English Essay 1 (Tuna-Panda) Final

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Daniel Kim
Professor William Ashline
Writing I
Panda Popularity, Envied All the Way to the Deep Blue
It is safe to say that most people support the protection of endangered species, but not
many people are aware of the fact that the total number of known species identified as in threat
of being endangered is an appalling 17 thousand. The common mascot of the endangered group
are pandas. With their indisputable cuteness, they have attained concern and protection around
the globe. This is a great improvement, but for those unfortunate species born without the
likeability of pandas, more support and attention is needed. To help such matters, the
organization WWF has produced this ingenious advertisement. Although awareness
advertisements merely state new information, unlike those ads, this powerful advertisement
about Bluefin tuna induces a change in viewer perspective in a unique way.
To begin with, the first impression is given through the image, and the first thing a
person notices when laying eyes on this article is the bright smiling face of a panda. It is
protruding outwards towards the viewer and the image of the carefree creature catches the viewer
off guard when they realize that it is merely a mask. A glance at the text to the right reveals the
meaning with the words WOULD YOU CARE MORE IF I WAS A PANDA? The mask is an
index of impersonation. As pandas are one of the most well-known animals of the critically
endangered category, it is in contrast, new knowledge that the Bluefin tuna are also close in
proximity to the category as well. This advertisement targets those who care about wildlife, but
may lack knowledge or has preferences as to which creatures they care about.
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As mentioned before, the quoted text is the point of view statement of the masked
tuna, which hints at a sense of jealousy or disappointment due to the lack of interest in the
fish category. The problem lies in the Bluefin tuna being overfished, an issue caused because of
the high value it has in the Asian market, reaching up to $1.75 million for a single fish. Though
not as endangered as the panda, not nearly as much attention is given to the fish and this message
is represented by showing the point of view of the tuna complaining about the unfair treatment.
This lack of interest can be fixed upon understanding this meaning. The reader may think about
why the fish are neglected. There can be several reasons for this, such as early education being
unbalanced between land and water in terms of living things. Whichever thought is processed, as
long as there is change, that is the important thing. Interest will be followed by urge for
Coming back to the image, there is more to examine. Advertisements can be very
clever with subliminal messages and by focusing on the less obvious details, the readers can
interpret these messages. For one, the reader would expect a school of tuna to be larger, but the
image shows exactly ten Bluefin tuna. This signals a decrease in the number of tuna in existence.
Also, although the movement of fish are directed in the general direction of the readers, they are
all slightly looking outwards, as if ready to scatter at a moments notice. The urgency and will to
survive can be interpreted by this detail. Finally, the darkness and murkiness of the ocean
background brings about a sense of hopelessness and nontransparent future for the Bluefin tuna.
This is an association of visuals with atmosphere, a metonymy. The same goes for the thin beam
of sunlight shining through the center of the advertisement. Contrast is depicted more clearly by
the brightly lit figure of the well satisfied, smiling panda mask compared to the dim,
expressionless school of Bluefin tuna. Like the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words by
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using visual messages, the advertisement indirectly persuades the reader, with minute details,
that things are not going great for the Bluefin tuna.
In conclusion, there are a number of things that this ad accomplishes. First, they learn that
this specific type of fish in possibly endangered. The advertisement does not actually reveal that
this is about Bluefin tuna, but it is successful in generating curiosity within the viewer. This
interest can expand and result in further study by which the reader can find out what
circumstances the Bluefin tuna are going through. Second, which is the main objective, the ad
changes the perspective and the range of attention most people have towards endangered species.
A cute, lovable panda may receive the care of the majority of people, but the Bluefin tuna also
has its place in the ecosystem and should receive attention for its survival as well.

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