any other medical procedure. Te state has con-
structed large, brightly lit clinics and hired thousands
of doctors and nurses, all for the purpose of terminating
unwanted human lives. Depending on your circumstance,
an abortion is free or at most a few hundred pounds, little
more than a pair of decent shoes and a dress to match. Its
taken o years, but having an abortion in modern Britain
is considered little more than an inconvenient, unavoid-
able mishap, a rite of passage for the woman living a happy,
liberating life.
Britains :o, Abortion Act doesnt explicitly sanction
abortion on demand. But the reality is, the law, both in
spirit and letter, has been usurped, ofen by the state itself.
Its clear that a very large number, and quite possibly
the v.s1 m.,ovi1v, of abortions carried out in [Britain]
are .c.is1 1ui svivi1, if not quite the word, of the law,
wrote Teodore Dalrymple.
Te result: Britain is now the abortion capital of Europe.
Since :oo:, more than ,,,ooo girls under the age of :o have
had an abortion. In :o:o, more than a quarter of abortions
among girls under :, were vivi.1 vvociuUvis. Since the
:o, Abortion Act, theres been a ,,,oo vivci1
i .nov1ios in Britain. Abortion is treated as a form of
contraception, as quick, simple and, most notably, as so-
ci.iiv and mov.iiv .cciv1.nii as popping a pill.
Yet, many are shocked, appalled, vivUisiu to learn that
sex-selective abortions are happening.
Self-righteous fools.
Britains Conservative secretary of state for health, An-
drew Lansely, reacted to the Telegraph investigation by stat-
ing that sex-selected terminations were illegal and morally
wrong. Yes, he actually invoked morality to condemn the
practice. So, British culture can promote sex far and wide;
teens as young as :: can engage in perverted, promiscuous
sex to their hearts desire; the government can instruct chil-
dren as young as in sex and even distribute contraceptives;
and hospitals and clinics can terminate tens of thousands of
fetuses each year. All these are apparently morally acceptable
activities that ought to be sanctioned by government.
But, to abort a fetus because its the wrong gender is
reprehensible and morally wrong.
Really: Ri.iiv: Tats like giving a man a gun and
encouraging him to kill, but then condemning him for only
killing tall people. Morally, is there really a distinction be-
tween ending a pregnancy because the parent/s dont want
a girl, and ending a pregnancy because the parent/s simply
dont want a child: Either way, the end result is the termina-
tion of an unborn human.
Just so were clear, Im not highlighting the self-righteous
hypocrisy in an attempt to justify gender-selective abortion.
To the contrary, its a horrid, repulsive, deeply disturbing
actthat is, 1ivmi.1ic . Unov vi1Us. Yet that hap-
pens , times a year in Britain, and neither Andrew
Lansely, nor the Guardian or Independent, nor the British
public, raise an eyebrow!
Te fact that this is such an enormous scandal reveals the
vvovoUu mov.i ..vcuv within mainstream Britain.
Te person who sanctions abortion, yet vehemently con-
demns gender-specic abortion, is lost spiritually and mor-
ally. And it would seem there are millions of such individu-
als in Britain today.
More than anything, this scandal provides a lesson in
the fruits of i.wiississ.
The Shocking Truth Behind Britains Gendercide Scandal
Right to Kill Unwanted
DAILY MAIL | March 1
uiiosovuiv .u medical ethicist
Francesca Minerva argues that
killing a newborn is little dierent
to aborting it in the womb. Doctors
should have the right to kill newborn
babies because they are disabled, too
expensive or simply unwanted by their
mothers, an academic with links to
Oxford University has claimed.
Francesca Minerva, a philosopher
and medical ethicist, argues a young
baby is not a real person and so killing
it in the rst days afer birth is little
dierent to aborting it in the womb.
Even a healthy baby could have its
life snued out if the mother decides
she cant aord to look afer it, the ar-
ticle published by the British Medical
Journal group states.
But the article has angered other
ethicists, peers and campaigners. Tey
have described the call for legalized
infanticide as chilling and an inhu-
mane defense of child destruction.
Writing in the Journal of Medical
Ethics, Dr. Minerva and co-author
Alberto Giubilini, a University of Mi-
lan bioethicist, argue that afer-birth
abortion should be permissible in all
cases in which abortion is.
