The Stunning Truth Behind Libya's Democratic' Revolution

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FEBRUARY 25, 2012

Iran Cuts Oil to Britain and France 3
EU Elites Tighten Screws on Greece 4
Stealing Greeces Gold 5
Aborting Babies for Being the Wrong Sex 9
Death by Suicide 11
F E B R U A R Y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2
imimniv Linv.: Te North African country that got caught up in the Arab Spring, ousted its eccentric
dictator, and is now supposedly transforming into a peaceful, democratic state:
Last week, author John Rosenthal wrote an important article shedding new light on the Libyan
democratic revolution. Despite what weve been told, it appears the overthrow of Muammar Qadha wasnt
an organic, grassroots uprising that will end with a democratically elected, stable, peaceful government taking
root in Tripoli. Rather, evidence shows the violent rebellion was years in planning, and carried out with craf
and cunning. And while Qadha was defeated by a motley crew of obscure local militias, the broader rebellion
was shaped and exploited by the masterminds of global Islamic terrorism.
Libyas revolution, it seems, was all part of a calculated radical Islamist strategy.
Rosenthal compiled evidence from various sources, including facts uncovered in British court cases, UN
les and U.S. and other Western intelligence agencies. Piece it all together and its obvious that there was
o1uic svo1.ioUs about Libyas rebellion. Rosenthal explained that as far back as the middle of the last
decade, al Qaedaprimarily via the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (iivc), which played a central role in the
:o:: overthrowhad elaborated a plan for destabilizing the Qadha regime by using many of the same tactics
that would be employed at the outset of the rebellion in February :o::.
Rosenthal put it best in his conclusion: [T]he uprising in Libya was the realization not of democratic
The Stunning Truth Behind
Libyas Democratic Revolution
see REVOLUTION page 12
Hamas Will Demand
Key Positions in Unity
JERUSALEM POST | February 23
.m.s wiii demand that members of
its organization ll key roles in the uni-
ty government with Fatah if it is to agree
to allow Palestinian Authority President
Mahmoud Abbas to serve as the interim
governments prime minister, Egyptian
daily Al-Ahram reported on Tursday.
According to the report, Hamas po-
litical bureau chief Khaled Mahsaal will
present his conditions to Abbas at a meet-
ing between the two leaders in Cairo on
Tursday. Al-Ahram quoted Palestinian
sources as saying Hamas would demand
that one of its members serve as deputy
prime minister in the unity government
and that Hamas control the governments
interior, justice and nance ministries.
Te sources said that Abbas was ex-
pected to refuse the Hamas demands and
insist that the sensitive posts in the new
government be lled by more internation-
ally accepted gures.
Abbas on Wednesday began a three-
day visit to Cairo where he is scheduled
to hold talks with Mashaal and represen-
tatives of several Palestinian groups on
the formation of the Palestinian unity
government and the implementation of
the Qatar-brokered reconciliation deal
between Fatah and Hamas.
Afghan Exit Must Look
Like a Victory
SUN TIMES | February 14
vvi.v.cis .u perceptions matter.
Whether America is seen as leaving
Afghanistan with a credible claim of suc-
cess or just rushing to the exits will weigh
heavily on the credibility of U.S. defense
and foreign policy in a dangerous world.
And theres reason to be worried.
A case of how perception about U.S.
policy went wrong came in the run-up to
the Korean War. In a :,o speech, Sec-
retary of State Dean Acheson lef Korea
out of his description of the U.S. defense
perimeter, leading, critical historians
argue, the Soviet Union and North Korea
to believe America would not come to
the defense of South Korea if the north
invaded. Te result was the Korean War,
with ,,ooo U.S. combat deaths and hun-
dreds of thousands of Korean casualties,
a conict that ended in stalemate, and
North Korea still a threat to peace today.
In Afghanistan, we nd ourselves in
another messy war. President Barack
Obama ordered a temporary troop surge
and a time line for the withdrawal of
American forces. Te idea was to so bloody
the Taliban on the battleeld that they
would be forced into submission or at least
to negotiate an end to the war favorable to
U.S. interests.
No doubt U.S. forces have achieved
impressive battleeld gains. But the enemy
has demonstrated daring with attacks in
the capital of Kabul and other places once
deemed safe. A .1o report based on
:,,ooo interrogations of ,ooo enemy pris-
oners shows that the Taliban think they
are winning, that they can outlast the U.S.
commitment and that many Afghans are
already bracing themselves for an eventual
return of the Taliban.
Te administration has moved up by
a year to :o:, the time line for an end to
the lead U.S. role in combat. Washington
seems more anxious to get talks started
than the Taliban, leading to specula-
tion that some of the worst terrorists at
Guantanamo might be freed just to get the
Taliban to negotiate. Tat almost certainly
would be perceived a sign of weakness.
Maybe the United States can inict
crippling blows on the Taliban and build
up the Afghan security forces in the next
year or two. Lets hope so. An America
strong in perception and in reality is still
vital in a dangerous world. Especially at a
time when Iran pursues nuclear weapons;
Syria is descending into civil war and may
even spark a wider Mideast sectarian war,
and Egypt threatens to prosecute Ameri-
cans working for pro-democracy groups,
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
v1iv mo1us of reassuring secularist critics, Islamist politi-
cians in Tunisia and Egypt have begun to lay down markers
about how Muslim their states should beand rst signs show
they want more religion than previously admitted.
Islamist parties swept the rst free elections in both countries
in recent months afer campaigns that stressed their readiness
to work with the secularists they struggled with in the Arab
Spring revolts against decades-long dictatorships. With political
deadlines looming, a key Tunisian party in the constituent as-
sembly and the head of Egypts inuential Muslim Brotherhood
both made statements this week revealing a stronger emphasis on
Islam in government.
Popular List, the party tasked with writing Tunisias new
constitution, announced on Monday its draf called Islam the
principle source of legislationa phrase denoting laws based on
the sharia moral and legal code. On Tuesday, Egyptian Brother-
hood leader Mohamed Badie said his group wanted a president
with an Islamic background. Tat term is vague, but not as
vague as the conciliatory consensus candidate talk heard from
most parties until now.
In the draf constitution, Islam is described as Tunisias reli-
gion and the principal source of its legislation. Using Islamic
sharia as a principle source of legislation will guarantee freedom,
justice, social equality, consultation, human rights and the dig-
nity of all its people, men and women, it says.
Mentioning sharia means all laws must be consistent with
Islam, a condition found in many constitutions in Muslim coun-
tries. Tis can be interpreted broadly, or strictly if those vetting
the legislation impose a narrow reading of Islam.
In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has decided not to present
its own candidate for the presidential election due in June and
argued until now that it wanted a candidate acceptable to all.
Its clear now the Brotherhood are willing to throw their weight
into the ring ... to support someone who is in line with Islamic
values and is sympathetic to Islamic law, said Shadi Hamid, an
expert on Islamist groups based at the Brookings Doha Center.
Tat will have major implications for the race.
Lying between the two countries, Libya is also transforming
its political system afer ousting Muammar Qadha but has not
yet held elections or begun work on a new constitution.
