Worst Witch Halloween Prize Draw Terms and Conditions - 30 10 14

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Worst Witch Halloween Prize Draw Terms and Conditions:

1. No purchase necessary to enter the prize draw.

2. This prize draw is open to U residents a!ed 1" years or o#er$ with the
e%ception o& employees o& the Promoter$ their &amilies$ a!ents and anyone else
connected with this promotion.
'. (ntries must )e recei#ed )y '
No#em)er 2*1+ at 12:** ,-T ./Closin!
Date01. The Promoter accepts no responsi)ility &or any entries that are
incomplete$ ille!i)le$ corrupted or &ail to reach the Promoter )y the Closin!
Date &or any reason. Proo& o& postin! or sendin! is not proo& o& receipt.
2utomatically !enerated entries and entries #ia a!ents or third parties are
in#alid and shall not )e considered.
+. 3nly one entry per person.
4. To enter retweet our Worst Witch competition post on Twitter and tell us your
&a#ourite Worst Witch character in the comments )elow with the hashta!
5WorstWitch6oo7 or li7e our Worst Witch competition post on 8nsta!ram and
tell us your &a#ourite Worst Witch character in the comments )elow with the
hashta! 5WorstWitch6oo7. 2ll correctly completed and eli!i)le entries will )e
entered into a prize draw which will ta7e place on +
No#em)er 2*1+. The
&irst entry drawn at random will )e the winner.
". The prize &or the winner:
a. 3ne &ramed Worst Witch print si!ned )y 9ill -urphy:
). 3ne copy o& The Worst Witch +*
2nni#ersary Colour (dition )oo7:
;. Prizes will )e despatched wee7 commencin! 1*
No#em)er 2*1+.
<. Prizes are su)=ect to a#aila)ility. 8n the e#ent o& un&oreseen circumstances$ the
Promoter reser#es the ri!ht .a1 to su)stitute alternati#e prizes o& e>ui#alent or
!reater #alue and .)1 in e%ceptional circumstances to amend or &oreclose the
promotion without notice. No correspondence will )e entered into.
?. The winner will )e noti&ied #ia their twitter or insta!ram account )y 4
No#em)er 2*1+. The winner must claim their prize within '* wor7in! days o&
the Promoter sendin! noti&ication. 8& the prize is unclaimed a&ter this time$ it
will lapse and the Promoter reser#es the ri!ht to o&&er the unclaimed prize to a
su)stitute winner selected in accordance with these rules.
1*. To o)tain details o& the winner please email pu&&in@pen!uin!roup.co.u7
statin! the name o& the prize draw in the su)=ect headin! + wee7s a&ter the
Closin! Date.
11. The Promoter will use any data su)mitted )y entrants only &or the purposes o&
runnin! the prize draw$ unless otherwise stated in the entry details. 6y enterin!
this prize draw$ all entrants consent to the use o& their personal data )y the
Promoter &or the purposes o& the administration o& this prize draw and any
other purposes to which the entrant has consented.
12. This Promotion is in no way sponsored$ endorsed or administered )y or
associated with Twitter or 8nsta!ram. Aou ac7nowled!e that all in&ormation
and material that you su)mit to enter this Promotion is su)mitted to the
Promoter and not Twitter or 8nsta!ram and you a!ree that Twitter nor
8nsta!ram shall not )e lia)le to you in any way in respect o& this Promotion.
1'. The winners a!ree to ta7e part in reasona)le post e#ent pu)licity and to the use
o& their names and photo!raphs in such pu)licity.
1+. Promoter may dis>uali&y any entrant whose entry does not comply with these
terms and conditions .in PromoterBs sole opinion1 or who$ in PromoterBs sole
determination$ has acted in a manner that is &raudulent$ dishonest or un=ust to
other entrants includin!$ without limitation$ tamperin! with the operation o&
the prize draw$ manipulatin! or ri!!in! #otes$ hac7in!$ decei#in!$ cheatin! or
)y harassin! or threatenin! other entrants or a representati#e o& Promoter.
14. 6y enterin! the prize draw each entrant a!rees to )e )ound )y these terms and
1". The Promoter is Pen!uin 6oo7s Cimited$ <* Dtrand$ Condon WC2E *EC.
1;. These terms and conditions are !o#erned in accordance with the laws o&
(n!land and Wales.

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