Tey state that like an unborn child,
a newborn has yet to develop hopes,
goals and dreams and so, while clearly
human, is not a personsomeone
with a moral right to life. In contrast,
parents, siblings and society have aims
and plans that could be aected by the
arrival of the child and their interests
should come rst.
U.S. Debt Accelerates
MARKET ORACLE Ron Paul | February 28
i. Jivv Sessions, ranking mem-
ber of the Senate Budget Com-
mittee, has pointed out that our per
capita government debt is already
larger than Greeces. Per person, our
government owes over s,ooo com-
pared to s,8,,, per Greek citizen.
Our debt has just reached :o: percent
of our gross domestic product. Our
creditors see this and have quietly
slowed down or stopped their lending
to us. As a result, the Federal Reserve
has been outright monetizing debt as
a way to patch things together and
keep the economy on life support a
little longer. Tere is rapidly shrink-
ing demand for our debt, and con-
dence in the dollar is falling. Tis
phenomenon is hidden only by the
fact that condence in all other at
currencies is falling faster.
None of this seems to really alarm
the administration, obviously, as
they have just released a budget that
accelerates spending and borrow-
ing. Te reason the debt and de-
cits plague the economy, according
to this administration, is that the
American economy is not taxed
enough. Terefore, hidden in the ne
print of the budget is a provision that
ramps up the corporate dividends
MARCH 3, 2012
v voU were Satan, who would you
attack in this day and age: Tere
is no one else to go afer other than
the United States, said presidential
candidate Rick Santorum in :oo8, in a
recently publicized speech. Te father
of lies has his sights on what you would
think the father of lies, Satan, would
have his sights on: a good, decent,
powerful, inuential country, he told students at a Catholic
university in Florida.
In terms of helping his reputation as a candidate, he
might as well have said that he wants to punish thieves by
chopping o their hands. Te New York Times Maureen
Dowd compared Santorum to a Muslim extremist. Mullah
Rick, she called him. One prominent conservative writer
called Santorums comments fringe, zany, nonsense,
and said they paint Santorum as a religious nut.
Wow. It has been said that the devils canniest strategy is
to convince us that he doesnt exist. Among media talking
heads, hes playing his cards well.
Supposedly, though, most Americans believe in the devil.
A :oo, Gallup poll put the gure at , in :o. A :oo Harris
survey found more than o in :o. But just what is the devil?
Tat is where major dierences of opinion emerge.
Mr. Santorums belief in a living being, with power,
and malicious intenta being that can actually inuence
people and subvert institutions or weaken nationsis
denitely a minority view. Among self-professing Christian
Americans, a :oo Barna survey showed that , percent
strongly or somewhat agreed that Satan is not a living
being but is a symbol of evil. An additional percent only
disagree somewhat with that statement, and 8 percent
more werent sure what they believe.
Its a strong measure of how little the Bible informs
most Christianity today. Because the Bible is clear: Satan
is not a symbol. Te Apostle John described him as that
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
1ui wuoii woviu. Jesus called him 1ui vvici ov 1uis
woviu. Paul called him 1ui cou ov 1uis woviu.
Rick Santorum suggested that the devil has insinuated
his way into Americas schools, its politics, even its church-
es. Are people really so convinced of the incorruptibility of
these institutions that this is such an outrageous charge:
Te bad fruits of these organizations prove otherwise. Te
fact that such a statement gets a politician tarred as a zany
extremist is, in reality, evidence of its truth. Te prince and
god of this evil world has deceived the whole world. And
among Americas arrogant illuminati, he has done a mas-
terful job of turning himself into a punch lineso he can
carry on his work undetected.
You need to know more about your adversary the devil.
Read Chapter Two, Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits, of
Herbert W. Armstrongs book Mystery of the Ages.
Satan the Devil Is Making Headlines
tax rate from its current :, percent
to ,.o percent. In addition, certain
deductions and exemptions will be
phased out; an additional ,.8 percent
Obamacare investment tax surcharge
will be tacked on, bringing the eec-
tive dividend tax rate to .8 percent
in :o:,.
Not only this, but the Obama ad-
ministration is worsening the uniquely
American policy of taxing income of
U.S.-based companies earned over-
seas. A massive wave of permanent
capital ight will undoubtedly cause
the already high levels of unemploy-
ment to rise.