Te chairman of the ruling National Transitional Council,
Mustafa Abdul Jalal, has said Tripoli would take sharia as the
source for its laws. Hundreds of Libyan Muslim Brothers and
Salasts rallied last month to demand sharia law.
Tunisia, Egypt Islamists Signal Bigger Religion Role
REUTERS | February 22
including the son of U.S. Transportation
Secretary Ray LaHood.
Hundreds Riot at
Temple Mount
REUTERS | February 24
icUvi1v vovcis used force to disperse
hundreds of Muslim worshipers at the
Temple Mount on Friday who rioted and
threw stones following a tense week in the
Old City. Eleven police ocers were lightly
injured and treated at the scene. Four rioters
were detained though a number of addition-
al arrests are expected over the weekend.
A number of youth barricaded them-
selves inside the mosque during the riot-
ing, and dozens of police who responded
to the incident used stun grenades and
other riot control methods to disperse
the crowd. Te security forces entered the
Temple Mount afer police ocers were
attacked at the Mugrahbi Gate, one of the
entrances to the Temple Mount, in order
to stop the crowd from throwing more
stones onto the Western Wall plaza below.
Tere were a number of disturbances
last week [at the Temple Mount] starting
last Sunday morning, said police spokes-
man Micky Rosenfeld. Twenty-four people
were arrested over the course of the week
for rock throwing episodes at the Temple
Mount on Sunday. What happened today
was a continuation of tension in and
around the Old City and Temple Mount
due to what was put out on the internet by
both right-wing extremists and terrorist
organizations, said Rosenfeld.
Arab press, including Palestinian and
Jordanian newspapers, wrote a number of
inammatory articles about right-wing
attempts to exert sovereignty over the
Temple Mount, which incited worshipers to
riot on Friday following weekly prayers.
n Iran to conduct new round of
military exercises
Iran has decided once again to ex what
military muscle it has. A senior commander
of Irans Revolutionary Guard announced
February :o that the countrys military
is going to respond to the sanctions that
have been promoted by the United States
and the European Union. Te response
includes military exercises that will last two
days. Major General Mohammad Ali said
the exercises were a result of the planned
oil embargo, which will come into force in
July. Irans combative reaction shows that
Tehrans mullahs will not tolerate pressure
on their nuclear program. Although the
majority of analysts dont see it this way,
Irans actions are more than just a radical
nation seeking regional power. Irans ag-
gressive foreign policy is actually connected
to a deadly ambition to thrust the world
into chaos. Tough is seems unlikely, Iran
is positioning itself in the right place and at
the right time to do exactly that.
n Iran cuts oil to Britain and France
Iran cut crude exports to Britain and
France on February :. Te Iranian
government appears to be targeting the
two countries in an eort to punish them
for recent sanctions against the Islamic
Republic. Britain and France have led the
eort to pass tougher sanctions against
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
Iran for its nuclear program. Te halting of
exports appears to be part of Irans preemp-
tive reaction to the sanctions. In addition to
this announcement, the semi-ocial Mehr
news agency reported that the National
Iranian Oil Company has sent ultimatums
to European reneries, telling them they
must either sign long-term contracts or be
cut o from Iranian oil. Te news agency
did not identify which countries received
the ultimatums, but Spain, Italy and Greece
are among the biggest importers of oil from
Iran. Te :, nations in the EU purchase
about :8 percent of Irans oil exports. Iran is
not taking its sanctions lying down. How-
ever, do not expect the European Union
to cave in to Iranian demands. TeTrum-
petstands by its forecasts that Iran will
continue to push, but the European Union
will ultimately push much, much harder.
n Iran offers to invest In Egypt
Iranians want to invest in Egypts indus-
trial and tourism sector, taking advantage
of the increasing tensions between America
and Egypt, Arabic news channel Al-Ara-
biya reported, February ::. Delegations
from Iran and Egypt have met recently to
discuss improving ties. Te Jerusalem Post
reports that Cairo University economics
professor Dr. Mustafa al-Nashrati told Al-
Arabiya that Iranian investors are jumping
on the opportunity to invest brought on by
Egypts row with the U.S. Nashrati said that
some in Egypts Islamist bloc want Egypt to
end ties with Israel and instead strengthen
them with Iran. He also said that the inves-
tors are especially interested in Egypts
oil and gas industry. Iranian investors
are struggling to nd markets to invest in
because of sanctions. Egypt is the Arab
worlds biggest market. Investors would
also foresee an increasing number of tour-
ists from Iran traveling to Egypt. Expect a
ourishing trade and diplomatic relation-
ship to develop between Iran and Egypt.
In Daniel :::o, God says that in the
end time the king of the south would
provoke, and eventually go to war against,
the king of the north. Te king of the
south, as the Trumpet has long explained,
is Iran and its radical Islamist proxies.
But notice, verses :- clearly specify
that Libya, Ethiopia and Egypt are also
allied with Iran and are part of the king
of the south. Tanks to this prophecy,
Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has
warned for nearly :o years that Egypt
would fall to radical Islam and align itself
with Iran:
Islamic extremism is gaining power
at a frightening pace in Egypt. I
believe this prophecy in Daniel::::
indicates you are about to see a
radical change in Egyptian politics!
Trumpet, July :,
Te radical Islamic movement, led
by Iran, is very strong in Egypt and
Algeria. Tis religion will probably
take control of both countries very
soon. Iran appears to be on the
verge of becoming a world super-
power. Trumpet, December :
n Iran developing missiles to reach
Europe and U.S.
Iran is spending billions of dollars develop-
ing missiles that could reach the U.S. and
Europe, Israeli Finance Minister Yuval
Steinitz told cnc on February ::. We es-
timate that in : to , years they will have the
rst inter-continental ballistic missiles that
can reach the east coast of America, said
Steinitz. Teir aim is clearly not only to be
able [to] threaten Israel and the Middle East,
but to put a direct nuclear ballistic threat
to Europe and to the U.S., said Steinitz.
Tese projects show that Iran is aiming to
be more than simply a regional powerit
wants to push its weight around in Europe
and the U.S. Iran already has the capability
to hurt Europe and America. Some of the
worlds deadliest terrorist groups, including
Hezbollah, are funded and controlled by
Iran. Te Strait of Hormuz gives Iran a way
to threaten Europe and Americas oil supply.
Iran may be several years away from hav-
ing icnms, but they are already very pushy
against America and Europe.
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
ivi1v vi.vs ago, an ancient country
was invaded by a cruel aggressor and
occupied. When the belligerents were
nally vanquished from their last remain-
ing Mediterranean strongholds in May
:,, Greeces economy was lef in ruins.
In the process of this brutal invasion
and occupation, the belligerent killed tens
of thousands of Greeks, raped the nations
economy and ravished its countryside.
Seventy years later, that same nation shows no remorse for
those inhumane deeds, let alone the trashing of that ancient na-
tions economy at the time. In fact, its imperialist elites, cloaked
under the false mask of having been democratized, are once
again bludgeoning the country of their earlier occupation into
submission to their will. Tis time they have done it by the rather
insidious methods of technocratic, economic and nancial warfare.
Now, theres blood on the streets again in Athens. Sadly, this
time it is Greek blood being shed by Greek, in their frustration at
their economic enslavement to Berlin.
Never having paid back the wealth that they extorted from
war-torn Greece during their occupation, let alone paid the
multiple billions still owed in wartime reparations, German elites
of the current generation have piled debt on Greece in the guise
of bailouts, are in the process of forcing the sale of its national
assets, and have further forced Greece to take on even more debt
by insisting on payment for military hardware of Germanys own
manufacture and to German industrialists own prot!
If anyone can legitimately show how that approach is in any
way dierent from that of the Nazis of ,o years ago, then Im a
monkeys uncle!
However, there is another more sinister side to this wretched
imperialist project revealed in a prophecy in your Bible. Te great
northern power that is the largest trading bloc in the world today
was actually prophesied to become a dominant power in this end
time! Te predominance of one strong nation within that union
was also prophesied. Te outcome is revealed in the concluding
phrase in just one verse of your Bible in particular: Revelation :8::,.
Greece ought to be a great warning to the world of what is
about to befall countless millions.
EU Elites Tighten the Screws on Greece
Stealing Greeces Gold
ZEROHEDGE | February 23
uiii u.vuiv discussed broadly in
the mainstream media, the top news
of the past : hours without doubt is that
in addition to losing its scal sovereignty,
and numerous other things, the Greek
population is about to lose its gold in a
perfectly legitimate fashion, following
amendments to the countrys constitution
by unelected banker technocrats, who will
make it legal for Greek creditorsread in-
solvent European banksto plunder the
Greek gold which at last check amounts to
:::.o tonnes according to the wcc.
And so we come full circle to what the
ultimate goal of banker intervention in
the European periphery isnothing short
of full gold conscation.
As the World Gold Council shows in its
latest update, between all the viics, who
will with :oo percent certainty suer the
same fate as Greece (which has shown that
unlike during World War ii, it is perfectly
willing to turn over and do nothing) there
is ,,:, ton of gold to be plundered. And
likely more as further constitutional
amendments will likely make the con-
scation of private gold the next big step.
How much does this amount to:
At todays prices this is just shy of s:8,
billion. Of course by the time the market
grasps what is going on the spot price of
the yellow metal will be far, far higher. Or,
potentially far, far lower and totally xed
as the open gold market is eventually done
away with entirely in a reversion to vuv
gold conscation and price-xing days.
Germany Drawing Up
Plans for Greece to
Leave the Euro
TELEGRAPH | February 18
i.s vov Greece to default, potentially
leaving the euro, have been drafed in
Germany as the European Union begins
to face up to the fact that Greek debt is
spiraling out of controlwith or without
a second bailout. Te German nance
ministry is actively pushing for Greece to
declare itself bankrupt and to agree [to]
a haircut on the bulk of its debts held by
banks, a move that would be classed as a
default by nancial markets.
Eurozone nance ministers meet on
Monday to approve the next tranche of
loans from the EU and the International
Monetary Fund, designed to stave o na-
tional bankruptcy while the new Greek gov-
ernment puts the countrys nances in order.
But the severe austerity measures being
demanded have caused such fury in Greece,
and the cuts required are so deep, that Wolf-
gang Schuble, the German nance minister,
does not believe that any government would
be able to implement them.
His pessimism has been tipped into de-
spair with a secret European Commission,
Central and imv report that even if Greece
made good on its promises, it would not
be enough to reach the target of bringing
total debt to ::o percent of cuv by :o:o.
Mr. Schubles pessimism will not be
welcomed in Athens. Te hugely inuen-
tial German politicians doubts have been
growing for several weeks, and prompted
angry exchanges when Greece accused Ger-
many of trying to drive it out of the euro.
Rumors are already circulating in
Wall Street that banks are preparing for
a credit eventa technical term used
by credit agencies to mean a defaultin
the days immediately following March
:o, as Greece looks likely to be unable to
meet its debts. Te sense that an endgame
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
1s nii moving this way for some time, but now Europes lead-
ers are going to have to answer a simple question on democracy:
For, or against: Its ofen the little details casually slipped into the
coverage that give the game away.
Try this from todays nnc report on the EUs latest destined-
for-certain-failure bailout deal for Greece: Opinion polls suggest
that the two parties in the coalition, which currently dominate
parliament, are facing huge losses at the next election, scheduled
for April. Parties on the far lef and far right, which are set to
make big gains, are opposed to the bailout deal.
So, fascists and communists are set to make inroads as the
centre-right and centre-lef parties of Europe discredit them-
selves by their dogged commitment to a set of suicidal policies
concocted in Brussels: [T]he hollowing out of European
democracy has been leading us in this direction for years.
But the more you look into it the worse it gets. George Tzogo-
poulos, of the Bodossakis Foundation think tank, was quoted
in the Irish Independent last week as saying: In my view the
election (in April) will be postponed because of EU pressure.
All quite casual and unremarkable. A leading Greek analyst just
thinks the EU will ban a general election.
And its certainly plausible. Remember the words of the
(obviously unelected) European Council president, Herman van
Rompuy, in November: Speaking afer calls in Italy for a general
election, he said: Tis country needs reforms, not elections.
As Te Commentator said at the time: Its jaw dropping stu.
Its like thinking youre having a nightmare only for it to dawn on
you that this is actually happening.
Few democracies have been more damaged in Europe
than Ireland, which was twice in the last decade forced to
vote again after rejecting EU treaties in referendums. On the
planned new Fiscal Union, a recent Red C poll for the coun-
trys Sunday Business Post suggested that ,: percent of Irish
citizens want a referendum, :: percent dont and , percent
registered no opinion. But the government, if it can, will
ignore them.
And theres more. Heres what the same paper said in an
editorial: ... in our view, a referendum campaign would risk
creating signicant economic and nancial instability and, were
the electorate to vote No, this instability would increase rapidly,
costing jobs and threatening investment. In our current eco-
nomic predicament, this is the last thing we need. Mainstream
newspapers as well as leading politicians are now starting to
talk about the dangers of what we used to consider the normal
process of ensuring democratic legitimacy.
Isnt it up to the Irish and Italians to decide what is in their
interests: Apparently not.
But then again that right was not accorded to the French or
the Dutch when they voted against the European Constitution.
Tis time they werent forced to vote again, they were simply
ignored and got the same thing which was rather transparently
repackaged as the Lisbon Treaty.
As I said at the time, to ignore a referendum is actually worse
than to rig it. When you rig an election you still show respect for
the principle that the winning side must at least be seen to get
the most votes.
European Democracy on the Edge of the Abyss
is approaching has been fuelled by the
secret troika report, by EU, imv and icn
ocials on Greek debt sustainability.
The Transatlantic Future
viiw of this years U.S. presidential
elections, German government advisors
have diagnosed major tensions in relations
between Berlin and Washington, which
have arisen because of the Us.s grave
economic diculties demanding inevi-
table drastic austerity measures. It is also
uncertain how long the dollar will be able
to maintain its exceptional global status.