Tose who understand the under-
pinnings of the dollar and how the
Federal Reserve works have known for
some time that we are on an unsus-
tainable course, that major chaos is
in store if nothing is done quickly to
reform things. Politicians pay lip-
service to reforms that never mate-
rialize or turn out to be at best small
and meaningless, or at worst actively
harmful. It seems more and more
inevitable that because the necessary
changes would be too inconvenient
for the elites to enact now, we will get
them later Greek-style, through col-
lapse and chaos.
Ination: Not as Low
as You Think
CBC | February 29
ovci1 1ui modest ,.: percent rise
in the Consumer Price Index, the
governments widely used measure of
ination. Everyday prices are up some
8 percent over the past year, according
to the American Institute for Econom-
ic Research.
Te not-for-prot research group
measures ination without looking
at the big, one-time purchases that
can skew the numbers. Tat means
they dont look at the price of houses,
furniture, appliances, cars, or comput-
ers. Instead, .iiv focuses on Ameri-
cans typical daily purchases, such as
food, gasoline, child care, prescription
drugs, phone and television service,
and other household products.
Te group maintains that this
index better measures the real-world
impact of price changes, particularly
for people on a budget. And, largely as
the result of the recent run-up in gas
prices, this everyday price index (ivi)
suggests that Americans are being
pinched far more tightly than the of-
cial ination measure would have you
believe. Over the past year, the ivi is
up just over 8 percent, according to the
economics group. Te biggest factor:
Motor fuel and transportation costs
are up ::.oo percent from year-ago
levels. Te cost of food, prescription
drugs, and tobacco also have increased
faster than the governments ina-
tion measure, rising ,.,o percent, .::
percent, and ,. percent, respectively.
Admittedly, the purchases that the
ivi tracks make up slightly less than o
percent of the average household bud-
get. But Steven Cunningham, research
and education director at .iiv, says
these items are what contribute to the
sticker shock at the gasoline pump
and the supermarket check-out line.
Energy Secretary OK
With High Gas
YAHOO NEWS | February 29
visiui1 Obamas Secre-
tary of Energy Stephen Chu uttered
the kind of Washington gae that con-
sists of telling the truth when incon-
venient. According to Politico, Chu
admitted to a House committee that
the administration is not interested in
MARCH 3, 2012
oUc viovii are told that the only
path to success is through a college
education. It is a lie. But the indoctri-
nation is so great that a whole genera-
tion of young people have signed away
their nancial futures to get what ofen
amounts to a worthless piece of paper.
Imagine: minimum-wage jobs, or
no jobs. Astronomical debt. Debt col-
lectors garnishing both your and your parents wages. And
no way out.
Tis is the situation that millionsyes, millionsof uni-
versity graduates nd themselves potentially facing today. It
is a recipe for social turmoileven explosion.
Total student loan debt in America is now s: trillion.
Te average college graduate in :o:o lef school owing over
s:,,ooo in loans. For the rst time ever, American students
owe more in student loans than the country owes in credit card
Outside of owing Cousin Vinny-with-the baseball-bat :,
grand, student loan debt is the most dangerous kind of debt
you can have.
If you take out a student loan, you have it until you pay
it back or until you die. Tere is virtually no other way out.
It is debtors prison. For unsuspecting teenagers and their
parents who ofen co-sign the loans, it has become a pain-
ful lesson of indentured servitude.
Student loans are the only type of debt (outside of debt
owed to the Internal Revenue Service) where lenders can
garnish your wages without a court order. And student
loans are the only type of debt that cannot be wiped out in
But garnishing wages is not even an option for many
lenders anymore. Te youth workforce participation rate
is the lowest on record (for the month of that survey). Te
unemployment rate for black and Hispanic youth is ,: and
:o.: percent respectively.
What are all these college grads going to do when they
cant get a job: Will they quietly sit unemployed while their
debts grow bigger and bigger: Will they sit quietly while
they have to scrimp and save to pay back their debtsand
the big banks get bailouts:
Te Percent Occupy Wall Street crowd isnt going to
go quietly into the night.
A Study in Financial Folly
lowering gas prices.
Chu, along with the Obama ad-
ministration, regards the spike in gas
prices as a feature rather than a bug.