According to an expert of the German
Council on Foreign Relations (uc.n), it
had already become apparent at the last
G-:o Summit that the enormous power
of the U.S. had noticeably diminished
because of its economys chronic weak-
nesses. Te U.S. government will therefore
continue to apply pressure on Germany
and the EU to increase the importation of
U.S. products and insist on a much stron-
ger participation in military interventions.
Because of its harder line toward Beijing,
Washington can also be expected to for-
mally or informally seek to expand .1os
range to Asiato encircle China.
Cardinals Reect on
New Evangelization
ui Uvci1 need for a new evange-
lization and a response to religious
illiteracy were among the main topics of
conversation during a special meeting of
the College of Cardinals on February :,.
Pope Benedict xvi had called all of
the worlds cardinalsincluding those
who would receive their red hats the next
dayto join in the discussion on the day
preceding the February :8 consistory.
Although the meeting took place behind
closed doors, the Vatican released a sum-
mary of the themes that were discussed.
Attention was given to the problems
of evangelization in various parts of the
world and in dierent cultures the tri-
als faced by Christians in the countries of
the Middle East; the importance of popu-
lar religiosity for evangelization in Latin
America; the challenge of secularism
which tends to marginalize religion from
social life in the West; challenges and dif-
culties as well as encouraging prospects
and events that are signs of hope, such as
new and vivacious ecclesiastical experi-
ences like World Youth Days and Interna-
tional Eucharistic Congresses.
Te Vatican statement went on to say
that the cardinals had spoken of the
educational emergency in the church and
the necessity for more eective instruc-
tion in the faith. As the afernoon session
concluded, Pope Benedict xvi underlined
that theme, speaking of the need for an
authentic renewal of catechesis in order to
against what has been dened as religious
n EU plans to withhold funds from

Hungary appears to be turning into the
next Greece. Te country has failed to
reduce its decit, and February :: the
European Commission reacted. Te
executive arm of the European Union has
announced a proposal to withhold from
Hungary so,, million in EU development
funds. Tis is the rst time the European
Commission has taken such an action
against one of its members as punishment
for an excessive decit. When one-o
measures are stripped out, Hungarys
decit has consistently remained above
the EUs threshold, which is , percent of
economic output. In recent months, all
three major credit rating agencies have
ivvivic ..ivsis articles were published last week in Ger-
manys Die Welt, and Monday in the New York Times drawing
opposing conclusions about Israels military capability to cripple
Irans nuclear weapons program.
While the New York Times voiced serious doubts about Is-
raels chances of success, Die Welt expressed condence that the
Israeli air force could decimate Irans principal nuclear installa-
tions. Te contrasting views will hasten Israels decision to seek
defense assistance from Germany.
Te views disagree on two key areas: the number of Israeli
jets and bombs needed to take out Irans main nuclear facilities,
and the question of refueling Israels jets so they can complete
the :,ooo-mile ight into Iran and back to Israel.
Te Times called its bleak analysis Iran Raid Seen as a Huge
Task for Israeli Jets, and said Israel would require at least :oo
ghter jets to destroy Irans nuclear complexes. Te article wasnt
merely expressing the viewpoint of one American expert, but
rather a sample of views from several leading U.S. military ana-
lysts. Te consensus was that it would be a monstrous challenge
for Israel to breach Irans airspace and attack its nuclear facilities.
In stark contrast to the Times outlook, Hans Rhle, former
director of the German Defense Ministrys planning depart-
ment, said that Israel is militarily capable of setting Irans
nuclear weapons program back by a decade or more. In the
analysis titled How Israel can destroy Irans nuclear program,
Rhle cited German defense experts to defend his optimistic
view. Israels Air Force is rst class, wrote Rhle. Teir pilots
are conditioned from the history of Israel and the constant
dangers faced by the Jewish state.
Israel is taking note of these diering viewpoints. On Tuesday,
Te Jerusalem Post published an article juxtaposing the U.S.s
bleak outlook on the matter with Germanys optimistic perspec-
tive. Bible prophecy makes plain that as the U.S. declinesleav-
ing Israel more and more isolated in the increasingly Islamizing
Middle Eastthe Jewish nation will turn to Germany for defense
help. But this decision will not end well for Israel.
Te Jews celebrate and reverence the Old Testament and their
history with the prophets recorded within it. But they ignore
the message that God delivered through these prophets. More
than :,,oo years ago, the Prophet Hosea wrote about Germanys
impending double-cross of Israel: When Ephraim saw his
sickness, and Judah saw his wound, then went Ephraim to the
Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb: yet could he not heal you, nor
cure you of your wound (Hosea ,::,).
Tis scripture is discussing the relationship between Germa-
ny and Israel today, and the devastating German double-cross it
will culminate with. Israels leaders remember that the German
nation destroyed the lives of o million Jews only ,o years ago,
yet they refuse to trust Godthe only source of true help for all
of mankindso they are gearing up to place their trust instead
in Germany. Bible prophecy says the result will be catastrophic
for the Jewish nation.
Germany and U.S. Disagree on Israels Ability to Strike Iran
THETRUMPET.COM Jeremiah Jacques | February 24
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
downgraded Hungarys creditworthi-
ness to junk. Te commissions threat to
withhold the funds would take eect in
:o:,, giving the member state until the
end of the year to take action and avoid
the sanctions. Tough EU ocials portray
todays action as an encouragement rather
than a punishment, the greater truth is
that the European Union is now wielding
tremendous power over nations that were
formerly sovereignespecially those that
are poorer. Expect Hungarys sovereignty
to fade away just as Greeces has, and for
EU authority to continue to strengthen.
n German president resigns leaving
Merkel weakened
Afer less than two years on the job,
German President Christian Wul an-
nounced his resignation, February :,.
Wul is entangled in a scandal involving
a home loan that he accepted when he was
premier of Lower Saxony. Germanys pres-
idential post is mostly a ceremonial oce,
but Wul was Merkels personal choice for
the job, so his resignation is a major hit to
her credibility and leverage, weakening
her grip on German politics. Merkel then
lost that battle over Wuls replacement,
in what the Spiegel Online called bitterest
defeat of her chancellorship. Her junior
coalition partner, the Free Democratic
Party (vuv) sided with the opposition
parties, forcing Merkel to accept Joachim
Gauck as the next president. Spiegel called
it a turning point in German politics. It
has bitterly divided the ruling coalition
and weakened Merkels authority. Expect
Germany to be on the hunt for a new
leader soon.
n Greek bailout package: undemo-
cratic and unsustainable
With Greece just weeks away from run-
ning out of cash, eurozone nance min-
isters agreed on a Tuesday to a new :,o
billion (s:,o billion) bailout deal. Te deal
violates Greeces sovereignty by granting
the EU andimvocials an enhanced
and permanent position as a surveillance
mechanism in Athens. Te agreement
stipulates that Greeces repayments be
deposited into an escrow account until
Athens rewrites its constitution to make
debt repayments the governments highest
priority. But areporton Greeces economy
obtained by theFinancial Times warns
that because Greece will need another
,o billion before :o:o, the bailout is not
sustainable in the long term. Even in the
short term the deal faces threats from all
sides, and the consensus from commenta-
tors is that it is only a myopic measure
that buys the EU time to prepare before
Greece is forced out of the euro entirely.
Sooner or later, the bailout will fail.
In January :o::, Trumpet editor in
chief Gerald Flurry wrote:
Germany will use this crisis to force
Europe to unite more tightly. In the
process, some eurozone countries
will be forced out of the union.
When that happens, the pundits will
say European unication is dead,
that the European Union has failed.
Dont listen to them!
Te crisis was designed to empower
Germany, and it has already forced Greece,
Portugal and Ireland to cede key powers
to the EU. It has also pushed European
leaders to begin consolidating the divided
nations of the eurozone into a superstate.
Greeces new bailout program is evidence
that Germany is already taking advan-
tage of the crisis to unite Europe under
Brussels and Berlin. It buys some time for
the euro elites to sort our their plans for a
united superstate, but it solves none of the
major issues facing Europe. Tat solution
will come laterand will involve a Euro-
pean superstate.
n After 17 years of error, Britain,
Netherlands and Sweden refuse to
approve EU accounts
Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands
refused to sign o on the EUs accounts
afer auditors said there were too many
errors for the :,
year running. Teir vote
was only symbolic, they were outvoted by
other nance ministers, but it was the rst
time Britain had taken this step. Te error
was above the : percent mark necessary
for auditors to give unqualied approval
for the accounts. Last year, tahe error was
,.: percent, this year it rose to ,., percent.
Tis no vote shows several nations, most
prominently Britain, becoming increas-
ingly annoyed with how the EU conducts
its business.
n Vatican orders Peruvian university
to hire Opus Dei member

Te Vatican has ordered a Catholic Uni-
versity in Peru this week to immediately
bring its regulations in line with church
directives or risk losing its endorsement.
Te Pontical Catholic University of Peru
sparked the Vaticans ire by denying the
Archbishop of Lima a seat on its board of
directors. Te Archbishop is a member
of the highly secretive and conservative
Opus Dei organization. Te University
is ofen torn between progressive and
conservative currents, and so did not want
an Opus Dei member wielding inuence
in the organization. Expect Pope Benedict
and his Vatican hierarchy to continue
pushing their views on institutions across
both Europe and Latin America.
Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos (second left) anked by his aides talks dur-
ing a press conference on the Eurogroup results at the ministry in Athens on February 21.
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
n Russia: the illusion of democracy
trudges on
Hundreds of supporters attended rallies
in Moscow on Tursday, supporting the
Communist party and the Liberal Demo-
cratic party. Te rallies came just :o days
before Russians vote for their next presi-
dent. Te months leading up to the March
election have been tense. In September,
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and
President Dmitry Medvedev announced
outright that they will swap places. Tis
would return the presidency to Putin, who
served two terms from :ooo to :oo8, and
is still seen as Russias real power. Te
announcement soured the mood of many
Russians, and led to a slide in the popular-
ity of Putins United Russia party. In De-
cember, thousands of Russians took to the
streets to protest voter fraud and corrup-
tion. Western media have emphasized the
protests and the struggles of the United
Russia party, and some have tried to por-
tray Putins position as precarious. But the
partys actual losses have been slight, and
Putins challengers in the upcoming elec-
tion pose little threat to his authority. De-
spite the Western medias attempt to play
up dissatisfaction with Putin, the upcom-
ing election will be no contest. President
Putin will be back, and since presidential
terms have now increased to six years, he
could rule Russia until at least :o:.
n Putin pledges 400 new ICBMs for
As he prepares to make his rule of Rus-
sia ocial once again, Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin pledged on Monday his
countrys military will obtain more than
oo modern intercontinental ballistic
missiles (icnms). Te announcement was
partly a response to concerns by some
Russian ocials that the nations icnm ar-
senal could be slashed by more than half
by :o:o, as oo of them pass their maxi-
mum service life. Putins pledge, which he
wrote in the Rossiiskaya Gazeta govern-
ment daily, goes beyond just assuaging
those worries. Within the next decade,
the armed forces will receive more
than oo [icnms], eight ballistic missile
submarines, about :o general purpose
attack submarines, over ,o surface ships
and some :oo military-purpose spacecraf
ooo modern aircraf, includ-
ing fh-generation ghters,
more than a thousand helicop-
ters, :8 regimental sets of S-oo
surface-to-air missile systems,
,8 division sets of Vityaz air de-
fense systems, :o brigade sets of
Iskander-M tactical missile sys-
tems, more than :,,oo modern
tanks, some :,ooo self-propelled
artillery systems and guns, as
well as more than :,,ooo military
vehicles. Meanwhile, reports say
that American President Barak
Obama is considering hacking
the U.S. nuclear arsenal from
8,,oo ready-to-use warheads
down to ,oo. Tis radical reduc-
tion would leave the U.S. with
fewer nuclear missiles overall
than Russia plans to build in the
next :o years. Russian Prime Minister Vlaadimir Putin
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
ui.s uicisio to walk out of step with the international com-
munity on Iran isnt just a slap in the face for the raises
questions about its ability to lead.
Te Indian governments ill-advised statement last week that it
will continue to purchase oil from Iran is a major setback for the
U.S. attempt to isolate the Iranian government over the nuclear
issue. Te New York Times reported recently that Indian authori-
ties are actively aiding Indian rms to avoid current sanctions by
advising them to pay for Iranian oil in Indian rupees. It may go
even further by agreeing to barter deals with Iranall to circum-
vent the sanctions regime carefully constructed by the U.S. and
its friends and allies. According to the Times, India now has the
dubious distinction of being the leading importer of Iranian oil.
Tis is bitterly disappointing news for those of us who have
championed a close relationship with India. And, it represents a
real setback in the attempt by the last three American presidents
to establish a close and strategic partnership with successive
Indian governments.
Te Indian governments defense is that it relies on Iran for ::
percent of its oil imports and cant aord to break those trade ties.
But India has had years to adjust and make alternative arrange-
ments. Ironically, the United States has had considerable success
on the sanctions front in recent months. Te EU has decided
to implement an oil embargo on Iran, the U.S. is introducing
Central Bank sanctions and even the East Asian countries, such
as China, have imported less Iranian oil in recent months. Tat
makes Indias recent pronouncements seem extremely out of step
and out of touch with the new global determination to isolate and
pressure Iran to negotiate in order to avoid a catastrophic war.
With its unhelpfulness on Iran and stonewalling on imple-
mentation of the landmark U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement,
however, the Indian government is now actively impeding the
construction of the strategic relationship it says it wants with the
United States.
Presidents Obama and Bush have met India more than
halfway in oering concrete and highly visible commitments on
issues India cares about. On his state visit to India in Novem-
ber :o:o, for example, President Obama committed the U.S. for
the very rst time to support Indias candidacy for permanent
membership on the U.N. Security Council. Like many others
who wish to see India become a close strategic partner of the U.S.,
I supported the presidents announcement.
Unfortunately, India has made no corresponding gesture in
return for the big vision that Obama and Bush have oered the
Indian leadership.