High gas prices provide an incentive
for alternate energy technology, a
priority for the White House, and a
decrease in reliance on oil for energy.
Te Heritage Foundation points out
that hammering the American con-
sumer with high gas prices to make
electric and hybrid cars more appeal-
ing is consistent with Obama admin-
istration policy and Chus philosophy.
Tat explains the refusal to allow the
building of the Keystone XL pipeline
and to allow drilling in wide areas of
the U.S. and oshore areas.
Chu has likely highlighted an issue
Republicans are going to pick up and
run with. Americans are not going to
be appreciative of schemes to hit them
in the wallet so the American econo-
my can shif to green energy. Besides
American traditional adherence to the
free market, the idea of being eeced
by a deliberate government policy is
likely to be greeted with anger.
Add into the mix green energy as-
cos like Solyndra, and Chu might well
have kindled a full-blown scandal.
How the Obama administration re-
acts to the expected restorm is open
to question. Green energy is as part of
its fundamental religion as is univer-
sal health care, another unpopular
Obama policy.
n Nine dead in Midwest storms
A powerful storm system punched
through the Midwest before daylight
on Wednesday, spawning tornadoes
and killing at least nine people. At least
:oo people have been injured. Biblical
prophecy shows that we can expect in-
creasingly chaotic weather to get far, far
worse very soon (see Revelation o:,-8;
8:-::). God will unleash the powerful
natural forces upon a disobedient world
to bring it to its knees in repentance.
n The British government has run
out of money
Te British government cannot cut tax-
es or boost spending because itsrun
out of money, chancellor
of the Exchequer George
Osborne said on Sky
News recently. Te Brit-
ish government has run
out of money because
all the money was spent
in the good years, he
said. Te money and the
investment and the jobs
need to come from the private sector.
His comments come ahead of the an-
nouncement of Britains annual budget
meeting this month. Britainsdebthit
c: trillion for the rst time in Janu-
ary. Te British government and press
may talk about spending cuts, but the
government is only cutting the amount
that the debt increases by each week.
Te debt is still growing, just maybe
not quite as fast as it would have oth-
erwise. Britains chancellor of the Ex-
chequer may admit the nation has run
out of money, but he is still spending
it. Despite rating,
the country is already broke. Its just a
matter of time before the world catches
on to that fact.
n Britains drug violence as bad as
Latin America?
Drug gangs and organized crime have
taken over parts of British cities, in
MARCH 3, 2012
.ivs1s w.v Americans to buy guns and gold, pre-
dicting market crash and street riots within a year. Just
when you thought unemployment was dropping and stock
markets were surging back, these three analysts today sent
out a stark warning to Americans to brace for another
nancial crash.
Trend forecaster Gerald Celente advises buying a gun to
protect your family, stocking up on gold if the dollar crash-
es and planning a getaway, so its no shock hes preparing
for an economic /::. Share prices and unemployment are
posting their best gures in four years since the recession
hit, but Mr. Celente, along with authors Harry Dent and
Robert Prechter, says the rebound wont last.
Mr. Dent, who had Te Great Crash Ahead published
last September, believes stocks are simply experiencing an
articial short-term boost. Mr. Prechter, who had a new
version of Conquer the Crash published in :oo, is fearful
of todays economic similarities to the Great Depression
and says the brief recovery will fail like in the :,os.
Te economic recovery has been weak, so the next
downturn should generate bad news in a big way, he told
USA Today, saying the markets look very bearish for the
third time in :: years. Mr. Celente told USA Today that
a potential run on banks by savers could cause the govern-
ment to invoke a national holiday and temporarily close
them all, which happened during the Great Depression.
Mr. Prechter told USA Today both markets will crash
back below their lows hit at the height of the nancial
crisis in March :oo. Unemployment fell last month to 8.,
percent, a three-year low, and weekly jobless claims are at a
four-year low.
But Mr. Dent believes that people will be lef out of work
again in :o:, or :o: and U.S. markets will crash because
central banks have been pumping so much money into
markets that they are unrealistically strong. Mr. Celente
told USA Today that a higher unemployment rate will cause
social unrest and there will be a growing rich-poor divide.
Tis would no doubt help fuel movements such as Occupy
Wall Street.
When money stops owing to the man on the street,
blood starts owing in the street, he said.