India Lets U.S. Down on Iran
THE DIPLOMAT, R. Nicholas Burns | February 20
When a Seven Year-
Old Is Branded a Bigot
ui wovu Orwellian has become over-
used to the point of clich. Yet there is
really no other way to describe the deeply
sinister, upside-down onslaught upon
common sense that has extended even
into the school playgrounds of politically-
correct Britain.
Te aim was originally to create a
kinder, gentler worldwith a commit-
ment to eradicating racial or any other
type of prejudice. Supporters of these
beliefs profess to loathe and detest bul-
lying, with teachers instigating school
playground patrols and anti-bullying
weeks to stamp out this hateful practice.
And yet, in pursuance of these aims, we
have witnessed the rise of the widespread
state-sponsored bullying of children.
Te latest example was the experience
of a seven-year-old boy from Hull, whose
mother was astounded to be told by his
primary school to sign a form admitting
he was racist. So what was the heinous act
this child had committed to cause him to
be branded in this way: Why, merely to
have asked a ve-year-old boy in the play-
ground whether he was brown because
he was from Africa.
What on earth is racist about that ques-
tion: It does not express a hateful dislike
of, or racial superiority over, another per-
son on account of the color of their skin. It
merely wonders, in a child-like way, about
the reason for that color. It is thus a per-
fectly inoensive question from a curious
child. Te reason for the ve-year-olds
brown skin is, indeed, that his ancestry
lies in another continent.
So how can a correct assumption
constitute a prejudice: Te schools gross
over-reaction suggests that racism is being
redened to include not only hateful refer-
ences to someones color, but any refer-
ence to it at all. Te seven-year-old
from Hull was by no means an isolated ex-
ample. Te extent of such state-sponsored
bullying amounts to a kind of playground
Last year, it was revealed that teachers
were branding thousands of children as
racist or homophobic following what
were merely playground squabbles. In total,
,,ooo nursery, primary and second-
ary pupilsincluding more than :o,ooo
pupils aged :: or youngerwere eec-
tively classed as bigots for so-called hate
One child was called a racist for calling
a boy broccoli head (on the basis the
vegetable looks a bit like Afro hair); another
was said to be homophobic for telling a
teacher: Tis work is gay. A :o-year-
old child was arrested and brought before a
judge for having allegedly called an ::-year-
old boy a Paki and Bin Laden during a
playground argument in which the other
boy had called him a skunk and a Tele-
tubby. Back in :ooo, afer a :-year-old
schoolgirl asked a teacher if she could sit
with a dierent group to do a science proj-
ect as all the girls with her spoke only Urdu,
her teacher actually called the police.
Ludicrous, or what: Yet this over-reac-
tion is actually mandated by law.
Aborting Babies for
Being the Wrong Sex
DAILY MAIL | February 23
i.i1u Sicvi1.vv Andrew Lansley last
night launched an urgent investigation
afer it emerged that doctors were oer-
ing mothers abortions based purely on
the gender of their unborn child. Doctors
working for us and private clinics were
said to be agreeing to carry out the termi-
nations despite the fact that sex-selection
is against the law. Tey were also allegedly
recorded admitting they would falsify
paperwork to arrange the illegal abortions.
An investigation by the Daily Telegraph
saw undercover reporters accompany
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
vUci.i qUis1io: Do you think hu-
man nature is fundamentally goodor
evil: Te dierence between these two
opposing views forms the heart of a crisis
in the United States right now.
Te common liberal view of human
nature is that it is fundamentally good
and should be given room to ourish. Te
biblical and realist view is that it is funda-
mentally evil and must be conscientiously governed.
Tankfully, Americas Founders took the latter view. As a
result, the system of government they created has stood for over
two centuries and done much to guarantee the nations success.
Tey realized that government is necessary in order to check the
evils of human nature in society. Tey also recognized that rm
limits on power are needed in order to check the evils of human
nature within the government.
In the Constitution, the American Founders established a
system that successfully governs the government. Te funda-
mental means by which the Constitution accomplishes this are
representation, separation of powers, and limited government.
Te rst of these puts the ultimate power in the hands of voters.
Te second lies in the checks and balances the Founders created
through interaction among three branches of government. Te
third comes in the form of enumerated powers. Article i, Section
8, of the Constitution outlines the duties of Congress; whatever is
not listed there falls outside its jurisdiction, and it may not do.
Te Constitution demands that, upon entering oce, the
president solemnly swear or arm that he will, to the best of
his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the
United States. It also says that Te senators and representatives,
and all executive and judicial ocers shall be bound by oath
or armation, to support this Constitution. Far too many of
Americas leaders, since taking that oath, have done the opposite!
Te current president has, to the best of his ability, smeared,
ignored and undermined that founding document! It turns out
that our Founders designed a system that makes it more dicult
to bring about change than I would like sometimes, President
Obama lamented in a recent interview. Frankly, in the eyes of
many of Americas leaders, the limits the Founders imposed to pro-
tect the nation from human nature are obstacles preventing them
from remaking the nation according to their own perverse ideals.
Tis thinking trusts in human nature and human reasoning.
It sees nothing that needs restraining. It is so condent in its
own correctness that it seeks to operate above the law. Today, it is
plain to see the problems that such thinking can create.
The Basic Reason for Americas Constitutional Crisis
mothers-to-be to nine clinics in dierent
regions. On three occasions doctors were
reported to have oered to arrange abor-
tions afer the pregnant women said they
did not want the baby because of its sex.
Mr. Lansley said last night: Im
extremely concerned to hear about these
allegations. Sex-selection is illegal and is
morally wrong. Ive asked my ocials to
investigate this as a matter of urgency.
Last year the Council of Europe recom-
mended that member states including
Britain prevent parents from learning the
gender of their baby because of concerns
over sex-selection abortions.
In a video taken in the course of the
Daily Telegraph investigation, a pregnant
woman clearly tells consultant Prabha
Sivaraman at Manchesters Pall Mall Medi-
cal Centre that she wants to abort her baby
because it is a girl. Te pregnant woman
says: Tat is not really appropriate for us
right now, we were hoping for a boy. Te
consultant replies: I dont ask questions.
If you want a termination, you want a ter-
mination. She is then shown telephoning
a colleague to arrange the procedure, ex-
plaining that it was for social reasons and
the woman doesnt want questions asked.
Te cost of the termination is given as
c:oo or c,oo, on top of c,oo already paid
to the clinic for the consultation. Accord-
ing to the newspaper, afer taking the
womans contact details, Miss Sivaraman
asked if she had considered her options.
Oh, absolutely I cant have it, this baby,
because of the gender, so thats just how it
is she replies in the video.
Anthony Ozimic, of the Society for the
Protection of Unborn Children, said: Tis
investigation conrms the reality of eugen-
ics in modern British medicine, in which
some innocent human beings are deemed
too inconvenient to be allowed to live.
n President Obama sends letter of
apology to Afghan president
Afghanistan ocials acknowledge receipt
of a personal apology from President
Barack Obama for the unintentional mis-
handling of Qurans at a U.S. military base
in Afghanistan. In the letter, President
Obama expressed his deep regret for the
reported incident and oers his sincere
apologies. According to the statement,
President Obama wrote: Te error was
inadvertent; I assure you that we will take
the appropriate steps to avoid any recur-
rence, to include holding accountable
those responsible. Te accidental disposal
and burning of the Qurans has led to riots
and protests outside U.S. military bases,
and on Wednesday, two U.S. troops were
killed when an man in an Afghan military
uniform opened re on them. Dont
expect a letter of condolence or sin-
cere apology for the murder of the two
American soldiers from President Karzai.

n Obama administration weighs cut-
ting 80 percent of nukes

Military ocials are currently in the midst
of discussion with the White House over
potentially sharp new cuts to Americas nu-
clear force. According to a recent report by
the Associated Press, the administration is
closely considering reducing the number of
Americas deployed weapons by 8o percent!
If such cuts are adopted, America would
have fewer deployed weapons than China.
Tere are several probable reasons the
administration is considering such drastic
action. One of which is that economic
constraints may be nally forcing the
government to take more drastic measures
to control the decit. Regardless of the rea-
sons, however, the outcome is largely the
same. Te pride of Americas powermay
soon be facing unprecedented cuts.
n Media criticizes Santorum for say-
ing Satan is attacking America

U.S. Presidential Candidate Rick Santo-
rum came under media ridicule this week
for a speech he gave back in :oo8. In this
speech, the former Pennsylvania Senator
said that Satan was attacking America.
Tis is a spiritual war, he stated. And
the father of lies has his sights on what
you would think the father of lies would
have his sights on: a good, decent, power-
ful, inuential countrythe United States
of America. According to polls, six out of
:o American Christians do not believe in
Satan as an actual spiritual being, but only
as a vague allegory for the concept of evil.
Te Bible says explicitly in multiple
passages in both the Old and New
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
ui U.S. Mint is facing a big problem. It
is the same problem faced by the Roman
Empire as it headed toward collapse.
It now costs the government more
money to mint pennies and nickels than
the coins are worth!
Consequently, the Obama adminis-
tration has asked Congress for permis-
sion to debase the coinage. It smacks of
Diocletian ordering the silver out of Roman coins so the decaying
empire could pay its bills and ght its wars for a little longer.
America is losing more than s:oo million per year minting
pennies and nickels. It costs the mint :. cents to make a penny
and ::.: cents to make a nickel.
But the metal composition of the penny and nickel has not
changed in more than ,o years. So what has happened:
Te answer: Te value of Americas money is being destroyed.
In :,,, one U.S. dollar would buy you :/:oth of an ounce of
gold. By :o8, it was down to :/,,th of an ounce of gold. Today,
one dollar will buy you only :/:,,,oth of an ounce. Te same
thing happened against silver. In :o8, one dollar would buy
an ounce of the silver metal. Today it will only buy you a mere
:/,:nd of an ounce.
Talk about debasement.
And the dollar hasnt plunged just against precious metals.
Te dollar has plummeted against orange juice, whiskey, beans,
bullets, pork bellies, single family houses, automobiles, coal, oil,
good suits, healthcare, tuition, labor costsand virtually every
measurable commodity.
Te mint reports that if it replaced the copper-coated zinc
penny (it took the copper out of the penny in :8: because it was
too expensive) with a steel one, it would still not be protable.
Whats cheaper than steel: Anyone for a plastic penny: Clay:
Calls to just get rid of the penny altogether are growing louder.
But that will only hide the danger to the dollar for a little longer.
When Rome destroyed its money to pay its bills, it destroyed
two of the pillars of its existence: its economy and the faith in
its political system. Tese are the exact two things that America
seems to be doing its best to destroy today.
America Is Looking a Lot Like Rome
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
Testaments that there is a spirit
world, and that the devil does exist.
Matthew , for example, recalls the
occasion when Jesus Christ walked
on Earth, He confronted the devil,
telling him Get thee hence, Satan.
In : Corinthians :, the Apostle
Paul warns of the god of this world
[who] hath blinded the minds of
them which believe not .... In Rev-
elation :::, the Apostle John states:
And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called theDevil,
and Satan, which deceiveth the
whole world: he was cast out into the
earth, and his angels were cast out
with him.
n Britain at risk from EMP
Vital technology, such as
Global Position Satellite
information, are vulnerable
to extreme space weather or
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (imv)
attacks, Britains House of
Commons Defense Commit-
tee said in a report published
February ::. Te commit-
tees chair, James Arbuthnot
described the governments
approach to space weather as
somewhat complacent. He
also warned: We are con-
cerned that the government
does not regard imv from
a nuclear blast as currently
being a high risk and so we urge that
more vigorous action should be taken to
prepare for such an attack. Similarly, an
urgent reassessment should be made of
the risk from non-nuclear imv attack on
vital national facilities. Te Trumpet has
long warned that Britain and Americas
reliance on modern technology makes
them vulnerable to such an attack.
n Antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Common infections could become
impossible for doctors to cure because of
the development of antibiotic resistant
bacteria, said Peter Hawkey, chairman of
the British governments antibiotic-resis-
tance working group. It is a worldwide
issuethere are no boundaries, he said,
according to an article published by the
Independent on Monday. Over :,,ooo die
each year in the EU from these types of
infections. One percent of E. coli pres-
ent in the blood used to be resistant to
antibiotics. Now it has grown to :o per-
cent. Tere are only so many antibiotics
available and as we lose them it becomes
more and more dicult to replace them,
Hawkey warned. Te implications are
dire indeed, wrote the Independent. If
bacteria can no longer be controlled by
antibiotics, then common infections that
are now largely harmless may become
deadly diseases. Te problems caused by
overuse of antibiotics could potentially
reachdevastating proportions.
In the Olivet Prophecy,
Christ said that in the time
before His return, there shall
be pestilences (Matthew
::,). Alongside Revela-
tion o:,-8, it becomes clear
that Christ was warning of
climactic, globe-encircling
plagues and pandemics oc-
curring now, and soon to
intensify in this modern age.
Te sheer numbers of those
prophesied to die by disease
is dicult to fathom, but
Hawkeys report about mans
slipping ability to control
bacteria with antibiotics
makes it easier to understand
one way such devastation
could occur.
ui 1ui American Framers wrote
the U.S. Constitution, the highest
authority of the land wasnt a particular
branch of government or any elected o-
cialit was the United States Constitution.
Today, that supreme law is being at-
tacked. Instead of enforcing the Consti-
tution, many of our leaders are actively and openly working to
undermine the vivv i.w on which America was established!
In his : essay No Law Without Order, Paul Johnson
warned that when the rule of law begins to collapse, the collapse
ov 1ui .1io soon follows. In the Bible, God says this spirit of
lawlessness will lead America into anarchy, captivity and slavery.
Te Founding Fathers understood this well. So did those who
followed in their footsteps. In :8,8, afer several incidents of mob
violence in America angered him, Abraham Lincoln delivered a
speech titled, Te Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.
Te real danger facing America, Lincoln warned in that
speech, was the lawless spirit he believed to be spreading from
within. If the rebellious element wasnt stamped out, this hostility
toward the rule of law would soon spread and it would eventually
divide the nation and threaten its very existence!