Plan for an Economic 9/11
DAILY MAIL | February 27
Daniel prophesied about a coming conict between
the king of the north and king of the south.
Iran: A Key to Unlocking Prophecy
This week on television
Check local listings or visit
MARCH 3, 2012
the same way they have in Mexico,
Brazil and the U.S., Prof. Hamid
Ghodse, president of the UNs Inter-
national Narcotics Control Board,
said as the organizations annual
report was released February :8. In
many societies around the world,
whether developed or developing,
there are communities within the
societies which develop which become
no-go areas, he said. Drug track-
ers, organized crime, drug users, they
take over. Tey will get the sort of gov-
ernance of those areas. Examples are
in Brazil, Mexico, in the United States,
in the UKBirmingham, Liverpool,
Manchester . His statements pro-
voked outrage from leaders and law
enforcement in the three cities, who
denied that any no-go areas existed.
Ghodse later backed away from his
comments, telling the Manchester
Evening News that he meant to say
Manchester had had problems with
drug gangs in the past. But British
society does have a festering problem
with its youththe English riots dem-
onstrated that. Local leaders may be in
denial, but Ghodse may be more right
than theyd like to admit.
ici1iv scii1is1s have
dramatically upped their
estimates of how many planets
there are in the universe. Te
March Trumpet issue discussed
the latest research estimating
that each star is being orbited
by an average of :.o planets
which would mean that our
galaxy alone hosts :oo billion
of them.
In January, sciences pre-
diction of just how much real
estate might be out there ex-
panded many times more, with
the suggestion that our galaxy
is lled with homeless planets.
A group of scientists from
the Kavli Institute for Particle
Astrophysics and Cosmology
presented evidence that, in
addition to those planets orbit-
ing stars, there may be up to
:o,ooo times as many planet-
sized objects ying freely
throughout the Milky Way
galaxycalled nomadic planets.
Te study of planets outside our solar systemtermed
extrasolar planets or exoplanetsis exploding right now.
Just :: years ago, none were known; now, thanks to techno-
logical developments, that number is :,ooo and growing by
the month. Most of these planets orbit stars, but last year,
astronomers found a dozen planets that dont orbit stars.
Using a technique called gravitational microlensing (the
refocusing of a stars light by planets passing in front of
them) and other observations, kipacscientists say the ratio
of nomad planets to stars is at least ,::, but could be much
higher, even as many as :o,ooo::.
Louis Strigari, leader of the team that reported the re-
sults to the Royal Astronomical Society, suggests that some
of the planetary orphans could even retain enough heat for
microbial lifeif they have enough tectonic and radioac-
tive processes to generate heat and enough atmosphere to
retain it, the Register, an online technology publication,
reported on February :,.
Scripture tells us that God does nothing in vain.
Tough Earth is the only planet supporting physical life
at present, God does have a plan to plant the heavens
(Isaiah ,:::o). Te existence of wandering planets shows
that there is much work to be done before any of that real
estate could host life. Nevertheless, our ever increasing
awareness of the vastness of the universe and the limitless
potential it holds should ignite our imaginations for what
the future holds.
Galaxy Filled With Homeless Planets
March 1
An artists conception of a Jupiter-like nomad planet, alone in dark space.
MARCH 3, 2012
Or pregnancy, in the case of other
powerful drugs, like abortifacients. Ac-
cidents Happen, read yesterdays head-
line at the Planned Parenthood website.
Tats why theres the morning-afer
pill (emergency contraception).
Note the carefully worded headline
and subtitle. Illicit sex is an accident. And having an abor-
tion afer the accident isnt murder. Its contraception.
Tis is what the government wants to be made available
to everyone in Americaand on your dime.
And this, in essence, is what sex education amounts to
in the radical anti-family establishment that now occupies
the highest levels of American government.
Ive got two daughters years old and o years old,
then Senator Obama said on the campaign trail back in
:oo8. I am going to teach them rst of all about values
and morals. But if they make a mistake, I dont want them
punished with a baby (emphasis added throughout).
Once again, illicit sex is the accident, the baby is punish-
ment and the remedy is government-sponsored abortions.
Tis is why, as an Illinois senator, Mr. Obama voted against
the partial-birth abortion ban and ovvosiu a bill writ-
ten to protect the life of a baby that managed to survive an
abortion. In his mind, it makes perfect sense. If teenage sex
is an accident and an unwanted child is the punishment,
infanticide is the solution.
Yes, sex has overtaken the common sense of otherwise
sober Americans and now even intrudes itself into our
government, writes Lisa Fabrizio at the American Specta-
tor. One wonders what our Founding Fathers would have
thought if confronted with the fact that in ::st-century
America, sexual license would be included in the list of
freedoms and inalienable rights to be protected and even
funded by our government.
Promoting everyones rightincluding that of young
teenagersto a consequence-free, illicit lifestyle of casual
sex now trumps the constitutional right every American
once had to practice his or her religious convictions.
And make no mistake, Americas government is 1ui state
religion when it comes to actively and aggressively promot-
ing a sexually deviant lifestylea lifestyle that undermines
ivivv1uic God teaches about marriage, family and sex.
Planned Parenthood, for example, receives much of its
funding from the U.S. governmentand from young people,
mostly, who are in search of contraceptives, s1u treatments
and abortion procedures. In :o:o, Planned Parenthood
provided contraception for ,.o million clients and per-
formed ,:,, abortions.
What people generally do not realize about Planned
Parenthood is that in order to get new customers to pay for
these services, it actively recruits them. How: By i.vis1-
iv icoUv.cic people to indulge in illicit sexual activity
as early as possible in life.
Just as the goal of a drug dealer is to make drug addicts,
Planned Parenthoods goal is to make sex addictsand
they follow the same business model, the American Life
League recently reported in a o-minute video expos.
Te gateway drug advertised by Planned Parenthood is
masturbation. Its Perfectly Normal is the title of one of its
primary teaching toolsa book aimed directly at :o-year-
olds. On its website, the info for teens section has all kinds
of information about why masturbation is healthy, what to
do if caught by parents, how to know if youre ready to have
sex with a partner and the options you have if theres an
unwanted pregnancy: abortion, adoption or parenting.
Tats the nanny state model for sex education in the
::st century: Get em hooked on fornication when theyre
young, and once you do, youve got a lifelong customer who
will be totally dependent on the government. Customers like
Sandra Fluke and friends.
Te biblical model for sex education, as students of the
Bible know well, is 1o1.iiv dierent. In the Bible, God
says it is parentsnot schools or government programs
who are primarily responsible for teaching their children
about love, marriage and sex.
Here at Herbert W. Armstrong College, we have a sex
education class. But its not meant to replace what our
students should have received from their parents before
college. Its meant to supplement parental teaching and
training. Our primary textbook, as it should be for every
parent, is Te Missing Dimension in Sex. In it, Herbert
W. Armstrong plainly reveals the God-ordained purpose
behind sexwhy He created it, why conjugal love is actu-
ally commanded within the bounds of holy matrimony and
how it binds a husband and wife together as one esh.
Furthermore, in his textbook, Mr. Armstrong reveals
why all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage are
expressly forbidden by Gods law and clearly dened as sin.
God set these laws in motion in order to protect usand
to give us the radiant joys of a happy marriage and family
bound together by unselsh love. Gods laws, as Mr. Arm-
strong wrote, are His gif to man!
If you are a parent, you have the sobering and weighty
responsibility to vigilantly counteract Satans relentless
attempts to pervert and sicken your childs mind and body
through sexually licentious behavior. You also have the
wonderful privilege of teaching your children about love,
marriage and sexthe dimension that is missing from every
school, government or health services program. Te Miss-
ing Dimension in Sex is 1ui indispensable tool you need to
help you fulll your Gou-civi responsibility as a parent.
Incidentally, the shortest chapter in the book is the
one on contraceptives. Te reason for this is because Mr.
Armstrong wanted teenagers to study his book. But he also
knew that prior to marriage, teenagers did not have any
rightful and moral need of contraceptive knowledge. Of
course, he knew many of them would acquire improper
knowledge on this subject from dirty sources.
Nevertheless, he explained, I do not wish to encourage
premarital sex by supplying such knowledgeand in this
book it could serve such a purpose. Terefore I will say sim-
ply that married people who need such information may nd
it available in books that may be purchased at bookstores.
Amen to that.
ILLICIT from page 1

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