Te i.w is 1ui i.w, Lincoln insisted. Tere may be some bad
laws, he explained, but until changes could be lawfully enacted,
the laws of the landwhether good or badu.u 1o ni oniviu!
Te government was responsible for strictly enforcing these laws.
And every Americancitizens and leaders alikewas duty-
bound to obey the law of the land.
Let ivivv m. remember that to violate the law, is to trample
on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own,
and his childrens liberty, Lincoln said. Let reverence for the
laws be breathed by every American . And, in short, let it
become the political religion of the nation.
Now look around. Where in America 1ou.v do we nd that
kind of reverential respect for the rule of law: Todays leaders see
the Founders as obstacles in the way of the progressive agenda.
And they hardly bat an eye as they publicly denounce the very
document they are sworn to promote and defend!
A nation at war against the rule of law cannot last. Tis is the
sobering warning young Lincoln wanted to pass on.
If destruction be our lot, Lincoln said, we must ourselves be
its .U1uov and nisher. In other words, if we end in ruin, we
have only ourselves to blame. As a nation of freemen, we must
live through all time, or uii nv sUiciui.
Death by Suicide
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FEBRUARY 25, 2012
aspirations, but of the longstanding
ambitions of Islamic extremists. It was an
Isi.mis1 Svvic 1u.1 v.viu 1ui w.v
vov 1ou.vs Isi.mis1 wi1iv.
Radical Islams proven presence in
Libyas revolution ought to raise several
important concerns.
First, al Qaeda clearly has the intel-
lectual and operational capacity to devise
and carry out a strategy for undermining, even overthrowing,
weak or ailing governments. In Libyas case, al Qaeda leaders
identied Qadha as a target years ago, then patiently, me-
ticulously prepared for the moment opportunity would strike.
Consider, for example, that rebel forces used tactics distinct to
al Qaeda during battles with pro-Qadha forcesproof that the
organization had established inuence within local militias.
If al Qaeda and its allies have the ability to bring down Moam-
mar Qadha, then shape the government erected in his place, how
many other governments in the region are susceptible:
Second, it appears the West is willfully ignoring radical Islams
eort to dominate North Africa and the Middle East. In Libya,
the UN walked right into the Islamist trap. Despite regular intel-
ligence (which was quickly pushed aside) indicating rebel forces
contained a strong radical Islamist contingent, .1o forces for
months conducted regular sorties leveling Qadha strongholds,
pinning loyalist forces in certain areas, and generally clearing the
path for rebels to systematically lay hold of the country.
Te Western media played their part too. First, by routinely
downplaying and overlooking evidence suggesting radical Islams
nefarious presence in the rebellion. And second, by framing Lib-
yas uprising as a liberal, democratic uprising comprised largely
of regular protesters. Truth is, many rebel forces engaged in a
lot of brutal, Qadha-like behavior themselves, such as penning
loyalist forces in buildings, then setting them ablaze.
Without the support of the West, radical Islams victory in
Libya would have been impossible.
Tird, the fact that some of the top gures within the radi-
cal Islamist community were operating in Libya is evidence of
a larger plan for conquering North Africa and the Middle East.
As Rosenthal proves, the primary masterminds behind Libyas
revolution werent locals. Rather, they were the rock stars of
global Islamic terrorism, men with experience at planning and
carrying out bomb attacks, whod operated all over the world in
places like Afghanistan, Iraq, southeast Asia and Iran, and who
had connections. Does anyone seriously believe such men were
overthrowing Qadha for the benet of the average Libyan:
Finally, if al Qaeda was present in the Libyan revolution, then
Iran was too. For years, politicians and analysts in the West
have insisted that the fundamental religious dierences between
Sunni al Qaeda and Shiite Iran have prevented the two from
working together. But theyre wrong. Iran has endorsed and even
actively supported al Qaeda for years. Te relationship improved
signicantly when U.S. forces invaded Iraq in :oo,, when Iran
provided sanctuary for top-level al Qaeda leaders. Over the years,
Tehran has supplied al Qaeda terrorists with funding, a safe ha-
ven for planning operations, and explosives and other hardware.
Recently, we learned that Iran and al Qaeda have even started to
work together in operations.
Its taken years, but the Western media have apparently
awoken to this deadly reality. Last week, the Telegraph reported
that Iran was deepening its ties with al Qaeda in an attempt
to improve its ability to strike Western interests. Citing its
own sources, Sky News reported that Tehran and al Qaeda are
plotting a massive atrocity, perhaps even a terrorist attack on
London during the upcoming Olympic games.
Ai Q.iu.s vvisici i Linv.s vivoiU1io s1vociv iui-
c.1is IRANS vvisici 1oo!
Perhaps the most worrying angle to all this is the siiici of
the Western media and politicians. But not the Trumpet. As early
as :, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has warned that Iran
is the king of radical Islamic terrorism and is engaged in a strategy
to control the Middle East. In January :o::, just as the revolution in
Libya was getting started and the West was gearing up to help bring
down Qadha, Mr. Flurry warned that something more sinister
was afoot. In an article titled Libya and Ethiopia Reveal Irans
Military Strategy, he explained that Iran, via Islamist proxies like
al Qaeda, had a strategy to lay hold of Libya.
He stated explicitly, You need to watch Libya and Ethiopia.
Tey are about to fall under the heavy inuence or control of Iran,
the king of the south. You need to continue to watch for Libya
and Ethiopia to make a severe and rapid turn into the radical
Islamic camp.
At the time, many didnt take that warning seriously. Tere
was no evidence, too few facts, they said. Others ridiculed the
analysis because it was rooted mainly in Bible prophecy. Te
rise of Iran, as Mr. Flurry explains thoroughly in Te King of the
South, was prophesied by the Prophet Daniel in chapter :: verses
o through .
Twelve months later, the facts are emergingin Libya, in
Egypt, in Iraq, in Iranthat back that forecast!
Its been less than six months since Qadha was ousted, and
its already clear the new Libya will be dominated heavily by
sharia law, and the new government comprised of conservative
Islamists, many with close ties to al Qaeda. Today, the Telegraph
and New York Times are reporting on the ongoing cooperation
between Iran and al Qaeda. Tese days you cant turn on the
news and not see the phrase Islamist winter.
Tis is precisely the scenario Gerald Flurry prophesied! Watch-
ing events in Libya and Iran unfold precisely as the ancient prophets
forecast leads me to wonder: What other events and trends unfold-
ing in this world have prophetic signicance: And, more impor-
tantly, where are these prophetically signicant events leading:
Te Trumpet exists to answers these questions. To learn more
about world events and Bible prophecy, consider subscribing to the
Trumpet, our free, full-color, o-page print magazine. Afer all, if
you read the Trumpet, it would have come as no surprise that Iran
and al Qaedas ngerprints were all over Libyas revolution.
REVOLUTION from page 1
A generation ago, a noble peace plan was put forward that
could have helped the entire Middle East. It was a stirring
symbol of the peace that will soon engulf the entire Earth!
This week
on television
The Way of Peace Momentarily Restored

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